Three Weeks - second installment

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Three Weeks - second installment

Unread post by anton » Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:05 am

please read the previous installment first:

author note - sorry the numbering is a little confusing. Since I started posting with Chapter Three (where the hotgirlfriend/hotwife content starts), this second installment is actually Chapter 4. By the end of this chapter, you may have an inkling where this is headed :-) If you are a hotwife fan like me, PLEASE read on to chapter five, since it goes exactly where we want it to go. Again, please let me know what you think; if the reception is good, I'll post the entire series.

Chapter four

The next day, Carrie left early (reluctantly) and neither Jennifer nor I seemed to want to bring up or discuss what had happened. Also, over the next day after Carrie left, while the three of us shared that room, Jennifer continued to be oddly tongue-tied around Brad. She must have said less than ten words to him the whole time. However, I noticed that her eyes seemed to be constantly following him, or more specifically, his package. She sat silently watching him, whether he was dressed or in his boxers, her eyes seemed always glued to Brad’s outrageous bulge as he moved about the room, getting dressed, getting his books, sitting on his bed reading, whatever. She was apparently fascinated by that monster cock. And she was constantly in heat. Hornier by a factor of ten than I have even known her to be.
Partly because he was pretty busy and preoccupied, and partly because Jennifer was so silent, Brad hardly seemed to notice that Jennifer was around. Which was fine with me. I wasn’t really worried or anything; by now I knew Brad’s type, and Jennifer was definitely not that type – i.e. she was a normal girl. I had never seen Brad show interest in a girl as normal-looking as Jennifer, since he always seemed to be surrounded by the hottest of the hot. I think Brad’s ignoring girls was also partly habitual – he was always surrounded by a background of girls clamoring for his attention, and unless he found them very attractive, I think they tended to blend into the background for him.

Jennifer and I stayed camped out in our room over the next couple days, as I skipped my classes. Jennifer was pretty much herself as long as Brad wasn’t around, and we had a lot of fun. Brad popped in and out periodically, but for the most part we had the place to ourselves. Quickly I discovered a side benefit – pretty much every appearance by Brad in our room was good for one fuck for me from Jennifer. He’d come in to change books, or better yet, to get dressed for a workout, and those few minutes would recharge Jennifer’s sexual batteries instantly. He was so oblivious to her presence; he’d just strip down to change or go to the shower without a hesitation.
For example, the second morning Brad woke up late after Jennifer and I had been awake for a while cuddling in bed. He jumped out of bed in a hurry, late for class, and immediately stripped and reached for a towel to run for the shower. The brief glimpse of his huge dangling cock hanging almost to his knee before he pulled the towel around his waist froze Jennifer like a deer in the headlights. About thirty seconds after he left, she snapped out of it and turned toward me and started rubbing herself desperately against my thigh. I slid my fingers down between her legs, and the whole lower section of her panties was dripping wet, heavy with dampness and loose. The crotch of her panties was so wet it lost its elasticity, and I easily pushed it to the side with my middle finger, then slid my index finger around the dripping slippery skin until I found the raging hot opening, where it slid effortlessly into her over-lubricated pussy despite how tight she was.
She cried out, “Ohhh” at the sudden penetration, and her head dropped back as she spread her knees lying on her back, wanting more. I obligingly pulled my index finger halfway out so I could bring my middle finger next to it, and then slid both fingers in smoothly. I worked and massaged her pussy like that for what seemed like hours, but she kept saying, “No, don’t stop. It’s so good. Keep going.” She was insatiable.

Those were terrific days. Perfect days. I rarely went to class, and we rarely left the room, constantly playing, having sex, talking, then sleeping together in my little twin bed. Every night, before going to sleep, she’d slip out of her clothes and slide into bed with me, wearing only her panties, and we’d sleep like that, sometimes waking in the middle of the night and having sex again, then drifting back to sleep, naked in each others arms. Sure Brad was around, but he took no notice of her whatsoever. The only effect of his presence was to keep Jen in an almost-constant state of horniness, of which I was the sole beneficiary. It was great, and I never wanted anything to disturb it. But something did.

