progress story

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:17 am

Thanks guys, probably should have caged myself and I should just start doing it since you are all right she went through the efforts of getting one. Last night we were hanging out and she brought up the girls trip to Vegas that was being planned by one of her girlfriends was being postponed. She was bummed and said she still wanted to go and thought we should go together. I happily agreed and told her I was on board, so we are trying to plan that. I asked her if she'd wear the outfit in the one photo she had sent me now a couple months ago of her wearing a white silk tank top, black leather skirt, and black boots and reminded her she said if we went to Vegas she'd wear that. She smiled and said she would wear the tank top and skirt, but probably not the boots because it would be too hot, so she'd wear heels. Obviously going to Vegas opens endless possibilities for this to become a reality.

When she eventually suggested we go to bed I asked about her using her toy while I laid next to her. She paused again to think about it and said, "How about you go down on me? Since you're here I don't need to use my toys." Darn, but I didn't hesitate to as she said. She orgasmed rather quickly and when she was done she looked comfortable and satisfied. When it was my turn she asked exhaustedly if I wanted to do her, I instead stayed where I was and got myself off within seconds.

So she seems to either be hesitant to use her toy in front of me, or she prefers to use me when I am available. Since there are nights when I am available yet she chooses to secretively use her toy I am going to guess she's hesitant to use them in front of me. I'll also guess the reason is her mind does go to someone else when she uses it and she may feel awkward or embarassed to be thinking that, while using a toy, and I am right there. And since she said she'd cuckold me but at first I wouldn't be present, this makes sense. Again, if she was just thinking about me, or thinking about us doing something, I don't see the hesitation as to why she wouldn't use her toy in front of me. I think she is still getting comfortable with this entire idea, and that's fine with me.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:31 am

Hi Breaker,

You are probably right she is just now getting used to the idea about cuckolding. This would be an excellent time to curate some articles and websites for her to check out. They should inform her about the styles of cuckolding, and she would learn more about how she wants to go about it.

I get the impression your relationship is all about her, and your gratification comes third, or fourth, if at all. If that is how you want it, I have no quarrel, but going forward, this low rating could come back to haunt you. If she eventually stops feeling the need to keep you in the loop because she need not consider your satisfaction, then you end up in an untenable situation.

Impress on her that your satisfaction hinges on her satisfaction, sure, but you need to KNOW about her experience. She will have to tell you about her Bulls and their lovemaking, and... How are you going to ever get her to do that, if she won't even tell you what she is thinking, or who she is thinking of?

Moreover, in an FLR, it should be an easy step to have her tell you in detail what she needs, what kind of men turn her on, and what she would like to do with them. Don't be surprised if she wants to assume a sub role to their well hung Alpha cocks and A-Type personalities. Many HW's are attracted by such men. ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:06 pm


Does your wife have any ideas for what to do in Vegas? She's probably already done some planning with her girlfriends...

As for toys when you're playing together, I'll say it again - oral with a dildo can be awesome for some women, independent of any cuck thoughts. It's hard to imagine how a woman wouldn't enjoy the sensation of being fucked and licked at the same time. So, rather than ask your wife if she'd like a toy, maybe surprise her? As someone else here wrote, using lube is a good idea. In my experience, warming the toys in warm water or with a heating pad (heating pad is great because you can keep the toys warm at the bedside) also helps make the experience more pleasurable for her.

Same thing for using the vibrator while you're inside her. If the goal is for her to have the best, most pleasurable sex, then vibing her clit while she rides you seems like a decent place to start. You two sound like you're in a good place - a place where you can begin to cut through the crap of convention and really open up to each other. In a few years I suspect you'll look back at how hard it's been to push through this and laugh.

Have fun, and keep us posted!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Tue May 01, 2018 4:13 pm

Good points! Just a quick small update, when trying to plan a trip to Vegas she's excited about going and even sent me a photo of her in her leather skirt, white silk tank top and heels to let me know what she would wear. But even though nothing is final it's like she is trying to give me motivation to start looking at places to stay. For fun we were looking for shows to maybe see if we went and I mentioned the Chippendales and thunder down under, halfway joking, but saying, "Ohhh look we can go to this, you'd probably like it." Her response was of course she'd like it, but she wouldn't want to go with me, she said that would be a show to go see with her girlfriends. Again making me think and realize she does enjoy the attractiveness to other men, but just not with me there. A little later she put on her swimsuit and started checking herself out, again I am certain a ploy by her to get me to get moving on the trip. I told her how sexy her swimsuit was and she said back with a short chuckle, "This isn't for you." I don't know what she meant, but immediately my mind went to how hot she looked and imagined how many men would be checking her out pool side.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Tue May 01, 2018 6:31 pm

Clearly, her remark "This isn't for you" was meant to underscore that she is wanting to look hot for other guys.
Same with the remark about the all male reviews, she wants to reserve her raunchier behavior for when you are not present... ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun May 06, 2018 11:31 am

Been a few days since I last posted so I figured i'd give a little update although there isn't much but little bits and pieces. I caved in and got a trip to Vegas planned which she is very excited about. As for dressing to catch eyes she has this pair of black spandex workout pants that is extremely tight and has this shiney material on it, so it almost looks latex, but it isn't. Anyways, she has worn those pants out to run errands twice in the last few days which again that looking material super tight on her legs it's a giant tease and I am positive draws looks.

