Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

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Just a Fantasy
Posts: 54
Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:17 pm

Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by Just a Fantasy » Mon Nov 16, 2020 1:21 pm

Originally posted in the Hotwife forum a year ago in August. After a few months it disappeared so I'm reposting for posterity in the Library.

What do you call one of those guys who has had a hotwife fantasy for several years but has never experienced it in reality? A no-hoper? Maybe a fool is a better answer. If you take a look at my profile you'll see it was first created in April 2012 so that's more than seven years. But I had a profile before which goes back to October 2009 so I'm almost at the 10 year mark. And you may have noticed I have barely posted at all. But then why would I post when I have nothing to tell?

It's no coincidence that my profile name is Just a Fantasy, as that's what I had been telling myself and my wife for a long time - right from the beginning when this "thing" came to me out of the blue. I wonder how many men have this kink hard-wired into them, lurking in their subconscious for years waiting for something to trigger it. Strangely enough, my wife brought it on during sex (of course) when she mentioned the idea of me being with another woman. It was just sexy talk - in no certain terms am I at all allowed to have an extracurricular playmate. And at that moment I didn't even think about another woman. Instead I turned the thought around and pictured my wife with another man - and it was hot!  Of course I told her on the spot what I was thinking about, so crazily enough my wife has known about my fantasy exactly as long as I have. I don't know what she thought of it at the time because I don't remember having a follow-up discussion about it.

By then, Charlotte (obviously not her real name) and I had been together for at least 10 years. She's several years younger than me and when I met her she was not even 20. She was blonde, petite, with a great ass and beautiful full lips. She was also very mature for her age, which I was not. Neither of us thought we would last as I was on a rebound and having a tough time of it. I now wonder how many times she must have thought I wasn't worth dealing with because I could be a real idiot. Eventually there was a move across the country and within a couple of more years we were married. That was followed by a house, a couple of dogs and our only child. Outwardly we had pretty much a perfect relationship except the usual complaints from married couples - a lack of communication and a less than stellar sex life.

But back to the hotwife thing. After the initial shock of discovering this kink, I would bring it up occasionally during sex. Usually that was followed quickly with a, "you know I don't really want you to do that," backpedal. This went on for a few years before I finally had the nerve to bring up the subject outside the bedroom. If I can remember the conversation from my side was, "I probably don't really want you to do this but it's hot and I can't say for sure," while her response was essentially, "That's nice and all but I probably won't ever do this."

There was the doubt of getting what I wished for. Could I deal with it happening in reality? Maybe this is why I never straight out asked her to have sex with someone else but instead talked to her about baby steps and "exploring the fantasy." I suggested that she dress sexier, asked her to point out hot guys when we were out and even try flirting a bit. I also tried to get her to chat online with other guys but never really had any success. So after several years of exploring the fantasy we hadn't made it too far into our journey. 

Every once in a while there has been a little bit of progression. I've told her she has a permanent hall pass if she ever chooses to use it. That said I still couldn't really know in my heart how I'd react in the unlikely event she ever went through with it. Her point of view was pretty straight-forward - it's not her fantasy and she'd probably never do it. She has played along nicely - finding new sexier outfits to wear, teasing me about other guys when we're out. And this summer I had what I thought was a bit of a breakthrough as she agreed to go to a sexy resort for a few days while we are sans child. That's where we stood on a Saturday this past June, when something happened out of the blue.

Just a Fantasy
Posts: 54
Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:17 pm

Re: Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by Just a Fantasy » Mon Nov 16, 2020 1:24 pm

We had only booked our resort trip a few weeks before we were supposed to leave. In between Charlotte had a week-long business-trip scheduled to a European capital. She's already crazy-busy at work so it felt like we were really up against it to be ready for vacation. She left for her work-trip Friday, flying overnight and arriving at her destination Saturday morning. She did the usual stuff after checking into her hotel - lunch, a little wandering around and kept in pretty close contact with me by text. We chatted about what she had seen and eaten and about the things I needed to do at home. I took the opportunity that afternoon to take the kid to lunch at a place that we both liked. That's when I got the following text:

"Not ready for bed so popped into a little pub. Will let U consider whether or not I turned heads when I strolled in alone in my formfitting summer dress"

My response seems ridiculous now, "Summer dress?" And then even more ridiculously I told her where we were having lunch. 
I was a bit surprised that she went into the pub as she's not the type to go out by herself. On the other hand it was the kind of thing that I have suggested to her when she's travelled by herself and every once in a while she will try to humor me. Over the years I've done a lot of self-analysis on why I get so aroused by the idea by hotwifing. It seems to come down to the fantasy of my wife as being the polar opposite of what she is like in real life - which is the good girl who always does the right thing. I just love the thought of her being so overcome by lust that she would do something completely out of character.  Her having sex with another man, even with my permission, seemed so outside the realm of possibility and so unattainable that it made me want it to happen even more. 

To put a little finer point on it, I never wanted to convince or persuade her to hotwife me. I wanted it to be something that she wanted to do. For most couples the most practical way to get into the game is to try to find a guy online and then have the wife meet him before going to a hotel room - usually with the husband tagging along to watch. While I also love the idea of seeing her in the throes of ecstasy, what I wanted (especially for that first time) was something a little more organic - for her to be seduced while on a business trip. Several years ago Charlotte travelled a lot for work - as much as three out of four weeks in a month. So I always hoped there was an outside chance, if she just went down to the hotel bar for a drink, that maybe just maybe, she would meet someone and they would hit it off.... and then I would hear about all when she got home to me. Back then she was not the type to go to a hotel bar by herself - sadly she was more the type to work in her room and order a club sandwich from room service. Now she doesn't travel as much as she used to. But I have to admit that she has been working a bit more on her teasing game so I wasn't too surprised that she stopped for a drink before calling it a night. And yeah it kind of fit into my fantasy.

