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Re: It's happened!

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 3:59 am
by viking53
How has the first week of unlimited access for Brian developed? Is Jen still continuing to push your boundaries?

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:17 pm
viking53 wrote:How has the first week of unlimited access for Brian developed? Is Jen still continuing to push your boundaries?
:up: :up:

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:22 am
by pwsub
We really need an update, please!

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:33 am
by nonethewiser
excitedcuckold wrote:Hey. I'm Michael. I have something to share. But, first a little background. I'm 24 and my fiance Jen is 19. We've been living together for almost a year. Jen and my best friend Brian (Brian is my age) sometimes like to flirt with each other. I've found it hot and haven't discouraged it at all. I've even teased Jen many times about how into Michael she is. She'd play along and agree with me. Although I thought she was only playing, I secretly wanted the two of them to hook up. So, I'd tease her more and talk about how good I heard Michael is in bed and what a big cock he has. But, I didn't really believe anything would come of it, even if I sort of hoped it would.

Well, something really crazy finally happened tonight. The three of us were hanging out at mine and Jen's apartment, having some drinks, and playing poker. It was just for loose change. Not any serious betting. But, then Brian brought up strip poker. I didn't want to look too weird or obvious, so I looked at Jen's reaction. Jen she said she was in! At that point, I went ahead and said "okay, sure, why not!" So the three of us started to play. Anyhow, I was the first one out of the game. The game kept going with just Jen and Brian. Jen ended up naked and Brian only in his underwear. Jen seemed kind of disappointed and said, "Damn, I was hoping to see Brian naked." Brian smiled and said he'd play another hand, but Jen would have to put something else up to bet with. "Like what?" she asked. "Well, how about a BJ?" Brian said still smiling, "that means that even if you lose, you still get to see my cock." "Okay, let's play!" said Jen. She didn't hesitate at all!

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was totally hard under the table. So, yeah, Jen lost. But, then they both looked at me awkwardly. Like maybe I was supposed to object before it went too far? But, I wanted it to go that far! But, I didn't know if that was okay though. So I said to Brian, "dude, that's my fiance!" But, I said it with a laugh, because I was still hoping that I could somehow make this still happen. "Well, you didn't object a moment ago when we agreed to keep playing," Jen said, sort of pouting but laughing. "I tell you what," said Brian to me, "let's wrestle for it!"

Okay, before I go on, some more background. Brian and I used to like to wrestle and sometimes even fooled around with each other. But, that was way before Jen and I were together. I never told Jen about any of the experimenting Brian and I had done. So, I didn't expect Brian to ask me to wrestle me right in front of my fiance. Beyond that, I was really hard and didn't know how Jen would react to watching me and Brian wrestle while I had an erection. Besides, I didn't even want to stop Jen from following through on the blowjob. I just couldn't bring myself to say so.

So instead I said, "shit, I'm way too hard right now from seeing Jen naked, so I'm in no condition to wrestle, dude." "Fuck that," said Brian, "I'm in my underwear, so I'm almost as naked as you and I'm totally hard over your fiance too." "He's got a point," said Jen laughing. "Wait, you want to see Brian and I wrestle?" I asked. "No, I wanna see Brian's cock, you're the one who told me how big it is," said Jen with a wicke smile. I turned kind of red from embarrassment, but Brian laughed and said to me, "if you told her that, then you can't blame her, so here's what's gonna happen: you're gonna wrestle me, I'm gonna win, Jen's going to see my huge cock, and then I'm getting a bj from your future wife!"