I got lucky once in the bedroom this past week. I thought it was really good, there was dirty talk from both of us and we orgasmed at the same time. I was happy and relieved I was able to last and although I thought it was all really good she never gave me reassurance that it was good. Usually when she is satisfied she will make a little comment of it was good, but she didn't this time. And the last time we had sex and I lasted and brought her to orgasm she made the comment that she didn't have that great of an orgasm which makes me wonder if it wasn't good for her again this time around. The next day I made a comment she was hot and she replied, "You know, you already got one of your two times in last night." Meaning I got sex once already for the two times a week limit she has set. Later that night I was in the mood to be naughty and asked her if she was too and she said no and she was going to bed, so we didn't do anything.

The next day she went to work and I decided to take the advice many have given and put on the chastity cage she bought. I didn't tell her, but I did chores all day so when she got home everything was cleaned. She got home and noticed everything was cleaned, but it wasn't until later she noticed I had my cage one. She asked how long I had it on and I just smiled and asked her if it mattered. She said, "Did you have it on all day and that is why you cleaned so good? Works for me." Later that night I gave her oral. Before I started she hinted I wouldn't be getting anything by saying, "You know, most guys who wear that don't get relieved in the end." After she was done though she could see I was eager to get out of the cage. I begged to have sex with her and in a non sexual, non teasing way she asked in seriousness, "Why would you get to have sex with me when I just came?" It made perfect sense, and I felt dumb even suggesting it. I got the key to unlock myself and laid there and she just gave me her feet to enjoy.

The other day I had noticed when she was undressing she had on a pair of black laced underwear with a little black bow in the front waistband. It looked really hot and quiet frankly I had never seen that pair of underwear before, but it looked sexy. So today I brought up to her how hot it was to see her wearing that underwear and also to let her know I noticed she was wearing it. She chuckled and said, "I didn't wear it for you." I didn't say anything back, trying to play it cool and enjoying the obvious question in my head. She either knew what I was thinking, or intended to get me to think something because she again in a nonchalant, non teasing, non sexual way said, "I didn't wear it for someone else either." It was hot to hear her say that and say it in the way she did. Because she didn't say it in a way that she caught herself saying what she said and had to annoyingly make herself clear to acknowledge my fantasy, or say it in a way to purposefully arouse me. It was just very nonchalant, with no teasing or sexual sense behind it. I don't know but the tone in which she said it and what she said has stuck with me since this morning when I brought it up to her. After she said it I just gave her a surprise "Whoa!!"

Anyways, nothing major, it is a continued slow progress to her taking the next step, but it definitely feels like there is a slow shift taking place to maybe more of the FLR taking control, which inevitably will probably lead to her taking the next step in cuckolding.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sun May 06, 2018 4:08 pm

"I didn't wear them for you." She was referring to her panties, so either she either wore them for herself, or for the possibility of someone else.
If she wears panties daily, "wearing them for her" makes as much sense as brushing your teeth, you just do it out of hygiene. But, if this is a new and sexy pair of panties, then she is thinking of wearing them because they are sexy, and yes, she is thinking of being sexy with someone else. Someone specific?
Who knows..., ask her. ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Mon May 07, 2018 7:52 pm

Hey, thanks for another great update.

Curious to hear more about how it felt to be caged for a whole day. Would you consider giving your wife the key? It could make those moments in the bedroom more intense for both of you -- really putting your release in her control. Handing her the key in the morning before she leaves for the day could also be intense for both of you.

Good on you for being more useful around the house too! Most men could stand to do a lot more in that area, so it's great you two get an extra little kick from doing what's right. Do you wash your wife's delicate underthings? Sometime after my wife started seeing other men she began having me hand wash her panties, stockings, etc. She said it was because those things would be ruined in the machine and it was just part of doing the laundry, which was fair enough. I discovered there's a noticeable difference between the discharge from a horny pussy alone, and dried cum. The former washes off with just a little gentle scrubbing, but the cum will clump and stick to snags in the fabric, especially if the water is at all warm. I'll never know if she was trying to rub it in my face, or if she just didn't care. In either case, it pushed my cuck buttons hard.

That's a long winded way of saying, that hand washing her panties might be a nice gesture, but also hot - possibly for both of you.

