Figuring it out

For hotwives and the men who adore them.

Figuring it out

Unread post by Lookingforadventure » Mon Jul 19, 2021 9:40 am

Hi everyone. My husband and I are new to "the lifestyle", but I also hesitate to use that term. We are still dabbling to figure out exactly what each of us is interested in exploring and how we want to move forward with that. I think he'd consider himself a stag, but also enjoys a cuckold fantasy. I lean more towards vixen/hotwife than anything that involves humiliation for him. With that said, I do enjoy a good role play now and then ;)

Either way, we are in this together and appreciate having a forum like this to ask our questions and chat with others who have similar interests.

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Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by 2inUPMichigan » Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:18 pm

I'm glad you found us! I know that I got a lot of help here when I first joined. Just being able to read the accounts from the perspective of other women was invaluable.
I hope that you will find your answers here too and maybe make a few friends along the way 😀

If you ever decide to become a VHW you would have access to the VHW only forum where you could ask questions that you might not want to ask the guys 😉 It's also nice to have our own little community of women who get it!

Welcome! Looking forward to learning more about you

Oops 😂 - forgot to mention that you can identify all the other VHW'S (besides me) by their beautiful bright blue names 💙
Give a shout out if you have a question.


Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by Lookingforadventure » Tue Jul 20, 2021 1:49 pm

Thank you 2inUPMichigan. I'll work on getting "verified" soon. In the meantime, I'm finding the forums interesting and helpful.

I like how you link to your story in your signature. Maybe I'll work on writing ours up for the site. It is a story in progress, but the first few chapters are fun.

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Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by Mrs L 88 » Tue Jul 20, 2021 3:21 pm

I have found this site absolutely fantastic. I am still very new to this lifestyle and the information on here has helped me have my first experience with another man.

I wouldn't worry too much about labels, just go with what works for you and enjoy the journey ☺️
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Our story in pictures viewtopic.php?f=9&t=62155#p1193778


Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by Lookingforadventure » Thu Jul 22, 2021 12:17 pm

Thank you Mrs. L88. That's been our approach so far. We figure out what we feel comfortable with, dabble a bit, discuss, and then adjust and repeat :)

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Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by Farmgirl » Thu Jul 22, 2021 1:58 pm

This is a really great place with a lot of helpful women and men.


Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by Lookingforadventure » Mon Jul 26, 2021 10:26 am

I've received my assignment to become "verified" and will try to tackle that tonight. Then I can head over to the "wives" forum to ask all my burning questions. :D

In the meantime, I've been enjoying reading the stories on this site and thought I should share a bit more about ours. I've posted bits and pieces of our story on other threads, but I'll try to consolidate them here over time.

To start, here's a bit more about us. Hubby and I have been married for 20 years. He's 47 and I'm 43. If you are trying to figure out a mental image of us, I think you could describe me as “girl next door who has become a middle aged woman.” I’m pretty ordinary looking and don’t spend a lot of time, money or energy on things like clothes, hair and makeup.

A rather blunt friend of mine once explained it this way: I’m too tall to be considered “cute”. (I had a petite, blonde roommate in university who had been a cheerleader in high school. She was cute and continues to be so to this day. I’m 5’9 and just can’t pull off “cute.”) At the same time, I’m not “striking.” (My other roommate was a redhead, 5’9 like me, but more noticeable. She’d walk into a room and heads would turn). I was the brunette of the bunch -- the “approachable” one.

With that said, there is a sexiness and beauty about being confident in yourself. That’s kind of my niche, my friend explained. I would agree. Wit, charm, and intelligence are part of my appeal -- combined with long legs, a gropable ass, and fairly nice breasts (if I do say so myself).

Hubby and I have always had amazing sexual chemistry. Part of that is just because he’s a fine specimen of man!! But part of it is also because we have been open and honest about our desires.

His kinks lean a bit BDSM. On our honeymoon, for example, he took me to a fancy store and suggested I pick out some silk scarves. I questioned it because scarves aren’t really my fashion go-to (see earlier comment about “girl next door” kind of vibe). He explained that the scarves were to tie me to the four-poster bed in our hotel room, so he could ravage me in any way he wanted for as long as he wanted. “Yes sir! In that case, I like the blue….and how quickly can we get back to the room?”

