When your buddy becomes her fuck buddy

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When your buddy becomes her fuck buddy

Unread post by Luv2watchhercum » Wed Sep 18, 2024 12:52 pm

For anyone whose wife has ever fucked one of their friends, I’d love to hear your stories. This is ours.

We’ve been in the Hotwife lifestyle for about 10 years. Everyone she’s been with has been someone we’ve met specifically for the purpose of hooking up. A few we’d met online, but most we had met in a bar or club. We’d talked about her hooking up with one of our “normal life” friends. The idea of her seducing or being seduced by one of our male friends turned both of us on. However, we had both decided when we got into the lifestyle, that it was best to keep our sex life separate from the rest of our lives. And the few men who we would trust to keep our secret were all married and we would never want to create any weirdness when we were around their wives. So while the idea remained a topic of conversation during our lovemaking sessions, turning it into reality just didn’t seem to be in the cards.

A few months back, I reached out to my buddy, Mike, to set up a couples’ dinner with he and his wife, Jill. Mike was the kind of friend who you were always happy to see and always had a good time with, but our busy lives would cause us to go weeks or even months, without getting together. We had just gone through one of those stretches, where we hadn’t spoke in nearly 3 months. When I mentioned he and Jill meeting me and my wife, Tiffany, for dinner, his answer wasn’t what I was expecting. “Jill and I split up two months ago. She moved back in with her parents. As a matter of fact, she served me with divorce papers just a few days ago.“ I was dumbfounded. I had no idea that they were having any sort of troubles. They appeared very much in love, when I had last seen them, three months prior. “I’m really sorry, man. How about we catch up for a beer Friday afternoon and you can tell me all about it?”, I said to him. He said that sounded like a good idea to him, but he would probably need more than one beer. I told him I would get a hold of him Friday morning, and we would pick a place to meet.

My wife and I are both very competitive. We like to make bets on all sorts of things. A few years back, my wife lost one of those bets, and the payoff was her having to admit to me, which of my friends she would most like to sleep with. Her answer, was Mike. With Mike being newly single, my wheels started turning.

When Friday morning came, I suggested a bar/restaurant which was about 10 minutes away from Mike’s house, but also, roughly 10 minutes away from my wife’s office. My plan was for Mike and I to be at the bar long enough that it only made sense for Tiffany to come meet us and have dinner. I hadn’t completely formulated my plan for getting the two of them together, but I knew that any plan would involve alcohol, to relax any inhibitions. Being in the lifestyle, the idea of hooking up with Mike wouldn’t be too out of the ordinary for Tiffany, but I expected that it would be a completely foreign idea to Mike. A little bit of liquid courage would definitely be necessary, on his part.

Mike and I got to the restaurant a little bit before 4 PM. We immediately ordered a beer and a shot. The conversation quickly turned to Jill leaving. Mike confessed that things had been frosty between them for nearly a year. They tried to work through things , but just couldn’t pull things back together. He knew that a split was inevitable, so he wasn’t shocked by Jill moving out, just caught a little offguard by the timing. He did share with me the plus sides of being a single man, such as being able to walk in his house after work each day and strip off his clothes and jump in the pool. He enjoyed the freedom of being naked, but Jill had always thought it was weird for him not to be clothed, unless he was in the shower. Then he went on to share that Jill was a bit of a prude and, as such, their sex life wasn’t very fulfilling. He confessed that it had been almost 9 months since the last time they had sex and he was desperate to get back into the dating scene, to find a regular sex partner. He had tried going to a couple of bars, but felt clumsy trying to pick anyone up. He had gone to the strip club a couple of times, but he said that only made things worse having to look, but not being able to touch. I took note of all of these things, figuring they might come in handy later. I told Mike that I was going to text Tiff and have her come up and join us and perhaps she could give him a few pointers to help refine his pick up game. He said he would welcome any help he could get.

Tiff walked through the front door and headed for our table. She looked as good as ever. The buttons on her white blouse, straining against her C-cup breasts. Her skirt just short enough to reveal her sexy, toned legs, but still long enough to hide the fact that she wasn’t wearing underwear. I had her favorite drink waiting on the table, as she settled in. She gave me a big hug and a kiss and then leaned over and said hello to Mike, giving him a peck on the cheek. Little did he know that I was working to get him so much more. Tiffany settled into her seat and I began to catch her up on everything Mike and I had talked about, before she got there. Mike was now on his third beer and starting to relax a bit. As I told Mike’s story to Tiffany, Mike’s eyes wandered all over the bar, checking out every tight ass, every short skirt and every pretty face.

