Being replaced

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.

Re: Being replaced

Unread post by R_H_NC » Fri Mar 19, 2021 5:00 am

McRex wrote:
Thu Mar 18, 2021 11:55 pm
Here is just perfect example of what I'm saying about
If you are referring to the situation in the other thread showing signs of improving I understand. Unfortunately this thread is more like the other thread a few pages earlier. Also, there are many, many threads here where the lying doesn't end up getting resolved.

Optimism is fine, when tempered with a good sense of reality.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by troilusand » Wed Apr 07, 2021 12:13 pm

Any updates, Jeeza?


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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by JeffS » Sat Apr 10, 2021 1:05 pm

I wish you the best of luck. I assume she is not telling you the truth because she is a afraid of something:
- your disapproval if you knew too much
- her having to make a choice if she openly expressed the depth of her relationship with him
- or some other related fear

I know from couples therapy that finding a way to talk it out in a safe non-recrimination environment can do wonders, but how you get her to open up into your own face-to-face candid discussion - I unfortunately don’t have a magic bullet for that.

Btw, have you guys ever role played in bed with her imagining it is him? That might be one way to get something started (in sex or discussions) - with or without using a dildo or other toy substitute for him.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by Jezza2543 » Sat Apr 10, 2021 10:39 pm

So thanks everybody for checking in on us. A lot has happened, but I don’t want to go into the detail on here - at a summary level, she went to see him again and denied she was doing so... so I decided to break cover and confront her all of my evidence. I explained that I wasn’t unhappy about the act, but that I expected honesty and that going behind my back had hurt me. I was surprised to find that she was very concerned by this and we talked a lot of things through, we decided to stop seeing him, work on us and so far so good. For now we are back to monogamy and I don’t think she has contacted him since.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by Cucklife101 » Sat Apr 10, 2021 10:59 pm

As for me I have accepted my place in my wife life and that is as her bestfriend and support system! I love her and happy to see her with a man that pleases her in ways I cant. She still let's me watch and clean her still very affectionate but her intimacy and sex belongs with her boyfriend! I've allowed her to explore more of a relationship with him and seeing her happy makes me beyond happy!

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by takeoff » Tue Apr 13, 2021 12:25 am

Jezza2543 wrote:
Thu Jun 11, 2020 9:12 pm
So my wife has had a boyfriend for over a year now - He is much better in bed than me, he is younger, they have a lot in common and she has feelings for him. There is definitely chemistry between them and I have been encouraging this along. More recently l, she has been cutting me off and reducing my sex life. I am turned on by the thought of them falling deeper and deeper for each other to the point where I become surplus to requirements. IN the real world I don’t want her to leave me, but I do get off on the danger of the situation. I asked her if she would leave me for him and she said at the moment no, but there are no guarantees on what might happen in the future. She said we should live our lives for now and enjoy what we have . This response got me super hard and also made me realise that if we ever did break up, I’d much rather that it was because she left me for another man than say, we got bored and mutually split.
This is a danger of the cuckold lifestyle. My wife has the same bull since September 2013. He fucks her very hard and he satisfies her very well. That's why she is stuck with him for so many years. After all those years I know she has developed feelings for him. I know it. She doesn't deny it. But I'm still her husband. I love her, she loves me. She doesn't consider leaving me for him.

...for the time being!

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by Shogun2049 » Sat May 29, 2021 9:10 pm

Jezza, any updates? How are things going between you and the wife after a month or so of taking a break? Wanted to check in that everything is still good with you two.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by Jezza2543 » Mon May 31, 2021 9:04 pm

Thanks, we are still on a break from cuckolding have done a lot of talking and there is a lot more to all of this than I reaLised last time I posted. She has since told me that she fell in love with him and does not know why she took it underground but in essence wanted to stop sharing their relationship with me. I believe it also got too intense for him so the break off was not entirely her choice. I told her that she really should have told me this and not tried to pretend they had split when really it was all going to another level. So for now, she isn’t seeing him anymore, ( says she never will again) but I have made it clear if he comes back and they decide to try again, she must tell me.


