In Plain Sight

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Re: In Plain Sight

Unread post by annsman » Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:17 am

My wife doesn’t want to have to hide away so does occasionally get seen out with a boyfriend by people we know and she finds that just saying he’s “an old friend” works. She’s not “touchy feely” in public with them so it doesn’t seem to raise any suspicion, although I’m sure some do suspect something is going on.

She’s not that bothered what they think as it’s our business not theirs. A few of her friends have asked more and depending on her relationship with them she’s sometimes admitted he’s a boyfriend with my approval.

If any of my friends say anything I also just say he’s an old friend and make it obvious that I’m not bothered, for those that realise there’s more to it I just say I like having a sexy wife. A lot of them tell me their wife isn’t interested any more and wish they were sexy like mine.

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Re: In Plain Sight

Unread post by Her number1 » Thu Oct 10, 2024 6:57 pm

annsman wrote:
Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:17 am
My wife doesn’t want to have to hide away so does occasionally get seen out with a boyfriend by people we know and she finds that just saying he’s “an old friend” works. She’s not “touchy feely” in public with them so it doesn’t seem to raise any suspicion, although I’m sure some do suspect something is going on.

She’s not that bothered what they think as it’s our business not theirs. A few of her friends have asked more and depending on her relationship with them she’s sometimes admitted he’s a boyfriend with my approval.

If any of my friends say anything I also just say he’s an old friend and make it obvious that I’m not bothered, for those that realise there’s more to it I just say I like having a sexy wife. A lot of them tell me their wife isn’t interested any more and wish they were sexy like mine.
Well done! I can identify with what you said. :D

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Re: In Plain Sight

Unread post by Johnann2227 » Thu Oct 10, 2024 7:51 pm

I commented here earlier but a lot has changed since then. Ann's boyfriend James has moved in with us. We share our bedroom and bed. Our guestroom is set up as if James lives there but he is permanently in our bed.
Our families have all met him and really like him. We introduced him as a friend of mine from work (we both work in IT). We have explained his moving in as him struggling to pay his mortgage so to help him we have let him move in so that he can rent his apartment out (which he has).

Our families have always stirred us about being nudists and they brought that up immediately. We said that we all have to make sacrifices to help others and that means wearing clothes now at home. James is invited to all family get togethers now and is welcomed as a family member. He regularly goes shopping with Ann or takes her out to lunch etc and they often run into family or friends and noone blinks now. So the man who is fucking my wife morning and night is not suspected by any of our families. They can go to the movies together and noone suspects.

Our lifestyle friends know the reality but they are all hotwifing as well and love the excitement of being out in the open. Ann's dad was over recently getting me to help him fix a glitch on his ipad and
James and Ann were fucking upstairs the whole time. I just told him that they were at the gym.

It is fantastic knowing that on the way to a family BBQ Ann has sucked James's cock. To then see her kissing family members on the cheeks is amazing. Knowing that Ann has got James's cum in her pussy while she is celebrating her dad's birthday with him is so wild.

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Re: In Plain Sight

Unread post by trecital » Fri Oct 11, 2024 12:04 am

Johnann2227 wrote:
Thu Oct 10, 2024 7:51 pm
So the man who is fucking my wife morning and night is not suspected by any of our families.
Well, I'd probably amend that slightly, by adding "and if they do suspect, then social 'niceties' mean that they will never dare say anything to us".

A great set-up you have. I think it's real fun to have others suspect, and for them to be completely unable to pass comment.
And even if they do, carefully, pass comment in private, you can simply deny it, and admonish them for thinking such things! And, I bet that many of them are just envious.

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Re: In Plain Sight

Unread post by Johnann2227 » Fri Oct 11, 2024 2:45 am

trecital wrote:
Fri Oct 11, 2024 12:04 am
Johnann2227 wrote:
Thu Oct 10, 2024 7:51 pm
So the man who is fucking my wife morning and night is not suspected by any of our families.
Well, I'd probably amend that slightly, by adding "and if they do suspect, then social 'niceties' mean that they will never dare say anything to us".

A great set-up you have. I think it's real fun to have others suspect, and for them to be completely unable to pass comment.
And even if they do, carefully, pass comment in private, you can simply deny it, and admonish them for thinking such things! And, I bet that many of them are just envious.
I think you are probably right in that some people suspect something is happening. Ann has told me that she has run into neighbours, or people we know from our area or our kids schoolfriend parents when she has been out with James and they are busting to know what is going on.

Ann says that she chats normally and doesn't look guilty. She also introduces them to James and says, "This is our friend James and he now lives with us". She then carries on the chat as if everything is normal. As she says, she isn't lying. He is our friend and he does live with us. It is none of their business that he also sleeps with us and fucks her daily. If it is someone we likes she says to keep in touch and we will have to have them over for dinner. That seems to allay doubts about her having an affair behind my back.

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