25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

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25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by troilusand » Fri Feb 16, 2024 4:26 pm

This thread is for my friend HWC. He PMed me this request regarding what I'd written on some thread. I doubt most will have much interest in this topic (that's why I'm posting here instead of the "Cuckold" forum) as I've said most of it before, but if you have questions, well...feel free.

Here goes (HWC speaking):

"Hi Troilus,

This is one of the very best scenarios Iv'e read about here!
I would LOVE to hear more about that entire period and conversations had (there must have been more!)

I think a thread dedicated to it (if you could be bothered) would probably draw out more details as questions would be asked... but i'll take what I can get!

If you prefer, I can ask very specific questions here.

You wrote:"

<<As a present for our 25th anniversary, Cress announced she would finally tell me about the two guys she cheated on me with that she'd held back on telling me about (she had told me during Hotwire pillow talk the names and details of ALL the other men cheated with, but not these two {no matter how much I pleaded}).

So one was a long affair with my best friend...and I was clueless. Details later if you ask for them. And the other was a guy she fell SO DEEPLY in love with -- and he with her -- so much so, that she said if he could have divorced (very complicated marriage) she'd have left me to marry him IN A MINUTE...she loved him more than she EVER loved me -- and she loves me tremendously.

Cressida told me this in bed on our 25th anniversary as a present to me and was right about my reaction. She figured I'd love hearing how my bestie put aside our friendship to fall in love and fuck my wife for a year and a half...and also that I'd LOVE hearing that she wanted to leave me for another man that she loved more than me.

I told her how hot it was that she was SUCH a cheating married slut that she could pull these (and ALL the other) affairs off, and that I found it so sexy that she would have divorced me for another man she loved more...and I was glad it happened. She told me that if I had caught her with this guy, she'd have told me, "I'm in love with him, I'm not ending it, and if he wants, I'll leave you to live with him."

I would NOT have liked it at the time, but back then, I wasn't a cuckold. But when she TOLD ME ABOUT IT, I was, and I told her how hot it was knowing she was close to leaving me...FOR A BETTER MAN!>>

Yes buddy, I sure DID write that! I'm guessing (knowing you) that what you want to hear most about is Cressida's relationship with the guy she wanted to divorce me for. As I said in the PM to you, there isn't a lot more to tell...but I'll give you the background for BOTH "confessions" my wife revealed that night....

I met Cressida in our teen years. She's a couple of years younger than me. I met her at the fast food place where she worked near where my friends and I hung out. Everyone who worked there who was into partying eventually came out to our park. Cressida was 2 to 5 years younger than the crowd, but was accepted because she partied and was GORGEOUS! She started dating one of my buddies...and after a few months, eventually fucked another buddy who was his roommate, and got to be known as an easy slut. She fucked the 2nd buddy for a few months and moved on to my best friend.

In the meantime, she was being ostracized by the gang because she was a slut who'd fuck the girls' boyfriends (or so they assumed) (the guys didn't care much...but they had zero respect for her)...SOOOO, one day, she and I were alone in a park and she flat out asked me why nobody liked her anymore. I told her the truth: I told her, "You're a slut and everyone has a double standard when it comes to men getting anything they want vs. a woman." I told her I didn't think it was at all fair (because I didn't!), and she proceeded to put her head on my chest and quietly cry. I'm sure I'm the first person to call her a slut to her face.

I later told MY GF about our encounter (since she asked how I got mascara on my shirt!) and, of course, she EXPLODED! Imagine, her BF giving comfort to "THAT WHORE"! As much as I had wanted to take Cress in my arms and kiss her, and more, I was just a good guy and didn't take advantage. Anyway, I was innocent of doing anything but comforting a teenage slut.

In conclusion (to this bit of introductory background), not too long after this, Cress got another job and moved to the suburbs...and left the judgmental "friends" behind. A couple of years later, I was going through a "dry spell" (hadn't been fucked in a long time), so I thought, "Who would be easiest piece of ass that I would be interested in fucking...and won't get turned down??.....CRESSIDA!!!

I didn't know she had moved away, so I called her Father's house (his number was in something called "a phone book") and she happened to be there...I later found out how lucky I was: She only came home about once a month! So we dated; and, as you can tell, I obviously KNEW she was a slut beforehand...I didn't know we'd be married 9 months later...NO! It wasn't a pregnancy scare (like my Mom first assumed!). We just knew who we wanted to live with for the rest of our lives...