On the third afternoon, it happened. Jennifer and I had gone out for lunch, and had just gotten back to the room. We were kind of frisky, and after the door closed, we started playfully making out standing in the middle of the room. I was kind of tickling her and grabbing her, and she was laughing/squealing trying to get away. She was wearing a fantastic rose-colored silk blouse I had bought her last summer (to get her out of her frumpy outfits), and I managed to pull the bottom of it out of her skirt and get it mostly unbuttoned as she danced side to side, laughing and trying to avoid my hands. Her movements caused her blouse to fall open, revealing her incredibly sexy bra, which was so bright white and looked awesome against her smooth tan skin. I got the last buttons of her blouse undone and grabbed her around the waist, kissing her full on the mouth, feeling her tongue on mine. I reached my other hand up and found the clasp on her bra, which on this bra was in the front between the cups. I fiddled with it and got it loose, and the two cups popped loose and fell out to either side. Oh man. Every time I saw them, they took my breath away. How could a girl so normal-looking have such unfathomably perfect breasts? She was getting pretty turned on, and she kissed me hard and then pushed me back so I fell onto the bed so she could take off the blouse herself. I laid back, tangled in the sheets, and just watched her.
She was resplendent. Releasing the clasp had made the two cups of the bright white bra open to the sides completely, revealing her awesome, perfect, flawless breasts. Something about the whole picture, the soft red blouse, now wide open and half removed, framing the open bra, which had fallen around her back on one side, almost out of view except for the white strap over her delicate, feminine shoulder, and the remaining cup of the bra on the other side hanging open, formed a perfect, bright red and white frame, highlighting and drawing the eye toward those breasts. I was taken aback, even after having seen them so much in the last few days, at their perfection and their raw sexiness. They were just right for her frame, round and smooth and firm with the nipples hard and beautiful.
Her skin was slightly flushed and glistening from the exertion of our tickling and laughing, and her face was flushed and her lips were slightly swollen and the lipstick just slightly smeared enough to be very sexy. She looked amazing. I could not believe that this was the same girl who had showed up looking so plain days before. I dizzily enjoyed watching her pull the blouse back off her shoulders. Her blouse had those tight cuffs that you can’t get your hands through unless you unbutton them, and in taking off her blouse, the sleeves had turned inside out and she had her arms behind her back, trying to pull her hands through the still-buttoned cuffs.
Just at that moment, the door burst open and Brad charged into the room, carrying a backpack in his hand. He was about to toss it onto his bed when he suddenly froze. The backback swung back and forth by the strap he still held in his hand. I followed his gaze, and he was looking straight at Jennifer’s breasts. She too, was stunned, surprised by his sudden entrance and frozen with a startled look on her face. For a split second, no one moved or said anything. I started trying to get up to cover her with a sheet or something, but I was lying back in an awkward position and tangled in the sheets and couldn’t get up very easily. Awakened by this motion, Jennifer moved to cover herself, but still, her hands were caught behind her. She pulled on first one arm then the other, trying to get her hands out of the tangled blouse behind her back, but the more she pulled the tighter the inside-out sleeves held her wrists. As she struggled, her breasts and the open bra cups bounced back and forth in an unbearably, achingly sexy way. Her skin was fully flushed now, and her nipples were rock hard and mesmerizing. The delicate, feminine muscles in her neck and chest were tensing as she pulled her arms. The way they were caught in the tangled blouse forced her shoulders back, thrusting her breasts forward majestically. In retrospect, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anything sexier. One bra strap fell off her shoulder and slid down her arm to where the blouse was bunched up. Realizing she was getting nowhere, she stopped struggling and just stood there, looking unbelievably, unbelievably hot.
I glanced back at Brad, and he was still in the same position. His mouth was hanging open, as he stared at Jennifer and those perfect breasts. Everyone was perfectly still and the moment dragged on…and on, but Brad kept looking at Jen’s tits. I had stopped trying to untangle myself from the bedsheets, feeling like I’d look stupid at this point if I tried to throw a sheet over Jen’s body after Brad had seen everything. I didn’t know what to do. I looked at Brad and cleared my throat.
At the sound, Brad snapped out of it, and suddenly flushed red. “God. I’m sorry. What am I doing? I should have knocked.” he said, looking at me. However, then his eyes wandered back to those magnificent breasts, and he said the rest kind of sideways to me with his eyes on Jen. “Sorry, I should have knocked…I shouldn’t have barged in like that…I should go…” but he still didn’t move to go.
“I should go…” he repeated after a moment, and then backed towards the door, still staring at Jen’s tits. His arm kind of flailed behind him, searching for the door handle, which he finally found and opened. He turned at last to go out the open door, and, after one last glance at Jen’s chest, walked out. The door closed behind him.
Jennifer looked in shock, still staring at the door. Her skin was flushed from head to toe, and looked shiny from perspiration. I could see her pulse beating rapidly in her neck, and I couldn’t tell if it was mostly fear or embarrassment or excitement or arousal, or just an even mix of them all that she was feeling. We both just sat there, unmoving, in silence.
Finally, she spoke.
“He saw my breasts.”
I was silent.
“Brad saw my breasts,” she repeated, with a blank, unreadable look in her eyes.
“Yeah, I think so,” I replied.
Her head whipped around to look at me, startled by the sound of my voice, as if she had forgot I was sitting there. Her eyes bore into mine.
“You, you saw it, didn’t you? He was looking right at them. Wasn’t he?”
“He sure was.” I didn’t know what else to say.
She still looked shocked, but there was just a smallest hint of a smile in her expression as she said, “Omigod, he really was. He was looking right at me. Brad was looking at ME.”, talking to herself as if she had again forgotten I was in the room.
She suddenly looked surprised as she realized to herself, “At my breasts. My NAKED breasts!”
I said nothing.
“And he kept looking. And looking.”
I had no response, and besides, she didn’t seem to be asking for one.
She continued, “He never looked away. Not once. He just watched my naked breasts.” “Didn’t he?!” she demanded, looking at me suddenly.
“um, yes…yes.”, I stammered under the intensity of her glare. He really had, for a long time, too.
She seemed to love the feedback. “It’s true, isn’t it? You saw it too, didn’t you? He looked and looked.”
“Yes, he did,” I replied lamely.
“Ohmigod, it IS true. It was me and Brad, alone in a room, and I was mostly naked, and he looked. He looked and looked. He….” she hesitated, “He…” hesitating again, wonderingly, “…He LIKED it!”
She continued, picking up steam, “He liked it…He liked it. He liked ME.” She said this last with a look on her face that was a mixture of confusion, question, and euphoria.
“He did.” She said more assuredly. “He liked my body. He liked my breasts. He liked looking at ME. I’m sure of it,” she said firmly.
She whirled on me, demanding, “He DID like looking at me, didn’t he.” “Tell me!” She seemed almost possessed.
I froze, too taken aback for a moment to respond. She continued to glare at me. Weakly, I proffered, “Yeah, I think so.”
