A little introduction

For hotwives and the men who adore them.
Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Tue Nov 01, 2016 5:37 pm

Thanks, D_Lited_HubWife

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by D_Lited_HubWife » Wed Nov 02, 2016 4:23 am

Her number1 wrote:Today my wife went to get her hair done and told me she would be back in a bit. A little later I looked at the clock on the shop wall and thought, its taking a little longer than i thought. She made it back in time to pick up the grandkid from kindergarden so I did not ask about it but, commented on how nice her hair looked.
A little before supper time she said, "I had a good day, grab your money you're taking me out for Italian".
So we headed out and got to one of her favorite places to have a nice meal. She ordered for us and told the waitress that we would split the spinach ravioli as it is so big of a serving. She split my portion onto the extra plate and asked "Is that enough?". I told her if not I could get some more of hers. She said "You may ask if you want more".
After a great meal and conversation, as we walked up to the cashier, she said "I could have had the guy that fucked me earlier pay for this". I paused,and said, "Instead you're having me pay for it. Somethings not right here!" ;)
She said, "That's right, somethings not right LOL LOL, I like it"
Your wife is truly hot. ♨

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by D_Lited_HubWife » Wed Nov 02, 2016 4:24 am

Her number1 wrote:Thanks, D_Lited_HubWife
:up: :up: :up:


Re: A little introduction

Unread post by JeffBingham » Wed Nov 02, 2016 6:26 am

Her number1 wrote:That night just before bed, while I sat in the floor at her feet rubbing them as I do every night, she said "How did it feel seeing R today, knowing I want to fuck him ?" I replied that it was really intense, really intense! She said "I thought you would like that", then she bent down and kissed me.
This says it all. She is truly a master at pushing your buttons and you live to have them pushed, don't you?

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:40 am

You are right, she is a master at this. She knows exactly what we each want and need and she knows how to accomplish it.
I have told her many times that it still amazes me how she makes me to want her to enjoy other men. Part of this for us is the orgasm denial for me. She brings me to the brink and keeps me there for 20 to 30 minutes at a time increasing the levels of chemicals/hormones in me. She knows this vastly increases my desire for her to enjoy her hobby. I know she does this to maintain the desire effect but, it creates such a desire in me for her not to stop.
I'm not complaining at all. It is just something we laugh about. With us, her control is the key, the power exchange.
Without this we would both still enjoy her playing but, with this my desire for her to play is so high that I have no angst, no reservations, nothing but feeling loved. It would not be for some but, it works for us.
Knowing all this and the length of time she has been at it, I still never fail to feel amazed !

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by D_Lited_HubWife » Thu Nov 03, 2016 1:24 pm

Her number1 wrote:You are right, she is a master at this. She knows exactly what we each want and need and she knows how to accomplish it.
I have told her many times that it still amazes me how she makes me to want her to enjoy other men. Part of this for us is the orgasm denial for me. She brings me to the brink and keeps me there for 20 to 30 minutes at a time increasing the levels of chemicals/hormones in me. She knows this vastly increases my desire for her to enjoy her hobby. I know she does this to maintain the desire effect but, it creates such a desire in me for her not to stop.
I'm not complaining at all. It is just something we laugh about. With us, her control is the key, the power exchange.
Without this we would both still enjoy her playing but, with this my desire for her to play is so high that I have no angst, no reservations, nothing but feeling loved. It would not be for some but, it works for us.
Knowing all this and the length of time she has been at it, I still never fail to feel amazed !
You two seen to have such an amazing relationship and dynamic is so admirable. I don't know if I could go without orgasm for that long. But I certainly get turned by the thought of her expressing her dominant side.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 7:48 pm

Remember, it took us a while to get to where we are now. We had plenty of rough spots and potholes along the way. Would we do it all again? Yes! Both of us would as it is wonderful now. We both know we were just too immature and did not like each other enough when we started.
On the orgasm denial, it is I'm sure, not for everyone. I love her dominance, she loves being in control. This is just a show of her control and my submission to her. It is what she wants and I do my best to give obedience. Are there limits to my obedience?, of course. Just like we all have certain limits. She knows mine and uses them to her advantage, instead of them being a stunbling block.
You might be surprized to find where you're headed if and once your wife decides to let her dominance come through. It is like hotwifing in that if she goes there, you can't put the genie back in the bottle. Nor would I want to. ;) Foe me, it is the best part of this journey. Her being a hotwife is an extension of her dominance.

