14 Years and Worth The Wait

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14 Years and Worth The Wait

Unread post by DreamWeaver » Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:38 pm

I've decided to archive a couple of posts previously in the Hotwife forum into the library. Enjoy.


This might end up being a little long, but I think it’s worth the read. Much is part background, part advice. I guess I'm just crowing a bit, so forgive me. I'll only do this once. If you just want to beat off, be my guest, but you’ll want to scroll down a bit unless you like psychological buildup and you wonder how I made a hotwife relationship come true. I love the buildup. I’ve lurked so long, I figure it’s time to give back. The names have been changed to protect the guilty. This is a true story, even though I’ve had to cut corners here and there or it would be boring. Get comfortable and enjoy.

Like many of you, I’ve wanted my wife to sleep with another man. The thought gets me hard. I’ve been married for 14 years. I love my wife very much and would never do anything that I think would hurt our relationship. I’m willing to bet I’m like most of you. I’ve thought and fantasized a hundred scenarios. I’ve lurked on boards of this type for years now. I’ve wanted it to happen, but I’m not manipulative by nature so I was just hoping that by luck something would come along. And I was praying that it would be something that would bring us together, not drive us apart.

A little history, my wife and I were married when we were quite young. I was 23, she was 20. I had a little bit of experience with sex, her, none. She was and is a good woman. She wants to do the right thing. She’s even gotten a little more religious, which I respect, but feared would completely sink the possibility of something good happening. Fortunately for me, that’s not an issue anymore. But I’ll get to that in a bit.

How did I deal with my obsession? Well, my strategy, like my obsession, has evolved over time. One thing that didn’t change was that I decided to be as honest as my mouth would allow me to be. Even before I was married, I brought up the idea with her. I told her it would be okay with me if she had a one-night stand. Needless to say she was surprised, but laughed it off. But I had got the ball rolling. No risk, no reward, and I never ever wanted to get into a “cheating” situation where I’d manipulate her into going out with somebody with her thinking she can’t tell me.

Luckily, we have a strong marriage. Let’s face it, though, it’s harder to get your wife to sleep with another guy if she only wants you. And I have to be honest, as time has gone by, I’ve been a lot less likely to want her to just sleep around with some stranger in the area where we live, or go to the effort to convince her to do the swinger thing. So guys like me have to wait and hope the right thing comes along.

About ten years ago, I thought things might happen, but in retrospect it was wrong for us and I’m glad it ended the way it did. Over the course of about a year she fell for two co-workers. She would come home very horny and be ready for me to fuck her. She’d kiss me aggressively and grind against my leg and then pull me into the bedroom. In my fantasy she’s on all fours as some guy sticks his cock up against her beautiful pussy and guides it. I’d make her get on all fours and pretend to be her co-workers. Heather would call me by their names and we’d have great sex, but immediately afterward we’d be lying there and she’d ask me if I really wanted it to happen and I’d say no. To be honest, that’s how I felt. No shame in it.

But one of those co-workers she really wanted. So one day she asked me if she could fool around with him and I said yes. We agreed that she’d try the next day. Inside I regretted my answer almost immediately, but my dick betrayed me. The next day was one of the greatest/most miserable days of my life. I could barely work. I had a boner that wouldn’t go away. I got home from work and she still wasn’t home. I waited. Nothing. I couldn’t help it and I had to beat off to break the pressure. Of course, after I came I felt horrible. What had I done? That lasted for about ten minutes and I’d get hard again. Finally I heard the door open to the apartment. She came in with a bit of a dazed look on her face. She admitted that she’d opened up to him that she like him, but he turned her down. He was a good guy. I felt that I’d dodged a bullet.

Now here is a bit of a problem that I’m sure many of you can relate to. Aside from this period when she actually was interested in somebody else, Heather really didn’t like to role-play my fantasy in bed. I think I pressed too hard. It started to turn her off. I back off, but it’s affecting our sex life because I’m not really having great “normal” sex. I’d troll sites like this for true sexual pleasure. It’s kind of sad, but hey, I just had to throw it out there in the interest of full disclosure.

