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Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 5:57 pm
by DeAd so7
TheHammer wrote:
Sat Sep 09, 2023 5:46 pm
How old are you and your girlfriend? Can you describe her appearance and what celebrities she resembles?

Keep the updates coming as the night progresses.
To firstly preface and answer your questions, we're apparently quite young, as opposed to usual couples who explore this life style it seems, at least that's the gist we got listening to some podcasts here and there. Nevertheless, we're mid 20's. As for her appearance, she is five feet, 6 inches tall if I can recall. I dont recall her body weight, sorry. But I think it was 130-150? Somewhere around there? She is of a slimmer size, she is a brunette. But, she does dye her hair a lot. And she has hazel colored eyes. And as for celebrities, I wish I could answer that question. But, I am not big on keeping track of celebrities, sorry. And of course, will do. It's fun to write, and I feel at ease with this helping to burn my angst and nervousness away talking about all this, so it's kind of therapeutic in a way. I'll keep you informed.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 6:14 pm
by DeAd so7
Alright, my girlfriend just texted me saying she just arrived. I am so excited to hear what will happen tonight, if my girlfriend has the time to text, or later. Even just thinking about that has gotten me all shaking with nervousness here! Haha. She looked ABSOLUTELY amazing, and I hope James is in awe with her dress too. I'll keep you all informed.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 7:01 pm
by DeAd so7
So far it seems their date is going awesome. She texted me telling me it took a few minutes to get a seat. But, they just received their food now. And they're having fun chatting she told me.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 7:41 pm
by TheHammer
Is there a planned time she will be home or is it open ended?

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 7:47 pm
by DeAd so7
TheHammer wrote:
Sat Sep 09, 2023 7:41 pm
Is there a planned time she will be home or is it open ended?
At this time it is kind of open ended depending on if anything else happens perhaps. Although, she did say if anything just to be safe. If she isn't home by 2, and I haven't received any texts from her in awhile, to call her. And do whatever else I need to do to make sure she is safe. She hasn't responded to my texts for a bit now with that in mind, so I will keep ya'll informed if anything fun does seem to be brewing.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:07 pm
by joel68
What time zone are you in?

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:12 pm
by DeAd so7
joel68 wrote:
Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:07 pm
What time zone are you in?
I'm not sure I feel comfortable giving that out too willy nilly just yet, but we live in the American south west to be specific.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:15 pm
by joel68
That’s good enough.


Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:23 pm
by DeAd so7
Hey everyone, so my girlfriend got back to me finally, and said she was safe. And that she is coming home. If I have the time tonight, and if she tells me what happened, I will go ahead and update ya'll, but until then. In the worst case scenario, I'll tell you all tomorrow, whenever is most opportune.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 10:59 pm
by Wannabee
I'm almost holding my breath waiting for your update.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 11:53 pm
by scarfolamew
Me too. Can't wait to hear the details of Alex's date!

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 5:34 am
by Lucky Dog
Sounds awesome, I hope your gf had a great time and you enjoyed it, too. First times can sometimes be awkward, but after a few days, you'll really know if you want to do it again.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 11:20 pm
by DeAd so7
Hello there everyone, and sorry for the late update. Today just felt like one of those sluggish days, so my apologies. Now, onto the update! Firstly. Alex came home safe and elated from their dinner. She told me they had a wonderful time. And James was indeed in awe of my girlfriends dress all night last night, and complimented it a lot throughout the dinner.

The dinner was apparently very nice, and most importantly, very romantic. I don't remember if I mentioned specifically the status that the restaurant holds in our city, but, to clarify, it is one that is a known spot to bring dates to. And so of course, there was a lot of flirting apparently, and they even played footsies a lot. As they wrapped up their dinner my girlfriend was telling me, there was a lot of touching, and kissing. A LOT of kissing according to her as James escorted her to her car. James did invite my girlfriend apparently back to his place, but. My girlfriend told me she felt things were perhaps moving a bit too fast, and so ended the night there, promising to text him.

Now. With all of that in mind, listening to my girlfriend recount this to me as she was taking a shower. I encouraged her to message James of course when she got settled in. And left them be, to tease each other, and put an end to her lovely night with him. Finally. That is all I have for this update, and I hope I got everything, again I've been quite tired today. So I'm finally going to go to bed if my mind allows me (hopefully) and if anybody has any questions of course. Shoot. I'll be sure to update ya'll again whenever is most opportune, and whatever else happens. Talk to ya'll later.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:41 am
by tito123177
Thanks for the updates, been loving your story so far, hope to see the progress of your relationship, Love this post.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 10:56 am
by joel68
Any more dates scheduled? Does she want one? Does he? Hbu?