“Well, I see your wandering eyes are back in action, Mike“, Tiffany said with a laugh.

“Give the guy a break,” I said. “He hasn’t had sex in 9 months. I’m sure everything on the menu looks good to him, right now.”

“9 months?!“, Tiffany said with more than a bit of surprise in her voice. “I would’ve thought you would be playing the field, the second Jill walked out the door?“ Mike just shook his head, no.

“The guy has more tension in his body than a circus high wire. Hell, if he knew you weren’t wearing panties right now, he’d probably bust a nut under the table!“, I said with a devious laugh. Mike looked directly at Tiffany, eyes wide, as she punched me in the arm, her face a bright shade of red. My plan was to create as much sexual tension between them, as I could. “To top it off, he said the sex that he was getting from Jill, prior to that, wasn’t even that good. Makes me appreciate your skills, even more“, I said, as I reached to squeeze Tiffany’s left breast. Again, she turned red and punched me.

We continued the conversation, as Mike and Tiffany ordered another round of drinks. I continued dropping in little nuggets, like the fact that Mike had been enjoying stripping naked after work and walking around the house nude and jumping in the pool. I got Mike to open up a little more about his pent up sexual frustrations during the last couple of years, with Jill. Tiffany even interjected herself into that conversation.

“I might have a friend or two who could help you out with that situation“, Tiffany said with a half smile in Mike’s direction.

Both of them were pretty relaxed. When they had polished off their drinks, I suggested that we should drop Mike off at his house.

“You guys are welcome to hang out at the house for a bit”, Mike suggested, just as I expected.

“As long as you promise not to get naked, as soon as we walk in the house”, I joked.

“It’s his house. He can do as he pleases”, Tiffany said with a wink in Mike’s direction. “Heck, I may just join him. A dip in the pool sounds refreshing.” She looked at me with a smirk and her eyebrows raised, as if to say “what do you think about that?“

OK, I thought. If you want to spar, I’m up for it. “Maybe you could call and invite one of those friends over that you were talking about? On second thought, maybe that’s not a good idea. As wound up as Mike is, I’m not sure he could handle a threesome.”

“Threesome?” Tiff said quickly. “How many girls do you expect me to invite over?”

“You only need to invite one over to make it a threesome”, I said, as I stared directly at Tiffany.

Mike quickly shot back, “Twosome, threesome, orgy. I don’t care. I just need to fuck.”

Tiff gave me a “don’t get any ideas” look as we all piled into my car. But it was way too late. I had been working on ideas all week. At this point, I was simply trying to narrow them down.

We got back to Mike’s house and Mike immediately went to the fridge and handed out another round of drinks. Tiff gladly accepted his offer. I took one, as well, but immediately set it down. I wanted to stay sober, so I could orchestrate this evening to my desired conclusion. I also wanted to be able to remember all of it. We sat in Mike’s living room and he told us a little more about the details of the separation and what had led up to it. We were sitting on his sectional couch, with Tiffany in the corner section and Mike and I to her right and left, respectively. At different points during Mike’s story, Tiff would reach over and lightly rub his leg, as if to console him. I noticed that each time she did it, her hand worked a little further up his leg, until she eventually brushed her fingertips over his crotch, on her last attempt. Mike felt it and shifted in his seat, as if to avoid the embarrassment of gaining an erection.

“Tiffany, are you going to help me out and call one of your friends over here or not?”, Mike asked.

“I’ve already texted two of them”, she said. “One of them is busy tonight, but the other is trying to rearrange her plans.”

“I sure as hell I hope she can make it, because I need to get laid so bad!”, Mike said with an air of exasperation.

“Don’t you worry, honey“, Tiff said with a sweet smile. “I promise you’ll get taken care of tonight“, as she patted the inside of his thigh. Just for good measure, she uncrossed her legs, giving Mike a full peak at her smooth pussy, under her skirt. The erection Mike was trying so desperately to avoid, was now fully obvious. Tiffany turned and whispered in my ear, “why don’t you and Mike run to the store and get me something besides beer?“

I gave her a puzzled look, and she just motioned with her fingers, towards the door, as if to say “get going”. So I turned and looked at Mike and said, “Tiffany wants something other than beer. Why don’t we run to the store and get it for her?“

Mike stood up, still embarrassed from his obvious erection, and headed with me towards the door. I knew Tiff had something up her sleeve, I just wasn’t sure what it was. As we were driving towards the store, Mike just kept asking, “do you think Tiffany’s friend will come over?”