I started imagining how good she looked in the sundress. Over the years I have gently tried to convince her to dress more sexy - to show off a bit of cleavage and her great legs and ass. The first time I remember she actually did wear something aside from her usual jeans and sweaters look, we were going to a dance bar with a bunch of friends. She had picked up this sleeveless top and a pair of fuck-me heels that she wore with tight jeans - a definite step forward. A few years back I took her shopping for more revealing dresses and she bought a couple that looked great on her. But to this day she has never worn them outside of the house. I have to admit even when she doesn't dress for attention, it doesn't mean she doesn't get it, including from younger men. Still my expectation after the last text was that soon I would hear she was back in her room retiring for the night, as there was a six-hour time difference between us and I figured with the jet lag, she would be ready to sleep soon

Then a half-hour later I got another text, "I'm hanging out w a 30 year old guy who asked me to join him and his friend and is hitting on me big time." Ok, now she had my attention. And while this was getting interesting, I was still somewhat skeptical, wondering if she was making up a story to tease me and I'd find out later that nothing happened at all. I called her bluff with a text that said "Selfie or it didn't happen." As I waited another 45 minutes I was convinced that I was in for a let-down. But then another text came in and this one sent a rush of blood to my head. It simply said, "There may have been kissing."
The journey to her first experience - a sexy foreign liaison and the rollercoaster of emotions felt - as told from both of our points of view: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=60243&p=1147306#p1147306

Just a Fantasy
Posts: 54
Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:17 pm

Re: Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by Just a Fantasy » Mon Nov 16, 2020 1:29 pm

Holy fucking shit, bombshell! Was this really my wife who just texted that? 
I sent a return flurry of texts, and then realized there was a possibility that she just might have sex with this guy. I remembered I had stuffed a little silver bag with her favorite vibrator and a few condoms into her suitcase the morning she left, so I mentioned this just in case she needed it. I had been hiding these little surprises in her suitcase for years, and previously when she'd gone overseas I had also included a homemade card which granted her a hall-pass while she was out of the country. Funny enough this time I hadn't included a hall-pass card as I assumed that this trip would be all business and she would probably have been annoyed to see it.
After that last text I waited. Charlotte had texted about the kissing at exactly 11:00 her time and when I didn't hear anything after 20 minutes I started reacting. First I pleaded (Ok when am I going to hear some more?) and after an hour I was annoyed (It's been an hour now you seriously owe me an update). And then I actually started to get worried for her safety. Finally after a few more minutes I couldn't take anymore and phoned her. There was no answer but I quickly got a text that said "All good" and then a follow-up saying she was heading back to the hotel. I asked "By yourself?" and she replied that someone was walking her. I started to wonder again if she was playing me. Maybe she was just having drinks with work-friends and this was a made-up story. It was just a few minutes before I was able to speak to her by phone and find out what happened. She called me and I asked, "So, was that real?"

Her answer, "Do you want it to be real?"

Once I assured her that I was cool with whatever happened, she proceeded to tell me everything. She went into the pub, got a drink at the bar and started looking at her phone. She wasn't there very long when this guy came over and invited her to join him and a friend at their table. She said yes. The guy who invited her gradually got a little more and more touchy and at some point they kissed. The other guy had already gone home so they left the pub, went for a walk by the river and found a secluded stairway where they made out. He wanted her to give him a blowjob but she wasn't prepared for that. Instead he rubbed her pussy over her panties (she wouldn't let him get any further) and she stroked his cock for a few minutes. She said she really enjoyed it all, especially as she was flattered that this young, handsome guy who seemed to want her so much. He walked her back to her hotel and of course tried to convince her to bring him up to her room but she wasn't having any of it. They exchanged numbers, she went to her room and thought that would be the last time she saw him.

I was stunned. It was such a turn-on to hear my sweet, good-girl wife describe how she had just made out with a young, strange, good-looking foreigner. But as she went into the details of her encounter I also got a bit of a case of the feels as she explained how much she loved the way he kissed her and ran his hands over her body and through her hair. She also said his cock was really hard, something that made me think about some of the struggles I had been having with ED for a few years and had made the use of cialis a regular thing for me. Here I was into my 50s and suddenly I was competing with the libido of a 30 year-old. It was just the first bout of angst that I would catch over the next few days.

It was late for Charlotte and she was a little tipsy and definitely jet-lagged. I told her I loved and let her get to bed. For me on the other hand it was still early evening so I had lots of time to process what had just happened. I felt the exhilaration of my wife taking a huge step forward in my great sexual fantasy. But I was also relieved that she didn't let it go any further than she did, which is crazy considering I'd long fantasized of her getting her brains fucked-out by another man. While I considered her conservative and cautious when it came to sexual matters I was not all that much different. I had always thought that if and when my fantasy would come true it would be after many steps and after each step I would be able to see if I could handle the next step. That night (as far as I was concerned) she had skipped over a lot of those baby steps and I wasn't sure if I was ready for what was to come next.

Hanging in the background was the fact that she had exchanged numbers with her new friend and she was going to be in that city for another week. Even if I thought it was pretty unlikely that she would be in contact again and she probably wouldn't go all the way with him, there was still plenty of time for a lot to happen. I didn't get much sleep that night.
The journey to her first experience - a sexy foreign liaison and the rollercoaster of emotions felt - as told from both of our points of view: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=60243&p=1147306#p1147306

Just a Fantasy
Posts: 54
Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:17 pm

Re: Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by Just a Fantasy » Mon Nov 16, 2020 1:32 pm

For years I'd known about Dylan's desire for me to have sex with other guys, and we'd certainly had some fun pillow talk about it -- it was a surefire way to get him going. 

