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Re: Progression

Post by Rover68uk » Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:24 pm

Progression - Possibly the best...

I realised, as I offered Leon a seat on the brightly coloured fabric of the oriental style seats, that I had fantasized about losing control, of having no say in my role of being a cuck hub. The sick feeling in my stomach told me that fantasizing about being powerless was one thing, but actually having no control over who your own wife fucks was another thing completely.

My musings were cut short as the love of my life once again glided into sight. The bright red of the "date dress" lighting up the room, fitting in perfectly with the ornate decor of the room. Cara spied the ice bucket and champagne bottle and let out a little squeal.

As she moved to the seats, she once again passed by me and ran her hand lovingly across my cheek, before seating herself next to Leon. Leaning her body in and crossing her legs so they partly rested over Leon's.

"Now Robbie, I think you are being very naughty in not having that bottle already opened, although I am sure that Leon is as appreciative as I am that you have decided to mark this special occasion with some champers".

Leon, let out a deep chuckle and clapped his hands together before allowing one of them to rest on Cara's knee. As he did so he seemed to deliberately stare at me, almost challenging me for the first time to put a stop to the events. "Yes be a good boy and sort out the champagne will you, I think it will add a celebratory note to the evening".

I felt those two conflicting emotions, excitement and fear, as I heard those words and their meaning sank home.

What do I do, go along with Leon, not object or try and scupper his plans and so allow him to seduce Cara? (as if he needed to from their time together in the bar earlier) Or do I risk the wrath of Cara if Leon were to expose my visits to Ophelia and the fact that I had already met Leon? One would lead to me officially becoming a cuckold and allowing Leon to take whatever role in our marriage as he wished, or I could put a stop to it and risk losing Cara's trust. Who was to say that even if I stood up and tried to throw Leon out, that Cara wouldn't think it an act or wouldn't seek to punish me for going so far and then stopping her. Denying her what we had worked up to for so long now.

As Cara and Leon began whispering to each other I did as I had been bid. I had imagined it would mark our years of marriage and Cara's birthday, yet now it appeared it would indeed be used to toast another momentous event in our marriage.

Popping the cork, I received a little cheer from Cara & Leon. I filled the two flutes that sat by the ice bucket and passed them to the "happy couple". Turning back I suddenly realised that I would be unable to join in the toast due to the lack of a third champagne flute. This left me to go to the mini bar and pick out a Carlsberg. Opening the bottle I returned to the seats and for the first time realised that I was going to be sitting watching, facing the entwined couple.

Leon, took the lead, I supposed it was his natural way, something he had done before, and raised his glass, "A toast?" he almost instructed but also phrased it as a question.

Cara grinned, looked at me and met his question, "To a kinky night and may we all get what we truly want". The feeling in my stomach at this point began to come to the fore, taking over in power from that feeling in my dick. Leon quickly added, "And may it be the first of many". As the words came from his lips Cara turned to gaze at him. Her head turning towards him, was met with Leon dipping his head and kissing her deeply. He was playing his role, going into his assertive seduction mode. Displaying his ability to get into a woman’s mind. Showing me exactly what he could do, once again challenging me to stop him.

I watched as his free hand moved up and ran itself through Cara's hair. Taking hold of her head and pulling her onto his eager lips. Displaying his passion and desire to claim her. The lips locked together seemed to last an age, as if I wasn't there. Those first feelings of cuck angst began coursing through me. Watching my beautiful bride, so sexy tonight in presents that I had selected to make her as desirable as possible, and yet here with someone else.

After what must have only been 20 or so seconds Leon & Cara came up for air. Broad smiles on their faces, they turned to sip from their glasses and look at me sitting across from them beer in hand.

Raising his glass, Cara followed Leon's movement and as one they said, "To tonight". I had no choice but to raise my bottle and join the toast. At this Cara noted my take and turned to Leon and with a devilish grin she nodded towards my bottle, "And if Carlsberg did cuckolds they would probably be the best cuckolds in the world".

The laughter filled the room from Cara & Leon, but the joke was somewhat lost on me. Taking another swig from my bottle, I marveled at how easy Cara appeared to be finding this. But of course she had just spent the last hour or so takeing AND in Leon's company!

As the laughter died down and I watched how my wife and Leon interacted, Leon spoke, deciding it was time to move things forward.

"So Robbie, I gather you want Cara to make you a cuckold?", there it was, out there, Leon bold as brass. The words spoken by him, and in the presence of Cara sent a shiver of shame and excitement through me. I sat there dumbly looking at him. I thought to myself that he looked larger than I recalled. Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me and fulfilling my ideas as to what a Bull should look like.

I realised that he was making this easy on me, and being true to his word, in making out that we had not met before. I was thankful for that, but then realised he was likely to drag this out and shame me even more in the process.

"Now, I hope that you appreciate what this means, what it means for you, for Cara and your marriage in general. Once the act is done there is no undoing it. You will forever be a cuckold". At that he paused for effect, took a long slow take from his champagne before turning his head to kiss Cara.

Looking at Cara I saw a mixture of excitement and uncertainty on her face, She still had that glow about her, but I could sense she was hanging on every word that Leon said.

"Well Ohu, what have you to say?" My lack of an immediate response was met with him clarifying his words.

"Oh I'm sorry, I should explain, Ohu, is a word that I often use to refer to the husbands that I have cuckolded, Yes Robbie you will not be the first and I doubt you will be the last". I thought that with this I saw Cara adjust herself and lick her lips in excitement and anticipation. "An Ohu is a small dicked white guy such as yourself, so if tonight turns out, as I very much hope, not to be a one off, then make sure you answer to your new title".

Leon seemed to be in his element with these words and ran his hand over Cara's legs making her skirt ride ever higher up her thigh.

"Cara has told me a little about your play over the last few weeks and I do indeed feel honoured that I was able to assist you both in your sexual pleasure, but I think you both need to realise that your play was one thing and the reality is and I hope will be very different".

Another pause for a take and he continued. It was as if he knew what we wanted or needed more than we did. "I am also so pleased at how lucky I am to have been in the right place at the right time". These words were said as he looked me directly in the eye, daring me to admit or challenge his assertion that the meeting was down solely to luck.

"The moment I saw you both in the lobby, saw that anklet and the key dangling from it", Leon's gaze moved downwards towards my crotch and a smile came to his face again. It was also noted by Cara who gave him a playful slap on the leg and called him cheeky.

"......the moment I saw you in the lobby I knew that Cara needed something, well to be more precise needed me to show her the fun she could and should be having and I knew that you were here to explore and play".

Leon looked to Cara at this point and a little nudge from him caused Cara to speak. "Yes, robbie, Leon & I have discussed this and our play and after I saw your note wanting to make this real I realsied how much I wanted it aswell, how much I needed it after all the build up over the last few weeks".

Leon stopped Cara at this point having got her to tell me that this was down to me he resumed his slow subtle offense of me, "So there you go, there are lots of facets to this idea, it isn't just about me making love to a wife as I hope you will both come to understand, for me it is about taking the lead, about showing a husband, ...erm sorry, an Ohu, that I am bigger and better than him, about taking the wife to sexual highs she has never known before and cannot hope to ever get from the Ohu. So Ohu, you need to realise that once you, or we start down this path I will not be asking you for approval again, as for me and maybe for Cara, this is about my pleasure first and foremost, along with that of Cara".

Leon then fixed me with a look, it was more of a glare. It was meant to challenge me, subdue me, make me understand that he was in control, "I need to know from you now, in front of your beautiful wife, are you prepared for this? Do you want me to make your fantasies come true? Do you want me to make you a cuckold for real?

Feeling myself blushing and my hands slightly shaking, I felt a discomfort from my compressed dick. Betraying my answer, I had to shift and adjust myself from the ache from its restriction. I could see Cara waiting for my answer, for confirmation of the note that she believed I had written. I thought again, admit I wanted it under duress or risk destroying all trust between Cara & I if Leon exposed me.

Despite the repeated takes from my now empty bottle my mouth was now so dry, bright red cheeks, "Yes Leon".

"Yes what? Ohu?"

"Yes Leon, I think I am prepared. I want you to fuck Cara for me". Leon was still glaring at me, daring me to say otherwise. I Looked at Cara, how beautiful she was tonight, knowing how horny she was after our weeks abstinence. I suddenly thought of myself, how this could ruin me getting out of my own chastity supported abstinence!

"No Ohu, that’s not quite enough, you need to realise it is not just about me fucking Cara". God he was delighting in making this hard for me.
I knew what he wanted to hear. Taking a deep breath, "Leon please make me a cuckold for real.

As soon as those words came out of my mouth Cara let out a little gasp and her face flushed even more. Almost immediately that deep almost sing mistergy accent took control again.

"That will be my pleasure Ohu, well my pleasure AND Cara's, but don't worry you will derive your own pleasure from your new position. Now get your Bull and your wife another glass of champagne so we can toast this officially".

Posts: 92
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Re: Progression

Post by Rover68uk » Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:31 pm

Progression - No Return

Getting up and fetching the bottle, I turned back to see Cara being almost devoured by Leon. Leon's hands for the first time having reached her thigh and exposing her stocking tops. But also seeing Cara's hand resting on Leon's crotch.

I felt as if I was almost invisible to them as I stood beside Leon and Cara. I watched almost like an experienced cuck, waiting for the lustful couple to break their passion. Standing bottle in hand to serve them I started to get an excited feeling that conflicted with the previous dull ache that was in my stomach. I was also becoming aware that the ache was also possibly due to my restricted dick and balls.

Over a week of abstinence and the erotic thrill of Amsterdam had built up my desire and brought about an almost constant erection, well not that I could get an erection in the jailbird. I knew I wasn't the biggest bloke in the world in the dick department, but I hadn't fully realised how much the cage would restrict. Not being able to get hard in the cage was powering my erection inwards, pushing the cage forward and causing more discomfort for my balls. This was starting to concern me, and I started to hope that Cara may release me so I could get some pleasure at the same time as her and Leon.

Not wanting to stand there for ages I tried one of those polite coughs, done solely to gain attention. It had the required effect and the couple came up for air. Despite my fantasies, the sight of Cara locking her lips passionately with another man was something I wasn't quite prepared for. It seemed almost more intimate than the idea of Leon fucking her. Something that was meant to be reserved for tender moments between a couple.

Leon had that broad grin on his face, and Cara seemed almost out of breath. She was obviously totally wrapped up in the moment and fuelled by her own weeks worth of pent up desires.

Leon decided he would assert his power again, "You know I do love this moment, the calm before the storm, those moments before the deal is sealed, the excitement that can be felt in the air before a wife finally gives herself to me".

Looking at me he told me that of course it would never be a feeling that I would experience, and to add to his growing power he held his gaze as he slowly moved his hand higher on Cara's thigh. Revealing that soft pale flesh above her stocking top. He was delighting in my mixture of emotions.

"Now I gather that you and Cara have been playing with chastity". He caught sight of my glances at Cara and again smiled as he sensed my unease that Cara had revealed so much. "I thought as much when I saw a key on that lovely chain I gather you gave this beauty for her birthday, and Yes my Ohu, Cara has told me all about how wet it made her in the shop and I bet seeing your little boys dick struggle in vain against your cage will make her even more eager for my cock".

A little pause once again to let his words sink home before he continued, "There is also the fact that it feeds my desire to be in control, and knowing that Cara has you safely locked away certainly helps that".

I don't know what I was taken aback by the use of the word "wet", but it did seem he was trying to gauge any reaction, or in fact provoke a reaction. He continued, slowly stroking Cara's thigh as he did. Cara wriggling occasionally in her seat and intently listening and watching her prospective lover tease her husband, "She has also told me about the toy you bought her and about the name that "You" gave it, I have to say that was such a coincidence wasn't it? You two really have done wonderfully well and it seems that there has been a steady progression to your play, a progression that will reach its peak in a few moments".

I watched Cara bite her lip and shift her position in the seat as he said this. "Now, I think we need to move this whole thing forward and being as considerate as I am, I am willing to help you both in making your fantasies come true".

With that, he lifted his hand from Cara's thigh and pulled her skirt back down. This covering Cara was unexpected and I wondered what he would do next. Rising from his seat he walked across the suite, watched intently by Cara & I, before turning and sitting himself on the edge of the bed.

"Cara, I want you now to stand and undress the Ohu, I want him to stand before his wife’s Bull naked. I want to be able to see, and to show you exactly how much your cucky husband enjoys this, and how his trapped little dick gives away his inner most desires". Cara giggled and rose from her seat before approaching me.

It took only a few seconds before she had removed my shirt and I had moved to help her take off my shoes and socks. Then came my trousers until I stood only in my boxers. As Cara took hold of the top of them prior to pulling them down, she stood with her back to Leon. She whispered into my ear, she told me how much she loved me and how grateful she was to me for agreeing to this.....and with a little pause and bite of her lip, how horny she was. As I felt the boxers begin to be pulled down she whispered, "God Robbie, I am so so wet, and I so need his cock in me". The words stung but also caused a surge of red to my dick as it strained against its cage in vain.

I closed my eyes partly to imagine the scene I was part of and partly to stop the sight of the huge grin that was undoubtedly on Leon's face. I knew I couldn't keep them shut for long. Opening them, my thoughts were proved right as I noted Leon beaming from ear to ear, as he saw (another!) husband naked before him, another husband allowing himself to be controlled by the man about to claim his wife. My boxers pooled around my ankles directly next to Cara's ankle and that symbol of my presentation, the key on the chain.

"You see Cara, you see how he is straining against his cage. An Ohu's dick tells a Bull and wife exactly what he wants, it shows us exactly how we are doing, the harder he gets, the more he strains, the more discomfort he receives from his little prison, its shows us how much he wants to see you give yourself to me". Then with a mischievous grin he added, "As of course, as Bull & wife we do have a responsibility to consider the wellbeing of the Ohu....if only in passing".

Cara looked down and saw that Leon was right. No matter what conflicting ideas were going round in my head, whatever butterflies were in my stomach, there was no mistaking my excitement from the redness that stood out as my dick pushed against its prison. My balls, swollen from a weeks worth of teasing and a few hours of confinement contrasted with my otherwise pasty white skin.

Leon then continued with his instruction, "Now Cara, I am sure that the Ohu has come prepared to dress smartly, and will have a tie with him. As we have no cuffs with us at present this will have to suffice. So I want you to go and find it so that we can restrain the Ohu. You see, as much fun as it is to know a cuck is unable to get hard, it is equally fun to watch them unable to do anything about it on the on occasion they are released"

"You see Cara, it is good for you to see the desire and frustration of your husband, to show you how much he craves this and how wonderful he thinks it is seeing you receiving the pleasure you deserve".