My own kinks lean toward exhibitionism and outdoor play. The day after our scarf purchase, I took him on a hike. When he questioned why I was leading him off the marked trail, I pointed out that the activities I had in mind would best be done without the risk of other hikers walking by!

Our favourite pic from our honeymoon is me sitting on a rock in my hiking gear, smiling with a glimmer in my eye. We both know that in that picture my pussy is full of cum and that we had been naked and fucking on that rock just moments earlier. To everyone else it just looks like we really like nature :)

Over the years, there have been many other adventures: sneaking canes and riding crops into hotel rooms, me giving him a blow job in the car, me wearing a remote vibrator to the grocery store while he worked the controls.

Pretty much anything was on the table to at least try. Our one rule of thumb, however, was “no other people.”

That began to change when he told me that he liked the thought of me flirting with, and maybe having sex with, other men. To be honest, it took me a while to get comfortable with that idea. I’ll share more about that in another post.

For now, I’ll just say that in the past year we’ve moved from fantasizing about the idea to making it a reality. There have been some hits and some misses along the way, and we are still navigating some of the complexities (hence the burning questions I have for the verified wives), but overall we are feeling good about how things are going.

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Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by isinlarsa » Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:45 am

While you are waiting to get over the the verified wives section with your burning questions, why not indulge us husbands with more of your backstory. (It would especially be fun to hear about you wearing a remote vibrator to the grocery store -- but also how far you have progressed with other men.)


Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by Greggg » Mon Jul 26, 2021 1:56 pm

Interesting. I look forward to hearig more. How did the discussion begin? Did your husband bring it up or did you? How did fhe other respond?


Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by Lookingforadventure » Mon Jul 26, 2021 3:37 pm

Thank you Isinlarsa for your interest. The vibrator at the grocery store is a fun story. I'll try to write it up soon.

Greggg, my husband was the one who brought it up first. I can't remember when or how it first came up. I do recall one time we went away to a hotel for the weekend. Because it was his birthday celebration, he got to pick the type of sex play. As a result, I was spending the weekend being submissive.

My husband told me to wear a short dress with no panties underneath and a choker necklace. Technically, he wanted me to be braless too, but I wasn't sure about that.

Then he sent me to the hotel bar ahead of him. I had to carefully climb on to the bar stool in order not to flash the other guests. I ordered a drink.

My husband arrived just a few minutes later and we went over to a table together. He said he had watched from the doorway for a bit and he pointed out which men had been checking me out. We both found that rather arousing.

The next morning we had breakfast delivered to our room. My husband suggested I put on a very short pair of pajama shorts (my ass cheeks were almost visible) and a white t-shirt that was nearly transparent.

The knock came and I went to answer it. The waiter was a young guy, maybe 19. I said good morning and turned to show him where to put the tray. I was a bit embarrassed that some sex toys were still out on display (a paddle, some leather restraints), so I was focused on that rather than my appearance or the young waiter.

My husband gave the guy a tip and a wink. Then he closed the door and told me that I'd be masturbation material for that boy for weeks to come. The guy had locked his eyes on my hard nipples until I turned around, and had then had an obvious erection.

That weekend may have been the start of this adventure for us.


Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by Greggg » Mon Jul 26, 2021 4:47 pm

Wow. You two sound perfect for each otjer
Such a hot story and beginning. Thank you for sharing.


Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by Lookingforadventure » Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:21 pm

For Isinlarsa, the vibrator story :)

To begin, you should know that this was not our only remote vibrator. We have had another one for a while. It is sort of bowling pin shaped (but obviously much smaller!) and can vibrate, twist and wiggle upon command. The remote for that one fits in the palm of your hand.

It is a fun toy, but the remote needs to be fairly close by to work. It is great for sitting at a restaurant table together, but not so great even across the room. As a result, that toy sort of found its way to the bottom of our toy box and hasn’t been used a whole lot.

The second bit of background to this story is that we joined an adult site last fall at the start of our hotwife journey. While there, we met a very nice couple that live about an hour from us. They were looking for a woman to play with. We were searching for a man. So we weren’t necessarily great fits for each other, but they are our age and we like their vibe so we chat on and off about our adventures.

