My story

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Re: My story

Unread post by rs480 » Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:51 pm

Ugh. That tub should've been put on a concrete/cement base. It ain't rocket science for anyone that knows how anything like.....
Work with one's hands. OR Mix/pour cement.
And the fence? Oof. C'mon, wood for a fence is nothing for a fella that has ANY experience!
Lemons and lemonade dear lady. I mean that in the most sincere way. I hope you know that.
I do hope you run across (you will! I truly believe!) someone that can cobble that fence back into shape.

Dear lady, if I were a lot closer (a LOT closer), I'd come up there with my Dad's old trowels, my tool belt and some nails and wheel barrow or not if you had a wheelbarrow. We'd get some Sacrete at the store (it kinda sucks), mix up some "mud" in a wheel barrow and make that pad and wait for the cure time and place that tub.
Then fix fence during the cure time before placing the tub.
We're half close with our "perversions". We do have our differences but I swear we'd get along famously. Once we found some common ground. AND my wife was willing to let me go ANYWHERE.
I DO wish I had the time and was closer as I'd be a partial "fit" in your part of the world. I'm only like ten to twelve hours away or so... :-)

Dali, what the Hell is PSG?

I hear you about what was typed earlier this month. Good common sense from you.
As if his wife is secondary. NO, she's not. She's actually the center. She's cute as a button too!
Thank you for responding. I needed to hear it.
I get that and needed to hear it.
Yes, I believe I'm losing my mind.

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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Tue Jun 21, 2016 5:50 pm

Much as I appreciate the offers from across the country (psst, armyguyot1, I'm not in England but I think Ontario is still pretty far away from you!), I think it's going to have to sit for a while. I don't know anyone who can help me put in a concrete base and I got a new quote from a contractor to fix just that and not the fence for $1200. After this disaster, I'm not willing to mess around on CL. As much fun as I am, I doubt that a day with me is worth $1200 LOL. Any takers? ;) Didn't think so.

I've just been feeling really low lately and not like myself. Seems like Murphy's Law has come home to roost. There's too much going on and I really just need to be able to relax and forget about it all. Not really feeling much like playing, either.

Henry's probably having some fun though. I haven't heard from him in a week but I know phone contact is a bit sketchy out in the middle of nowhere. Maybe he'll have some fun stories when he comes back.
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Re: My story

Unread post by armyguyot1 » Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:21 pm

First off SSG, you far underestimate your desirability/worth. You also underestimate what a male is willing to do for a hot piece of ass. As long as it's trading instead of paying, they can be quite generous. The best thing to do is walk away for awhile. Sometimes big dilemma's can be solved easily by not pushing too hard. Let it sit for awhile and see if someone isn't willing to do some work for you and fix the dumb thing.


Re: My story

Unread post by viking43 » Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:03 am

Even though it definitely would be possible to get someone to do it in exchange for some fun with you, I wouldn't recommend to prostitute yourself for a hot tub. But you underestimate the "damsel in distress" effect, and what people are willing to do for a friend - just let it be known among your friends and play mates. We are not talking about rocket science here, it is an easy DIY job that only requires very basic skills, and among friends, a case of beer and a good meal can make a lot of things happen.

It doesn't make much sense to offer my help - there is a long way from Denmark to Canada, but if you had been a local friend of mine, I would have tried to find a solution to your tub problem, especially because you are feeling sad at the moment and is the victim of a nasty scam. It would be an easy way to cheer you up :)

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Re: My story

Unread post by armyguyot1 » Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:08 pm

I like what Viking said. Not to prostitute but there are guys that will help a woman and if you were going to do him anyway, what is the harm in a little free labor.

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Re: My story

Unread post by dali_23 » Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:12 pm

Hey SSQ, sorry that happened to you. Did you consider some sort of civil action? For 2K+ I might.

RS, PSG is Pagan Spirit Gathering, (on the web at circlesanctuary) also happening right now. It sounded similar.
I'd rather have a broken heart than a heart of stone.

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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Wed Jun 22, 2016 5:11 pm

dali_23 wrote:Hey SSQ, sorry that happened to you. Did you consider some sort of civil action? For 2K+ I might.