Hearing it from someone else seemed to delight her, to make it real. She smiled widely, almost lovingly, at me, “Oh, Kevin, do you really think so?”
I nodded.
She smiled dreamily, but now eager to talk to me, to hear me confirm it. “I can’t believe it. He just burst in, didn’t he?” I nodded. She continued, “and my blouse and bra were open?” I nodded. She went on, “And he saw them. He looked.” I nodded. “He looked at my bare breasts,” she said, and she looked down, away from my face, at her breasts. I had forgotten they were still exposed. I followed her gaze down, and saw that she had cupped both of them in her hands as she gazed dazedly, lovingly, at them.
“My breasts are spectacular, aren’t they? I know they are,” she said, still looking down. “I know they are. I love them.” she said, “They made Brad notice me.”
As I stared at those perfect globes held in her delicate hands, I was again knocked out by their beauty and forced to agree. Her slight, feminine hands cupped, supported and caressed them slightly, fingertips and beautifully manicured French nails gently massaging the skin on the underside. Her nipples were as erect as I’ve ever seen them, standing straight out, achingly beautiful. Still staring at them, I heard her say, dreamily, “He liked them. He liked these.” And she rotated her thumbs and forefingers up and gently squeezed both nipples as she continued to cup and caress the breasts with the rest of her hand, sighing softly.
I got an instant, INSTANT, rock-hard erection.
She continued to caress and gently pinch her nipples with both hands, obviously getting more and more excited. She slid one hand across to the opposite breast, letting her forearm rub across her chest, her nipples, and the other hand lowered and started to caress down her abdomen. She slipped the fingertips of this hand underneath the waistband of her panties, and eased her hand down into her crotch.
She let out a little, “oh” sound when her fingers made contact with her pussy, and I could see her hand through the material of her panties beginning to massage her clit.
“oooohhh…”, she said, and began softly moaning, “…He noticed me…he noticed my breasts…Brad liked my breasts…” With her other hand she continued to rub and pinch her nipples, and to occasionally firmly grab her breast, cupping it. Her eyes were fully closed now, and she seemed lost in her own world. I saw her hand on her pussy begin to accelerate, rubbing faster. She stopped suddenly, and hooked both thumbs into her panties, and quickly pulled them off, then returned to touching herself, although now with both hands in her crotch. Her upper arms pushed her breasts together and out as she worked her pussy with both hands.
I took her getting naked as a signal, and removed my clothes too. My erection was so hard it ached. However, she didn’t notice, and kept her eyes closed, masturbating feverishly. I moved towards her, but got no response. Aching, I thrust my hips forward and rubbed my cock against her thigh. The contact felt so good, I started rubbing it back and forth on her thigh, creating a large wet patch of skin from my dripping. Still, however, she seemed in her own world.
“…uhmmm..Brad…” she moaned softly.
Rubbing my cock on her thigh got me more worked up, but was not satisfying. Finally, I decided to try and stick it in her. She was now lying on her back, so I pushed her knees apart and got between them. She had both hands on her pussy. At one point, both were up on her clit, leaving the vagina open, and I quickly thrust under her hands into her tight, tight hole.
My sudden entry seemed to wake her up, and her eyes popped open, and she stared up at me. A look of annoyance passed over her face, but then her pleasure overcame her, and she started working her clit rapidly again and closed her eyes.
“Okay, okay, you can fuck me,” she said with closed eyes.
I began pumping in and out. It felt fantastic. Jen seemed unaware that I was there.
“ohhh…he liked me…ohhh,” she said, rubbing her clit furiously. Her body began to tense like she was about to have an orgasm. “He liked me, didn’t he?” she asked. I wasn’t sure if she was talking to me or to herself.
“Yes” I said.
“What?” she said, opening her eyes, startled, as if she had again forgotten I was there. Fucking her.
“Yes, he liked you. He liked your breasts.” I said.
“Oh yes!” she cried, and I felt her pussy, already incredibly tight, squeeze harder in a pulsing pattern. “Yes, yes, yes! Ohhhhhh!” She was coming; gushing wetness and squeezing my cock. I kept pumping in and out of her, enjoying the thrill of fucking her and having her react, having her come. All I had to do was tell her that Brad had liked her tits, liked HER, and it would push her over the edge into orgasm.
After each orgasm, she didn’t slow down at all. She kicked her heels into my ass, urging me to pump harder, and soon she was coming again.
I was incredibly turned on. She was making so much wetness that both of our pelvises, bellies, and thighs were glistening and slippery wet. Every time she came, more juice would flow out, and her tight pussy would squeeze and pulsate, just incredibly pleasurable sensations around my cock. I could feel myself getting close.
“Pump me harder!” She pleaded. “Tell me. Tell me.”
Not sure what to say, I hesitated. Looking irritated, she grabbed my shoulders and rolled me over so that she was sitting on top of me. She lifted her torso up so she was sitting up on my cock, and started bouncing up and down wildly. “Tell me. Tell me! What did he think of my breasts? What did he think of my body?” she demanded. “You’re his roommate, you know him. What does he think of me?” Her pussy felt incredible, and I could feel myself sweeping towards a peak.
My cock swelled up, about to burst. “I think he wants to fuck you!” I shouted. I’m not sure why I said it, (though I knew Brad well enough to know it was probably true) I was just so turned on, it kind of popped out.
“Wha-“ She suddenly froze, halfway up on my dick, with a sound like saliva caught in her throat. She stayed frozen, her eyes staring at me, wide open, shocked, questioningly, not breathing. Still not moving, softly she repeated, “It’s true? He wants to ffu…ohh…fuck me…with that huge cc…ohhhhhhh” her eyes widened, as if visualizing that huge cock aimed at HER, and then her eyelids closed and her head fell back in rapture, moaning, “ohhhhhhh…”
Then it happened. She wasn’t moving at all, but something was happening. In her pussy. It began to contract violently, pumping over and over, loudly, with squirting/sucking sounds, and juice came pouring down around my cock as she squeezed me with incredible strength. She came. She came like I have never seen anyone orgasm. Her body still frozen, the violent squeezing of her pussy pushed me over the edge, and I began spraying up into her as she came. I reflexively grabbed her hips and thrust upward into her clenching pussy, pounding it into her, as she remained still, every muscle outside of her crotch rigid and frozen as she climaxed.
We continued fucking like that for quite a while. She was an animal. While it was the best sex I’d ever had in my life, whenever I was not wild with excitement, there was admittedly a knot of worry in my stomach. At one point, Jennifer was on top of me, sliding up and down on my dick as I was still thinking about it. I knew that look on Brad’s face; I recognized it; I had seen it several times before, when he saw some new girl that really turned him on. Without exception, every single time I had seen Brad look that way at a girl, he had ended up fucking her. For hours and hours, days and days. Well.
This thought raced through my head as a lay on my back, looking up at Jennifer’s perfect breasts as she bounced up and down on my cock. Would that happen? Would Brad do that to his own roommate, well, to Jen, rather? I didn’t know. Would my Jennifer get fucked? Like Wendy had? Like all those other girls? That same way? With all that endless pumping and coming and screaming?
I came.