Keep us posted!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri May 11, 2018 8:37 am

Been awhile but there has been a little accumulation of things throughout the week that I figured I'd post. Earlier in the week she said she wanted us to go out Friday night so I have been excited looking forward to date night all week. When she said she wanted to go out I asked her if she wanted to go out with just us or with anyone else. She asked, "Like who?" and paying attention to her reaction I gave her a couple names of guys who also have significant others. The first name I gave her was Josh and followed his name with a couple other guy friend names. After saying Josh's name I could barely finish the rest of the names before she emphatically picked him to be the first one I asked. I told her I would text him and see if he was available. Not an hour went by before she asked me eagerly, "Did Josh text back if they were available Friday?" I let her know I hadn't heard back. She asked me again later in the night if I had heard anything yet from him, which I had, and told her he was unsure if they were available or not. She had a disappointed look on her face, and so I let her know I could ask others and she in a disappointed tone said no and that Josh and his SO were more fun. Each day as the week went on she'd ask me if Josh said they were available. Finally I got a definitive answer from him saying they were unable to make it. I gave the news to my wife and said since he said no I could ask other friends, but she showed no interest in me asking anyone else.

As usual I found a night where she used her toy besides me, but there was also a night where I got lucky. Before getting into bed started to put on a cock ring on to help with my stamina. She thought I would putting on my cage but I let her know it was a cock ring. "Oh, lots of guys wear those." I was surprised she knew that. I let her know it was supposed to help me with my stamina and also make me feel harder. We got into bed and for me the sensation was great, but I had to slow down early to prevent ending too soon. Doing this frustrated her and she told me with frustration and a little anger to fuck her. I'd get going, but the urge to orgasm would start to creep over me and I would have to stop. She expressed more frustration and asked me, "Why can't you just fuck me??" then demanded I fuck her. Eventually I was able to get going and lasted until she orgasmed and when she was done I pulled out and maybe it was because of the ring but I felt like a ruined orgasm happen. Like I posted before, the last few times we have done anything she has either expressed her lack of being satisfied or not given me any praised comment that it was good. Well this time she let me know it wasn't good. She told me she felt like I was trying too hard not to cum, which was true. Even though sometimes I last long enough, my performance is bad, and I know this, and she is starting to realize this.

So given this, last night I asked her about using her large dildo with me there. She let me know that she could use her toy anytime and uses it when I am not there so when I am there she wants to do me. Rather than just brushing it aside as the reasoning it would be hot to see her is because of my cuckold fantasies I explained to her about the lack of performance in bed for me. I told her I had a stamina issue which she replied, "Oh I know." I told her it would be hot to see her use the dildo because for me I want to see her enjoy sex. I told her that when I have sex with her I spend most of the time trying to last and not thinking about the moment because if I do think about what we are doing I orgasm instantly. So it would be hot to watch her enjoy it how I wish I could watch her enjoy it when we are having sex. She grabbed my crotch and told me to get her toy. I excitedly said "Ok!" and went to retrieve it. As I was lubing it up she told me that she still wanted me to do her eventually, which I said I would. She said, "Use your spray stuff, that works well." Meaning my numbing spray. I thought perfect because we could use the dildo while we waited for the numbing spray to settle in.

We started with a little oral until I heard her say, "Ok." that was my cue to bring her the toy. Now as far as I know the toy she uses it mainly her vibrator, and maybe occasionally her smaller dildo, so I don't think she has used this large dildo but maybe one time when she first got it. And I say maybe because when she first got it she may have seen how large it was and decided to never use it, so this could have been the first time. She took the large dildo and I was almost paralyzed at how easy it went in. I didn't really know what to do at first but just admire and imagine how good it must have felt for her. I started smelling and kissing her feet while I watched (huge cuck fantasy act for me) I don't think she even paid attention to me, like it didn't matter I was there. After a bit I moved to giving her oral while she continued to play with it. I think she could have orgasmed in seconds once I started licking her and she was using the dildo, but seeing it all and being apart of it I let her know I wanted to do her. Not sure if I interrupted anything for her, but she said almost out of breathe "Ok, do me." At first she said with frustration, "You're not hard enough!" but that complaint went away for whatever reason, because I was numb I don't know if it was because I got harder for her or if I started hitting the right spot. It didn't take long but we orgasmed at the same time. Afterward she was exhausted, but still no praise for me on if it was good or not.

Given her recent dissatisfaction with me in the bedroom I can't help but wonder if using the large dildo opened doors for her and maybe make her think of using it more on her own? I will be anxious to find out if she does use it more on her own now.

Oh and the other thing that happened last evening was, she goes on walks/runs, and shortly after she got back yesterday she said, "I always see this one guy running" I asked "Oh really?" (sorta thinking where she was going with this and does she find him attractive?) she added, "I've seen him before walking his dog." I thought it was odd and definitely random that she brought this up. She didn't say anything else, it was so random I didn't respond much at all. I probably should have, but I didn't ask if she thought he was attractive or not. It was just so out of the blue for her to bring that up, I started to wonder if she is like setting something up to have a running buddy or something? I actually almost jokingly asked her if they were going to be running buddies, but didn't know where she was going with the whole thing.

