I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Open2it » Mon May 28, 2018 3:49 am

How nice of Wade to give you a heads up on the videos! And I agree, him fucking your wife daily more then compensates. Your wife demonstrating how to properly eat pussy on another woman in front of a group of people, certainly counts as cuckolding! It was epic!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by lionbrand » Mon May 28, 2018 5:18 am

Wow Ky and Jaimee. You really rock! Thanks for pussy eating/how to treat a woman in a right way lesson.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Mon May 28, 2018 6:45 am

Wow, what a freaking wikipedia lesson on cunnilingus. We know that came from being with Brooke, but how does Wade know about it.Does jaimee talk about her past with Wade. What do they talk about in ther private and intimate moments lying in each others embrace,away from the camera. Where are the boundaries for emotional bonding between live-in lovers.Relationships ether grow or decay,cant be static.Does Jaimee hold herself back emotionally during those intimate,private moments.Is it possible even to do so.Won't it be a hindrance to their relationship,wont that feel 'fake' thereby possibly making jaimee feel that its not working and making her want to go home and wait for you.Do they discuss you?Which aspect of you.Those moments are both out of your reach, control or knowledge but you do want to know about them,right? Just trying to understand the emotional dynamics of the players here-a doting husband, a loving wife and a trusted friend.Now, since there is no way of recording their 'no camera intimate moments' the only way is for Jaimee to be sharing them later with you-in a brutally and painfully honest way,even if that hurts you at some level,right?Having said that,a part of me wishes Wade were evil,that he slowly and masterfully worked on the mind of 'the babe in the woods',steer her affection away from you and steals it himself(sorry, my cuck fever babbling here),but its both sad and reassuring thats not gonna happen with the 'lovable teddy bear' 'whose music is shit. Because Wade is 'an all-round nice guy' and Jaimee is too smart for that. Maybe you are secure in that knowledge.Thats why you come across as kinda relaxed and not having so much of a real angst this time. Happy to be watching your evolution both as a player and reporter of the game.Your' posts' have become. 'chapters' now.Periodical,coversational like never before ,with a plot.wow.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Mon May 28, 2018 9:54 am

sabya167 wrote:Wow, what a freaking wikipedia lesson on cunnilingus. We know that came from being with Brooke, but how does Wade know about it.Does jaimee talk about her past with Wade. What do they talk about in ther private and intimate moments lying in each others embrace,away from the camera. Where are the boundaries for emotional bonding between live-in lovers.Relationships ether grow or decay,cant be static.Does Jaimee hold herself back emotionally during those intimate,private moments.Is it possible even to do so.Won't it be a hindrance to their relationship,wont that feel 'fake' thereby possibly making jaimee feel that its not working and making her want to go home and wait for you.Do they discuss you?Which aspect of you.Those moments are both out of your reach, control or knowledge but you do want to know about them,right? Just trying to understand the emotional dynamics of the players here-a doting husband, a loving wife and a trusted friend.Now, since there is no way of recording their 'no camera intimate moments' the only way is for Jaimee to be sharing them later with you-in a brutally and painfully honest way,even if that hurts you at some level,right?Having said that,a part of me wishes Wade were evil,that he slowly and masterfully worked on the mind of 'the babe in the woods',steer her affection away from you and steals it himself(sorry, my cuck fever babbling here),but its both sad and reassuring thats not gonna happen with the 'lovable teddy bear' 'whose music is shit. Because Wade is 'an all-round nice guy' and Jaimee is too smart for that. Maybe you are secure in that knowledge.Thats why you come across as kinda relaxed and not having so much of a real angst this time. Happy to be watching your evolution both as a player and reporter of the game.Your' posts' have become. 'chapters' now.Periodical,coversational like never before ,with a plot.wow.
You ask some tough questions sabya, and the candid answer is, I don't know the answer to a lot of them. I know there are a lot of very personal things discussed between the two of them that I don't hear. That's only natural. And I don't think you can have a sexual relationship and not grow closer to one another. This is the part the excites and terrifies me at the same time. I know Jaimee has told Wade a lot about her experiences, and I'm sure Wade has reciprocated his own life stories. Wade is a friend and I trust that he's managing this the best that he can. I'm just having to trust my wife, too. At least, I am trying to be relaxed about it and trust them, but I have moments that are full of anxiety like anyone would. I'm glad you've enjoyed reading my updates so far, but I'm afraid the intensity is going to be dropping down now that the Vegas trip is over. I have another update that I'll post shortly. Wade and Jaimee are stuck in the long ass line of traffic now that goes from Vegas to SoCal, and I'm at work--again. Anyway, I'm rambling. I'll check in later. Ky