Well, that's how we began: A slut, and a man who knew he was marrying a slut...


P.S. By the time I proposed, we had discussed "her past" and she promised it was over...and I figured I could change her ways if it wasn't. And, looking back, while I didn't know the that I was cuckold, I truly believe that's why I subconsciously picked a beautiful slut to marry.

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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by hwc » Fri Feb 16, 2024 6:49 pm

Thanks for posting!

Questions to follow and hope others have something to add too. for me personally, these are the most extreme and therefore best scenario's...the ultimate in cuckolding, a wife contemplating separation or divorce, or a wife/girlfriend moving in with another boyfriend as in your thread, and those of Jezza, Ucaneffher, Luv it, Shesmypornstar and others.

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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by troilusand » Sat Feb 17, 2024 3:43 pm

So we were married young and I wanted to fuck incessantly. For MANY years (decades, actually) I'd cum usually 3 times a day whether we fucked or not. I've always masturbated multiple times a day. When I was younger, I was imagining fucking other women -- women I knew, girls in magazines, etc. But I could never get enough of Cressida's cunt...even if I was imagining at the time I was fucking her friend while inside my wife.

Anyway, I liked that Cress was a natural flirt; and I've ALWAYS LOVED dressing my women to the point of exposure. As a matter of fact, I frequently made my GFs ride around naked while I drove down the highway. Cressida wouldn't do that, but she did like to wear a bikini in front of my friends that the elastic had worn out of so the gaps left her nipples, cunt hair, and part of her gorgeous ass in full view. She had small titties (barely Bs) and never wore a bra except to the office. This was the 70s and was fairly normal to see good looking women's nipples through their clothes in public...or at least see their braless titties flying to-and-fro as they walked or ran.

And I always encouraged Cress to show off how sexy she was. And of course, being a flirt, she LOVED the attention! I suppose my predilection to exposing my women was a pre-cuckold signal of the things to come. Also, when Cressida would imbibe, her innerslut would come out and she'd SUGGESTIVELY flirt with the men nearby whom she found attractive. Didn't matter if they were attending alone ( better) or if their wives or GFs were watching. And if I was drunk, I'd give them space and watch from a distance as my wife "innocently" flirted with my friends. I knew later that I'd give her the "reclaiming" fucking that was bursting from my prostate! I just loved having a wife other men desired.

Did I mention she was beautiful? She was small, and had curves EXACTLY where they should be! Not too much, and not too little. Just perfect. I recently saw a picture of Sally Fields naked from the back. I THOUGHT IT WAS AN OLD PIC OF MY WIFE!!! Cress' ass was perfect and her back exuded sexiness -- just so "womanly", Hzounds! -- and Sally's back looked the same. Her ass was a 99 compared to Cressida's 100. Anyway, just so you know, I was edging to hotwife porn and when I saw Sally's pic, I EXPLODED! :D

Also, Cress had a pretty face, not a "classic" beauty, but a smile Mona Lisa would envy. Cressida had "IT"!! "It", for those who are too young, is natural sexual magnetism. Also known as sex appeal. Every cell in Cressida's body knew attractive men and women deserved each other; and while she wanted to fuck them, they sure wanted to fuck her.

So after about three years of marriage, with both of us frequently going out with our own friends (yes, I was chasing pussy), I had come to the conclusion that my wife was messing around. For about a year, I had been suspecting she had returned to her slutty ways and one night when she was out with work friends, I got drunk and decided to snoop. I looked in the medicine cabinet and her diaphragm was missing, so...I went and found a purse she left at home and inside were love letters form a guy at work. The details are unimportant but I had a couple of hour wait for her to come home.

I spent my time well while I waited. I literally jacked off close to two dozen times!! Saying out loud that if she can have fun fucking another man, then I can have fun imagining my whore of a wife cheapening herself and our marriage. :evil:

I confronted her when she walked in the door. I showed her the letter and she knew she couldn't lie about it. Not sure if they had, I asked if he fucked her, and she said, "Yes." It had been going on for a month or two. I asked, knowing the answer was "No", did she love him, and she said "Yes." -------WHAT!!?!??? This floored me! I thought she was just a sex slut, but no, as I latter found out she was addicted to falling in love with other men.