Each time, I patted him on the back and said “don’t worry. Tiffany promised you would get laid tonight. And she never goes back on a promise.”

As we pulled back into his driveway, Mike pointed out that there were no other cars in the driveway, which meant that there were no other people in the house, besides Tiffany. “I was really hoping Tiffany would have a surprise for me when we got back.“

“Don’t be so certain that she doesn’t, my friend“, I said, as I slapped my hand in the middle of his back.

We walked in the house, and Tiffany was no longer seated on the couch. That’s when I noticed Tiffany’s clothes, folded on top of Mike’s counter, with her bright pink bra laid across the top. She wanted to make sure that we were aware that her clothes were no longer on her body. Mike was too drunk to make sense out of it. He just gave me a puzzled look.

“I’m pretty sure I know where to find her“, I said. “Follow me.” I grabbed one of the seltzers that I had purchased for her and headed into the backyard, with Mike following closely behind. It was dark, but as soon as we stepped through the sliding glass door, we could hear her splashing in Mike’s in-ground pool.

“What did you bring me?”, she asked coyly. She had purposely gone into the deep end, to keep herself covered and tease us.

“Come and find out“, I said. I purposely stood above the steps of the pool, so she would have to come out of the water and reveal herself, in order to retrieve the drink. She waded into the shallow end, before standing up slowly. I turned to look at Mike. His jaw was literally hanging open, as he watched her emerge from the water, staring intently as the droplets of water and the moonlight combined to highlight her sexy curves. She came up out of the pool and gave me a kiss and a wink, as she retrieved the seltzer can from my hand. She then fell back into the pool. “Is anyone going to come join me?”, she asked.

I looked to my right and Dave was still frozen in place, jaw wide open. He knew that Tiffany had a hot body, because I had “accidentally“ shown him a naked picture or two of her, as I was scrolling through my camera roll while we played golf, a few years back. He commented at the time how he wished Jill looked that good naked and that I was a lucky guy. But seeing Tiffany in the flesh was something different for him, altogether.

I slapped Mike on the back, to break him out of his trance. “You heard the lady. She wants company. Jump in and I’ll run inside and use the restroom and grab us a couple more beers.” Mike was still suffering from brain lock.

“You don’t have nothing I haven’t seen before. Now get naked and jump in!“, Tiffany said to Mike.

As I opened the sliding glass door to head inside, I watched Mike pull his shirt off over his head. He didn’t hit the gym as regularly as I did, so I wasn’t worried about him showing me up in that department. But then he reached into the waist band of his shorts, hooking each side with his thumbs, and quickly pulled them towards the ground. His cock immediately caught Tiffany’s attention. He didn’t appear to be any longer than me, but he was definitely thicker. Like well above average. I saw Tiffany lick her lips, as she gazed at Mike’s tool. I walked inside, as Mike jumped into the deep end. I made sure to only close the screen door, so I could hear what was going on in the pool.

Mike stayed in the deep end of the pool, with the water covering him up to his shoulders. Tiffany was towards the middle, sitting on a little bench that was constructed into the side of the pool. She sat so the water just barely covered her nipples. But anytime she or Dave moved, it would cause waves, which would cause the water to rise up above her nipples and then drop back down, exposing them. Dave figured this out and began to move around a bit more, in the deep end. I listened as they made small talk. A little more about the divorce. A little more about how Dave’s been keeping himself busy, as a bachelor. After a few minutes, I decided to spur things along. I sent Tiffany a text, because I had seen that she had left her phone on the patio table. She could not resist the sound of a text alert on her phone and I knew that. Like clockwork, I heard the alert go off and then watched as she climbed out of the pool, fully nude, to check her text. Mike watched, also. He was transfixed at the second sight of Tiffany’s naked body. She ran at least 3 miles every day, so her stomach and her ass and her legs, were all in top shape. Top it off with her 34C breasts, and her light auburn hair, and she was quite the sight to behold. I looked back at Mike. I couldn’t see his hands, but I’m pretty certain his gaze was not all he was holding. Tiffany looked down at my text, which read “I knew you would get out of the pool to check your text. And I’m pretty sure Mike now has a full erection”. I added the smiling devil emoji. She knew exactly what I was trying to tell her.

