Something might be about to happen

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Something might be about to happen

Unread post by BD8280 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 10:03 am

Something might be about to happen.

Our story…
I’ve had the hotwife/ cuckold fantasy approx 5 years now (married 10 years im 37 she’s 33) as some people here might have read already. My wife’s never done anything but she has become more comfortable with the idea over this time. We play all the time with it in the bedroom… we pretend shes being fucked by men she knows celebrities etc etc we have various toys etc. She’s never come close in reality but I’ve learned to be fine with this and not mention it…. Just play as much as possible and try to normalise it… joking about different men etc. She’s also become comfortable with joking about her texting other men or meeting other men when i ask her what she’s been doing etc.

So basically my wife is from a European country and every year we come here for 2 weeks with the kids. A theres a local politician who is pretty young… he’s not the best looking but she has always joked about his position or power… it’s definitely a turn on for her. She’s joked a lot about him the last couple of years and I know she has had to message him about various local issues in the past. He always responds quickly which has suprised me because he would get lots of messages from people. So the last time they text he said “we will have to meet up for a coffee next time you are over here”. She told me and we laughed about it as usual. So this week we have come here on our holidays. Yesterday she had to go to his office with her mum to sort out some paperwork… i was suprised by her getting all dressed up for this… she wore some skin tight leather wet look leggings and a tight top showing her body… also did her hair up…. She looked a million dollars. Unfortunately he wasn’t in the office but when she came back she told me she text him anyway (which suprised me) she said he had text her again said that she should go to his house for a drink. So today she has mentioned this and I thought we would both go…. She then turned to me and said “ well actually his messages have always only mentioned her going there for a drink”. So I start to get super hot obviously and I’m very supportive of this. I said “of course you go and enjoy yourself”. So this is actually supposed to be happening tomorrow afternoon now 😬😬😬. So I’m a bit all over the place. I am 100 percent supportive and excited but just want it to go well for her and to be a success. Of course I don’t know exactly what might happen and what his intentions are exactly… I also don’t know what my wife will do but knowing her she might just go for it as thats the sort of person she is. There is more information of course but if anyone is interested please ask me more. Also any advice much appreciated! 😬😬😬

(Ps. I can’t believe how calm she is… she’s not bothered at all… just taking it all in her stride… i think this is her strength and a good thing)

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by Tank Turner » Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:10 am

Hi BD8280,

Since joining this repository of knowledge, I've detected a recurring theme exclusively to husbands. For some reason, they want to accelerate their wives into the lifestyle. My advice is to chill and let wives progress at a pace that's comfortable for them.

My wife's opinion is 50% of married women would become hotwives if their husbands supported their forays into sexual liberation. Her opinion might be close to reality. However, regardless of what husbands want, if their wives want it to remain a fantasy, husbands will have to remain contented with their wives decisions.

My advice is to make your wife 100% comfortable to explore boundaries of her sexuality. You cannot tell her too often that you'll love and support any decision she makes. Ultimately, it is always wives' decisions.

I have detected that there seems to be a percentage of wives who want to become hotwives, yet they want to be able to use the excuse that they did if for their husbands when in relaity they wanted to do it. They merely wanted to blame someone other than their sexual desires. I'd be good with that. Give women a way to defend what their want to believe is their pristine honor.

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by BD8280 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:36 am

Thanks for your response I totally agree 100 percent we need to just water the seed a little bit sometimes. I also agree that my wife wants to blame me for it and she needs me to be very excited and positive about it. Of course I’m fine with this as long as she is doing exactly what SHE wants to do :). Thanks again

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by zorro » Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:46 am

Hopefully she feels no need to blame anyone for enjoying her body with another man, should she choose to do so.
Sharing your partner is a very loving act. Double her pleasure; double your fun.
Kevin Foster, The Three Marriage Enigmas: ". . . sex with a man other than her husband is simply the most erotic sex possible for a woman."

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by BD8280 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:48 am

zorro wrote:
Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:46 am
Hopefully she feels no need to blame anyone for enjoying her body with another man, should she choose to do so.
Yes exactly… that’s why i hope it goes well and she enjoys it…

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by BD8280 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:52 am

I’m happy about the way that I suggested we go together… and then she suggested that he hadn’t talked about me going and she should go on her own… hopefully this means she is making her own decisions and doing what she wants to do which i think is good news. After 5 years of talking!!! 😬😬😬

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by Pecannut » Tue Apr 02, 2024 1:14 pm

I keep my thumbs up for you. Hope she takas the step and joins in the ranks of HWs. Must be so hit for you 🔥🔥🔥!

