Re-education part 1

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Re-education part 1

Unread post by just_dreamin » Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:13 pm

Nick and I met during the summer after graduation from college, and instantly fell in love. We had gone to different schools in the Southern California / LA area, graduated the same year, and met each other online at that time when we were ready to settle down and start our careers and new lives after school. We got married the following year and moved to Ventura County, where Nick got a great, well-paid job on the PR team of a professional sports team, and I started writing and working on my master’s degree. We bought a nice house in the hills, a new car, and two dogs. We were excited to finally be starting our lives together, and every day we grew closer and happier. Nick is a great lover, the kind of guy who understands girls very well, and knows how to make you feel sexy and special in the bedroom. He played sports in college, and kept an active lifestyle afterward, making sure his tall, broad toned body stayed fit. He is average in the endowment department, about 6 ½ inches, but very well formed. We have great communication in the bedroom, and aren’t afraid to change things up and try something new. About a year passed, and I soon noticed that our marriage felt like it was lacking something. We were happy, but I thought our sex life had hit a bit of a rut. It turns out there was something missing…about 7 more inches worth.

It was August, when the summer in California reaches that clear, sunny sweet spot in the weather, and you feel like taking a break from life for a while. Nick had taken me to dinner at our favorite steakhouse on a Friday night, and waited until after the meal was done to mention- “Hey, just to let you know. I invited one of my old buddies from college over this weekend.”
“That’s fine,” I said. “One of your old teammates?”
Nick’s mouth curled in an odd sort of smile, as if the suggestion was humorous. “No…Jason was…just a friend from when I lived on campus. He hung out with me on the weekends sometimes.” That’s fine, I told him. We purposely hadn’t planned anything that weekend, since we wanted to relax. I had looked forward to spending some intimate time with him, but this was a nice surprise as well. I hadn’t met many of his college friends.

That Saturday evening Jason arrived. Nick was working the grill on the patio, which had a great Western view of the sinking sun. I was getting the rest of dinner ready and mixing some drinks to chill for afterward. The doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it!” I called, and ran to the door. I thought I had met just about all of Nick’s close friends, and they were all pretty much like him- the handsome, sporty jock types. So I was involuntarily unprepared when I saw the guy on the other side of my front door. He was about 5’9”, just an inch taller than me, with sandy brown hair, and not that attractive. His nose was a little too big for his face, and his smile revealed prominent front teeth that turned it into a bit of a toothy grin. He was wearing a leather jacket over a preppy collared shirt, and loose-fitting slacks that seemed oddly out of place, like the apparel of a teenager dressed for an occasion he wasn’t invited to. “Hey,” he said.
“You must be Jason,” I said, taking his jacket and leading him into the house.