As Tiffany descended back into the pool, she stopped on the bottom step and cupped some water in her hands and let it run over her breasts. She was toying with Mike. Mike had finally come around enough to speak. “Was that text from your friend? Is she coming over?“

“No, she’s really disappointed that she can’t make it. I told her how hot you were and that I would have you waiting naked in the pool when she got here. But she’s out for drinks with her sister, who is going through a rough time with her husband. She feels like she needs to stay and listen. She did ask for a rain check, though.“ It was all bullshit, but Tiffany sold it well.

“No fair, Tiffany. You promised me I’d get laid tonight. I took you at your word”, Mike said, disappointedly.

“You’re right, I did promise you that you would get laid. And I am a woman of my word“, she said with a smile.

“How are you gonna make that happen, if no one’s coming over?”, Mike asked her. I watched as Tiffany swam closer to Mike.

“I will just have to take matters into my own hands”, she said very demurely, as she leaned forward and wrapped a hand around Mike’s cock. To her surprise, she found it fully erect. “Well, it appears I may need both hands. You’re a big boy“

Mike was stunned. I heard him say, “what? No… Really? No…“ and before he could say anything else, Tiffany had guided his cock into her pussy and wrapped her legs around him, sliding onto its full length. Even I was surprised that she skipped any form of foreplay, but her aggressiveness turned me on. She wanted Mike’s cock in her, badly, and she wasn’t going to wait around.

“Holy fuck! You feel so good. Oh! Goddamnit! Your pussy feels so good!“, Mike said, as he pulled her in tighter. I could see that neither of them were moving, so I knew that she was flexing the muscles in her pussy, and squeezing his cock. Running also did wonders for her vaginal muscles. She could literally pull me inside her and hold me still and make me cum, simply by squeezing my cock with the muscles of her pussy. Mike was now finding out just how great that felt. “How do you do that, Tiff? That feels so good!”

I heard Tiffany say to him, “sit down on the middle step, and let me ride your lap.” I watched as they waded over to the steps. Mike made sure to sit down, without sliding out of her. I watched as Tiffany leaned back, arching her back, while resting her hands on Mike’s knees. With her amazing breasts resting right in his face, Mike leaned in and began to devour them with his tongue and lips. Her breasts were nearly perfect, and they were impossible to ignore. However, her nipples were extremely sensitive, and Tiffany could come easily from having them sucked. So she pushed Mike back into an upright position and asked him to put his hands behind the small of her back, for support. He did as asked and Tiffany began sliding her hips back, nearly fully withdrawing his cock from her pussy, before sliding them forward and burying his cock up to the hilt, inside of her. She continued alternating between sliding off of him and him deep inside of her.

“Holy fuck! It’s been so long since I’ve had good sex. You look amazing! Your pussy feels amazing! I knew you had a hot body, but I had no idea you knew how to use it like this!”, Mike said. Compliments turned Tiffany on like nothing else, and Mike was laying it on thick. The more he told her how good it felt, the harder she fucked him. I could tell from the pace of her breathing, that she was close to coming. “Jill never fucked me like this! This is the best pussy I’ve had in my life!“, Mike said excitedly. The comment about her pussy being better than Jill‘s put her over the edge. Tiffany leaned forward, wrapped her arms around Mike’s shoulders, and began to buck and shake.

“Ohhhh! Ohhhhh! Yesssss! Fuuuuuck me!” Tiffany was so aroused, that she was nearly too out of breath to get the words out. Her orgasms were always so hot. When she was about to come, she would clamp herself onto me, and then begin to twitch, as if she had caught a chill, except she would do it over and over and over. Her orgasms were a series of twitches from her body, as she would yell out. And now I was watching her do it on Mike’s cock and it was driving me absolutely insane! It was all I could do to keep from running out into the pool and pulling her off of Mike’s cock, so I could fuck her myself! But I had waited too long for this moment, and I wanted it to last as long as possible.

Once her orgasm had subsided, Mike lifted her up and stood her against the wall of the pool. He wanted to fuck her standing up. As I watched him thrust his hips into my wife’s pussy, I almost could not believe what I was watching. Here was my good friend, who I had caught so many times looking lustfully at my wife, now getting the chance to sink his cock into her. It was hotter than I thought it would be! And then it got even hotter, as Tiffany began to talk to Mike.

