progress story

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:31 pm


So given that if we are going to move forward to turning this into reality, I have to get out of the nervousness of bringing this topic up in just every day talk. Even though from all that has been discussed, I still feel nervous and sometimes awkward? to just bring this up as a normal everyday conversation. But I realize that is something I need to get over, and it seems recently she is getting over that as well with just randomly bringing up some cuckold type topics. So today I asked her about her comment yesterday that people commented how good she looked. I asked her, "So, yesterday when you said a lot of people commented on how good you looked, who? You sort of left before I could get details." She smiled and looking into my eyes said, "Just random people, but no one that excited me." I felt my breath escape me and quiet frankly I was a bit stunned. Her confidence was weakening to hear.

I can't wait for the gimp suit I ordered to arrive, I think she is even eager to have a good D/s session when it gets here. But lately she seems to be in the mood to have a little more naugthier nights than usual. So with this, I am thinking of suggesting she read an erotic story while I service her, of course thinking the story be cuckold related. Ultimately I would LOVE for her to browse tinder or something while I serviced her, but she's brought up hesitation to use tinder because of experiences Jennifer had using it. She just seems to be in this mood lately where I think she would find great enjoyment trying something new and hot like this.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:49 pm

Again, wow!

The gimp suit is a big surprise, at least to me. Maybe she's more into "classic" D/S than I've picked up from your thread? Wonder if she has any ideas about dressing you in it for a lifestyle event? Speaking of which, yes! Yes, go ahead and get tickets! Most of these clubs have a new members' orientation before the open event, so you can ease into the night. Fun!

As for the rest of it, yeah I get it - it can be scary. But, everything you've written here says your wife loves you. More than that - she specifically loves that you're sub to her, up to and including understanding her right to seek intimacy and sexual fulfilment with others. She wants you this way, and wants to know more about who you are.

Tell her you understand NRE and that she shouldn't be worried or feel guilty if/when she's swept up in the fun and passion of having a new lover. Tell her you want her to genuinely enjoy her lovers if you're really going to live this lifestyle together. Let her know how you imagine being involved, short of being present. Ask her to share her feelings about NRE and how she'd like you involved. If you're OK with more denial of PIV sex, so long as you can worship her body in other ways, tell her. Tell her it's not role-play when you say you could eat her pussy three times a day - that you crave worshiping her that way as much as you crave worshiping her feet.

Let it out - you two are in this together, and seem to be loving it!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:19 pm

She told me two more couples are coming to the Halloween event. We really don't know them much, they are more friends with the other couple we are going with, but I would say they are much more comfortable in this sort of environment than we will be, and my wife knows this as well. My wife was excited and said the more people that go the better, and told me, "Let's be honest, just you and (the other husband), are kind of boring." This leads me more into thinking she definitely plans on dancing probably without me, because she knows I am a bit shy in public and definitely not a good dancer. She may also be thinking with this other couple going who are more experienced and comfortable in these settings they may help move things along or make things less awkward.

I suggested at her reading an erotic story while I serviced her and she liked the idea and said that would be fun. She took me to the bedroom and I asked if I should find a story. She paused and said right now she didn't have time for that and wanted it now. She got on the bed and wasted no time at all. She was trying some pretty hot positions and she was very much into it. My stamina is on a pretty good streak and I was able to bring her to orgasm which was one of the loudest and wettest ones I have heard. Hearing her enjoyment I couldn't last. With how into it she was and how loud she was I thought afterward she would be exhausted and just want to lay there. Instead, she got up showing a lot of energy and with a very confident walk and smile she walked to the bathroom. As she walked away she asked, "You going to be ok?" Almost like she was thinking I'd be the tired one as she exerted all this confidence and energy.

Something just tells me something may be going on, or at the least she's planning something on her own. Her sex drive is sky high right now and has been for a while. Just today she told me this upcoming weekend she is going to this hot women workout session, it's called like Hot Booty Workout, and I guess the women wear spandex short shorts and practically just workout bra's.

We will see, but definitely feels like something is going on in her head. I am almost wondering what will come first, her telling me she found someone or something happening at the Halloween event.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:05 pm

You may be right, be sure to give her every opportunity she needs.
In fact, it would be good if you encourage her to stay out and have a great time. Maybe you ought to slip her a packet of condoms along with the hall pass! ;)
Last edited by BallSpanking on Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: progress story

Unread post by seydonar » Mon Sep 24, 2018 2:25 pm

I love reading all of your updates!
I had the idea of buying just the gimp mask with padlocks for playtime with my wife. It was kinda creepy at first but when she started spanking me she didn’t feel as guilty because she couldn’t see my face. It helps her feel more dominant (!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed Sep 26, 2018 11:19 am