I then asked if she wanted to leave me and marry him (and, of course, I had boner in my pants as I asked :oops: -- even after jacking it ~2 doz. times!!) and she said, "NO!! I love you! I want to stay married to you!"

All this was the first inkling I had that I was a cuckold and LIKED having an out-of-control wife. Anyway, I said, "You cunt! Youre a fucking WHORE! And I don't know if I want to be married to you any more. If I stay, do you promise that this will never happen again??" Through her tears, "Oh, I promise!" :roll:

It wasn't long after this that I started admitting (to myself only) that I had always been most titillated by Penthouse stories about slutwives. So I began pillow talking to Cress about her past slutty ways and she could see her past excited me! That I liked hearing about how cheap and slutty my wife used to be. And at one point I showed her some cuckold stories.

I don't remember what the first one was about, but she liked it; the second was about a husband who had his wife fuck someone while he listened and watched through a cracked open closet door in their bedroom; the third was about guy who found a guy with a ten inch cock to fuck his wife and proceeded to be kicked out of the house by the stud and his newly addicted-to-BBC wife.

Cress had no interest in the BBC story, but liked the first two...especially the one about the hubby in the closet. "I could see me doing that while you hid from my lover and watched me fuck him! I'd never want you in the room distracting me while I fucked someone...but I wouldn't mind if you silently watched and the guy had no idea we were being watched. Yeah, I could DO THAT TO YOU..."

Not long after that, I told her I WANTED her to start fucking other men. I said that I realize I am married to a slut...AND I LIKE IT!! Like most wives, she thought I said to get pussy for myself after she did it; but she soon figured out I meant it. She had business meeting to attend in NOLA which happened to be the new home of the guy from her past who was her best fuck ever (we'd had conversations about -- that's how I knew). Cressida FINALLY believed I wanted a slut for wife when I told her to contact him and arrange a dinner date...and fuck him for dessert! She contacted him (they worked for the same company) and arranged dinner. His wife had no problem with him seeing an old colleague...until he admitted they used to be lovers, too!

So he called to cancel. I told her to tell him to keep the date with her and she should fuck him anyway. She said she didn't want to be a homewrecker, so that needed that, but...she knew then that I REALLY, REALLY wanted to be married to a slut who fucked men whenever she (or they) wanted. Even though the NOLA guy never got to plant the seed in my wife...well the seed was planted, hee hee.

That leads to a story about my best friend (the one who my wife admitted to having a love affair with on our 25th anniversary)...


P.S. If this is too long, well sorry. I'm writing about our lives and can't do better (maybe I'm writing this this way for myself -- IDK). So just move on if this is too slow for you. No hard feelings.

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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by Bnc63 » Tue Feb 20, 2024 3:46 am

Love it! Please keep going!

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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by troilusand » Thu Feb 22, 2024 2:33 pm

Bnc63 wrote:
Tue Feb 20, 2024 3:46 am
Love it! Please keep going!
Hmmmm, well I did keep going, ENTHUSIASTICALLY, but...

Well, on Monday, I was writing the next part for over two hours. When I hit "submit", the fucking site had timed me out and everything I wrote was lost! And writing that (and jacking as I wrote, of course) was fun, but difficult, sooooo, maybe I can again try updating tonight; but that experience really has me "off my feed".

I sure wish the site could "save" as you write. even if you're timed out for sending...


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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by troilusand » Thu Feb 22, 2024 4:15 pm

So I'll try again, and hope to recapture what I wrote before...

BTW, if I repeat something I've written above (even though I'm trying to reread SOME of it as I go) please bear with me, as I can't remember just what I posted and what was lost...Here we go:

This is still early in our marriage not too long after we'd established she'd be this stag's hotwife. So my best friend (I'll call him "T" for his initial) was engaged to a harpy. T was one of a couple of my friends that had a relationship with Cressida before we dated. By relationship, I mean they dated her and fucked her. Cressida was a slut from the start.

She was younger than the crowd we hung out with and came to the scene later than most who got together at the park where we drank and smoked (mostly smoked). She was 16 and we were 18-22 for the most part. Even at 16, she was sexier than (to me) all the rest of the sexy girls there. That's why she got laid so much. A gorgeous slut; who wouldn't want to fuck her?