But to be honest, the idea of it actually happening seemed outlandish for a lot of reasons. There was a lot at stake - we had a happy family and to me it sounded risky. I adore Dylan, and he himself always said he wasn't sure he really wanted me to do it and didn't know how he'd feel afterwards. In hindsight that was probably just his way of not pushing too hard, but I wouldn't jeopardize our relationship for anything, and the idea of fucking other guys didn't exactly fit with all my pre-conceived ideas of what a happy marriage looks like. I guess deep down I'm a bit of a prude, and sex for me has always been in the context of a relationship.

Frankly, the whole thing also sounded intimidating and exhausting. I have a really demanding job that I love, but which takes a lot of my focus and energy. And I was never one to sleep around even before Dylan and I met when I was 19. Now at 45 I'm pretty rusty and the idea of trying to meet other people seemed like a lot of work and a recipe for rejection. The whole concept just stressed me out. 

Fast forward to my business trip to Europe in June. I'd flown in on the red-eye, and was determined to stay awake until my usual bed time in the local time zone to help with the jet lag. I spent the day exploring the city and then went for dinner, but still had a couple of hours to kill and didn't want to head back to my hotel because I knew I'd fall asleep. 

I found a local pub that was kind of like the ones I like to go to at home. Small and cozy, not too crowded, local beers on tap and patronized by locals instead of tourists. I thought I heard someone make a comment when I walked in, but didn't really pay attention - instead I found a seat by myself and ordered a beer. 

I took the opportunity to text Dylan to say I'd turned some heads walking in - I wasn't 100% sure it was true since I didn't quite hear the comment and didn't know if it was for me.  But I know he likes it when I have fun with his fantasy so I figured it was a nice way to check in. 

I spent the next little while zoned out - catching up on email and social media on my phone. Suddenly I heard a deep, accented voice over my shoulder, "Excuse me, you will join us for a drink?"

I turned around and saw the voice came from a very attractive young man, who was sitting with another guy a couple tables over. They were sitting in the same general direction from where I'd heard the comment when I walked in, and I guessed he'd had his eye on me since then. I looked at my watch - it was still pretty early. 

"Ok, why not," I heard myself saying. I grabbed my bag and joined them for a chat, sitting beside the guy who'd invited me, and across from his friend. The guy's name was Lukas. His friend David was more confident with his English and did most of the talking. But over the course of our conversation, Lukas found lots of opportunities to casually brush my arm or thigh - he was clearly flirting with me!
I have to admit I was flattered and I didn't discourage him - I figured I'd have fun texting Dylan about it later, but it still hadn't occurred to me it would go anywhere. 

At one point we were chatting and the topic of age came up - Lukas asked how old I was and I said "I'm probably a lot older than you think I am, how old are you guys?" They were both around 30. I told them I'm 45 and figured that'd be it, we'd have a good laugh, finish our drinks and I'd head back to the hotel with a good story for Dylan. 

Boy was I wrong. They both seemed surprised at my age, but Lukas' flirting didn't let up at all. After a couple of drinks I excused myself to go to the restroom. I checked in with Dylan by text and let him know a guy in the bar was putting the moves on me - partly because I knew he'd have fun with it, but also to make sure he was ok with it.

 When I came out of the restroom, Lukas was waiting in the hallway. He smiled, leaned in and started kissing me. 

You have to understand, I haven't kissed like that anyone other than Dylan since I was 19 years old. The flattery (and probably the jet lag) were going straight to my head. He was a great kisser, and I was really getting turned on. I told him I was married - he seemed surprised, but didn't seem to mind and pointed out my husband wasn't with me so what difference did it make?

We went back to the table and it wasn't long before David said he had to go, leaving me and Lukas to our own devices. He asked if I'd go for a walk with him, and I said ok, but only in a public, well lit place. We settled up the bill, and when he briefly excused himself I texted Dylan - "There may have been kissing." 

I knew Dylan would be turned on by the text, and it was also my way of checking in again to make sure he was ok with what was transpiring. There were a number of other texts from him egging me on, so I figured I had the green light to have a little more fun.

Lukas took me to a walkway along a river  - true to his word it was well lit and there were other people around, though it certainly wasn't crowded. We chatted while we walked, and then he sat down by some secluded stairs headed toward the water. He started kissing me again, and I wasn't shy about kissing back. I was super turned on, and when he guided my hand down to his cock I didn't resist. 

We didn't get beyond heavy petting though (I'm so out of touch - do they even still call it that?). I was feeling all the lusty feels, but still wasn't comfortable with the idea of fucking someone else. And at this stage I thought when Dylan heard the whole story, if he felt uncomfortable in spite of years of fantasizing about exactly this, the damage would be limited, we could chalk it up to a fantasy gone wrong and keep it at the imaginary level going forward. No harm done.

When I shut things down, Lukas and I agreed to exchange numbers, since I'd be in town for the rest of the week. When I picked up my phone to enter his number it immediately started ringing. It was Dylan! I guess I hadn't realized how much time had passed since my last text, and he was worried. Lukas was sitting right there so I declined the call, but texted back 'All good' so Dylan would know I was safe. 