Cara simply giggled as she heard this before she offered me some sympathy, "Ahhh poor robbie, I think Leon may be right about this, as left to your own devices I know that you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself playing with your dicky".

As Cara rummaged around in my bags I turned as I heard Leon rising from the bed. The scene seemed almost surreal to me. Here I was stood naked, save for my chastity belt, before a man who was about to fuck my wife. Whilst that same wife was searching for something to bind my hands. Leon approached me, that by now familiar grin on his face. As he got closer he spoke in more hushed tones so that Cara would be unable to hear.

"Well cucky, looks like you are about to get your wish, and your straining down below shows Cara just how much you want this". With that he reached into his trouser pocket and removed what I recognised to be the camera memory card.

"Now I was going to keep this safe, but I think Cara has demonstrated how much she wants this, and you my dear Ohu, are amply demonstrating how much it turns you on", as he gave a little nod down to my dick.

As he moved closer he dipped down and I watched as he placed the memory card into the pocket of my recently removed trousers, rising and still in hushed tones he spoke again, "Now as we are doing so well, I don't think we shall be needing that, I think, Cara is so ready for this, especially with that little nudge from Ophelia". There it was, the confirmation that it was Ophelia’s doing. That she had brought this about. OK I accepted that it was me that set the dominos tumbling, but it was Ophelia who had made sure they were all in line and would fall correctly.

"And once you are free and watching the passion I am able to produce in your wife, you will know this was meant to be, and most importantly Cara will see form your dick how happy you are at your new life". With a low chuckle he turned and returned to his position on the bed just as Cara returned with the tie.

I looked at her stood beside me and saw the excitement in her face at what we were doing and felt a happiness and satisfaction that she had embraced the ideas we were now playing out. I wondered why I had ever doubted her and worried what she would think of my desires.

Whilst appearing to wait for instructions with regard to my unlocking Leon spoke again. "We can all appreciate how excited the Ohu is and how obvious that is, but I think it important that a wife’s lustful ideas are also demonstrated". I think at that point Cara & I both had a lost look on our faces as we waited to have the words further explained.

"I want Cara to remain where she is and I want you Ohu, I want you to kneel before your wife and remove her panties", these words brought about a small quiet gasp from Cara as she experienced the thrill of the moment. I too, got a little jolt of excitement as I thought of the symbolism of what Leon was asking me to do.

"You will then, on your knees bring them to me", again I heard Cara's intake of breath and as I knelt before her I saw her biting her lip.

"That's it Ohu, now carefully and respectfully reach under that lovely dress you so kindly bought for Cara and remove those panties". As I reached under her dress I once again looked at her face, it was one I had gazed upon many a time before but it appeared to be even more beautiful to me, the excitement apparent for both Leon & I to see.

I ran my hands up Cara's legs, delighting in the feel of her stockings and particularly the moment I felt the lace tops and then the smooth soft skin that marked my approach to my goal. My hand followed the path indicated by her suspender straps until they disappeared under the delicate new panties.

My reverie was broken by Leon telling me not to linger and to make sure that I didn't take any liberties with my hands. I marveled at his cheek, him telling me not to take liberties with my own wife!!!

My fingers moved slowly up the outside of Cara’s thighs, despite the cheek of what Leon had said I obeyed his instructions and worked my way slowly upwards until I felt the soft silky material of the new lingerie. My memories of it in the shop were tinged with a mixture of shame that it was another man who she had dressed for and another man who would be enjoying Cara in them (and out of them).

Posts: 92
Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:27 am

Re: Progression

Post by Rover68uk » Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:38 pm

Progression – Final Countdown?

With a deep breath I hooked my fingers into the waistband of the panties and slowly started to pull them down. At the same time I looked up caught Cara’s excited expression. The nerves, the passion and the love were all on her face to see. I noted how her breathing was deep as I saw her breasts rise and fall, her fingers and those painted nails interlocked , interlocked and holding one of my ties whilst pressing into her tummy to contain her excitement.

Ever so slowly I pulled the delicate garment downwards, each inch taking us deeper into our game and bringing closer the reality of the moment. I was aware of each little movement made by Cara as the material of her dress gently swayed. And then as the panties approached her knees they came into view. Soft and sexy, as I recalled them from the shop, delicate, cool to the touch yet with a slight warmth transmitted from her body.

As I continued and neared Cara's ankles she moved her hands from her tummy and rested one of them on my head. She steadied herself as she raised first one foot and then the other to allow me to fully divest her of her intimate apparel. As she lifted her foot I noted with an almost shiver how the panties passed over the anklet and its attached key.

"Very good work Ohu, you are doing well, I am sure you appreciate the symbolism of what you have just done, not only your own actions, but those of Cara also. The way that the two of you, husband and wife have played out your fantasies, the way you have followed my instructions and the way you have now removed one of the last barriers to accessing your wife". The realisation and eroticism of the situation sank home as I knelt in front of Cara. A kneeling husband, naked save for a chastity device holding his wife’s panties and all the while another man sat close at hand waiting to claim that wife as another conquest. Leon was almost toying with us, slowly leading us deeper into our own fantasies.

"Now Ohu, bring those dainty little panties to me", Although we had played this scene out so many times in the privacy of our own bedroom I was aware of my reddening cheeks and how my kneeling position and my task appeared. The excitement and shame combined and all of a sudden I didn't feel able to look at Cara as I made the short and awkward hobble on my knees over to Leon.

Handing them over to Leon sent another surge of adrenaline through my body, adding to my discomfort of being locked away. This was heightened as Leon slowly and deliberately brought the panties up to his face. The crudeness of sampling Cara's scent from them was over ridden by the moment. Again the symbolism, the control of Leon delighting in his position, of knowing he was about to be the first person in years to sample the charms of Cara's body, and in particular, her pussy.

As he inhaled deeply I turned to look at Cara. I wanted to see her reaction to something that she would ordinarily rail against. There she was appearing to be transfixed by his bravado, the fact that he was so clam and in control. The clear look of excitement on her face indicated that Leon had already managed to get into her head.

Leon had obviously taken this route before and was confident that his actions would lead him to his prize. Taking the fragrant item away from his nose revealed that huge grin again, a sign that he was reveling in his role. His next action was to take delight in demonstrating to me exactly how much Cara was loving this scene. Slowly and all the while staring at me, he turned the panties round and revealed the gusset to me. Breaking Leon's gaze for a second I looked at Cara who realised what the stud was doing. Her cheeks reddened slightly as her excitement and horny state was rubbed in my face.

"You see Ohu, you notice how your sweet Cara is excited, how she is as horny as she has ever been, and horny you understand for her first black cock". My eyes shifted from Cara and returned to the bed and the sight of that delicate material darkened by Cara's pussy. There was no doubting that Cara was excited, the evidence was there for us all to see, just as my dick straining against its cage showed Cara how turned on I was.

"Now that we all know exactly how you both feel about this situation I think we can proceed". Leon was again delighting in the moment as he instructed Cara to continue with her duties with my tie. Leon told me to stand in order to make this easier and to put my hands behind my back.

Cara returned to my side and was then instructed to bind my hands. As she did so Leon told her that this would enhance the experience, that it was hard for husbands to contain themselves when they witnessed the eroticism of their wife being truly pleasured and that it was really for my benefit as it would make the moment of my release so so much better.

Cara responded that she thought it so hot that I was doing this and that she agreed that I wouldn't be able to stop myself from wanking and cumming so quickly so the tie was a good idea. As she expressed this view it dawned on me that Leon was already getting Cara to go along with things, to agree with what he wanted, to listen to his reasoning.

I had to admit to myself that the scene played to my sub ideas, and play with Ophelia except now I was playing with my wife and Ophelia's cousin. The ideas fed my sub fantasies and added to the sweet discomfort felt by my chastity. Pretty much as Leon had suggested, my dick showed what I wanted and what I enjoyed. Its lack of size is what led me to this position and its hardness was what would confirm my desire to those before me.

Safely secured with my tie, Leon called Cara to him. It seemed to be in slow motion as I watched her shapely body sashay towards him. The skirt moving seductively as her hips moved. The knowledge that under the skirt was nothing but a bare pussy, wet and waiting to be filled by Leon. Those great legs shaped by the height of the heels and highlighted by her anklet.

Leon took her hand and rose to his feet to embrace her and plant another deep kiss on her lips. He then resumed his position at the end of the bed and told Cara to lift her leg. He patted his own knee to signal where he wanted it placed. Cara gave me a seductive look over her shoulder as she lifted her anklet adorned leg bringing the sexy shoes to rest on Leon's knee. I then watched as Leon removed the key to my tiny prison before handing it back to Cara.

Leon then took her hand again and moved Cara round until she was facing me. A vision of beauty in my eyes, the birthday Pandora necklace resting in her cleavage, the sexy dress encasing her curvaceous body. I think the moment added to my love and desire for Cara as I thought how damn sexy she looked. My own private thoughts were revealed as both Cara & Leon giggled as they saw the jailbird twitch.

Leon handed the key to Cara and with his other hand guided her towards my viewing point. "Cara, I want you to release the poor Ohu, he looks like if he gets any more excited he may even break out of that thing, and we wouldn't want that as it is such a new toy".

God it was so sexy, a vision, I thought back to that hotel room following that first visit to Ophelia, warmth, comfort and here I was again, another hotel, another room, yet this time WITH Cara....AND a bull. I watched intently as the woman I had exchanged vows with walked towards me with the key to my chastity dangling between her fingers. A sly sexy smile on her face. Swinging her hips and making the dress skirt float from side to side.

I looked her up and down and had my love renewed and reinpowerd.

...And then Cara knelt before me. I closed my eyes imaging the scene but also trying to control myself, knowing how turned on I was and the fact that Cara was touching my dick, well touching my cage! In the darkness my mind picked up the rustle of Cara's dress, her breathing and the occasional sounds coming from Leon as he sat on the bed. All these sounds added to the image and occasion of what was taking place. Then I heard the unmistakable sound, a click as the key turned in the small padlock. Releasing me, or at least releasing the lock, as my dick as hard as it was allowed to get in its tiny prison. As soon as the lock was removed I was at last able to grow a little yet the end of my dick remained caged. I opened my eyes and looked down. There before me was Cara kneeling smiling up at me. Grinning at the sight of my stiffness still restricted. The strength of my erection keeping the cage in place.

As Cara & Leon laughed I simply wanted the thing off me. My hands tied behind my back meant that the option of doing it myself was out, and it appeared that Cara wasn't minded to help me out. In my haste to try and allow myself a full hard on I swayed from side to side. This action brought about further laughter as the cage swung from side to side, hitting each thigh with the movement of my hips.

It took a couple of seconds before Leon took pity and suggested to Cara that she help out "the poor Ohu" as Leon continued to call me. Once again responding to his instructions Cara obliged. I noted that the strength of my erection had caused the bars to almost dig into me. This made the removal less than entirely pleasurable even though it was the first contact that Cara had had with my dick for some time.........and then I was free.

The bars of the cage had left impressions on my dick which Cara rubbed a couple of times, but sensing how turned on I was and noting how my eyes closed with her touch, the tender touch of my loving wife ceased far too soon, "Sorry robbie, but we don't want to spoil your pleasure by getting you off too early, that would spoil the whole thing wouldn’t it?" Cara rose to her feet and gave me a peck on my cheek before turning and walking to the bedside table where she placed the infernal device before returning to sit beside Leon.

"Note how turned on the Ohu is, how much he loves the power that you have over him, and how much his dick shows he wants this, and so so cute having him shaved, very appropriate, and necessary to make sure we can actually see it". This sleight to my manhood was met with a playful slap to his leg from Cara who told him to not be so mean.

Leon turned and kissed Cara at this point before pointing out that it was hardly mean if I was enjoying it, and enjoyment was certainly being demonstrated by my twitching erection and the first signs of pre cum glistening in the subdued light of the suite.

At this point Leon suggested that I go and sit in one of the chairs by the window. Being so considerate, he suggested that this was to make myself comfortable, or as he joked as comfortable as I could be in such an excited state. As I tried to make myself comfortable with my hands behind my back and dick pointing skywards he turned his attentions to Cara.

"Now little lady, I think it is about time for the main event, I would like you to stand and give us, or should that be ME, a twirl", a little look over to me and Cara blew me a kiss before rising and taking a couple of paces away from the bed.

Posts: 92
Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:27 am

Re: Progression

Post by Rover68uk » Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:44 pm

Progression - Reality

Those few steps she took from the bed, away from Leon, seemed to be in slow motion. It was all happening, becoming so real.

The games we had played were wonderful, had got us both so worked up and reinvigorated our sex life, indeed our whole marriage. Yet now the reality was setting in. The knots in my stomach were getting harder and harder to ignore. Despite my obvious arousal I was also actually starting to feel a little sick. A little unsure about this.

Yes I had wanted, I had played with the idea for so long, played with Ophelia, and yes, even played it out with the stud currently "educating" us but a few feet away, but that was different. The words of Ophelia, and those of Leon filtered through my mind and I did question whether this was wise. I did wonder what would happen once Leon got his cock in Cara. I thought back to all those stories I had wanked over where previous reluctant or unsure wives were transformed once they got their first taste of another cock. here I was on the point of seeing it happen.

My musings were interrupted by the reality of the situation and the sound of Leon instructing Cara to display herself for him. She was told to pose, then turn around and pout. Leon was in his element, controlling and trying to get into both our minds.

"Now my pretty little thing, and of course my Ohu (he said casting a glance at me)", as Cara is about to experience pleasure like she has never know before, I would like to see the toy that has been preparing her for me". This request was met with another of those girlish giggles that seemed to have become common from Cara.

Cara made a beeline for her case, eager to introduce Leon to Leon. Slowly walking back towards her soon to be lover, Cara played the bashful, sweet and innocent. A coy look on her face she made a point to hide the toy behind her back. Reaching the bed once again she cast her husband a quick glance before tilting her head coquettishly to one side and revealing her fake lover to her real lover. The scene and the way in which Cara followed Leon's instructions were playful and sexy yet also played the submissive well. Being the shy wife following orders.

Leon let out a roar. A deep roar of laughter as he saw Cara's small hands holding the darkness of the toy. "Well Ohu, it appears that you made a good choice when selecting something to please your wife" Fixing me with his stare he nodded at my still straining, yet free erection, "It is just a shame that you are powered to do this due to m0ther nature failing to provide you with the means of satisfying a woman naturally".

Despite all the other indignities heaped on me already, the caging, and the subsequent release, waiting on Cara & Leon and the fact of being the only one currently naked in the room, these words caused my face to redden. Perhaps it was my nakedness or the fact that I had my hands tied, but Leon was subtly twisting the knife. Nothing so powerful as to risk having Cara come to my defence and break her out of his thrall, just enough to show his control of the scene.