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by D_Lited_HubWife » Thu Nov 03, 2016 7:53 pm

Her number1 wrote:Remember, it took us a while to get to where we are now. We had plenty of rough spots and potholes along the way. Would we do it all again? Yes! Both of us would as it is wonderful now. We both know we were just too immature and did not like each other enough when we started.
On the orgasm denial, it is I'm sure, not for everyone. I love her dominance, she loves being in control. This is just a show of her control and my submission to her. It is what she wants and I do my best to give obedience. Are there limits to my obedience?, of course. Just like we all have certain limits. She knows mine and uses them to her advantage, instead of them being a stunbling block.
You might be surprized to find where you're headed if and once your wife decides to let her dominance come through. It is like hotwifing in that if she goes there, you can't put the genie back in the bottle. Nor would I want to. ;) Foe me, it is the best part of this journey. Her being a hotwife is an extension of her dominance.
This is something I really feel I identify with and our relationship identifies with. She is naturally an in charge person, but for some reason she turns it off when it comes to sex. Still trying to figure this out. But I admire you both. I believe that this is most likely going to be the Avenue we will have to take. I believe she will be more apt to go through with something like this when she feels sage enough to express her dominant side in this way.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Mon Nov 07, 2016 6:01 pm

A little more history:
Until I began to research FLR/WLM the two of us had not heard the terms. I just stumbled onto it trying to find more real life ways for a husband to submit to his wife.
The idea of her in charge, mainly sexually, was appealing. Though even in real life I liked for her to make the decisions, just that I wanted her to make them as i would or wanted. Classic, topping from the bottom, wanting her in charge my way.
I knew I had to be the one to change if this was to work. I got good advice from some great people on making it truly about her and placing her first. If I would do this, she would grow into more than I dreamed. It took a lot of work on my part to change me but, change I did. I learned to try to make everything about her first. This is pretty hard for someone who liked getting what he wanted first. As in all things, you can accomplish what you want if you want it bad enough.
At first she was very skeptical, wondering what I was up to. But, as I kept on doing my part, she did respond. She began to accept and then to expect my submission. She began to voice that she wanted an obedient husband and then to expect it.
As we became comfortable in our new roles or lives, I should say, we made it public as well as private. Pretty much everyone who knows us or is around us for any time will see that she is in charge. She is not a dictator but, is quietly, confidently, and noticeably in charge.
About this time, she said "If something happens to you I'll be a cougar". I said , really? She said "Yes, I like the idea of showing younger guys how to treat a woman the right way". I told her that she had no reason to wait and should resume her playing if that is what she wanted. She smiled, said "It is" and took me by the hand.
We have had the most amazing life since. This has made our marriage better than either one of us could have hoped for. We still talk occasionally about how overwhelmingly great this has been for us. She, just the other day remarked "I wish we had been mature enough to have put this in place earlier". I can definitely say, I agree.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 1:33 pm

A little something I had intended to post about before but had let slip:
Back in July when I was looking for her new hunting license, a diamond tennis anklet, I had to special order it.
I ordered it from the jeweler and the day it came in he called to check if I got it and was satisfied. Our phone conversation as best as I can remember:

Him: Did you receive the anklet?
Me: Yes, and am really pleased.
Him: Thank you. If you don't mind, I would like to ask a few question for our marketing.
Me: Sure.
Him: So, I take it that your lady friend will be pleased?
Me: Actually it is for my wife.
Him: Please, not to pry, but most of our customers buy them for (after a pause) Ahhhhh, so your wife is..........?
Me: Yes, she is and I'm sure she will enjoy it very much.
Him: In that case, I'm sure you both will.
Me: I'm sure we will.
Him: Thank you, that does help with marketing. If we can help in the future , let us know.
Me: Of course, thanks.

A funny little conversation that we both understood. But he was vague enough that he could have led it in another direction if need be.

Posts: 522
Joined: Mon Oct 31, 2016 11:35 am

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by D_Lited_HubWife » Fri Nov 18, 2016 8:19 pm

Haha. Nice.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:33 am

My wife and I often go to the local equipment/tractor dealer together but, sometimes we need to go separately.
We went the other day and as soon as we began speaking to the parts guy all of the young mechanics came out and began to vie for her attention. She looked like a Queen holding court with them hoping for a favor. Now, this happens most every time.
They wanted to show her a skidsteer loader and said it was the biggest they had. She loves to flirt and replied "now isn't bigger always better" . I thought they were actually going to drool. :lol:
She went out back with them to see it with a ;)

Yesterday I had to go there alone. When I started talking with the parts guy and gal, here comes all the mechanics again. This time they said "Hi" along with normal greetings but did not stay to visit. I told my wife about it and she said "I can't imagine that ;) "

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by D_Lited_HubWife » Wed Nov 23, 2016 11:38 am

She has that effect on men huh? :lol:

Those guys have no idea.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:45 pm

We were back at the tractor dealership today to pick up a piece of equipment we had them repair.
I went in the shop with the service manager to look at the repaired equipment.
My wife stayed up front, I had thought she might come back to the shop and flirt with the mechanics.
As I headed through the door to the front, I heard my wife say "you know I like to ride big powerful things". She was in the store manager's office along with another long time admirer of hers. The one guy has lusted after her for years but, is too shy to act. She loves pushing his buttons and turning up the heat.
When we left, she said "I almost had him ready to buy me a new tractor for a chance to take a ride!".