After that Lukas walked me back to my hotel, which wasn't far from our spot by the river. We kissed passionately at the door. It was tough to summon the willpower, but I said good night and that I hoped to hear from him and walked into the hotel alone. I figured he was probably not very happy, as he had obviously been hoping to get laid. As for me, I was really turned on, but focused on the fact that I had a good story to tell Dylan. As long as he wasn't jealous, I figured we'd have some fun sexting about it over the next few days, and it would fuel our fantasy talk in bed when I got home. 
The journey to her first experience - a sexy foreign liaison and the rollercoaster of emotions felt - as told from both of our points of view: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=60243&p=1147306#p1147306


Re: Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by afagehi7 » Mon Nov 16, 2020 1:59 pm

Continue... Please

Just a Fantasy
Posts: 54
Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:17 pm

Re: Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by Just a Fantasy » Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:39 pm

The next few days were a bit of a blur. In many ways Sunday went back to normal despite what had happened Saturday night. Charlotte and I texted about the usual household stuff and the things she was doing. I did briefly touch on the night before and told her I'd be just as happy to leave things the way they were. She said she wasn't planning to contact the guy again. This led me to believe she didn't want to see him again but that might have been me confirming my own bias. I'm not sure what I was so concerned about. Maybe it was that we had this sexy vacation planned in another week and it would be small potatoes in comparison to what could happen while she was on her trip. I was still concerned about her going too far instead of taking more baby steps towards our goal. Now that I think back, it seems silly. Here I was with the possibility of experiencing the sexual fantasy equivalent of a moonshot and I was still worried about testing the rocket engines. Whatever the reason, I was cautious with the idea of her moving forward.

I also assumed when I woke up on Sunday that Charlotte would be embarrassed and somewhat remorseful about what happened the previous night. I was trying to be careful not to compound those feelings. I was also very aware of the fact that Charlotte had some important work commitments during the week, particularly on Wednesday, and I didn't want to distract her in any way. Again, we were both working under the assumption that her new friend would probably not bother to contact her.

So on Sunday and Monday things seemed to get back to normal. But then late Tuesday morning Charlotte texted me, "Guess who I just heard from. Don't worry tho I won't respond."

I replied that it was her call but she could just tell him she really busy all week. We managed to talk by phone over lunch and I explained again why I thought it was best if she didn't take it any further. But I also said if she wanted to, I was pretty sure I could handle it. She seemed fine with that but something was starting to dawn on me. Even on Sunday I was surprised that she didn't seem at all embarrassed about her make-out session with the euro boytoy. Now I was realizing that it might only be me that didn't want this thing to go further, and she was just going along with my wishes. This was the first time I felt things start to shift in a new direction.

I awoke early Wednesday to a text telling me that she was now communicating with her friend by facebook messenger and if I logged onto her account I could follow along with their messages. I didn't hesitate to do that and for the first time I learned the name of her paramour and saw his face. He was trying to get her to meet with him that night but she already had a commitment. Afterwards I texted her, "Straight up - do you want to fuck him?"

She responded "Maybe." 

I guess we were both hedging somewhat. But for me all doubts ended that night. With the six-hour time difference, Charlotte was asleep as I became more and more turned on by the thought of her getting fucked by Lukas. After all, I had been wanting this for all these years and now she wanted it too. Why should I not want her to go through with it? I texted, "It's 12:30 and I'm lying here awake thinking you should do it. We may both regret it if you don't as you may never have a chance like this. And now I'm thinking how hot it would be when you get back. But then you would also have to feel comfortable with it. Sorry you must think I'm nuts the way I'm going back and forth on this."

Thursday morning she wasn't totally committing to anything but it felt like something big had changed. That's when technology got in the way. Lukas had already told Charlotte he would be out of town for the day and would return that evening. When he tried to contact her that afternoon to see what she was doing later she didn't reply to his messages. Nor was she getting any of my texts telling her he was trying to contact her.  The problem was her travel data-package stopped working and she could only get the messages on wifi. It turned out she didn't get any of our messages until after dinner.

Unfortunately she lost her opportunity to meet that night and suddenly she only had one more day to make it happen. He had to work from 3-11 on Friday so she suggested they try to meet around lunchtime.  But now she wasn't getting a response from him. I was starting to think he might have been annoyed that she had not replied to him earlier that day and was now ignoring her. 

I woke up early on Friday to see that Lukas still hadn't responded to Charlotte's two offers to meet that afternoon. Unspoken between Charlotte and I was the obvious plan - that if she met him near her hotel she could take him back to her room for some fun. But it was now late morning there and still no response from Lukas. After going from being so cautious to gung-ho for her to fuck this guy it looked like it would be all for not. She decided to give him one more try and asked, "Maybe for ice cream or an early drink... and whatever? Before you have to work?"

I knew his english wasn't great but I hoped he understood what "whatever" meant. But there was no response. It looked like my fantasy was not going to come true. And then, "That's okay... 13 o'clock." Phew!

So he wanted to meet at 1:00. He had to work at 3 and he asked her to meet on the other side of town near his work. There would be no way to fit in an afternoon-delight session. But I already had suggested to Charlotte she could always meet him again after he got-off work. It would probably be around midnight, but her flight the next morning wasn't until 10 am and if it just so happened she was up all night, she could sleep on the plane. That became our Plan B so to speak.

Charlotte and I were in constant touch that morning (my time) as her date approach. In a backwards sort of way I had a lucky occurrence the night before. We had a household emergency that meant I had to call in a repairman. Therefore I had stay home from work to wait for him (not that I would have been able to concentrate on work). This allowed us to be in almost constant communication. I got to help pick out the dress she would wear and see the panties that she put on. I also got myself in a bit of trouble by throwing suggestions at her about what she might do later that night. She had to politely but firmly tell me that she was already nervous enough without extra distractions. It was a good reminder that I had to let things move at her pace and mostly try to be a good listener. 