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by Tank Turner » Tue Apr 02, 2024 1:30 pm

zorro wrote:
Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:46 am
Hopefully she feels no need to blame anyone for enjoying her body with another man, should she choose to do so.
^^^I completely agree^^^

I recently read a post on OHW describing a HW who immersed herself in the lifestyle after her initial foray. The poster said that the husband was to blame for her expanded sexuality saying he was the one who wanted her to become a hotwife.

You're right, zorro, no one should sense blame for pursuing boundaries of their sexuality as long as husbands and wives agree prior to entering the lifestyle.

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by setv4 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 10:12 pm

Best of luck on Wednesday BD8280, I hope that everything goes the way you both want it to go.

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by bbarnsworth » Wed Apr 03, 2024 5:02 am

Best of luck today BD8280 :) I would venture to guess your nerves are kicking in a bit, even if she's very calm about it all :) I know I was a bundle of nerves when my wife went on her first solo date.

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by aztd » Wed Apr 03, 2024 1:26 pm


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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by BD8280 » Wed Apr 03, 2024 8:44 pm

An update…. I think its safe to say my wife bottled it yesterday. She’s obviously torn and there are two sides to her and she doesn’t know which one to go with. So we were in town together shopping and she messaged him to meet up as arranged but she wanted me to come with her… I didn’t want to go myself because I knew this would confuse him and kill any chances of anything happening of course. She almost went on her own but I didn’t want to fight her too much, she also said maybe this first time we could go together just to work him out and go from there… so I agreed. Also she messaged him during the day so he was in his office so the setting wasn’t what I had expected. He had messaged her to say come over for a coffee (twice) but hadn’t specified where. Of course when my wife text him it was during the day so he said ok i have some free time come up to my office. I think he was shocked to see me arrive. It was clear to me that he was nervous and there was chemistry between them, they did most of the talking and made a lot of eye contact. My wife did make a lot of effort and flirted with him too, she had also got dressed up really nicely which was good to see. So that’s it! It must have been a bit confusing to everyone as to why exactly we were there so it was a tiny bit awkward but the conversation did flow.
I have spoken to my wife today about it and she basically said she is not sure of his intentions ( she doesn’t believe that he wants to fuck her). But I am pretty certain this is the case. He is single (known to have casual relationships with some women). My wife is absolutely stunning and a real head turner when she comes back to her home town (but i guess this is only my opinion).
I asked her if things would change if he actually sent her an obviously suggestive message for example “we will have to meet up again just the two of us outside of work”. She said she thinks she would act differently. But obviously I can’t make him do this. She said she’s not willing to make a move like this herself. I feel like messaging him myself somehow 🤣.
So all is not lost and it is a learning curve for both of us, another step in the right direction. I wish he would just text her and say “come to mine tonight for some food and a fuck”. I genuinely think she would go! Thats how messed up this all is….. I feel my wife doesn’t have the self confidence she needs…. Which is hard to believe if you know how good she looks. Any advice always appreciated. :)

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Thu Apr 04, 2024 5:40 am

BD8280 - Maybe you need to catch him after work and have a talk and explain a few things.

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by Tryn » Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:03 am

Perhaps she has the courage to text him that it was nice to see him but he still owes her the coffee he promised? Or she could text him saying that if he’s too busy for coffee during the day, they could meet for drinks at the end of his day. The second is obviously more bold for your wife, but people are more likely to say yes to 1 idea than no to 2 ideas. Imagine if she agreed to the latter!

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by philxxo » Thu Apr 04, 2024 10:12 am

Well what does your wife say about him? Is she attracted to him? Sounds like yes from what you said previously. What has she said about meeting him? Has she said she is willing to fuck him? Will she admit that to you? Some women just don't get that men never want to be "just friends" with an attractive woman. No doubt what this guy wants from her.

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by bbarnsworth » Thu Apr 04, 2024 3:17 pm

Based on what you've said, it seems fairly obvious he wants her.

As to your wife's confidence; if it is because of her own self assessment of how attractive she is, that's a very common issue. Many times I have seen women getting into the lifestyle who think they are not ready because they're just not in good enough shape, too much weight, too many years, too many scars, too many pregnancies, the list goes on and on. Our society puts enormous pressure on women to look 10++++ every moment of every day when they are out in public. No woman ever measures up. It's sad. Really sad. The thing is, her beauty is not her own; it's in the eye of the beholder. Are you the only person in the world who thinks she's wildly attractive? If that's the case, you're a card-carrying nutcase...the only one stupid enough to think she's hot.

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by BD8280 » Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:20 am

bbarnsworth wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2024 3:17 pm
Based on what you've said, it seems fairly obvious he wants her.

As to your wife's confidence; if it is because of her own self assessment of how attractive she is, that's a very common issue. Many times I have seen women getting into the lifestyle who think they are not ready because they're just not in good enough shape, too much weight, too many years, too many scars, too many pregnancies, the list goes on and on. Our society puts enormous pressure on women to look 10++++ every moment of every day when they are out in public. No woman ever measures up. It's sad. Really sad. The thing is, her beauty is not her own; it's in the eye of the beholder. Are you the only person in the world who thinks she's wildly attractive? If that's the case, you're a card-carrying nutcase...the only one stupid enough to think she's hot.