(Side note: we may meet them in person soon for a drink! I’m excited, and also excited about maybe exploring my bicurious side with the wife...but that is a totally different topic).

This other couple had purchased a remote vibrator that can be controlled by a phone app. They sent a pic of the vibrator, a pic of it inserted in her pussy, and then the link to let us control it for them. They texted us with the play by play as we worked the controls.

Eventually, we turned control back to them. Things had gotten steamy on both sides of that conversation and we each needed to take matters into our own hands :)

Later that evening, the wife of the couple texted me to say that she had squirted for the first time after being teased with the vibrator for so long, and then having her husband push it in and out of her. Needless to say, that was enough information to send my husband online to order our own!

All of which brings us to the day of the trial run. It was a Saturday and that meant that I was off to the store to do groceries. Hubby thought that was an ideal time to put the new toy to use. I inserted it and connected it to the app, but we didn’t turn it on right away. I wasn’t sure that driving while being stimulated was a great idea!

When I got to the store parking lot, I texted him that I had arrived and shared the link. He said to go into the store and get busy shopping. He’d “be in touch.”

I always start my shopping in the produce section. That is where he turned the vibrator on. It hummed a little, but not loud enough to hear over the ambient noise in the store. Being a gentleman, my husband started off at the gentle setting. I texted him with, “Mmmm….that feels really nice.”

He moved it up to medium and had it pulsing in short waves: up to medium, down to low, up to medium again.

“Suddenly these cucumbers are looking rather phallic,” I texted him.

“I think you may prefer the girth of an eggplant” he responded with a wink emoji.

The grocery shopping continued. Sometimes he’d turn it off completely and I’d be able to go about my business. Other times, he’d suddenly turn it full blast and I’d grip the handles of my shopping cart and have to catch my breath. I could feel my panties getting very damp and was glad that they were there, or I’d be leaving an obvious wet patch on my pants.

I don’t think any strangers noticed my arousal. My nipples, however, were rather prominently poking through my sweater by that point in time. Eventually, I told my husband that I was getting ready to check out and that if he wasn’t careful I’d be orgasming in front of the cashier. He graciously turned it down to low but told me to let him know when I was back in the car.

I did. He said that he was going to make me orgasm before I drove home. I drove the car to the back part of the parking lot. He asked me to send him a picture of my breasts. I looked around. No one was close by. I pulled up my shirt and pulled down my bra. I snapped a pic and sent it to him. Then he put the vibrator back on full blast.

It was pulsing inside me. I slid one hand in my pants to rub my rock hard clit. The other pulled on my nipple just a bit. I came quickly.

I disconnected the vibrator from the app and told him that I was on my way home. We quickly put the groceries away and then went to the bedroom for more fun. This vibrator has so much more potential than our previous one. It has been used several times since.

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Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by Shantideva » Tue Jul 27, 2021 1:16 pm

Hot story! Is it against the rules of the forum to share the model of the remote vibrator? Thinking of getting one for my wife...


Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by Lookingforadventure » Tue Jul 27, 2021 1:31 pm

Thank you Shantideva. I'm not sure if it is against the rules, but since I have nothing to gain by promoting the product and since I learned about it from another couple that enjoyed it, I don't see the harm in returning the favour. It is a lovense lush 2. A quick google search shows me that they now have a new model.

Enjoy ;)

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Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by 2inUPMichigan » Wed Jul 28, 2021 6:27 am

It definitely is not against the rules to share information on toys 😉😬
I was going to ask if someone else didn't 😂

Welcome Lookingforadventure!

Hope the verification process goes smoothly and you are able to join us in the VHW only forum soon!


Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by Lookingforadventure » Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:00 pm

Well may the toy recommendation bring much joy to several OHW members! Lol.

I sent my verification photo earlier today, so hopefully I'll see you women over there soon.


Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by Lookingforadventure » Thu Jul 29, 2021 12:58 pm

I’ve been trying to think about where and when the idea for hot-wifing first came up. As I mentioned earlier, we have had some sex play previously that involved showing off for the admiring gaze of other men. When I’ve had to travel for work, I have also written my husband some erotic stories to help him fill his lonely evenings. Occasionally he’d pick out a man or woman that we know and ask for a story about us having sex with them. So I guess the fantasy has been there for awhile, but it didn’t really cross into anything more until the past year.

