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Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 6:36 am
by grnlght
Don't let it get to either of you it is what it is and always will be on open forums just dance like no one is watching.

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:20 am
by kenlonely
DDWHW You are nothing without your husband's love. Your husband is a great man. I hope this is really your last post.
DDW you are a funny and lovely person who can share your heartfelt words unselfishly to outsiders. You are the protagonist, the talker of the game, and without you sharing your heart, the story has little appeal. I'm here to watch, not your wife, not your wife's lovers, but your interesting soul.

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:58 am
by Midnight Joker
The only negativity I saw came from WarrenOldcuck » Thu Mar 07, 2024 4:47 am and Watchinu69 » Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:00 pm, with some follow-on discussions.

I know that I'm looking forward to hearing about your adventure and hearing your wife's perspective as well. I think most of us feel that way.

It is your story, but we're living it with you in a manner of speaking. Sometimes we get wrapped up in the emotions...passion and we re-live your adventure in our own heads.

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 8:52 am
by Bluetoed
Thank you DDWHW.

As was mentioned by a previous poster, many readers are here because they want to learn from the real experiences of other couples.

But what that previous poster did not mention is that people can learn both what to do and what NOT to do. The one attribute that separates the two is that when both partners enjoy their dynamic, it's likely a lesson of what to do. But when one of the partners does not enjoy their dynamic, it is likely a lesson of what not to do.

You've made it very clear in many of your posts that you are enjoying this. However, your partner has not. Over 40 pages and his posts lack positivity of happiness, enjoyment, etc... And even when he has responded to questions of "are you happy, are you enjoying this, etc..." his responses have been "whoa is me, but at least she is happy".

That being said, he is not obligated to share anything. He doesn't have to share his feelings at all. But before you vilify the commenters here, keep in mind that they would really like to know if your story is a something that they can learn from as something to do, or not to do. And with your partner keeping that absent from this audience, they are left to question, except the ones that are projecting their own extreme emotional masochism on him to just assume that of course he is loving it. That doesn't mean the ones that are left to question have to call you names and draw pictures of an inevitable future. But people make assumptions, good and bad, when they are left to assume.

I hope both of you are happy and full of enjoyment!

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 9:05 am
by safira
What Bluetoed says above. Hear here!
What has consistently bothered me about this post is what I read as an underlying lack of respect that HW seems to display towards her partner. It seems that it has never been a journey taken together as much as "I'm in it for me; your desires don't matter." I get it that cuckoldry has some amount of this built in. In my experience and in what I've witnessed, if both parties aren't careful of one another, it doesn't lead anywhere good.
For DDW's sake, I've just been hoping that HW will see the light.

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:47 am
by wittol
What the critics seem to overlook is that if he wanted her treatment of him to stop, he would say so. I'm not going to go back through 40 pages, but I don't recall him telling her to quit or even slow down. "I've just been hoping that HW will see the light" -- your light, you mean.

And this is irritating -- "Don't let it get to either of you it is what it is and always will be on open forums just dance like no one is watching." Unfortunately, it is often all too true, but it cuts both ways. When you hide behind your internet anonymity to throw stones or be a jerk, should you get all offended and defensive when someone calls you out for it?

I've been on this site since about 18 hours after it first started. Compared to the number of threads in which the marriage likely crashed for failure to heed the "warnings" of self-elected counselors and doom-sayers, I've seen many more good threads abandoned because instead of getting thoughtful, considerate, and non-negative responses, they get a lot of "you're doing it all wrong," or "your wife is: /a terrible person/cheater/doesn't really love you," etc. If you're truly concerned for the welfare of the OP, then maybe learn how to write in a non-didactic, non-patronizing, non-know-it-all way.

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 11:07 am
by venus-can99
Well said wittol.

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 11:09 am
by grnlght
My comment was irritating to who?

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 11:12 am
by Maddie_Hippychick
Just stop


And read

Deep breaths

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 11:15 am
by grnlght
Thought it was stop look and listen before crossing, stop drop and roll? :lol:

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 11:33 am
by safira
If you put your personal shit on an open forum, you have given up all right to freedom from exposure to other people's opinions regarding your personal shit.
If you're one of the folks bothered by this, the internet probably isn't for you.