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Mon May 28, 2018 9:56 am

And back to reality, argh!

The weekend was great and went by in a flash. Admittedly, I spent most of it in the hotel room being cucked by my wife, but what a high that was. After the pussy eating lesson video, I didn’t see any new pictures or videos, so I went back to sleep. I think the week I’d just been through finally caught up with me and I slept for hours, not getting up until almost 11:00, which is unheard of for me. I called my wife. She answered on the fifth ring.

“Hey babe,” she said brightly.

I couldn’t resist saying, “Nice video from last night.”

She blushed furiously and shook her head, “That’s what happens when I’ve had too much to drink, and my boyfriend decides to be a git and talk about things he’s not supposed to.” I heard Wade yell an apology from off in the distance. Jaimee rolled her eyes, “It turned out all right in the end I suppose.”

“It was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” I said, making her smile grow slightly. “So, what’s the plan for the day?” I asked, truly curious about what to expect on their last night in Vegas.

“Wade wants to go shoot guns… it sounds dreadful,” she complained.

“You never know, you might have fun,” I said wryly, she shot me a look that made me laugh but I backpedaled, “Or maybe not,” I quickly added. I couldn’t help but look at her lips and reimagine the scene from last night when they were coated with any woman’s pussy juice.

“Hold up, now,” my wife suddenly said, “This is way to easy for you right now, you’re getting too much of a free pass,” I was about to ask what she was talking about when she added, “Are you giving me your safeword?”

I shook my head slowly, “Not today, maybe not ever,” I taunted, knowing that it was a complete lie. I was going to be lucky to make it until Monday, let alone reach my goal of Tuesday.

Her eyes narrowed and her lips tightened, “We’ll see about that, yeah.”

“We’ll see,” I agreed.

“To answer your question, my sweet cucky husband,” she said in a sing-song voice. “I’m spending the day with my boyfriend. We said our goodbyes to the group last night because we wanted to have some exclusive ‘us’ time.”

“Sounds nice,” I tried to play it nonchalantly.

“Hmmm,” I could almost hear the wheels turning as she thought of a way to turn up the tension and get me to give up the game. “Since you’re being so stubborn, I’m going to enjoy the evening with my boyfriend and you’re not going to see anything but dick pics.”

“I’m used to them,” I said, still not giving up.

“I’m going to make love to my boyfriend tonight, and I’m only going to be thinking of him.”

Ugh, she was upping the stakes. I felt a little sting from that comment, but that only made me want to play more. “And you should, he’s your boyfriend,” I managed to say, but getting those word out wasn’t easy.

“Be careful, Ky, I’m already starting to develop deeper feelings for him. I’m becoming his ‘real’ girlfriend, and if I open my heart even a little, I won’t want to leave him.” I felt as much as heard a caution bell when she said that, and I almost gave it up and threw in the towel. I was seriously considering it when she went on, “I might just keep living with him a couple days of the week after you’re back. He owns my pussy now. I gave it to him on this trip. My pussy can only feel the skin of his bare cock now, if you want to fuck your wife, you’ll have to wear a condom because you’ll be in another man’s property.” I couldn’t have spoken if I’d wanted to, my tongue was frozen in my mouth. She continued, “Now my lover’s magnificent cock slides right into me, like we’ve been lovers for years.”

