I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by coastalkid » Thu Jan 30, 2025 9:42 am

mick_flow wrote:
Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:12 pm
My wife spent nights away with her lover. Turned into weekend trips. Nights during the week. Visits over when I was away. Week long vacations. God it was hot. Yes I encouraged it.

It was fun. But the angst started to fade. It felt normal that she wasn’t around. It also felt a bit empty. Lonely. I started seeing another women as well.

My wife thought I wanted it. That id enjoy it. After all I’d pushed her, right?! Had another women right?

It was a horrid horrid time. We both said some horrible things.
Not much is said on this site regarding when the angst fades and the "new normal" becomes the "new routine". When people use the phrase, "Well, this lifestyle isn't for everyone!", I've learned that they don't JUST mean about the sex. Thanks for sharing mick_flow! I'm happy for you that those horrid days are behind you.
Hope is not a strategy but it's still good to have! Especially if you don't have a strategy!
I get my denial the old fashion way, I married vanilla!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by mick_flow » Thu Jan 30, 2025 6:34 pm

coastalkid wrote:
Thu Jan 30, 2025 9:42 am
mick_flow wrote:
Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:12 pm
My wife spent nights away with her lover. Turned into weekend trips. Nights during the week. Visits over when I was away. Week long vacations. God it was hot. Yes I encouraged it.

It was fun. But the angst started to fade. It felt normal that she wasn’t around. It also felt a bit empty. Lonely. I started seeing another women as well.

My wife thought I wanted it. That id enjoy it. After all I’d pushed her, right?! Had another women right?

It was a horrid horrid time. We both said some horrible things.
Not much is said on this site regarding when the angst fades and the "new normal" becomes the "new routine". When people use the phrase, "Well, this lifestyle isn't for everyone!", I've learned that they don't JUST mean about the sex. Thanks for sharing mick_flow! I'm happy for you that those horrid days are behind you.
Hey, no problem. We see so many people vanish from the forum. Happy to still be around. I will be honest, the kink, well, of course its still there. Would I go back and try again? Yeah, I'd be lying if I didn't admit that it would be hot. But I've learnt that you need to keep the angst. That's a balancing act. full credit to anyone who can pull it off.

In fairness, from what Ky relay's, about with Jaimee's concern for him, I think they are both looking out for each other and I imagine they are communicating well. Well, I'd hope so. I take comfort in that Ky's editing the posts, and giving us the most entertaining aspects, and keeping the mundane to himself.

As much as I love reading the stories, there is also a sense of guilt when I post a comment. I don't want Ky to read my comment, or any comment on here, which sounds encouraging and then to do something that he and Jaimee, and now Joanna might regret later. So I guess I'm saying "Ky you are awesome man... great writing! Can't wait to hear what comes next!" followed closely by "Ohh, Ky take care of yourself and your family!".

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by mick_flow » Thu Jan 30, 2025 6:39 pm

scdiver wrote:
Thu Jan 30, 2025 6:11 am
Mick_Flow, I am doing well. My new wife and I have grown old together (it has been 40 years). We have two kids from this marriage and several grand kids from this marriage. My oldest son has reached out and is trying to build a relationship again. My wife and I are so much in love with each other. Night and day from my first marriage.
I have been in love with Ky's story since the beginning with Derek. I so much see the seeds of utter destruction with Ky and Jaimee and their involvement with Sipho that I had with my first marriage.
I have no skin in their story and I find it hard to write on these forums in fear someone might recognize me. But I had to put my two cents in in hopes that Ky will come to his senses and fight for Jaimee the way he did with Derek.
Awesome scdiver! - 40 years, congratulations! Sometimes you just find your person. That's awesome, and it is great that you and your son are getting the chance to reconnect. I'm sure that there will be some bumps here and there, but I'm delighted for you, wish you all the best.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Fri Jan 31, 2025 12:46 pm

It's been a 'spicy' couple of weeks here at the Ky household, and I've done a lot of processing and soul searching in the last few days. I had to make an out-of-town business trip for a few days, which turned out to be the best thing for me. I basically forced myself into a sexual detox for the entire time I was gone, and man, did it do me some good. It was like being sober for the first time after a long, multi-month binge of lust and sex. It felt good, cleansing to let my mind move to other things in life and remember there's more to existence than sex, kinks, and lust. I'm starting to understand why lust is considered one of the seven deadly sins.