Re: Being replaced

Unread post by elina » Mon May 31, 2021 11:18 pm

Dear Jezza,

Maybe the opportunity for you here is to support your WIfe and make her understand that She can trust you with everything.
She now had an intense relationship, but when it ended, you are still there for her.
Maybe buy Her flowers and tell Her how much you appreciate her?
Next time, maybe better to involve you more fully from the start.

Good luck and maybe your relationship will emerge much stronger after all of this.


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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by SailorGuy » Mon Jul 12, 2021 7:06 am

I've been totally replaced as my wife's lover, and I am deeply turned on by this. My wife lives with me maybe 50% of the time, the other half with her lover. I am not allowed any sexual contact with her, not even kissing. When she is feeling generous she will stretch out on our bed and let me gaze at her longingly while I masturbate. I refer to it as my need to be "milked", a phrase I picked up in this forum. My wife hates it, but I love it because it is exactly what is going on.
Back when we were lovers I spent most of my energy on rubbing kissing and licking my beautiful wife all over her luscious body. She enjoyed this of course, but ultimately wanted me inside her. I did my best to not cum the second I was inside her, lasting at best maybe two minutes. Our form of birth control was for me to pull out just before cumming and rub myself to orgasm next to her on the bed. The entire process, from the kissing and licking to the fucking was intense prelude to my masturbating next to her. My orgasms were lights-out fantastic.
I referred to my wife as my "masturbatory fantasy" back then, meaning it as a great compliment. I didn't know, however, I was laying the foundation for a cuckolded marriage, where my wife has her other lover and I have my great masturbatory sex life.
So now I am unabashed about my need to be "milked", knowing my wife gets her great sexual fulfillment with another man and her distaste for my sexual needs. No matter. So now she lays there - my wife still, my former lover - and tells me a bit about her lover, or a bit about how I will never ever have the pleasure of making love to her, and I just swoon with delirium and cum in mere seconds, squirting my cum all over my belly and chest and feeling I'd died and gone to heaven.
Of course when she is gone at her lover's I masturbate every night alone in our marital bed. Though I do miss her intimate companionship sometimes I have to admit that my sex life now is far better than when I was her lover. In those days we were making love maybe 2-3 times a week. Now I passionately masturbate at least 5 times a week and have tremendous orgasms thanks to her inspiration.
I have chosen to embrace the fantasy-turned-reality and our new relationship. She somehow wants to stay married to me, and I am happy to be a fulfilled cuckold.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by FFDriver » Thu Aug 05, 2021 2:54 am

Jezza, I saw your reply on the pussy free thread... you say you've been celibate for four months, and bi-monthly for six months before that. Has she started up again... or has she gone underground?

What's the latest? We know you hit a few 'rocks and shoals' for a while; how are things going?

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by Jezza2543 » Thu Aug 05, 2021 10:04 pm

Hey. Well there isnt much going on at the moment. I got to the bottom of things between them - as i understand he is with someone else and prefers her over my wife. My wife told me she is/was in love with him and no longer me. She seriously proposed divorce, but has done nothing about it since. We haven't fucked in about 4 months, but actually we are getting on well at the moment, like not fighting and going out for dinner etc so maybe we can salvage the situation. So, who knows…. It might fix itself or it might be a calm before a storm! Im pretty sure that if he had wanted her, she would have left me back at the end of last year. She says she is done with this lifestyle but i think if the right bloke came along we could be right back in there. From my end, i have had offers from other women which i have found helped my self esteem and proves to myself that i also have options too!

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by ProfBaw » Fri Aug 06, 2021 4:00 am

Hats off to you for trying. Not sure i'd be hanging around with someone who stated they no longer loved me, but different strokes for different folk. Life is simply too short to just hang around "just because".

I'm not knocking either of you guys as these things happen in life, even without the involvement of others. You both are only human, after all. But such a wasted life sticking around in a relationship that trust and respect are in scarce amounts. Like you said, when people feel like she does, it doesn't actually take much to seek out something else.

When people are with you who want to be with you, it's not difficult to communicate with them about commitment and categorically state you will refrain from actions that will ultimately jeopardise the relationship.