The evening progressed casually, but I felt a strange energy in the air. It didn’t feel like a simple evening with an old acquaintance of my husband’s, but rather more like a first date or an encounter with someone you’ve had a mixed history with and haven’t seen for a while. I tried to get a better idea of what it all meant. “So, Jason, Nick tells me you knew each other from school. Did you have the same major?”
“No,” Jason said, reaching for his drink. I waited for more.
“We were more like party friends,” Nick explained. He had a knack for making awkward situations more comfortable, and could get along with almost anyone. “I used to introduce a lot of girls to him.” The wording of Nick’s answer was odd, and I didn’t know what to think. He should have said, “I used to introduce him to a lot of girls,” since obviously the guy wasn’t exactly a ladies man. Nick always got along great with the female species, and had a lot of girl admirers through college, a fact I took pride in, since he ended up falling in love and marrying me. But the way he was talking, it sounded like he was doing these girls a favor by introducing them to Jason. Did these two really go out and party together?
The dinner was great, as always, and when it was over I brought out the pitcher of Long Island Ice Tea that I mixed and we moved into the living room. “I’m going to shut down the grill,” Nick said. “You guys just keep talking.” He moved out onto the patio and shut the sliding door. Jason wasn’t a very good conversationalist, and I noticed he laughed too loud, and said unexpected things at strange moments, while at other times remained silent when he should have spoken. Kind of dumb, I noticed. But overall I got this feeling as if he was expecting something, specifically from me. I refilled my glass, and noticed he was looking at me. Or, rather, at my body. I am pretty attractive with a nice build that I take pride in taking care of. I wear a C-cup, and my breasts are bigger than my frame- a slender body with a busty chest. I was wearing my highlighted brown hair back that evening, and had changed into stretch pants that accentuated my firm ass and hips. “I bet he’s jealous of Nick,” I thought. “He must also be getting a little drunk. He’s not even hiding the fact that he’s checking me out.”
“So, Jason. Do you have a girlfriend?”
He snickered and gave me the same toothy smile, with half-closed eyes. “No,” he said simply. Then, after a pause, “Why do you ask?” He had sunk down on the couch, so that his crotch was thrust out, and his hands were behind his head. For the first time I noticed the outline of what looked like a sizeable package in his pants. From the way he was laying, the front of his pants bunched up in a manner that could only come from something large lying under his clothes. He suddenly stood up and announced, “I’m going to drain the lizard.” He started off toward the bathroom, but not before pulling up and adjusting his pants a little. The movement of his clothes gave the impression of holding a heavy weight.
A very strange and new yet powerful feeling washed over me. I am by no means a prude, but I take pride in holding out for quality in the guys that I have dated. From the minute I met him, I had Jason placed in a category far below my consideration. He was one of those awkward guys that someone like me would never consider, but there was now something in his manner that fascinated me. He acted and talked as if he thought he was the sexiest, most desirable man in the world, and I was only lucky that he graced me with his presence in my own house. He showed little concern to questions asked of him, as if he didn’t owe anyone a sufficient answer to anything. Throughout dinner he had been looking at me at odd times, as if he had been invited over by me and not by Nick. My face flushed with excitement, and it scared me. I went out to the patio.
Nick was taking a long time scraping the grill, and I wondered for a second if he had left us alone on purpose. I slipped my arm around his waist and kissed him. “Hey, sexy man. Thanks for the meal.” He looked at me with his piercing brown eyes, as if he was searching me for a clue about something. “Thanks…what do you think of Jason?” It was a question spoken with more meaning than I thought it should have had.
“He’s nice,” I said. “He’s…uh. Yeah. Yeah, he’s nice.” I didn’t know what else to say. Nick remained silent as if expecting more, then suddenly turned to face me and grabbed both my hands.
“Baby, there’s something I am going to ask you, and you have to feel free to say no. It’s just an idea.” His handsome face showed concern and nervousness. “I just…feel like our love life needs a little something. You know…something more.” I nodded, trying to figure out what he was going to ask. “I actually invited Jason over for a reason. I thought that maybe you and him…it’s something he and I have done in the past before, you know, with other girls, and it’s really amazing. I mean, if you don’t want to, it’s totally fine, it’s just…I think you might…” He was trailing off.
I suddenly realized what all the energy in the air had been. “Oh, like a threesome?”
“Yeah! Kind of like that. But, there’s more. Well, you’ll see. But yeah, like a threesome.” Nick looked relieved that I wasn’t shocked. I had to laugh.
“Babe, if you want to try it, I’m up for anything.” I couldn’t help kissing him. He was so cute. Here he had been planning for weeks on how to suggest it to me, and even went so far as to set it up with one of his friends before letting me in on his plan. That explained why Jason had been so unabashed in checking me out, and how the whole night I had felt like there was a secret out there that I wasn’t in on. “Just let me go change. Are you ready!”
“Yes!” He said with a little too much enthusiasm. I laughed again and kissed him. He picked me up with his strong arms and swung me around. “I’m so glad you think it’s a good idea! Aw, honey, you’re going to love it! This will change your life. I swear, I’ll make sure it’s good for you. You’ll never forget Jason.” He was talking fast, and we both were feeling a little buzz from the alcohol. I felt another flush of excitement come over me- the feeling of doing something new and sort of daring.
I was no stranger to threesomes. I had done it twice before in college, both times with a girlfriend of mine, and a different guy we happened to pick up at the club each night. It was fun, but nothing life-changing; more a result of convenience in having only one guy and two horny girls. You might as well share.