That said, I get everyone's concern about what my wife is doing, the choices she's made, and the crazy direction things have been going. My last update was still a few weeks behind, but it's current enough that what I share here will still make sense.

Things have cooled between me and Joanna. We both kind of got swept up in the moment, and for about a week, things got a little out of hand. I wouldn't say things have returned to normal, nor that things are cold between us, but we both realize that developing a deep relationship isn't a good idea. Still, we're having to be careful because if we're alone in the evenings after the kids are in bed and Jaimee is with Sipho, tearing each other's clothes off for a quickie (or even a not-so-quickie) is all too easy to fall into.

I returned home late in the evening after my trip. Jaimee was home, her presence a mix of the familiar and the unknown. She had been reading on the couch but stood when I entered, her eyes searching mine as if trying to read my thoughts.

"Ky," she said, her voice a blend of Jaimee's warmth and Lexi's boldness. "How was it, being away from all this?"

I took a moment, feeling the weight of our lifestyle pressing down as I looked at her—Lexi's tattoos peeking from under her shirt, the new piercing glinting under the light. "It was... good. I needed the break. We need to talk."

Her eyes widened a touch. "About?" she asked, her tone cautious.

"About us, Jaimee. About Lexi." I hesitated, the words heavy in my throat. "I've done a lot of thinking... It was good to get away from it all for a few days, and it's helped me find some perspective."


I gave her a quick nod. "Yeah, it's made me wonder if we're going too far."

She moved closer, her body language both inviting and challenging. "Too far? How so?"

I sighed, trying to articulate my reservations. "Everything's changed so quickly. Your tattoos, the piercings, the way you look at me now, like you're half Jaimee, half Lexi. I'm not sure if I'm keeping up."

Jaimee's expression softened, but there was a defensive edge to her voice. "I like who I've become, Ky. Lexi's given me a freedom I never knew I needed. Don't you see that?"

"I do see it," I admitted, "and part of me loves it, loves seeing you so free. But another part of me is scared. Scared that you're losing yourself to this lifestyle, that we're losing us."

She reached out, her hand on my chest, her expression a mix of patience and frustration. "Ky, we've been over this. I'm not losing myself. I'm finding parts of me I didn't know existed. I want you with me on this journey, not just watching from the sidelines. It's not just about the sex; it's about exploring who I am."

Her voice carried a note of exasperation, the repetition of this conversation clearly wearing on her. "How many times do we need to have this conversation? I'm still here, still Jaimee, just... more."

"But where does it end, Jaimee?" I asked, repeating something I feel I've said numerous times lately, my voice a mix of frustration and fear. "When do we pull back? I want you to have your experiences, but I need to know we're still on the same page."

She looked at me, her eyes searching mine for understanding. "I don't know when it ends. But I know I want to go through this with you, not despite you. Can you handle that? Can you handle me like this?"

"I do see it," I admitted, "and part of me loves it, loves seeing you so free. But another part of me is scared. Scared that you're losing yourself to this lifestyle, that we're losing us."

She reached out, her hand on my chest, her expression a mix of patience and frustration. "Ky, we've been over this more times than I can count. I'm not losing myself. It's not just about the sex; it's about exploring who I am."

Her voice carried a note of exasperation, the repetition of this conversation clearly wearing on her. "How many times do we need to have this conversation? We've already agreed to reassess in June, and then we'll get away as a family in July. It'll just be us, no Sipho, no Joanna, no games. You've agreed to let me play until then, but I'll try to spend more time with you and focus on family activities. Can we move past this now?"