Last fall, my husband suggested that I take a step outside of my comfort zone. He knew that I have a slight exhibitionist side and that I get turned on by exposing myself to him in public. He loves my body and thinks it is sexy. He has taken photos of me in all sorts of “compromising” situations. He suggested that we select a couple of those photos and post them to an adult site for others to see. He thought I’d find it arousing, and he would enjoy knowing other men were looking at me.

And maybe, he added, one day down the line we could meet one of them in person.

I was pretty hesitant about it. I know my husband loves my body, I was less sure that other people would. Plus, up until VERY recently, my husband was the only person I had ever had sex with. I wasn’t sure about exponentially increasing the number of people who had seen me naked!

We came to this solution: We’d create an account using aliases. We wouldn’t use real names or anything that could identify us. He’d blur out my faces in the photos and would read any comments about them first. If they were mean, he wouldn’t pass them along. If they were positive, he’d share. I was still nervous about it, but agreed to try. And it was a sexy activity to choose photos and write our profile together.

When we hit the button to make the account “live,” I waited rather nervously to see what the reaction would be. I am happy to report that the responses came quickly and were all positive!

I was surprised by how aroused it made me. There were men checking out my ass and telling me they wanted me. Others complimented my breasts and said how hard their cocks were as they thought about playing with them. It was so sexy and hot that I may have pulled my husband to our bedroom so that I could ravage him for a while!

He laughed at my eagerness, and told me to take my phone and chat with a couple of the men while he went down on me. I wasn’t sure what to type to them, but decided to just be honest that I wasn’t willing to meet with anyone in person right then, but that if they wanted to play a bit online then I was game.

It was fun to flirt. It had been a long time since I had had to exchange witty banter with a stranger, but the skills came back to me quickly. I liked describing what I wanted the men to do to me. I liked hearing them describe what they wanted in return. My husband was licking my clit and fingering me as I typed and soon, I was cumming hard around his face.

That first weekend, the online profile became a bit of an addiction. I texted a lot. LOL.

We took new photos for me to share. I chatted with different men in different ways, using the safety and anonymity of the experience to explore my sexuality. It was fun to try on different personalities and play out different fantasies. And the photos or videos I received in return of a man cumming as he thought about me were incredibly sexy.

Soon, I had narrowed things down a bit and figured out more about what I enjoyed (as opposed to just playing along with the fantasy of whatever man had reached out). I began to be more selective about who I would respond to, and eventually I had a small handful of men (and a few couples) with whom I had regular conversations.

My husband was always aware of these chats. He enjoyed how aroused they made me and the great sex we were having as a result. He also participated in the conversations because we were clear that this was a venture we were doing together.

After several weeks of exploring my new “hobby”, my husband asked if I’d ever want to meet one of my “chosen few” in real life. He explained that the idea of me being with another man really turned him on. He also knew that I had long had fantasized about having a mfm threesome. So this could be one way of making that fantasy a reality. I agreed to think about it….which really was a huge step from where I had been just a month before.

Eventually we agreed on one man that we thought would be good for our first. My husband told him that we were thinking about taking the next step of meeting in person, but that it was going to take me a bit of time to be comfortable with that. Our friend was ok with that situation. We were in the middle of COVID anyway, so there was no rush to do anything in person. Plus, it was important that we go at a pace that I was comfortable with.

We told him our first names and exchanged face photos. Then, we worked towards that first meeting…..(to be continued) ;)

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Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by 2inUPMichigan » Sat Jul 31, 2021 5:35 am

Congratulations to our newest VHW Lookingforadventure 💙💙💙 doesn't her name look good in that beautiful bright blue?
Welcome to our VHW community, see you in the LL 😉

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Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by isinlarsa » Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:23 am

Lookingforadventure wrote:
Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:21 pm
For Isinlarsa, the vibrator story :)

To begin, you should know that this was not our only remote vibrator. We have had another one for a while. It is sort of bowling pin shaped (but obviously much smaller!) and can vibrate, twist and wiggle upon command. The remote for that one fits in the palm of your hand.

It is a fun toy, but the remote needs to be fairly close by to work. It is great for sitting at a restaurant table together, but not so great even across the room. As a result, that toy sort of found its way to the bottom of our toy box and hasn’t been used a whole lot.