“Oh god babe,” I groaned.

“You like that thought, don’t you? Your slut wife making you wear condoms while she fucks other men without them?” her voice was so seductive, so teasing, “with all that cum in me all the time, It’s only a matter of time before some other man gets your wife pregnant. Is that what you want, you want me to bare Wade’s children?”

“Fuck it, I give up.” I said the safeword.

“It’s about bloody time you git!” my wife nearly yelled at me. I love how she always slips into a thicker accent and the slang start pouring out when she gets emotional. “I had to bloody go to getting pregnant to get you to quit?”

“Sorry babe, I was just enjoying it for a minute longer. I can’t stand the idea of being made to wear a rubber.”

“Well I suggest you learn to find a way to like it, because that is what’s going to happen after that little game of yours,” she snapped, and she was actually a little emotional.

“I’m sorry, I was playing the game. You’re not really going to make me wear a rubber are you.”

I heard a sniffle and my attention immediately shifted, “What’s wrong Jaimee, are you alright?”

She tried to laugh it off, “I’m fine,” she said, which is another VERY British thing about my wife. She says’ ‘she’s fine’ even if she’s bleeding out her eyes.

“What is it, please tell me,” I begged.

I heard another sniffle and then a sigh, “I’ll be fine, really. Last night just got me thinking about Brooke.”

I breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s understandable.”

“I suppose… it didn’t hit me until this morning, but I miss her sometimes. We spent a lot of hours exploring our girly parts together,” she giggled, “it almost felt like I was betraying our secret last night.”

“You shared a major part of your formidable years together. You’re closer to her than most married people are to each other,” I said, “Have you talked with her lately?”

“No,” she answered after a moment, “She’s got Emilia now, and I don’t want to come between them again. I want to give Emilia space—she doesn’t need Brooke’s old girlfriend calling every few minutes.”

We talked for a good while, and in the end I think we both felt better, more connected. I had been riding a cuck high for a few days now, and now I feel almost normal. I needed something to take the wind out of the cuck sails, something to ground me again. This weekend has been a Six-Flag’s worthy ride, but it was now winding down. They were going to spend the day and then Sunday night together—just the two of them.

To be honest, I’m glad the crazy part of the weekend is over. I don’t think my heart could have taken anymore. I intend to keep updating the journey, but I don’t know if I’ll have the same kind of high intensity things to share—which is fine. I need some normal boring for a while.
Last edited by Ky_Da on Mon May 28, 2018 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by wannabecUKold » Mon May 28, 2018 10:54 am

sabya167 wrote:Wow, what a freaking wikipedia lesson on cunnilingus. We know that came from being with Brooke, but how does Wade know about it.
Forgive me if I sound like the house librarian but Ky told Wade back in January:

https://www.ourhotwives.org/forum/viewt ... 83#p863683

7 Jan 2018

I eventually got to the part of our trip that involved Brooklyn and my wife turned on me.

“Don’t you bloody dare!” she almost screamed. I held my tongue and we both looked at her. She remained standing, so I continued. My wife made this half laugh, half frustrated growl. But then she knelt down sat on her heels, she stared me right in the eye and said, “You shut your bloody gob!” and she was dead fucking serious.
Wade looked pleased, “Good girl,” he said, “come here and take my cock out. Take your time and enjoy it while your husband tells me about Brooklyn.” Jaimee looked up, and almost said something in haste. Wade held up his hand, “I might have been willing to let this one go, but your behavior was deplorable. I think I want to hear this.”

My wife nearly objected, but stopped herself. She was now flushed with embarrassment, but I could tell the whole thing was turning her on, too.
I told Wade everything that happened, not sparing any detail. I knew I was going to get a rash of shit from my wife later for it, but it was sooo worth it. Wade nearly laughed himself to death by the time I finished.

“It sounds like my pet behaved very badly,” Wade told her. He was already hard, and I had to hand it to him, he was showing some serious self-control. I, on the other hand, was having a very hard time just staying seated on the couch.