Cressida and I started dating a year or so after she left the "group". You see, she'd had enough of slut-shaming, so when she found another job she moved to the suburbs. I, at the time, had broken up with one of the women that wanted to marry me -- and it had been about a year since I'd been laid. So, to get out of that reprehensible predicament, I wracked my brain to think of an easy piece of ass... Cressida!! A GORGEOUS, easy piece of ass!!

I forgot to mention, when she was still involved with the group, one time when we were alone she said,
"You're the only person around who is nice to me, why is everyone being so mean to me?"
"It's because you're a slut. Everything you did, going from one of our friends to the next, to the next, was seen as cheap. The men disrespected you for it, and the women were threatened by you. It's a terrible double standard that I don't understand, but there it is." There was more to it, but that's the gist of it.

She then proceeded to cry on my chest. My GF at the time saw Cressida's mascara on my shirt and asked about it. I told her the whole thing. "THAT WHORE! SHE'S JUST A BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH..." Whatever...She felt threatened and so reacted that way. That encounter was not why we eventually broke up, but we did later.

I'm sorry. I know this is SO disjointed, but trying to remember what I wrote before; and what I'm not EVEN TRYING to replicate anymore is really difficult. Again, I apologize.

So back to the fact that T was engaged to a woman we BOTH thought was SO wrong for him. This is four or five years later since Cress and T dated; a few years into our marriage.


Well, I'm gonna post this shitty, inferior version for now and hope to get the inspiration for a proper recapitulation of our past going from here.


P.S. I can't tell you just how truncated this version is to the one I originally wrote, but it is...and it frustrates me. I'll stop bitching about it now...

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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by troilusand » Sat Feb 24, 2024 4:04 pm

T and I hit it off from the first time we met and partied. And we've always talked about women and sex together more than either of us had with other friends...and still do to this day (just not as much ;) ). So, I encouraged him to ask Cressida out in our single days. By then, she was already known as a cheap, easy, piece of ass as she had gone through a couple of our buddies for just sex/no relationship -- a no-no with the women in our crowd. As a matter of fact, I was kind of a go-between for them since they both wanted to date each other, but were reluctant to make the first move. And I was forbidden to tell the other of their mutual interest. :???: I eventually broke that trust with both of them and got them together. It lasted a few months (like most of Cressida's relationships). And while Cressida was one of the chicks I was thinking about while fucking my girlfriend because she was so hot, I never pursued her for myself.

ANYWAY........So moving on to a couple of years into our marriage, Cress and I couldn't stand T being engaged to this woman who treated him like shit. She was nice enough to everyone else...but was harridan to him! So, when they had broken up, we fixed him up with Cress' sister; knowing he would go back to the harpy otherwise because he was addicted to pussy. Well, the sister worked for a while, but when they broke up, I soon found out he went back to the fiancé. I confronted him about their toxic relationship and he told me he could put up with it for fucking she gave him...it was easier than chasing pussy. BTW, he's good looking, interesting, a NICE GUY, and would have had little trouble finding better.

That's when I said to Cress that we had to SOMETHING to keep them broken up. I told her about our conversation about his addiction to easy pussy. And how her sister worked for a while, but it didn't last. She agreed, "But what can we do?" I said,

"Well, what about you replacing your sister as his piece of ass? You know I want you to fuck other men (the old lover in NOLA), and you know I've accepted you fucking the other guys you've cheated with...so now I want you to be T's personal whore . You're still attracted to him, right?"
"And you'd fuck him again, right?"
"Yes. I want to. I haven't yet because he's your best friend and I didn't want to hurt you."
"So I want you to be his personal whore. I want you to go to him whenever he calls and says he wants to fuck you. I want you to drop everything and go to him when he calls for you."
"I'd like that!"
"So you want to be his whore?"
"And you'll do that? Go to him whenever he wants it?"
"Oh, yes!"
"God, how I want you to be his whore!! Do you still love him?"
"Oh, that's even better!! I want you to be in love with him and be his whore!"
"I think he might still have feelings for me, too."
"You know, this might last years..."
"Yes. I want to do it"
"And I want you to do it."
"How do we make it happen??"
"Here's my plan..."