I think you’ve absolutely hit the nail on the head here. This is a huge factor in our case. Plus her still being scared deep down that it is a bad idea and might ruin our marriage etc (old conservative upbringing is still in her head somewhere holding her back). I can’t believe we got this close though.

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by BD8280 » Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:27 am

philxxo wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2024 10:12 am
Well what does your wife say about him? Is she attracted to him? Sounds like yes from what you said previously. What has she said about meeting him? Has she said she is willing to fuck him? Will she admit that to you? Some women just don't get that men never want to be "just friends" with an attractive woman. No doubt what this guy wants from her.
My wife has told me for about 3 years that she fancies him but it’s always a “joke” she wants to meet him yes she seems to find excuses to meet him when we are here and now she gets all dressed up to do so. She has absolutely talked about fucking him but always says sometime after that its a “joke”. Last night we were walking and she said “shall I message him now? Tell him I want him to come here book a room for us and cum all over me?” Then she laughs after because its a “joke”. But this is just her get out of jail free card becoming she has this internal battle going on. She often mentions fucking him and I often mention to her about fucking him and why she doesn’t message him right now.

I agree there’s no doubt what he wants. He’s a really busy local politician there’s no way he would have time to meet anyone else but he replies to her messages and says come for a coffee. Last time he asked her she replied with “of course! ( ❤️ xxx) and he replied ❤️

He must have been confused when i rocked up 😩

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by BD8280 » Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:29 am

Tryn wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:03 am
Perhaps she has the courage to text him that it was nice to see him but he still owes her the coffee he promised? Or she could text him saying that if he’s too busy for coffee during the day, they could meet for drinks at the end of his day. The second is obviously more bold for your wife, but people are more likely to say yes to 1 idea than no to 2 ideas. Imagine if she agreed to the latter!
I totally agree and should message him and say he still owes her that coffee he promised…. It’s subtle and it would also exonerate her for bringing me along on Wednesday!

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by BD8280 » Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:50 am

Some of you might be wondering why I haven’t done anything or why nothing has happened since our encounter… basically my wife’s family live here and she’s having some pretty big problems with some of them right now so we come on holiday and she ends up stressing and worrying and trying to sort out some of her family members one being very ill in hospital and one being a total waster… so after our encounter on Wednesday I thought at least we would have some awesome sex off the back of it but alas my wife has more important issues to deal with and think about so that’s why I’ve basically left her alone the last couple of days with regards to hotwifing. It seems that even on holiday she can’t be a hotwife :(. Oh well

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by philxxo » Fri Apr 05, 2024 12:35 pm

Give it some time. Hope is not lost. Sometimes life just gets in the way of things. Let her go at her own pace.

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by bbarnsworth » Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:41 pm

Fighting social programming and how you were raised can be very difficult. So much of it says that having sex with other men when you are married is wrong, wrong, wrong, a thousand times wrong. It can be very hard wrapping your brain around it, even if your husband 100% supports you. My wife had sex with quite a number of men in the lifestyle before I had ever had sex with another woman. Even so, the first time I was doing so the thought crossed my mind "What the hell am I doing? I'm not supposed to be doing this!!!"...and then I looked over at my wife having sex with another man and all was good :)

Kudos to you for not pressuring her. She will never enjoy it if she feels pressured. All you can do is be supportive, and let her make her decisions.

It sounds like you feel like you're ready for her to do this. Will it cause damage to your marriage? There's no way to absolutely know in advance. But, nothing in life is 100% guaranteed. My wife and I discussed this before we did anything. Our thoughts were that our marriage was exceptionally strong, and doing this wasn't going to cause harm. If it did cause harm, it wouldn't be irreparable harm. We'd at least back up, if not quit, and figure out how it was affecting things and talk things out. At no time did we think it would damage our marriage in such a way that it would change things forever. Discuss it with your wife. Ok, maybe it's a joke to her. You can tell her it can continue being a joke, but you want to discuss it all out with her anyway. Both of you can think about how it might affect your marriage, and how you might respond to that. It's a good conversation to have.

As to her appearance; there's a website called "". On this site you can upload images of your wife (no face pic necessary) and people will rate how hot she is. It can be completely anonymous. It can be eye opening to people to see how the rest of the world views them. It can also be fun :)

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by zelman69 » Sun Apr 07, 2024 3:34 am

Great story

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by toshare » Sun Apr 07, 2024 9:56 am

Sexy to hear how your wife is making herself available for other men to seduce her

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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by aztd » Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:18 pm


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