Real quick update as I don't have much. But the gimp suit came yesterday and I couldn't wait to try it on. I was able to try it on while she wasn't home and I got to say, it was pretty hot and instantly got me in the mood. But oddly, I didn't know if I had the urge to be her sub or the urge to be a dom? But it was definitely sexy and it fits perfectly. When she got home she knew it was supposed to come that day and showing interest she asked, "Did it come?" I told her it did and asked if she wanted me to try it on for her. "Hmmm yeah!" So I ran into the room and quickly got it on when she came in I could tell she was thinking, 'Whoa this is surprisingly hot' and I could also see she was checking out how it would "work". It has a front zipper that goes all the way down, the problem is the zipper starts from the bottom around the crotch and zips up. My wife noticed this and asked in a need voice, "Your penis? How's your penis going to come out?" I told her I may have to look at somehow reversing the zipper or getting a new zipper deal that it can also zip from the top to bottom, which would allow us to leave a gap around the crotch. "We will have to look into that." she said as I could still see her thinking while staring at me. She hesitantly suggested we could cut a hole in the area of the crotch, but I could tell that wasn't her ideal choice and I thought to myself was it because she may be planning I wear this to a fetish event? I told her we would try the zipper thing first and see how it goes. Whether she was thinking of wearing it to a fetish event or not, I was thinking if we go I would suggest I wear this, so I don't want to poke holes into it. So I am trying to research how to create the double zipper. Hopefully it goes well.

After she wad done admiring and almost in a trance I got out of it and put it away. She gave me a date this week that she told me when I was going to wear it, which is tomorrow. Her admiring of the suit I couldn't tell if she was wanting to just push me down and dominate me like never before, or if she wanted me to dominate her. She was certainly turned on by it and I am excited to try it out. A little later she said out of nowhere, "I can't wait to play with your suit on Thursday." I excitedly replied, "Me too!"

Today I got a text from her showing me her "costume" for our Halloween event as she is starting to get it complete. Again, it really isn't a costume, but a sexy slutty outfit. She's wearing a black sleeved shirt where the shoulder area is leather, her mini black leather skirt, neon pink fishnet stockings, and black ankle boots. I think she's also getting neon pink fishnet gloves and she is planning on going heavy messy on her make up and making her hair look messy. Again, no idea what the "costume" is, and it's clear it's just a super hot outfit. I responded how hot she looked and how hot the outfit was and told her, "You know I'll be hoping I get to see you dance with someone..." She replied, "Hahaha" and sent an emoji of the fleur-de-lis.

So tomorrow is our session with the new suit, she's definitely hinting it is going to be a fun full eventful night. I think the suit will certainly enhance the mood, I am just curious what the roles will be.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Sep 28, 2018 7:48 am

38kewp - Yea I am, and she really hasn't used it that much in the last week.

Last night we used my gimp suit for the first time. But before we got there we hung out during the evening. We did our usual routine of lounging on the couch and I massaging her feet. She was spending time between watching the TV and being engaged on her phone. This time though she made comments and was doing things that made me go 'whoa' and it was somewhat of a reality check. I've noticed from time to time when we are lounging on the couch she will lightly rub herself, but it's subtle and I don't bring it up because I don't know if she's doing it subconsciously and not realizing she's doing it, or doesn't want me to see. But last night she was on social media and looking at males pages, she wasn't being discreet about it at all, she was showing me these guys and talking about them, but not in a sexual way or anything, but making comments like, "He's really with her?" or "Look at this outfit" that a guy was wearing and showing me, so knowing she was fully engaged in looking at all these guys pages I noticed her rubbing of herself was much more obvious and much more broader strokes with her hand rather than just light strokes with her fingers and she was doing this all outside her shorts. It got to the point where I was expecting to hear heavy breathing from her, but that never happened. But it was a moment where I was thinking to myself it wouldn't be that much of a jump now for her to tell me a guy was hot or just maybe switch the social media to tinder and express the same thing. I wonder if she's slowly moving into that direction and is just slowly preparing me and preparing herself.

It started getting late when she asked, "You want to go put on your suit?" I excitedly replied I did and went to get it on. I got it into it, and it feels really good just to be in. It is skin tight shoulders to toes and I was wearing a leather hood to go along with it. She opened the door and stood there admiring it. She smirked and I could tell she was both turned on by it. She looked me up and down and asked, "How are you going to fuck me though?" I hadn't been able to fix the zipper in time and I brought that up to her, and hesitantly suggested we could cut a hole. "Well I can't fix the zipper now." She said almost disappointed and she skipped right over the suggestion to cutting a hole. I said, "Well I can lick you." She looked me up from top to bottom, I could tell she wanted it, she turned around to walk toward the bed and said, "You may want to enjoy fucking me while you can." (Yeah that comment made me think as I stared at her through the holes of my mask) As she continued walking she said, "Come to the bed." She got onto the bed and I didn't have any time to get any toys, or set up the room, she didn't want to wait. She was so interestingly turned on, with heavy breath as she waited on the bed she said, "Come on get over here!"