The second bit of background to this story is that we joined an adult site last fall at the start of our hotwife journey. While there, we met a very nice couple that live about an hour from us. They were looking for a woman to play with. We were searching for a man. So we weren’t necessarily great fits for each other, but they are our age and we like their vibe so we chat on and off about our adventures.

(Side note: we may meet them in person soon for a drink! I’m excited, and also excited about maybe exploring my bicurious side with the wife...but that is a totally different topic).

This other couple had purchased a remote vibrator that can be controlled by a phone app. They sent a pic of the vibrator, a pic of it inserted in her pussy, and then the link to let us control it for them. They texted us with the play by play as we worked the controls.

Eventually, we turned control back to them. Things had gotten steamy on both sides of that conversation and we each needed to take matters into our own hands :)

Later that evening, the wife of the couple texted me to say that she had squirted for the first time after being teased with the vibrator for so long, and then having her husband push it in and out of her. Needless to say, that was enough information to send my husband online to order our own!

All of which brings us to the day of the trial run. It was a Saturday and that meant that I was off to the store to do groceries. Hubby thought that was an ideal time to put the new toy to use. I inserted it and connected it to the app, but we didn’t turn it on right away. I wasn’t sure that driving while being stimulated was a great idea!

When I got to the store parking lot, I texted him that I had arrived and shared the link. He said to go into the store and get busy shopping. He’d “be in touch.”

I always start my shopping in the produce section. That is where he turned the vibrator on. It hummed a little, but not loud enough to hear over the ambient noise in the store. Being a gentleman, my husband started off at the gentle setting. I texted him with, “Mmmm….that feels really nice.”

He moved it up to medium and had it pulsing in short waves: up to medium, down to low, up to medium again.

“Suddenly these cucumbers are looking rather phallic,” I texted him.

“I think you may prefer the girth of an eggplant” he responded with a wink emoji.

The grocery shopping continued. Sometimes he’d turn it off completely and I’d be able to go about my business. Other times, he’d suddenly turn it full blast and I’d grip the handles of my shopping cart and have to catch my breath. I could feel my panties getting very damp and was glad that they were there, or I’d be leaving an obvious wet patch on my pants.

I don’t think any strangers noticed my arousal. My nipples, however, were rather prominently poking through my sweater by that point in time. Eventually, I told my husband that I was getting ready to check out and that if he wasn’t careful I’d be orgasming in front of the cashier. He graciously turned it down to low but told me to let him know when I was back in the car.

I did. He said that he was going to make me orgasm before I drove home. I drove the car to the back part of the parking lot. He asked me to send him a picture of my breasts. I looked around. No one was close by. I pulled up my shirt and pulled down my bra. I snapped a pic and sent it to him. Then he put the vibrator back on full blast.

It was pulsing inside me. I slid one hand in my pants to rub my rock hard clit. The other pulled on my nipple just a bit. I came quickly.

I disconnected the vibrator from the app and told him that I was on my way home. We quickly put the groceries away and then went to the bedroom for more fun. This vibrator has so much more potential than our previous one. It has been used several times since.
Thanks for the story. It was very hot.

If I understand you correctly, when the other couple introduced you to the remote-controlled vibrator, they gave you access to the app, and you or your husband controlled the vibrator while it was inside the other wife. Did you use the app on the other wife, or did just your husband? (I guess you could say it was a practice run for when he used the vibrator on you.). Did they text you a running account of the wife's reaction to your manipulation of the vibrator? Too bad you didn't do FaceTime or other video link so you could have watched her reaction and your husband (or you) controlled the vibrator.

If you meet them for drinks, and it goes well, what are they up for? Would they want you alone for a FMF threesome, or can your husband be involved?


Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by Lookingforadventure » Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:51 am

Yes, you understand correctly. The vibrator was inside of her and my husband and I worked the controls from our house an hour away. Her husband sent us some play-by-plays and the occasional photo. It was fun just knowing that we were giving her pleasure. Every once in awhile she'd text a "mmmmm" or a "that feels nice", so we got the gist of what she liked. And really the play was about her and her husband, so in that instance a video connection would have felt weird. We were just assisting them, if that makes sense at all.