“My God! Your cock feels amazing! I can’t get you deep enough in me! I never imagined I’d be fucking you, but now I don’t want you to stop! Give me all of that amazing cock! I can’t believe Jill didn’t want to fuck this amazing dick!“ And she wasn’t just saying it. I could tell from the tone of her voice, that she meant every word. And it was turning Mike on. Suddenly, he pulled out and flipped her around, so that her back was to him. He was still fucking her standing up, but now from behind.

“Fuck, this pussy is so tight! I’m so deep in you right now! I’ve fantasized about fucking you, but it’s even better than I imagined! You are so fucking incredible!” He was practically jackhammering her from behind. Tiffany was capable of multiple orgasms in one session and she was on her way to number two. But before she could come, Mike pulled out of her her.

“Oh, no! I want that cock!”, she pleaded. Mike led her over to the steps and bent her forward.

“I’m going to give you this cock, but I want to do it from behind, so I can watch my cock disappear into that sexy ass!”, Mike grunted. He leaned her forward and shoved it all the way in, causing her to let out a squeal. Having snuck outside, to get a more up close look at the action, I watched the moonlight illuminate the two of them, as Mike rammed his cock as deep and as hard into my wife’s pussy, as he possibly could. Nine months of no sex and countless years of bad sex, were being taken out on my wife’s pussy. And she was loving every second of it!

“Yes! Fuck me, Mike! Fuck me hard with that big cock! Show me how much you want to fuck me! Use my pussy! Make me come!“ I could hear Mike pounding her from behind, as their wet skin amplified the slaps of their bodies coming together. I then realized that Tiffany had gone silent. You couldn’t even hear her breathe. I knew what was coming and I knew Mike was going to love it. When Tiffany was extremely aroused, she would hold her breath for 15 to 30 seconds, as her orgasm built-up. She would hold her breath, trying to hold off the orgasm as long as she could. It had been almost 30 seconds and I couldn’t wait for what was coming next.

“Uuuuhhhhh!!!!!!”, Tiffany screamed, as she finally exhaled. Her orgasm, forcing the breath and the sound out of her body. “Uuuuhhhh! Uuuuuhhhhh! Oh! My! God!”, each syllable, being forced out of her, by a thrust of Mike’s cock. Her hips were bouncing up and down, as the force of her orgasm caused her legs to twitch, as she rode Mike’s cock. They were both enjoying this, but still not as much as I was. And then I heard Mike say something which kicked it into another gear.

“I’ve never fucked a woman in the ass, before. Can I please fuck your ass?“, he asked, excitedly.

“Go for it!“, was Tiffany’s reply. She allowed me to fuck her in the ass, always enjoying it, but only on special occasions. She said it made her too sore the next day. Mike was thicker than I was, but she was so turned on that she was willing to take him in her ass. I almost came in my pants, when she gave him the green light! (She told me afterwards, that the idea of being the first woman who he ever fucked in the ass, really turned her on, which is why she agreed so quickly). I watched, as Mike began to aim his thick tool at my wife’s tiny hole. He guided the head in with his right hand and then grabbed her hips, for leverage.

“Slowly. Go slooo…..OOOOOOOW!” Tiffany wanted the chance to adjust to Mike’s thickness, but he was too quick on the draw. I watched, as he plunged the entire length of his cock into my wife’s ass. “Ah! Ah! You’re so big, Mike!”, Tiffany said, as she tried desperately to adjust to his girth. “Oh God, Mike! It feels like you’re going to rip me open, but it feels good!“

Mike began picking up the pace and was soon fucking her ass, as hard as he fucked her pussy. “Your ass is so fucking tight! It’s tighter than any pussy I’ve ever fucked! I always wondered what it would feel like to fuck a woman in the ass. It’s so dirty, but so hot! I can’t believe I’m fucking my buddy’s wife in the ass!”

That last sentence, pushed Tiffany over the edge. Being naughty and dirty, turned her on. Hearing Mike articulate just how dirty it was to be letting her husband’s friend fuck her in the ass, was more than she could take.

“Yes, Mike! Fuck my ass! I’m a dirty girl!Ohhhhhh!! Ooooohhhhhh!”, Tiffany was shouting so loud, there’s absolutely no chance that the neighbors didn’t hear her. I watched, as she shook on the end of Mike’s cock, which was buried in her ass. And then it went one notch higher.