There was another thread on here a while ago. Everyone reading it could see what was happening with both his neighbour and his wife, but he thought it was fun. Only, years later everyone had been moving on with their lives other than the husband. That is 3 or so years that he won't ever be getting back.


Re: Being replaced

Unread post by afagehi7 » Fri Aug 06, 2021 11:26 am

ProfBaw wrote:
Fri Aug 06, 2021 4:00 am
Hats off to you for trying. Not sure i'd be hanging around with someone who stated they no longer loved me, but different strokes for different folk. Life is simply too short to just hang around "just because".

I'm not knocking either of you guys as these things happen in life, even without the involvement of others. You both are only human, after all. But such a wasted life sticking around in a relationship that trust and respect are in scarce amounts. Like you said, when people feel like she does, it doesn't actually take much to seek out something else.

When people are with you who want to be with you, it's not difficult to communicate with them about commitment and categorically state you will refrain from actions that will ultimately jeopardise the relationship.

There was another thread on here a while ago. Everyone reading it could see what was happening with both his neighbour and his wife, but he thought it was fun. Only, years later everyone had been moving on with their lives other than the husband. That is 3 or so years that he won't ever be getting back.
Prof - I don't say anything on the cuck forum as many want to be replaced. On the hotwife I do.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by sucker00 » Fri Aug 06, 2021 12:43 pm

Jezza2543 wrote:
Thu Jun 11, 2020 9:12 pm
So my wife has had a boyfriend for over a year now - He is much better in bed than me, he is younger, they have a lot in common and she has feelings for him. There is definitely chemistry between them and I have been encouraging this along. More recently l, she has been cutting me off and reducing my sex life. I am turned on by the thought of them falling deeper and deeper for each other to the point where I become surplus to requirements. IN the real world I don’t want her to leave me, but I do get off on the danger of the situation. I asked her if she would leave me for him and she said at the moment no, but there are no guarantees on what might happen in the future. She said we should live our lives for now and enjoy what we have . This response got me super hard and also made me realise that if we ever did break up, I’d much rather that it was because she left me for another man than say, we got bored and mutually split.
What was the progression with your wife cutting you off, did she talk to you about a reason for doing so or has it been a silent progression?

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by insertomit » Sat Aug 07, 2021 1:02 am

Jezza2543 wrote:
Thu Aug 05, 2021 10:04 pm
Hey. Well there isnt much going on at the moment. I got to the bottom of things between them - as i understand he is with someone else and prefers her over my wife. My wife told me she is/was in love with him and no longer me. She seriously proposed divorce, but has done nothing about it since. We haven't fucked in about 4 months, but actually we are getting on well at the moment, like not fighting and going out for dinner etc so maybe we can salvage the situation. So, who knows…. It might fix itself or it might be a calm before a storm! Im pretty sure that if he had wanted her, she would have left me back at the end of last year. She says she is done with this lifestyle but i think if the right bloke came along we could be right back in there. From my end, i have had offers from other women which i have found helped my self esteem and proves to myself that i also have options too!
A similar thing happened to my wife and her lover a while ago. She told me she stopped with him but she didn't. He wanted her for himself and isolated her from me. In the end she came back to me. Sometimes emotions can make us do things we regret so show her you want to work with her.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by Jezza2543 » Sat Aug 07, 2021 10:47 pm