RS, PSG is Pagan Spirit Gathering, (on the web at circlesanctuary) also happening right now. It sounded similar.
Dali, I'd like to- problem is, I think this guy didn't give me his real name so all I have is a cell phone number. I need a legal name and address to file a civil suit. I guess he had it all planned out.
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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:11 am

Henry is back from his festival! He had a nice trip- sex, drugs, and rock n roll, right? ;)

I'm not much of a details person to hear what he's been up to, although I find I am curious about some things and do ask about those. I don't find myself as aroused by his stories as I do when I am physically there participating, which does turn me on. I wonder if some HW husbands have similar tendencies and that's why they always insist on threesomes? I still wouldn't deny Henry the opportunity to play just because it doesn't specifically arouse me, though; not only is it part of our relationship agreement to have the sexual boundaries that we do, but I know that I need to be able to explore and relate to other people when I feel the desire to do so, and I wouldn't turn down his need or want to do the same if I can deal with my own baggage.

It was one of the things that I remember learning as my relationship with stbxH changed. I had sex with someone else, and learned that my connection to my partner didn't shrink; it did change, but it deepened as I saw the added trust and respect. I fell in love with someone else, and while I enjoyed the NRE with my lover, I developed ORE with Mark, and that was truly amazing. I hope one day to have a relationship like that again.

And so I know that Henry's fun and connections with other partners doesn't take away from his relationship with me, and I try to listen and be supportive to as much as he wants to share, since the sharing is part of our connection. I can see the vulnerability for him as he tells me what happened, because he's trusting me not to fall to pieces and have a tantrum. And when it gets hard, I just have a little refrain that plays in my head "It's not about me", because it's not.

While it wasn't always easy, it did heighten our emotional intimacy- not because of the sex, but because we trust each other. Last night when we were in bed wrapped in each others' arms, I felt closer to him than I have in a long time. I felt that same heady intensity that we had in NRE and it was wonderful. We've only been together for not quite two years not to mention all the transitions in the way we relate to each other, but no matter where this goes, I am glad he's been in my life. He's a pretty awesome person, and to think I wouldn't have looked at him twice if I had been searching for a life partner.
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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Sun Jul 31, 2016 5:09 pm

I've been feeling very think-y lately, and I've written a few posts in my blog to that effect. Not so much racy stuff if that's what you're looking for!

But I found myself wondering why people don't prioritize sex and intimacy much, if at all. Or if they do, other people look down on them for it. I can understand asexuals and people with extremely low sex drives feeling like that, but hopefully they partner with people who feel similarly, because a mismatch with someone like that and someone like me would be a disaster. One partner feels pressured all the time and the other feels unattractive and unloved.

Or, the people who have sexual needs that are very important to them. They aren't going to go away, so you have to make a decision if you're really willing to live without it (and mean it, and not keep trying to talk your partner into it or resenting it), or if you want to make that a priority and go seeking it.

It's not an easy question. I do think that sex is a need, and not a want, and should be prioritized accordingly. It's interesting to hear what qualities people think make for a good relationship, though. I don't see how you can sustain the romance without sexual intimacy of some kind.
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Re: My story

Unread post by bjaficionado » Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:13 pm

I agree. I can only do this because my wife has her most intimate moments with me, and because she gives me just as much as she gives anyone else. If I didn't have that, I'd not want to do this at all.
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Re: My story

Unread post by viking43 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:28 am

I agree with you, sex is a need. My wife and I have been together now for 30 years, and through all of these years, we have had good times, but we surely have also had some pretty rough times. But one thing has been consistent, even during the hardest times, and that has been our sex life. It has been the mortar that has kept the bricks in our relationship together, and if it hadn't been there all those years, we wouldn't be together now.

But it is not the only thing that makes a good relationship, there are many other needs, and what sometimes makes it difficult is, that men and women have different needs. We males grow up a lot slower than females, and often we forget to make her feel loved, we forget that she needs to be kissed or hugged without initiating sex, we forget that kids and house chores are something that actually requires that someone spends time on it, because we either prefer to play with our toys or to work all the time. So often, the woman ends up doing all the sour things and is being taken for granted, while we men either are feeling very important and irreplaceable while working all the time, or are running round with our heads up our asses, doing all the fun stuff like drinking beer with our buddies, playing football or polishing the Harley Davidson. I have not been any different than other men in this regard, but eventually, I grew up, and pulled my head out of my ass.

What I mean with saying this is, that it is what kills a relationship, and it is what makes the desire for sex go away. Of course there are other possible causes, but I think this is what happens in many cases.

I don't believe we are entitled to get every need satisfied. It is always a matter of priorities, and the obligation to the promises we made to our spouses. The needs won't go away, but most of the time it is possible to have a good sex life and be happy even without satisfying a fetish - we are all capable to have fantasy sex with ourselves. And if the price of satisfying a fetish in real life is a divorce, a hurt and unhappy spouse, a split up home, unhappy children and economic ruin, then it is just not worth it. But of course it is a choise, and the outcome depends on the person's character, morals, conscience and feelings for the spouse.