I took her hand, our connection a lifeline in the storm of our emotions. "I'll try. I love you, Jaimee. But we need to find a way to manage this, to set some limits."

She nodded, her voice softening. "I love you too. And I'll try, for us. But let's not shut the door on this part of me just yet."

Then she dropped a bombshell. "I've been thinking about getting a breast augmentation," she said, her tone measured but with a hint of excitement.

My heart plummeted, an icy chill spreading through me as Jaimee's words echoed in the room. "A breast augmentation?" I managed to say, my voice catching on the words like they were thorns. "Jaimee..."

The idea of such a permanent change to her body left me flummoxed, my mind racing with a flurry of conflicting emotions. It wasn't the speed of her transformation that chilled me to the bone; it was the magnitude of this decision, the irrevocability of altering her body in such a profound way. An icy dread settled in my stomach, the thought of her under the knife, marking her transition from Jaimee to Lexi not just in behavior but in form, sent shivers through me.

Yet, beneath that cold wave of fear, there was an undeniable, lustful heat, the erotic thrill of her becoming even more of Lexi, of her physical embodiment of our shared fantasies. It was like standing at the edge of a precipice, the wind of desire pushing me forward while the fear of the fall held me back. My thoughts were a tangled mess, shock and arousal wrestling for dominance. I felt both compelled and repelled, the complexity of my emotions making me question what this meant for us, for our future, for the woman I loved who was now proposing to reshape herself in such a tangible way.

Her eyes flashed with defiance. "It's my body, Ky. I want to feel complete in my transformation. It's not just for Sipho, it's for me, for Lexi. It's about feeling right in my skin."

"But what about us? What about our family?" I argued, my voice rising slightly. "Are we even considering the implications, this isn't a nothin-thing."

She crossed her arms, her stance firm. "Of course, I've considered it. I've thought about how it would make me feel more confident, more me. I'm not asking for your permission, but I am asking for your support."

I took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm inside me. "Support? When does it stop, Jaimee? When do we draw the line?"

She looked away for a moment, then back at me, her gaze resolute. "I don't know, but I need to know you're with me, not just enduring this, but living it with me. I want to be sure that when I look in the mirror, I see all of me - Jaimee and Lexi."

I felt torn between my desire to support her and my fear of losing the woman I married to this new identity. "I'll need time to think about this, Jaimee. This isn't just about you; it's about us."

She nodded, understanding etched on her face. "I know. But I want you to understand, this isn't just a game anymore. It's my life, our life, and I want to live it fully." Her eyes flickered with something akin to approval as she added, "Sipho offered to pay for it."

My response was immediate, a surge of protectiveness overriding my shock. "No, absolutely not. I won't have another man owning any more of you. If you're set on doing this, then we'll pay for it from our savings." My voice was firm, a declaration of where I stood. Jaimee's gaze softened, a knowing look passing between us. There was a subtle, almost imperceptible nod of respect, or perhaps it was her way of acknowledging my assertion of control, yet her eyes danced with the thrill of having maneuvered me into accepting this change, not just emotionally but financially, binding me further into the transformation of Lexi. Fuck.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by mundyman » Fri Jan 31, 2025 12:59 pm

I called it!!!!!!!!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by mundyman » Fri Jan 31, 2025 1:00 pm

Augmentations are like tattoos, once you start you always want to keep expanding.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by mundyman » Fri Jan 31, 2025 1:03 pm

Ky_Da wrote:
Fri Jan 31, 2025 12:46 pm
It's been a 'spicy' couple of weeks here at the Ky household, and I've done a lot of processing and soul searching in the last few days. I had to make an out-of-town business trip for a few days, which turned out to be the best thing for me. I basically forced myself into a sexual detox for the entire time I was gone, and man, did it do me some good. It was like being sober for the first time after a long, multi-month binge of lust and sex. It felt good, cleansing to let my mind move to other things in life and remember there's more to existence than sex, kinks, and lust. I'm starting to understand why lust is considered one of the seven deadly sins.