So again, a couple of years go by. My wife is at one of those non-chain video stores, and she stumbles across a video called “Cheeky”, produced by Tinto Brass. Tinto, I love you man. It’s well produced soft-core European porn about a girl who leaves her boyfriend in Italy to go to London, and while they are separated, she cheats on him and the guy goes from jealousy to lust. So yeah, for guys like us, it’s damn hot. Now I have to admit, elements of the movie are kind of creepy but big picture it’s great for the guys who want to be married to a hotwife. I was so good I got a copy on E-Bay. He’s got other movies with similar hotwife themes, but this remains my favorite. My wife liked it because it wasn’t straight porn. While I can get off on a regular porn flick, in general I agree that the American Porn industry should be burned to the ground. Not because it’s smutty, but because it’s almost entirely crap, meth-freaks and junkies with fake tits, 10 inch dicks and no plot. Sorry to digress. She liked the story and it made her want to have sex, I liked the themes. It was win/win. And it helped break down barriers, in my opinion.

You see, I realized after a while that part of the problem was she didn’t really believe that her fucking other guys would turn me on or was normal. This is an important point, wannabe’s! I’d been open with her, but she couldn’t get her mind around it.

One night we had a small party at our house with two other couples. One of them was John and Jessica. We’d always had a good relationship with them, and I knew John liked my wife. At parties they used to dance together and she was very flirty with him, but never crossed the line. The funny thing was, I never really minded because I never really considered him “competition”. He’d entered my fantasies of Heather getting fucked. Anyway, one thing led to another and John tried to kiss Heather in the kitchen. Heather only told me after everybody had gone home. A week later John actually apologized to me. I told him that it was no big deal, and that I’m not the jealous type.

Then, DISASTER! We had kids. Okay, I’m kidding. I love my kids. But if your wife is not crazed and trashy, you’re going to have to deal with the fact that hotwifing probably is not going to happen quickly. But hey, good things come to those who wait. Plus, it was cosmic judo. Sure the social life takes a dive when you have kids, but hey, what a great excuse to get your wife to go on a solo vacation! Fantasy #47 for guys like us.

John and Jessica also had a baby, and in a not so great twist, due to a new job paying a ton of money, John moved to Chicago and is doing a long distance relationship with his family.

Then another step in my wife’s psychological development occurred. Last year my wife introduced me to a new friend, Kristin, and her husband Frank. Kristin, is drop dead gorgeous. In December of last year she confided to Heather that he wanted Kristin to fuck other guys. Suddenly a mental barrier had been completely tossed over the side of the bridge. When Heather told me we had some really good sex. I told her with a smile that my fetish, the first time I used that word, wasn’t so crazy after all. It was as if a light turned on and she truly accepted the situation. She identified with her friend. Suddenly my mania wasn’t so crazy after all. Role-playing returned in the bedroom. Heather and Kristin would go out every couple of weeks and drink wine and Heather would try to get more information. About a month ago, Kristin even tried to get Heather to go out to a singles bar with her. Despite making tentative plans to go, she was just too tired after a long week of work. I was bummed.

Finally Kristin confided that she and her husband had gone to a swinger’s club but she didn’t really like the sex. Heather brought up the possibility of swinging with us, but Kristin really didn’t want to do it with friends. Still, these conversations made Heather horny, especially after drinking. I pushed the envelope, getting her to say things that drove me nuts. I had to coax her, (sorry honey, you’ve got NO imagination, bless your soul). She’d tell me that she was saving her pussy for somebody else, and she’d get on all fours and rub it as I beat off. She’d tell me that she was interested in another cock. One night while fucking she asked how I would like it if Frank fucked her. It felt like premature ejaculation, the rush was so great. Progress! Hell yeah he could fuck her, I said, even after I came. Heather just smiled.

Finally it was time to take a vacation. Because our youngest is still a pain to travel with, we agreed that Heather would travel with our older child to her parents, and I would go to mine with our youngest. Heather hadn’t been back home in a five years. Where does Heather live? Chicago.

