It's Monday Again - Part 2

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It's Monday Again - Part 2

Unread post by HotWifeCuckHubby » Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:36 pm

Okay, so I decided to put up part 2 immediately. Again, enjoy.... ~J~

Chapter 2

Linda and Jim ate the lunch they had ordered, finished a couple of relaxing drinks and talked. They talked about family, jobs, the government, the economy, religion - anything but sex.

Linda was so nervous that she ordered her third drink without even a thought. Usually two was her limit, and that was more than enough to loosen her up. She always thought of herself as a 'friendly' drinker: more likely to flirt, tease, dance - activities that were very hard for her when she was totally sober. More than three and she was an out and out slut - and knew it. So having three was rare and was reserved for very special occasions. She never drank more than two without John there.

But today was different. Today she was going to, for the first time in her marriage, be with an attractive, sexy man without her husband there. In fifteen years she had only been with John and only in the last six months had she had sex with anyone besides John. Sure, she had had 'cyber sex' with many men and some women - but not this.

Jim finally looked her in the eyes, his smile gentle and then he took her tiny hand in his large one.

"Are you okay? I don't want you to feel pressure, but I have to tell you that I can barely contain myself - I want you - now. I want to lick your breasts, I want to taste your pussy and your ass - just like we talked about. I want to feel every inch of you and explore those spots I've only dreamed about. I want to take you out of here now. Please say yes."

Linda looked into those gorgeous eyes. She too wanted to feel him, taste him and hold him. Slowly she nodded, licked her lips and said yes in such a way that she wasn't sure it actually came out audibly.

"Yes.", she said in a firmer voice, trying to sound calm, in control. Jim quickly took care of the check, came around the side of the table and took her hand. As she stood up, she suddenly felt the effects of the three drinks and swayed slightly towards Jim. His arm went around her, bringing her close. Looking into her eyes, he bent his head and gently, but firmly, kissed her.

The electricity between them was very real - raw need, chemistry, pheromones: call it what you will but it was there. Linda felt it in the dampness between her legs and could see the evidence in the bulge that Jim was trying to hide. They made their way to the exit and into the dreary cold of a rainy afternoon.

"I'll drive, if that's ok - my hotel is only a couple of blocks and I really don't want to let you out of my sight." Jim's rental was close to the door - he unlocked it and she slipped into the passenger seat. In the 5 seconds it took him to get in the drivers' side, she tried to even her breathing, but soon gave up. As soon as he got into the car, he started it, turned up the heat and turned to her. In one fluid motion, he took her face in his hands and kissed her with the pent up passion of too much talk, not enough action. He told her without words that she was going to give him everything he wanted and in return she would be totally and completely satisfied. When he finally pulled back, she looked into his eyes and just nodded her acceptance.

The drive to the hotel only took a few minutes. He retrieved her bag from where he had put it in the backseat and grabbed another one with a somewhat sly grin.

"You have your toys, I have mine." He laughed lightly. They went to the elevator and he punched in the floor number. Turning to her, he ran his hand possessively over her back and down over her butt, which he squeezed lightly. When the door opened, he led her to his room and opened the door with his key card. After they entered, he turned the lock but left the lights off.

They came together with all the pent up lust of 3 months of wanting. First they kissed, long, wet and with the sweetness of lovers. Their tongues explored, their teeth grazed lips, their lips searched. Her hands were holding the lapels of his suit coat, his hands were holding her head - his fingers entwined in her short hair. When he pulled his head back, he looked at her in the dim light and then starting at her hairline, placed light kisses all over her face. She felt her knees go weak with desire. Her hands were caught between them, he was in control and he planned on staying that way.

His hands started to stray downward - he ran them over her back and back up her ribs, brushing the sides of her full breasts. Then in a rather quick motion, he removed her sweater, bringing it up over her head, and immediately started to kiss the exposed flesh above her lacy black bra. Next his hands went to the button of her jeans and the button and zipper were no longer a barrier. As he continued to kiss the mounds of her breasts, he slid his hands into her jeans at the hips and started to slide them down over her firm round ass, her thighs were then exposed and then the jeans fell unheeded to the floor. Her black thong the only barrier to his searching hands.

She stepped out of her low heeled shoes and jeans and stepped closer to him. Her hands now around his neck, she sought his mouth with hers and felt it claimed by him. His hands never stopped moving over her soft skin. His murmur of delight barely audible to her ears.

Abruptly, he picked her up and carried her to the king size bed and lay her gently down. As he stood there, he tuned on the bedside lamp and took in every inch of her lovely body. She was in her forties, had two children and had the soft curves of a mature woman. Her breasts were full, her stomach rounded, her ass full and shapely legs completed the package. From her pictures he knew her but in the flesh, she was spectacular.

Slowly, he began to undress. She watched him remove his jacket and tie and put them over the back of the chair. Cuff buttons, and shirt buttons next, a glimpse of a strong chest with black and silver hair visible. Next he undid his belt, button and zipper. And stopped. He smiled at her and said, "undress me."

Linda got to her knees on the bed. She slowly slid her hands over his chest, reveling in the muscle she felt there, and pushed the shirt over his shoulders and down his strong arms. The shirt fell to the floor. She leaned forward and gently took each nipple in her mouth, in turn. His intake of breath her reward.

Her hands then went to the waist of his pants - for a moment she considered leaving his boxers in place, but decided against it. She slowly slid his pants and boxers over his hips, ass and down his thighs.

His erection was large, powerful, his desire right in front of her. Before he could stop her, and before he could step out of his pants she bent forward and gently took the head of his cock in her mouth. He reached for her head and to her pleasure and surprise, he slowly forced her head down onto his cock until she thought she may gag. He then pulled her off and said, "Not yet, my dear. We have much to explore and all afternoon to do it. Now, I think we need to rid you of the rest of your clothes." With that he reached behind her and unhooked the bra restraining her breasts. Slowly and deliberately, he slid it off.

He then paid homage to her breasts with his mouth and hands bringing moans of pleasure to her throat. When he had suckled his fill, he lay her back down and slowing traced his tongue over her belly and down toward her center - licking, sucking, through the lacy thong - his tongue promising delights to come.

To be continued....

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