Leon seemed to be playing this perfectly, but then as he had said, or as Ophelia had informed me, he had done this before. Leon had that broad smile on his face again, and why not, he was loving this. He fixed Cara with his eyes and began his seduction, or should that have been, induction?

"I think your husband was indeed very considerate of your needs, and he continues to be so by assisting you in getting to this point. Alas, it is indeed such a shame that such toys as this can never provide the true pleasure that a beautiful woman such as you deserve". Leon paused for a few seconds to ensure that his words sank home to us both.

"At least though they do inform a woman, they show them the joy they can have and they help an Ohu accept what will be. You are already able to see by the Ohu probably being harder than he has ever been before, that his acceptance and support is true". With that Cara cast me a quick glance, presumably pretty much as Leon wanted.

"Besides the physical thrill that your toy gives you I am sure it also filled your mind with ideas of giving yourself to one such as I. The idea was already there when the Ohu chose your lover, his wish to see your soft delicate hands, and maybe other things, surrounding the darkness of it". Leon was slowly revealing my (or Ophelia's) thinking in wanting a black dildo. Even if she didn’t think it before, Cara would be now thinking that this was my goal all along, leading her to the view that it was my wish for her to cuckold me with a black bull all along.

"So as you have both worked your way slowly to this point, I now think that before you get the honour of seeing what will make your dreams a reality, that I get to see this beautiful married lady in all her glory. As much as I love to see a lady dressed such as you are, there is nothing that quite beats having a wife reveal herself to me in front of her husband".

I noted how Cara's hands appeared to be gripping the dark fake phallus in her hand, and how she shifted her feet. The excitement and nerves certainly getting to her. All of a sudden the pause in Leon's words seemed to fill the room with tension. It had all been a game up to now. Well, a game as far as actual play with Cara.

Leon raised his hand and gestured to take the fake Leon away. Once passed to him he tossed it over to me. Luckily it missed hitting my own dick as I imagined that could have caused even more ache in my stomach. It came to rest across my thigh, once again contrasting skin tones and highlighting the difference between what I could offer and what "fake" Leon provided.

Leon noted the image and obviously took a degree of satisfaction from the unplanned offense. Chuckling he then instructed Cara to begin. She shot me a nervous glance before again making eye contact with her soon to be lover. As that ache in my stomach became more noticeable I was also aware that my dick was straining even more. Despite the straining I still failed to get anywhere near the size of the dildo so awkwardly positioned next to my erection.

There was dryness in my mouth as I watched Cara raise her hands. She took the halter neck of her dress and slowly extricated herself from that deliciously sexy dress. It appeared as if Cara was moving in slow motion. As she removed the dress slowly she shook her hair out, despite the support of her lingerie her breasts swayed provocatively. The Pandora necklace remained in place nestled in her cleavage.

The material and Cara's hands slowly lowered. It was obvious she had removed the straps from her new basque so as to not be noticeable under the relatively flimsy dress. The bareness of her shoulders adding to the thrill as if she were naked beneath. My thoughts suddenly came back to the fact that she was partially naked beneath as my eyes alighted on the delicate panties that lay beside Leon on the bed.

There they were, within only a second, although it felt like alot longer, Cara's lace encased breasts were revealed. Slowly the delicate lace and silk material of the basque was reveal, shaping her body and revealing why the dress looked so exquisite on her, her midriff toned by her time at the gym and hours on her feet on the ward simply shaped by the material. A slight indent where her belly button was behind that soft material, something that had only been seen by me for years and years and then a glimpse of lace as the suspenders leading from the embroidered hem came into view. Where they should have been hidden by the panties covering her smooth mound, I was suddenly reminded of my previous task. As slowly Cara's bare flesh came into view.

That broad grin on Leon's face was still there but there was also a look of excitement, knowing that Cara was revealing herself for him. Each slow movement and wiggle of her hips brought the dress lower and lower.

I thought I detected a slight pause as Cara realised she was at the point of no return, of revealing herself in front of someone other than her husband. I saw that little bite of her lip once again and then the descent of the dress continued. Ever so slowly her soft smooth pubic mound appeared and then, as the dress passed her hips and all resistance was gone, it suddenly fell to the floor.

That deep red material pooled around her feet. The shapely ankles and that teasing anklet remained visible due to the height of the heels. The material on the floor held my attention for a split second before its significance and Cara's nakedness returned to the forefront of my mind.

My own gasp as the deed was done was accompanied by something of a growl from Leon signifying his approval and satisfaction at the view that now presented itself to him.

"MMMMMM Yes, yes very pretty", I wasn’t sure whether to be pleased that Leon found Cara sexy or "pretty" or annoyed at his assured almost arrogant attitude. The way he spoke made it appear as if what was happening was normal, something that was a common occurrence. Still, my natural cuck desires overcame this questioning and maintained my own erection. It fuelled that sickness in my stomach yet played to my mind.

"Ohu, you are a truly lucky boy, to have caught such a fine lady, and indeed it follows that she is a lucky lady to have met you in that she is able to have a devoted little husband who realises that he is unable to offer a real woman what she needs". All the while he had that huge grin on his face.

Casting a glance at Cara, she was stood before him, obviously still a little unsure of the scene. Her hands clasped in front of her trying to keep a degree of modesty. This idea in itself was almost comical considering the lead up...and what was about to happen.

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Re: Progression

Post by Rover68uk » Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:48 pm

Progression – Reality cont’d

"Cara, no need to be bashful", Leon appeared to be in charming considerate mood. "A beautiful woman such as you should be proud of her body, proud of the effect you can have on men and proud of the pleasure that can be provided to yourself and one such as I".......with a slight pause and another deliberate look over at me..."if it is treated correctly and adequate tools are used".

The brevity even brought a smile to my face, but it appeared to ease Cara's nerves as she slowly moved her hands. The reveal of her wonderfully smooth pussy. Although it didn't seem possible, but this sight caused Leon's grin to become even bigger. I became aware that it had an involuntary effect on me as my dick twitched.

"Now, as I have had the pleasure of seeing that which will provide me with pleasure, It is only fair that Cara, and the Ohu (nodding to me) get to see what will be providing you with pleasure". I had to admire his confidence. His whole manner was of the knowledge that he had us both hooked and that his cock would soon be demonstrating that the confidence was well founded.

"So Cara, I think you should now come and kneel before me, you have an important and pleasurable task to undertake". Leon reached out his hand to bring Cara before him. As she stepped forward those delicately and exotically painted toes came into view. They revealed themselves from beneath the folds of her dress that had pooled around her ankles.

Cara took Leon's proffered hand and with his lead took that one step forward before sinking to her knees. Guided by the subtle dip of his hand. Once again my dick twitched and nudged against "faux" Leon. The image of my otherwise confident and self assured wife kneeling before the man who I had imagined her with for so long.

That delightful, yet powerful scene changed once again as Leon moved. He shifted his weight before standing. The bulge in his trousers became ever more obvious. Only inches from Cara's face.

"You know what to do now". He needed no more words, it was an instruction, it was obvious, and almost as soon as he uttered those words, Cara's pale hands, tipped with scarlet reached upwards and began to work at his belt. In only a matter of seconds, the belt hung down, and then the clasp and Cara was slowly working on the zip.

She appeared transfixed, lost in the moment. However, Leon was not lost. That grin was now well and truly from ear to ear. He looked over at me, almost gloating, reveling in his control and his mastery of this new couple. As I had watched Cara's dress fall and pool at her feet, so I watched as Leon's trousers pooled at his. This revealed a pair of pristine looking white trunks. The bulge evident and also now the outline and shape of what was to be his gift to Cara on her birthday.

"...And the trunks", once again the tone made this an order. Cara bit her lip once again, that sign that showed her excitement. Her hands reached upwards and took hold of the waistband of the trunks before slowly applying pressure and helping them to meet his trousers on the floor.

After only a couple of inches Cara let out a small gasp as the head of the monster was revealed. With each second, or half second more and more of Leon's manhood was revealed. Leon was watching Cara, enjoying the mixture of expressions upon her face. Reading her thoughts. Although he had by his own admission been here before, it was apparent he delighted in seeing the fear, the lust, the awe, the surprise and the excitement that his cock produced in a wife (and cuck). Cara's hands assisted with the trunks movement, but once passed the grand bulge and the resistance that it provided, they too fell to the floor.

With the monsters new found freedom came a movement; it was Cara flinching almost automatically to avoid it hitting her directly in her face. The flinch brought about a deep rolling laughter from Leon. He was delighting in the shyness of Cara, how this woman who was kneeling before him, so prim yet almost naked and prepared to ignore her marital vows.

I was taken with the contrast. Cara kneeling so demure, well at least in my eyes. A case of me having that image of her as a lady in public, yet here she was about to be the whore in private. So pale and crisp and clean and perfect. The body that had been all mine for so long contrasting against the larger darker frame of Leon. Cara kneeling, Leon standing, commandingly above her, with me seated, naked, bound and hard as a rock. Forget stereotypical images, this was hot as hell and had me twitching. Most of all though it was the fact that Leon's cock was stood fully to attention. A small feeling of pride came to me. Knowing that it was Cara that had produced the full on erection that Leon sported.

The laughter subsided after some seconds. During this time Cara gazed upon Leon's cock. The thoughts of how she was ever going to accept that in her pussy must have been running through her mind. She must also have been comparing what was immediately before her to that which she had sampled for the last few years. Or maybe she was now thinking it was what she had "put up with" over the last few years?

"Now Ohu, this is the bit I am sure you have been looking forward to, I know I have, and by the look on your lovely wife’s face, I think she certainly has". Even before the instruction came, Cara's hands were reaching to take hold of his cock. As Leon told her to feel, to sample the goods he stopped as the scarlet tipped fingers encircled his shaft. Cara's eagerness had even surprised Leon and once again proved to be of amusement to him.

"That's it little one, stroke the cock that will make you feel like a real woman, appreciate its size and think how it is going to feel". It looked as if Leon was having a tender moment as he reached out his hand and moved Cara's golden locks from the side of her face. He gently caressed her cheek before smoothing her locks behind her ear. However, his hand remained on her head. It rested at first but then appeared to tense ever so slightly. At the same time came his instruction for Cara to kiss him.

It was obvious from the kneeling position that this was hardly practical and that he in fact required Cara to kiss his manhood. "Yes Cara kiss that cock, show me and the Ohu how you appreciate what is before you, show me how much you appreciate what I am about to give you and what pleasure my cock will provide for your body and mind. Show your husband how much you want to make him happy and how you are more than happy yourself to make him a happy cuckold.

......and then she did it!!!!! Cara moved her head. She didn't have to move it that far, but she moved it forward and delicately kissed the head of his cock. Oh my fucking god, she did it, I did it, we did it, Oh fuck, she was actually going to suck and fuck Leon. I tested my bonds. The movement once again caused my own erection to knock against that of fake Leon and send tantalising shivers through my own body.

Taking my eyes off my own now apparent small dick, I saw Cara wasting no time in turning a kiss into something more. Aided by the slight pressure on Cara's head, her face was pulled closer and closer to Leon's groin. It became apparent that the tender moment was in fact another show of strength from Leon. The hand that had so softly caressed her cheek now held her head firmly in place to allow that monster to be worshipped. It also allowed for her hair to be kept out of the way and to allow me the full picture of my own wife as she began to suck on that Bulls cock.

After the kiss I watched as those lips that were once solely mine parted, as if in slow motion. Cara's tongue appeared to snake slowly out of her mouth and then made its first contact with Leon's dark cock. My eyes moved for an instant to take in Leon's face. Despite the knot in my stomach from the fear and excitement of the scene, I also strangely wanted to see Leon satisfied. I wanted Cara to be good for him, to please him. God, what fucked up logic was this? I wanted acknowledgement from him, and to be proud of her sucking another mans cock.

Back to the important scene. Cara's tongue slowly ran itself around that large cock head. It circled it a couple of times before alighting on the underside and licking slowly from back to tip. I heard Leon exhale deeply, the response filled me with the affirmation I looked for but also added to that knot in my stomach.

I saw a slight tensing of his arm as he applied a little more pressure to Cara's head. Once again he smoothed her hair allowing me the view that was keeping me fully hard. My excitement, mixed with a degree of shame that I was getting all I wanted. That I had let this happen and that another man was pleasuring my wife, where it should be me.

With the added pressure Cara responded. Her mouth opened ever more and I slowly saw Leon's cock head pass those bright red lips. Cara's hands continued to grip his shaft. They slowly worked back and forth. As she did so she slightly rotated her wrist allowing me to see that she couldn't even get her fingers to meet around his shaft.

She had almost been able to do this with the fake Leon, but now it was even more evident that the toy we had been playing with would be something that would only be a part preparation for the real thing. As I watched her hand stroking that dark thick shaft I saw how it got closer and closer to her lips. Demonstrating that subtle pressure on the back of her head was slowly pushing that cock deeper into her mouth.

Cara's lips could now be seen to be as wide as they could go. Her mouth now gripping that thick shaft. The pale white skin or her face next to the bright lipstick and then the darkness of that cock. With each millimeter it looked as if her eyes were getting wider and wider. Her chin slightly tilted upwards causing her eyes to cast their gaze towards the man who was now invading her mouth.

"That's it my Yemi, take as much as you can, you will have plenty of opportunities to work on taking it all". I had to marvel at his bravado. He had only just got his cock in her mouth, he hadn't even got it in her pussy yet, and here he was saying that she would be getting used to deep throating him. Marveling at his cheek I also felt that desire to see it happen, for Cara to develop her skills and prove that she was able to do as Leon wished.

For the next few minutes I shifted in my seat, near squirming, horny as hell. I watched as Cara continued to work her hand up and down Leon's shaft. I noted that all the times Cara had sucked me, not that there had been that many she could grip my shaft and have the fingers meeting, she was also unable to really move her hand up and down the shaft and suck at the same time. Leon was demonstrating both to Cara first hand, and to me by the kind holding of Cara's hair, the difference between the "Ohu" and an "Oba".

Although the music I had put on prior to the happy couple returning to the room had been subtle, it was now almost complete lost by the sounds of passion coming from both Leon & Cara. Leon was grunting and moaning and exhorting Cara to use her mouth and tongue to please her Bull. He was making it plain what he wanted to be and the position he wanted to take in our marriage. At the same time Cara's sounds lacked clarity and took the form of moans, grunts and slurping. The sounds that were not pretty or sweet, but were the sounds of someone whose mouth was being used, was being stretched, someone who was doing their best to pleasure another.

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Re: Progression

Post by Cologuyforfun » Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:24 pm

Any wives following this story? Wondering if it works the same wonders on them as it does cucks.