This was also the occasion when she first used the British word Minge. Her "fucking minge" gave her away, since she was wet after being spanked. She also swore like a properly educated girl from one of Britain's finest schools. Bloody frightful it sounded too.


Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by wannabecUKold » Mon May 28, 2018 11:07 am

Just to comment on Ky's post, Jaimee shouldn't feel she betrayed Brooke. What she did last night was beautiful. She showed that sex with another person can be amazingly pure, last night giving the deepest pleasure to another woman such as that woman had never had before, indeed bringing her to tears. Neither of them should regret it nor, even though it was in front of other people, be embarrassed about it. It was a wonderful exposition of why we are sexual people. I am sure Brooke would have been proud of her.
As we say in England, honi soit qui mal y pense, shame on him who thinks bad of it.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Mon May 28, 2018 11:52 am

wannabecUKold wrote:
sabya167 wrote:Wow, what a freaking wikipedia lesson on cunnilingus. We know that came from being with Brooke, but how does Wade know about it.
Forgive me if I sound like the house librarian but Ky told Wade back in January:

https://www.ourhotwives.org/forum/viewt ... 83#p863683

7 Jan 2018

I eventually got to the part of our trip that involved Brooklyn and my wife turned on me.

“Don’t you bloody dare!” she almost screamed. I held my tongue and we both looked at her. She remained standing, so I continued. My wife made this half laugh, half frustrated growl. But then she knelt down sat on her heels, she stared me right in the eye and said, “You shut your bloody gob!” and she was dead fucking serious.
Wade looked pleased, “Good girl,” he said, “come here and take my cock out. Take your time and enjoy it while your husband tells me about Brooklyn.” Jaimee looked up, and almost said something in haste. Wade held up his hand, “I might have been willing to let this one go, but your behavior was deplorable. I think I want to hear this.”

My wife nearly objected, but stopped herself. She was now flushed with embarrassment, but I could tell the whole thing was turning her on, too.
I told Wade everything that happened, not sparing any detail. I knew I was going to get a rash of shit from my wife later for it, but it was sooo worth it. Wade nearly laughed himself to death by the time I finished.

“It sounds like my pet behaved very badly,” Wade told her. He was already hard, and I had to hand it to him, he was showing some serious self-control. I, on the other hand, was having a very hard time just staying seated on the couch.

This was also the occasion when she first used the British word Minge. Her "fucking minge" gave her away, since she was wet after being spanked. She also swore like a properly educated girl from one of Britain's finest schools. Bloody frightful it sounded too.
. well, have to give credit where it is due. yes, you are the true house librarian, sir, thanx a lot for that one.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by norbertrichard » Mon May 28, 2018 3:58 pm

You say that Wade's friends thought that Jami and wade were ingaged? Doesn't Jamie have a wedding band? just an engagement ring?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Tue May 29, 2018 1:36 am

Well, you needed to slow down the burning out process thereThis week-long intense rapidfire emotional roller-coster was draining you both physically and emotionally, i think.So, in a way, i'm happy for you that gave Jaimee the safeword. And i'm kinda sad too b'coz the'chapters' will become 'posts' again,as you said 'boring normal':-( But what a week it was. Absolutely blew my. Mind .Thanx for taking us along your intensely erotic emotional sojourn.Whatever happens next, keep us updated.;-)Thanx.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Tue May 29, 2018 2:24 am

Um,ky,i was thinking, is the net working there?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by wagonmaker1 » Tue May 29, 2018 6:17 am

wow Ky, i feel better that you gave her the safe word. i was wondering if things were getting out of control. i have read your posts from the beginning, where Jaimee was asking why u wanted her to have sex with another man, to where she did, & Derek was almost too much for u both. it sounds like u 2 belong together, forever, & i'm sure all of us hope u do. it was sounding a little dangerous, like before. u make for exciting reading.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by dannyvee » Tue May 29, 2018 6:26 am

Ky_Da wrote:And back to reality, argh!