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 11:38 am
by Bluetoed
wittol wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:47 am
What the critics seem to overlook is that if he wanted her treatment of him to stop, he would say so.
Assuming he did not say anything to the contrary I would agree with you. However, he did. He made it clear on page 1 that: 1) he had no say in anything except to agree to let her do it; 2) she would continue doing it despite any misgivings he would have; and 3) that there would be no buyers remorse for him. In other words, in his mind he knows that him not enjoying it wouldn't change a thing. Communicating any misgivings/remorse with her would be futile. See below.
Deepdownwannabe wrote:
Sun Sep 17, 2023 2:55 am
I had to question what she meant by "her way" which she explained what seemed very casually other than the fact she looked amazing in her outfit right in front of me. I was to learn "her way" meant she would choose the manner and direction that this would go. How she would do it, with who, for how long. How that impact our physical relationship. She would be the one in charge, she even said "consider it a light version of a FLR". She had done some reading. She would decide all aspects as it related to anything along these lines, the one part I had the say in is I had to agree willingly.

She added that she knew that while some husbands get cold feet as it all plays out but if she started with the idea, then she would take it to a logical ending, despite any misgivings I would have. Basically, once the ship sails, it will continue to sail.

I won't say how or when, but by the end of the night I answered her question "Do you want me to become a hotwife?" With "yes".

I guess the ship has sailed.
Deepdownwannabe wrote:
Mon Sep 18, 2023 4:13 am
gave no timeline, it could happen very quickly or this could be a long, drawn out affair (so to speak). But she assured me that it will happen one way or the other. There was to be no buyers remorse, I had agreed to this. And the final rule was a reminder that she is the one who will make any and all of the decisions.

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 1:45 pm
by Johng1953
The trolls on here do it all the time. Their negativity shuts down so many threads. You have to wonder why they are even here. Please don't end up as another casualty. It's a pity there is no way of blocking them.

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:52 pm
by _xavier_
grnlght wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2024 11:09 am
My comment was irritating to who?
Me, for one.

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:02 pm
by _xavier_
safira wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2024 11:33 am
If you put your personal shit on an open forum, you have given up all right to freedom from exposure to other people's opinions regarding your personal shit.
If you're one of the folks bothered by this, the internet probably isn't for you.
And thanks to that self-important, entitled attitude, you'll find that's why so few people post their journeys. I can't point to anyone reading this thread who is at all interested in the "contributions" of negative judgement being projected with an obvious unwillingness to listen to DDW himself. Nagging him for direct answers to rude questions, insisting that your/their opinion is deserving of consideration when you show not consideration to DDW/DDWHW's request to kindly stop.

"It's an open forum! It's an open forum!" -- what childish response to having almost the entire forum's feedback that you are derailing the thread. You're like someone who comes into a party and changes the music to some totally unwelcome vibe, directly offends the host, and then starts yelling "it's a free country, isn't it?!?"

Main character syndrome.

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:28 pm
by frb
Safira I have a really straightforward question for you: why do you want OP to stop posting?

You can't claim to want OP and his wife to continue posting, because they have said very clearly over and over that negative comments on the thread are ruining their fun and will eventually cause them to stop posting.

They are playing a game with each other. They are trying to enjoy their lives. And they've been generous enough to share their experiences with us.

Why, why on earth do you want to put an end to that? For some principle only you understand and value more highly than the feelings of anyone else here?

You are helping no one. You are harming many. This should be obvious to you by now. Why continue? Why can you not simply leave this one thread alone out of the hundreds that are available to you? Can you really be that obnoxious?

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:35 pm
by nick4224
Well said DDWHW!

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 5:03 pm
by _xavier_
safira wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:26 pm
mark me a foe if you don’t want to be exposed to my opinion. DDW and HW can do the same, but they haven’t. does their opinion on this matter to you?
eat me.
Because it requires they spend the extra energy to read these unhelpful comments and then block you and others, and then they'll still see the rest of us responding to call you out for it. Not knowing what nonsense you're saying about them.

I haven't blocked you because I want to understand what it is that is (almost certainly) about to chase them away - well, what has already chased DDWHW away, and likely will chase away DDW.

I'm not "just here for masturbation material" although I find it hot. I like to encourage DDW and help make his experience all that more 'fantastic'. But I wouldn't cheerlead him to ruin. We can all tell he's getting off on this new dynamic. You think he comes here to post about all the details out of disgust and resentment? If so you're dumber than I thought.

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 5:11 pm
by MonaLisaOverdrive
I wonder if it's time an admin came in to clean this thread up a little bit. At least for the sake of DDW/DDWHW, I'm hoping they haven't logged in to read it yet.

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 12:33 am
by saveacow
Rule #2 states
2) Serious discussion and debate are fine. Personal attacks are not. Posts that contain personal attacks or inflammatory language (this includes racist crap), or are mean or disrespectful, may be edited or deleted without warning. Disagreement is fine. If you see someone walking over a cliff, tell them but in a reasonable way. When they acknowledge your warning drop it or answer their questions but don't badger them. We have to assume they are adults or are old enough to be.
DDW clearly wrote that he is uncomfortable sharing emotions. Any additional nagging and demanding answers is, therefore, not helpful criticism, as some commenters try to frame it, but just that: badgering. If DDW didn't answer, then that is your answer. There is no need to belittle the other readers just because your wisdom was not cherished as you hoped it would. The "main character syndrome" seems fitting.