I was in touch right up until she met him. And at that point, like astronauts going around to the other side of the moon on an Apollo mission, we were out of contact and I was back at Mission Control waiting to reconnect. But at least my hotwife-fantasy moonshot was looking more and more like it would become a reality!
The journey to her first experience - a sexy foreign liaison and the rollercoaster of emotions felt - as told from both of our points of view: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=60243&p=1147306#p1147306

Just a Fantasy
Posts: 54
Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:17 pm

Re: Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by Just a Fantasy » Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:41 pm

On Sunday I was in a fog of jet lag, lust and processing my make-out session with a hot young man who wasn't my husband. Dylan texted me that he loved me and he hoped I didn't feel guilty or remorseful. Funny thing was, those feelings didn't even occur to me until I saw that text - I felt great! The whole thing was a huge ego boost, and it was exactly what Dylan had been encouraging me to do for years. 

Over the next couple of days, Dylan made clear that he was super turned on by the whole thing, but he also sent signals that he wasn't sure it should go further. I was surprised to find I was disappointed, though at the same time I wasn't sure I'd even hear from Lukas again and the fun we would have if we did reconnect certainly wasn't worth risking my marriage or family back home. 

But then on Tuesday I got a text from Lukas. I was torn - all those sexy feelings came rushing back, but Dylan was flip flopping and his texts were sending mixed messages. Eventually we were able to talk, and by then he had decided he'd love to see me get back together with Lukas and see what would happen. To be honest I wanted it too, but over the next several days I kept hedging - mainly as a way of reserving my right to pull the plug if I got cold feet. 

Lukas and I had opposite schedules - my work days were busy, and I had a few evening commitments. He worked nights and was out of town for a day. Finally we found a time that worked - Friday afternoon  (my last day in town) after my meetings ended. But he had to work that evening so he didn't have long. Dylan reminded me that technically speaking, if the afternoon went well we could meet again late that night, and I could always sleep on the flight back. 

As I was getting ready for my date (how crazy that I was going on a date!), I was texting Dylan my plans. He was effectively my BFF helping me prep. The whole thing seems preposterous now, but at the time it was perfectly natural, and to be honest probably made the whole thing possible. We were talking openly about how we felt, and I knew he was right there with me supporting my every move. I even texted him a photo of the two sundresses I was choosing between, and he picked the one that he liked best. (He wasn't wrong by the way, when I saw Lukas, he said he REALLY liked my dress). 

Finally I met Lukas. We only had about a couple hours before he had to go for work. We walked and talked for a few blocks and got some ice cream. It was a little awkward at first - just like any first date. But gradually we got to know each other a bit and the conversation flowed more freely. His English was pretty good, but he was self conscious and there were a few times when we had to get creative in our speaking to understand each other. We had fun with that though, and in a way it helped break the ice. 

At one point he said he wished he could see me again and I pointed out that if he was up for it we could meet after he finished work. "But you have a morning flight?" he said. I replied with Dylan's line, "I can sleep on the plane." He smiled as he processed what I was saying. "I like you," he said. 

We still had time so went for a drink on a rooftop patio bar. There was hardly anyone there, so we were able to get a little more flirty. By the time we had finished our drinks his hand was on my knee and he'd kissed me several times. I really, really liked the way he kissed. 

We had to take an elevator down from the was the sexiest elevator ride of my life. Deep kissing and hands all over each other. And with his body pressed against me I could easily tell he was very turned on. I think it was probably an awkward walk to his work after that! 

Before we parted ways, we agreed on a time to meet for "a drink" after he finished work. I couldn't believe this was happening!
The journey to her first experience - a sexy foreign liaison and the rollercoaster of emotions felt - as told from both of our points of view: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=60243&p=1147306#p1147306

Just a Fantasy
Posts: 54
Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:17 pm

Re: Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by Just a Fantasy » Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:48 pm

Contact with Charlotte was re-established with a text saying they were going to meet again tonight. She gave me a brief rundown - it was awkword at first but they grew more comfortable with some kissing and she rubbed his cock through his pants. I now calculated the percentage at about 80% that Charlotte would get fucked that night. We connected by phone on her walk back and she admitted to being flustered by what was happening. She also said there was still a possibility that she would back out but I thought that was pretty slim at this point. This thing was going to happen.

A couple of things that came out of her date - she really was enjoying the public displays of affection and the kissing in particular. She also was starting to believe that Lukas was a bit of a romantic. And from she'd told me about Lucas, I was almost growing fond of him - but not in the way that Charlotte was.

Charlotte made her way back to her hotel. She wanted to get all her stuff packed up and organized as it was looking like she might not have much time to do that in the morning. After that there were still several hours before their second date. We filled much of the time processing what was happening. In some ways we discussed it like it had already happened. I told her that this wasn't going to change who she was and that I was pretty sure this was a one-time thing. I didn't expect she was going to go out looking for side-action on the regular because of this. I think she was relieved to hear that. 

It seemed like the date was still hours away and then suddenly she was leaving. She had picked an area not far from her hotel but just outside the main tourist zone. She had a couple of bars in mind where she would try to find a table and then she would let him know where she was. She arrived at the bar and managed to get her drink when she texted me. It was 11:12 her time:

"Eeeeeeeeeeeee! On his way!"

"It's so weird that I'm being all school girl about my date to my husband. I mean seriously who am I right now?"

And then there was the following series of texts:

11:24 "He's here - just getting a drink"

11:45 "Still good he's getting another beer"

12:08 "Still at bar. Having fun"

12:31 "Still at bar probably leave soon after this drink"

At this point I thought I would get one more text before they left for the hotel. But after 10 minutes or so I realized she might not have been able to do that.

At 12:46 I texted, "It's been awhile. You must already have left." And over the next while I sent the following:

12:53 "You must be back now. 

12:54 "This is so hot imagining what u r doing"

1:00 "Are you making out with him? Is he undressing you? Are you on your knees sucking his cock?"