Posts: 128
Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2007 6:19 am

Re: Progression

Post by kinkydetroit » Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:07 am

Incredibly rich with detail that could only be written by someone that has lived it. The emotional ups and downs as one descends down the rabbit hole where fantasy meets reality. The feeling of having the hardest hardon of your life while thinking how fucked up is this. And then making plans for the bull to fuck your wife again.

Looking forward to your story progressing on and on and on.

Posts: 92
Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:27 am

Re: Progression

Post by Rover68uk » Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:05 pm

Progression – Cuckold/Cuckoldress/Bull

As the contrast of the bodies joined by mouth and cock filled my vision, there started to form a rhythm, the movement of Cara's hand trying to grasp that cock and prevent it going too far down her throat combined with the regular metronomic back and forth of Leon’s hips. Occasionally Cara would sort of shake her head. It appeared at first that she was almost trying to say "No" to Leon. To get him to stop, and stop the bulging of her cheeks as his cock filled her mouth again and again.

I wished it was me, I tried to picture me as the stud, Cara devouring my cock, but I knew that my lack of size meant that I could never fill her or control her as Leon was doing. The knot in my stomach was still there but the feeling had been dulled by the eroticism of the scene in front of me.

I wasn’t sure that the scene could get any hotter until I realised that the shaking of the head by Cara was only to heighten the pleasure of her stud. Cara was trying her damndest to be the best she could for Leon, she was getting into her role. The role-play was becoming real and all the talk was coming true. Her passion was there to see as I saw her free hand cup her breasts and then move slowly over her stomach and reach her pussy.

As I watched Leon's cock slide in and out of her greedy lips and mouth, her hand gripping and wanking her studs cock, she started to play with her pussy. This wasn't fair, Leon was getting his cock serviced, Cara was playing with her pussy and I was left there only able to watch, my dick waving in the air.

I was filled with pride at the way she was dealing with Leon's monster, but also shame at the same time. Shame that it wasn't me or that I wasn't able to illicit this sort of behaviour and response from Cara.

Cara's hand slowly began to rub her pussy, to probe the folds of her labia and try to ease the pent up self imposed frustration that she had. It was OK for her being able to do something about it, but with my tie preventing any play with my own dick, my frustration and desire continued to build. Despite the cock in her mouth Cara let out a moan and I saw her eyes close briefly signifying that her fingers had reached her clit.

Leon appeared to appreciate this sound as approval of his fucking Cara's mouth and appeared to move his hips forward with greater vigour. Once again he smoothed her hair back to afford me a prime cucks view of the cock sucking. The moaning and soft grunts from Leon filled the room and my mind. I shifted in my seat which resulted in fake Leon, which had been nestling yet dwarfing my own dick, falling onto the floor with a thud. This noise broke the trance like state that Cara and Leon were in. It caused Cara to turn her head, Leon's cock still deep in her mouth. The movement of her head causing it to stretch her cheek obscenely. Even my accidents heightened my cuck angst! There was my own wife, cock in mouth looking deep into my eyes. Almost telling me off for breaking her concentration with his cock.

Cara looked at me and saw my dick straining. The realisation that I was as into this as she, was completely evident. The excitement of our self imposed celibacy, combined with that imposed on me since we got to Amsterdam, could be seen by a small pool of pre cum that sat in the small well created by my foreskin. Although my dick was as hard as it had ever been, the foreskin still hadn’t been pulled fully clear of the head of my dick. This due to the lack of inches required for this to happen. A small trickle had overflowed and was slowly trickling down my dick. Evidence that I wanted Cara to be the best she could for Leon.

Cara acknowledged my leaking dick with a smile, although it was a crooked smile corrupted by that black cock sliding in and out of her mouth. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she knew she had total freedom to play. As if she didn't already know that!

Those deep dark tones of Leon's voice once again caused us to break our eye contact and focussed Cara on the task at hand. The hips began to sway back and forth again, but Leon seemed to be holding Cara's head at the angle so that she could look across at me. As one particularly deep hip movement caused that cock to go a little further than Cara was expecting, she gagged and ch0ked slightly. Leon could only chuckle and tell Cara that she needed to relax enjoy and let herself focus on his cock. The gagging caused his cock to leave her mouth. As it did so I could see strands of saliva running from his shaft and cock head back to Cara's mouth. Despite the discomfort it had so recently caused, Cara licked her lips. It was sexy and slutty at the same time and she knew it.

During most of the time we had all been together it had been Leon that had done most of the talking, or should that have been did most of the instructing? Cara had meekly gone along appearing to be under his smooth spell. However now it appeared that the play starting was bringing Cara out of whatever shell she may have been in. A combination of plenty of alcohol, a big black cock and a restrained husband right by her side.

As Cara took a deep breath in after the cock had denied her air for a second, that smile appeared once again. “It really is Happy Birthday to ME! and the cock disappeared back in her mouth. The desire in her voice and the fact she was playing up to both Leon and I made it even hotter and I could feel my dick tingling with the cuckold delight.

Sucking on his cock for a few more seconds Cara then slowly let it go with a "pop" that was clear above the music in the room. The "pop" was followed by an appreciative moan from Leon, and a twitch from my dick. Cara then appeared to grip Leon's cock even more firmly. She slid her hand up and down it shaft, pulling the skin with it and almost polishing it. The lights from the room glinting of the slickness of her saliva against the dark background of the shaft. She pushed his cock upwards until it was flat against his abdomen. The head just reaching past his navel. She then looked at me and winked before tilting her head upwards. She turned her eyes to gaze at Leon and seek his recognition. Bringing her head slightly forward, her tongue snaked out and made contact with those large heavy balls. She appeared to tickle them with her tongue before flattening it. She then, all the while keeping eye contact with Leon, slowly brought her tongue up his shaft. It was as if she was lapping at an ice cream on the beach.

It was sexy and nasty at the same time. Her tongue as far out as it would go, flat against his thickness. Her eyes fixed on Leon and her hand still slowly and rhythmically giving herself pleasure. Ever so slowly she brought that tongue upwards along that thick shaft until she reached the flared head. Her tongue darted back into her mouth to refresh its slickness before reconnecting with the underside of Leon's cockhead. The flat tongue changed into a more pointed shape which allowed her to lick around the head and bring about another grunt from Leon.

Cara had shown her devilish side and now used her hand to pull his cock downwards and back into her mouth where she appeared to devour it as if she was a starving woman. Well, certainly starved of decent cock since we had been together! The sucking and slurping noises resumed as did the appreciative grunts and groans from Leon. I also thought I could hear the sound of Cara's wetness as she played with her pussy. Both Cara & Leon were getting more and more into their play and more and more horny. Leon's pelvic thrusts and Cara's fingering demonstrated this. And then there was me, living the cucks dream, wanting to get off on seeing my wife with a stud, wanting to get myself off but realising that my pleasure was not a high priority.

The whole cuckolding paradox and wanting pleasure yet being denied pleasure was really hitting home. I don't think I had ever been as horny before. This was obviously helped by the fact that Cara & I had abstained from any relief prior to our trip, but I also started to get a little worried. As turned on as I was I wondered how I would feel about this new reality if I came too quickly. Looking across at the vigour with which Cara was sucking that cock I felt the knot in my stomach being overwhelmed by the excitement welling up in my dick and balls.

The pre cum also welling up on the head of my dick was starting to trickle down my own shaft more and more. I could feel it starting to slip onto my balls. Any movement caused my dick to sway and the trickle to overflow its own little crater both back and front. The glistening on Leon's cock caused by his own pre cum mixed with Cara's saliva was not exactly being matched by my own passions and emissions.

My excitement was causing me to shift and squirm in my seat, pretty much as Cara was squirming on her knees with her own pleasuring. I shifted so I could try and get comfortable but this made it look like I simply wanted to get a closer view. Leon chuckled and pointed this out to Cara. "Look my pretty one, your husband appears to need to get a closer look at your skillful mouth". Without breaking from the rhythmic cocksucking Cara cast me a sideways glance and moaned softly. The turn of her head was corrected and Leon's hand pressured her to resume her upwards gaze to stare at the assailant of her mouth.

As one hand controlled Cara's head, ensuring that she maintained the ideal cock sucking position for Leon, his other hand moved to caress her shoulders. It then slowly moved its way up and down her arm. Gently stroking her skin showing a delicate almost loving side to Leon's character. It then moved over to her chest. He stroked her chest with the back of his hand and then cupped her chin in his palm. This limited Cara's movement and returned us all to the realisation of what was happeneing and who was in control. Releasing her chin his large dark hand snaked its way over her chest and down to her cleavage. Leon then roughly massaged Cara's lingerie encased breasts. The massaging or kneading as it was more precisely lasted only a matter of seconds before the cups of the basque were f0rced downwards.

Cara's breasts were now revealed to Leon for the first time. The hands returned to them instantly. Leon still controlled Cara's sucking with one hand whilst he almost mauled her breasts. Stroking, massaging, kneading. He chuckled to himself and moaned as Cara responded to his hands by sucking harder. Cara's nipples were solid, hard, standing proud, they allowed Leon an easy target. He was asserting his control, showing Cara who was in charge and what he could do to her to grant her the pleasure of sucking his cock. First cupping her then stroking them softly. Then changing to be more powerful and pinching her already sensitive nipples. The appreciative moans of Leon were met with moans of slight discomfort from Cara. Despite this and in line with some of the play we had prior to coming here, Cara seemed to be getting off on being submissive and enduring a little bit of torment from her stud. The busy fingers in her pussy continued to get ever more coated with Cara's sweet pussy juices despite the assault on her mouth and breasts.

Having taken charge of Cara it appeared Leon once again wanted to demonstrate to Cara his ability to tease me. Having shifted so much in my seat and having knocked fake Leon onto the floor our stud took his chance. "As the Ohu seems so keen, maybe he should kneel beside his Yemi?" The tone with which he said this had changed from the softer tones he had used previously. This was definitely more of an instruction. As horny as I was and as deep into my cuck mindset I didn't need any more instruction and as if in a trance I shifted forward and knelt by my chair. Joining the fake Leon on the floor my dick was now horizontal causing the pooled pre cum to slowly drip towards the carpet.

"See how the Ohu complies with my wishes, it is good that he knows what to do just as his sweet Yemi knows how a real mans cock should be treated". The nasty sucking and slurping noises seemed to get louder. Cara's efforts on her pussy also appeared to increase in speed. Indeed it appeared we were speeding ever faster towards the moment of truth. Leon suddenly ceased his pelvic thrusts and again spoke. "The Yemi truly is a great cocksucker, although I think there is still some room for improvement, but I do not want to give her the gift of my seed just yet. For this first time there is only one place that gift is going to be received, a real birthday present for a sexy lady". I knew exactly what he meant and instinctively responded, "Yes Sir", this show of deference must have taken Cara by surprise as she moved her head and looked at me. My acknowledgement and acceptance of Leon's position and what was about to happen obvious to all. The acceptance that our role play was to become reality and the roles of cuckold, cuckoldress & Bull were about to be confirmed.

"Ahh yes very good my little Ohu, very good indeed, it is now time for what I am sure we have all been waiting for, at least the lovely Yemi here who has had to wait a long time, even before your wedding day". Leon let out another of his deep laughs. As he did so, he took a step back towards the bed again causing his cock once again to "pop" out of Cara's mouth. A look of almost disappointment came over her face, although the fingering of her clit and pussy continued.

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Re: Progression

Post by Rover68uk » Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:14 pm

Progression – New Beginnings

So here we were, after all our play and my patient attempts to bring my fantasies and desires into our marriage, at the point where it would all happen.

Cara looked so sexy yet so slutty as she knelt before me, and her soon to be lover. The soft lighting of the room did nothing to hide anything that was happening form all parties present. Her hair was no longer styled to perfection having been teased and messed with during her smooching with Leon. Having released his grip on her head when he stepped back, Cara's hair fell back into place, the soft curls cascading down onto her bare shoulders. She gazed forwards and upwards at Leon as he stepped back and resumed his seated position on the bed. Meanwhile her fingers continued to slowly work on her pussy. The regular circular motion of her digits never faltering as she was imagining the fun to come.

I had never imagined this scene becoming real, or that Cara would ever appear before me as she was now, when I first visited Ophelia, but here she was about to test our marital vows. As odd as it may sound I knelt close to Cara and looked upon her with even more love than before we started down this path. She had not yet known Leon for 24 hours and yet here she was kneeling before him playing with her pussy. Lingerie that was bought for a special occasion had been partly discarded whilst some remained, albeit having been pulled down to reveal her breasts for Leon. The soft delicacy of the lingerie contrasting with the slutty pose and actions of Cara, it all played to my desires and continued to have me seeping and dripping embarrassingly on the carpet.

As I marveled at Cara's beauty and evident passion I became aware of Leon's movements. Taking my eyes away from my wife I saw Leon removing his shirt. Tossing it aside he leaned back and rested his hands slightly behind him on the bed. His dark toned body once again contrasting with my less than toned physique. Even more of a contrast was clear in the way his cock now stood proud and erect from his groin. To the side of Cara was my small dick straining and oozing without any physical contact, Leon's still gleaming, slick and oozing through the oral skills of my own sweet Cara. The lack of length and girth apparent when seen so relatively close to Leon's weapon of marital vow destruction. "Now my sweet lady, and my Ohu, a new beginning, the time when we hopefully all get what we have dreamt of, or at least what I gather you two have been dreaming of".

Cara broke her eye contact with Leon and looked over at me, that lip being bitten once again suggesting an air of uncertainty, or at least seeking that final approval for what we were about, or should that be, what she was about to do! The look at me was only fleeting before she smiled and saw my dripping dick, the symbol of my excitement and presentation to being the cuckold of my fantasies. The smile changed to a big grin, "Don't go playing with yourself big boy, we don't want you losing all your interest too quickly", turning back to face Leon she continued, "after all once his dicky gets too excited he takes ages to recover". Leon guffawed once again. The deep laughter causing his body to shake which in turn caused his cock to shake in mid air.

"Rest assured my sweet lady that is not a problem I have ever suffered from. My previous wives and their cuckolds can attest to the fact that I can keep performing until a lady is truly satisfied, it is why Ohu's such as yours need me in their marriages".

I had no doubt that this bragging from Leon was true, indeed Ophelia had said as much when I had last visited her. It was also what I had secretly fantasized over, Cara being used over and over again until she could take no more. It was powerfully erotic, the bragging of Leon, but bragging supported by his previous conquests. The boldness of his words combined with this knowledge that he could back them up had those knots in my stomach return. This was still combined though with my dick being rock hard, with the desire to achieve my goal and see Cara impaled on a big black cock.