After our sex session, we both fell asleep, and after a nap Jennifer seemed to have come to her senses, and was acting like herself again. I’m not sure exactly what was going through her head, but I think once she calmed down she saw Brad’s interest in her as purely sexual fantasy. I’d seen this odd phenomenon with most of the girls interested in Brad, kind of a Groupie mentality, that they just fundamentally thought he was out of their league, and their rational mind just kind of dismissed the idea that he’d be interested in THEM.
Also, with her returning to her senses, I could tell she felt pretty guilty about all the things we’d said during sex. She cuddled against me and tried to make light of it.
“Pretty wild session, eh?” she said, “Did you like it? Do you mind that kind of dirty talk fantasy during sex?”
“I don’t mind, that was incredible,” I replied half-heartedly.
She snuggled against my side and kissed my cheek. “I love you so much,” she said. “You know that, don’t you?”
I nodded. “I love you too.” I really did. I kissed her deeply on the lips, and clung to her, feeling a rush of love, but love mingled with desperation. I held onto her as if it were the last time.

Over the next day or two, Brad’s behavior in our dorm room around Jennifer was markedly different. Whereas previously she might as well have been invisible to him, now he seemed almost overly aware of her presence. And Jennifer, having apparently dismissed the idea that he had any interest in her, became quite comfortable and herself around him. They chatted easily with each other, and Jennifer seemed genuinely interested in getting to know her boyfriend’s roommate. It was almost normal.
Also, having dismissed any thought of trying to attract Brad, Jennifer became her normal, slightly sarcastic self, and would even give Brad a hard time about various things he said or make fun of him. Brad seemed to love it. I think he had never had a girl talk to him like that before; he had only had girls throwing themselves at him, trying to please him, do his laundry. Suddenly, there was a girl who was actually behaving like normal person, and he thought it was really cool. The three of us had a fun time together.
Of course, when they weren’t talking, I noticed, they were still quite aware of each other’s bodies. Her eyes still habitually followed the huge bulge in his pants as he walked around the room. Now however, Brad was doing the same thing. He seemed to constantly watch the shape of Jennifer’s breasts under her sweaters, through her t-shirts, visualizing what he had seen when he saw them naked. He now knew what amazing treasures were hidden under her sweaters. Oddly, Jennifer never really noticed the fact that he was checking out her breasts, partly, I think, because she was constantly furtively looking down at his package, not up at his eyes. It was almost funny. Their obsessions with each others’ body parts were like two ships passing in the night, unaware of each other.