When we came back in the house, Jason had poured himself another drink and was standing leaning against the kitchen bar counter. I’m sure our faces confirmed what he thought we were talking about, and what we had decided. I now regarded him in a totally different light, the kind of aura that someone takes on when they become an object of your desire…or even a target. This was a guy I was now going to have sex with. As I looked at him and smiled, he broke into another grin and looked at me fully now, up and down, as if surveying property he had just inherited.
Something still bothered me, though. Why him? He was unimpressive in all respects, both in appearance and mannerisms. Why didn’t Nick ask one of his many single athlete friends, who were much more attractive, and guys that I already knew? Why did he pick a friend he hadn’t seen in a while, and I had never met? Maybe he asked Jason because he didn’t want to feel shadowed by a “better” man. Maybe he wanted the 3rd party to be a guy I wouldn’t feel more attraction to than my own husband. That certainly made sense.
“So, dude…are you ready?” Nick gave him a naughty smile. Jason downed the last gulp of his drink.
“Great! Let’s move into the bedroom.”

I let out a laugh at these two silly men, who no doubt had been conspiring for weeks or possibly months on how to make this very night happen. I felt sexy and desirable. Even if it wasn’t that great, or Jason never came by again, it was still something different, and our sex life needed some variety. Plus, I was buzzing from the alcohol and getting horny.
Once in the bedroom, Nick shut the door and started drawing the shades. I unbuttoned my blouse and lost the sweat pants. Since I was the girl, I figured I would need to be the one doing most of the work and putting on most of the show. I gave Jason a seductive smile and started undoing the back of my bra. “Are you ready, stud?”
He shot me a goofy and confident grin back. “I think the question is…are YOU ready?”
I laughed and threw off my bra. “Come here…take off your shirt.” My breasts bounced with my movement toward him, and I noticed with satisfaction that he was getting visibly excited. He took them, each the size of small melons, in his big hands. “You like those?” I asked.
Nick, instead of undressing, went into the bathroom to get something. When he came back out I saw it was a bottle of lube. In his other hand he held our digital camera. “He’s really getting into this,” I thought. But his excitement seemed like the excitement of a spectator, and not someone about to fuck his wife with a friend of his. I felt a twinge of anticipation. Something is going to happen, I thought.
Jason had removed his shirt and tossed it into a corner, then moved with his back leaning against the bed. His whole personality seemed to be changing. He took me by the shoulders and positioned me in front of him. I moved in to kiss him, but instead he placed a hand on top of my head and tilted his head back, thrusting his crotch forward. I understood what this meant, and my hands moved to his belt to undress him.
For the first time I noticed his build: average in all respects, with a slight paunch that hung over the top of his baggy pants. His skin was untanned and lightly freckled. I looked over at Nick, who was staring at me in anticipation, his hands on his own belt. I dropped to my knees and started undoing the buckle. He wasn’t wearing any underwear, I noticed as I slipped his pants off his thick hips and down to the floor. The room seemed to hold its breath. My jaw dropped open.
There, hanging before me, was the most incredibly large penis I had ever seen. I had seen large men before on the screen, but this was unbelievably real…impossibly huge. Even then it was only partly hard, and I could see fold upon fold of skin where it still had more room to grow. It hung almost down for 9 or 10 inches, heavy with weight, yet held up slightly by the blood of arousal I could see already coursing through it. The head looked like an upside-down apple, purple and slightly moist at the end where pre-cum had oozed out. The shaft was immensely thick and veiny, and I could feel a powerful heat radiating off of it. Behind it I could see his ball sack, proportionally enormous and hanging heavy with fluid, and at the base, a neatly trimmed patch of hair that ran up to the base of his belly. Time seemed to stand still as I struggled to take it into my whole field of vision. I was caught completely off guard, and now my mind was flooded with an overwhelming sense of awe, mixed with a tinge of fear. I looked up at Jason.
“It’s….I can’t….oh my god,” I struggled. He stood there with a proud grin on his face, looking down on me in satisfaction. My whole perception of him had suddenly changed, and he knew it. From the moment I opened the door for him just hours ago, he had laid eyes on me as the girl he was going to fuck. She didn’t know it yet, and didn’t respect him yet, but she would. Before the night was over, she would even fear him. His casual, confident manner, his disregard for social etiquette, and his bold surveillance of my body, all flashed before my brain in context now. He had entered my house, unimpressive while his clothes were on, knowing that before the night was over, he would reveal the awesome power he possessed between his legs, and leave here a conqueror. I was now completely in his hands, and he could do with me whatever he wished.