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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by troilusand » Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:19 pm

"Let's set a date for the four of us to get high and watch the stuff he recorded on video tapes (no, not porn). She works weekends and will have to leave earlier than us...but it won't be 'us', it'll just be you! We'll call at the last minute and say I'm sick but you can make it if they still want to do it."
"Don't you think they'll cancel?"
"Nope." And I listed the reasons why.
"Okay, so she leaves and T and I are left alone...then what?"
"Seduce him!"
"How?" This is my wife who's fucked dozens of men before (and some during!) our marriage and is suddenly unsure how to proceed. Sheesh! Anyway...
"When she's gone, sit up next to him; REAL close! And if that doesn't work ask him if he wants a massage. And if that doesn't work, tell him YOU want one in return. Besides, we know he's still attracted to you; and I know that he'll fuck any pretty woman that even slightly encourages him."

Okay, enough detail on that convo (it went on a lot longer).

So the day came and we were both excited, with her asking me if I REALLY REALLY wanted her to fuck my best friend, "because I love him and I don't know where this will lead." I assured her I was ready for whatever may ensue... WE SIMPLY HAD TO BREAK THEM UP!

So I sat at home for six hours or so, furiously jerking off!! My wife, Cressida, was FINALLY going to fuck someone WITH MY KNOWLEDGE!...AND IT WAS GOING TO BE MY BESTIE!!...AND SHE WAS GOING TO BE HIS WHORE!!!

When she came home she told me how it went:
"We didn't fuck."
"Why not!!"
"Well, after the harpy left...and it took her a long time to leave, as she obviously was waiting for me to leave first...after she left I soon sat next to him on the couch; with a lot of body contact. Eventually, he moved in to kiss me!"
"And how was that?"
"I LOVED IT. I love kissing! And he's so good at it!!"
"Better than me?"
"You're bad at it. :o That's one reason I've cheated on you." Me being a bad kisser was a revelation. She never complained, I guess she just endured.
"Then what happened?"...

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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by hwc » Sat Mar 02, 2024 6:56 pm

Really enjoying this! Hope you have the steam to continue!

Also - would love to hear about conversations you had after your 25th about her being willing to leave you all those years ago...

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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by troilusand » Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:25 pm

hwc wrote:
Sat Mar 02, 2024 6:56 pm
Really enjoying this! Hope you have the steam to continue!

Also - would love to hear about conversations you had after your 25th about her being willing to leave you all those years ago...
Yeah, I'm prick teasing you, HWC :lol: ...you won't get THAT part of the story til I'm done with this one. And I know that's what you're here for. :twisted:


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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by troilusand » Sat Mar 09, 2024 5:24 pm

"We kissed a lot!"
"I LOVED the kissing! I think it might be my favorite part about sex."
"How long?"
"A long time. We made out and he played with my tits...and eventually took my short off!"

Cressida's "barely B" cups were HUGE compared to his fiancé's flat chest...and T was witty obsessed.

"We continued kissing as he felt up my tits -- and you know what YOUR BEST FRIEND SAID (she made a point of emphasizing he was my "best friend")? He said, 'god! This is SO right!' He wants me so bad, he doesn't care that I'm his best friend's wife!! What do you think about that?"...as she's stroking my cock.
"I LOVE IT!! I'm so glad he's SO willing to cheat with you that he'd risk our friendship! So what happened next?"
"Just more of the same."
"Why didn't you FUCK him?"
"I would have, but I guess he just wasn't ready to make THAT move on me. Because of you, maybe?"
"Next time then."

I don't remember if it was that night, or a few days later, but when the subject of "Next time" came up again, Cress said, "No." She didn't want to go further anymore. She'd thought it over (on the ride home, if it was the same night...or over the next couple of days), and although she'd LIKE being his whore, she thought that it would damage our marriage...AND, more so...


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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by troilusand » Sat Mar 09, 2024 6:57 pm

And more...

Here's the "more":

So, as I've mentioned, Cressida was (justly) known as the slut in our group of friends before we dated. And then she was gone for a year or so when I called her and asked her out.

Cressida knew her reputation (as I was the one who told her that everyone else looked down on her as a slut when she asked why no one liked her), and knew everyone that was left in the group treated her "normally" out of respect for me because she was my girl.