Maybe date night tonight will bring up more things. I do think it is starting to click for her that I am not good in the bedroom for what she needs. And since she said she would cuckold me, there has been this feel of a slow change on our roles and her whole attitude toward me. It feels like a slow change into more of a FLR lifestyle rather than a slow build up to a moment she cucks me.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Fri May 11, 2018 4:03 pm

Wow, great update, as usual. So much to unpack!

Curious that she perked up at Josh's name. It's been a long time since you last mentioned him... Have you seen any signs that he and his wife are in an open relationship? Just a thought, but why not suggest joining one or two of her single/divorced friends for drinks? They could bring dates, or not. I know I enjoy the company of sexy, sassy women independent of any cuck connection.

Great that the dildo play was fun for her! Maybe hold off until she's cum before thinking about your pleasure? If she chooses not to have you fuck her, maybe hold off on your release unless she specifically tells you to?

FLR: For sure, you've given us the outlines of a budding FLR. Has your wife expressed any interest in dressing you? I recall you mentioning her making references to certain fashions being hot, despite you not wearing them. One way of showing your devotion is accompanying your wife as she shops for shoes and clothes. These trips are also an opportunity to let her dress you. It can feel really challenging to let go and allow your wife complete control, but it can also be really rewarding. Maybe work the idea into conversation while you're rubbing her feet to see if it's something she'd like.

Good luck, and keep us posted!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Fri May 11, 2018 6:12 pm

It sounds like your wife is progressing along her HW development. You may be right, she might be thinking of something in particular, though it may not yet have taken place... Keep an ear cocked (so to speak)to see if she mentions other guys, either generally of specifically.

In the past, you would hold back from fear of annoying her, I think at this point she actually enjoys your suggestions and is more willing to consider your suggestions.

I loved that she shared her dildo time with you, next time you might want to help her along and talk about Josh, see if she gets wet. ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat May 12, 2018 10:35 am

60d - Yeah it had been awhile since he was ever mentioned, the interesting thing about any signs he and his wife would be in an open relationship. Reminded me of one time a long time ago when we were hanging out with a group and definitely been drinking, myself, my wife and him were talking and his wife came up to join the conversation and inserted herself like what we were all talking about. He asked her, "well hunny ever heard of menage a trois?" We all laughed at the time, but I guess to your question I don't know. I just thought of that comment from awhile back when you brought that question up. At the time I just thought of it as a joke mixed with alcohol. Good idea on her dressing me. I should bring up that one day I want her to take me shopping and pick out whatever she wants me to wear and I will wear it. I think she would like that idea and I am sure I would have a new style of clothing from there on out.

BallSpanking - I feel you are right, I do think now she enjoys my suggestions and when I bring them up she seems to ponder them and almost like file them in the back of her mind.

So last night we went out, she wore her black leather jacket and a pair of black leather open toed heels. She looked super hot and maybe it was just my sub mind but she portrayed a sense of power and control. On our way to dinner she brought back up again if she still looked good and I said of course she did and that she could tell I thought she was hot by my lack of stamina in bed. She laughed but said she knew I thought she was hot, but she was more wondering if others thought she was hot. She said she likes to know she still has it. Of course I am thinking 'well go find a bull to know you still got it!' But I kept the comment to myself. A little later I jokingly brought up that maybe i'd get lucky tonight and she'd give me a bj. She said, "I don't give bj's and I think you get off better on other things." I agreed with her and said I get off better giving her oral. She smiled and said she loved that I like giving her oral and told me I do a good job. Going back to her not giving me bj's she said, "Plus, I do all your fantasies so you shouldn't get greedy for bj's." I told her I knew and reminded her how hot she was.

She got some drinks at dinner and afterwards we were out walking around and a guy drove past us. I noticed he was completely checking my wife out, eyes off the road, I didn't think anything of it because I've noticed guys checking her out before. However my wife pointed out after he drove by. "That guy was totally checking me out. But then he saw you were with me and he put his head down." I played dumb as if I didn't see it and asked her about it. "That guy that just drove past us, he was checking me out but then saw I was with you." When she said, "but then saw I was with you" she gently slapped my arm like to say I messed something up and how dare I be so close to her. I don't know if it was the drinks or what for her to bring that up but it was really hot. She has rarely ever acknowledged other guys checking her out when we are out together. Even though I've noticed, she's never really brought it up. On the way back to our place she spent a lot of the time taking selfies of herself, which she NEVER does. I noticed she was looking at her phone with her arms held out and tilting her head and I asked her what she was doing. "Taking selfies!" she excitedly replied. I got a look at a couple of them and they were very hot and she took them in a way to purposefully look hot.