She had two weeks to kill and mentioned she’d go see John. She wanted to know if it would be a big deal to me if she went out with him to see a little nightlife. With a wink and a nod, I told her to “take care of him”. She just gave me the eye like I was nuts and said “don’t get your hopes up”.

She left with the four year old on a Wednesday for two weeks, and a few days later I took our toddler to my parent’s place for a week. Now this is going to sound a little odd, but despite everything that had happened, I really didn’t have my hopes up. Ten days went by and she hadn’t seen him and I was busy myself. By the time I was getting ready to return, it was Saturday night. In fact, I didn’t even think twice when she didn’t call me that day because she was scheduled to go on a family picnic.

I was supposed to wake up early to go to the airport on Sunday. At 1:30 a.m. I’m sleeping and my cell phone rings. It was Heather. I asked if she had a good time and she said she had a really good time.

Her voice was dreamy as she said the words to me, almost as if she had trouble saying them.

“John’s a very good kisser”.

I was stunned. Heather told me to call her back to avoid paying long distance from her parents’ house. I fumbled in the darkness with the keypad, dropped the phone, turned on the light, and dialed. She picked up. She told me she couldn’t talk long, but had to call me. He lives downtown. On Friday she went over and he brought her to see a play, then he drove her to a nightclub where she was plied with drinks and she danced with him. He kissed her. My wife said she didn’t really kiss back. At first. She was stunned. Inside I’m thinking women can be so clueless sometimes.

“We were sooo close to doing it”.

I was stunned. I asked her to slow down and tell me the whole story. After he’d kissed her in the club, they left to take a walk and he grabbed her hand. She didn’t resist. They eventually returned to his apartment where they talked and kissed and talked some more. He’d kept telling her it was the perfect time.

“I guess it was”, I interrupted.

In the end they’d slept in the same bed, him cuddling against her. She’d said that she just couldn’t go further. It felt wrong. She couldn’t do it to Jessica, our friend and John’s wife. I agreed. It was bitter, bitter agreement.

“Are you hard?” she said. Oh she knew me now. She KNEW what I wanted. Yes, I answered. She told me she’d gone out as planned with the family on Saturday, but she was horny the entire time. My wife is never “horny” by nature. Usually I have to really work to get her to sleep with me. The fire’s just not the same as it used to be. Little did I know the fire was stoked and would be that way for a while. She had wanted to go back Saturday night. She told me her crotch ached. I gulped.

She said she’d debated calling me to ask my permission to go back. I told her she should have gone. A moment of awkward silence passed.

She said John told her he had a crush on her since the night he tried to kiss her. I reminded Heather that he’d apologized for kissing her years earlier and how I told him I wasn’t the jealous type. There was a bit more silence. “Wow, so it’s like you gave him permission”.
I sat there thinking about it. “I guess so”. I was rock hard and dying to hear more!

My first words, “So he’s a good kisser huh?” Oh yes.

“What was it like?” I asked. “Did you just kiss a little bit?” Oh no, they’d kissed for a couple of hours in bed.

“Did he touch you?”

“Oh yes, but I wouldn’t let him go skin to skin, or we’d have done it for sure. She said he’d kissed her aggressively, straddling her as he ground himself between her legs. He felt her ass and tried to stick his hands down her pants, but she made him stop. The end result was his hand could only caress her stomach down to her pubic hair. It reminded me of some glorious high school make out session. My dick had pre-cum gushing out as I stroked myself to her words. She said she couldn’t do it, though. She just didn’t feel right.

I wanted to handle this correctly. I didn’t want to fuck it up. I told her I was so happy for her, that I was really glad she had a good night. I explained that it was great that she could have a nice romantic night like she hadn’t had in years, and we both agreed that the naughtiness of the situation and newness of John had made it really fun for her. I told her it was a great first step. I was stroking my dick the entire time.

“Oh no”, she said. “This is not a first step. It’s not any step at all. I’m not going back.”. What could I say? I agreed and left it at that. I was lying on the bed. I couldn’t organize my thoughts. I stroked myself until I came. I was a little surprised when my cum hit me in the chest below my neck. Now there’s something that doesn’t happen every day.