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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Tue Aug 02, 2016 11:35 am

I would say I agree with you in part, but not entirely. Needs are needs, so perhaps we are arguing over a classification but I do believe that we are entitled to get all of our needs met in a relationship, but not all of our wants. It just becomes a question of where you draw that line.

I also tend to think that the problems you describe are more generational- I don't hear about men behaving like that very often among my cohort, and if I do, it's described negatively. I think that women are much less likely to put up with it nowadays and far more likely to walk and not tough it out in the hopes there will be a change. I would certainly leave a partner long before it got to that point.

I do agree that problems get magnified when we discover new needs and wants after we are already in a long established relationship. Look at Sam and Sam's man- I don't think they will ever be able to reconcile their differing views of nonmonogamy, and that must be so hard for both of them. Sometimes there is no choice, though. Say, look at people who realize they are transgender (or come out as) after marrying and having children. That destroys a great many relationships- most don't survive, but it's necessary in order to be authentically true to oneself.

So when we're talking a fetish, or a kink... I think it's reasonable to expect a partner to live without something if that's your agreement. I love golden showers, and Henry does not. Even if we were in the parameters of a monogamous relationship, I would be willing to forego the pleasure because it's a want, and not a need. Now if he told me that he no longer wished to be in a BDSM relationship, or if he wanted to close non-temporarily, I would tell him that I could not accommodate those requests and we'd have to go from there. To do so would be to deny who I am and some of my basic needs in a relationship.

There are consequences to decisions. Sometimes they all suck and there's nothing you can do about it. But that doesn't mean the devil you know is necessarily the best choice. It's hard to conceive of what is outside the box until you're there, I learned that the hard way.

My post was originally intended for those forming relationships, though. I find it interesting that people who are looking for partners and as yet have no investment in any potential outcomes are still willing to overlook areas of drastic sexual incompatibility because everything else is great. I can't see how they are envisioning a happy ending there, no pun intended.
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Re: My story

Unread post by viking43 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:35 pm

I agree that the problems I described are somewhat generational, but I have seen it among younger couples too, so it is still a problem.

I think that what makes sexually incompatible people form relationships is simply that their priorities at the given time are more emotional than sexual. Good sex is important, but certainly not the most important thing in a persons life, and not necessary for people to be able fall in love with each other. Some people choose to be in relationships without having certain sexual needs satisfied, because they find the rest of the package more important - family, kids, home and monogamy. Some can do it their whole life, and others can't.

It is very difficult for me to have any sympathy for new "needs" that are discovered in an already established relationship, simply because I see needs as something basic, and if you are generally sexually satisfied in the relationship, a different sexual lifestyle is not a need, so in my opinion, when you discover that you like BDSM or hotwifing, it is definitely a want, no matter how much you like it. The same goes for non-monogamy in other forms. If you want to, you can live without it, it only depends on your willingness to adjust your mindset to it. Wanting to define it as a need, is a selfish way of rewriting the basics of a relationship, that you agreed on having on predefined terms.

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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:46 pm

I can't say I agree with you there. People are changing all the time, and learning from our pasts what works for us and what doesn't. Or are you saying that people should never grow and develop further?

We absolutely develop new needs, and simply because they didn't exist before does not render them invalid. To use the transgender situation, should someone who realizes that they are living life as the wrong gender be thought selfish for finally realizing that they need to live their life as the gender they identify with? That seems way out of line.

Or let's flip it around- let's say that one partner decides they no longer wish to have sex at all. This certainly happens, and it's not all correlated with being unappreciated. Some people simply have lower sex drives after having children. That person is making a fundamental change in the basic agreement of the relationship because they have learned something about themselves. So you would counsel this person to have sex they don't want to have, in order not to change the basic agreements about the relationship? That seems very wrong. Equally as wrong as for that partner to tell the other they must remain monogamous because that was the agreement, but then refuse to have sex with them. What you're saying simply does not make sense in a wide variety of situations.

When we're young, we don't know ourselves very well. That's why I think a majority of early relationships fail. We don't know ourselves, or what we want yet. It's only as we grow up and gain more experience that we learn these things. Insisting that people remain as they were when they were ignorant seems rather selfish to me, personally. Relationships, in fact life plain and simple, are in flux. Assuming or wanting that things will never change is a path to unhappiness.
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Re: My story

Unread post by viking43 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:38 pm

People who are transgender have a need, no doubt about that. Some of them doesn't realize it, and tries to ignore it for many years and often form normal relationships. This is something much deeper than any of the other things I mentioned, a basic psychological need, so it is a bad example.