Later after we got home we were on the couch and I was rubbing her feet. She then came up with a list of chores for me to do and really not in the mood to do anything since it was late I gave a sigh and suggested it wait until tomorrow. Sternly she replied, "If you want anything at all tonight, you'll do it." My eyes widened with surprise she said that and in the way she said it. I quickly corrected my attitude, stood up and said, "Yes ma'am" She raised her leg and placed her foot on my chest and looked me in the eyes, raised her eyebrows and again sternly said, "And you better do it good." Before I walked away she raised her foot up from my chest to my face and I gave her foot a kiss. I did my chores and we went to bed where I was able to bring her to orgasm while lasting. When it was my turn she laid next to me and I stroked myself. She said, "You are so pathetic, you can only cum while jacking off." I didn't last after she told me that.

It was a fun night, and it was exciting and fun that she fed me little bits and pieces of the cuckolding aspect while we were out. I am curious to what she was taking all those selfies for and what she did with them, I don't know if they are still on her phone or not, but they were really hot pictures and again very out of character for her to take selfies like that. Just from the whole feel from last night, which I can't really describe in words so I won't even try, I do think there is a really good chance she may do something when we go to Vegas.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Sun May 13, 2018 5:57 pm


Sounds like a super fun night out! Your wife's reaction to the guy checking her out is priceless - and hot!. Given her reaction, I doubt you'd be crossing any lines with her if you were more direct when she asks how to know if other guys are into her. Reminding her she has a standing hall pass when she's out with her wingbabes probably can't hurt.

If you two haven't discussed what she'll tell guys, this can be an opening for that conversation. The classic "I'm in an open relationship" along with "I'm just out to have some fun" covers things for many couples. But, it's still worthwhile having the conversation so you're both on the same page. Who knows, your wife might want to approach things differently. It also helps make things more concrete - a good opportunity to reflect on where you are and where you're headed.

Hope you're having a great Sunday.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon May 14, 2018 11:16 am

60d - I definitely should remind her of her free hall pass whenever she brings up the question if others find her attractive. One time in the past, we had a light conversation about if she did it what she would tell the other guy and she said she'd tell him I knew and was ok with it. But this was awhile ago and may be a good conversation to bring back up to see if she is still thinking the same or if it has changed. Maybe the more she has thought of it, because I am sure she has since our last conversations, she has changed how she would approach things.

So I am probably thinking way to far into this and it is so miniscule, but I guess with my sub mind it's interested me. As summer approaches each year my wife buys a pair of sandals that she wears for everyday use. In the past these are in no way very attractive looking sandals, they are usually cheap with floral print straps and really nothing special about them. However, this year she got a pair of sandals I would have never thought she'd pick out. They are all black but the strap is black PVC material. Maybe it's because that's what you see in dominatrix type clothing material, but I was intrigued to see that was the pair she chose. Again, probably nothing behind it and it's just my sub mind getting excited. It just wasn't the type or look of sandal I'd imagine she'd pick because it is nothing like all her previous ones.

Yesterday evening she was back to trying on her bathing suit and trying on different tops that went with it. Looking hot I brought up to her that she could always leave her bathing suit bottom out for me. She smiled and said, "Hmmm I can do that." Well later in the night I ended up going to the gym around the time she was going to bed. While I was gone I sent her a text saying I didn't want to be greedy because it sounded like she'd leave out her bathing suit bottom, but that it would be hot if she used her toy and left out the panties she was wearing when she used her toy or socks she had on or if she was wearing shoes. She sent a text back saying, "Hahaha maybe" I let her know that she was hot and randomly I will get images of her in my head and I get excited. She texted back, "Good, I like that." Well I didn't think she'd actually leave out her panties, especially not the night that I brought it up. I thought maybe if she did leave them out, it would be a few days later. But to my surprise when I got back, she had left out a pair of panties for me right in a spot that I couldn't miss them.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Mon May 14, 2018 3:01 pm


Discussing how she'll interact with guys in more detail now that she's said she's into it does seem like a good idea. Talking about NRE and how you'll both deal with it might also be a good idea. Chances are, your wife has already done more reading on FLR/Femdom/cuck stuff than you imagine. I know she's considered NRE, based on her early fear of falling for a guy, but talking about it together might help prepare you for how much her sexual focus could shift away from you for a while. I have no first hand experience with enforced chastity, but I can see how it might help if/when your wife has a new lover and just wants him for a while.

About the sandals - isn't it fun seeing these subtle changes?! My wife started wearing shorter shorts, halter tops, and cuter sandals after her cheating was out in the open. Going braless sometimes too. She also stayed waxed smooth, aside from the fuzz between salon visits. It all made her feel the way she wanted to feel, but it pushed my cuck buttons too.