I kept thinking how crazy this all was, but it seemed for real. So, embarrassment or not, Brian and I got on the carpet and he and I started to wrestle. He probably would have won anyway, but I already decided I was going to let him win no matter what. Although I put up a good fake struggle, he soon had me pinned, mostly with his legs. "Give up?" he asked me. "Yeah," I said. While he still had me pinned, he asked Jen, "should I try to get him to agree to more than a blow job while I have him pinned, cause if you're up for it I'd like to fuck you also." "Well, I wanna fuck you too," she answered all smiling. Brian then asked me, "are you gonna let me fuck your fiance?" I was socked. In a good way, but still shocked. So, I got stupid again and said, "hey, that wasn't part of the deal!" I didn't say it too serious and I was about to agree to them having sex after another moment went by. But, Brian had a wicked look and a wicked smile on his face and then said, "the wrestling makes it a new deal." Brian then did something that he sometimes used to do back in our old private wrestling days. He used a free hand to grab my balls. He got a really good grip and squeezed and asked, "give up?" Jenn giggled "don't hurt him." I guess she figured that if my cock was still hard, it couldn't be too bad. "You're not hurt, are you?" asked Brian. "Yes!!!" I said and laughed. We all laughed right then. Brian then squeezed harder and said, "guess you should just give up then, huh?" "Okay, I give up!" I said, "do whatever the two of you want to do, but I get to watch!" "Fine by me," said Brian and looked over at Jen. "Fine by me too," she said.

Brian let me go and the three of us went over to the couch. I sat down, while the two of them stood in front of me and made out. Jen got down on her knees and pulled Brian's underwear down. His cock, which is much bigger than mine, sprung right up in front of her face and Jen got to sucking. She'd never sucked me like that before. She actually was never much of a fan of blowjobs, but she really seemed to be enjoying giving this one! They ended up next to me on the couch. Jen straddled Brian as they made out with each other. Brian was running his hands all over Jen. Eventually, Jen slid down onto Brian's cock and they fucked right there, just a few inches from me! Occasionally they'd look over at me and smile, but they were mostly just in the their own world. No complaints from me though. I'd never been so excited in my entire life! They both orgasmed. To be honest, I don't know when was the last time Jen O'd like that with me inside of her. They then left me by myself for a little bit while they both took a shower together. Part of me wanted to jerk off, but I also liked being horny. So I kept from touching myself and put my clothes back on before they finished showering. It was actually all normal and mellow and friendly when Brian finally left. The only difference was that he and Jen exchanged a good night kiss.

Jen was pretty tired, so she wasn't up for fucking me tonight after all her fun with Brian. She pretty much wanted to go right to sleep. She promised I'd get some action tomorrow though. I guess I'll wait for actual sex instead of jerking off. Obviously I couldn't fall asleep right away. So, I decided to go on here and share my story.

Oh, one more thing. Before she fell asleep, Jen asked me if she can have sex with Brian again in the future. She started to explain that she and I will have plenty of time to go back to regular vanilla sex once we're married and that this is just some pre-marriage fun. This time, I wasn't stupid and I didn't even pretend to protest. I told her she doesn't have to explain any more and that what she said sounds perfectly reasonable to me and that I trust her and Brian. She thanked me and gave me a really nice good night kiss. :-)
Jen and Mike. rings a bell. can't recall where I may have heard that setup before.

Good story, thanks for sharining it with us.

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:15 am
by norbertrichard
All Xleg lovers characters, are named as such.

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:39 pm
by excitedcuckold
wingman wrote:Brian's cock in ur mouth seems like a bit of a leap for Brian. Do u think they talked about it before Sat (i.e. Pre planned vs in-the-moment)? If so, u should get her ( or them) to recall that conversation to u (and I hope u can tell it to us ;)
I was wondering about that myself. Not because it was a big leap for Brian though. I'd mentioned before that Brian and I used to mess around when he and I were younger, so his cock's been in my mouth bunches of times. But, those days feel like such a long time ago. He and I stopped doing that sort of stuff long before Jen came into the picture. I just figured it was experimenting and that we'd moved on to just wanting to be with chicks. But, maybe he wanted for us to get back into him and I fooling around? Especially after the wrestling matches started up again. Plus, I can totally see how me servicing him after he's taken my place as Jen's primary sex partner could be way fucking hot for him. It was definitely hot for me! It also seemed like it was really hot for Jen too. Shit. Maybe it was Jen's idea? Could have been totally spur of the moment? I'd kinda rather not ask who thought of it and instead just enjoy it.