“Come on, baby...don’t be scared, suck him, just like that.” Jason put his hand on the back of my head and eased me closer, gripping the base of his shaft with the other. I shot a helpless glance at Nick, who looked to be captivated by the scene unfolding in front of him. Turning back to the enormous cock hanging before me, I lifted a hand to guide it into my mouth. I couldn’t fit just one all the way around it, and had to use both to grip the base of the head. “I can’t…it won’t…it’s too big,” I stammered. Jason smiled gently, but firmly. I was going to suck it.
I always prided myself in giving a guy the best blow job he’s ever had. Most girls don’t know how to do it right. They don’t establish a good, even rhythm, or don’t go deep or smoothly enough. They usually aren’t patient enough to keep it up long enough for him to get a good buzz going. Some don’t even know how to deep throat. But I had never taken anything like Jason before. As he eased his massive cock into my mouth, I felt the head alone filling it all the way to the back. I knew the best ways to avoid gagging- when you feel the gag reflex starting, try to swallow. That suppresses the reflex and lets you last a bit longer. You still can’t breathe, and the deep throat only lasts as long as your breath does, but it’s usually long enough for the guy to get quite a good face fuck going before you have to come up for air. But Jason was different. This was going to be the challenge of my life.
I forced his head down my throat, and immediately felt I was going to run out of breath before I got him as far as I could. My heart was pounding as it was, and I felt faint from the lack of oxygen. No, it’s not going to be enough time, I thought. I need to start over. As I started to pull my head back, I felt Jason’s hand strongly behind it. “Shhh,” he said. “That’s it, keep going.” I panicked at first, but changed direction and swallowed more of his huge shaft. I could feel its unreasonable thickness pushing out against the walls of my throat. I was doing everything right: making my throat one long, unmoving tunnel, and not moving my neck muscles. But this wasn’t going to work. I started to gag, then caught myself.
“Keep going, baby, you’re doing good!” Nick’s voice sounded a hundred miles away. I realized suddenly what this meant for him, too- seeing his wife take the largest dick either of us had ever seen, and take it like a professional. I suddenly felt a rush of power, like an athlete clambering up an impossible slope that no one else could master. I slid another inch of Jason’s meat down my throat. There was so much left. It didn’t even look like I had taken him halfway yet. Another inch. My vision started to darken.
“Aw, fuck, yeah…good girl!” Jason moaned as he released my head and withdrew his gigantic pole. I gasped for air.
“Wow…that was…you are amazing!” I breathed. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. I was completely enthralled as I looked back up at his cock, now half hard and bobbing over me, in time to his heavy breathing. The first five inches glistened with my saliva, and I noticed it had colored from the strain of forcing it down my expanding throat. Jason let out a laugh, a loud one that a champion would give when asked to explain his victory one more time to a fascinated fan. He grabbed the base of it with his hand again, and held it over me.
“What do you think, baby girl? You still think you are ready for this?” Nick laughed, too, a laugh of pride for me, and pride at his friend, who was now revealing to me a whole world of amazing sexual extremes that I never knew existed before. Jason took a step forward, and let his cock rest on my head while his balls hung huge and heavy right before my face. I realized in awe that his penis was still growing, expanding and thickening into impossibly larger dimensions. A powerful heat was coming in waves off of his shaft, and I could feel it singe the top of my head, already heavy with its weight.
“I TOLD you you’d never forget him,” Nick laughed, and handed Jason the bottle of lube. Jason took it slowly, all the while looking at me, as if judging if it was a good idea or not, or whether I was deserving of what he was about to give me. He grinned another toothy grin.
“Get up. Lay on the bed.”
I obeyed, stripping the rest of my clothing off and collapsing naked on my back, watching while he slowly squeezed a long stream of gel out of the bottle. He handed it back to Nick like a swordsmen handing his sheath back to his armor-bearer, then turned to look at me again with a smug expression. His hands slowly worked the lube up and down his giant cock, which soon dripped and shone with the liquid. It was still growing. I couldn’t take my eyes off this man, who, just hours ago, I had regarded as a nobody, a dork, an awkward kid. I was now lying naked before him, while he lubed up his enormous cock as a murderer sharpens up his weapon before his tied up and helpless victim. “You’re going to love it,” he said with a smile. He took his hands up under my knees and knelt below me on the bed as he slowly lifted my pussy up and toward his body. His heavy cock rested momentarily on my belly and chest, and I could feel the awesome weight of it, realizing with disbelief that this impossible thing would soon be inside my body. He pushed himself up with his feet, lifted his knees, and rocked me back as my knees came in toward my chest. The cock was dragged off my belly as Jason aligned it over my waiting pussy. Time seemed to slow down. I stared at him, helpless.
The first penetration came like a shock wave. All I saw were Jason’s thick hips suddenly thrust down, and my cunt exploded with a course of energy. “Ahh!” I cried, then clenched my teeth. The walls of my insides closed around his massive pole, as he slid it in a few inches past the head with a wet schlucking sound. I had never been stretched so wide, and it hurt with an exhilarating pain of domination, a pain of capture. Jason uttered a low grunt of pleasure and began a slow, powerful rhythm of thrusts- two inches out, three inches in. Three inches out, four inches in…
“Yeah, baby, you take that! You take that mother-fucking monster cock!” Nick’s voice rose with excitement, and looking to the side I saw him, eyes wide, now stripped down to just his muscle shirt. One hand was on his cock, the other was aiming the camera at me. I had no idea how long he had been taking pictures, and I tried to imagine what I must look like, pinned down under the power of an enormous, god-like penis that was filling me and stretching me to my physical limits. I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth again, trying to concentrate on the slow, intense thrusts that continued to open me wider and wider.
I opened them again when Jason paused on a down-thrust. He let out a slow, loud breath of air, and looked up at me with an intense, evil look, his teeth showing. My eyes drifted down to the sight of his massive shaft buried less than halfway into my cunt. It pulsed with an amazing sexual energy, and I could almost feel the veins echoing his rapid heart beat. “My god,” I thought. “He’s not even fully in yet.” The same desperate pang of fear I experienced when I was sucking him rushed over me again. He wasn’t going to stop until I took all of him, I realized. He owned me now. Nick had given me over, and I had agreed. He had subdued me with the awesome power of his size, which now held me flat on my back in wonder. I looked up at him, terrified. He grinned.
When his thrusting resumed, I gathered my breath and focused. My eyes were closed now, and brilliant stars of color flashed in the darkness, mostly red and purple, the colors of surrendered sex. “Uh…Uhhh…oh god…yes…fuck…yeah.” I couldn’t stop moaning. Inch after impossible inch, my insides expanded to accommodate him, and slowly, involuntarily, I felt something deep inside me, in my emotions and psyche, change and stretch as well. I was becoming someone different, someone reaching a new level, passing a threshold, away from the average, ordinary people who fuck and fall asleep, fuck and go about their business. Sex was becoming a championship, an unattainable prize that could only be won by someone super-human. I felt myself strengthen and deepen. I was becoming a woman of god-like abilities as well, someone who had walked to the edge of the extreme, someone just pulled back from the edge. The room was hushed silent for a time, broken only by the click of the camera, and the low, satisfied grunting of Jason.