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by D_Lited_HubWife » Tue Nov 29, 2016 3:53 am

I so enjoy hearing about the flirting and playing. This is exciting to think about my wife doing things like this.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 2:11 pm

An aquaintence told me yesterday about an appreciation dinner coming up in a week and we were invited. I told my wife a about it, of course.
Today he called and asked if I told her. Yes I said. We would probably be there.
Then he said "if you can't get away, I'd like to take her as my date."
I said she'd probably like that.

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by D_Lited_HubWife » Tue Nov 29, 2016 3:55 pm

Love it!

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Thu Dec 08, 2016 4:58 pm

Last night my wife got home a little later than usual, a little before 8:00. I was just out of the shower when she came up behind me and said "I want you to service me tonight".
That always means she wants her prize groomed and fucked. She is a petite red head and has been lasered below so she has no colored hair there. But since the laser only does away with colored hair I shave the very few blond ones that are left and apply moisturizer 2-3 times a week.
As I was between her legs grooming her prize, I noticed she had a little more....pink.. showing than normal. She was very slightly more open and glistened a little more.
I looked up at her and she said "I love letting other men in there".
She moved her feet to my erection and began rubbing up and down the shaft. She said "My, someone else wants in there, that thing is hard. Do you want your turn ?"
Yes Ma'am, I replied. Was he good?
"Yes, very", she said. "But I need to cum like only you can make me."
I got between her legs and entered her sweet prize.
How did you take him? "My favorite way, you should know that." (her favorite is from behind) "Just think about how he slid his cock into my married little pussy. Me fucking back against him. I could feel his balls slap against me. Oh, how I love a strange cock pounding me, filling me,"
I told her how much I love that she enjoys it. She replied "I do".
As I got close, I said that I needed to cum. "No baby, you know that you're not allowed to do that."
Then she went over the edge, gasping, convulsing, then silent like she had slightly passed out. When she finally opened her eyes she said " That was soooo good! That was some good dick! He was good, at times even great. But, no one pushes me over the edge like you do. I love my life. I love that I can make you want me to do this."

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Fri Dec 09, 2016 6:23 pm

This morning I got a text from my wife asking when my duck trip was set. My son and I go on a two day duck trip every year after Christmas. This year it was scheduled for Dec. 27-28 so, I gave her those dates.
She texted back telling me it would be better for the 28-29. I texted the guide we use to see if we could change dates. He said it was no problem so, I texted her back and she texted "That is wonderful".
Of course, my mind is now on the trip so, I'm thinking why did it matter by one day but, at least she's happy. :D
Later while we are shopping at Walmart, she tells me "After this week I won't have the grandkids for the next two weeks, their mother will be off through the holidays. I'll get some free time and a break. And then you are leaving for two days, not that I need a break from you but, I'll have two WHOLE days to play." I said Oh, so you have plans. "Changing the date of your trip made it all come together."

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Mon Dec 26, 2016 4:19 pm

The thread, "Ratted out" Triggering a memory, by jw_kk made me think of something that happened the other day. Sometimes I need my memory triggered anymore. :D
Last Wednesday my wife told me "Too bad I couldn't fuck someone for your birthday, R couldn't make it". I said that would've made a good present. She just smiled.
Thursday morning she told me "I think I'll do you tonight". That day i had a project on the ranch that needed completion. I was doing a little or actually much more labor than usual and was give out and sore by night. So, I wasn't worth a flip.
Friday when I came home at lunch I noticed that she was dressed real nice in a pair of black leggings, boots, and a nice top. She said she had some last minute errands to run after lunch. After eating and admiring the view I went back to finish up.
Of course, Saturday and Sunday were quite busy with family.
This morning while doing the laundry I noticed something different. I always turn her jeans and pants inside out before putting in the washer. When I turned the leggings inside out that she had worn Friday there was some white staining on the crotch and a white smear about the size of my hand from the crotch down what was the inside of her left thigh. You could say that really got my attention. :o
At noon, she asked if I had washed her fleece leggings. I told her yes, but did not say anything about the stains. She said "Good, I'll need them while you're gone". (My son and I are leaving for a three day duck trip tomorrow) Later she said "I want you to service me tonight".
I don't know if she will tell me what happened tonight or in texts or calls while I'm gone. :D