The flight back was insane, delicious agony.

The next day, Monday, was much the same. I’d probably cum five times in the previous twenty-four hours, and my dick was getting a little raw. I had to slow it down, which luckily wasn’t too difficult because I had to go to the office. I could barely concentrate. I felt like I had to act, but I didn’t know what to do. I had to do something. Suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks. Considering the talk John and I had already had regarding him hitting on her, I felt it probably wouldn’t come off too strange if I contacted him. I didn’t want to call. I felt it was too abrupt. I sent an email. I dressed it up a bit to make it seem pretty innocent, but included this message:

“:-). Heather told me she had a pretty good date. Free drinks and afterward you were a perfect gentleman. :-) She was impressed. She gave me a rundown and I have about a thousand jokes for you going through my mind (you know me, always the comic). But in the end some might say the joke is on me. ‘Ha ha, you took my
wife out and she had a great time and uh.. oh... yeah..... so how 'bout that Hockey game?’”

I hit “send” and crossed my fingers. Sure enough within the hour I got a phone call. John seemed almost embarrassed. He was laughing too much. I was laughing too. I was up front with him that Heather said she had a really good time. He played stupid. “She’s a friend” he said. As if to really hammer home the point, I told him that she’d wanted to go back to his place Saturday, and debating calling me for permission. Now he really started stumbling and playing dumb like nothing could possibly happen. What a moron! Finally I got to the point. I told him that Heather was free to do what she wanted and then moved the conversation to another subject. I ended the call saying I just wanted to give him a hard time and I told him not to worry, I didn’t mind what had happened.

It worked. I found out later that he immediately got a hold of Heather, in a semi-state of panic. When I called Heather later that night, she played everything off as another boring day. Then she asked me if I was going to tell her I’d called John. I was a little stunned, laughing and said I hadn’t thought how I’d tell her. That was true.

She was silent for a moment. “You know, that was very stupid”.

“Why?” I said. “If you’re going to be with him, I want him to know that I know”.

“I wasn’t going see him, but after you called we met again today”.

Inside I was dancing a jig. Evidently my wife and I have different definitions of “stupid”.

She continued, ”He couldn’t figure out what’s going on. He was very confused. He couldn’t tell if you were mad or jealous, what was a joke, what wasn’t.”

Yeah, I could see that being the case. It wasn’t exactly a normal conversation.

“What did you say?”

“I told him that we have a special relationship and you don’t mind if I go out and have fun”.
THAT’S MY GIRL! A barrier had crashed. I knew AT THAT MOMENT that the rollercoaster had started and there was no getting out. I will always cherish Tuesday, May 20.

“Did you do it”?

“No, no, no, we just kissed some more and went for a walk”.

I was so horny I couldn’t stand it. “Did you like it?” I was asking dumb questions now.

She continued, “You know, he invited us to his apartment to spend the night because it’s closer to the airport. He said he’d give us a ride in the morning.”

“Well it is closer, it makes sense”.

“What if something…. develops?” she asked.

My hand started to shake. I kept my cool. “Honey, you love me, right?”

“Of course.”

“You know, I’ve always wanted this. You are not hurting me. I love it. Go and have fun. It is the perfect situation.” I purposely used John’s words.

More silence, then an answer, “Okay, honey. I’ll talk to you later”. My hand holding the phone was shaking, my dick was rock hard. The past twenty-four hours had been a blur and I had a case of blue balls that wouldn’t quit, despite relieving myself.

“Honey, if you do it, can you call me before you get back into town?” I asked.

“I can’t promise anything. I’ll see you tomorrow night if we don’t talk”. We hung up.

My hands were still shaking. I was dying. Absolutely dying. It was exquisite pain, I felt light as a feather. The clock ticked in slow motion. The thought of my wife going to have sex with John had my senses, all my senses, on full power. It was awful feeling of butterflies that I embraced. It was the most intense emotional, sexual, feeling I’ve ever had. I thought I’d never ask her to fuck another guy if she did me this one favor. Inside I knew the potential for her to carry on an affair was there. If she fucked him once, it wasn’t going to be the only time.