I opened my eyes again, not knowing how long it had been. Jason’s eyes were glazed with pleasure, his forehead dripping with a stream of sweat that ran down in drops onto his oversized nose. Surely that must be all, surely he must be all the way in…my gaze dropped to his cock, which had about an inch left still outside. It was impossible. I felt him start to bottom out deep within me. No, I thought with desperation. No, I must take him all. I want all of him. It was the most incredible feeling I had ever experienced, and he still had more to give me. I wanted all he could offer.
Jason felt himself start to bottom out, and rocked me back farther to penetrate deeper. He closed his eyes and grunted deeply, “Aw, yeah…fuck.” His huge ball sack rested against my ass, and I felt it swing as he resumed thrusting. My mind flashed with alarm as I wondered what would happen if he shot his load while I was like this. There must be a gallon, I thought. It’s too much. He’s too much. My god…
My first orgasm came suddenly, in a rush of energy. It was a complete surrender to being overwhelmed, a surrender to the impossible power of this god-like being towering over me with his god-like cock stuck farther in me than I thought possible, with even more left to go. I felt so incredibly full. “AHH, OH GOD, FUCK!” I cried as my body pulsed with pleasure. The sensation coursed through my body and collected around the straining walls of my cunt, which held tightly to this amazing, huge tool that possessed so much power to leave me breathless and immobile.
After my body relaxed, Jason resumed his unstoppable effort to thrust his entire cock into my pussy. He got it all in, and I knew I was completely full. The tip of his cock hit bottom deep within me, and I was at my limits. That was enough. I felt panic overwhelm me, and this time couldn’t control it. “No,” I moaned. “No, it’s too much. I can’t…I’m sorry, I can’t.” I looked up at Jason in alarm. He grinned and didn’t move. His cock remained in place, the weight of his body on mine. He wasn’t going to stop, I thought with desperation. I started to struggle, and felt tears well up in my eyes as I closed them tight. My body felt stretched to the max, past the point of pain, as I pleaded with him to pull out. Suddenly, I felt lips pressed hotly against my own. It was Nick. “Easy, baby,” he said softly and intensely between kisses. “You’re doing great. You’re okay. You’re okay.” His hands reached for mine, and his beautiful eyes held my gaze as he continued to reassure me. His voice was soft, but his mouth was curled up in an amazed smile, and his face was flushed with exhilaration. He was watching the change come over me, just as I felt it was happening.
Suddenly, Jason began to pull his oversized, swollen cock out of my pussy, and put one of his short, thick legs up on the bed. His face was red with the look of animal pleasure, and his dull eyes were glazed with contented satisfaction. I exhaled a breath of exhaustion, and felt a rushing vacuum of energy it seemed he left when he withdrew. It was as if the entire inside of my being was sucked out with it, and there was a void now, a space occupied only by potential, the hunger of a woman who now possessed a sexual strength, the likes of which other women would never understand. I looked up at Nick, who was watching the change of expression come over my face…from pain, to power.
“Roll over. Get on all fours,” Jason commanded. He walked to the dresser and wiped the sweat from his brow with a tissue. His absolutely massive cock swayed as he walked, contrasting with his short frame to create a surreal visual effect, like a gothic statue meant to symbolize the male sex. I couldn’t stop staring at it. He pointed at the lube on the dresser, and Nick stood up quickly and grabbed it for him. I noticed the change of energy between them now- Jason was the master at work, and Nick was his humble apprentice. It occurred to me suddenly that what Jason was doing was for Nick…it was for Nick and I both. It wasn’t a threesome at all. It was my re-education.
I quickly rolled onto my hands and knees and waited, facing the headboard of the bed. Doggie-style has always been my favorite position, because it allows the guy complete control. It is the ultimate position of surrender. That thought occurred to me with powerful new meaning now as I waited for this incredible experience to continue. Seconds passed and I looked behind me. Jason was squeezing lube directly onto his gigantic shaft, which was still pulsing from the fuck he had just given me. I noticed with shame about an inches at the base that was dry- the inch that I couldn’t take from him. He caught my eye, and spent extra time lubing up this particular part of his penis, as if to say, “See this? You are going to take this part, too, this time.” For some reason I blushed, and he saw this and grinned. “You’re doing good, baby,” he said. “You’re going to get all of him this time. Just relax.” He handed the lube back to Nick and told him to fetch a towel. Nick apologized and ran into the bathroom, emerging again with two. Jason tossed them over the bedpost. I wondered what they were for.
When he turned and looked at me again, his eyes had the same former intensity as minutes ago. He got on his knees on the bed, and put a hand on either side of my ass. His cock had shrunk slightly, and dangled down to slap heavily against my legs. I faced forward again and instinctively lowered my head and thrust my ass up and back, offering him my pussy. Time once again slowed as I waited.
