Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by BDJ » Tue Apr 18, 2023 4:48 am

It really struck a cord when you said, "This last section was much more difficult and emotional, as will be others to come. Surprisingly, considering the elapsed time, it can still cut deep, and I’ve been transported back to some heartbreaking days by regurgitating them from the vaults of my memory."

I well remember a comparable time with my wife. I'd been so proud of her growth in confidence, her comfort in expressing herself as a sexual being. It made her so hot to me. Then came her choice to transfer her love to her boyfriend and reject me. This point in your story has caused all those feelings to come back.

I feel your pain. Such a hackneyed phrase, but accurate in this instance.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Tue Apr 18, 2023 11:46 am

John doesn’t sound like he’s exaggerating the dark days- made it very clear in fact.
We know this is their real life and fortunately they got through it but without that prior knowledge, it’s a difficult read. Compelling but phew!
Also a serious lesson that we are potentially playing with fire.
We will find out soon but I can see the scenarios closing in.

Sherrie does leave John and throws him into a deep depression. Very understandable indeed. She realises this ain’t no game she’s playing anymore and crossed the line and isn’t pressing his buttons anymore- returning to him. Eventually.
Possibly after having to show genuine penitence as John struggles to trust her anymore. She then restores Johns mental health.

Sherrie chooses Geoff but soon realises she’s made a mistake- it’s not a whole relationship but purely a bdsm one which doesn’t work in the real world. Ditto the above.

Finally, the darkest option. She chooses Geoff but now he thinks he has complete control and feels free to use and abuse her, physically and mentally, domestically and even pimping her out to his friends (saw a flash of that near the start).
She realises what she’s done (ditto above) but now is mentally damaged herself, depression or worse. She spirals down and only the ever loving John can manage to rescue her from herself.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Maddie_Hippychick » Tue Apr 18, 2023 12:27 pm

Another possibility is that Sherrie DOES choose John, without hesitation. She’s pissed at Geoff for making her choose, but she struggles mightily with the loss of her Master. Maybe she harbors great resentment for John, right or wrong, for allowing this all to happen. Maybe John starts to resent Sherrie for not being able to get past the loss and focus on their marriage. What if Sherrie tries to stop but she keeps going back to Geoff, only now it’s much more punishment for not leaving John, and much less pleasure?

I can’t help myself.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Tue Apr 18, 2023 1:02 pm

Yes Maddie, I can’t either!
You have a point there, two people make a marriage (perhaps 3 in some…) and even if Sherrie does choose John, does he keep bringing it up and infuriating her?
Or does she keep blaming him for allowing her too much freedom and so doesn’t care enough?
Too many possibilities….

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:10 am

I receive some fascinating PMs from folks who don’t want to go forth on the public forum. Sometimes I feel they are worth sharing, suitably anonymised. The following is a thought provoking piece that landed in my inbox. It stands several readings, and I feel absolutely compelled to share it with you, not just for its angle on Sherrie and I but for the obvious wider relevance to OHW. I’m not sure what I think of it yet, and I won’t venture a comment on it at this stage, save to say that my mind is somewhat blown to think that this has been triggered by our story. Whether readers think it valid or not, I am nevertheless deeply indebted to my correspondent for taking the time and trouble involved in penning such a cerebral piece of work and sending it to me.

First, thanks again for writing your fascinating story. It's as 'out there' as anything I've read and you've told it in an engaging way. It's been on my mind quite a lot and now that you've told us the (first?) turning point, I did some deeper reading about BDSM, especially what would motivate an intelligent, accomplished woman like Sherry to subject herself to a demanding, sadistic man like Geoff.

Let me preface my remarks by telling you I'm a retired physician with some experience dealing with abnormal psychology but I'm not a psychiatrist. I also won't rehash what other readers have noted. Your saga has received many insightful and perceptive comments.

I'd like to draw your attention to the psychological concept of self-negation, ie: the desire to break down the normal psychological boundaries between our sovereign selves and our surroundings, including away from other people. Sort of the reverse of what normally happens during infancy when the young child begins to make distinctions between itself and everything else. Self-negation is the reverse of normal human development.

