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Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 12:04 pm
by coastalkid
I just reread this whole thread. I even noticed where I posted myself along the way. This is a great thread and a very interesting dynamic. It seems that she knows she has full control of what she does or doesn't do yet she has little surprises for you as if she was hiding her deeper intentions. It seems more like she is having a hard time admitting to herself that she wants this in some form or fashion that suits her and still weighing it against your "evil" ideas.

It's too bad she's had such terrible luck with finding the right men. I understand the need for some connection especially given the circumstances. In light of your constant and lengthy travel, her having trusted, like minded lovers would be ideal. Has she even considered dating like SLS or others? I wonder if she found a candidate that was like her original crush if she would be interested?

It may also be time to more aggressively pursue getting the housemate out. Turn a little attention to what she would want in an ideal replacement to see if that stirs anything in her. From your side you'd be providing a new stimulating discussion by removing the obstruction. It would be fun to know what would be her ideal situation. Just a thought.

And how 'bout you? You seem to have a fair handle on being separated for extended periods of time. That alone would be tough. And fuck, you've dealt with her failed hopes for her original crush and all the other little dramas along the way. Are you as motivated/excited as you once were? I most admire your faith and trust in her and her transparency (surprises aside). You have nerves of steel (I would have said balls of steel but she may have them, just teasing) in the way you've navigated this amazing episode in your life. Sorry for not posting more. Tell your wife I think she deserves a satisfying experience and you have no doubt in trusting her fully! Keep posting please!

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 10:55 am
by tit4atat
Hi coastal, I'll try to answer your questions shortly. We've been out of the country for a while over the holidays.

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 10:57 am
by tit4atat
Oh by the way, wifey mentioned sort of out of the blue the other day that her bbc fb will be coming to our area in April. Hmm, will she or will she not??
Last year he was a little on the rough side for her liking. Time will tell.

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 11:42 am
by coastalkid
Looking forward to your update.

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 7:39 am
by tit4atat
Wifey has mentioned a few times in the last several weeks that LG has text her. She said that she hadn't replied as she is sort of less interested mostly due to his rare attention. Also her other text friend will be coming to town in April. Seems to be a yearly thing. She seems to have lost interest in him also. Recently health problems have been her major battle and anything else is not at the front of her mind.

Hope things get better soon!

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 3:14 pm
by zorro
tit4atat wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2017 9:19 pm
She said she is now a sex maniac, is that good or bad?
Is the Pope Argentinian?

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 8:15 am
by tit4atat
The last few months have been slow. Wifey is stuck in her foreign country not able to get back home. She has been staying in a hotel for the last 2 months stuck in a small room. There was one guy in a group that had been flirting with her and brought her food on occasion but I don't think she paid him much attention.
She has received some text from out of town bf (they were supposed to meet this spring like last year) but obviously that has no way of happening.
See what happens when all this covid breaks.

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 8:40 am
by tit4atat
costal: As you probably noticed thru the thread that the wife likes a man that show her attention. She isn't one to shop around and hunt online. She hates the concept of that. What she likes most is to meet in the wild and go thru the normal phases of attraction. Once she hooks up with someone she likes that person to show interest, probably more interest than she can handle. She wants to feel desired and chased. As you can see above LG initially showed that and in the beginning it even looked like it could get out of hand. Then boom, he went almost dark for a while and only occasionally popped back up with a text "would you like to meet". At that point I think she felt like she was just being used. I guess more than just the sex, she wants all the sparks and butterflies. I think this is very common among HW's but most men aren't into allowing that side. When her partner starts making excuses about available time etc then she feels rejected and loses interest fast.

Yes, we are very used to the distance equation. That is how our relationship started (and Hgf activity). It has it's pros and cons. Pro is that over time she gets more interested in finding a substitute (these days that is taking longer and longer because of health reasons, life stress and getting close to menopause). Even in the last two months she has shown very little interest although her situation where she is at is not very stimulating at best. Also yes, I am still motivated as always but realize that her desire is not what it once was. There was not any big issues dealing with her failed crush. I could tell she was feeling a bit rejected but it's easy to just step in and try to fill the void. Unlike "single" dating if you loose a crush but your husband is there to catch you then you really don't have that far to fall.

Hopefully when the dust settles there will be an occasional opportunity for something to happen, but I am thinking it might be few and far between.

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:09 am
by tit4atat
Nothing new and exciting to tell these days. Covid and mood have sort of dampened any progress. One thing of note, wifey did mention that in the last few months all of her playmates have text her asking her status. She hasn't replied to any as far as I know. Even her favorite LG. She doesn't seem interested and has some sort of hard feeling. Like he let her down in some ways. Meaning, pop in when he was horny but otherwise nothing.

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 5:17 am
by tit4atat
Nothing new again. Been super busy with so many projects.

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 11:03 am
by tit4atat
Wife stated the other day that LG had been texting her a lot lately. She still claims that she hasn't returned a text.

The other day we were driving around town in an area I wouldn't think she would be familiar with. As we drove by a Starbucks she looked with a little extra interest and said, "Oh, thats where I used to meet up with my boyfriend." I immediately knew which one she was thinking about. Here and there she brings up something like that but overall seems to have lost most interest. Not sure what would happen if her bbc said he was coming to town, although at the moment we are both in different foreign countries thru the end of the year.

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:12 pm
by tit4atat
At the moment we are in different countries far apart. Myself for business and wife is with family. A few days ago she called me and said that she was horny. We talked about how she could be satisfied. We came to the conclusion together that there is really only one person there that might fit her likes. Due to various circumstances they spend a lot of time communicating on the phone for the last year. We determined that she should try to seduce him.
I know nothing will happen since due to covid he isn't able to be in her area, but at the moment it sounded like the best solution. At least she is still thinking about interesting things once in a while.