This time, Jason began slowly, pushing his head and one more inch in, and allowing his cock time to thicken and grow inside of me. I could feel it, like a monster slowly awakening and stretching from a sleep. He thrust two more inches in, and I felt the waves of pleasure once again overtake me. As his cock thickened to its full girth, the walls of my cunt once again bulged and radiated with energy. This time, I noticed the change that had overtaken me before grow stronger. This time was different than the first. I was ready this time. “Yeah…fuck yeah, baby…give me that monster cock,” I said. “Give it to me like you mean it!”
At this challenge, Jason suddenly thrust half his cock inside me, with a firm and powerful punishing blow. I cried out and gasped for air, as a shock of pain rushed through me. Two more thrusts, each one deeper than the last, sent me reeling, the last one causing my vision to blur. “AH!” I cried. “No, stop! Go slow!" The room was filled with Jason’s loud and crass laughter, and Nick soon chimed in. Jason then put his hands on me- one on the back of my neck, and the other behind my ass. He kept his cock halfway inside me where he had thrust it, sending an unmistakable message: “I’m the boss. I decide how much you get, and how quickly.” I breathed heavily, and having learned my lesson, remained silent.
The slow, rhythmic thrusting resumed, and I once again closed my eyes. The feeling of submission filled me with a warm sense of security, an erotic, child-like feeling of being cared for. Here I was, facing down in a subservient pose, like a peasant bowing down to the throne of a god, while my captor enjoyed my body from behind. Complete control was his. He could see me, but I could not see him. My comfort and safety were completely in his hands. If he wanted me to feel pain, he would cause me pain. If he wanted me to feel pleasure, it would be pleasure. I was free from choosing, and he was king.
Inch after inch slid into my cunt, and Jason started once again to grunt with satisfaction. They were the low sounds of a powerful being exercising his will to his own delight. “Aw, yeah. Fuck yeah, that’s good.” I could feel every inch of his enormous cock quiver with each sound. I concentrated for a minute on the meaning of this. Jason was the owner of a penis of gigantic proportions, the size that most guys only dream about. This giant cock was also an enormously powerful tool, a tool for pleasure for the woman he deemed worthy to bless it with, and pleasure for himself while he used it, feeling the satisfaction and dominance that comes with having complete control over a person you can cause both pain and pleasure in superhuman amounts. I concentrated on the sounds he was uttering, in awe of this amazing god-like creature blessing me with his incredibly huge cock.
I was filling up again, giving myself to him again. There it was again, the feeling of being overwhelmed. I screamed once more in orgasm, and Jason rewarded me with a tender thrust, in time with each wave that passed through me.
After more inches, my body once again began to tense to the breaking point. I closed my eyes to concentrate. I knew he was getting close. Suddenly, he grabbed my hand and led it back to feel his cock. There was about an inch left. I understood what he was trying to tell me, and nodded in obedience. Placing my hands up against the headboard, I began to push backward, feeling the terrible pressure radiating from my cunt. Jason straightened up, and spread his knees wider to brace himself against me. His massive nut sack swung like a pendulum against my ass, and I momentarily lost my balance, falling forward, away from his body, but the tension of his huge cock stuck inside me allowed me to regain my place. I resumed my backward thrusting, and heard its slapping sound and felt the heat coming off of it at the end of each of my efforts to force more of his pole inside me. Another inch…
Suddenly, Jason leaned forward, wrapping one arm around my chest, and the other around my neck, in a strange kind of wrestling pose. His hips thrust forward in a powerful jerk, and I felt the rest of his impossible size slide with a shock inside me. He was all the way in. My closed eyes once more saw an explosion, a spark of colors in star patterns, this time bright shades of yellow and orange. My body began to shake beneath the power of the feeling, this complete domination that overtook me. I tried to breathe, tried to think coherent thoughts, but all that existed at that moment was energy, an amazing transcendence that carried me from my human body to somewhere else, somewhere I would come back from, changed. I thought I felt Nick somewhere before me, talking to me, holding me, kissing me, but I could only feel the presence, the invading power, of the enormous dick impaling my body.
Jason’s voice struck my ears, rising over the confusion, “Aw…fuck…here it comes…AHH…” I had only a second to realize what was about to happen. There was a convulsion somewhere behind me that rippled up every impossible inch of his massive dick. I felt, somewhere deep inside me, a sudden burst of power that seemed to rock my entire frame. It was like being hit with a shock wave from within. Hot liquid exploded somewhere inside me, and I could feel it, rushing into and filling every crevice already straining with his overwhelming size. I gasped for air. “Oh god! Yes! Ah!” I screamed between breaths. My head felt like it was swelling, and I started to pass out. I was collapsing in exhaustion around his gigantic tool, which swelled as it pumped burst after burst into my helpless body. My grip gave way on the headboard. My vision darkened, and I was falling forward.