Even the thought of this happening so soon had me feeling those tingles of pleasure in my dick. All that pillow talk and laughing about us putting so much emphasis on those words BIG......BLACK .....COCK........had me straining and twisting in my bonds. As Leon's cock swung like a dark pendulum, mine was something of a metronome
The laughter easing Leon once again took charge and directed Cara to stand. In doing so she fully revealed herself to Leon, her breasts bare, her pussy bald and the sheen on her fingers indicating her lust for him. "Now Cara, as this is something that you and the Ohu have wanted for so long, and as I am so considerate in wanting my couples to see exactly how much they both want this, I want you to look at each other, look into each other's eyes",

In order to gain a better view, and in following Leon's instructions to Cara I tried to adjust my position. This caused me to shuffle forward slightly on my knees to stop myself falling flat on my face. Leon noted and once again took the opportunity to advise Cara of my apparent eagerness to witness their coupling.

Cara then stood directly in front of a semi reclined Leon. He ran his hands over her hips, stroking her pale flesh, his hands contrasting again against her skin and the material of her basque. Sitting more upright he ran his hands over her bum and squeezed her cheek before placing one had to support him on the bed. His other hand snaked around Cara and caressed her now smoothly waxed mound as Leon hand made its first contact with her pussy.

I immediately moved my gaze to see Leon's hand cupping her pussy. He slowly moved his palm back and forth producing movements in Cara's hips, attempting to gain more friction on his hand. The cupping action then slowly changed after a couple of back and forths with Leon teasing her pussy lips with his fingers. Cara's breasts heaved, her breathing made deeper by her excitement. Now revealed in all their glory by Leon's hands her breasts looked amazing, the nipples standing proudly as testament to Leon's charms.

Cara's body appeared to sink for a second and I realised that she had ever so slightly spread her legs, her knees parted slightly and bent to allow her to try and power Leon's teasing fingers deeper into her pussy. Leon was having none of it though and brought his other hand up and gave her a playful slap on her ass. "Hey, Ohu, I think this lovely wife of yours is eager for me". He was loving every minute of this build up, knowing that with each second that passed he was imprinting this moment in both of our minds and working his magic on our marriage. As Cara attempted to gain more satisfaction from his fingers, so Leon dropped his hand lower, denying Cara the penetration she so obviously craved. As her knees straightened once again, so Leon applied his pressure. The fingers teasing her labia, gently pushing them apart and coating his fingers with her wetness.

With each slow movement of his hand I could see his fingers become ever more slick. Cara wanted Leon, and I thought that at that moment, even if I tried to call a halt to the events she would have not heard me. The moment had me so so hard, and I continued to embarrass myself by slowly dripping my pre cum on the carpet, having regained my kneeling viewpoint. Leon was obviously aroused as his cock continued to sway to his pleasuring of Cara. I wasn't sure if it was still the oral skills and saliva from Cara that made the large head of his cock glisten, or whether he too was starting to show signs of his excitement.

"I think this pussy may just be ready now Ohu, ready to experience the pleasures that only a real man can give a woman". Cara simply moaned softly at his words as Leon removed his fingers from her pussy and almost victoriously displayed the slickness to me.

"Now I want you to watch this carefully Ohu, I want you and Cara to be able to see each other at the very moment you get to make all your fantasies a reality, the moment that the progression of the last months becomes a new beginning in your marriage". With that he quickly took Cara's hand and spun her round. He adjusted his position on the bed so that I was facing his legs. He kicked his clothing away from his feet to allow him more freedom and position Cara so she faced me. Calmly and ever so sure of himself he spoke, hidden from my view by the sight of my horny wife.

The excitement and ache in my dick intensified as Cara's body was fully displayed to me. The fact that she was now almost completely naked save for the crumpled basque, stockings and heels was an amazing sight, even more so knowing that she was stripped, not for me , but for HER stud, our Bull. She glowed with passion, she glistened with a thin sheen of perspiration from the excitement and I loved her all the more. Her breathing was steady yet deep, and I saw her necklace rise and fall nestled between her breasts. Her lips slightly parted, the lips deep red and shiny as she moistened them with her tongue, the tongue that had some minutes before been toying with another man's cock.

Further down her body I could see her labia standing proud, engorged with red from her own and Leon's teasing. they were ever so slightly apart, I could see the slickness that had been teased out of her. Part of me was ashamed that it was the thought of another man had done this, yet I was also excited that the other man had got into her mind and caused such a reaction in her body. As I gazed in awe and lust at my own wife's pussy not a meter or so away from me I saw those dark hands appear around her waist. They took hold and slowly guided her backwards, closer to the bed. "Easy now my love, slowly backwards and move those legs apart".

There was my wife, moving away from me and closer to her stud. As her feet took tiny steps backwards guided by Leon's firm grip, her hips swayed and Leon's own legs appeared between Cara's. I tore my stare away from that sight and saw a look of uncertainty on Cara's face. It was desire yet nerves at what we, or she was about to do. It was that dilemma of her body telling her how much she wanted this yet the knowledge that once done, our marriage would never be quite the same.

My attention was drawn back to that which was immediately at eye level when I heard Leon shifting his position once again. With Cara's legs spread, the darkness of Leon's legs came into view. With each small step backwards Cara moved further backwards until I saw her body clearly shake. At the very moment I witnessed this reaction I saw Leon's cock appear between Cara's legs. It was the brushing of that cock against Cara's skin that caused the automatic reaction. The shock and understanding of the reality of the situation.

Leon's hands appeared to take a firmer grip on Cara's waist, pretty much as his actions and words had taken a hold of both Cara's and my minds. I was immediately struck by the image that would probably forever be imprinted on my mind. My beautiful and faithful wife stood, legs apart and naked before me with a large hard black cock and legs standing proud between those legs. The cock moving ever so slightly just in front of Cara's smooth mound.

"So Ohu, this is what you and your sexy lady have wanted for so so long, what all your play has been leading towards, the progression in your play leading down this path. Although you both may have thought of this as something that would stay in your bedroom, I want you to look into Cara's eyes as she takes the first real cock in her pussy".

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Re: Progression

Post by Rover68uk » Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:20 pm

Progression - It's Official

With that, one of his hands released its pressure on her waist. The finger marks remained for an instant on her pale flesh where it met the softness of the basques material. That same hand then reappeared, snaking slowly between Cara's legs and taking hold of the base of his cock.

My eyes moved up Cara's body and saw her breasts rising and falling steadily. The deep breathing and flush on her chest indicating the mood as the moment of truth neared. Her right arm was raised, her hand cupping and fondling her breasts. If Leon was unable to do that job and give Cara constant pleasure, then she had determined to do so herself. Her hand worked those beautiful breasts, pushing them together, accentuating the already wonderful cleavage, teasing her nipples. Cara's mouth was open, her crims0n lips moist with a mixture of saliva and pre cum from her pleasuring of Leon.

I saw the mixture of excitement and fear on her face. Her eyes wide as she watched me kneeling before her and her stud. The fact that I was bound and witnessing this with my dick rock hard and drooling left her in no doubt as to my role in this scene. An onlooker, a witness to the passion and seduction skills of a man who knew what he wanted and did everything to get it. A defeated small dicked husband who was about to allow another to claim his wife’s pussy, a cuckold in the making.

As I looked into Cara's eyes and that realisation hit me, I could feel my desire welling up inside me. I could feel my dick straining as hard as it had ever been before, yet remaining untouched. The sick feeling was still there but had been pushed into the background as the addiction that had been my desire for this took over. Fleeting glances at Cara's face came in between my staring at the sight of Leon slowly moving his cock back and forth. That large dark mushroom head being coated by Cara's pussy with every tantalising movement. Every back and forth by Leon was met with a soft moan. His actions were complimented by Cara continuing the massaging of her breasts. They worked together to provide a fresh lubrication that covered the head of Leon's cock.

"That’s it Cara, look at your Ohu, see how his lil dick twitches, see how hard he is, that shows how much he wants to see my cock in you, how much he wants to assume his true role. Look him in the eyes". This last bit was stressed; it was more of an order than an observation. "This is what you have both wanted and I want you both to see how much you want this". I saw Cara stagger ever so slightly which indicated that Leon was moving her slowly into position. The movement caused his cock to disappear for an instant between the folds of her labia. An instantaneous moan issued forth from Cara and I saw her eyes close for an instant. Obeying Leon's order her eyes opened once again and bore into me. The passions evident in her face but almost a defiant look also. A look that told me I was getting everything that I had wanted, that Leon's words were sinking in, that she understood who was in control and that this was a new beginning.

That look of defiance hit me, it fed my desire to submit and for Cara to see Leon as a stud, a Bull, someone to give herself to, but it also shamed me. It made me realise that my desires were driving us into something that we could never go back from. Even so I was lost to my shame. My discomfort was getting ever more intense as I could feel myself getting closer to cumming. I could feel my legs twitching, my dick straining hard and the pre cum now steadily seeping onto the floor. Leon was making every second a torment. He knew from Ophelia exactly what I was and how submissive I could be, and here he was showing Cara how easy it was to control me and how HE could take charge of both of us.

With slightly more power applied the head of Leon's cock slipped out from its temporary hiding place between Cara's pussy lips. The moan and movement that came from Cara showed she wanted that cock now and Leon was about to give her exactly what she wanted. Leon chuckled, his face hidden from me, yet I could picture that look of victory upon it. The chuckle obviously and its teasing meaning was not lost on Cara who was obviously in great need. She demonstrated this by quickly bending her legs in an attempt to power his cock into her slick and waiting pussy.

Leon however, wanted to show who was in control and used his hand to move his cock forward and away from the eager pussy. Cara, lost in her desire then brought me to a peak. Out of nowhere I heard the words we had played with on our own, "You black bastard, just fuck me now, I want your cock".

With the build up, the denial the frustration, the chastity and the teasing from Leon, the pre cum had been slowly and steadily spilling from me. The excitement in my stomach reached a crescendo and the twitching in my legs got 10 times worse. I was lost, I didn't want this anymore, I didn't want to cum like this. To be shown up even before Leon had had his way with Cara. I didn't want to be shamed and cum in front of Cara in this manner, but what I wanted seemed to be of no concern to Cara, Leon or my body at that point...and I twitched and bucked and came hard.

I thrust my hips forward in thin air. Lost in a moment, bound and without any physical stimulation, my brain had made me a cuckold. My cum jetted forward, one, two, three spurts, erupting from my groin and landing on the carpet just in front of Cara & Leon's feet. The image of her husband cumming at the sight of another man’s cock teasing her pussy was not lost on Cara and she knew that I shared her desire for this to happen. She brought her pussy downwards once again, searching for that cock. The low moan that accompanied the sight of me losing my control simply encouraged and empowered Leon.

Noting what had happened Leon spoke, "You see Cara, the Ohu cannot ever hope to control himself, and soon he will witness you lost to your own body". With that he used the hand holding her waist to position her pussy directly above his cock. The shame at my own bodies betrayal of my arousal and the fact that I had cum so hard made me question what was happening yet there was nothing I could do. As my last emissions dripped from my dick, a thin thread of cum hanging loosely and slowly falling to the carpet, I watched almost in slow motion as Cara gently bent her knees and that dark mushroom head made contact with her pussy once again. Leon's hand help his cock upright and it was therefore Cara's own actions that finally made me the cuckold of my long held dreams.

The desire for this quickly faded from my brain and that sick feeling came to the fore again. I had read about it but could now feel that cuck angst growing stronger with every second.

Millimeter by millimeter, almost in slow motion I watched as the initial resistance was passed and Cara continued her downward motion. First that large head disappeared as I observed Cara's pussy gripping his cock. Her lips splayed framing the monster, the pale whiteness of her legs and mound slowly changing to a deeper pinkness of her pussy. Itself then contrasting with the deeper pink/brown of Leon's cock. Its hardness, the veins standing proud, glistening from Cara's blow job, its length and girth.

"Mmmmmmm yes girl, that's good, the Ohu did well in buying the toy as you would have had so much more trouble taking your Bulls cock otherwise", I shot a quick glance at Cara's face, almost not wanting to take my eyes of the slow disappearance of Leon's cock. Cara's eyes were wide, staring at me, looking at my own shrinking dick. Her mouth open appearing to be gulping in air. Her chest heaving with the excitement but also appearing to deal with the discomfort of her pussy being invaded and stretched.

One hand still played with her breasts but her other hand slid down her body and came to rest on her mound. She massaged it for a second before slowly moving it ever further south until her fingers made contact with her clit. A few delicate tentative swirls developed into more serious pressure being applied. Cara knew she was going to get a great fucking and now wanted to play on it in front of me whilst giving herself as much pleasure as possible.

Then as slowly as her hand had found her clit, all movement ceased. The heaving chest and the moans ceased, and all due to Leon's cock easing deeper into her eager pussy. Cara's mouth hung open as the sensations from her pussy travelled to her brain and took over her being. The mixture of pleasure and pain from the weapon on which she was voluntarily impaling herself creating a new woman, a new cuckoldress.

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Re: Progression

Post by Rover68uk » Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:25 pm

Progression - It's Official cont'd

As his hard cock inched deeper and deeper, my own dick shrank still further. One cock creating intense pleasure in Cara, and that same cock creating a sickness and ache and shame in me. The feelings in Cara & I accompanied now by the appreciative words of Leon, exhorting Cara to please her stud. As my acknowledgement of the scene hung in a thin sticky thread from the end of my dick and soaked into the carpet, I was lost in the moment. All my reading and watching and wanking had not quite prepared me for the mix of emotions I was now feeling.

There was shame obviously. Due to me having allowed Leon to actually get his cock in Cara, and shame also for having shown myself up so much by cumming from this act. There was also still an excitement at the fact that I, or we, had made our fantasies come true, all added to a feeling of respect, almost awe, at the expertise of Leon in working his charms so quickly on Cara. These feelings were amplified by the images in front of me. My wilting dick as opposed to Leon's hardness slowly disappearing into my wife, The slickness coating Leon's cock and issuing from my own wife’s pussy in contrast with my own cum spattered on the hotel carpet.

The more I thought of these contrasts and thought back to how we had reached this point I realised how lucky I was to have Cara, for her to have shared and joined me in my fantasies. The realisation and the sight of Cara's legs spread in front of me. Her pussy spread wide, split by the dark weapon between Leon's legs. Her pussy gripping his shaft tightly, and there at the apex of her pussy, just above the point where Leon's cock disappeared into her, was the sight of her engorged clit. It stood proud as evidence of her arousal but disappeared from sight every so often as Cara's fingers slowly moved around her pussy. Collecting her own slickness as it coated Leon's cock; she applied it to her clit and enjoyed the benefits of its added lubrication.

With each passing second I felt that Leon was leading our marriage into a new stage. This fed my own ideas that I had played with and that had been nurtured by Ophelia. It sort of calmed me and gave me an acceptance of my new true cuckold status. The shame whilst still present faded somewhat and once again the eroticism of the scene came to the fore. Cara's fingers continued to collect her own wetness and tease her clit and all the time Leon continued his slow invasion of her pussy.

