A Bull's perspective..

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A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by Caledonianbull » Fri Sep 15, 2023 2:19 am

Hi everyone.. I'm not sure really if I'm posting this in the right place or if anyone will be particularly interested in what I have to tell, however I've been on this site for a while now reading with interest the various scenarios that are desired and sometimes acted out by the readers and contributors, and so far I haven't read anything which is similar or even comes close to my own experiences in how I inadvertently found myself as a Bull to several willing couples here in the Edinburgh and central area of Scotland... most of the contributors seem to hail from North America (as far as I can tell!) and hopefully hearing from someone in another part of the world will add a little of a cosmopolitan taste! Hah! I'm really only sharing this in the hope that there are some who appreciate it in the same way that I appreciate the other entertaining and erotic stories that fill the pages on this great site.
Not that I wasn't already interested in the whole Cuck/Hotwife scenario, but being a happily married guy who doesn't really harbour any cuck yearnings himself, there are certainly aspects of the lifestyle which are appealing to read about. There are a myriad of sexual subjects and porn sites which cater for all manner of fetishes, lifestyles and kinks which can be entertaining without the consumer sharing the same desires and yearnings as the characters in the stories. I can certainly understand the desire to have one's wife the object of desire of one or more eligible males, but I find the genuine cuckold scenario more intriguing, that of finding evidence of my wife's infidelity, and have sometimes found deep satisfaction in cucking genuine wittols behind their backs with their own seemingly faithful wives. I realise that this is sailing a little close to the wind, but sex, is often darkly erotic don't you think?
I'll write in depth about my own experiences in Bulling for several couples in Central Scotland whilst not actively looking for this kind of experience if anyone feels interested.. oh, if this is the wrong place to post, please advise, otherwise, watch this space.

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by armyguyot1 » Fri Sep 15, 2023 5:30 am

Welcome to the forun Caledonianbull. I am going to move it to the Stag vixen forum as I think it is a little better there.

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by Caledonianbull » Fri Sep 15, 2023 5:35 am

I think you're right, thanks.

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by trecital » Fri Sep 15, 2023 8:58 am

Intrigued by your post. And expressing my interest in hearing more. No disrespect to others, but it's always more interesting to hear from someone closer to where you live. In this case, in the UK.

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by fredfred2 » Fri Sep 15, 2023 11:08 am

Hi interstin would love to hear more. As my ex moved to Edinburgh with her bull and I spent a few years at school in Aberdeen as a young man

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by Cdncuck » Sat Sep 16, 2023 6:57 am

I'm a cuckold in Canada. It's not exactly the US but there tends to be more of a North American version of the lifestyle to most of the posts. It's refreshing to get a different perspective. I agree there can be a darkly erotic side to sex as well.

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by Caledonianbull » Sat Sep 16, 2023 7:14 am

A few years ago I learned an East European form of full body massage from a Bulgarian lady I was seeing at the time, and one of the techniques she taught me was a Yoni massage. Many Yoni practitioners deal with the meta-physical (in my view!) aspects of Yoni, the chakras and blockages etc. However the I was taught that the massage is still basically a hands-on physical experience, if the clients wishes the full mystical experience I'm more than happy to oblige of course, it isn't too far a step for me.
A few years ago when things were not great money-wise (we've all been there, right?) I decided that to supplement my income I'd put into practice all the things I learned from my Masseuse, and began to advertise my outcall services in the local free ads. It wasn't long before I was building up a good base of regular clientele, many of whom were business types looking for a good tension release in their hotels and apartments. Most of my clients were guys, but one or two were women, although I at that time didn't offer a Yoni option. The guys, well some of them anyway were what you could call "curious". They were looking for a safe male on male experience where they could be naked in front of another guy to see how they felt about it, with no fear of anything sexual actually happening. Often before I would arrive for the massage they would share their misgivings with me saying they were scared that they might become aroused during the massage... they all invariably did and still do, and I can't count the number of times I've had to assure them that it happens to everybody! For a relatively straight guy I've seen a great deal or flaccid, but mostly erect penises in very close proximity, often with strings of sticky pre-cum oozing from them betraying their obvious pleasure at being massaged by my nimble fingers. I've seen tiny cocks and large ones, but most of them have been smaller than my own, and I'm not huge.. roughly 7.5", which would it would seem from my own experience to be larger than average.