When I woke up, I was on my back, and Nick was caressing my face. Only a minute had passed, and my body was hot, flushed, and sweaty from the most amazing fuck of my life. I felt wetness underneath me, and reached around. The towels Nick had given Jason were spread out on the bed, and soaked with what had to be a quart of cum. My stretched out pussy still felt wet from all he sprayed inside me. Jason himself was washing off his shrinking tool, still massive and pulsing from its tremendous effort. His face wore a stupidly happy expression, yet I could see a proud knowledge gleaming from behind his eyes. He had just changed my life, and he knew it.
I looked back over at Nick, who was smiling at me, though his face showed a bit of concern. “How do you feel? Are you alright?” I nodded with what must have been a look of amazed exhilaration.
“It was incredible,” I breathed. “You were right. I…I don’t know what’s just happened, but I feel…wow. That was…” I couldn’t put it into words, but I didn’t have to. Nick had planned this all out from the start. I would soon learn what it all meant, in time. But for now, I could only look back up at Jason, who was tucking his penis slowly back into his pants, like a warrior sheathing his sword after a kill. I look up at him with a pleading expression. “Can you…will you come over again? You have no idea what that meant to me. To us,” I added, looking back at Nick. I knew our sex life was forever changed.
Jason smiled his toothy grin. “Sure, babe.” He looked like he was going to say something else, then stopped and looked at Nick.
“Yeah, I was going to ask you,” Nick turned to me. “I thought if you and Jason, you know, hit it off, then he could stay here for a few weeks, until the semester starts up again. He’s got a year left before he graduates, and I figured we could give him a place to stay for the rest of the summer, and you and he could…you know…” I couldn’t believe what he was suggesting. It was a life-altering experience, delivered to my door. This was going to be the thing that changed the entire way I looked at sex, the entire way I viewed the male race. Even now, as Jason put his shirt on, reducing his aura once again to an average looking guy with a typical build and a big nose, I felt a difference in my perspective. He was like a superhero returning to his street clothes, zipping his jacket up over his suit and cape. But when he looked at me and smiled again, I felt the electricity, the established mood of ownership. I looked back at Nick and kissed him.
“It’s a wonderful idea. Oh, baby, thank you so much.” That was all I could say that first night. The next weekend Jason arrived to begin moving in, and the month ahead was going to be busy. My re-education had just begun.