Despite my weakness and having cum so recently my inbuilt cuck desire started to rise again and with it the tingle of red starting to flow once again into my dick. Again the mixture of shame and excitement was there as I was showing myself up again in front of my wife and her stud. Cara had by now managed to take almost all of Leon's length and thickness inside her. As a result each slight rise in her hips caused him to slowly withdraw. I watched, mesmerised in cuckold awe as Cara's taught pussy gripped his shaft tightly. She was so so wet and excited that Leon's cock glistened as it extricated itself from its grip. It appeared that Cara would almost be pulled inside out her lips appeared to cling to his weapon.

The rise and fall was met with moans and gasps from Cara, her eyes appeared to look right through me as I realised she was lost in the sensations and pleasure that Leon was providing her. Although I could not see the face of the assailant of her pussy I could hear him telling her what she was, what I was and what he wanted from us both. Both lost in the moment the words did not quite register but sank into our minds none the less. Subliminally educating us both into the roles that Leon, and Ophelia had defined for us.

"Work that pussy",
"Mmmmm that married pussy feels so good",
"Eh Ohu, your wifes pussy is so hot",
"Enjoying the view cucky?"
"I'm going to love tapping this pussy regular from now on Ohu"
"You feel so good Princess; your Ohu will never be enough for you from now on".

Each taunt was like a slap to my face and my pride, but also played to my submissive desires. Combined with the movements in front of me, the increasing speed of the coupling Leon was leading me deeper into my new role. The thin string of cum hanging from my dick got longer as my dick once again began to rise. I squirmed in my bonds yet at the same time was aware that I was licking my lips. Losing myself, not worried what Cara may think of me, wanting Leon to fuck Cara, stretch her, use her and fill her with his cum as an acknowledgement of his superiority and right to access her pussy when he wanted.

Cara moaned and moved her hips, she flexed her legs allowing her pussy to rise and fall on Leon's cock. Any initial pain from the new found size in her had now gone and she was powering herself down on his cock ever harder. Demanding he go deeper, fill her up, pleasure her more. Each downward movement was now met with a sort of slap as her ass met his groin. Their mutual exertions causing the sheen to form on them both contrasting the skin tones even more. The power of the passion and grip of pussy on cock was slowly producing a froth that coated Leon's cock. "Ohu, look at how turned on your wife is Ohu, her pussy shows you how much she needs a real man".

With that Cara let out a deep guttural moan and threw her head back. As she did so she once again powerfully lowered herself onto Leon's cock. His hips rose to meet her downward movement eliciting a grunt from our Bull. I was drawn to this coupling, the passion that was being produced and my desire to be as close as possible. I edged closer, shuffling on my knees. I could smell the scents of that passion, the sweat and the sexual aroma produced by Cara. The slapping sounds, the grunts and moans. Cara sounded as if she was trying to speak but with each thrust of Leon's hips, had the air powerd from her lungs. Leon's cock was controlling Cara, as it controlled me, producing another erection and driving me to want him to fill Cara. I couldn't tell how long it had been since Cara's pussy had first been invaded but I could tell that Cara was nearing her first orgasm on a "real mans cock".

The pitch of her moans changed with each downward movement and upward thrust. "You see Ohu",...... "You see how....... I...... can..... make..... your.... woman... cum, how I can ....what she has ......told me have... never been able"......Leon's taunts interrupted by his efforts trailed off as he joined Cara in grunting his approval of her pussy. The urgency of the two lovers increased and I could see Leon's hands grip Cara's waist even tighter. Cara's hands that had been working her breasts and pussy fell to her sides and gripped Leon's, the need to steady herself for her fast approaching orgasm outweighing the need to tease herself. Leon was all that she needed at this point with me as an irrelevance, an onlooker. It must have been that last taunt, that last subliminal message to Cara’s brain that sent her over the edge. The fact that Leon was able to talk to me in that manner was almost everything we had read about and played with. Cara’s eyes shot open wider than I had ever seen them. Her mouth open wide letting out a scream of pleasure. She gripped Leon’s hands that in turn gripped her waist. Not simply to steady herself but in passion. It had welled up inside her since we had arrived in Amsterdam and had grown ever more intense since we had met Leon. She stared right at me, at my dick standing to attention, hard again at seeing my wife used by this stud, the string of cum still reaching to the floor. As that string of cum stretched to breaking point so Cara f0rced herself down on Leon's black cock once more.

That last invasion of her pussy appeared to f0rce the air out of her and the scream of her first orgasm on a black cock, on Leon's black cock, filled the room. It filled my ears and my mind and my cucks soul. It must have been a chain reaction, as the feelings created by Leon were then felt by Leon. His cock sank deep into Cara's pussy. I could see Cara's hips moving, almost bucking yet holding Leon's cock within her. She was working her hips and muscles trying to give Leon as much pleasure as he had given her. With that Leon himself let out a roar. His hips rose from the bed and almost lifted Cara's feet from the floor. From my vantage point I saw the unmistakable sight of Leon's balls lift and pulse. The froth coating his scrotum and base of his cock moved ever so slightly as his cum shot into Cara. His hands gripped her waist and held her there as he pulsed again and again and again. The chain reaction continued with Cara's moans and shaking appearing to reach an ever greater level as another orgasm pulsed through her.

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Re: Progression

Post by SamWarrens » Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:15 pm

Keep going - this is sssooo hot!
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Joined: Tue May 29, 2007 5:43 pm

Re: Progression

Post by maffyew » Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:25 pm

Superb story thus far. Utterly AMAZED it hasn't received more commenting, though likely, like me, it's hard to get to the end without.....well, you can imagine. Suffice to say, this is day 2 of my visiting this thread, in order to complete it with free use of my hands. :)


Re: Progression

Post by OOAA » Sun Oct 14, 2018 3:44 pm

SUPER FANTASTIC STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Progression

Post by Rover68uk » Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:57 pm

Progression - Unreal?

As the mutual orgasms ripped through the bodies joined in front of me I realised that my journey, our journey was complete. There was no going back and the future was something that I had little
control over. The power of Leon's cock and the skillful use of words combined with the pleasure he was able to provide gave our stud so much control. The sight of me kneeling before the happy couple, hard as a rock and leaking cum at the sight before my eyes did little to give me any power!

As the moans subsided Cara fell backwards coming to rest on top of her lover. Leon's cock still gripped tightly by my wifes pussy.
It struck me that my own lack of size would not have allowed such a scene, as i would have certainly fallen out of Cara's ppussy as soon as I had cum and started to shrink back to my even smaller size.

As the lovers recovered from their exertions the passions and intimacy became evident. To my (new) cuckolds eyes it appeared that Cara & Leon were almost an item, that they were comfortable together. Yes there was passion and lust and pent up emotions,
but there was also that apparent ease with being together. As Cara's pale skin lay on top of her Bull's darker body they appeared to rise and fall together. The heavy breathing post fuck seeming to be in synch.

The view before me had me enthralled. From my kneeling position I had Leon's legs leading up to Cara's stretched pussy gripping that cock, the pale skin darkening to a deep redness where she had been assaulted, fringed with the whiteness of the mutual cums that were now slowly escaping. This in turn sharply contrasting with the darkness of Leon's cock, the froth and cum coating it and slowly dripping down onto his huge sack.

As I gazed upon this sight Leon moved his hands from Cara's waist and began to caress Cara's body, a tenderness that was at odds
with the ani mal passions so recently exhibited. It ever so slowly naked down from her waist and alighted on her thigh before begining a slow journey upwards. Cara let out a soft moan as it moved over her mound and his dark fingers teasingly brushed her still sensitive clit. A slight flinch from Cara was accompanied by another moan and I saw her head tilt to the side and the unmistable sound of the lovers kissing. This new intimacy in a post coital embrace acting as another punch to my guts. The sex, the fucking was what it was about but part of me thrilled at the closeness of my wife and her lover, it almost added to my shame and increased intensity of the feelings upto now.

Beyond the ravaged pussy and upwards to her breasts my eyes followed Leon's hand. It traced its way over her tummy and teased
her belly button briefly. The hand rising and falling with her heavy breathing before ascending her gorgeous breasts. cupping them and stroking and adding to the eroticism of the scene. The sounds of kissing ceased and were replaced with Cara's soft tones, "mmmmm Leon that was so so good". They were almost whispered words, words between two lovers, it was as if I wasnt there, was of no importance.

"Thank you, thank you, I never realised that it would feel so good", once again Cara and Leon's mouths locked and with that subtle movement of the bodies Leon's cock was released from Cara's pussy. Still semi hard and glistening in the rooms lights it stood as a monument to his skill at seducing other mens wives. Coated with Cara's own cum and streaked with whiteness that appeared to be gathered just below the large bulbous head of his cock.

As the shock of being invaded by Leon's weapon had caused a gasp from Cara, so to did its retreat, but this retreat was certainly following a victory for his superior fo rces!.

As amazed and excited as I was by the sight of the cock in front of me, the sight of Cara's pussy which appeared before me was even more of a stimulant. As Leon's monster flopped to one side and came to rest against Cara's thigh it brought the full wonder of what had happened into view. My wifes beautiful pussy, so shapely and trim was now gaping. Beyond the pinkness of the flesh that had been rubbed and had gripped his thick shaft, there was now a small blackness, a small opening, a vaccuum almost. It appeared to pull me in, to hold my attention, to taunt me and show me exactly what had happened, what had been inside her and what I had never been able to do for Cara. As I stared at the small spot of blackness I started to note the a change in the darkness. I realised it was the symbol of my cuckoldry. the acceptance by all parties as to the new relationship, and slowly, ever so slowly Leon's cum came into view, pooled and then started to seep
teasingly out of Cara's pussy.

Once again my mind was filled with that mixture of excitement and shame. The thousands of images of pussies overflowing with the cum of their lovers or Bull's that I had viewed paled into insignificance as this was real, this was in front of me, and most of all this was my wifes pussy!

As the confirmation that a wife had given herself to another man I don't think there was another symbol that summed up the whole cuckolding idea, and here I was staring at the evidence of my own wifes desire to give herself fully to a strong black man. Of my desire to see it happen, and my desire to assist in making sure it did happen. I had willingly and in full knowledge lead Cara down this path and into the arms of Leon.

Part of me wondered what on earth I had done, another part wondered why I hadn't trusted Cara sooner, and another part of me wondered What Now? Where were we going to go from here. This had been our fantasy, partly the idea of it being a birthday present for Cara (whilst obviously being a treat for me) and now it had happened.

I was shaken from my own deep cuckolded thoughts by the sound of chuckling. It was a mixture of both Cara's & Leon's laughter. I tore my eyes away from the wonderous sight of that pussy and was met by the smiling face and shining satisfied eyes of my wife. Still reclining on her lover she strained her neck to see me staring slack jawed at her cum filled pussy.

"Is this what you wanted cucky", the words that had all been in play previously at home now had a strength to them, they were supported by facts and actions. There was certainly no going back now and i would forever be her cuckolded husband. The look on her face filled me with love though, with admiration and pride that she had been able to take all Leon had to offer. I beemed back at her and my dick once again responded to being called by my name "cucky". With the shame came a certain pride as if I had joined some sort of exclusive club.

Overcoming my shame and hum iliati on which was powering another strong erection in my groin, I could only thank Cara and tell her I loved her. As soon as I said this I questioned whether this was the right thing to do considering Leon was suppine beneath my wife and was listening to my admissions of loving having my inadequacies demonstrated in such a manner.

"I know cucky, and I love you too, but can I tell you something else"......that sexy devious little smile played across her face once again. Taking a quick glance down at Leon, who was still slowly stroking her breasts, she returned her gaze to me, ......"and I love Leon's cock". Leon body shook with laughter as my own (once demure) wife spoke these words.

The deep dark tones of Leon then thanked Cara for her expression of appreciation before he playfully gave Cara's nipple a little pinch. Cara flinched slightly before playfully slapping Leon's thigh. The little pinch seemed to break the spell of the passion and moved us back "relative" normality, as much as the scene could be described as normal!

Leon's big hands then took hold of my wife and slowly moved her sideways until she rested, not on his body, but back on the soft covers of the bed. Leon rose and stood by the side of the bed. With me kneeling and Cara on her back he towered over both of us. Toned, glistening and still breathing heavily from his exertions he was the picture of a satisfied Bull. Despite his cock only recently having been buried in Cara, and having filled her with his cum and being semi deflated. It still stood no comparison to my raging little hard on.

After looking down at me, he bent forward and planted a deep passionate kiss on Cara's lips before standing and once again turning his attentions to me. Paying particular attention to my dick, he commented at how impressive it was that I was able to be hard again so soon after an
involuntary ejaculation. He appeared to take great please in using that phrase, re-in-for-cing the fact that it had only taken the sight of his fucking Cara to send me over the edge.

"Now Ohu, Cara & I have done so much of the hard work in making your dreams become reality, and I have certainly made this a birthday for her to remember. As I have given her my own special gift (a little chuckle came forth from both Leon & Cara at this point as she absent mindedly played with her stretched reddened and cum coated pussy) I think it is only right that you show your beautiful wife how much you adore her and how much you appreciate my gift to her".

I knew instantly where this was going and could feel that tingle in my loins as the thought of eating my first creampie, well my first proper creampie as a real cuckold.

Leon took a pace towards me and signalled with his hand for me to get a closer look at the mess he had made of Cara's pussy. I heard a soft moan from Cara as I shuffled forward on my knees. Closer and closer until I was immediately at the end of the bed. Cara's legs spread wide and draped over the end of the bed. I could see Cara had her eyes closed and she appeared to be reliving the pleasurable events of the last few minutes. One hand slowly roamed across her chest and played with her breasts whilst the other slowly ran itself around her smooth mound and pussy. There was a redness to her chest that was the clear result of her wonderful Leon induced orgasm and again that sheen to her body mirroring that of her lover.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder and became aware of Leon standing just by my side. "You see that Ohu, that is contentment, it is passion and
lust and it is the power that a black cock can have over a woman, particularly one who has been crying out for something more than her husband can provide". As Leon spoke the pressure being applied to my shoulder slowly increased. His hand urged me forward and partially put me off balance due to my hands still being tied.

This small lurch forward caused my head to dip slightly and brought my face to within inches of Cara's still gaping and oozing pussy. Memories of
sampling my first self created cream pie came back into my mind. The scents of passion filled my nostrils. The sweat, the muskyness of the combined lovers' juices feed my own lust. I had read about husbands performing this act of worship, and had imagined how I may feel in such a situation, and here it was. Once again the desire and the shame were side by side mixed up in my head and in my stomach.