Self-negation often involves overcoming horror and disgust with things like body waste and rotting garbage. Self-negation leads to engagement with revolting objects and practices which serves to break down the normal psychological boundaries between our external environment and our sense of self. Emotionally, this is very powerful. I think that's why Geoff subjected Sherry to enemas, urinary catheters, rough anal sex, sensory deprivation, prolonged bondage, shame, humiliation, and severe pain via the cane.

Such normally repulsive things are absolutely excluded from the sanitized orderings of the person, their family, their local community, and their nation. Such transgressive practices muddy the normal boundaries in our world and attack our ways of deriving meaning and understanding, both of ourselves and the world. Thus, self-negation is an attack on the self and the wider community. It's a divisive force that moves us backwards.

At one point, Sherry asked you if her submission to Geoff was bottomless because it seemed that way to her. I think it was bottomless because the final, logical endpoint of total abnegation is death and oblivion. Poets and philosophers have long recognized the allure of darkness and the powerful call of the void.

As you've described him, Geoff seems to have been a clever sadist. His ingenuity probably knew no bounds and he may have subject Sherry to things she has never told you about, perhaps things she would sooner forget. Sherry told you she trusted Geoff and you trusted Sherry. But Sherry was under the influence of a scheming sadist who delighted in using her.

Total self-negation is an extreme case but it exists in milder forms through selflessness, asceticism, celibacy, abstinence, and self-discipline. Endurance athletes know it well. (Writing as a former marathoner whose knees have forced me to take up lap swimming.) It might also be the force driving cuckoldry, cock caging, self-celibacy, humiliation, and denial of self through feminization. As I stated, I'm no psychiatrist but I am an informed person with an opinion. I know many on OHW would strongly disagree.

Geoff was always going to drive a wedge between you and Sherry. It's the natural progression in self-negation and Geoff was the ultimate ringmaster. For him, splitting Sherry away from you was the next logical step. Not because he wanted Sherry for himself but because he wanted to destroy her relationship with you, and perhaps destroy you and her, as well. He never loved Sherry; he merely used her for his own ends. In spite of Geoff's coaching skills and the athletic help he gave Sherry, and in spite of her and your acquiescence, he was an evil son of a bitch who never had her true best interests at heart.

I think Sherry was questioning whether she should abandon Geoff when she showed you the layers of old and new cane marks he had given her. "Playing with fire?" she asked. "Is this a bottomless pit?" Even though she sometimes craved the cane, I think she knew, at least unconsciously, that the situation was spiraling out of control. You and her continually tested each other to find the edge but there was no edge to find. It just went on and on, deeper and deeper toward oblivion.

I suspect you both approached the edge of sanity. I'm glad you pulled back in time. There may have been a point beyond which she may have been lost to you, or even lost to herself.

There is a conceit common among intelligent people that they can think their way out of any predicament. As I've gotten older, I realize that's never been true. We are all vulnerable. We should not tempt fate, as some would call it. What that means is: We must not venture too far into the darkness and tempt the endless void, thrilling though that process might be.

Why did Sherry (and you) subject yourselves to such a brutal regime? Why did it last so long? I don't presume to know but I can point to some things. Freud thought self-negation and self-punishment reduced our unconscious guilt which he thought stemmed from childhood. Others have thought the cure for self-negation was to learn to love ourselves. When we accept our uniqueness and our capacity to contribute to others, we acknowledge our sovereign self and reestablish those boundaries that self-negation had sought to destroy.

I'll end it here. I hope you find this helpful. It's been helpful to me in that I did some reading and put some thoughts into words. That process always helps understanding. And isn't understanding the thing we seek?

I hope you don't take my observations as critical of you and Sherry. I don't intend to be personally critical but I can see how you might see it that way. My criticism of Geoff is harsh but I think justified. Perhaps your story is best understood as a cautionary tale. Your marriage survived and you prospered, and that's something.