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by Amayzed » Sat Sep 16, 2023 5:16 pm

Hello Caledonianbull,

I'd be very interested in your experiences. Get as darkly erotic as you like!

I really appreciate genuine, accurately told experiences as you describe, and especially the feelings that come up in all parties around them. Not much interested in the fiction out there


p.s. A lot of posters seem to be from Britian as well as North America. Witness the word 'whilst' in their stories.
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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by Caledonianbull » Sun Sep 17, 2023 4:04 am

Hah, whilst indeed.. well If one went to school, one should show it right!?
But yes, always nice to read or share the truth..

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by Caledonianbull » Sun Sep 17, 2023 4:05 am

fredfred2 wrote:
Fri Sep 15, 2023 11:08 am
Hi interstin would love to hear more. As my ex moved to Edinburgh with her bull and I spent a few years at school in Aberdeen as a young man
Scotland is a fantastic place to live. Glad you're enjoying my writings.

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by Caledonianbull » Sun Sep 17, 2023 4:06 am

trecital wrote:
Fri Sep 15, 2023 8:58 am
Intrigued by your post. And expressing my interest in hearing more. No disrespect to others, but it's always more interesting to hear from someone closer to where you live. In this case, in the UK.
Indeed, it makes things a little spicier.. I find this too.

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by Caledonianbull » Sun Sep 17, 2023 4:06 am

Hah, whilst indeed.. well If one went to school, one should show it right!?
But yes, always nice to read or share the truth..

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by Caledonianbull » Sun Sep 17, 2023 4:40 am

I was always aware of the fact that I had a good sized cock, and had once or twice been complimented on it... my wife certainly enjoys it, she has her own BF, (but that's another story) who lives in Northern Ireland, and although it would seem he matches me in length, I have more girth and fill her up more.. of course I'd love to think the opposite, and that he has the edge over me (see, I told you I understood the scenario, I don't want to be cucked, but I enjoy my wife's own very rare dalliances!) but my wife is a very honest woman, and if she says my cock is bigger, then it is!
Some of my female clients , in the early days were full of questions about my massage, what they should wear, how therapeutic versus how pleasurable is it, that kind of thing, then the questions began to be a little more intimate, asking me if I could concentrate my ministrations on the thighs, glutes etc. Most of the ladies I massaged at this time were business types around 35-50 I would guess, away from home due to work, and a large percentage of them were like the guys I massaged.. they not only wanted a good relaxing rub, but they also wanted a frisson of excitement too, to feel the closeness of another similarly aged guy, someone who'd see them naked and at their most vulnerable. We all enjoy being pampered I guess, myself included, and I would always make sure that my clients made it absolutely clear what their boundaries were.
I always gave them an option ( by the way, my use of the words give and gave,want and wanted etc, simply reflect the fact that I'm relating things which happened in the past.. I do still occasionally serve my clients and would rather tell the story as something which has happened and not still happening.. I hope that makes sense ) of bringing my massage table or utilising the hotel bed, most hotels have firm enough mattresses these days and the familiarity of the bed rather than the massage table often put many slightly concerned first time clients at ease.
When my female clients, the ones who are happy with my massaging every inch of their bodies, are lying on their stomachs and I'm about halfway through that part of the massage, I can usually tell by glancing down through the buttocks to the vulva below, just how much they're enjoying the massage.. often as you would imagine the inner labia are dark and swollen and if there is enough light behind us, I can sometimes see the tiny, tell-tale reflective surfaces of the lips coated with clear, oily juice sparking with little dots of light.. then as I massage the inner thighs close enough for the outside of my hand to touch the vulva, as I move it away, it is invariably followed by a thin thread of juice, betraying the pleasure of the tired and very relaxed lady.
By the way, I will get the the Bulling part of all this, but as I write, I find that i would prefer to tell this just as is comes out.. I hope that makes sense?

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by trecital » Sun Sep 17, 2023 6:11 am

Yes, enjoying your story. Tell it however you feel is best. Looking forward to more.