That said, I get everyone's concern about what my wife is doing, the choices she's made, and the crazy direction things have been going. My last update was still a few weeks behind, but it's current enough that what I share here will still make sense.

Things have cooled between me and Joanna. We both kind of got swept up in the moment, and for about a week, things got a little out of hand. I wouldn't say things have returned to normal, nor that things are cold between us, but we both realize that developing a deep relationship isn't a good idea. Still, we're having to be careful because if we're alone in the evenings after the kids are in bed and Jaimee is with Sipho, tearing each other's clothes off for a quickie (or even a not-so-quickie) is all too easy to fall into.

I returned home late in the evening after my trip. Jaimee was home, her presence a mix of the familiar and the unknown. She had been reading on the couch but stood when I entered, her eyes searching mine as if trying to read my thoughts.

"Ky," she said, her voice a blend of Jaimee's warmth and Lexi's boldness. "How was it, being away from all this?"

I took a moment, feeling the weight of our lifestyle pressing down as I looked at her—Lexi's tattoos peeking from under her shirt, the new piercing glinting under the light. "It was... good. I needed the break. We need to talk."

Her eyes widened a touch. "About?" she asked, her tone cautious.

"About us, Jaimee. About Lexi." I hesitated, the words heavy in my throat. "I've done a lot of thinking... It was good to get away from it all for a few days, and it's helped me find some perspective."


I gave her a quick nod. "Yeah, it's made me wonder if we're going too far."

She moved closer, her body language both inviting and challenging. "Too far? How so?"

I sighed, trying to articulate my reservations. "Everything's changed so quickly. Your tattoos, the piercings, the way you look at me now, like you're half Jaimee, half Lexi. I'm not sure if I'm keeping up."

Jaimee's expression softened, but there was a defensive edge to her voice. "I like who I've become, Ky. Lexi's given me a freedom I never knew I needed. Don't you see that?"

"I do see it," I admitted, "and part of me loves it, loves seeing you so free. But another part of me is scared. Scared that you're losing yourself to this lifestyle, that we're losing us."

She reached out, her hand on my chest, her expression a mix of patience and frustration. "Ky, we've been over this. I'm not losing myself. I'm finding parts of me I didn't know existed. I want you with me on this journey, not just watching from the sidelines. It's not just about the sex; it's about exploring who I am."

Her voice carried a note of exasperation, the repetition of this conversation clearly wearing on her. "How many times do we need to have this conversation? I'm still here, still Jaimee, just... more."

"But where does it end, Jaimee?" I asked, repeating something I feel I've said numerous times lately, my voice a mix of frustration and fear. "When do we pull back? I want you to have your experiences, but I need to know we're still on the same page."

She looked at me, her eyes searching mine for understanding. "I don't know when it ends. But I know I want to go through this with you, not despite you. Can you handle that? Can you handle me like this?"

"I do see it," I admitted, "and part of me loves it, loves seeing you so free. But another part of me is scared. Scared that you're losing yourself to this lifestyle, that we're losing us."

She reached out, her hand on my chest, her expression a mix of patience and frustration. "Ky, we've been over this more times than I can count. I'm not losing myself. It's not just about the sex; it's about exploring who I am."

Her voice carried a note of exasperation, the repetition of this conversation clearly wearing on her. "How many times do we need to have this conversation? We've already agreed to reassess in June, and then we'll get away as a family in July. It'll just be us, no Sipho, no Joanna, no games. You've agreed to let me play until then, but I'll try to spend more time with you and focus on family activities. Can we move past this now?"

I took her hand, our connection a lifeline in the storm of our emotions. "I'll try. I love you, Jaimee. But we need to find a way to manage this, to set some limits."

She nodded, her voice softening. "I love you too. And I'll try, for us. But let's not shut the door on this part of me just yet."

Then she dropped a bombshell. "I've been thinking about getting a breast augmentation," she said, her tone measured but with a hint of excitement.

My heart plummeted, an icy chill spreading through me as Jaimee's words echoed in the room. "A breast augmentation?" I managed to say, my voice catching on the words like they were thorns. "Jaimee..."