She blushed furiously and shook her head,
Hang on a sec. You were on the phone right? How do you know she "blushed furiously"? I take it this is all made up, yes? Or did I miss something?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Tue May 29, 2018 7:20 am

It was video calling,i think.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by txrockdog » Tue May 29, 2018 7:21 am

I believe he and Jamie are skyping or facetiming for their calls IIRC.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by vmb69 » Tue May 29, 2018 4:07 pm

Hi, after reading your post I took Jaime advice and went down on my queen the same way you described, taking my time, bringing her close than kissing again. Stimulating with my fingers the same way, and after as bout 45 minutes of this she had the biggest orgasm ever, well at least since her last bf.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Tue May 29, 2018 7:20 pm

Hey all,

I only have a moment, but I thought I'd address the phone call. It was a good catch by dannyvee, I did write that I was on the phone. The whole story is that we talked via Skype for a few minutes several times, but the calls kept dropping so we just went to a simple phone call. Since I'm not the fastest writer in the world, I chose to write out the experience as if it were one phone call instead of writing about each time Skype bugged out - sorry for the mistake as mentioned above.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Tue May 29, 2018 7:32 pm

vmb69 wrote:Hi, after reading your post I took Jaime advice and went down on my queen the same way you described, taking my time, bringing her close than kissing again. Stimulating with my fingers the same way, and after as bout 45 minutes of this she had the biggest orgasm ever, well at least since her last bf.

vmb69, that is fantastic!!!! Thanks for sharing that. My wife will be thrilled to know it. My wife has taught me a lot about how to do it correctly, but according to her, I'm still a work in progress. Wade does one thing better than I do and that is "tease". You cannot tease enough! I still get impatient though and move too quickly. Also, another mistake I make is applying too much pressure. At first, lighter is better, way better. Anyway, one thing my wife has taught me is that there is a difference between a clitoris orgasm and a deeper vaginal orgasm. The g spot gives the deep orgasm, and a woman can have this orgasm and not be overly sensitive, like when she has a clitoris orgasm. Then there's the A spot orgasm. This one is a little deeper, and to be honest, i've never had the greatest success in giving my wife this kind of orgasm. The few times I've managed to give her this elusive orgasm has produced massive fireworks. From watching the video, I think this is the kind of orgasm she gave Julie. It's also the type of orgasm Wade is able to give my wife during penetrative sex. You Don't need a ten-inch giant cock to reach the A spot, but something about the way he's shaped or the pressure he applies does it for her.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Wed May 30, 2018 2:44 am

God, this brutal torture and torment of waiting. Can' take it no more Wish we could somehow go back to the last week:-) ha ha. But on a serious note,i understand that it must be work that is keeping you engaged.I'll hold my questions at the moment about the goings-on because i'm sure those would be answered in your next posts, but, by God ky, if you dont end this torment soon, i swear i'll start calling you AL KY-DA.;->ha ha. Amen to that.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by mundyman » Wed May 30, 2018 6:19 am