There was one emotion I didn’t have. Jealousy. I thought about this, and I knew I was ready.

That evening I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to find out what was happening. I called Heather’s mom and she picked up the phone. She said Heather had stepped out for a bit. She just went to the store to pick up some snacks for the trip back. It was already 9:30 p.m. their time, so I was a bit disappointed. I guess she had backed out. I told her I’d call tomorrow morning and hung up.

Despite all of this, my cock was still electric but with this disappointment I’d had enough. I was very happy that we’d made such progress, but I really couldn’t continue at the emotional and physical state I was in. I decided that I would wind things down and not initiate talk about John. Maybe it was for the best. I called the next morning and my wife answered. We talked small talk, avoiding the elephant in the room. My wife alluded to it, though. “What are you thinking about?” with a certain amount of playfulness in her voice. I said let’s not discuss it until she got home. She agreed.

I was still very happy on balance and made an extra effort to get the house in order before she’d arrive. I didn’t want to hear any complaints. I bought flowers for my wife and a balloon for my little girl and met them at the airport on Wednesday. They were both very happy to see me and both had smiles a mile wide. As we drove back home, my wife opened up immediately. The vacation was wonderful. It felt so good to experience the fullness of life. She’d had such a good, romantic time with John. They’d walked for hours. They’d held hands. To a guy who wants a hotwife, this can be music to our ears. When a woman is having a romantic time, ANYTHING is possible.
Then she said “don’t worry, he doesn’t compare to you”. I laughed and said that was the last of my worries. The she dropped the bomb.
“We had a very nice time last night”.

Oh. My. God. I had to concentrate on the road as I drove. I did not expect this. It was impossible. I’d called! It was as if somebody had drugged me. I didn’t know how to respond. It was a little awkward, but she said she’d explain everything when she got back. After we pulled into the garage, in record time I thanked the babysitter and had the kids in bed and asleep. I got to the bedroom and she was laying on her back with her knees tucked up to her chest. She had on panties and a t-shirt. I slid in next to her and nuzzled her arm.
“Kiss me”, she said. “Kiss me hard”. As I kissed her she started her story.

After we’d agreed that she could go to his place, she called him, but he’d had second thoughts. He told her that the friendship was too important and that he didn’t want to cheat on his wife. It was all very understandable. But later that evening he’d called her back. He couldn’t help himself.

He picked her up late, after 10:30 p.m. and they drove back to his place. The in-laws never even knew she left. On the way there she started to kiss him and feel his cock through his pants. Then the debate started. To do it or not to do it. They played out the arguments. Would anything really change? Would they regret it?

“Feel my breasts,” Heather asked me. “Kiss them”.

Heather hadn’t been this aggressive with me in years. Heck, I hadn’t had sex with her for at least a month. I peeled off her t-shirt and gently teased my fingers around her soft tits. I kissed her, avoiding the nipples because they’d always been too sensitive. After a minute or so she asked me to gently suck on them. My penis was engorged, which was physically a miracle in itself considering all the manual stimulation I’d given it.

I realized that for the first time in a long time, I wanted to be romantic with her, give her extended foreplay. This was an epiphany. I’d like to make a point. Before she’d gone on vacation, sexually I’d dreamed of her with others, but our personal sex life wasn’t so great. On a scale of one to ten is fluctuated between four and six with sex being once every couple of weeks. I’d used the fantasy to get myself in the mood. But now that John had aroused her, I was in love again. I wanted to please her. Not only that, she wanted to be pleased. She really wanted me to touch and caress and hold her. No phoniness. No contrived dates out. She wanted me go give her a full sexual experience.

I love hotwifing.

“Did he feel your breasts”? I asked.

“I wouldn’t let him” she said. “Kiss me hard. He was a very good kisser, he could be so aggressive.” She then proceeded to give me a lesson in kissing. She wanted me to use my tongue, to gently bite her lips, to press my lips on her soft mouth.