And we did enjoy knowing that we contributed to her first squirt experience, even if her husband was really doing 90% of the "work"

As for a meet-up, right now the plan is to get together for dinner and that's about it. We have things in common, other than sex, so we'll see how the conversation goes and how everyone is feeling. Maybe they will stay friends that we can talk about our active sex lives with. And maybe it will progress into something more. But if there is any physical sexual activity (even FF) my husband will be there.

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Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by SilverStag » Sat Jul 31, 2021 10:25 am

Welcome, Loking4adventure..

From what we read, you are going to fit right in here (That's what SHE


Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by Lookingforadventure » Sat Jul 31, 2021 10:34 am

That literally made me lol. Thank you for the welcome.

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Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by isinlarsa » Sat Jul 31, 2021 10:42 am

Lookingforadventure wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:51 am
Yes, you understand correctly. The vibrator was inside of her and my husband and I worked the controls from our house an hour away. Her husband sent us some play-by-plays and the occasional photo. It was fun just knowing that we were giving her pleasure. Every once in awhile she'd text a "mmmmm" or a "that feels nice", so we got the gist of what she liked. And really the play was about her and her husband, so in that instance a video connection would have felt weird. We were just assisting them, if that makes sense at all.

And we did enjoy knowing that we contributed to her first squirt experience, even if her husband was really doing 90% of the "work"

As for a meet-up, right now the plan is to get together for dinner and that's about it. We have things in common, other than sex, so we'll see how the conversation goes and how everyone is feeling. Maybe they will stay friends that we can talk about our active sex lives with. And maybe it will progress into something more. But if there is any physical sexual activity (even FF) my husband will be there.
It must have been fun to share the controls with your husband. Did either of you try to "hog" the remote? As a woman who had used a vibrator before, you must have been able to identify with the feelings she was experiencing while you worked the remote.

Since you now have the same sort of remote-control vibrator have you thought about "returning the favor" -- having them control the vibrator while it's inside you?

Your husband is a lucky man in that you insist he will be there if you get together with the other couple. Would he be happy to just watch while you participate in a FMF with the other couple? From my experience it can be exciting to be just a passive observer -- especially if he's watching you with other people. In the future would your husband be okay if you went solo?


Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by afagehi7 » Sat Jul 31, 2021 11:44 am

Lookingforadventure wrote:
Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:00 pm
Well may the toy recommendation bring much joy to several OHW members! Lol.

I sent my verification photo earlier today, so hopefully I'll see you women over there soon.
Hey! A newly verified woman! Awesome. You now have superpowers!


Re: Figuring it out

Unread post by Lookingforadventure » Sat Jul 31, 2021 1:34 pm

afagehi7 wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 11:44 am
Lookingforadventure wrote:
Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:00 pm
Well may the toy recommendation bring much joy to several OHW members! Lol.

I sent my verification photo earlier today, so hopefully I'll see you women over there soon.
Hey! A newly verified woman! Awesome. You now have superpowers!
I don't know about "superpowers" but I do enjoy reminding my husband that I'm now verified at being hot :)

I told the VHW in the ladies lounge that I'd continue my story. So here is the next bit. I actually shared this in another thread, but I think it makes sense to tell it here as well.

In the last chapter I mentioned that my husband and I were willing to try meeting someone in person. We selected the guy, but wanted to take things slowly until I was ready. He was very patient and understanding. Plus, COVID meant that in-person meetings were tricky anyway.

It turns out that our first meeting happened rather spontaneously. The guy had to go out to run some errands and mentioned that maybe he should do them in our neck of the woods. He and I joked about the idea for a bit and talked about options about where we could meet and what could take place while we were there.

“[name withheld] park has some nice remote parts to it,” I joked

“Yes it does, I’m on my way,” he responded.

I wasn’t entirely sure if he was serious, so I sent him a text, “Are you actually driving here?”

He replied with a photo of his car dashboard and said that he was just hoping to say a quick hello in person. But he also mentioned that if I wasn’t comfortable meeting, there was no pressure. He’d enjoy the drive just thinking about the possibility.

I talked to my husband about it and we decided to take the plunge. It would be good to see this friend in person, and being spontaneous would prevent me from overthinking it. I told him that we’d be there soon.