DDW and DDWHW provided us with a unique insight into their lives. DDW clearly stated that DDWHW is clever. How she comes up with these "surprises" is precisely what should be expected from a creative mind. In my opinion (!), this is exactly what made this thread much more appealing: a truly clever significant other (DDWHW) who knows how to play a game. If you don't have all the facts, stick with what is known to be true: DDW and DDWHW are consenting adults.

I highly recommend DDW and DDWHW using the "add-as-foe" feature. While it is insufficient, it is the best option so far. Maybe there could be a pool of "recommended foes" to quickly help others identify self-absorbed know-it-alls, improving the forum experience significantly.

Additionally, please consider opening a blog somewhere else. I would be happy to continue following your journey!

Finally, should DDWHW and DDW decide to stop posting, which is only to be expected, thank you for providing us with this unique view into your journey. Best of luck to you both.

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 6:08 am
by MustBeDenied2
Sad that it has come to this. Thank you for all the fun you provided, DDW and DDWHW. Wishing you the best in this journey.


Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 7:11 am
by mattyg_2671
Why can’t people just enjoy the story without pushing their unwanted views, I don’t get it. No one asked for it, no one wants it, keep it to yourself. If you can’t say something nice and supportive, don’t say anything at all. Go somewhere else and stop ruining this board, please! This is one of the best threads on here, I hope you don’t stop posting. It has been very hot, and also given me and my wife some great ideas for our own journey.

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 7:21 am
by venus-can99
mattyg_2671 wrote:
Sun Mar 10, 2024 7:11 am
Why can’t people just enjoy the story without pushing their unwanted views, I don’t get it. No one asked for it, no one wants it, keep it to yourself. If you can’t say something nice and supportive, don’t say anything at all. Go somewhere else and stop ruining this board, please! This is one of the best threads on here, I hope you don’t stop posting. It has been very hot, and also given me and my wife some great ideas for our own journey.
Well said mattyg :up: Most of us know how hot your thread is so this one inspires you then it means it is awesome. I certainly hope DDW and DDWHW keep sharing their journey but if they don't then I can certainly understand their reluctance

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 9:03 am
by tovid555
Yes, if I had to hazard a guess another interesting story has been torpedoed by the trolls. I know, they will jump on here to say something along the lines of "suck it up, it's the internet. I can say what I want because of free speech" or "they asked for it, being called names and attacking their way of life because they went public here". The realization is they are defenses probably being put forth by people still living in their parents basement. But guaranteed, they will make replies here that imply everyone else is soft and they are all powerful.

But what will we probably miss? The further development of a unique couple, one we've all grown to admire. Him because he is letting his wife experience pleasures she never dreamed, even if these experiences are probably very excruciating and mentally challenging to him. And if they are? So what, its not our business. They are his feelings to cope with and he has an understanding wife to talk to if he feels it has gone too far. And her, because she has probably learned so much about herself in a world she never knew existed. We've watched the progression (and some have even predicted what would happen next and they weren't too far from it).

Which makes us all know what we are probably going to miss hearing about as this progresses, because I think we can all agree, it is not stopping anytime soon unless cuck throws the white flag out, which deep down I don't think he will at this point. The experienced people here do have some idea of the possible progression:

- She could possible drop the "L" word. After how many months together sharing very intimate moments, would it surprise anyone?
- Further impromptu demands of her to perform sexually?
- Further displays in front of cuck, possibly even bringing him in closer to their physical interactions?
- More public displays of DDWHW? She hasn't pushed back on anything to date, do we really think she will, especially as the weather begins to warm up?
- Her boyfriend is somewhat knowledgeable on the whole dynamic, does anyone think he won't go as far as suggesting to share her? Do you think she will say no?
- And along those lines, who thinks she wouldn't have a get-together with another woman if told to?
- How much longer will cuck be caged? I doubt they will be shorter periods?
- Will she spend even more time at her bf's place? Move in for periods of time? It is certainly something that would be a progression.

I'm sure there are more things we can all think of but the bottom line is we will be deprived of those because a few selfish people had to be the loudest people in the room and insist that their way was the only way and anyone who challenges that notion is not strong enough to be here. Thanks.

Re: Potentially the Start

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 4:36 am
by MrMtl
DDWHW and DDW, you two are helping people here believe me. How well by showing that there’s real couple who leaves it and are still together and in love.

It’s really to bad that we see again some people with a blocking mindset who only think about himself and not having an open mind.

If you decide to stop writing well, it’s really your choice and we will accept it with our heads down unfortunately.