sucker00 wrote:
Fri Aug 06, 2021 12:43 pm
Jezza2543 wrote:
Thu Jun 11, 2020 9:12 pm
So my wife has had a boyfriend for over a year now - He is much better in bed than me, he is younger, they have a lot in common and she has feelings for him. There is definitely chemistry between them and I have been encouraging this along. More recently l, she has been cutting me off and reducing my sex life. I am turned on by the thought of them falling deeper and deeper for each other to the point where I become surplus to requirements. IN the real world I don’t want her to leave me, but I do get off on the danger of the situation. I asked her if she would leave me for him and she said at the moment no, but there are no guarantees on what might happen in the future. She said we should live our lives for now and enjoy what we have . This response got me super hard and also made me realise that if we ever did break up, I’d much rather that it was because she left me for another man than say, we got bored and mutually split.
What was the progression with your wife cutting you off, did she talk to you about a reason for doing so or has it been a silent progression?
So back when the above bit was written, she told me that she was going to cut me off and that i should accept this. We had talked about this as a progression and it turned me on so there was some encouragement from my side, but i wasnt ready to put a date on it and she was. She said that she only wanted to have sex with him and she was ‘retiring’ my dick because it didn't fill her and make her cum like his did. The last fuck was awesome, and i really asked her if she was sure and she said yes so that was that. Until COVID struck and she could not see him anymore so my dick got more love again. Then they were able to see each other again and things were getting intense, i noticed that she wasnt very wet for me anymore. Then their relationship went underground and she hasn't said much except that she does not want to have sex with me anymore. Then i uncovered their relationship and she promised it was over and she would try. Two fucks in and she pulled the plug again! I think they may well still be in touch but since April there has only been two times when they could have possibly met, so im not sure she is having her needs met elsewhere, although if they did meet im sure he would fuck the living daylights out of her and she would love that.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by Jezza2543 » Sat Aug 07, 2021 10:49 pm

insertomit wrote:
Sat Aug 07, 2021 1:02 am
Jezza2543 wrote:
Thu Aug 05, 2021 10:04 pm
Hey. Well there isnt much going on at the moment. I got to the bottom of things between them - as i understand he is with someone else and prefers her over my wife. My wife told me she is/was in love with him and no longer me. She seriously proposed divorce, but has done nothing about it since. We haven't fucked in about 4 months, but actually we are getting on well at the moment, like not fighting and going out for dinner etc so maybe we can salvage the situation. So, who knows…. It might fix itself or it might be a calm before a storm! Im pretty sure that if he had wanted her, she would have left me back at the end of last year. She says she is done with this lifestyle but i think if the right bloke came along we could be right back in there. From my end, i have had offers from other women which i have found helped my self esteem and proves to myself that i also have options too!
A similar thing happened to my wife and her lover a while ago. She told me she stopped with him but she didn't. He wanted her for himself and isolated her from me. In the end she came back to me. Sometimes emotions can make us do things we regret so show her you want to work with her.
Thanks, I'm doing my best to recover the situation.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by Cucklife101 » Mon Aug 09, 2021 12:09 am

So my wife has been seeing her boyfriend for almost 9months now. Started with her meeting him alone on the 1st date and the 2nd time i got to watch and the 3 of us got to talk openly and we all agreed we would love this to be a regular thing. He was a little older very attractive black man very much a gentleman. They started seeing each other 1 sometimes 2 times a week with my support and encouragement. I didnt get to watch everytime but she lets me clean her everytime. She would see him evey Saturday and once during the week alone. The slowly started to turn into her staying the night with him and 3months in me and her talked one night and she admitted that she would love if i would really let her only fuck him for a while which yes hearing her say made me fully hard and i couldnt help but say yes. I asked her if she has real feelings for him? She looked at me and asked how i felt and i said to her thst i love her more than ever and being her cuckold and seeing her happy and feeling good makes me happy. She said if im really okay with him being more of a boyfriend and i said yes. Well that soon turned into them taking there first vacation a 4day trip. When she came back things felt different the next few days she ended up not seeing him that Saturday we talked again about things and she said yes she is in love with him and that she scared because she does want to be with him but she doesnt want to lose me and I reassured her im not going anywhere and that i am her life partner and she said yes you are we held each other and kissed and we made love for the 1st time in almost 4months. She told me well i was in her that her pussy belongs to him now and that im the 3rd wheel and that she loves me snd i cam so hard and so much. But yes she stays with him part of the week and part of the week with me its been very wild

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by pixwellguy » Mon Aug 09, 2021 10:47 am

[quote....]She told me well i was in her that her pussy belongs to him now and that im the 3rd wheel and that she loves me snd i cam so hard and so much. But yes she stays with him part of the week and part of the week with me its been very wild[/quote]

I totally get how you feel and how wonderful this can be. My wife and I have a fairly similar situation: Her cunt and body belong totally to her lover, and I am completely denied. I haven't been in her body in close to 3 years now, and I haven't seen her naked or touched in almost as long. She is deeply in love with him and we're both quite happy that she belongs to him, and he knows it. If we could find a way for her to live with him part time, I'm sure we'd be doing that.