1:03 "I hope he's making you feel good because I know what you're doing for him"

1:06 "Maybe you're already fucking. If you aren't he's going to have his hard hard cock in your beautiful tight pussy soon"

1:08 "I can't believe my sweet little wife is fucking another man right now. But you deserve as much cock as you can get"

1:16 "Ok it's almost 45 minutes so I guess I'll just have to wait until he finishes pounding that sweet cunt. Will probably be a while"

1:31 "It's now 1 hour since your last text. I think I can be confident in officially proclaiming you a Hotwife. It has been worth the wait as you've achieved it in the sexiest way possible"

And then at 1:34 am I finally received a response. It came in the form of three characters that will forever be seared into my brain:

Last edited by Just a Fantasy on Tue Nov 17, 2020 12:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
The journey to her first experience - a sexy foreign liaison and the rollercoaster of emotions felt - as told from both of our points of view: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=60243&p=1147306#p1147306


Re: Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by whenwillshe » Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:17 pm

Looking forward to the rest of the story

Just a Fantasy
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Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:17 pm

Re: Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by Just a Fantasy » Tue Nov 17, 2020 12:49 pm

The weather was beautiful so after my afternoon date with Lukas I decided to walk back to the hotel. It was my last afternoon in a beautiful European city and I had a lot to process, so I took the scenic route and reflected on all that had happened. 

Dylan was available to talk, so for much of the time I was strolling past beautiful scenery and admiring the architecture, I was also on the phone with him, unpacking the events of the afternoon and anticipating how the evening might go. At this stage Dylan didn't seem to have any second thoughts, and to be honest I was really excited that Lukas and I were going to get together again. Even so, I was worried I might still get cold feet, and continued to reserve the right to cancel. 

Back at the hotel I got all my packing done so I'd be ready for my morning flight - if the evening went as I thought it might, I wouldn't be doing much sleeping and didn't want to have to scramble to get to the airport on time. I still had time to kill before I met Lukas, so I walked to a nearby supermarket and got some beer and snacks to enjoy on my hotel room balcony while trying to calm my nerves.

Lukas and I texted about places to meet, and I picked a lively pub with a nice patio not far from the hotel. He texted me almost as soon as his shift ended. I think he called in a favour to get out of there fast, since he'd previously told me he had to help with clean-up and closing. 

Once he arrived we had a couple of drinks and talked for about an hour. He was really entertaining, and I had a lot of fun - that helped put me at ease, as I was still pretty nervous. After all, I was stepping way outside my usual comfort zone! When we finished our last drink I invited him back to my hotel - about a 6 minute walk. I chuckle now as I remember that walk, because I think we walked really fast! 

We arrived at the hotel and I led him up the curved staircase in the lobby to my floor. I opened the door to my room, and as soon as the door closed behind us he gently pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me. God I loved the way he kissed - I can still close my eyes and get butterflies remembering how it felt. My purse dropped to the floor, and before long we were on the bed. 

I was wearing a stretchy cotton sundress, and he hungrily pulled it down to expose my breasts. His mouth and hands were all over my chest. Then his hands were under my panties and I was writhing in pleasure.

The dress and the panties didn't stay on long. After some heated foreplay, I handed him a condom and the real fun began. It was INTENSE! He was rock hard and had stamina forever. So many positions -- my legs over his shoulders, sideways, doggie-style, me on top, him on top -- at one point we were going at it so hard I almost fell off the bed. 

I came more than once, and then he rolled onto his back so I could suck his cock. It didn't take long until he blew his load.  
After a few minutes of basking together in the afterglow, I excused myself to go to the washroom. I quickly texted Dylan so he'd know I was ok - the only thing I could think to say was "omg". 

By the time I got back to bed, Lukas was somehow ready for round two. It was a little less vigorous the second time, and thank goodness because I was getting a little sore! 

We relaxed for a bit, and then Lukas asked if I wanted to sleep alone. He made it clear that he'd understand if that was the case. I replied that while I'd love for him to stay, I thought it was a better idea if he left since I had a flight to catch in just a few hours. 

He got dressed and started to leave. I was still wrapped in a sheet and sitting on the bed. He got to the door, opened it a bit, and then ran back for one more deep, passionate kiss. 

After he left, I was both giddy and exhausted. I texted Dylan and we spoke briefly on the phone. I think it's fair to say he was impressed, and I was relieved he wasn't jealous. It was an incredible night! 

Needless to say I was pretty tired boarding my flight the next morning. It was a long flight, and I was grateful for a good stretch of time to consider how the week had played out. I'm not sure anything like that will even happen again, but I don't regret it for a second. And given that I never thought it could happen in the first place, who knows, maybe I will surprise myself again some day.
The journey to her first experience - a sexy foreign liaison and the rollercoaster of emotions felt - as told from both of our points of view: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=60243&p=1147306#p1147306


Re: Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by afagehi7 » Tue Nov 17, 2020 12:59 pm

Very hot. Well written and the dual perspectives is interesting. Hopefully there's more and it's a continuous thread.

Just a Fantasy
Posts: 54
Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:17 pm

Re: Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by Just a Fantasy » Tue Nov 17, 2020 2:19 pm

After Charlotte's "Omg" text it was another half-hour before I heard from her. The text said "Round 2 done."

I responded, "Holy cow" and she came back with, "Right!!!" 

After she told me that he had left I asked her how she was feeling. Her reply was probably my favorite text of the whole experience, "Like I have never been fucked like that before"

We then had a short chat by phone as she had to get to sleep. Afterwards I was left with a feeling of euphoria not unlike when a favorite sports team wins a championship. I fell asleep and woke up at 1:00 am my time to find that Charlotte and Lucas had been chatting on messenger. When I looked I saw he'd sent her a picture of him holding his hard cock as souvenir. Charlotte told me this was mostly for my benefit but I'm not so sure that's true.