The idea of such a permanent change to her body left me flummoxed, my mind racing with a flurry of conflicting emotions. It wasn't the speed of her transformation that chilled me to the bone; it was the magnitude of this decision, the irrevocability of altering her body in such a profound way. An icy dread settled in my stomach, the thought of her under the knife, marking her transition from Jaimee to Lexi not just in behavior but in form, sent shivers through me.

Yet, beneath that cold wave of fear, there was an undeniable, lustful heat, the erotic thrill of her becoming even more of Lexi, of her physical embodiment of our shared fantasies. It was like standing at the edge of a precipice, the wind of desire pushing me forward while the fear of the fall held me back. My thoughts were a tangled mess, shock and arousal wrestling for dominance. I felt both compelled and repelled, the complexity of my emotions making me question what this meant for us, for our future, for the woman I loved who was now proposing to reshape herself in such a tangible way.

Her eyes flashed with defiance. "It's my body, Ky. I want to feel complete in my transformation. It's not just for Sipho, it's for me, for Lexi. It's about feeling right in my skin."

"But what about us? What about our family?" I argued, my voice rising slightly. "Are we even considering the implications, this isn't a nothin-thing."

She crossed her arms, her stance firm. "Of course, I've considered it. I've thought about how it would make me feel more confident, more me. I'm not asking for your permission, but I am asking for your support."

I took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm inside me. "Support? When does it stop, Jaimee? When do we draw the line?"

She looked away for a moment, then back at me, her gaze resolute. "I don't know, but I need to know you're with me, not just enduring this, but living it with me. I want to be sure that when I look in the mirror, I see all of me - Jaimee and Lexi."

I felt torn between my desire to support her and my fear of losing the woman I married to this new identity. "I'll need time to think about this, Jaimee. This isn't just about you; it's about us."

She nodded, understanding etched on her face. "I know. But I want you to understand, this isn't just a game anymore. It's my life, our life, and I want to live it fully." Her eyes flickered with something akin to approval as she added, "Sipho offered to pay for it."

My response was immediate, a surge of protectiveness overriding my shock. "No, absolutely not. I won't have another man owning any more of you. If you're set on doing this, then we'll pay for it from our savings." My voice was firm, a declaration of where I stood. Jaimee's gaze softened, a knowing look passing between us. There was a subtle, almost imperceptible nod of respect, or perhaps it was her way of acknowledging my assertion of control, yet her eyes danced with the thrill of having maneuvered me into accepting this change, not just emotionally but financially, binding me further into the transformation of Lexi. Fuck.
However, the sad part time is she has told you that she is not stopping.
That YOU need to make the decision to stay and put up with her changes.
That basically it’s her way or the highway.
I’m wishing you the best Ky.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Cuckcuckgoose1 » Fri Jan 31, 2025 1:09 pm

You do not have our permission for Lexi to get a boob job....unless you provide pictures of before and after. Otherwise....No!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by venus-can99 » Fri Jan 31, 2025 1:09 pm

Thanks for this gut wrenching update - laying bare your fears laced with excitement. You have described the emotional conflict so well - you want to support Jaimee in her game and decisions because it excites you but also holding back because you want to keep the "old" Jaimee still with you. Looking forward to more updates...

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Mycall » Fri Jan 31, 2025 1:31 pm

I don’t think Sipho will be happy with you paying. Suspect this will lead to him trying to mark his territory.