I like your description of being your wife's "life partner" - that's just as it is with my wife and I. We are life partners, and nothing will change that, but he is her only sexual partner, and one of her two emotional partners. It's not something that works for everyone, but it works for us.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by pixwellguy » Sat Aug 14, 2021 4:36 am

Wonderful! It would be fantastic for my wife to travel with her lover like that!
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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by lookingiansa » Sat Aug 14, 2021 7:49 am

Wow in a way he was cucked too. Just like alot of guys want to take the hotwife from the husband. While cuck hubby encourages cheating the man she left you for does not. And many women cheat in them too. Much more humiliating on that so called man.
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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by troilusand » Tue Aug 31, 2021 3:53 pm

My wife took a well-planned trip to the west coast to meet the side of her lover's family he was closest to (she'd already met his Mom and siblings and had dinners with them). They took two weeks and Cressida bonded well with his Aunt.

Like you,, I knew my wife would never completely leave me, but I loved that she was also semi-married to the man she loved. She lived in his house two days a week and socialized with all his friends, and would hostess (no, not sexually you pervs, hee hee) his business parties like any good wife would. And they all knew that although they were in love and living together part-time, she was happily married to another man.

Another positive aspect of their relationship was that Cressida felt empowered that everyone knew she was a slutwife. She and I are in the closet, so it felt good to be somewhere she didn't need to hide her behavior. I had helped her accept that she was a natural-born slut (since her teens) and by that time she was proud of it!

He and I never discussed it, but I'm sure he told his curious friends that she had always been a slut...and that I eventually came to like her having love affairs; and now not only approved of her fucking other men, I encouraged her. And knowing that there are more couples that are hotwife or cuckold wannabes, I'm sure some of his friends would go home pillow-talking and pretend the wife was a whore like Cressida and the husband was a cuck like her husband.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by tim99uk » Wed Sep 01, 2021 12:54 am

D+D wrote:
Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:13 am
FNQLivin wrote:
Sun Jun 14, 2020 12:58 pm
4herpleasure89 wrote:
Sun Jun 14, 2020 12:11 pm
After 10 years my wife has found a boyfriend who is exclusive to her. She sees him every week at our condo and it’s usually for two nights and days. They sleep in the master bedroom and I the guest. The sounds of their sex fill the condo day and night. I’m in a mode of uncertainty right now. Unlike the OP, I’m not sure I want this to progress further.
You should address this sooner than later then.
I totally agree. You need to talk this out with her and express your fears and frustrations. You have to also decide what's most important to you.
I will second this.. its not just about your wifes pleasure but your pleasures as a couple because you are a couple regardless of the lifestyle and both of you need to have any desires/wants/fears addressed.

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Re: Being replaced

Unread post by pixwellguy » Wed Sep 01, 2021 5:28 am

tim99uk wrote:
Wed Sep 01, 2021 12:54 am
D+D wrote:
Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:13 am
FNQLivin wrote:
Sun Jun 14, 2020 12:58 pm
4herpleasure89 wrote:
Sun Jun 14, 2020 12:11 pm
After 10 years my wife has found a boyfriend who is exclusive to her. She sees him every week at our condo and it’s usually for two nights and days. They sleep in the master bedroom and I the guest. The sounds of their sex fill the condo day and night. I’m in a mode of uncertainty right now. Unlike the OP, I’m not sure I want this to progress further.
You should address this sooner than later then.
I totally agree. You need to talk this out with her and express your fears and frustrations. You have to also decide what's most important to you.
I will second this.. its not just about your wifes pleasure but your pleasures as a couple because you are a couple regardless of the lifestyle and both of you need to have any desires/wants/fears addressed.
Since it's been some years since 4herpleasure89 wrote those words, it would be interesting if he came back and told us how it all worked out!

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