So when I asked her, "When should we try this again?" She said,
"No, I don't want to do it anymore."
"What?? WHY!!"
"I'm afraid it will damage our marriage (I protested that it wouldn't), and..."
"And what?"
"Because I'm worried that eventually everyone WILL find out that I'm fucking T, and I don't want to be known as a "home wrecker"! I'm already known as "the slut" from before, and I don't want to go through THAT ostricization AGAIN! I love him, and I'd love to be his whore! But I'd rather be your whore and not go through all that again. Look, of our friends from before that are our friends now, the REALLY close ones, these are the guys I've fucked, and I don't want their wives worrying that I'll steal them back again."

Side note:
One night fairly early in our marriage we were out to dinner in a fancy restaurant with my four besties (and their wives) for the first time in a couple of years that we were all together, and I looked around the table and thought, "My wife has fucked four of the five guys sitting at this table." Many years later, in our cuckold years, Cressdia brought up that evening (in a mild form of cuckold humiliation) and said, "You remember that night? Well, I remember sitting there thinking, 'You' know, I've fucked four of the five guys sitting here.' I felt like such a slut! hee hee". I told her about me thinking the same thing back then! We both had a good laugh about it.

Back on topic:
When my wife expressed the shame she felt being known as "the slut", and didn't want to experience that again with some of the same crowd as worse: Being the "HOME WRECKER slut"...well, I understood and we didn't pursue it...

I said "WE" didn't pursue it, but about five or so years later, after T had married the harpy, Cressida pursued it and cheated on me having a fairly long love affair with him. This was the love affair "with someone VERY CLOSE to you" confessed to on our 25th anniversary. I asked why they broke up, and she said:

"Yes, we were STILL IN LOVE!! But T felt guilty being in love with and fucking his best friends wife, and neither of us wanted to get divorced (she loved me too much for that; and he had kids with the harpy and didn't want to leave them), so we decided to stop before we got caught."

You see, even though Cressida cheated numerous times even after I'd given her a hall pass, it was usually because she couldn't control herself but didn't want to hurt me...like by fucking my bestie.

A couple years ago, Cress and I were talking about T and his lousy marriage to the harridan, and I said,
"You know, we fucked up. You could have kept him from marrying her..."
"Yes, I know, it's our fault."
H'Zounds! I loved hearing her regret that she didn't become his "personal whore"!!

Just like way back when I'd encouraged her to go to NOLA and seduce the man who was her favorite fuck...even though he was married...and even after his wife said "NO!" to them having dinner together after she'd found out that they were lovers before...I said "Try it anyway"...because I liked the thought of my wife as a home wrecker. And I LOVED that a few decades later, she REGRETTED not being one for T.

But anyway, there were other times in our marriage she cheated because we were in a bad place relationship-wise and didn't give a fuck about what I thought if I'd caught her. That's the other confession my whore wife made on our anniversary.


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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by hwc » Sun Mar 24, 2024 9:45 pm

looking forward to the next installment!

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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by troilusand » Fri Mar 29, 2024 2:59 pm

So before we went away for our 25th, Cressida had told me she had a present for me that she knew I'd love. She said she was going to tell me about the two men she cheated with that she had always withheld. She had teased me all along during pillow talk that one was someone close to me (the above story) that she promised HIM she'd never tell me -- that is, she felt compelled to keep that trust even more than fulfilling her husbands wishes (as in, I come in 2nd place in her priorities) :oops: . And, she told me, the other one "is just different".

When we got to our hotel room and climbed in bed she asked if I was ready to hear about her secret lovers. I'm telling this in opposite order since Cress knew I'd really love hearing that she and my best friend were in love and fucking for a year or two...she was right. But the other story was fun to hear too.

Cress had told me in the past that this guy was someone I never knew and had no clue about their relationship. I think she told me his name (maybe not -- don't remember it if she did) and that he was guy she met in her office. (a Fortune 500 co.). He didn't work there, but was a vendor or consultant (again, I don't remember). And a BIG ONE, too. Very successful and wealthy.

Then she said, "Remember when we were going to counseling?" I said I did -- we didn't like each other very much at the time. "Well, he and I dated back then and fell in love...and we both fell HARD!"
"Yeah, so you fell in love. You ALWAYS fell in love when you were cheating. What made this different?"
"I was ready to leave you to live with him! I wanted to marry him; and he wanted to marry me. I've never loved any man more than I loved him. We were soul-mates. All our interests aligned."
"So what happened?" I said with a huge hard-on...
"I was ready to divorce you and marry him, but his homelife was too complicated (wife, kids, career) for him to get a divorce. He would have lost his HUGE business and access to his kids." Cressida told me he broached the "divorce" subject with his wife and she told him what she'd do.