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by Caledonianbull » Mon Sep 18, 2023 1:04 am

It didn't take too long for the requests for female massage to become a lot more intimate, and one of the downsides of this trend was that many of the requests in email and text were quite obviously men pretending to be women! It was so obvious that after time I could detect the male scent with just a few lines.. the funny thing was that they most probably thought that they were the first people to come up with this silly idea.. if I was in any doubt I requested a quick call just to put my doubts to rest.. the "oh, I'm at work at the moment" excuse was all I needed to put my mind at rest! I did arrive once to a hotel to find a couple obviously on holiday from India, one of whom was expecting my arrival with gusto, the other, his wife looked terrified and obviously wasn't happy about what her husband wanted to happen.. I quickly got him sorted out and left him in no doubt as to what I thought of him. There is nothing worse than conniving, coercive, non-empathetic bullies, and I'll have nothing to do with them.
I always know that a request is genuine when it's the woman who gets in touch.. sometimes I can hear the partner in the background asking questions, but I can usually tell by the way the lady expresses herself, that she's 100% interested in the massage which brings us to Yoni.
Ana, my massage tutor (another story!) had shown me a very gentle Yoni technique involving manipulation of the g-spot and clitoris after a very sensual full-body massage, and I decided after the more sexually-tinged requests I'd been receiving to offer this massage option. It meant that the clients who wanted to experience this, didn't have to play text-tennis with me, trying to ask the question without freaking me out or offending me.. as if! As an aside, the first client who took up my Yoni offer was a youngish student lady who lived in the North of the city, she quivered as I massaged her, not fully relaxing, then when I asked her to move onto her back and was applying pressure on her mons pubis, she literally exploded with STILL the loudest orgasm I've ever given any of my clients! I had to hold her down as she bucked her hips noisily, the look on her face was incredible.. and as she finally calmed down and slowed her bucking to a standstill I wondered if they'd all be like that? They never have been.. not like that anyway.. it was a fluke, I think she was so worked up and had probably edged herself to the very precipice of orgasm before I got there... all I had to do was flick the switch and BOOM! I was very grateful to her though for giving me the confidence to continue.

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by Caledonianbull » Thu Oct 05, 2023 12:51 am

Many of the clients who take up my Yoni offer are women on holiday and or business, but a great deal of them are couples who want to experience what I guess for them is the next best thing to a threesome without the actual three-way thing happening. Again, I always make sure that everyone involved is happy with the situation before beginning. I always offer to bring my table with me, but as the Yoni is a far more intimate massage involving the giver positioning him/herself between the spread thighs of the receiver, it's usually more ideal to utilise the bed in the hotel or apartment, and the couple involved are usually more into this idea too. it means that if they both decide to take things a tiny bit further with me, then the bed is obviously the best option.
The female only Yoni massages I've performed, or a good deal of them anyway have come about after the woman has initially booked me for a conventional full-body massage to ease the aches and pains of work/travel etc. The usual questions are asked, and to assuage any fears or anxieties I assure them that I'm more than happy for them to have a friend or partner present in the apartment..of course as they're on holiday or on business, they are usually alone and don't have anyone to ask, however it does make them feel a little more assured as to my professionalism and demeanor. Often they are in an apartment with other work colleagues and are very conscious of the need for discretion and always prefer that I leave the massage table at home and utilise the bed instead. If I'm observed entering their rooms carrying just a rucksack then it may be deduced by the nosy, that I'm actually delivering work-related papers or the like. When I'm asked to be extra-discreet after being booked for massage, I'm usually certain that they would prefer the massage to be more intimate than merely therapeutic.
I'm usually asked if the massage will be undraped and of course massage is always better applied naked, and it's when the lady is relaxed, face down and under my ministrations that the probing questions might arise. It's always best to ask an intimate, possibly embarrassing question when you're not looking the person in the face.

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by Caledonianbull » Thu Oct 05, 2023 4:40 am

The question they ask is often "do you get many women who want a Yoni massage?" I then tell them something along the lines of "Well the Yoni clients usually start of just where you are now.. getting a full-body massage!) In these instances the lady really wants a Yoni massage all along but doesn't have the nerve to ask! As soon as it's established that they DO want Yoni and that it'll be very intimate and partly penetrative... digitally at any rate... they do seem to relax into the experience. There's nothing more satisfying when giving a sensual massage than hearing the faintest little vocal emission, like an audible sigh which eventually turns to little moans of delight.. when the rub moves lower on the body to the small of the back or the glutes, it's very satisfying to detect the tiniest, slightest movement in the hips. This gentle grinding is a sure sign of the enjoyment of the client and means that the embarrassment factor has dissolved.
For the Yoni to be given most satisfactorily, it's necessary for me to kneel between the spread thighs of my client.... she'll usually have a couple of pillows under her shoulders and head.. of course by this time she has a blend of coconut and sunflower oils spread evenly and rubbed well into her skin.. the pillows are the hotel's worry! I use a couple of towels to protect the bedsheets, but my ladies prefer the cool feel of pillowcase cotton when they're facing me and watching my expert fingers and palms. Now most of the time I wear t-short and shorts, but what does happen on occasion at this juncture is I'm asked.. "do you mind if you're naked too?"
I don't mind stripping off if it's required, but I would have to be completely honest at this point and say that when I'm in this intimate position with what can often be a very attractive lady, I have very little control over my cock! I'm at attention for most of the Yoni.. this isn't minded at all by clients, although I drip like a leaky tap.. I mean I REALLY drip!