There really isn't much new to report just yet. The Thanksgiving holiday really ate up a lot of time. Jen and I did have sex a couple times since my last post (with a condom, of course). Each time we had sex, she talked about how I was filling in for Brian and helping to hold her over until she could fuck him again. Sort of like I was doing the both of them a favor sexing Jen while Brian was away. It was weird and also very hot, because the way Jen talked it seemed like if Brian had been over I might not have been getting any action at all cause I was just filling in. In the heat of the moment, the second time we had sex, I asked Jen how she was enjoying having oranges for now. She replied that it's alright, but it was reminding her of how much better she likes apples. At one point she even said to me, "I wouldn't mind being on an apple-only diet for a while." It was way twisted, but so hot to hear her talk like that while she and I were fucking! Anyhow, between family stuff and also both Brian and Jen being made to put in extra hours at their jobs, Brian didn't come over again until Sunday night. I had to be to work early Monday morning, so it was pretty much me on the couch while Jen and Brian did their thing in the bedroom.

Brian stayed over again Monday night and he'll be staying over again tonight. I wasn't consulted. I was simply texted by Jen, "Brian and I need to make up for the all the time we missed out on fucking because of the holiday. Expect to be on the couch again tonight, baby."

I had no complaints. I'd gotten laid twice since my last post. Plus, I also felt kinda bad for Jen and Brian since they'd had to go like 5 days without seeing each other. I know that's weird - to feel bad that my fiance couldn't be fucking another man and that she'd had to settle for me as her only option for those few days. I guess those feelings are all just a part of this twisted arrangement, I suppose. I actually wanted to get Jen to play it up some more, so I replied to her text, "Apple diet?"

"Fuck yeah!" she texted back. "What's that saying? An apple a day??? An apple a day keeps the oranges on the couch! :P"

"Not gonna miss the oranges?" I answered.

"Nah. The oranges can stay the fuck in their fruit basket on the couch! Ha! :P" Jen replied, but then she immediately followed up with "The oranges is just the sex though, baby. You know you're an amazing fiance! :) I'm so lucky to be getting married to you! But, sex with you is sooooo oranges! :P"

"I know. And I want you to get all the apples you can handle! Love you!" I replied.

"Love you too, baby! <3" Jen texted back.

So, yeah. That's where we're at. It'll be another night on the couch for me.

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:00 pm
by wingman
Michael -
Wait a second...."Just another night on the couch"??? Are you kidding me??
Dude, you are living the dream, and there is so, so much to convey (if you have the time and interest of course)!! ;)
For example......
Do you get to hear them?? You've got to be having all sorts of emotions rolling around while they are with you (in and out of the bedroom)?
Hows the interaction with Brian when they get home (i.e. how is he toward you? teasing, bullish, normal, etc)?
Hows the body language with Jen? Does she let you know your still the one in ways other than with her words?
What do they do around you before going to bed? Does she tease you when they go to bed?
Does she ever come out and check on you?

What would you like to see happen next? She mentioned an "apples only" diet... how does that make you feel? Is another multi-day out-of-the-area trip under consideration (so they can be a couple in public).
If you do have that "apples only" conversation, might it be hotter if you drop the apples/oranges and talk you and Brian??
If she goes "exclusively apples", will she lay with you and talk/tease you when you're taking care of yourself? ;)
Great she threw in a Michael plug there at the end of the convo. , but have you two talked to make sure you two are still grounded in each other?
If you guys talked, did you ask her about apples after the wedding?, how a long-term marriage will last if she craves apples and eats only oranges?

The list goes on... so much to cover so little time! lol

Great update though!!!!! more challenge.... if you had to name an actress who Jen most resembled, who would it be (multiple actresses is fine if you want to separate the face and body).

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:48 pm
Excitedcuckold AMAZING story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also totally support all Wingman suggestions/ideas/questions....

I would push her a bit more on the apple's diet talk..., and I agree it would get an extra exciting point if you use Brian's and your name, instead apples and oranges..., Jen should be more than prepared for that so far.... Increase the talking & wanking teasing scenes..., are super exciting...

Again..., please, keep us informed soon...

Best regards, great orgasms and enjoy the experience!!!