I picked-up Charlotte early Saturday afternoon at the airport. After she climbed into the car we just looked at each other with huge stupid grins. We got home and went into our backyard where we could get some privacy to debrief. One of the things I learned was that after they finished fucking the second time they were lying on the bed, Charlotte with her hand on his chest. He asked her, "Is your husband good to you?"

I wonder if he was looking for a reason why Charlotte would cheat. She told him that yes, her husband was very good to her and it was left at that. If he had probed further she might have told him she had permission to be with other men but I think she was glad he didn't. 

After so many years of fantasizing and talking about it, my wife had finally gone and had sex with another man. I know some people just assume it would open the floodgates and she would look to do it a lot more, but for us at least that's not how it works. The events that led up to our first experience can never be replicated again. They were just too perfect. It was totally our hotwife fairy tale! 

Charlotte has made it very clear that she is not interested in trying to go looking for guys to have sex with. She thinks it would be too much work and she's not prepared for the aggravation. And from all the stories I have read about the liars, flakes, arrogant jerks and lousy performers along with the general crap that hotwives have to put up with, I can't help but agree with her.

It was only a week after she got back that we went on our own sexy vacation to the resort. If we were really looking for some more hotwife action that would have been the perfect place to try as there were a lot of lifestyle folks around. But it wasn't at all on our radar. It was more a time for us to be together and enjoy what had already happened. It was fun and relaxing at the same time.

After our holiday things seemed to get back to normal. Every once in a while Charlotte does hear from Lukas. He mentioned before during their pillow-talk that they should meet in some European city. Charlotte laughed and said sure without meaning it - after all she just can't take off and fly to meet her new FWB in Europe at any time. 

On the other hand, it's not outside the realm of possibility that she might have to go back to Lukas' city for work and she's already said she'd be down to see him again if that were to happen. In fact a couple of weeks ago it looked like she might just might need to go in October. But then it turned out she couldn't fit it into her schedule and someone else would have to go. 

When I asked her if she was disappointed she mumbled something about it was good that so and so was going and it probably would have been awkward if she saw Lukas again. I found this funny as she had told me after she got back that if she saw him again the sex would probably be even better.

I was getting the feeling that the old Charlotte was back - the one who didn't want to entertain things like hot sex with a foreign boytoy. But then something funny happened. I had been trying to get her to write her part of this story and she had been putting it off. Then the first weekend of August she started to work on it. I don't know if it was a coincidence but she also initiated some interesting conversations. She is still not interested in expressly looking for someone to have a sexual relationship with, especially with the idea of trying to find someone over the internet. But she does acknowledge that she is not against doing it again and is open to possibilities. 

What that means, I don't really know but we have discussed her opening an online account on Tinder just for fun and seeing what happens. We've also talked about her flirting more when we go out. What I do know is that, like a lot of couples who have that first sharing experience, it's been a real boost for our sex life and we both feel like we've been closer than in years. 

During those conversations last weekend Charlotte said something really interesting. She said what happened was something quite frivolous and she had never been a frivolous person before. I think after this experience she does want to be more frivolous and I'm with her all the way on that!

I also want to say to all the guys out there who, like me, have carried this fantasy for years and feel like it will never happen - don't lose hope. While I don't suggest you push your significant other to do anything she doesn't want to do, there are other things that you can try. Start by helping around the house and give her a break from normal life. Take her on a nice holiday - even if it's a night away from the kids. Remind her how beautiful and sexy she is and of course, that you aren't the only one that notices that. Let her know that you trust her and she has the option to take advantage of her freedom on her terms and you never know what may happen.

There is a high probability she thinks about it more than you realize. It was only after she got back from her trip that Charlotte told me that she had done quite a bit of reading on open relationships because of my fantasy. So please be patient and I hope someday you'll also have a hotwife fairytale!
The journey to her first experience - a sexy foreign liaison and the rollercoaster of emotions felt - as told from both of our points of view: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=60243&p=1147306#p1147306


Re: Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by afagehi7 » Wed Nov 18, 2020 12:47 am

Was this a one off or did she eventually see lucas again? How about the tinder profile?

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Re: Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by hornedhubby » Wed Nov 18, 2020 10:04 am

Excellent story, one where the reader can sense the love and affection of the couple for each other. I enjoyed reading it the first time you posted it, too.

Having two voices and perspectives in the telling adds a lot. Thanks for sharing and best wishes.

Just a Fantasy
Posts: 54
Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:17 pm

Re: Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by Just a Fantasy » Wed Nov 18, 2020 3:56 pm


The events described above occurred in June 2019 and we originally posted this full story almost totally word for word the following August.  Things have pretty much gone as I wrote in those last few paragraphs - meaning not much has happened on the hotwifing front. So you're not going to find any sex from here on in, just my self indulgent thoughts. Don't say I didn't warn you.

After we got back from a family holiday in August, Charlotte picked up a nasty bug and was quite sick for much of September. Once she was pretty much recovered from that I ended up also getting sick so September was pretty much a write up. Nothing was really happening but then around the middle of October after we had one of our chats, Charlotte decided to set up a Tinder account just to see where it might lead.

We had done a bit of research and since (you may have noticed by some of the details we've left out of our story) we're very paranoid about our privacy she used the Tinder Gold feature. That allowed her to pick out the guys she was interested in without anyone seeing her profile. 

That part of the equation worked well as she felt quite secure that nobody she knew would come across her profile. But as for meeting potential play partners it was a bust. She'd swipe right on a guy and he'd come back with a "Hey Sexy" or "Give me five minutes and I'll make you cum so hard" and she'd give him the chute. Or she'd start a conversation with a guy and it would pretty much just go nowhere. 