I crawled onto the bed and the suit felt very good. I couldn't feel anything, there I was rubbing her body, she was rubbing me, and I couldn't feel any of it. The only choice I had to enjoy her was using my tongue and my nose which both had holes, otherwise I couldn't feel or sense anything. She got me between her legs and I served her with great enjoyment. She was also enjoying it as she rubbed her hands all over me, enjoying the feel of the suit. Through her loud moans she'd ask, "You like that?" In which I would reply, "Oh yes!" I licked her for several minutes, I think she probably could have ended early but held back to enjoy it more. Eventually though she orgasmed and she didn't hide it. Afterward she laid there for a moment to catch her breath and then demanded me to lay on my back. I did as I was told and she unzipped my suit and rode me. As she rode me I expressed my desire to serve her and told her how much I loved to serve her, she loved it probably could have had another orgasm if I could have lasted. Afterward we both laid there, she laid next to me and lightly rubbed her finger over the suit. I got up to take it off and she asked in a sweet voice, "Where you going?" I laughed and said, "To take this off." She gave me a little joking disappointed, "Awww" reply.

She very much enjoyed the suit which was a huge plus, but she clearly want's to be able to have sex while I wear it, so I do need to figure out the zipper, or just buy another suit to have on stand by in case and cut a hole in the one we have. It was quiet the feeling being in it, and have no real feel of anything, it was a rush. Which lead to me using my tongue and nose more because that was the only places I had senses. With her wanting PIV while I was in the suit it made me think this morning that I maybe should just figure out how to make that work and surprise her one night with it, maybe even come up with a name for the mysterious man in the suit. Because well, even with the lack of senses and the portrayal of being a sub, at the same time you could easily role reverse and be a dom wearing it and I think she wants that too. I think that thought really turns her on.

I know I've typed this thought before, but I can't help but think something could happen at this Halloween event. Will she sneak off with another guy? I won't get my hopes up for that, but I think it will definitely be a huge step forward in turning this into a reality. I think she has made her mind up that she not only will dance with another guy, but wants to. And she knows I am hoping she does that as well. I can't help but have the image pop into my head of seeing her in her "costume" out on the dance floor and some other guy rubbing his hands on her leather skirt or her grinding up on another guy.The thought is very exciting and also leads to, given the moment and the environment what that type of dancing could lead to.

I know slow progress, seems like it's at a crawl pace right now, but I can't help but have this feeling that she is moving closer and closer to turning this into reality.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:06 am

Suggestion, next time she does that, take her hand and gently put it ‘inside’ her shorts. A subtle, but clear indication that you encourage her masturbating to other guys, and enjoy it.
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Re: progress story

Unread post by seydonar » Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:30 am

She’s gonna have you put on that chastity cage on real soon (maybe)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Tryn » Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:02 am

Your wife doesn’t want to use Tinder, and that’s fine because she gets to call the shots. Why not suggest Adult Friend Finder? I’m guessing there’s lots of pics of hot guys on there. Pay whatever it costs for her to send & receive messages. Just set it up for her but don’t add a picture. After you have it setup, show her & have her pick what picture(s) to put on there. If nothing else, it’ll provide her with more risqué guy pics to look at & rub herself to, & definitely encourage that! Maybe give her oral as she’s looking on there. Since you’re the one setting up the account you will know the username & password so you can go in & look at the messages.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:06 am

What Tryn said! ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by jps18 » Fri Sep 28, 2018 12:31 pm

Damn Breaker , HOT update ! " You may want to enjoy fucking me while you can " Damn , I bet that got your blood boiling ! She's getting hotter by the second . She's ready for something on the side . Halloween is just around the corner , and so is her lover .

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Re: progress story

Unread post by realcucklife » Fri Sep 28, 2018 12:56 pm

A gimp sit like ou have only has a zip in the back so she can fuck your and make you her bitch. Apart from getting fucked they are only good for providing oral service.
Suggest you put on by our chastity device while in the suit.
Then suggest that you use the strap on for her pleasure.
It’s then a small step to her trying the strapon and having you bending over and submitting to her.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by TheHammer » Fri Sep 28, 2018 2:11 pm

You should get a big strap on to fuck her with

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Re: progress story

Unread post by davo » Fri Sep 28, 2018 7:27 pm

somebody please help me out is a gimp suit ??


Re: progress story

Unread post by FNQLivin » Fri Sep 28, 2018 7:38 pm

davo wrote:somebody please help me out is a gimp suit ??
Google is your friend

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Re: progress story

Unread post by wocka-wocka » Sat Sep 29, 2018 3:08 pm

Breaker445 wrote: We will see, but definitely feels like something is going on in her head.
It's going on. It is worth repeating that she has to work out all the emotional details. Just a couple of posts ago, you described her as surprised you were happy to service her. That alone is probably quite a bit to work out for some American women given all the conflicting social messages they get about their bodies and sex from an early age. She'll get comfortable being direct in this scenario. it is all part of the big puzzle.