Side note: This wasn't your typical wealthy guy leading a beautiful girl on about his marriage. Back then, we were well-off financially too, so he wouldn't have seen her as a golddigger. And he probably could have kept fucking her if he wanted to.

"So, you loved him more than me?"
"What happened after the divorce option was gone? Why did you break up?"
"We both felt it was too painful seeing each other, but not being able to marry and live together. So we decided to break it off."
"I love that you found a man that you loved more than me!"
"I knew you would." ;)
"And I love that you would have left me..."
"In a minute!"
"...to marry him! Would you like to rekindle your relationship?"
"No, I'm happy where you and I are at...and I wouldn't want to ruin his marriage. I know he couldn't stand the cheating and he'd probably want to marry me again. I think I could handle being in love with him and staying married to you, but I don't think he could do it."
"When's the last time you've seen him?"
"Long ago when we broke up...we promised each other no contact."
"Did I say that I LOVE that you had an affair with a man you loved more than me and would have left me for him?"
"Yes you did."
"God, how I love the risks you took with our marriage! You're such a slut!"
"Yes I am! And I love that I can be one now without all the hiding and sneaking. It's so much easier! I love fucking other men and knowing how much you want your wife to be a slut."
"So why did you keep this guy a secret all these years?"
"Because I thought you might leave me if I told you there was another man in the world that I loved more than you...one that I cheated on you with. I didn't want to hurt you."
"And now?"
"And now I know what you are and what I am and that you not only accept what I am, you love it as much as I do!"
"You know I love that you being in love with other men and not just fucking for sex."
"That was my point! I'm comfortable now falling in love and not worrying about what you might think. I Know now that you like me being in love! as much as I do!"
"It makes having a slutwife that much better!" :whip:
"I love being a slut! It's who I am!"

Anybody want to know the short after-story to this?


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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by Bnc63 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 4:08 am

Please… do tell!

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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by hwc » Wed Apr 03, 2024 6:45 am

Yes please!

Thankyou for the update.

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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by troilusand » Mon Apr 08, 2024 4:32 pm

Not many reading this...and I understand, but anyway..........

So the little after-story goes like this:

One day about 15 years ago, I went to the mailbox and found an envelope addressed to Cressida from a return addy I didn't recognize (something obviously NOT junk-mail or from a business) and gave it to Cressida and asked,
"Who's this?"
"What's up?"
"So, do you remember the guy I told you about on our 25th anniv. that I wanted to leave you for and marry him? That's a birthday card from him...he sends me one every year."
"He always made it a point not to forget my birthday after I told him how, since I was a kid, my birthday was always secondary to Christmas in my family as they were so close together."
"So whats' with the card?"
"He sends me one every year."
"He does? I've never seen one."
"Every year around this time I ALWAYS made it a point to get to the mailbox before you. I knew he'd send me a card and I didn't want you to know he did in case you felt threatened."
"Can I read it"
"Do you still love him?"
"Let's not go there."

Obviously, even after a decade or so of not seeing each other, they were still in love.

Not long after that I asked her, "Why don't you contact him and see if he wants to start seeing you again?"
"No, he's still in love with me (obviously she knew that from what he wrote in the birthday cards) and I'm not leaving you anymore so I wouldn't want to hurt him because there's no future for him with me."

If you know me here, you know that of course I wanted her to reignite a relationship with a man that she loved more than me...and I think she might have if she hadn't determined it would lead to eventual pain for HIM. That is, I think she might have done it if it only meant the possibility of problems for us (i.e., them again wanting to get married). We'd have figured it out, even if it meant our divorce since we both liked playing with the fire of her being in love with other men.

I sure would have liked to see what might have happened if she did call him (BTW, in his cards he left that option open to her).


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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by hwc » Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:04 pm

Great post Troy - one of the best!

What a shame you couldn't convince her to see him again!
that would have been off-the-scale hot!

Did you at least get her to talk about the 'what if'

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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by Anrew » Thu Apr 11, 2024 12:25 am

I have certainly enjoyed very much reading this thread. Would love to know and hear more of Cressida and her lovers

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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by livinginsin » Sat Apr 13, 2024 12:09 pm

sexy and crazy story! thanks for sharing

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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by troilusand » Wed Apr 17, 2024 2:41 pm

hwc wrote:
Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:04 pm
Great post Troy - one of the best!