I look forward to reading more. My continued best wishes to you and Sherry.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Wed Apr 19, 2023 10:08 am

Well, your PMer has put more articulately what I was trying to say/thought.
Of course, we’re all going by your amazing and intense writing, including the physician but I don’t think any of us like Geoff!
I would say most Doms are not sociopathic sadists but there will be some and quite likely Geoff is one.
We, your readers, certainly feel that Geoff is happy to drive a wedge between you two.
I’m not sure I believe the Freudian psychology and probably the physician doesn’t either! But it is a useful description and undoubtedly, intelligent people who are normally need to be in calm control (like physicians!) crave a holiday from that and seek a Dom/me.
I don’t want to condemn Geoff completely at this stage though. The story is not finished, Sherrie herself is craving this, John has been happy to facilitate it. Geoff just happens to be the accidental Dom who can push the buttons. He’s not responsible for her brain wiring but keen to take advantage.

The crux is what happens next - does Geoff act very badly or is it all Sherries emotional struggles to give up the intoxicating addiction that leads to the dark times?

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Build2last » Wed Apr 19, 2023 3:20 pm

I think he hit the nail on the head with his pm. I've been trying to find the words to convey something very close to this. Sadly I'm not that eloquent. I have myself noticed similar things from extremely intelligent people, though nothing on this scale. For example, I have known quite a few people that are close to rocket science smart, but show very little common sense about things at the weirdest times. It's always fascinating when I see it happen and I've had several conversations with some of them when it does.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by PaNic » Wed Apr 19, 2023 3:39 pm

Both trickydicky and the physician make some great points, what is the boundary between adventure and lunacy? Maybe we can only determine that with hindsight...

In my view so far, all three characters still seem to be exploring roles with each other’s reasoned consent. ie this is still “play” and I’m not condemning any of them. But they do seem to be rapidly approaching the boundary...

Wouldn’t it be fascinating if Sherrie and Geoff also both wrote the story from their points of view?

Wishing you all well as you take us forward into resolution
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Thu Apr 20, 2023 5:00 am

Hindsight is a wonderful thing…
Yes, I think technically, PaNic is right, it’s still just on the limit of play. Consenting.
I think we can be reasonably sure of how J and S have seen it, as play and her search within herself to understand her own wiring.
We’re just unsure of Geoff.
He is a pantomime Dom who John did check out at the start ie not a known criminal. But there’s always a first time…
Is he darker than we know so far?
Or is John slightly misleading us? Not deliberately necessarily but he’s telling it from his perspective. As been mentioned, things unmentioned by Sherrie may have occurred. A genuine tenderness, a more normal relationship sometimes. It’s been hinted at.
A good Dom makes sure of giving good after care to the sub but we haven’t heard about that. Might still have happened and we haven’t heard about it.
Finally, back in my Dom days, I’d describe myself as a hobbyist Dom.
This particular story would have been too much for me, even as the Dom! So full kudos to John and Sherrie surviving it.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:28 am

I promised at the outset of the thread to respond to every comment. I have continued to do so as time permits, but I think I will restrict myself here to answering specific questions that have arisen, and acknowledging comments that really resonate with our experience, rather than getting sidetracked by the wider speculation, interesting though it all undoubtedly is. Where a comment is totally speculation about what happens going forward, as some of the later ones are, it’s probably easier if I don’t add to it, but let me stress that I don’t want to discourage anyone because the discussion has been really intriguing. Thanks again to all.
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:29 am

Trickydicky69 wrote:
Thu Apr 13, 2023 8:54 am
So it was the choice of leaving you for him?
As you said, a silly little thing really but I can’t help feeling, it was inevitable. Something obviously was going to happen and realistically, how long would an arrangement like this last anyway? In that, would the 3 of you be collecting your pensions and it’s still ongoing…?
However, is it really just Geoff testing her and calling her bluff?
And if she was serious about John being her whole love, why fly off the handle like that? Surely it’s indicative of seismic movements that John blithely fails to see, since he does trust Sherrie plus they get off on the sexual energy.
Getting closer to the resolution but clearly John has learnt lessons from Geoff and we’re not getting off that easily!!
I’m fairly sure that some people here are still active and drawing their pensions, so why not? Maybe this was a little too intense to last for 30 years, but I bet there are some out there who have been at BDSM longer and harsher than this ever was for us. ;)
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:30 am