“I’m gonna come in your ass! I’ve been holding this load for nine months and I’m going to shoot this load in that hot fucking ass!“, Mike exclaimed. And then he let out a huge grunt. “Uuugggghhh!!!” This sent Tiffany even further over the edge.

“Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!” She was panting, as if she just finished running the 100 meter dash. Mike had fucked the breath right out of her. I couldn’t tell if it was a continuation of her third orgasm or a whole separate orgasm all together. All I knew was, it was fucking hot! I watched as Mike continued to pump and squirt his sperm into my wife’s ass.

“You’re coming so much!“, Tiffany shouted.

“Nine months worth”, Mike said proudly.

I watched his cum ooze around his cock, as he pulled out of her ass. He went deep, but he came so much, that it ran out of her. A very hot sight to see.

They both fell back into the water and floated around for a few minutes. I went back inside and grabbed them each another drink, and then came back out and sat on the steps of the pool. It wasn’t long before Mike swam up behind Tiffany and pulled her into him. I saw him whisper something into her ear and heard her giggle a little bit, before saying, “sure!”. I then watched as Mike lifted himself out of the water and sat on the edge of the pool. Tiffany then swam up and stood between his legs and began showing off her blow job skills. It wasn’t long before Mike had his head back, letting out soft moans. Tiffany began massaging his balls with her fingertips, while she took every inch of him into her mouth.

“Son of a bitch! Is there anything you aren’t great at?”, Mike asked. “Next thing, you’ll be telling me that you swallow.”

“Mmm-hmmm”, Tiffany mumbled, as she tried to nod her head and not choke on Mike‘s cock. As soon as Tiffany gave him the OK, Mike tipped his head back further and thrust his hips forward, grabbing the back of Tiffany’s head. With his cock buried as deeply as possible in her mouth, he let out another loud groan.

“Fuuuuuuuck!””, he yelled, as he held Tiffany’s head steady on his cock, so he could shoot his load down her throat. After what seemed like two minutes, his orgasm finally subsided. Tiffany pulled her head off of his cock, and I watched as a stream of cum stretched from the tip of his cock to the corner of her mouth. So hot! Tiffany just smiled at me, as she wiped his cum from her lips. She knew that turned me on.

We spent another hour or so in the pool. Mike would swim up behind Tiffany and pull her into him, rubbing his dick into her ass, as he fondled her tits. At one point, he laid Tiffany on the deck of the pool and ate her out, while he fingered her ass. After he had made her come for the fifth time that night, she said she was tired and ready to go home. As we were walking out the front door, Mike asked, “was this a one time thing or can we do this again?”

Before I could even open my mouth, Tiffany turned and said, with a wry smile, “I’ll be back for more of that cock!“

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Re: When your buddy becomes her fuck buddy

Unread post by venus-can99 » Wed Sep 18, 2024 9:39 pm

Sounds very hot. Is Mike more of a bf than fb now?

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Re: When your buddy becomes her fuck buddy

Unread post by Luv2watchhercum » Thu Sep 19, 2024 3:33 am

venus-can99 wrote:
Wed Sep 18, 2024 9:39 pm
Sounds very hot. Is Mike more of a bf than fb now?
No. There is nothing romantic or emotional between the two of them. They just look forward to fucking.

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Re: When your buddy becomes her fuck buddy

Unread post by mrs_hotwifecplsa » Thu Sep 19, 2024 7:50 am

You are a great friend! Hot story :)

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Re: When your buddy becomes her fuck buddy

Unread post by indianpair » Fri Sep 20, 2024 2:20 am

Just Curious ! Who is Dave in this story?
Luv2watchhercum wrote:
Wed Sep 18, 2024 12:52 pm

I looked to my right and Dave was still frozen in place, jaw wide open. He knew that Tiffany had a hot body, because I had “accidentally“ shown him a naked picture or two of her, as I was scrolling through my camera roll while we played golf, a few years back. He commented at the time how he wished Jill looked that good naked and that I was a lucky guy. But seeing Tiffany in the flesh was something different for him, altogether.

I slapped Mike on the back, to break him out of his trance. “You heard the lady. She wants company. Jump in and I’ll run inside and use the restroom and grab us a couple more beers.” Mike was still suffering from brain lock.

“You don’t have nothing I haven’t seen before. Now get naked and jump in!“, Tiffany said to Mike.

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