The partner that doesn't wish to have sex - well, since sex is part of the agreement when you get married, the partner that doesn't wish to have sex owes the other partner to find a solution to the problem, either by having sex anyway as a way to make an effort to keep the partner's need for sex fulfilled, or by seeking treatment for the problem. Not wishing to have sex is not a need, it is a want, and to do this and at the same time demand monogamy is extremely selfish. Ultimately, if there is no other way to make it work, the other partner should be set free, either by divorce or by allowing extramarital sex.

The key thing in a relationship is to respect each others needs and wants, and of course people often discover new sexual wants. Needs are something different - a homosexual man needs to have sex with men to be happy, but we don't need to live our lives in a certain way, as in the BDSM, swinging, cuckolding or hotwifing lifestyles to be happy. It is something we want, and sometimes we discover these wants over the years, and sometimes it makes us wish that we could live our lives differently. A few people find it so important that they choose to act on it with no regard to their spouse, others choose to try it together, but most people will find it less important than the other things in their relationship, especially if their partner is not interested, and if they end up getting divorced, it will be caused by other reasons than sexual incompatibility.

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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:50 pm

Again, I will reiterate that your classification is based on how you prioritize things, and that doesn't make it a universal truth.

You don't get to decide for others what is a want and what is a need, or when people can discover those things. You can only make those decisions for yourself. I'm sure if you did a little bit of research, you would find a great deal of people who strongly disagree with you.

At any rate, this conversation is going nowhere, and I see no point in beating a dead horse.
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Re: My story

Unread post by viking43 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 11:46 pm

I could say the exact same thing to you. I'm just advocating for not behaving like a selfish asshole while trying to put the blame on "needs" - that is the essence of what I'm saying. But never mind - for my sake, the horse can rest in peace.

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Re: My story

Unread post by tacoshare » Wed Aug 03, 2016 6:43 am

People jumping into new relationships and not being smart about it....
People don't know themselves. People ride on waves of emotions without using their brains. Eventually they're not getting what fulfills them, they realize it, it hurts and they cry out in emotion. Even when they realize it's a need, at that point it's become emotion. Not once does the conscious brain enter into it. (now this isn't everyone but I'm willing to bet it accounts for many. I've met many that operate like this)

Conversely - I think there are many that consciously subvert their needs to live in society (transgenders as an example) and there comes a point when they can no longer do that. Or society changes enough that they feel safe to be their true self. This is could be a larger discussion on needs vs wants. For those that don't understand, they have to work very hard at empathizing with someone int his position. Lots of people don't understand and empathy is well in short supply these days.

I agree that sex for me at least is some need. I also believe that I can harness that. I might be foolish in that considering I've not gone without for long since I started at 15. I agree that relationships are a choice and we can decide if we want to set aside our needs for another and which wants are important and all that. Is it even realistic to think that we can set aside a need even for the good of another?

I also believe that there are those that have a need to not have sex. Just as it's a need for me to have, for others it's a need to not have. Relationships are a negotiation. If one partner cannot provide the needs of the other (new or old) then it is up to them to negotiate a solution or dissolve the contract (which in itself is a solution). I don't owe anyone anything but my effort, my kindness, and honesty. No one owes me sex. If my partner suddenly decided that he didn't want to have sex with me anyone more and I couldn't have it with others either.... well then the decision of what to do is up to me. He doesn't owe me anything if what he's decided is true to him. I want him to be true to himself. What I do about it is what I do for me.... and for him in the long run.

Life is a series of choices. We can choose to try to understand one another and be as conscious as we are able... or we can do the opposite.
- Taco


Re: My story

Unread post by viking43 » Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:31 am

I agree with you, tacoshare - if my English skills were better, I would have written something like that :)

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Re: My story

Unread post by Exxciteus » Sat Aug 06, 2016 4:26 am

Hi there. I'm pretty new here, and I've been following this post from the beginning. SSQ you have an amazing sty. Thanks for sharing so much of your experience with us.

I just want to say that these last couple post are some seriously great points on a conversation that many couples should have, thought I'm sure many don't. Every relationship evolves, and sometimes it's without either party being aware of it.

Th hard part is recognizing that there has been changes and evolving with them together. Sometimes the evolution takes you in different directions, and finding a way to express that to your partner without freaking them out can be difficult. This would be true for a want or a need.

Thanks so much for this thoughtful exchange. It gives me lots to think about.

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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Sat Aug 06, 2016 5:41 pm

Welcome to my thread, Exx. By the way, I hope that you made a typo when you called it a sty. I promise my face is blemish free ;)

I agree that the bottom line is that communication in a relationship is critical but you can't simply use it as a buzzword. I mean, you have to figure out what and how you want to communicate and then actively listen and connect with your partner. Communication may be the magic word, but actually putting it into practice can be more difficult at times.