Tracey52 wrote:
Thu Apr 13, 2023 1:39 pm
Took the word right out of my mouth!
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:37 am

edgedndenied wrote:
Thu Apr 13, 2023 2:31 pm
Does not seem like one sentence can destroy all the love she had for you. This has been brewing for a long time. Her darker side may have wanted to go much deeper into submission with Geoff and was looking for a reason and a way to blame you for pushing her to Geoff
At this point I will just say that my greeting was not what she was entitled to expect given the circumstances. She was in shock, and shock can do strange things.
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:40 am

Johng1953 wrote:
Thu Apr 13, 2023 2:36 pm
You did hint before that it was something you said and not something seismic that caused the cataclysm. Was it this utterly trivial thing that did it??
If it was, I seriously question the undying love you were supposed to feel for each other back then!
And with 2 years (I think?) still to go of the Geoff 'phase' I fear what her choice then was.

Our undying love was absolutely real. Her 100% pure perception of our mutual devotion was the catalyst for her devastation when I greeted her in that way. She came on the phone elated and hung up a couple of minutes later devastated. I don’t believe it was utterly trivial, and neither did she. Remember, she had been on a massive journey carrying the hopes of both of us, and she’d done really well. Yes, it was simply thoughtless of me. It wasn’t seismic in a general sense, perhaps, but I’d no right to treat her that way. It was a terrible, and totally uncharacteristic thing to do, and I knew it immediately.
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:41 am

Tracey52 wrote:
Thu Apr 13, 2023 3:56 pm
Don’t blame yourself for the comment. While it was thoughtless, it was the trigger for the release Sherie needed. It was likely that she new this choice was confronting her and while I’m sure she would always choose you, having to give up Geoff was hard. She’d already told you that. I think she resented you (emotionally) and irrationally because she had too give him up and your poorly timed quib was a catalyst for the release of her anger and frustration. It was like I’m giving him up for you and you treat me like this. I’m sure she is going to rub your nose in it but it will turn out ok.
I’m not sure such things passed through her mind, but I suppose it’s possible. I never told her she had to give him up, and she hadn’t indicated that she thought she should.
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:42 am

Build2last wrote:
Thu Apr 13, 2023 7:59 pm
I tend to agree with everyone else here. Your offhand remark is just the first excuse she needs to justify really considering leaving you for her master.

It could probably make you replay all those nasty evil looks that you decided were playful when she shut you off. It even takes away all the edging and other things you think were so intimate and satisfying.

The thing is, that it was obviously always going to lead to this point. You have explained things from your perspective when I have commented in the past. But there is no room for anyone besides the master to a true and complete submissive. Geoff has taken her as deep as he can without a complete and total commitment to him only.

Honestly I'm surprised that your relationship survived this. As you've said before, it's like a drug, and addiction is one of the great destroyers. After all, he is her drug and real people that are truthful with themselves realize that love doesn't conquer much of anything.

Looking forward to seeing how things work out John. As always I love your writing style. You do it so well. Thank you for sharing this with us.
I do appreciate this insightful assessment, and although I don’t recognise us in it, it certainly makes me think! I never reassessed our earlier play into something more sinister. I know that it was play when it happened.
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:44 am

Kingmidas wrote:
Fri Apr 14, 2023 1:07 am
“………..and being so completely invested in our love to the extent that you are my entire life makes it unbearably painful to find that you could do that to me.”

But this is patently untrue. I think that she is self delusional. Her behaviour towards you and her conversations regarding how Geoff makes her feel in no way support her assertion that you are her entire life. She is either consciously hurting you or her judgment is impaired.
To me, it told me that I was I indeed her entire life and her “outside interests” were merely escapist fun. Being someone else for a while, if you will. I didn’t think her judgment was impaired at the time. She’s smart, but I accept that we don’t and never did know everything.
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:47 am

KarrieKraves wrote:
Fri Apr 14, 2023 1:52 am
S: He’s told me I have to make my mind up what I want.
J: How do you mean?
She pauses for a long moment, then she turns back to me and delivers the answer flatly, with dead eyes that are still red and full of tears:

S: Between you and him.