She reached up to get me to take off my shirt. I got fully naked and she reached down to pull off her panties. She spread her legs.
“Oh, fuck me, please fuck me”.

I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed bottle of lube and poured it on my dick. I knew she’d be ready, but I was raw, and I wanted this to be right.

I positioned myself between her legs, holding my cock as I slid it up to her labia. Her pussy lips looked engorged, surrounded by her luscious light brown pubic hair. It was beautiful and erotic and wonderful. I pressed in an inch or so and then close in to kiss her, kiss her like John had taught. I was in heaven.

As we fucked she said that he’d ground his leg into her crotch as they layed in bed. I asked if he’d given her an orgasm. She said yes.
I fucked her faster as soon as she said it. I slid in and out but I couldn’t cum. But my wife started to cum. At first she just started breathing heavy. Then her eyes started to well up with tears. Not with sadness, but with pleasure. She always cries when she has a good orgasm. It’s impossible for her to fake it with me.

I still hadn’t finished in her, but she asked me to slow down, hold off for a bit. We kissed some more. Now this was a new development. I would not describe my wife as multi-orgasmic, at least not with me. She’d been a virgin when we’d married and honestly, I think in a way that helped us because she didn’t really know what she was missing. But it has obvious downside in the bedroom, for me as well as her. She slid onto her side and pulled one knee up to her chest, giving me more access to her pussy.

“Don’t say anything”, she commanded me. “I want to pretend you’re John”.

My dick got a little bit harder at those words. It got really hard, the hardest it will ever be. I grabbed some more lube and made my penis slick again and plunged in, slow then fast. I’d bend over to kiss her until it got a little uncomfortable and then go back to concentrate on fucking her. I was pushing myself to the limit. She started to breath heavily again. I couldn’t believe it. She started to cry again. I was ecstatic and my cock and brain finally gave in. I felt the buildup of my own orgasm and it rocked me as I could feel the sperm from deep in my balls as it squirted out deep inside her.

I collapsed next to her. But I realized something. She never told me about fucking him.

“Did you fuck him”? I asked.

She smiled. “No, but I wish I had”. It would have been a grand finale to their time together.

“Did you relieve him at all?” I asked.


Years earlier, when the hotwife fantasy began to take hold, I would have felt relief. Don't get me wrong, her actions were very sweet. I love her. But too much had changed.

“You should fuck him. He must be miserable”. I do like John. He’s a good friend.

We fell asleep together, the best we’d felt in years.

The next day she was still horny and we fucked again before work. When I returned, she admitted that she sent him an email. I read it and it's a little long, but in essence she told John that she regretted not doing it. She wanted to complete the act, no strings attached. Heather made a point that there are still certain boundries. She's not out to wreck marriages. Just have fun with him.

John was what I would call “nobly vague” in his response. It was in an instant message to my wife that he said it didn’t matter if it were in a week, in a month or in many years, he just hoped we’d all remain friends. On Friday and Saturday we fucked some more, each message between the two stoking the fires. I’m the surrogate, but I don’t care. My wife loves me.

Yesterday, Saturday, we had John’s wife Jessica and her little son over. The kids played in the next room and we had what I would call a very honest conversation about “sex over 30”. Like I said, Jessica is a good friend, and it’s really not that crazy a subject to talk about. In fact it seemed Jessica sort of initiated it. Jessica told us that although she’s told John in no uncertain terms that to cheat on her would be the end of the marriage, deep down she didn’t really feel that way. Sex is healthy. I was stunned.

I wondered if she knew something. The end result is that a certain amount of guilt was lifted. Judge if you will. This is how we feel. There’s more to John and Jessica’s relationship than I can convey here. They love each other, and him being gone most of the time has been in issue that they’ve kind of figured out for themselves. We agreed we’d all get together next month for a real drinking party, lights turned low with good music, just like the old days. We’d put the kids to bed and then have fun. Don’t get me wrong, we didn’t discuss an orgy or anything. Just a good time.