I had wanked myself silly over images of pussies and of creampies over the past few years and here was a real one before me. It was scary and beautiful at the same time. The reverie in which i held that image were broken however as another small application of pressure on my shoulder caused my already open mouth the make contact with the slickness that was my wifes reddened pussy. That slick almost metallic taste assailed my mouth although I immediately registered a stronger almost more pungent tatse compared to my own issue.

It suddenly dawned on me that I had to fly home in another day, and that Cara would be remaining for her conference. I
recalled Leon mentioning that he too was here for the conference and started to worry that the lovers who whispered sweet nothings to each other before me now, could be spending alot more time ALONE, TOGETHER, whilst I was stuck back at home in England.

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Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:27 am

Re: Progression

Post by Rover68uk » Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:02 pm

Progression - A New Dawn

It was abit like that jump to light speed in the movies, the stars rushing towards you and flashing by. My thoughts running riot, thinking about going home, thinking about what had happened, thinking how much I loved Cara, whether I respected or feared Leon, was I mad, was I so turned on and cowed into my new cuckold role that I would show my total acceptance by eating my first proper creampie.

How on earth could I be thinking of so many things when this one thing, this one idea had been on my mind for the last few years?

I shuffled forward ever so slightly to give myself a better angle, a better connection between Cara's pussy and my lips. I slowly inhaled, whilst still having my lips and tongue in contact with her pussy. The deep inhalation brought a heady mix of passionate smells into my brain. It was damp, metallic, salty and amazingly hot. I could feel the heat coming from Cara's pussy. It sort of kick started my mind and sub ideas. Knowing that Leon was watching on as I sealed by position. That Cara would be getting pleasure from my cleaning her well fucked pussy. That it would register with her that I was actually sampling another mans cum!

I realised that she would undoubtedly think different of me now. That whilst I would always be her husband and friend and lover of a sorts, I had tasted another mans cum. A true symbolic act of su b miss ion, acceptance and desire for our roleplay to be a reality in our marriage going forward.

The realisation that this was a new dawn in our marriage that there would probably more of this to come, and that Cara had loved it, and that I was still hard as a rock, reignited my cuck fantasies. Tentatively and lovingly at first I snaked out my tongue and lapped at Cara's puss. I moved my head and slowly kissed each thigh in adoration before licking each of her reddened labia in turn. I planted a soft kiss on her clit, and softly blew on it.

I was filled with pride as I heard a soft moan come from Cara and felt her hands caress the top of my head. The moan of Cara was a counterpoint to the chuckling I could hear coming from our new Bull. The soft breath onto her clit seemed to bounce back and be super heated as it returned to my face, heated by the passions produced by Cara and Leon's coupling. My mind racing I simply dived in and ate Cara like I had never done before.

I had eaten Cara many times in the past, often rubbing my own dick on the bed sheets as I imagined I was cleaning her unfaithful cunt. I had fantasized over this and wondered and delighted at how Cara would see me as I did this for real. Wondered whether she would appreciate how much I loved eating her and how much of it was a pressure release. The knowledge that I could make her cum with my tongue, but was unable to with my dick. The knowledge that she had just had a stud who could in effect provide her with that missing part of her own sexuality. The realisation started to bring that tingle to my own stomach again. That whole combination of a mental su b mis sion combined with the physical act of su b mis sion.

licked, I probed, I circled, I wanted to show Cara I was the best oral provider and most loving husband a woman could have. I think I also wanted to demonstrate to Leon that I could make Cara scream. It may have been in a different way, but I could still make my own wife call out my name! With each lick and lap I tasted Cara's wetness, it was the same as ever, beautiful and I loved that taste, but there was no mistaking the addition to it. The coupling had produced a more viscose whiteness that was never there previously. As much I had cleaned away that evidence of my cuckolding, there appeared to be a constant addition. As I occasionally pulled away ever so slightly from my ministrations I was able to see her pussy still stretched, and with it the slow oozing of Leon's load so recently deposited in her pussy. A momentary pause and then I dived back in to make Cara cum as fast as possible. In my mind this became a vital goal. Something to prove to her, to prove I was still number 1.

I think Cara picked up on my devotion and I could feel her stroking my hair, wriggling her hips ever so softly, trying to get as much pleasure from my tongue and lips as possible. It was a loving union, almost as if the last period of time with Leon hadn't actually happened. I reality, that was never going to be forgotten, but the idea that I was making love to Cara with my mouth pleased me. It had taken my mind off my hands being tied, but my eager oral attentions put me mildly off balance and caused me to fall slightly forward. This caused my mouth and nose to push further into Cara's soaking pussy. Despite my licking, some of the copious amount of cum that Leon had produced was still present and this was pushed and smeared almost over more of my face. The wetness from Cara and Leon was in my mouth, on my tongue, my lips and now coated my chin and nose. It was all I could smell, musk, pussy and cum, constantly feeding into my brain.

As I regained my balance by straining my neck and pushing back from her pussy I exerted slightly more f0rce onto Cara. My nose mashed against her clit harder at the same time as I flicked upwards with my tongue causing a loud moan from Cara, but also brought a slight resistance from her as she used her hand on my head to push me away slightly. "Easy there Robbie, I am still abit sensitive". I felt a twinge of guilt and disappointment.

I had been doing my best but had been focussed on trying to think about my ego rather than realising that Cara may have been sensitive or sore. I again flicked out my tongue as I saw another small hint of whiteness appear from deep inside her. As I tried to again resume my work I felt Cara sit up and then felt her hand on the side of my face. "That's enough for now Robbie, I love you so much, but I need a little break".

It hurt a little that she was even now denying me the chance to reclaim her with my tongue. I had almost forgotten Leon was present but then heard his deep manly tone, "You cant win them all cucky" I was instantly reminded of my words to him as I had left the bar only an hour or so ago. I was instantly annoyed that he had broken me from my reverie but also that he was rubbing my own words in my face, unbeknownst to Cara!

I turned and looked at Leon. He stood there, every inch an Adonis. Tall muscular, dark and hung. A huge smile beamed back at me with that knowing powerful self assured look in his eyes.

"I guess you have to respect the ladies wishes Ohu.....", there was a definite taunting tone in his voice when he said that, ".....sometimes a wife can only take so much from her lover, I guess it is something you may have to get used to in the future depending on Cara's decision". With that, he winked at me and then looked over at Cara, smiled and blew her a kiss. He then almost un-con-ciou-sly stroked his still glistening cock and turned to walk to the en suite.

I watched almost transfixed as he left the room before turning to face the bed. Cara had moved up the bed and was now relaxing, sitting up at the head of the bed. I can positively say that she was glowing. Despite all the shame and hu-mil-iat-ion of my position, and what I had gotten us into, I thought to myself at that moment that I had never loved her more, and that she never looked as content or beautiful. Maybe it was the soft lighting, the mood, the music, or my sexual desire, I'm not sure, but I really did want to cover her with kisses and make love to her.

I managed to stand and walked to the bed and turned indicating that she should untie my hands. I felt her touch as she did as I wished. The bonds removed she took hold of my hand and pulled me down onto the soft yielding mattress. Cara pulled me down and kissed me lovingly. It was a kiss from love, intimacy and time, not as ani-mal-list-ic and intense as that she had shared with Leon, but still amazing and it meant the world to me.

As she kissed me she ran her hands over my body, teased my own sensitive nipples and eventually reached by straining dick.

I broke the kiss as I looked down the bed as her hand, and those fingers that had so recently been encircling Leon's shaft, slowly stroked me. The back of her hand ran down my chest and over my tummy. She carefully avoided my dick which was still standing to attention. Despite having already shamefully cum without any touch, and I was amazed how horny I still was. God I loved this woman even more!

"Is cuck Robbie still all hot and bothered thinking about not being the only one inside his wifes pussy anymore?" Cara was toying with me, but also I sensed wanting to make sure I was still onboard with the game. Well some game!!!! It was but I was blind really, I had played it all as a game but Ophelia had played me completely.

Cara ran her hand down my thigh and then slowly with the tips of those ever so soft fingers, slowly ran then back upwards only fleetingly grazing my dick which twitched to the touch. Still nuzzling my ear her fingers alighted on my nipples and circled them, "I love you so much for this Robbie, it is all that I had thought it could be and more". She whispered those words in my ear and kissed my neck. I couldn't help but reach over and hold her tight. I kissed her hard and passionately, the whole build up, the way it had played out was everything I had imagined and more, well maybe going further than I had imagined, but finally being a cuckold , having tried it this one time was amazing and was something we would always share.

Cara responded to my kiss and held me equally as tightly. Running her hands over my body I pushed my groin against her eagerly trying to get that position right to ease my dick into her. "Easy tiger", Cara knew what I was trying to do and teasingly moved to prevent my cunning plan.

Breaking the kiss Cara found my own hand with hers and our fingers entwined, she looked lovingly into my eyes, "Thank you, truly rob, tonight was amazing, to go from roleplay to reality was better than I could have imagined, I am truly a lucky wife", Cara kissed me once again and continued, "I realise now how much you had wanted this, to have planned it so far in advance buying that amazing lingerie for me, and that cheeky little note"....with that I got a playful little slap on my backside!...." and I only realised after reading the note that you had given me permission and told me what you wanted when we were going around the town"......."you naughty man...errr sorry, naughty little cucky".

My body betrayed me once again at that point as Cara felt my dick move against her thigh, responding to her calling me cucky.

"Ahhh if only I had known how serious you were about wanting to try this, maybe we could have done it sooner, but I'm not sure it would have been as good without the whole build up", I'm not sure whether I felt as close to Cara as I did at that point, and the irony being that it had just taken her being well fucked by a man intent on horning me. "It did all make sense when I remembered our discussion about putting things in writing making things easier to was like fate, like I knew what you had already done".

Our mutual satisfaction was then rudely interrupted by the elephant in the room.....or should that be Bull in the room.....Leon had emerged from the bathroom. Not sporting an erection, but still openly showing Cara why he had been so blessed and why he was able to be such a good Bull. He brazenly walked to the end of the bed, flaunting his superiority in front of me. That broad smile was on his face as he saw us embracing and rebonding in our marriage.

Arrogantly winking at me he then walked round to Cara's side of the bed and leant down and kissed her. I'm not sure I was more annoyed with that or the fact that Cara pulled away from me and broke our embrace, and responded to his kiss. The fucker even looked directly at me as he kissed her!!!!!

Standing again and turning he said that he had to go and that he knew that we had much to talk about. Both Cara & I watched him gather his clothes and dress, me angry but also a little aroused by his manner, and Cara with a look of respect and adoration. Neither of us spoke in the couple of minutes it took him to dress.

"Cara, thank you for allowing me to be your lover tonight, I hope that I pleasured you and was the answer to all your fantasies, I hope that both you and little Robbie Ohu there enjoyed it and maybe we can do it again sometime"....Leon reached for the door handle, blew a kiss to Cara and smiled before firing a parting shot, "...and Ohu, be a good boy and make sure Cara is clean for the next time I please her".

The last words saw his huge smile disappear behind the door. As those words hit home, Cara was giggling as my dick once again moved inv0luntarily. The door finally clicked shut and Cara playfully patted "little Robbie" and jumped up to use the bathroom, giggling like a schoolgirl as she did.

I was left on the bed, naked with a straining erection. Looked down at it and wondered whether I had been destined for this day since birth, cursed, or blessed with being small, and destined to finally be a cuckold.

Left in my own thoughts for those few moments, the warmth of the room, the music still softly playing and my hands slowly stroking my own dick, I wondered what the future would hold and couldn't wait for Cara to get back to let me fuck her.

Posts: 92
Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:27 am

Re: Progression

Post by Rover68uk » Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:06 pm

Progression - The Cum Down

I could hear the vague sounds of Cara humming to herself in the en suite, once again the little minx was humming "Tulips from Amsterdam". I was thinking I wanted to fuck my own wife, rather than "make love". It was odd, I always loved her and did so even more now, but the idea of trying, or as best as I could, to FUCK her really hard. I couldn't help but stroke my dick. As I looked down at it I wondered whether stroke was actually the correct word.

Sad as I am I started to wonder whether wanking with my thumb and a couple of fingers quite merited the word stroke. I pictured Cara and those manicured fingers slowly stroking Leon. He hand had to travel an awful lot further than mine did now. The up and down, that was more of a stroke. The realisation that I didn't even quite measure up to the usual terminology of wanking / jerking or whatever, got me even more horny as it played to my cuck ideas.

I had drifted off and closed my eyes as I played with myself. For some reason, on opening my eyes, my gaze fell upon those sexy panties that Cara had been wearing this evening. I quickly got up and retrieved them before resuming my position, playing with my dick. I could feel how soft they were and could also see the distinct damp patch...caused by our play and the build up to the final act of my cuckolding. Cara must have been soaked and squirming!

The image of Leon putting the flimsy piece of sexy material to his nose flashed by, and I re-enacted his actions. Whilst still playing with my dick and playing the earlier events in my mind I brought the panties to my nose. I could feel the dampness and then I could smell Cara. That deep damp wonderful smell that had fuelled so many of my fantasies assailed my senses. It was combined with the smell of Leon's cum that had mingled with Cara's pussy when I "fell into" Cara. It whirled in my mind. There was no visual stimulus needed, I had those recent memories combined with the very familiar feel of my own hand round my dick. My eyes closed I inhaled deeply. Over the top of the soft music that still played came, "Go on cucky stroke that tiny dick and smell how wet Leon made me".

My eyes shot open and saw Cara standing at the foot of the bed grinning from ear to ear. A glint in her eye as she circled one nipple with her fingers and ran the other hand over her bald mound. The combination, that split second image, the scent of the panties and the shame of being caught wanking whilst sniffing my own wife's panties made me cum hard. I closed my eyes hard and arched my back and pulled down hard on my dick as I shot another load of cum into the air. I heard Cara cheer and playfully clap.

I wasn't sure whether I wanted to open my eyes or not, the feeling of hum ili ation at having cum once again. That I had been so weak and wasn't able to wait for Cara to return. I felt the bed move as Cara mounted the bed, and felt her close.

"I think little Robbie may be out of action again", and with that I felt another movement and then the pressure of Cara straddling my chest. My eyes shot open once again to be greeted by Cara's hand coming towards my mouth, and there dangling from her fingers was a small string of my own cum that she must have wiped from the bed. Some had ran down my dick, but some had actually made it a little distance from the source. Despite it being orgasm number 2 of the night, I had actually produced a reasonable amount. Of course nowhere near as much as Leon, but then I guess by now I didn't really expect to compete with him in matters like that.

My su bmiss ion and education by Ophelia and the recent situation caused me to open my lips ever so slightly. I didn't even really question it or think about what I was Cara ran her fingers over my lips, grinning from ear to ear.