What a shame you couldn't convince her to see him again!
that would have been off-the-scale hot!

Did you at least get her to talk about the 'what if'
No, I know her, and while she didn't EVER mind telling me how deeply she was in love with other men, including this guy, I knew this was special and she wouldn't get slutwife satisfaction from more discourse.

That is, I know that after a few years of pillow talk and me telling her that I not only enjoyed her fucking other men, she realized I REALLY LIKED her falling in love with them, too! And therefore, she came to enjoy (GREATLY!) not only being able to ADMIT she was in love, but REVELING that she could rub my nose in the fact that she was in love with a man she was fucking...again! :???: ...and I had no say in the matter. She was a married, single girl, and whom she fell in love with had nothing to do with what her husband thought. :oops:

So, back to the question at hand...I didn't press it because I could read she didn't want to go there. As I said above, she was worried about hurting him because she was at a point where she didn't want to ever leave me...but I know they still had feelings for each other. Besides, back then, she had PLENTY of guys hitting on her...she's THAT SEXY! :whip: So we didn't discuss it further.


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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by troilusand » Wed Apr 17, 2024 4:18 pm

Anrew wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 12:25 am
I have certainly enjoyed very much reading this thread. Would love to know and hear more of Cressida and her lovers
I can't FUCKING BELIVE it did it to me again!!! I just spent over 2 hours posting a reply to you...and while I was "refreshing/updating"...IT'S GONE... again!!!



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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by troilusand » Wed Apr 17, 2024 4:21 pm

Hey Mods, if you don't want me to post, TELL ME!! That way I won't waste my time writing it!!


P.S. Goddamnit!

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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by airhorn » Wed Apr 17, 2024 6:04 pm

troilusand wrote:
Wed Apr 17, 2024 4:18 pm
Anrew wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 12:25 am
I have certainly enjoyed very much reading this thread. Would love to know and hear more of Cressida and her lovers
I can't FUCKING BELIVE it did it to me again!!! I just spent over 2 hours posting a reply to you...and while I was "refreshing/updating"...IT'S GONE... again!!!


I save 'web GUI' for short posts like this one. For long posts, I prepare in another editor and then copy and paste. Way less anguish when there's an interruption, and better text editing tools.

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Re: 25th Anniv. of Troilus and Cressida

Unread post by troilusand » Sun Apr 21, 2024 2:21 pm

Let's try again...

I met Cressida when she was 16 and I was 18. She worked behind the counter of a fast food joint near a park where I and my friends hung out. The first time I saw her I wanted to fuck her! She had "IT". Gorgeous face and body. But I already had a girl at the time and...

Anyway, Cressida got a (well deserved) reputation as a slut with our group once she started hanging outwit us. She serially fucked a few of my buddies and got the cold shoulder from the girls. The guys looked down on her too...after they'ed fucked her a few times, of course.

One day she asked me why I was the only one who was nice to her and why she was treated that way, so I told her. Of course, she was hurt. I told her it was a double standard that she was "a cheap slut" and the guys were "studs", but that was the way world is. She cried on my chest and leaked mascara on my shirt which led to me having to explain to MY girl what transpired. Cressida rarely joined the crowd after our talk.

Eventually, Cress moved away to a suburb when she turned 18 and got a real job. In the mean time, I was going through a dry spell, and I thought, "Who's an easy piece of ass?" CRESSIDA!! And she's gorgeous, too. So I called her and asked her out. Three months or so later, I asked her to marry me. I knew she HAD BEEN a slut, but she said those days were behind her (I asked her directly if I could "trust" her). Years later when we were cuckold and slut, she confessed that when I proposed (in bed of course!) she said to herself, "I love him and want to marry him...but I know I'm going to eventually cheat on him because he fucks so badly." :oops:

So yeah, she was a slut who had fucked some of the guys I still was friends with...my closest friends. I'm not a jealous person so the past didn't bother me. It did, however, bother their wives whom I later found out asked, "Why's he bringing THAT slut back into the group?!?" BTW, they accepted her because of me...but after a time, they grew to love her as a friend when they got to know her better and lost their fear of her.

So being young and in our early twenties, we would frequently hang out separately with our own friends/co-workers. And...

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