Re: Re-education part 1

Unread post by Mia » Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:57 pm

I was smiling and laughing all the way through this REALLY FUN story!

Well done, just_dreamin. :D

(So well "done" it began to heal the headache I had when I started reading!)

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Re: Re-education part 1

Unread post by iwantabadgirl » Mon Nov 10, 2008 5:34 am

Thank you for this interesting story. You do something that I particularly enjoy. You invite the reader into the experience of being female. Not every woman writer does that. It was a thoroughly enjoyable read. It left me with the feeling that I would want such an experience for a woman that I love. I am going to look to see if there are more stories from you about your summer with Jason and Nick. It is almost unbelievable to me that there are no more comments. These are the kind of stories that I hunt for. A special thought to Mia. Thank you for leaving me to this story. You too are an interesting and encouraging person.

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Re: Re-education part 1

Unread post by allengt » Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:16 am

This is an awesome story and I anxiously await the continuation. Thanks for sharing. :up: :up:
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Re: Re-education part 1

Unread post by leader7688 » Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:59 pm

Great story. Can't wait for the next installment.

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Re: Re-education part 1

Unread post by leader7688 » Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:30 pm

Besides anxiously awaiting the next installment this raises memories of one of my wife's lovers spending several months with us and them fucking night after night while I lay in the spare bedroom listening.

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Re: Re-education part 1

Unread post by randyraye » Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:13 am

This is one of the BEST stories ever posted. I have read this and the other parts ebfore, but lost them. Do you have the other parts of this story?

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