BTW, I actually prefer smaller more proportionate boobs, I find them really sexy. If it were me I would probably put my foot down on this occasion. Obviously it’s Jamiee’s body and she should have full autonomy over it but my stance would be to tell her that I did not support or condone this. That being said I am not a cuckold and I don’t pretend to fully understand the intricacies of your game and what drives you.
Last edited by Mycall on Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Goodboy66 » Fri Jan 31, 2025 2:18 pm

Part of me is hoping this is well written fiction, if its factual she's sounding like a petulant child and you need to man up. Let her find her true self and future with Sipho, he'll dump her when her marketable value diminishes.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by txrockdog » Fri Jan 31, 2025 2:30 pm

If Sipho pays, I am sure he will demand to pick the size of the implants and they will be huge. I hope you can at least get her to put that off until after you regroup alone in June. I keyed in as well on Jaimee pushing back on the idea that you can pause or stop the game anymore. With her insisting that “this is who I am”, for you to argue against “the game” is to deny her a part of who she believes she is at this point. Buckle up Ky. Do keep in mind that there can be a Lexi without Sipho involved. There may come a time when you will need to negotiate around that.

One other question. You had previously brought up the topic of buying a house. Will paying for her implants put a damper on that for the time being? Or will you still try to do both? Interesting conundrum for her to choose between the house Jaimee wants or the implants Lexi wants. Then again, she could just try to convince you to buy the house and let Sipho buy her the circus tits he wants her to have.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by tojanman » Fri Jan 31, 2025 3:25 pm

Dammit Ky. This is the time to veto. It’s going way too far. She needs a detox from Sipho as well.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by veub » Fri Jan 31, 2025 3:48 pm

Well, the plot here has caught up to the "To the Edge and Back" story line. That tale ended there and we never learned if she got the implants.
A couple of comments:
- Sipho won't want to keep her off the market for the 3-6 weeks needed after a boob job. Ky will learn that it will make more sense to wait until Ky and the kids are on vacation.
- There will be a "price" Ky will have to pay for permission to pay for the procedure.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by fgare » Fri Jan 31, 2025 4:37 pm

Jaimee didn't just indicate it was her way or the highway, she also dared Ky to step up and be a man, a husband, and say "No, I don't want that. We need to stop, now. <insert safe word>"

Ky failed that test. No matter how much he should be stopping her, I'd bet dollars to donuts he doesn't do it later, even though he told her that he needed to think about it. As it stands now I'd also bet that if Ky used his safe word, Jaimee wouldn't honor it. She may even rub salt in the wound and head out to join Sipho.

The whole point of a safe word between couples is to immediately cease activities because one of them is uncomfortable. Jaimee's statement, "We've had this talk enough times already - we are going to do this until June." That's not something, someone, in a loving married relationship would say if she really respected her partner as both her husband and the man she wants to spend her life with.

As it is, every word and every action indicates Sipho is now the only one she sees as a man, and Ky is nothing but a shadow in a house they share. Sipho's influence is both complete, and depressing. He created the alter ego of Lexi and now Jaimee calls it hers. He is the first to start tattoos, and now Jaimee not only views them as part of her, but eagerly accepts any new ones from Sipho. Sipho offered to pay for a boob job, and Jaimee threw that at Ky as both a dare to stop her, and a test to see if Ky would be a husband again and put his foot down.

Ky, if you read this, do some serious soul searching on the state of your relationship, your family life, and what will be happening if you don't stand up and be heard. Just my opinion, but Sipho is a cancer. Excise him from your family's life.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by mick_flow » Fri Jan 31, 2025 6:16 pm

mundyman wrote:
Fri Jan 31, 2025 12:59 pm
I called it!!!!!!!!
:D :lol: Damn right!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by scdiver » Fri Jan 31, 2025 6:23 pm