One time when I returned from class, the two were sitting on the bed, deep in conversation. I felt a moment of panic, but looked closer and saw that their positions were purely platonic; they were discussing Brad’s decision to transfer from Benton. They greeted me, and I sat in a chair, and we all hung out together chatting.
Later Jennifer ran out to do some shopping and Brad said to me, “Jennifer’s great, man.”
“Yep, she is.” I replied, “I hope you don’t mind her staying here so long; I know it must be a little inconvenient.”
“No. No. Not at all,” Brad said, “I like having her here. Besides, you’ve put up with me constantly bringing girls over here.” (Yes, that was big burden for me to put up with.)
Brad continued, “No, Jennifer’s…great. I like talking with her, too. I don’t know, she really…gets me, you know? I really feel a connection with her.”
I started to feel a little uncomfortable with this line of discussion.
Brad said, “But you two are pretty serious, right?”
“Yes. Yes. Very serious,” I replied. “I mean, we’re not picking out china or anything, but we plan on being together for a long time.” I continued, “You know we’ve been together for a year and a half now.” Not counting all the times I said we were ‘seeing other people’, I thought to myself.
“Yes, yes”, Brad replied, almost to himself, “you two are serious. She’s your girlfriend. Your girlfriend. Cool.” He said the last words with firmness, as if making a decision or a resolution to himself.
He got up and grabbed his backpack, “Alright, dude, I gotta run to class. Later, buddy.”
“Later,” I said, as he went out the door.
I was a little surprised, at what I thought had just happened. I had always thought of him as just following his dick wherever it led, but there was more to it than that. There was no question he was fundamentally a good guy.

Later that evening, after Jennifer came back, we all hung around the room, and things were pretty normal. Jennifer was still fixated on watching Brad’s huge package. But Brad seemed to be making an effort not to look at Jen’s tits.
I relaxed, and the next few days were great fun.

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Re: Three Weeks - second installment

Unread post by jrandmustang » Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:18 am

I'm reading! Thanks for posting. But I'll save the next chapter for later.

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Re: Three Weeks - second installment

Unread post by Dager » Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:28 pm

It just gets better and better :up:

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