Well…..if that doesn’t get every ones attention then nothing will.
Again I need to reiterate the praise most others are offering here in terms of the writing style and presentation of details. This entire story has been of course nothing less than first rate from any angle so again thank you John for sharing this with me/us.
Reading this segment however I am a bit “miffed” with Sherrie to say the least, and although we don’t know for sure what happens next I think I have a pretty good idea. I imagine both Sherrie and Geoff have been conspiring to go yet deeper down the rabbit hole perhaps wanting some period of complete exclusiveness with each other. Geoff apparently pressing Sherrie to make this happen and Sherrie unsure of how to bring the issue up with you (and perhaps being majorly unsure about it herself) jumped on your “mistake” using it as a springboard for her own (and of course Geoff’s) up to this point secret agenda.
And reading about "the mistake" made me lolol. I thought I was the only person on earth that could say something so stupid and then have it blow up all to hell on me.
But I really don’t agree with her bringing an issue from “Play Life” and imposing it on Real Life. These are two completely separate entities requiring two separate conversations at two separate times. So bad on her (if indeed this does pan out as I suspect).
Having said that however I do believe the red flags were there as big and bright as they possibly could have been and you for whatever reason refused to see them.
John could you possibly provide the year and approx. month for the following scenes:
--the time you described Sherrie lifting her dress to show you how Geoff had marked her.
--the morning you were leaving to travel for work and Sherrie asked you if you indeed wanted her to stop with Geoff because she felt the two of you were getting too close to the fire.
--this time when she tells you Geoff demanded that she make her choice between him and you.
Thanks again for the tremendous read.
You’re definitely reaching here, KK, although I always love your “alternative universe” takes on our story, as I’m sure other readers do. I suppose where I suspended the narrative invites speculation, and the next section will continue our same conversation. I wanted to support Sherrie, as always, but for once she wasn’t being receptive. I understood why, but it was tough to find any way through. I’m not sure I understand your point about her bringing something from “play life” and imposing it on “real life”. Just so happened she was severely pissed with me when he came out with this bombshell. It certainly didn’t help an already fraught situation.

Further to timelines I already listed, I would say:

Lifting her dress to display her naked body before leaving for the weekend racing with Geoff, approx Sept 2003.

Too close to the fire conversation, I’m sure was an evening, and very light nights because as we were talking the birds were roosting in the trees outside. Odd the details you remember out of the blue, I would say May-June 2004.

Her trip to LA and the aftermath was October 2004, so that’s where we are now.
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:48 am

mundyman wrote:
Fri Apr 14, 2023 3:13 am
I agree that it appears that this has been building for a long while. Her attachment to her master, her need to be dominated, attaching love to the pain he gave her, the physical pain and mental challenges she did not get in your relationship by design.
Like an addict addicted to a drug, she came to need the abuse Geoff gave her, and who knows what else was said while he was doing it. I do know from experience that the mental bond developed between a coach, a superior, and the person they train as they get that person to achieve goals and reach places physically and mentally they never thought they’d get to, is so powerful. The shared experience of achievement and support entwines the people’s together and brings them incredibly close together until the trainee, or submissive in this case, comes to love and see the trainer, or Master in this case, as their true partner.
The fact that she so quickly ran to Geoff after your alleged transgression, and I’m sorry a thing like this is said between couples all the time, indicates a stronger live connection then was admitted to.
Again, a very insightful piece on what I am sure is the dynamic in many BDSM relationships. It’s just that I don’t recognise our situation there. I do acknowledge that you can’t actually get into another person’s mind, but I think we were as close to it as it’s possible to be. Until that awful Wednesday evening, anyway.
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:49 am

afagehi7 wrote:
Fri Apr 14, 2023 4:14 am
She was looking for a reason. The comment wasn't bad at all, she was looking for a reason and was going to find it.