Wow Ky, Lexi’s sex and masochist addiction is really taking her over. And it seems that you can’t stand up to her to protect Jaimee and your family because you have some of that addiction yourself. Sipho has really gotten into her head and is now fully controlling you through Lexi. Lexi even told you that things will continue with or without you.
Lexi has even gone against your hard no to get her breasts enlarged. Again with you or with out you, and you can’t see how this will affect your kids and your future. When your kids get older, do you want your boys to talk to their friends about their mother the slut. Do you want your daughter to be like her role model Lexi. These are things you can only stop now.
Ky when June comes Lexi won’t be able to stop. This is truly the height of addiction and just as an alcoholic makes promises that they can’t keep, Lexi can’t control it. Lexi wants more and harder feelings that are part of her addiction.
With all the sperm that is being pumped into Lexi, what will you do if she comes up pregnant again? And no matter how much Sipho watches out, STD’s are a definite possibility. If this happens the medical service will do a full investigation on Jaimee’s background and could pass a reference to children’s services. If they get involved you could lose your kids. Again I write from experience.
I see so many parallels between you and my first family. My first family ended in disaster and if you don’t stand up to Lexi and Sipho, so will yours.
The only way you might save your family is to man up and tell Lexi that if she wants to continue, that it will be without you. That she will need to pack her things and go with Sipho. Lexi may or may not stop things if she does you will need to get your family back to the USA or Lexi will sneak behind your back to continue with Sipho.
Ky try a little experiment. Try to have sex with Jaimee and see if Lexi fights you off. That should show you how deep Lexi’s addiction is.
It is easy to dismiss me as a blow hard and that you can keep my predictions from happening, but when the disaster hits, well I feel for you.
Your thread is getting too painful for me, It is bringing back my old bad feelings and memories. I will check in from time to time but for now, try to have a good life.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by fgare » Fri Jan 31, 2025 8:04 pm


I agree with everything you said. But, I believe there to be a simpler, and even more truthful test. Ky should use his safe word with Jaimee.

If Jaimee ignores it, then Ky can begin to make plans for a life which does not involve her or her new focus, Sipho.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by rascalnvixen » Fri Jan 31, 2025 8:57 pm

Ky, I would refer you to page one of this thread of yours. You will see what Jaimee said would happen if you started the cucking again. The time has come to the point that she won't be able to say "NO" to Sipho and her new lifestyle as Lexi. Both of your concerns are now clearly in focus in this situation.

"And in the end, The love you take, Is equal to the love, You make." - Sir Paul McCartney
"If you can't have a little fun along the way, why the hell go??" - Rascal

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by scdiver » Fri Jan 31, 2025 10:33 pm

Ky, Please read this,
You said that the time away cleared your head. I don’t think that your head has fully cleared. You need to fully get the sex out of your head and clear it fully now!
Remember when Derek tried to take Jaimee away and you fought for her, well you have a more dangerous opponent now. Sipho has corrupted Jaimee’s body mind and soul. You are no longer her rock, you are just a man to take care of her when Sipho is done with her. She may claim to love you and her kids but does she love her family more than the slavehood of Sipho? It seems not.
You have hard times ahead of you. Times that will hurt more than you know right now. You can have a hard time now and fight for Jaimee now or you can have a harder time later when you have to fight for your kids. I have lived this!!!
If I were you I would call Sipho and tell him you are no longer interested in the arrangement. Then let Jaimee know that if she goes to Sipho again, that you will pack her clothes and have them outside the door for when she gets back. You will be in for the fight of your life but it is the only chance you have.
If you let her be Sipho’s slave for the next 4 months she will be so profoundly under his spell that you won’t get her back. Mark my words, she will not go to Florida with you if you don’t fight for her now. Lexi will be to far into her slave world with Sipho.
Look at what you have now. She disappears with Sipho only to get dumped back on your doorstep when they are done with her. You are not allowed to participate in any of her activities. You are not even told about all that happens to her. Is this the life you really want?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by RGS22 » Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:13 pm

This post mainly regards children.

I've raised a couple of 'em. Congradulate me, I got them to adulthood.
Some of the hardest work I've ever done.
There is nothng like looking at yourself in the mirror. Yes you will see your mistakes in your kids,

Family first.
Kids need stability.
Having simple, warm nurturing times with Mom and Dad is essential. And lots of them, multiple times aday, 24/7.

Where's Jammie when youve got to take the kids in for a medical emergency or ANY emergency as far as that goes? Oh yeah moms literaly tied up, drugged and being fucked by strangers.. Sorry cant make it.