But I could live with an orgy. ☺ Okay, it's unlikely, I admit.

Today seven of the most erotic, intense days of my life have come to a close. Today John instant messaged Heather. He’d thought of her. Did she still want to visit him? John asked what I would think? God he's such a dope. I guess he can't get his mind wrapped around certain facts. I don't mind. He should know deep down. We can only tell him so many times.

Heather looked me in the eyes a little nervously and said she was looking up flights.

I told her that sounded like a wonderful idea. Get away from the kids. Have some fun.

It's going to happen. She's bringing a vibrator for him to try out on her, and sexy clothes this time. I told her I'd help shave her, get her ready. He's going to fuck my wife. She loves the idea.

End of the 1st post
Start of the followup post a couple weeks later.

My wife had exchanged a bunch of instant messages and emails with John. In her first one, she actually wrote the following in a message to him a the day after she returned from visiting him. To recap, she'd had a nice romantic time with him, but she wouldn't have sex with him. She regretted it almost immediately:

“John, It's hard for me to say it in person (even I can be embarrassed , ….Maybe I’m opening up too much (but we are close friends, and I can tell you everything, right?)... After just having a very passionate sex with my husband (and actually envisioning you in his place), I regret we didn’t get to the very end on our last date. And now, hundreds of miles away (but only about 24 hours or so), it is pretty clear to me. What were we thinking?!! I just think that the little romance we had should have had a proper conclusion. Since it did not get to the very end yesterday, I will be waiting for the conclusion and the grand finale . Not sure when and where... How about meeting somewhere for a long weekend getaway? Probably just a fantasy... And John, it will not transform into anything dangerous. We both love our families and spouses way too much. This two weeks for me was such a different experience compared to the past few years. You are so lucky that you get to combine both a family life and bachelor life. It really adds to life's fullness. If you can, please have nice sex this weekend; close your eyes and think of me in place of that girl.

I can't believe I am about to send this message now. I have not been drinking, but the past few days drugged me up. Kisses from your “almost mistress”. It's totally fine if you don't share my views and desires. It will just remain as my fantasy then. No strings attached!”

Yesterday, my wife is grocery shopping when she gets a phone call. John is coming into town for a long weekend. Are you still in a Chicago mood, he asks? As a man, I know that’s just a nice way of saying, do you still want to fuck? My wife was a little more oblivious, and acted happily surprised when I explained his intentions to her. They agreed that he’d bring his son over tomorrow so the kids could play together. He’d come over early, about 9:30 am. That’s what I like about John, I don’t have to do all the thinking to make things happen.

Last night we picked out an outfit for her to wear, a short skirt. I helped her shave.

We got ready.

Waking up this morning, getting dressed for a day at the office, I took my slow sweet time. I dropped the older one at daycare and settled in at my desk. I didn’t dare call. I didn’t want to ruin the mood. The day crawled. I didn’t know what to think.

At 1:07 I got the following message on google chat.

Her: ok..

me: Hi

Her: we went to the pool, just putting kids to bed

me: YES

Her: there was some touching already. I am so nervous now

me: it will be fine. have lots of fun.

Her: ok...will keep you posted

She signed off.

How do I explain what I was feeling? Knowing that there was no going back. I wouldn’t leave my desk. I wanted to be there when she came back. I didn’t know if it would be 20 minutes or two hours.

At about 3 pm I got the following message:

Her: are you there

me: yep

Her: we did it. it was awesome! gotta go

It was a punch in the gut. The greatest punch I ever took. My wife just got fucked. And she liked it. And she left me in limbo, again! I finally emailed her a message saying I wanted to come back ASAP, just tell me when. She sent me back another chat message:

Her: he is still here, so you should not come yet..but yes, it was very interesting... you would not believe when i tell you

me: I'm dying

Her: i must have had 5 O-s

She signed off again. Oh my god. Or rather, Thank You God! I was on cloud nine. I was getting eaten up inside. I was shocked. Five orgasms? Are you kidding me? I’m lucky, and I mean LUCKY to give her two, let alone one, and that’s usually only after she drinks.