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:13 pm
by excitedcuckold
wingman wrote: Do you get to hear them?? You've got to be having all sorts of emotions rolling around while they are with you (in and out of the bedroom)?
I do hear them, but they're not super loud. They know I have work weekday mornings. Plenty of emotions rolling around. But, life still goes on outside of all this. Like having to be to work. So, I force myself to chill out and get to sleep. It's rough when my dick is as hard as a rock. Jerking off can help me to get to sleep. But, I still sometimes feel sad right afterward when I rub one out. So, it's better if I can get to sleep while sexually frustrated (as weird as that sounds).
wingman wrote: Hows the interaction with Brian when they get home (i.e. how is he toward you? teasing, bullish, normal, etc)?
He can be a little teasing, but he's mostly normal toward me. I like having him around more actually. He's a really cool guy and a great friend, even if he is fucking my fiance. :P
wingman wrote: Hows the body language with Jen? Does she let you know your still the one in ways other than with her words?
Things are pretty normal between Jen and I besides all this crazy stuff that's been going on with Brian (and with me barely getting laid anymore). We're not fighting or anything like that. I'm not getting the cold shoulder or any bad vibes from her.
wingman wrote: What do they do around you before going to bed?
Hang out, talk, laugh, make out, look at stuff on the internet, etc. It's pretty chill, except that they're all over each other in front of me.
wingman wrote: Does she tease you when they go to bed?
Sometimes. But, it's also become such a normal thing in such a very short amount of time. Nothing special needs to get said. I'll need to get to sleep and they'll head to the bedroom.
wingman wrote: Does she ever come out and check on you?
Not that I know of. Which is actually for the best, since I don't want to lose sleep.
wingman wrote: What would you like to see happen next?
Not sure that I want to see anything happen next. I'm enjoying the status quo, even if it is sometimes scary and frustrating.
wingman wrote: She mentioned an "apples only" diet... how does that make you feel?
It was really hot that she said that! The teasing turns me on, which I'm sure is pretty obvious to her. So maybe she's playing it up a bit for my benefit? But, I'm not coaching her on things to say. It's all her, which only makes it hotter. But, if I overthink it, it's kinda scary too. I'm already barely getting laid these days as is. Which also turns me on, but I don't know how much less sex I can stand. It's funny you asked about this, because it came up again since my last post. I'll explain after I get through the rest of these questions (thanks for asking some good questions instead of giving me grief).
wingman wrote: Is another multi-day out-of-the-area trip under consideration (so they can be a couple in public).
We don't have anything planned, but I'd totally be up for doing something like that again.
wingman wrote: If you do have that "apples only" conversation, might it be hotter if you drop the apples/oranges and talk you and Brian??
I like the way Jen teases me. It probably seems corny to some of the readers on here, but it's crazy hot for me.
wingman wrote: If she goes "exclusively apples", will she lay with you and talk/tease you when you're taking care of yourself? ;)
She's not going "exclusively apples." Lol! It's hot that she talks that way (you'll see in my next post that there was even more of that sort of talk), but I don't want Jen and I to totally stop having sex. But, at the same time, it is soooo very hot that she'd tease me like that!
wingman wrote: Great she threw in a Michael plug there at the end of the convo. , but have you two talked to make sure you two are still grounded in each other?
Like I said, everything seems fine between us.
wingman wrote: If you guys talked, did you ask her about apples after the wedding?, how a long-term marriage will last if she craves apples and eats only oranges?
This is all just some pre-marriage fun. But, I get what you're saying. There's that possibility that Jen might miss sex with Brian after she and I are married. If that happens, maybe we can work something out at that point. But, I'd rather not overthink that possibility and instead just enjoy the moment.
wingman wrote: If you had to name an actress who Jen most resembled, who would it be (multiple actresses is fine if you want to separate the face and body).
I won't say the comparison that she gets the most, because I want to keep this on the down low. But, a younger Krysten Ritter (with lighter hair) isn't too far off.
OOAA wrote: AMAZING story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:54 pm
by excitedcuckold
Brian crashed at his own place last night. On the upside, I got laid! :D I also got to sleep in my own bed for a change!