By your story your marital relationship has devolved into one of emotional brutality. This will not escape your children.
Disagreements behind closed doors are witnessed by young innocent eyes who are just entering the age of reason.
They WILL feel the turmoil. They could think that they are at the root cause of your marital issues. The state of your mariage is so far beyond their ability to understand.

Your wife appears to have suffered an emotional break. She appears to be living the childhood rebellion she never had. Hang'n with the bad boys. For your childrens sake grow up.

Joanna is no substitute for an un-involved mom. How can Jammie devote so much time to this Lexi distraction and yet provide quality time for the kids? Furthermore you have romantic involvement with the nanny? Your avoiding the elephant in the room.

After care for your wife? Raising three young ones takes huge amounts of time and energy. They need the after care time, Not your wife.

Does she read this? I hope Sucko (sp?) doesn't. Excuse me.

I've read your stories for years. You are as good or even better than xleg. As stated earlier this definately couild be screen play material. What makes the story real is the way you express yourself. We feel your prose. I am unsettled by the story line and yet I am compelled to go back and read more. Yes you are really that good.

If this was fiction and only transpiring between two consenting adults, then highball full speed ahead.

It's not.


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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by fgare » Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:30 pm

I would post betting odds on a few things.

1. Ky _Da will continue on his current path and his eventual marriage will be absolutely wrecked.
2. Ky_Da will continue until as is foretold by veub and the "Edge and Back Again" Jaimee, well she's gone forever.
3. Ky_Da regrows his balls and tells Sipho to pound sand.

Ky_Da, in recent posts does not have the testicular fortitude to declare any ownership of #3. It's truly sad. His and Jaimee's marriage seemed to be one to celebrate. But, now, it's fucking over. He's not the husband - Sipho is now married to Jaimee via Lexi and will always be the husband

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by scdiver » Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:58 pm

It does not matter who pays for the breast augmentation, Sipho owns Jaimee.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by mundyman » Sat Feb 01, 2025 5:43 am

What things has Sipho filled Jaimie’s head with??
Is Ky really aware and informed of all the conversations Jaimie and Sipho have, and what Sipho’s plans are for her?
It sounds like whatever they are, Jaimie finds them incredibly exciting and desirable.

“Her eyes flashed with defiance. "It's my body, Ky. I want to feel complete in my transformation. It's not just for Sipho, it's for me, for Lexi. It's about feeling right in my skin.”

Up until now the word transformation, and Jaimie’s transformation, have been tossed around rather generally.
Jaimie is a whore, a temptation to any man, a sexual object, a provider of pleasure, now a BDSM sex slut and soon to be pain slut. She is way down the rabbit hole of transformation to losing her identity.
Now is the time for Ky to sit her down and define exactly, in black and white, what that transformation looks like and where it will end.
As in, when is enough, enough?
Doesn’t that quite confirm everything most of us have been saying about Jaimie’s transformation? This is all about Sipho and her dedication to him and the woman he is changing her into?
What did Sipho lay out to Jaimie as to what she would become and the next level Sipho will take Jaimie too when she gets her breasts enlarged? What level of decadence and perversion is Jaimie seeking as a huge tittied slut. And mark my words the enlargement will not be small or reasonable. Every thing Sipho has done TO Jaimie has been increasingly more extreme and outwardly noticeable as Jaimie’s transformation into a man’s dream sex doll, sex slut, BIMBO whore.
I’m reminded of the Instagram and OnlyFans big tittied BIMBOS who have gotten breasts way larger than normal for their body frames, especially the women from Britain.
Remember Sipho’s and Ky’s discussion on where Sipho sees Jaimie being in a year and five years.
You can’t be the center, the Grand Dame of the European underground sex world unless you look the part.
And I think Jaimie really likes that idea.
A lot.
Unfortunately like a drug or alcohol addict, Jaimie will get so far down the hole that she will lose Ky and her family to her desires, her need, to be the center of attention of so many people who will want her because of how she looks and the things she will and can do.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by mundyman » Sat Feb 01, 2025 6:25 am

Two words:
Stockholm Syndrome.
Look it up………

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