As we drove to the park, I began to question if it was a good idea.

“I know I’m being ridiculous, but for some reason I’m really nervous. What if he doesn’t like me in real life? What if things are really awkward? Or what if he expects me to have sex in the park?” I asked my husband.

My husband told me, “First of all, you ARE being ridiculous. You are awesome and beautiful and he’d be an idiot not to see that. Secondly, he has already seen pictures of all of you, so it isn’t like you are going to be a surprise. And third, he was very clear that he just wanted to say hello. So that’s all that anyone is expecting.”

When our car pulled into the parking lot, I saw our friend’s car already there. My husband parked and gave my hand a squeeze. We got out and walked over.

“Hey, how was your drive?” I asked, suddenly realizing that I had no idea what to say to someone who had seen me naked in photos, that I had fantasized about fucking, but who had never actually met me before.

“Good….and wow, you’re stunning,” he said in reply. I blushed a bit, but felt immediately better.

I suggested we go for a bit of a walk. My husband pointed to a wooded trail, so we walked in that direction and made small talk. At one point, I had to take a couple steps ahead to duck under a tree branch at a narrow part of the train. I am pretty sure a few eyes were checking out my ass in my yoga pants.

When we reached a small clearing, our friend asked if we could break social distancing for a bit (remember, this was during COVID). “I’d really like to kiss you,” he said.

I looked at my husband, he nodded. I stepped forward and put my hand on our friend’s face. His lips were soft and felt different from my husband’s. My friend’s hands ran down my back and groped my ass. I may have moaned slightly.

My husband came up behind me and rubbed my shoulder. He suggests that we all walk to a more discreet part of the trail. There, our friend and I kissed again. His hands feeling my ass, under my sweater, and over my pants between my legs. My own hands were also roaming, feeling his back and chest.

My husband asked if I wanted our friend’s hands inside my pants. I murmured a yes. I really was not thinking rationally at that point. Our friend’s fingers slid under my waistband and into my panties. He rubbed my clit gently and dipped even lower, excited by how wet I was. I moaned. I felt my husband reach around to feel my breasts. I moaned again.

I ran my hand over our friends’ stomach and towards his pants.

“Can I see it?” I asked.

He smiled and undid his jeans.

“I’m hard for you,” he said. “Do you want to touch it?”

I took his cock in my hand. It felt weird to be holding a cock that wasn’t my husband’s, but also incredibly sexy. He was so hard. I bit my lip.

“Honey, can you keep an eye out?” I asked my husband with a mischievous glint in my eye. I then squatted down to take this new cock in my mouth. There was a hint of pre-cum already leaking out, and I liked the taste of it on my tongue. I kissed the tip and ran my tongue over the ridges of his shaft. I opened my lips to take him all the way in.

He put his hands on my hair and told me how good it felt.

“Do you mind if I take a video of this?” my husband asked. Our friend nodded his consent, and I’m grateful to now have video evidence. Lol.

I tried to slow myself down by running a tongue over his balls and up the shaft, but I was pretty eager to have him back inside my mouth again.

I took him deep and began to move faster. I heard his breathing increase.

“Oh baby. Oh fuck. That feels so good,” he said.

I felt his cock pulse a bit in my mouth.

“You are going to make me cum,” he told me.

The first shot of cum hit the back of my throat. More cum followed, covering my tongue. I continued sucking, slower now, just to make sure that I got it all. I swallowed and kissed that sexy cock head one more time, smiling at the thought that I had just made it cum.

I stood up and kissed our friend. I kissed my husband, the taste of another man’s cum still in my mouth. Realizing that we were still standing on a hiking trail that could be used by any number of people, I suggested that we should probably keep moving.

My husband held my hand and told me he loved me. I couldn’t help but keep thinking to myself, "I just gave that guy a blow job in a park."

When we reached our friend’s car, I kissed him goodbye. He drove off and my husband asked how I was doing.

“Awesome actually,” I replied.

"You just sucked another man's cock. It is going to take me a bit of time to get past the shock of that,” he said.

I laughed. I was shocked too. I asked him if he was jealous. He said he wasn’t. He asked if I felt guilty. I didn’t. Then we drove back to our house and had the most amazing sex ever!

We also began to think about what might come next.

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