While Jen and I were having sex (with a condom, of course), I encouraged her to fantasize about Brian. I was already inside of her when I said, "Wanna fantasize about you fucking Brian?"

Without hesitation, Jen replied naughtily, "I already was, silly! Oh, you mean out loud!"

That just got me even more worked up! "You wish Brian was inside of you right now?" I asked.

"If only!!!" Jen replied, again in a naughty way.

"You had him three days in a row. Not ready for a break yet?" I responded.

"Fuck no! I miss his cock already! Instead I've got your smaller, condomed dick inside of me." Jen replied, panting.

"I could take the condom off," I replied, eager to hear Jen reject the idea, which she immediately did.

"Oh, god no! Bad enough you're spoiling my diet. Don't need you coming inside of me too." Jen panted back at me.

"Your apple-only diet?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

"Yep!" Jen answered.

"Diets are meant to be temporary and it's okay to sometimes cheat on them," I said in a teasing way.

"Oh, baby. It's more than a diet! Besides, the best diets are the easiest ones! The ones that you don't want to cheat on! And I fucking want apples every day! Every fucking day!" Jen replied, really worked up!

"Tell me!" I said. "Tell me what it's like having Brian in bed with you instead of me!"

"It's fucking amazing!!!!" Jen replied. "I love the way he fucks me! The way his big dick feels inside of me! The way it feels when he shoots his load inside me! The way it feels to cuddle with him after sex and to be able to just reach over and get at him for more sex whenever I want! I love having him spoon me at night, with his dick pressed up against me, thinking about how that dick just came inside of me of me earlier and how it's going to come inside of me again at some point! I can't get enough of his cock! It's the best fucking sex ever! And it's so hot knowing that you're out there on the couch while your best friend is in bed with me! It's so hot that I can just fuck Brian all I want and you're okay with it! It's so hot having two men! One for love and security and the other for great sex!"

I was in a haze, on the verge of coming and I could tell that Jen was too! "Oh, shit! That's so hot!" I replied. "Close your eyes and think about how you can't wait for Brian to fuck you again! Tell me out loud!"

"I can't fucking wait!" Jen nearly yelled.

Jen started to O and then I started to cum too. It was great! Jen and I cuddled that night as we slept in bed together.

But, anyhow, Brian will be over tonight. Looks like it's back to the couch for me...

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:23 pm
by wingman
Damn Mike...thanks for the big O I just got while reading this smokin hot account of ur evening with Jen.

After reading about her vocal appreciation of Brian's bigger dick, u should consider a special Christmas gift for Jen this year...a fat 8" hollow strap-on. Lol. U would still not be able to cum inside her, and she would get laid by a nice big cock from both of her men. Guess Brian would have to work even harder!

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:29 pm
by norbertrichard
Brain dead is not a term to be used lightly, but you make it laughable.

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:42 pm
Thanks for all the answers and for the update!

You got us hooked on this wonderful story!!!

Any option to use on Mike, maybe just sometimes..., retardant condoms? (so only Jen is cumming...)

Best regards and great orgasms!

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:28 pm
by Pinayhubby
Hot story. Please continue.

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:14 am
by Crza96
Jen and Mike. rings a bell. can't recall where I may have heard that setup before.

Good story, thanks for sharining it with us.
It's curious Dave man, his ex wife's name was Jen. It was the guy who got his wife to fuck his dad and she left him for his dad.

This is a dangerous game, man. I feel from reading that you allow your eroticism to color your perspective. While we're all cucks in some sense I feel that there's a lack of honesty in your specific relationship that is going to spell out very badly for you. I mean sleeping on the couch while your wife bangs away is pretty 'experimental' on the scale of kinkyness but doing it 24/7 is bad news to me.

You know the feelings of anxiety and jealousy that pang out when you are being cucked? There's a balance there between pleasure and pain and it sounds to me that you're going off the deep end of pain. What I mean to say is, the jealousy should always come from a feeling of watching another man take your girl sexually, not that she might leave you for him. I don't think there's a person on here who won't tell you that the most important aspect of this lifestyle is complete openness and honesty. That said, your stories are well written and pretty hot. Good luck!