Just wondering considering the first one went so well.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 2:05 am
by DeAd so7
joel68 wrote:
Fri Sep 15, 2023 10:56 am
Any more dates scheduled? Does she want one? Does he? Hbu?

Just wondering considering the first one went so well.
Not this weekend it seems, no. And I'm pretty sure they do, both my girlfriend, and he. Seeing as they have been messaging each other a lot recently. And as for me myself, I am hoping for them to have another date badly. To be frankly honest. I've been rather silent on my enthusiasm about her going on another date with him again, since she told me how she felt things were moving a bit fast. So instead, me and her are going for breakfast just us two and having fun. Nevertheless, if another date seems planned between him and my girlfriend. I'll let you all know. Other than those things. I hope you have a nice day. And I'll inform you all later if anything happens.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 12:24 pm
by DeAd so7
Hey there everyone. Just wanted to inform you all, that my girlfriend and James has a couple more dates planned this weekend. My girlfriend was telling me that they're going to have another breakfast and perhaps coffee date Friday morning, and, as for the second one. They're still planning it out and figuring out what to do apparently, as my girlfriend was telling me, they were thinking the movies. But, there's nothing good on. So, it seems the second one is still being worked on. I'll let you all know as details come. For now, I am tired from work, so I'm going to relax for a bit. And I'll be back on in a bit to answer any questions of course, brb.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 8:32 pm
by DeAd so7
Hello there everyone! So, I just wanted to inform you all that their morning breakfast that they had this morning went well. Again, according to my girlfriend, even though she wasn't really dressed up, James again did comment upon how nice she looked. So, she was very happy overall coming back home she told me, while I was at work. Also, to inform you all and let ya'll know, the subsequent date of their has been planned, and it'll happen tomorrow. That is, if my girlfriend accepts. As James invited her over to his place to watch a movie, but my girlfriend told me so far she just gave him an answer that she'll think about it, and check up with me. As she doesn't want to go over unless we're both comfortable with it and so on. Nevertheless, she told me she'll tell James her choice tomorrow morning, and we'll see from there. Other than that, sorry for the late update getting around to what happened this morning, I'm quite tired after work today. And I kind of just forgot till now, haha. Nevertheless, I'll inform you all later what is happening come tomorrow morning, and I'll try not to be late about it this time! Haha.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 11:29 pm
by joel68
Cool. Glad it went well.

I would bet that she will accept.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 2:08 pm
by DeAd so7
Hello there everyone, so, sorry about the late update again, I tried to write it out earlier. But, I got distracted by some other things, and when I tried to post it later. It had me re sign in, so sorry about that. Nevertheless! Onto the update, so, my girlfriend is going over to James house after all to watch the movie tonight, after we talked about it this morning and all that. I told her that I'll be on stand by at home in case she needs help to call and/or text me, and James was more than willing to send her a picture of his house and address. So, just in case I do have that, and again I'll be on stand by for her in case she needs anything. With that in mind of course too, seeing how things have been turning out recently between them, we decided it would be best for her to bring condoms with her just in case things go that far, if she is willing. And as for now, that is where things are at. She's going over to his house in about an hour and a half and as for now, we're just relaxing and waiting here till she needs to head over. I'm so excited to see how things will go tonight, and I hope she has fun. She is absolutely stunning, even as I watch her freshen up for another man, haha. Nevertheless, I'll keep you all informed as things come in. And I'll talk to you all later.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 3:02 pm
by aztd
Hope it goes well

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 3:40 pm
by DeAd so7
Hello there everyone, so my girlfriend has left to go over to James house, and i could be no more excited than I am for her. She put on her favorite perfume, and even though she didn't dress up too, too much. She dressed up in some very nice casual clothes, and I am very excited for her. I'll let ya'll know as things come in.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 3:45 pm
by cpeater
Casual clothes are easier to get off, I believe.

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 3:56 pm
by BallSpanking
She is probably riding James cowgirl as we speak ...

Re: Girlfriends first date

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 4:18 pm
by DeAd so7
BallSpanking wrote:
Sat Sep 23, 2023 3:56 pm
She is probably riding James cowgirl as we speak ...
Haha, that's pretty much what someone else messaged me alluding to as to that happening instead of watching a movie with him. Nevertheless, again, I'll let you all know what's happening as things come in. And if anybody has any questions for me in the mean time, don't hesitate to ask.