My point that I think was getting missed is that I believe that we cannot judge for others whether something is a want or a need. It shouldn't be a universal truth, and I don't believe we have the right to determine what someone else wants or needs. That's the issue I am defending at this point. If someone is living their truth, then I support them; we all have our own paths to walk. So people can believe whatever they want about what works for them, but I do not believe they get to decide for others.

I agree that when relationships change that things get difficult, but I would say that it's well nigh impossible for relationships NOT to change at some point. It's why people try and tell young people not to get married so young; we know that our late teens and early twenties are a time where our personalities are in flux as we learn about ourselves, and it's tough to have a partner along for the ride. I speak for myself when I say that I thought we were smart enough to be the outliers :) But even as we get older, there are more changes to come. I can certainly say that I wouldn't want to stay static for the rest of my life, and who's to say that the changes that come will be compatible with a current relationship? Maybe I'll wake up one day and be a lesbian LOL. Who knows?

I just think it's important to be kind to each other when changes happen. They tend to be heavy, emotional issues and it's easy to get overwrought and defensive. As CCH said, finding that balance to see if you can still make things work.

taco- I agree that it's tough to empathize with someone when a situation is entirely outside your understanding, I think. I know some people whose perspectives on life and whatnot are so alien to me that I just can't wrap my head around it. It does get easier when I take a step back, but generally my tactic is simply not to have an opinion at all. After all, if I can't even understand their philosophy, what makes me qualified to have an opinion on their choices? Obviously they will know better than I.
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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Wed Aug 17, 2016 10:07 am


I decided to order a cool sex toy for my second anniversary with Henry this week and I just got it. Looks like I made a mistake! I ordered from Bad Dragon, which has really cool customizable silicone dildos and other interesting things (like cock sheaths that leave the head exposed if you want your partner to have a thicker cock sometimes!), but apparently I messed up on sizes. I love being fisted and sometime's Henry's hand gets tired before I'm really quite done, so I thought I'd order a big toy for me too, to help out.

I apparently bit off more than I could chew! I ordered Stan the T Rex in Large. I kinda figured that large on a scale of mini to XL would be good... Well, about that... apparently there are some real freaks out there because I can't imagine anyone fucking this one, let alone a larger one! I guess it'll be a pretty cool party centrepiece, if nothing else (albeit an expensive one).

The one I bought him was a bit smaller (Apollo in Large), so we at least managed to get the head of the cock in his ass last night. I doubt it'll go much farther than that, though. I suspect I will have to place another order to get something a little more usable. On the plus side, he loves the texture and firmness of the toy I picked, which is yet another thing you can customize. So I guess we'll be back at the store next time there's a sale. In the meantime though, we're still having some fun together :)
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Re: My story

Unread post by armyguyot1 » Wed Aug 17, 2016 10:16 am

That's where brick and mortar have an advantage, checking the fit before purchase. Online you just have to take a poke at it. It must be big if it backs Susie down.

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Re: My story

Unread post by SSQ » Wed Aug 17, 2016 11:59 am

armyguyot1 wrote:That's where brick and mortar have an advantage, checking the fit before purchase. Online you just have to take a poke at it. It must be big if it backs Susie down.
Sure, but brick and mortar doesn't carry all the wonderful inventory that's out there, which I can totally understand. I doubt there would be enough local interest to carry these, plus the advantage that these toys are designed to be customized.

The other problem is that sometimes looking at a toy doesn't tell you if it will work for you. I personally love rabbit toys when I am masturbating but apparently the distance between my clit and my pussy is slightly non standard, so very few rabbits actually work for me. When they do they're amazing... when they don't, I've just wasted money. But it's not like you can try before you buy LOL.

I'm hoping to find someone who wants to take this off my hands... and in the meantime I'll just have fun with it as a conversation piece.

As for the actual size... go look it up on Bad Dragon LOL. It's Stan the T rex. I know I can't post a pic here but it was a colossal mistake, to put it that way :P I don't consider myself a size queen, although frankly I do love myself a good fist and a cock just can't compare!
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Re: My story

Unread post by armyguyot1 » Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:31 pm

I would think you could try before you buy. We have several adult stores around her and I am sure you could pursued them to let you try one. My wife loves the Hitachi. Says it's the only one with power enough. Come to think of it she had a couple rabbits and swore by them until she got the Hitachi and it was over. She says she can get herself off in three minutes with it. Of course she is not getting that stretching feel you are after.

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