And the wet panties - wow! You really should be grateful your wife is so accommodating of your kinks. I think it's great! For both of you! But, damn, what a wife. I assume you stroked while inhaling her scent? Did you let her know - either by telling her or by leaving them where she did, only covered in cum? Did you thank her? I don't know what she's into in terms of special treats (non cuck), but she deserves something. Maybe another shopping trip? More sandals?

Thanks for another hot update.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Tue May 15, 2018 11:26 am

60d - I definitely thanked her the next day. She just smiled and said, "Good."

Maybe I found a fun new little routine because we both got busy last night and I ended up only being able to squeeze in a trip to the gym again when she was going to bed. While at the gym she sent me pictures of just her butt in her underwear, you could tell it was taken in our dark room and I had to take a minute to look at the photo to see if I could also see her toy in the picture, but I didn't. It was super hot pictures though because it was while she was in bed and the room was dark so call you could really see was her butt in her underwear. I sent her responses saying how incredibly hot and sexy the pictures were and she responded with more photos of the same. When I got home she was already asleep but I noticed her vibrator was used. The experience was hot because the photos looked like one of those 'cheating' photos a wife may send their husband when they are out, and finding out she used her toy while I was gone and probably when she was taking the photos was just hot to know.

Today I told her about how hot the photos were and how much I enjoyed them. She laughed confidently knowing I liked them and said, like it was no big deal, "I was just laying in bed and was wondering how that angle would look." I let her know the angle looked great.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Tue May 15, 2018 1:00 pm

Thanks for the update Breaker,

I think your wife is definitely at a point where she would benefit going out with her GF's, without you hanging about. Wives tend to get self-conscious when their husbands are looking on. Certainly she seems motivated to do more activities without you, and that will lead to her taking positive, proactive steps to becoming a HW.

Moreover, it would likely lead to having conversations with new guys, and a big increase in texting, and photo sharing (not all of them with you.) ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed May 16, 2018 1:52 pm

BallSpanking - funny you bring up she is at the point where she would benefit going out with her girlfriends.

Today I sent her a text saying I heard on the radio that Lady Antebellum song, Bartender, (yes old song) and told her the part about her going out with her friends and wearing her dress and sky high leather boots, that I instantly thought of her doing that and got very aroused. She texted back, "Hahahaha love it!!" Which again is a change from what she probably would have responded with not that long ago.

She let me know she was going to do a little shopping before she got home. I told her when she goes shopping my mind instantly starts thinking 'hmm maybe she will buy some sort of sexy clothing that isn't even for me and of course that gets me excited. She texted back, "Oh like this?" And she sent a photo of her in a red lace short dress. I replied, "ummm exactly!!" and went on to tell her how incredibly sexy she looked. She hasn't responded so I don't know if she bought it or not (hope so!). But I am anxiously awaiting to see if she bought it or what she may text me next!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Wed May 16, 2018 6:19 pm

Dayum, you are a lucky husband! The selfies sound super hot - both those she's taking for you, and those she's taking for unknown reasons.

Thinking a bit about your interaction around the guy who was checking your wife out as he drove by, maybe she's was expressing a little genuine frustration? He actions saying something like "Hey, you want me to get into the fact that guys check me out, then you cock block me? Get your shit together and figure out what you want!" Maybe?

In any case, I agree with you and everyone else here that she seems to be enjoying all of this at least as much as you are. You're doing an awesome job of being open with her about your thought and feelings, and she seems to be reciprocating like never before.

Can't wait to hear what she bought! If there's an outing with girlfriends in the works, maybe she's shopping for that?

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed May 16, 2018 7:22 pm

60d - The selfies have been a treat, and the most recent one with her in the lace short dress was super hot because she sent it to me like 10 minutes after I told her I think about her picking out sexy clothing that isn't for me. So makes me think she was either already trying on those clothes or my text reminded her and she went and picked it out. More on this in a bit because she answers that question.

As for the guy checking her out and her commenting, I don't think she was expressing frustration because there wasn't anything I could have done. Because I was just next to her when he drove by. But she definitely seems to be enjoying all of this more and more and again there are subtle changes she does that are very exciting.

When she got home I didn't comment about the dress because I was going to see if she bought it or was going to surprise me or not. A few minutes after she got back she asked, "You liked the picture?" I told her i did and jokingly told her she gave me a third leg. She smiled in return and said, "I wish it was a third leg." I replied with telling her she could have one that big if she wanted. She gave a subtle, "MMmm" reply.

We ended up going out for a quick bite to eat for dinner. So nothing fancy and no hot dressing up, just a casual quick dinner option. While driving to the restaurant she asked again, "So you liked the picture?" I told her again of course I did and explained to her that I got butterflies in my stomach and again joked about getting a third leg. She again reminded me, "Let's be honest, that isn't a third leg." She went on to tell me my text was perfect timing because she was looking for more outfits for Vegas anyways. She let me know she didnt buy it for some reason or another, but assured me she'd continue to look for hot clothes.

