Advice columnist Ask Amy recommends trying hotwifing as a possible solution

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Advice columnist Ask Amy recommends trying hotwifing as a possible solution

Post by edwardbare » Mon Apr 08, 2024 10:10 am

Dear Amy: Recently I received a Facebook friend request from “Frank,” a man I had an affair with 20 years ago.

This was more than an affair because Frank and I were best friends. We talked about everything!

I would have left my then-boyfriend for him back then, as that relationship was going south fast.

Frank and I both ended up with other people and lost contact.

Frank tells me that his relationship with his wife is like they’re roommates and that he is seeing someone on the side, but would like to “catch up.”

I’d love to do this because he started talking about our past and our amazing sexual chemistry, reminding me of what it was like to be with him.

I’m conflicted because I’m in a relationship where due to medical reasons my partner can’t perform sexually anymore.

Now I can’t stop thinking about Frank, but I have my concerns.

What should I do?

– Lost Love

Dear Lost Love: “Frank” is telling you that he is having sex outside his marriage, and he is offering to add you to his stable of willing partners. You two have an affair-history, so tag – you’re it!

Ah, Facebook. Facebook was founded in 2004 by some smarty-pants college students whose one goal was to get women.

Now, 20 years later and with an estimated three billion users, the site has reached its full potential: Geezers scraping through their pasts to hook up.

Your current partner might be willing to open up your relationship to agree with your desire to pursue this sexual experience with Frank. If you are in an exclusive committed relationship with him, the ethical thing to do is to discuss this.

I suspect that despite your own concerns, you will run headlong into this. I can only hope that scratching this itch doesn’t cause you or others too much pain.

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Re: Advice columnist Ask Amy recommends trying hotwifing as a possible solution

Post by 54321 » Wed Apr 10, 2024 5:30 am

I hardly think she recommends anything.
What she is is saying is something like, "Try to be ethical but something tells me you're just gonna do what you're gonna do."


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