I can't believe you're still together
No. I never thought that at all, but of course you only know what I’ve written to date and nothing beyond, so…. We’ll see.
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:55 am

KarrieKraves wrote:
Fri Apr 14, 2023 5:19 am
Rereading this segment for the second time now I’m simply astounded that Sherrie even considered that there was two Viable options or paths to go down (hence her choice between you and Geoff) staring her in the face. Considering the time and effort you describe spending developing and nurturing your relationship, the support you describe giving her so that she might achieve the best possible version of herself, the freedoms you both had agreed to and of course not forgetting that the two of you had invested as you have in your business which as its now sounding is just beginning to really take flight. How does one even attempt to contemplate giving up those kind of steaks for an aging Fitness Trainer???
Others have mentioned the addiction of the BDSM dynamic which I have found so unique to this story. You have quoted its escalating hold on Sherrie as follows:

“But it isn’t just punishment for wrongdoing now. She is also routinely punished simply as part of his discipline regime to keep her on her toes and respectful to her Master. I’ve noticed recently that I can tell when she’s gone for more than a week without a caning because she begins to get a bit jumpy. It’s nuts, but I know she wants to feel the fiery lick of it in her flesh. She’s craving pain and humiliation inflicted by her master. She even told me she yearns for it out of the blue on one of our cosy evenings after we’d sunk a few glasses of wine.
S: God, I want his cane tonight.”

Would you mind explaining this dynamic in more detail if you could especially your statement “I can tell when she’s gone for more than a week without a caning because she begins to get a bit jumpy.”

You describe the discipline sessions becoming more routine now, is she sharing the full extent of what her and Geoff are doing? Are you allowed to see her marks and other results of Geoff’s discipline now or is this still private between the two of them. Does she continue to follow his direction in terms of dressing “more feminine” and wearing the butt plug and the belly chain he gave her??
Also I meant to ask last time, when she cut her hair as she described at Geoff’s direction (and somewhat against your wishes) was it really his doing or was she just teasing you with that. Does she continue to wear it short(er) even though she knows it bothers you??
Lastly how does all of this stuff that is “Geoff specific" make you feel??
Sorry for the many questions. Don’t mean to hijack. If I’m overstepping just let me know
I think you’re reaching again, KK, in assuming what Sherrie is considering, but I’d better not go any further down that track otherwise I will be writing the next chapter here and now.

By now she had accepted, albeit in astonishment, that she is a masochist, and yes, as I’ve described, she came to crave it, needed it, was hungry for it. When I say she was jumpy for the cane, it’s probably easier to describe her when she’d just had it. She would come in from a sex and discipline session with him walking two feet off the ground, totally hyper, and she would slowly relax into a zen-like calm, and stay like that for the next couple of days, like all was beyond well in her world. At the height of the relationship, she’d then be due back for more, most probably. If she hadn’t been with him, and not felt his cane, she could be a little irritable and just not on quite such good terms with herself. She wasn’t a bitch or anything, but being so close to her, the difference was detectable to me. Sometimes I’d tell her she had withdrawal symptoms and it seemed like she was due for “the treatment”. She’d just smile and say, yeah, I know. She knew I could read her and she couldn’t deny it.

She always promised she would tell me everything, holding nothing back, and I trust her, so I never doubted it was true. At the same time I hadn’t seen her intimately naked since she denied me full intercourse, except for the occasion you have mentioned when she lifted her dress to show me “what she was giving him”, and the crazy night when I caught her coming home in her wet nappy. Generally, I only see marks that are on her thighs because she doesn’t remove her underwear in my presence. She wears butt plugs at his direction but not all the time. She chooses to tell me sometimes when she has one in to push my buttons, but not always, again to push my buttons as I can only wonder. She wears the belly chain 24/7 (along with my twin hearts around her neck), and she upholds his rules on demure dress most of the time. She wears skirts and dresses over quite matronly for a young woman, but still pretty, knickers (none of her previous thongs or daring lingerie now unless he specifies for his pleasure). Her underwear must cover her breasts, pelvic area and bottom completely, and she has never worn trousers again (except if we’re long distance hiking), since the day he insisted she act more “traditionally feminine”. She must not show cleavage in public which she frequently did before. She also still uses sanitary towels instead of tampons. She professes to hate them, but of course, she loves the implied submission to her master’s will involved.