Here's the rub: why does something that is supposed to be so exciting and fun and sexy end up expending so much energy and is so frustrating and boring. Why is there so much drudgery involved in finding someone for casual sex? That in itself should be fun. Needless to say, she didn't have the inclination or the endurance to stick with the Tinder thing and gave up on it after a few weeks without meeting anyone or really having any deep online conversations.

I don't know how it came about but much to my surprise she picked it up again later that winter, in February if I remember correctly. This time she seemed to be having more success. She chatted with a guy who was pretty keen to meet but then backed out when he clarified with his partner that maybe they weren't ready for non monogamy. And then she was chatting with a divorced guy who also wanted to meet. He was busy with family stuff the next couple of weekends but hopefully would be free in the near future. That was around the beginning of March so you know where this is going. As soon as covid hit a critical mass she closed down her Tinder account and has not reopened it since.

It was too bad because that guy sounded like he had some potential. When she reopened her Tinder account I asked what she was looking for in a guy. She said he has to be good looking, in pretty good shape (she said he was into biking) and very much into her. He ticked at least two of the boxes but let's face it, what she was looking for was another Lucas. 

I have told Charlotte that Lucas totally changed her perception of the kind of man she can attract. I used to love when we'd go out and she'd pick out the guy in the bar who she thought was hot. But I could never figure out who that guy would be. Let's say that Charlotte would pick out men who could best be described as "unconventionally attractive." They would be scruffy, lanky and more often than not the bass player in the band we went to see. We're not talking about the quarterback of the football team. I believe her experience with Lucas has changed her whole perception of the guy she could potentially pick up and she's not willing to settle for unconventionally attractive anymore. 

And what of Lucas? Charlotte still hears from him every few months. I have access to her messenger account and will check in to reminisce about the good times. Usually they'll ask each other how they are doing and then one of them will say it would be really nice to see the other again and then the other will reply "yeah" because it was "so much fun" when they met before. The last time he contacted her was at the end of July and for some reason she failed to mention it to me. It's not a big deal at all as I'm sure she just forgot about it but it's going to be fun to see her reaction when she reads this and thinks I'm calling her out.

Charlotte had business in London last March - just before everything shut down. It was a rather last minute arrangement and a couple of weeks before we went out for beers at a local pub. We were into it pretty good that night and after a few I suggested she could go to London a couple of days early and invite Lucas to meet her. She was dismissive at first but the more I talked about it the more seriously she took the idea and was actually working out different scenarios.

But the next day when I brought it up to her she totally blew me off  and acted like she didn't remember what was a fairly long discussion from the night before. She didn't even want to talk about it. I was disappointed but it's more than understandable that in the cold (and sober) light of day there was a reason or reasons (any of which would have been understandable) that put her off the idea. 

I wrote before that even though I had never met him, I had grown almost fond of Lucas.  He was obviously at least a bit of a player but that in no way means he was a bad guy. He was not pushy or sleazy or demanding. He was actually a really nice guy who made Charlotte feel something that she hadn't felt in a long, long time.

It didn't hurt that he had the performance to back it up, but here was a hot foreign guy, 15 years younger than her and he was totally into Charlotte. Not that I can blame him as I've known her since she was 19 and I think she's more beautiful and sexy than ever. I still catch myself checking her out in her workout outfit in the morning and when she's getting undressed at bedtime.

Slightly off topic - Charlotte has mentioned that Lucas is a passionate photographer. I have joked to her that if she were ever got back to meet with him I'd like to get him a book of photography as a gift and inscribe it with something like, "I hope you enjoy this book a fraction as much as you enjoyed fucking my wife." 

But that would mean she would have to explain our relationship to him and I think she'd probably rather just go along and let him think she's cheating. And we can't expect it to happen until regular travel starts again and that's not going to be soon.

This is getting long winded so I'd better wrap it up. Where the hell does this all leave us - meaning in a will or won't she play again way?

I'd like to gently nudge Charlotte to reopen her Tinder account with the aim of finding one or more gentlemen for online play with a further possibility of meeting in person once it's deemed safe to do so. Ideally this would lead to her finding a regular FWB who she could perhaps meet for coffee every month or two and then head back to his place for some good old fashioned fucking. 

I've suggested this but she hasn't grabbed the torch as of yet. Work is so damn crazy for her so I don't at all blame her for not wanting to take on anything else that's going to consume more time or energy. But then, it could be fun. 

Of course there are a lot of potential pitfalls when you have a local FWB. I'm more excited about the possibility, if the vaccines we're hearing about start to get widely distributed in the first half of 2021, that we just may get back for another sexy vacation. Last time we went to Temptation Cancun (which I highly recommend in case you are on the fence about going). We weren't looking for any play partners last time but if we were to get back I'd definitely make it known to Charlotte that I'd be more than cool with her flirting around and being open to possibilities. And as we already know, travelling can be so damn sexy.
The journey to her first experience - a sexy foreign liaison and the rollercoaster of emotions felt - as told from both of our points of view: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=60243&p=1147306#p1147306

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Re: Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by 54321 » Thu Apr 21, 2022 11:29 am

Now things are opening up again, you could take Charlotte to a Swingers' Club.
Just go as 'tourists' with no particular intention to do any more than feel the vibe.
She can 'window shop' and enjoy the attention of the men there. She could chat with
some of the other wives. Just 'get your feet wet' and then see what to do from there. :D


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Re: Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by Pecannut » Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:28 am

Thank you for your really hot story!


Re: Repost of true story - Seven Days in June

Unread post by OOAA » Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:47 am


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