Let's see, somehow Jaimee and Wade, and you, get Brooke over the pond to visit her friend for a week or two during which Jaimee and Wade convince her to have multiple three ways with them. Of course Wade also gets to see a little of Brooke and Jaimee together perfecting their pussy eating skills.
Thanks for sharing what an explosive and seismic weekend for her....and you!
The question I have now is: Does the angst and nervousness get turned up now that they are back into a regular routine. Vegas is one thing, and the crazy events are big, but can be chalked up to being away on holiday. The whole what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas thing. It could be argued that some of those things done are one offs. Crazy experiences done just because of the place and alcohol.
However now that they're back, they break into a normal routine. They have the shared experiences of Vegas and the craziness they both shared in, but now they really begin to do normal couple stuff. Go to work, workout together, while they workout act out being a couple and the people there reinforcing that, eat normal meals together, share the details of their day, cuddle, go for walks, go to the store, have sex, make love, basically connect and begin to entwine emotionally. When she closes her first big deal Wade will be the one to celebrate with her or console her when she doesn't. He will be the one to fire her up and keep her motivated when she's lacking confidence. He could become her rock and main support emotionally for her work. As she shares her day with him, Wade will be the one to offer suggestions and ideas and encouragements.
They will come to enjoy the sex between them, yes she will get used to his size and he will be the one to learn the things/moves to scratch her sexual itch. Perhaps there will become those things they do together for each other and not for you. Those little moves, etc. And they will begin to really open themselves to each other for the duration of your absence.
The changes will not only be emotional, but Jaimee will be changed physically as well. A strong Crossfit regimine will give her that tight little body, she will become part of Crossfit nation and may see your somewhat out of shape, flabby, nonCrossfit body as a turnoff. After being around the gym those are the bodies she will become attracted to.
When you get back you better have your game ready because i think you're going to need it. Jaimee may deny it during your conversations, but she strikes me as the type who will become very connected but not realize it until you're back. How does that story go about the way to boil a frog, don't put it directly into a potofboiling water, but rather put it into a pot of water and then turn the heat on. The frog won't recognize that the water is getting hot, that it is in danger, and about to boil and be cooked until it is too late.
I wonder how much of this you've thought about? What your take is on some of these ideas and possibilities?
I write this not to be a Negative Nancy, not to be a naysayer, or a foreseer of doom. I am one of your biggest supporters and am totally captivated by your story. I must live vicariously through you because quite frankly Jaimee is a one in a million type of girl and your relationship is very special.
These are just some reactions to what you've written and some thoughts and questions I had. I think you and Jaimee are incredibly lucky to have each other, are incredibly brave, and incredibly wild. I love your 'well just fuck it' attitude as you give yourselves a chance to explore and experience this.
Please continue to share your story, even the 'boring and normal' stuff, the stuff that does not seem like it would be that exciting. It really is!!!
Best of luck and all good wishes to you and Jaimee,and Wade, as you continue your travels through this lifestyle and this adventure.
Thanks for sharing and as always, stay safe!!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Wed May 30, 2018 7:53 am

I'm dying to read the exchanges between Ky and Jaimee for the next three weeks because that would reveal much.Will it be on a daily basis.I hope so. Because Jaimee does not or can not put on a quick and instant mask, her emotions show on her face,apart from the fact the she would be honest with ky. Combine that with the photographic reporting of ky and i think that will give a fair idea about where she stands. Can't wait.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by wagonmaker1 » Wed May 30, 2018 8:16 am

i left a post a day ago, no response. i may have mentioned something from your past that u may prefer not to remember, if so i Apologize. won't happen again. a lot of people read your post, including me, they are always exciting reading, please keep it up.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Wed May 30, 2018 9:06 am

Damn Mundyman… you like to bring up the topics that torture cucks souls! The short answer is yes, I/we have thought about many of the things you mentioned above, although, you did bring up a couple that I haven’t thought about, and candidly, some of those things I haven’t thought about very deeply.

Firstly, Vegas was a crazy intense experience, and I’m fairly certain that life will go back to a more normal ebb and flow as most lives do. Wade has a gym to run, clients to see. My wife has a job she’s trying to succeed at. Life has to go on as they can’t live in that sex-fueled Vegas environment long-term. I’m feeling the difference already as far as my own work goes. This project got serious on Monday, and I haven’t hardly spoken to my wife since—just a couple of phone calls for a few minutes each. I have about an hour of downtime right now, but then it’s time to get back to work. Sorry—I’m getting sidetracked here. What I’m trying to say is that I know their lives are returning to normal just has mine has been in the last couple of days, and what you described above, I think to a certain degree, can almost be more intense for me than the Vegas trip was.