The hair thing was her decision, but Geoff approved. She made more of it as a tease thing for me. By “Geoff specific stuff”, if you mean the regime he imposes on her, I think it’s hot as hell that someone as assertive as Sherrie is in all other aspects of her life goes for it completely and accepts it so submissively. All part of the vibe.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
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john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:56 am

Maddie_Hippychick wrote:
Fri Apr 14, 2023 10:05 am
I’m so drawn into this story through John’s writing. It’s so well crafted. As I contemplate each chapter, I have to remind myself that this story is real, that it happened years ago, and it’s one man’s recollection and perspective. There is likely much more that happened between Sherrie and Geoff that John never heard about. Little things. Nuances. Or even entire conversations that Sherrie either forgot or chose to omit. When a woman reacts with such strong emotions to an offhand comment, it’s never really about the comment. As others have mentioned, she built up to that. The comment was just a trigger. So ultimately, I think we all want to know, what was going through her mind leading up to that exchange, and why then. Of course we’ll never really know for sure, only what Sherrie shared with John and his retelling of it. But I suspect Geoff had been pressuring Sherrie to make this choice for awhile. I suspect that while Geoff was always clearly the Master, maybe he showed more kindness or tenderness than Sherrie would admit. John, did Sherrie ever really consider leaving you, or did she tell Geoff to f@ck off right then when he gave her the ultimatum?
Again, this is reaching, but I’m so grateful that folk are sufficiently invested in our story that they feel compelled to speculate in this way. I have to accept the possibility that there could be more that happened between them. Obviously I didn’t get verbatim reports of every word they spoke in the throes of passion or domination, but I trusted Sherrie to give me the fullest version she reasonably could.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
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john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:57 am

vicg wrote:
Fri Apr 14, 2023 12:48 pm
Wow. I may be wrong (we'll see!) but here's my perspective. From everything Geoff has done to this point, I don't think he has any particular desire for Sherrie to really be his wife or girlfriend; that's just not who he is or the kind of relationship he has with her. He is a man who likes his freedom. So why did he give her this ultimatum, then? Just because he saw that crack in the marriage as an opportunity to mess with her even more and see if he could push her that far. He just wanted to see if he could get her to leave her husband to continue to be his 3-days-a-week sub. He hadn't made the ultimatum before just because he didn't think she would choose him, but he saw his chance and pounced. What a bastard.

I've been entranced by this story all along, but even as dark as this turn was, I'm all in until the end. I'm so glad I know that it ultimately ended well, but what a ride.
A different scenario again. I’m blown away by these. Truly.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:58 am

mundyman wrote:
Fri Apr 14, 2023 1:56 pm
Well, we know how they come out on the other side as they are still together and very much in love. The question then is does she leave to live with him?
My guess is yes. She leaves and lives with him for a short time b/c she is a mental captive of Geoff’s. Addicted to the pleasure and pain, the endorphins rush off the casings and physical tests he gives her. Her desire to make him happy and not displease him thereby causing him to withhold his physical and mental torment.
As slowly as one gets twisted into this type of dependent relationship, one must unwind themselves from the relationship, even if it is broken off cold turkey.
I can’t wait to read the next chapter.
I can certainly confirm the strength of her desire to please him in the gym, in the pool, on the track, in his bed or tied up with rope in bondage. It was a phenomenon to behold, but it never seemed to get in the way of our love. At least not until this stage in the game. It was like she was doing daredevil stunts and she needed me there supporting her.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:00 am

JeffBingham wrote:
Fri Apr 14, 2023 5:24 pm
I think Mundy might be onto something here. We’re going to find out soon enough, but I suspect Sherrie leaves John for a time. John has told us that the Geoff period lasted a total of 6 years and we are only 4+ years in at this point. So what happened in the 18 months from this ultimatum until the end of the 6 year relationship?

Can’t wait to find out!

Ouch!! Obviously I should not spoil coming sections by enlarging on this.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

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