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:01 am
by trexxx
Thanks for the updates your story is amazing as you slide further and further into full cuck mode. She knows very well how to play to your cuck cravings with her humiliation of you and watching you suck Brian which I am sure further solidifies in her mind that you are 100% oranges. But she keeps you fully involved in her life for love and security while keeping Brian in there for great sex. GREAT story.

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:58 pm
by excitedcuckold
Brian stayed over Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. Friday and Saturday were cool for a few reasons. Friday night I got to watch Jen and Brian have sex. They fucked in front of me on the couch while the three of us were watching a movie. What was really hot about it is how they sort of ignored me while it all happened. I know "ignored" seems like a strange word to use. Obviously they knew I was there. But, they just went about it like my presence wasn't a factor. They made out and felt each other up just like any couple might do while watching a movie at home in private. They got naked just like they were in private. And, as they fucked, they leaned up against me on the couch like my presence was no biggie. I know it's weird to say it was hot being ignored like that, but it really was! They weren't being jerks toward me or anything like that. They were just acting natural and not letting me be in the way. It didn't feel the least bit awkward. I think that's why I liked it so much. Because it was so normal and natural. I didn't feel in any way unwanted. So, it was both hot and also reassuring. I'm not sure if I'm explaining it very well, but I think that's about as good as I can do.

Saturday night we had plans with friends. There was a cool event that we all went to. I feel like everything looked normal to all of our friends. Jen and I were still engaged. Brian was still my best friend. I don't think anything appeared different to anyone in the way that we acted while we were out together. Again, very reassuring. But, after the three of us got back to mine and Jen's apartment, Jen and Brian were all over each other. I got to go down on both Jen and Brian before they fucked that night. They were making out and feeling on each other while I was sucking on them down below. It was so hot warming up my fiance and my best friend like that! They fucked doggy style over my face again, like they did a couple times before. It's such a great position to be in, lying flat on my back with Brian's balls whacking up against my face as his cock thrusts in and out of Jen. I got to clean his cum out of Jen again. I didn't get to fuck Jen, but Brian and Jen took turns jerking me off as Jen made out with me. It felt great when I came. Even though it was just from being jerked off, it felt incredible!

Every night that Brian was over, I was on the couch when it came to sleep. And that was fine. Especially since I got to enjoy myself so much Friday and Saturday nights.

Brian stayed over at his place last night. I thought maybe Jen and I would fuck, but that didn't happen. Here's our conversation from last night, as we were making out naked in bed and I was reaching to get a condom.

"Don't, babe. You're gonna spoil my diet," Jen said.

"I'm naked with my hot fiance and rock hard! You're messing with me, right?" I replied. It wasn't in a raised voice or anything. We were still feeling on each other and making out as we talked.

"I mean we can if you really want, but I'd rather save myself for Brian," Jen responded.

"Okay. I want to!" I answered.

"Can we not? Please?" Jen replied.

"I'm so horny right now though." I said very truthfully.

"I'm horny too," Jen responded. "But, lets just avoid actual sex. Okay? We can still get off together."

"So you can save yourself for Brian?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just for now." Jen answered.

"Apple-only diet?" I asked.

"Yeah," Jen responded. "Today's not a cheat day. I wanna be good and stick to my diet today."

I have to stress again that Jen and I were naked, making out, and feeling on each other as all this was being discussed. Her nipples were so fucking hard! We were both horny, but Jen didn't want me to fuck her. Her saving herself for Brian only seemed to make Jen and I even hornier. So I decided to go with it. It was hot! I was having fun! So why make it into a negative? "Okay, no cheat day. What do you want to do then?" I asked.

"Lay down on your back and let me ride your face," Jen responded.

So I did just that. I lay down and Jen rode my face. It was really aggressive. I was tonguing her while she just ground her pussy into my face. By the time she came, my face was covered in her juice. She got off of me, laid next to me, and giggled. She handed me some tissues to wipe my face off and then she kissed me and grabbed my cock.

"Were you thinking about fucking Brian just now?" I asked as Jen stroked me.