I knew Vegas was going to be a little crazy—and it went great. But now they’re going to settle into the everyday ‘real life’ part of fulfilling my wish. Sleeping together, being together every day, having normal weekends together, going on dates together, etc. They will find their own routine together just as Jaimee and I have done, only this one will be unique to them. I honestly find this to be just as erotic as the Vegas activities because of the level of shared intimacy. This is where the real risk is and what terrifies and excites me the most.

It makes me hard and I feel the cuck angst churning in my gut when I envision them grocery shopping together, going home from the gym together, getting ready for bed and the whole nightly routine that they’ll do with each other. And yes, the longer she’s with him, the more his cock will feel like it belongs in her. His cock will feel normal to her, and mine will feel like the foreign one. God that thought alone triggers all the emotions. She’ll be so used to his size that her pussy will open right up to him, trained over thousands of penetrations to accept him as her lover. He’ll know all of her intimate places—her most erogenous places. He’ll know exactly what she likes, how she likes to be touched. He knows most of this already but given another few weeks of this kind of close quarter intimacy, I can only imagine how things will be between them—how close they’ll become.

I don’t know why all of this turns me on. It’s like enjoying a game of Russian roulette—pull the trigger enough times and it’s only a matter of time before it ends in disaster. The nature of the gun is to go off when all the correct components are put into place. The nature of a woman is to open her emotions to someone once they feel like they can trust them. I have no doubt my wife will open up more to Wade in their time together. She is the type of person to develop deep feelings for someone she’s intimate with—and yet I want this. I wished for it. A woman must risk a great deal if she wants to be intimate with a man. Even with birth control, she is the one that is completely exposed in regards to pregnancy and even reputation. I truly love my wife, and I honestly get a huge sense of pleasure in having her experience more in her life. I will be there no matter what, as long as she’s open and honest with me and we continue to work together as a couple. I will be there in even the worst-case scenario, and so this is where I find some comfort. Wade, Bennett, Greg, etc. they’re all just temporary players on the stage… okay, I have a feeling Wade might be around for a while, but he’s also the commitment-phobic guy, so someday it will come to an end.

My wife has discovered a new life through these experiences, and she’s found she not only likes it, but craves it, even needs it. With me she can have more freedom to perhaps take a little more risk than others might, because I will be there for her. I think we both get a tremendous amount out of this relationship. It’s become very symbiotic that way.

I do, however, recognize that even taking all this into consideration, there are still risks that I can’t manage or avoid. If I’m out of town and my wife does score that big deal, it’s going to be a bitter/sweet cuck rollercoaster knowing that another man will be the one to celebrate or comfort her. I can only do so much over the phone. I’m more than a little worried that this job may extend. It’s huge mess and the cause of a lot of stress on everyone here. Financially, this is a huge deal for me because I’ve been given an opportunity to develop the Central American market. Quitting is not an option, so I’m stuck seeing it through until it’s up and running a hundred percent. Meanwhile, my wife is becoming another man’s slut. Oh such soul crushing, mind blowing, erection pumping feelings.

I’m going to do my best to respond and to update, but it’s going to be a little sporadic for a time.

Thanks as always for the comments. I still find a few minutes now and again to check my phone read them.

Posts: 463
Joined: Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:48 am

Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Wed May 30, 2018 9:11 am

wagonmaker1 wrote:wow Ky, i feel better that you gave her the safe word. i was wondering if things were getting out of control. i have read your posts from the beginning, where Jaimee was asking why u wanted her to have sex with another man, to where she did, & Derek was almost too much for u both. it sounds like u 2 belong together, forever, & i'm sure all of us hope u do. it was sounding a little dangerous, like before. u make for exciting reading.

Derek was almost the end of us, but that experience has proven to be invaluable because all we have to do is take a moment to remember and then it helps put everything into perspective. We both think about that experience often--we never want to get back to that place again.


Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by wannabecUKold » Wed May 30, 2018 9:24 am

Well, one thing is for certain, Ky, Jaimee is never going to find anyone who is more devoted to her and her well-being and her life experiences than you are. I am sure she knows that and will always wave that little pinky to you, even in the throes of passion with another man or woman.

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