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by Wifepleaser510 » Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:14 pm

Caledonianbull wrote:
Thu Oct 05, 2023 4:40 am
The question they ask is often "do you get many women who want a Yoni massage?" I then tell them something along the lines of "Well the Yoni clients usually start of just where you are now.. getting a full-body massage!)
I’m reading your good writing with interest, as I do massage (vanilla, and sexual by request). I never set out to do massages, a vocation, but I do enjoy the work and the extra pocket money that comes with it as with most massage therapist I find it very satisfying to see someone looking very happy and relaxed after a good massage from me.

May I ask how you get your Yoni massage clients? Do you advertise, and if so, where? Pre-pandemic and restrictive laws, I got a few clients from craigslist. Fetlife has been hit or miss, though I have not done much promotion while I worked at a contract job. That is now complete, so I’d like to reactivate my Massage business, vanilla and otherwise.
Fully vaccinated, and ready to talk about some safe play in the SF Bay Area.
I have pro massage skills and have been known to offer sensual massage for women.

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by Caledonianbull » Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:10 am

Hi Wifepleaser, I'm glad you're following my writing with interest.
I do advertise yes, but I never pay which means that most of my advertising like most massage professionals is of the vanilla type. However I DO have a website which anyone looking for this kind of Massage in my area will come across after just a few minutes of searching. If I were you looking to find more of this kind of work I'd set up a good looking webpage,

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by Caledonianbull » Tue Oct 10, 2023 2:09 am

Obviously if I'm in the position of administering a Yoni massage to a client and she's requested me to be naked also, she's not going to mind my arousal, in fact it will only heighten her pleasure. Before anything gets to this stage though I've ALWAYS made sure of a couple of very important things.. "What ultimately do you want to happen?" and "do you want us to be protected?" I've already assured the client that I don't cum with any clients, although I'll use my cock on them for as long as they wish me to.. I'm well endowed and do have a large semen capacity, but I do prefer not to seed my clients... this can at times add a little frustration to my clients as this would obviously be the reason that they request no protection in the first place. These situations obviously cease being Yoni massages and become mutual fucks which is often what the businesswoman/housewife is looking for all along. Now I do like to have my regular clients, and I have many repeat Yoni women, women who are genuinely looking for this experience.. they enjoy it and often want me to repeat the experience for them, however, if the massage changes to a fucking situation, I rarely see them again.. I think that these particular clients are truly looking for a "on-off" no strings experience with no hindrance from husbands, family etc... they take the plunge, they have a blast and truly enjoy the hell out of their "fling"and they return back home with their itch well and truly scratched!

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Re: A Bull's perspective..

Unread post by Wifepleaser510 » Tue Oct 10, 2023 5:17 pm

Caledonianbull wrote:
Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:10 am
Hi Wifepleaser, I'm glad you're following my writing with interest.
I do advertise yes, but I never pay which means that most of my advertising like most massage professionals is of the vanilla type. However I DO have a website which anyone looking for this kind of Massage in my area will come across after just a few minutes of searching. If I were you looking to find more of this kind of work I'd set up a good looking webpage,
Thanks for your thoughtful reply. Depending on my erotic massage clients and how well I know them, I usually stay dressed.
If I know that mutual touching is an option, I sometimes remove my shirt and add some extra skin to skin contact. Some to want sex, which is always discussed and clarified beforehand, either as a request, or simply an option they can ask for during the massage.

I'd love to see your web site. Please feel free to DM me the link if you're willing.
I was in Scotland ages ago, I'd love to get back there.
Fully vaccinated, and ready to talk about some safe play in the SF Bay Area.
I have pro massage skills and have been known to offer sensual massage for women.

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