Don't put too much pressure on the Halloween party. Support whatever she is comfortable doing. Be sure to reflect back how this increases your intimacy with her and desire for her.

You are doing great caring and supporting and communicating with her. Small, exciting steps! Keep it up.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Sep 30, 2018 1:18 pm

Something is happening! Last night she ended up going to the gym a little later than usual, but when she got back I was sitting on the couch and not long after she got back she met me on the couch. She gave me her feet to massage with no socks, so I got to enjoy the smoothness of her feet which was created from her sweat while at the gym. While we lounged on the couch she again was on her phone. She piped up and said, "Aw, he's cute!" It was out of nowhere so I was curious and asked her what was going on? She explained, "Oh this new guy at work, I found him on Instagram and he looks pretty cute." She went on to tell me he was new and how she will probably be working with him more at work. With a hint of nervousness in her voice she said out loud to herself, "Ok...Ok, I am going to send him a friend message!" She kept looking at his page and would make comments out loud to herself about what she liked what she saw from his photos. I listened, letting her take control of what was going on, I expressed my approval of her comments by rubbing her feet more passionately and she definitely could feel my excitement through my pants. I told her, "Well that's good!" Keeping my responses to allow her to build and express more of her interests and not to be too pushy on her next move. Although it was exciting to hear her talk like that, she's never been this up front about anything like this, and though it was exciting I got nervous in the moment. But it definitely allows for more conversation and is definitely going to be something to watch. She doesn't know this guy as he just started working, but I can't help but think the opportunity is huge and could be something. She's physically attracted to him, she's going to be working with him, she's now started a line of communication with him by sending him a friend request. It's sort of surreal how things seem to be being pieced together in moving this along.

Before all this happened, earlier in the day she had gone shopping and came home with a lot of excitement showing me this new eye shadow she just bought. It's very bold, it's sort of purple with glitter in it. I thought she got it for her Halloween costume because it was that expressing of an eye shadow, but she put it on to wear for the rest of the day and I overheard her talking to Jennifer on the phone about her new eye shadow and describing to her how "loud" it was like she was showing off her style.

So lots suddenly to process in a day. I can't help but think this new co-worker could be something, I don't think she talks like that or expresses any of that to me if she isn't planting a seed for me moving forward.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sun Sep 30, 2018 2:21 pm

Little by little, she is coming out.
This would be an excellent time to suggest taking some riscaye or provocative pics of her. Once they start texting, she will want to have some sexy shots of her to send him. I suggest you help her do this, using her phone.
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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:33 pm

You two seem to be having a lot of fun lately! I'd never given much thought to wearing one before, but now I can see how the sensory depravation everywhere by your mouth and nose could be intense. Really like the strapon suggestions. If you'd get off on wearing and using a strapon with the suit, I imagine your wife would be into giving it a go - it's just sexy fun.

Any updates on the S&M lifestyle event? Really curious to hear how that goes.

As for couch time, I think it's OK to tell her you think it's sexy when she rubs herself. You don't have to ask her to see who she's looking at unless she wants to, but you can tell her it's OK to slip her hand inside her panties - that you enjoy watching her get wet as she browses instagram. You could even offer to lick her on the spot.

Can't wait to hear more.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by shall54 » Tue Oct 02, 2018 11:03 pm

Really sounds like she is thinking about to be a little scary for you as well.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Thu Oct 04, 2018 11:55 am

Two words: Fitness Instructor ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by KyGrappler80 » Fri Oct 05, 2018 2:44 pm

Ok, I just read the whole thread. Wow. very erotic. Yes, it moves slow, but a lot of good things progress at a speed like this. Have you ever described who your wife resembles? And, my god, your Amex bill must be fucking crazy high with all the clothes purchased. Thanks for sharing, and can't wait to hear what happens next.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Fri Oct 05, 2018 4:43 pm

Ha! I've often wondered about the same things. I wonder about both of their appearances, and about what the wife (I'm embarrassed to admit it, but her name slips my mind!) is looking for physically and style wise. Breaker has described his wife's outfits in some detail (love it!), and has written that she sometimes remarks about men's style's very different from his being hot. So, what does he look like? Dress like? What about the guys who make her wet?

I enjoy pretty much everything about Breaker's thread. Maybe most of all, I'm enjoying watching the Mrs. grow into her femdom role as Breaker tries to keep up. Mrs. Breaker feels like a natural dom/switch. Maybe she'll end up with one or more submissive lovers with talents she enjoys rather than a dominant man?

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Tryn » Tue Oct 09, 2018 1:47 pm

What’s the latest Breaker?

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