Long time reader, first time poster

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Long time reader, first time poster

Unread post by HotWifeHotLyfe » Fri Sep 15, 2023 9:37 pm

Well hello OHW forum. By way of introduction…

For more than a decade, I the Mr (“P”) have been a pop in and out occasional reader of these forums. And for years I have been actively “in the lifestyle”, ranging from swinging, to poly, to hotwifing, to being a bull/3rd for couples, the whole gamut.

I’ve enjoyed all forms of threesomes, and couples play, and group play. But what I learned through all of that is that there is absolutely no sexual experience as intensely erotic, arousing, and satisfying for me than to share my woman with other men. Nor is there any better way achieve a deeply intimate connection with my woman, than for us to explore this lifestyle together. I truly believe that the optimal relationship form (as long as both are into it, of course) is the hotwifing lifestyle, for sooo many reasons.

In my current relationship (which I’m hoping will also be my last), my girlfriend (“K”) and I have built a deep abiding love, progressed through an amazing sex life (we are both each other’s best lover ever), to recently discussing the hotwife lifestyle, to her embracing it and wanting to learn more, to her having her first MFM and loving it, and wanting more!

This woman is my ultimate everything, intellect, humor, kindness, beautiful, smoking body, submissive and very much a pleaser sexually. I hit the jackpot, and that was before the topic of hotwifing even came up!

I may or may not tell more of our story, or I might just comment on other threads. Who knows? But I at least wanted to say hello so you all have a little background if/when I do participate in discussions here.



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Re: Long time reader, first time poster

Unread post by armyguyot1 » Fri Sep 15, 2023 10:26 pm

Welcome to the forum HotWifeHotLyfe.

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