When we got to the restaurant the waiter sat us down at a table and he placed us next to another couple's table. Well after we sat down we both started looking at the menu, but I looked up at my wife and noticed her completely checking the guy sitting next to us out. The couple was just about finished, but I noticed my wifes eyes checking him out shortly after we sat down until he walked out. I don't know if she thought she was being secretive or not about it, because she thought I was focused on the menu, but it was very obvious, almost like it was so obvious she just simply got lost in the moment. I smiled to myself because I had thought to myself when we walked by their table that he was someone I thought my wife would think was attractive, and I was right. I didn't bring it up, because again, I didn't know if she thought she was being secretive about it so I figured I'd wait to see if she brought it up, but she never did. Sure, I probably could have had a good dinner conversation about it, but if she thought she was being secretive about checking him out I didn't want to bring it up and the image of seeing her checking him out is a hot one that I won't forget! She also has rarely ever checked a guy out in front of me, or at least so obvious that I could tell what she was doing.

Anyways like it's been mentioned she seems to be having a lot of fun with this, but just taking it at a slow pace which is fine by me.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Wed May 16, 2018 8:53 pm

Another great update - thanks!

Are you enjoying the SPH talk? Must've been quite a rush hearing that out of the blue. Twice! Good on you for going with it and reminding her she has options. Even if your wife doesn't have a lover yet, you two seem to be living a full-on cuckold marriage in nearly every other respect.

Combining the SPH with the big dildo and oral while asking her about the handsome guy at dinner could make for a fun evening. Throw in enforced chastity where she holds the key, and boom! ;-)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu May 17, 2018 7:53 am

I am very much enjoying the SPH talk. The humiliation carried into the bedroom too and I can only imagine her thought about taking the next step must be on her mind. Last night she was in the mood and we started having sex. Lack of stamina happened rather quickly and I had to pull out and stop to avoid ending too early. I told her I was sorry and said I was about to cum, so I immediately went to giving her oral. I thought she'd be frustrated with me for having to pull out, but she realllllly got into me giving her oral. She held my head in place by squeezing her thighs against my head and I don't think I could have stopped if I wanted to. Usually after a bit of oral she will tell me she wants me in her, but this time she just let me continue with my tongue. I felt like we both just submitted to the fact that I wouldn't last but a second if she decided to take me. After she orgasmed she asked if I still wanted to fuck her. I said of course I did and she got on top of me, as soon as she got on top of me I just flat out told her, "I can't last at all and I am going to cum right now already." She replied back in a matter of fact way, "You're so pathetic you can't last 2 seconds before you cum." I was cumming as she was telling me that, I literally orgasmed as soon as we started. As I was ending she told me one more time, this time in a sexy voice, "You're so pathetic." Then she got off. Afterwards she told me over and over how good it was and was very satisfied, which it has been awhile since she praised to me how good our time in the bedroom was. Funny part is, it was mostly my tongue pleasuring her, and I am beginning to think she gets off better to my tongue than my dick, and that is probably because my tongue doesn't end early. It was hot that moment where it felt like we both knew the rest of the time it was going to be my tongue and that I wasn't going to be back in her to get her off. Her not being frustrated at how last night ended is yet another change, because in the past she would have been almost angry that I couldn't last and had to go to oral, but last night she seemed the most satisfied with me in a long time.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Thu May 17, 2018 6:09 pm

Taken together, that was an incredibly arousing day! As I've mentioned before, I have no first hand experience with enforced chastity, but I can imagine how the intensity might have been amplified even further - not that it really need any amplifying. Think back to the start of your thread - it's hard to recognize either of you. You are both so much more comfortable with and confident in your roles. It's been amazing to observe - thanks for including us.

This might be a bit much, OTOH, it could make for some fun time on the couch and in the bedroom afterward... Others here have suggested your wife might enjoy the attention she'd get from having a Tinder profile. Well, what about making a profile located in Vegas? She's been taking selfies of all almost types - from G to R rated. She might be amenable if you made it clear to her that you understand that she's in charge and that you're not pushing her to do anything at all - that goofing around with the Tinder profile is pure fantasy with the benefit of her getting the reassurance she seeks from real men. And, because the location is in Vegas, she doesn't have to worry (much) about being exposed (maybe she wouldn't mind?).