Finally she called me back. She was a little coy, but I wanted details. She told me to get the kid at daycare and come home. I was out of there so fast I think my chair was still spinning by the time I hit the elevator. Each red light was painful. I didn’t want to listen to the radio. I hadn’t eaten all day. I picked up the kid and headed home where I found my wife nonchalantly talking with a friend on the phone. I made her get hang up. With a smile she brought me to the bedroom.

I had her take off her skirt. She was wearing panties she hadn’t been wearing that morning. I made her take off her panties. She lay on the bed in the same spot she’d just been fucked a couple of hours earlier. I went down on her, eating her delicious pussy. She confessed she hadn’t used condoms as planned. It just happened so fast. I asked if he’d cum in her. No, he’d cum on her stomach. She pointed to a stain on the bedcover. It was already dry but it was obvious. It smelled like chlorine. Strong. It was another man’s cum.

She layed on her back and pulled up her left leg and I started fucking her. I wanted details. She wanted me to be quiet. She closed her eyes and started moaning within a couple minutes. I couldn’t help myself. I asked her if I could cum. She said yes. Start to finish, maybe 10 minutes. A quickie.

I noticed she had some bruising on the inside of the leg she’d pulled up. Oh yes, he’d taught her that position. But first they’d laid together for an hour. She on her stomach as he lightly ran his fingertips around her ass, up her back, down her legs. He stayed away from her pussy. He did this for a long time. She told me she begged him to put a finger in her, but he held off. Smart man. He made her really want him. She kept pointing her ass toward his hand, trying to get him to act. He gently massaged her clit. My wife showed me how he’d done it. She made me mimic his touch. She got frustrated when I was too hard, and honestly, I thought I was going light. No, she liked a very light touch. This was how she’d had her first orgasm. No penetration had occurred.

Then she sucked his cock for five minutes. My mind had to process this. MY wife had put another man’s cock in her mouth. That’s my girl. He then had her lay on her back. Again, he massaged her clit, ever so lightly, almost hypnotically. This was how she’d had her second orgasm, stronger than the first. I was mesmerized by her story as she took me through the steps. It wasn’t until after she’d came down from her climax that he put his fingers in her, at least a half hour after she’d first asked him. She guided my hand to copy his movements. Again, I was too hard with just a finger. She told me his soft touch ended up getting two, then three fingers in her. This was how she had her third orgasm of the hour. She said it was more powerful yet.

At this point he became aggressive. He rolled over on top of her and started to fuck her properly. He wrapped his right arm under the crook of her knee and plunged his dick into her extremely aroused, very wet cunt. He thrust hard and fast, and gently withdraw. He fucked her like this for another ten or fifteen minutes. She came again. He pulled out and shot his load on her stomach. They laid together, joking and laughing. She wanted to start again, but one of the kids woke up. Party’s over. They cleaned up, and he left by a quarter to four.

So we’d figured it out. She’d had four orgasms, not five. Each made her sing and cry. She was still glowing. I was happy, a fantasy I’d waited years for had finally come true.

She admitted it was the best sex she’d ever had. I didn’t feel bad. I felt happy for her and told her so. I said that this is what living is all about.

Will there be a next time? I’d bet yes, but we’re not going to push it. Those two have chemistry. Nature will take its course.

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Re: 14 Years and Worth The Wait

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:45 pm

Nice... :whip:
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: 14 Years and Worth The Wait

Unread post by roadrunner » Mon Sep 15, 2008 9:16 pm

Very nice!
Two words that should rarely be used when discussing human behavior are 'always' and 'never'!

Posts: 454
Joined: Tue May 27, 2008 12:08 pm

Re: 14 Years and Worth The Wait

Unread post by Cuck4Life » Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:47 am

Great story !!! I will have my wife read it. We started very much this way, it has been wonderful with no regrets.


Re: 14 Years and Worth The Wait

Unread post by enduser » Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:32 am

I'm glad you consolidated the stories. Thank You.

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