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by 54321 » Sun Jan 01, 2017 2:38 am

The last one was 27 months ago and she claims that was the last one. Of course, I figure she may allow one at some time. I just never know and it doesn't really matter. We both enjoy her control and I have long since learned to extremely enjoy her orgasms. It may sound odd but, I find I enjoy hers more often and with more intensity than my own.
Do google:

Devotional Sex
Devotional Sex tumblr

I think you'll find a lot of things that you will like

Best wishes,


OHW Addict
Posts: 3284
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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by 54321 » Sun Jan 01, 2017 2:59 am

A little something I had intended to post about before but had let slip:
Back in July when I was looking for her new hunting license, a diamond tennis anklet, I had to special order it.
I ordered it from the jeweler and the day it came in he called to check if I got it and was satisfied. Our phone conversation as best as I can remember:

Him: Did you receive the anklet?
Me: Yes, and am really pleased.
Him: Thank you. If you don't mind, I would like to ask a few question for our marketing.
Me: Sure.
Him: So, I take it that your lady friend will be pleased?
Me: Actually it is for my wife.
Him: Please, not to pry, but most of our customers buy them for (after a pause) Ahhhhh, so your wife is..........?
Me: Yes, she is and I'm sure she will enjoy it very much.
Him: In that case, I'm sure you both will.
Me: I'm sure we will.
Him: Thank you, that does help with marketing. If we can help in the future , let us know.
Me: Of course, thanks.

A funny little conversation that we both understood. But he was vague enough that he could have led it in another direction if need be.
Did it have any hotwife charms or other indicators or is it simply 'I'm over here, boys!'.

OHW Addict
Posts: 3284
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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by 54321 » Sun Jan 01, 2017 3:07 am

Please don't be discouraged. In this forum, excellent though it is, lots of people look but few comment. I am enjoying your thread immensely.
Your wonderful wife is SO exciting. Please continue to post.

Every good wish,


Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Sun Jan 01, 2017 2:14 pm

54321 wrote:
A little something I had intended to post about before but had let slip:
Back in July when I was looking for her new hunting license, a diamond tennis anklet, I had to special order it.
I ordered it from the jeweler and the day it came in he called to check if I got it and was satisfied. Our phone conversation as best as I can remember:

Him: Did you receive the anklet?
Me: Yes, and am really pleased.
Him: Thank you. If you don't mind, I would like to ask a few question for our marketing.
Me: Sure.
Him: So, I take it that your lady friend will be pleased?
Me: Actually it is for my wife.
Him: Please, not to pry, but most of our customers buy them for (after a pause) Ahhhhh, so your wife is..........?
Me: Yes, she is and I'm sure she will enjoy it very much.
Him: In that case, I'm sure you both will.
Me: I'm sure we will.
Him: Thank you, that does help with marketing. If we can help in the future , let us know.
Me: Of course, thanks.

A funny little conversation that we both understood. But he was vague enough that he could have led it in another direction if need be.
Did it have any hotwife charms or other indicators or is it simply 'I'm over here, boys!'.
The anklet is diamond tennis ankle bracelet. Just a longer version of tennis bracelet. It has 70 diamonds end to end the full length, best I remember 4.5 carats in 14k white gold.
When I asked for ideas for her birthday, she wanted an anklet that would be noticed. I thought of ones with various charms, hotwife, HW, etc. on gold chains. The idea of that appealed to me.(of course)
When I brought the ideas to her she said " Charms sound cute and sexy but, would be too hard to read and only garner the same attention as the gold chain". I tried to press my case thinking the HW charm would be hot.
A few days later while we were in line at a pub, a woman came up wearing an anklet with a couple of charms. My wife pointed her out to me and asked "What do you think the charms say?". Try as I may, I could not tell. Even with what would be considered light staring I could just barely make out that it was words and not just designs. My wife said "See, it is just a charm on a gold chain because you can't really read it. I want something that will be noticed, something that catches the eye.
Finally with my mind getting with the program, I though of a tennis bracelet. I presented that idea to her and she loved it, a tennis bracelet would for sure be eye catching.The trouble was in finding a place that made one in a length for an anklet.
Searching online various jewelers, I found most do not make things or modify items. Back to searching. I did find one that was a jewelry manufacturer. The tide had turned my way. :D
When I showed a pic of it to her she said " I love it. It's bold, it's flashy, it sparkles. I guarantee it will be noticed".
A long way around to answering your question. ;)
It's definitely an 'I'm over here, boys'.

OHW Addict
Posts: 3284
Joined: Sun Sep 16, 2007 11:31 pm

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by 54321 » Mon Jan 02, 2017 2:22 am

Fabulous! What an excellent choice.


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