It could make for a fun evening to lounge on the couch together, you rubbing her feet as she composes her profile text. Since it's just fantasy, she might feel more free to spell out the cuckold nature of her relationship, her sexual frustration, and her desire for a specific set of manly attributes. We know she'd like a longer, thicker, harder cock. We know she'd like a guy with stamina. We know she'd like a guy who doesn't "fuck like a virgin." What else? Tall? Muscular? Tattoos? Beard? Specific positions she'd like to explore, but which she can't due to your size? Could be fun to help her compose, even if she never gets up the nerve to post it. Same with selecting selfies from her collection, or even taking some pictures for her. Maybe even beyond R rated. ;-)

Have fun, and keep us posted!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Fri May 18, 2018 3:43 am

Hi Breaker,

It does sound like she is at a point where she has acknowledged that your performance in the bedroom is pathetic, and she is increasingly accepting that as a fact.. So, perhaps you could simply proceed from that basis. In other words, full blown cuckolding talk while you pleasure her orally, keeping her dildo handy for when she needs a hard cock inside her. She can work it while you continue to lick her clitoris, labia, and asshole. All the while she will be concentrating on the story, and the pleasure she is feeling, so perhaps you should name her dildo Josh, or maybe even Jamal, or Tyrone.

Explain to her how the thought of her summing rapturously and repeatedly is a goal/fantasy of yours, and that is why you are so intent on her becoming a HW.
I doubt you will find her to be reluctant any longer. Be sure to sprinkle remarks about her being free and encouraged by you in this endeavor, and suggest to her she should have her own AFF or AM account so she can witness the effect she has on virile studs with big cocks, and how this texting and sexting will definitely lead to her dating other guys, sooner rather than later.

Cheers! ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat May 19, 2018 9:26 am

Thanks guys, so yesterday was another step toward something. We were hanging out as usual and I made some sort of comment about an actress being attractive. I was clearly teasing and joking with my comment, but my wife shot back with a serious remark of, "Like I don't have fantasies of hotter guys." I responded with, "Whoa! Naughty girl!" and expressed how hot that was to hear and tried to hear more details. She just raised her eyebrows and gave me a, "Mmmm."

We watched an old re-run of the show 90 Day Fiance and one of the wives does modeling and some of the photos she poses for are very revealing, and the husband doesn't really like her taking revealing photos. Her modeling becomes an argument and the husband is very open that he dislikes her modeling in revealing clothes. Well to go with my wifes changing opinion and perspective she said the husband was too insecure. Not long ago, literally watching the same show and episodes, she would be on the fence of how the husband reacted to the modeling. She'd make a comment to me that, "Oh you'd love if I did that." And followed by telling me she wished I was more jealous. Now it's, "You would just love if I did that." Followed by saying, "He's too insecure." She continued on saying, "Guys like that are just insecure about themselves and don't have any confidence in themselves or their relationship." I agreed and said he should just embrace it and encourage it, and if it were me I would enjoy the photos too. I of course was smiling inside because of the clear change in her opinion and comments.

Later that night she directed me to the bedroom. Before anything I applied my numbing spray which she gave the comment, "Really?? You can't just do me normally?" I told her I had to use it or I would end too early. She replied with, "Now we have to wait 10 minutes, why can't you just put me on the bed and fuck me? I need a man who can just pick me up and fuck me good and hard and can last without any sort of help." The comment sent me through the roof, I couldn't believe I was hearing it and I accepted the challenge. I definitely couldn't wait any longer either after hearing her tell me that. It was incredible sex that was filled with cuckold talk. While having sex I told her she deserved a man that could last and didn't cum in 2 seconds. She replied with, "I know I do, I need someone who is bigger and can last." She followed up with, "You know how easy I can find someone, don't you?" I told her I did and how hot she was. I told her I just wanted to know she had someone who could do her like she deserved and she deserved someone who didn't cum in seconds. She said back to me, "I do deserve better, you're so pathetic, you can't last, I need someone who's bigger and longer." At one point I moaned out, "Just cuck me!" in which she replied, "HmmmMmhmm." The entire time was filled with cuckold talk and I would say she really was the one driving it. Not only was it hot hearing it, but she was very wet, wetter than she had been in a long time. Amazingly I lasted until she orgasmed, which really didn't take long, but it is clear the numbing spray is a necessity for me because I lasted through all that dirty talk. When it was my turn I laid next to her stroking myself. She leaned in and gave me a slow kiss and as she pulled away reminded me I was pathetic and wasn't even allowed to cum in her. I told her I knew and that was why she deserved someone bigger and who could last. She laid on her stomach with her elbows down on the bed and her head resting on her hands as she watched me, she replied, "I know." When I was done she praised me on how good it was, and we both laid there completely satisfied.

Very hot night that has left me spoiled. Unfortunately we won't get to see much of each other today, but I am excited to see what tonight may bring. Although the little bit we saw of each other this morning she was all smiles and in a really good mood.

I think this cuckolding thing connects with her, or is starting to connect with her, when I put it in a way that I want her to be satisfied in bed and to enjoy sex. I think she became much more comfortable with this idea when we used her dildo and I told her the reason I wanted to watch her use her toy was because I wanted to see her enjoy sex, and that is something I wish I could do when we are having sex together. I told her if I do take a moment to think about me having sex with her when we are having sex, or if I take a moment to enjoy watching her while we are having sex I cum immediately. Since I put it in these terms she has really put this whole thing into another gear.

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