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 3:45 am
by tit4atat
So a month later, again we were talking during her horny days and she revealed another little secret. We were thinking about who could please her and she said LG had be texting her for a long time but she hadn't replied. Seems he has lost her attention completely. She did say that her out of town bbc was still in the running and she had full intentions of seeing him if the timing presents itself. For the most part she said, "I don't have any interest in anyone else".

However she did mention, well there is one possibility. Our next door neighbor. He is her type all the way. This is a new neighbor by the way and we don't really know him. Seems to be a big flirt, single and many girl friends. She mentioned that he seemed to flirt with her on an occasion during a time when I was out of town. We will have to see if it goes anywhere. Neighbors can be tricky.

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 9:32 am
by tit4atat
So the worst of the worst has happened. This is probably the end of this chapter. Hope I can keep the thread going but not sure how.
Probably prefer at this point to discuss via pm.

Hope everyone here is all good.

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 10:46 am
by rascalnvixen
Maybe you could give us a little idea of what has happened without getting into details you don't want here on the thread.


Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 10:52 am
by superb101
rascalnvixen wrote:
Thu Jan 28, 2021 10:46 am
Maybe you could give us a little idea of what has happened without getting into details you don't want here on the thread.

We would all appreciate that!

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 1:46 pm
by afagehi7
superb101 wrote:
Thu Jan 28, 2021 10:52 am
rascalnvixen wrote:
Thu Jan 28, 2021 10:46 am
Maybe you could give us a little idea of what has happened without getting into details you don't want here on the thread.

We would all appreciate that!
Please tell us. It will help others more than a success story.

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 12:14 pm
by tit4atat
Wasn't sure I should mention it because it is easy to identify. However sounds like there is interest.
Anyway, she got covid. A bad case of it as she was taking prednisone/nestinone for a minor condition. She has been in ICU for almost 4 weeks on a ventilator and the doctors say she will never come off of the ventilator. They have been very wrong about other things so I feel there is a good chance she will eventually get past that but day by day.
Anyway, strong warning here. Prednisone is one of the most common drugs for treating hundreds of ailments. However a steroid and Covid don't mix. If you are taking a steroid and are not vaccinated I would have a serious conversation with your doctor. You can't just stop taking it, you have to ween off however. Just a warning that we didn't get from the medical professionals. She could have easily gone off of it until Covid is history or vaccinated.

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 12:21 pm
by MichaelW
No words other than you are in our prayers.

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 12:34 pm
by FNQLivin
That is awful. You are in my thoughts.

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 12:58 pm
by 2inUPMichigan
I am so very sorry to hear about this 😥

From our house to yours our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
Hold all the love you share close to your heart and let others be strong for you when you need them to be.

Thank you for taking the time to let the community here know what is going on. If we can be a support to you, please reach out!

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 1:19 pm
by rascalnvixen
Prayers to you both. 🙏🙏🙏 Hoping for a good outcome for her!!


Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:06 pm
Really very sorry to hear of your current situation and wish you and your lovely wife all the best of luck and health in these trying and tough times. I also wish to thank you for making your update when you must have other pressing matters on your mind. Even when the news is not good, it is nice to at least know what has happened. I hope you are correct and your wife is able to defeat the virus. As you say they are sometimes wrong.

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 4:14 pm
by funcpl477
I was a late to find your incredible thread. I just binge read it, to find the so serious situation she is in.

My wife is also Asian, a now medically inactive, formerly adventuresome hotwife. No longer active, though still incredibly beautiful and wonderful. A loss of hormones from a serious allergic reaction to Actonel. She has Sjogren's Syndrome - something a bit like Lupus, but milder.

She too, had a very serious bout with covid. She walked out of the hospital emergency room, refusing to be hospitalized. Her native language is not English. She felt that without me being allowed to be with and advocate for her, she would die.

There was a few night where my cell alarm was set every hour so I could make sure she didn't simply quit breathing. Among other meds, she was given a shot of some kind of steroid and an asthma type inhaler, the next morning, by a walk in Emergency Clinic Dr. She slowly beat it, She has been fine now for several weeks.

I hope and pray that you very special wife will not only survive this, but come back to fuller and even better health. May you both be wrapped in the arms of comfort, strength and love of God.

Re: A New Revelation

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:16 pm
by tit4atat
All, thanks so much for the loving and encouraging words. Means a lot, I know there are a lot of good people on this site!

funcpl, That sounded like a really bad situation. So happy to hear that she made it thru. Yes, one of the worst things is the no visitations.
In our case, had she stayed out of the ER one or two more days, she would have stopped breathing. Immediately when she got to the ER they put her on oxygen. The third day in the hospital they had her on a breathing mask that when she inhaled it would force as much pure oxygen in her as possible. Actually they probably had the pressure a bit too high and might have blown a hole in a lung as she had a pneumothorax (air outside the lung) that had to be vented. That last day I watched her working so hard to focus on breathing, it was like she was running a marathon. She was exhausted and fully realized that she probably was not going to make it. She told me, "please make sure I die a painless death". So after the doctor said that she would never come off the vent, I was basically forced to put her on DNR.
That night they put her on the ventilator. Now she occasionally opens her eyes if they lighten up the sedation, however she panics if she comes out too far and ends up fighting the ventilator so they have to sedate her more. I think each time she comes a bit awake, she thinks she is still taking that last gasp of breath. She doesn't know that a month has gone by.