"Uh-huh." Jen responded as she smiled. She then made out with me some more as she stroked my cock.

"Tell me why you didn't want me inside of you," I moaned.

"Because I like saving myself for Brian," Jen responded and then french kissed me.

"Don't want my cock inside of you?" I moaned.

"Nope!" Jen giggled.

"Because you like Brian's cock more than mine?" I asked.

"Yep!" Jen giggled again as she continued stroking me.

"Tell me more?" I moaned.

Jen giggled some more and then opened up. "I've been spoiled. I'm used to Brian's nice, big cock inside of me! I can't get enough of it! It's like my pussy's been reprogrammed for Brian's big, hard cock. It's like I've been upgraded and my pussy isn't backwards compatible with your smaller cock, baby! I'm sorry to say that your cock is now in a state functional obsolescence!"

Jen giggled some more. I nearly giggled too, because Jen was totally playing off of a silly (non-sexual) inside joke that she and I have in the way she described my "obsolete" cock. She was being very playful with me and that put me at ease about the fear that was in the back of my mind. It let me focus on just enjoying myself. I let loose and came. I don't know if Jen was aiming, but I shot all over my face. Jen giggled some more and handed me some tissues. After I wiped myself off, we kissed and snuggled. It was nice sleeping together afterwards.

I'm not sure yet it Brian is staying over tonight or not. It might be back to the couch for me...

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:46 pm
by pwsub
Great update, thank you, cannot wait for the next developments

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:51 pm

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:04 am
by viking53
Jen certainly knows how to push all the right buttons! No way she will give this up after the wedding.

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 1:00 pm
by trexxx
Great update, It's moved into a bisexual relationship, Jen having only Brian's cock inside her and you sucking them both off and eating their cum. It's so freakin' hot how do you stand it?

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:54 am
by poppag
great story, cant wait to see what happens next.
one of the hottest stories ive ever read.

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 3:28 pm
by anon69
I wrote a post some time back on increasing penis size, which appears to be something that might increase Jen's fondness for Mike. As follows:
OK, everybody who is concerned that your penis is too short, you don't have to settle for the equipment that God (or Dad) gave you. As you are no doubt aware there is a pair of Corpora cavernosa (the erectile tissue) that fills with blood at erection. Like a tendon, it can be stretched, and, if put in traction, over time will create new tissue to relieve the traction tension. There are several similar devices that will do this. Since OHW doesn't allow commercial references, you need to be creative and use combinations of Penis, Peni, Stretchers, Master, Enlarger, and such. Several years ago I used such devices and enlarged my penis from 5-3/4" to 7”, and, surprisingly, the circumference increased proportionally to what is now 5”. Given the distribution of penis lengths, 7” is longer than 66% of the population (i.e. one standard deviation above average). This did not happen quickly; it took me about a year using the device fairly regularly. The method is to create an approximate 1 kilo (2.2lb) tension. After about 2 hours the penis gets sore from lack of circulation, and you should take about a half-hour brake. Clearly, you shouldn’t try to sleep with the device due to restricted blood flow. The devices come with varying-length rods to accommodate various lengths. Interestingly, with my first device I reached a point where the rods were too short to continue and too long for the next step, so I bought another brand, and it worked for the next step. Also, you should get a box of gauze 4x4 pads to wrap around the base of your glans and to wrap the base that presses against your pubis to absorb perspiration and prevent blistering. Good luck.

To elaborate on my response to upforit74, the physiological response to stretching is cytokinesis. You can Google "cytokinesis traction" and learn all about it.

As for unclecuck's question on the "best" device there are several alternatives that all do basically the same thing. If allengt will allow a review site with five devices, check out
http: //w, then click “Top 5 Penis Extenders” in the upper righthand corner of the window.

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:49 am
by viking53
How is everything developing? Is it still an apple-only diet? What are your plans over the holidays - will Jen be spending the time with Brian?

Re: It's happened!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:23 pm
viking53 wrote:How is everything developing? Is it still an apple-only diet? What are your plans over the holidays - will Jen be spending the time with Brian?