"Bad little Robbie cant even wait for his little wifey to come and make him feel all big and hard", her playful tone almost mocked me and my inability to control myself, before she slowly started to edge up the bed. "Well as it appears you want to continue with our imposed denial of marital union, I guess I shall have to make do with your magical tongue". With that the music in the room became fainter as Cara's thighs settled around my ears!

I could still taste Leon in her pussy, even though it had been some time now since he left, it appeared that his seed was still slowly making its way back out to reinforce his sexual prowess. The taste was amazing, the cum and pussy tastes and smell mingling together with the unmistakable soft light smell of Cara's most recent pee. I careful stuck my tongue out aware that Cara may still be sensitive form the assault on her pussy. I felt a sharp intake of breath as I took a long lick from back to front, and then sadly the music regained its volume. Cara dismounted my face. "I'm sorry Robbie, I know how much you love licking my naughty little pussy, but it really is sensitive. I so wanted to feel you inside me, but you went and spoiled that. I thought another orgasm from your tongue would end the night well, but I guess we shall have to wait until morning".

Cara wanted to connect, to bond and touch, but didn't want me inside her. She said that she felt a little stretched and sore but also wanted to bask in the glow and memory of the evenings events.

Turning the music off and pulling the covers up over us both Cara once again held me tight. She kissed me and stroked my body, but made it apparent that she wasn't going to touch my dick. I kissed her back and made to pull the cover gently up over us.

"I love you so much for making this happen and giving me tonight, you really are the best hubby that a girl could have". Tonight has been an eye opener and amazing and we still have time here to have fun....." the kisses continued and stopped me from responding....."goodnight Robbie, good night my sweet lovely beautiful cucky".

..and with that Cara closed her eyes and was soon fast asleep.

I was warm and in my own little bubble as I thought about tonight, about how much I loved Cara and embrassingly, how much I loved the fact that Ophelia had pushed this to be a reality. Looking up at the ceiling and hearing Cara's soft breathing beside me made the cuckolding strangely soothing, like a release of where I needed to be. Well, at least this once! I wasn't sure that I wanted Cara to get too used to this. She had taken to the jump from play to reality abit too easily, and with Leon about who knew where it could go. It wasn't long before I drifted off to my own sl eep.

The sle ep itself was punctuated with dreams and images of wives being well used by hung studs, and yet I still found I slept well.

The next morning I woke to the sound of the shower running. Cara singing away to herself merrily and the few rays of sun that made it over the edge of the curtains dancing on the ceiling. I was content, loved and once again hard! "Little Robbie" had woken with a nice 4 and a half inch bit of wood. Instinctively my had reached down, sliding easily over my lower abdomen still smooth and devoid of any manly hair, until I was able to stroke my balls and begin fiddling with my dick.

Memories of last night, the glory of Leon and Cara's union and the ignominy of my panty sniffing wanking flashed across my mind.

"Stop that now you dirty little boy", the strident tones of Cara worked and caused me to stop playing with myself. The fake anger was followed immediately by that soft little chuckle and Cara dived on the bed, naked and fresh from the shower. She pulled back the covers and cozied into me. Our lips locked and her own hand replaced mine in fiddling with my dick. I couldn't help myself as I pushed my hips forward to meet and increase the pressure of her hand movements. Our tongues circled each other and probed our mouths...and then


I lost it again!!!!!!!!!!

I squirted, albeit a small amount all over Cara's hand. I couldn't help it, I didn't want to, I wanted to make love to Cara, to finally feel my dick in her beautiful pussy. This was what the whole weekend was about, me uniting and making love to my wife. We had played with each other, had joked and denied ourselves. We had deliberately refrained from making love to make this weekend and Cara's 40th a special moment...and there I was giving up Cara's pussy to Leon, and not being man enough to reclaim it. Was I going to be reduced to this, wanking and sniffing panties or getting a quick hand job from my wife the morning after she has seen her lover?

Cara broke the kiss and I could see the look of disappointment on her face, "Oh Robbie, what have you done? I hardly even touched you!.....She brought her hand up showing the few small threads of my cum on the backs of her fingers. I think the disappointment dampened her desire and ended any play, as she then reached across to the bedside table and cleaned her hands on a tissue.

She returned to her cuddling position and ran her hand over my chest, "It's OK Robbie, I suppose these things can happen when we have been playing with such amazing ideas and had such amazing experiences. I guess it shows how much you loved the whole thing last night if it is still making you cum so hard from such little contact"....and leaning in to kiss me once again...."and how much you love your little wifey being so naughty"......

Cara looked across at the clock on the table and then bounded out of bed. She stopped and playfully shook her cute little ass at me, looking over her shoulder...."or should that be your naughty little cuckoldress".....

I'm not sure if a wink like the one she gave me as she said that had ever seemed as sexy!

"Now come on Rob, this is our last day together here, we need to get out and see some sights. It may have been a memorable 40th birthday for me, but we can still see something of Amsterdam today before your flight home". She then became engrossed in tossing her clothes across the floor as she chose what to wear for the day.

It hit me once again that the weekend was almost over, so we had better get out and about. It wasn't long before we walked arm in arm down the street. For some reason, well, we both knew it, we were closer than ever. We took a lovely canal cruise around the city. Cara often dropping her head onto my shoulder. Next came the bloemenmarkt. I had never seen so many beautiful flowers, the colours and the smells. Cara called me soppy when I said that she was "the prettiest flower there". A little playful punch to the arm, but once again it came with a hug and a kiss. In between we had some lovely food and a couple of beers.

It really was a wonderful day, but all the while was the looming spectre of the fact that I had to return to England tonight. Whilst it was obvious we were closer than ever and still loved each other deeply, there was also that nagging thought that Cara would be here for the next would Leon!!!!

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Re: Progression

Post by SamWarrens » Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:53 pm

What can be said? Simply an awesome story, amazingly told in rich detail.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: Progression

Post by RJLJR » Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:10 am

Hi. I'm new to cuckolding and new to this Forum. All I can say is wow, gust wow. I can't wait to read more.

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Re: Progression

Post by Rover68uk » Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:52 am

Progression - Tricks (Of the Mind)

Whilst the day in Amsterdam had been wonderful, the sights and sounds of a major city, a light breeze and a warmth from the sun making the day a delight, there remained this nagging doubt in the back of my mind. I'm not sure I had ever felt as close to Cara as I had over the last 24hours, I loved her with a passion, one increased by our recent experience and kinky secret.

I felt comfort that she had acknowledged the fact that she had only done the deed, and followed through with our roleplay with the real Leon, as a result of the written request from me. I knew it wasnt really from me, but I questioned whether I had been pushed into this against my will. I had dithered for long enough , had thought Yes and NO! many a time, yet had always returned to the same idea. I really really wanted Cara to cuckold me, to take a lover, to get great cock, great orgasms and play to my submissivse short dicked hubby fantasies.
Well, now she had done it, we had done it and we walked through Amsterdam with a bounce in our step and love in our hearts.

I knew, or was as certain as I could be, as a husband can be after seeing his faithful wife cumming hard on a big cock, that Cara would not let Leon into her pussy again unless I specifically said it was OK. Irrespective of the fact that I still hadn't got my dick into Cara's amazing pussy for over a week now. Notwithstanding the fact that I had eaten another mans fresh cum from that same pussy, I was at ease and almost happy with the fact that I was the denied cuckolded husband who had gone away with his wife, and allowed another man to take pleasure in my wife as I could only watch. There was many a wannabe in the world who would never experience that heart stopping, tongue tieing, gut wrenching amazing, wonderful, roller coaster of emotions. So much of it was physical for Cara and Leon yet was hugely mental for me.

It must have all been a bit of a blur, or a romantic fog, as I only came round to the my real situation as I was packing my bag in preparation to fly back home. As Cara tidied her own clothes, and of course "fake Leon" away, I folded all my clothes into my case. I recall looking up and seeing Cara walking towards me dangling our recent purchase from Sabine. That playful little smile and the look of that devilish little cagein her hand. It caused my dick to stir a little.

"So does big Robbie think that "little robbie" should be safely locked away whilst his sweet little wifey is stays in sinful old Amsterdam?". Cara walked up to me and dropped the device in my case and gave me a passionate kiss and reached down to tease "little robbie"..........." It's OK Rob, I know that would cause problems with airport security and I'm no way that mean to my little cucky least not yet!"

Cara threw herself onto the bed and sat herself up against the head board. "In all seriousness Rob, it was amazing last night, I really cant believe that we, I mean I, well both of us, did know???? we actually DID IT". Cara giggled and toyed with her hair as she gazed at me lovingly. "Its such a shame that you have to go back Rob, I really would love to spend more time with you here, maybe even play a little more with Leon, but as you wont be here to be my devoted hubby, I think it is best we leave this until we can do it ...together".

With that I joined Cara on the bed and we made out like teenagers again. Our fumblings were rudely interupted by the bedside phone. It was reception advising us that my transfer had arrived to take me to the airport. Frustrated once again, the first drops of pre cum forming on my dick and I was left sticking out of my trousers as Cara took her hand away and giggled once again. It seemed that little giggle was becoming her tell tale sign of excitement of our new life and status.

I shall spare you all the details of our parting, it was warm loving and even a few tears were shed. It seemed that despite giving my wife away for the night i had actually brought her closer. The journey was once again a fog as I stared out of the window all the way back. To me the flight lasted 10 minutes as I was oblivious to everything else. Perhaps the only thing I was aware of was the fact that I was sh1t scared of being stopped and searched by Border Fo-rce on my return. I knew they could be stopping lots of people coming back from Amsterdam. The old "personal use" and possible obscene material. Most worryingly, what would they think if they opened my case and saw the chastity device, even more worrying was the fact I recalled that the flash drive was in my case, and there were certainly some obscene images on that. I tried to look as nonchalant as possible and hoped I didnt fit into any profile that warranted stopping. At least I had no cigarettes, so no thoughts I could be bringing them into to sell, and I think I would look like the "normal" businessman, that I was!

As I passed through the "channels" I couldnt help but get a slight thrill of the fact I could have been stopped. I realised it was playing to my sub cuck ideas. I could feel my dick starting to stir, and was almsot calmed by the fact that my 4inches dont show much of a tent!

Home arrived and the first thing I did was ring Cara. I needed to hear her voice and tell her how much I loved her and how grateful I was that we had shared this together and how much I wanted to make love to her on her return. We stayed on the phone for almost 2 hours. We relived the events of the weekend and how we had got there. We talked about the possibilities for the future and agreed once again that it was somethign we needed to think about in the cold light of day and that being together and agreeign to things going forward was important. Needless to say we both foud ourselves in our beds, me in London and Cara in Amsterdam. With all the talk we had both become horny and Cara had told me she wanted me to wank myself as she played with Leon.

As I quickly undressed and resumed my position on the bed, Cara had brought "fake Leon" to her bed. There followed a long distance mutual masturbation session that was only probably match by those we shared briefly when we first started dating. After both of us cumming hard and whispering our own sweet nothings to each other we parted and drifted off into our own seperate dreams, miles apart.


One of the bonuses of almost being my own boss, was that I could get out and about often and did not have to account for my whereabouts to many. It was this freedom and my satisfaction and almost permanent horniness that caused me to contact Ophelia on that first morning back home. I had done my morning Whatsapp with Cara but then felt I had to speak to Ophelia to tell her of the events. Needless to say, she invited me round, telling me she had heard abit of the wonderful events from Leon, but was eager to hear how I was adjusting to my new found cuckold status.

I arrived at the now oh so familiar premises of my Omolara. I was greeted like and old friend and ushered into the dungeon. Ophelia instructed me to get naked and said she would fetch some tea to accompany our little "catch up". It didn't take long before I heard the clip clop of those vertiginous heels returning, accompanied by the odd chink chink of the tea cups. I felt somewhat odd to be kneeling naked in front of Ophelia as she eagerly passed me my tea and made herself comfortable.

"Now then my little cucky rob.....(a gleeful laugh came forth and she threw her head back), Oh how funny it is to say that and know it is really true". Ophelia took a small sip of he tea and bid me begin. I told her all about our abstinence prior to the trip and Cara's saucy panties. The journey and Cara's reading material and the lovely hotel. Ophelia loved the recounting of the meeting with Sabine in the sex shop and seemed to delight even more in my awkwardness at being outed to the bar staff in the hotel bar. However, she most delighted in hearing about that first "chance meeting " with Leon in the hotel lobby. She chuckled and pointed out how my little dick twitched when recounting the shaming in the sex shop and especially when describing the meeting with Leon. She had me pause whilst she fetched more tea and told me to get the new chastity device for her.

On her return Ophelia had me show her the new cage. Needless to say she loved the fact Cara had bought a short version and complemented her on her choice. "After all, whats the point in only being able to get semi no point at all!". She examined it closely and noted that for our first purchase together it was an excellent choice.

"I think that we should have you safely locked up, all nice and snug by the time you leave here today, don't you?" It wasn't really a question from Ophelia, more a statement, one that I knew would come true, certainly one that made little robbie start nodding his head to Ophelia. As she raised the china to her crims0n tinted lips to take another sip of tea she tut tutted at my in-voluntary actions.

Despite all that we had been through and all that had gone on over the last few days, the simple act of tutting at my erection caused my cheeks to redden. "Well little cucky I think we can have a little fun, now this shall be my little gift to you in celebration of your finally reaching your goal. Your progression from wannabe sub to full cuckold status has been wonderful and I am glad that I have been able to assist in my own little way".

I broke in at this point, " errr, I'm not sure it was a little way", "Now now cheeky little cucky" Ophelia admonished me straight away. Putting down her cup and saucer she ran her hand over my cheek before rising to her feet and telling me to remain where I was.

In a minute she returned carrying some A4 paper and a marker pen. She could see the slightly puzzled look on my face and once again her hand almost lovingly caressed my cheek. Resuming her seated position in front of me she placed the paper and pen on the floor. "Now my little pet, we are going to do something so you can show Cara how much you are missing her and how much you enjoyed yourself". I looked at Ophelia still puzzled but also wondering where this was going. I knew only too well that Ophelia had played me expertly up to this point and so was slightly wary of this new idea.

Playing along, still with "little robbie" at half mast, I took hold of the pen and waited for the further guidance that I knew was to come.

"Now, as I am sitting comfortably, we shall begin....I think we need to show Cara how much you loved being with her and how much you miss her. We need you to write something that shows her how horny it makes you". I wasn't exactly sure how on earth I would express that, but lo and behold Ophelia spoke....."Oooo how about, yes, right this cucky",........"best hand writing mind"......"capitals so nice and clear"......


"Oh I think that is perfect, don't you cucky?" I actually thought it was quite nice and positively mild by Ophelias standards, but then she had got what she wanted! I proceeded to write Ophelia's suggested words in big bold letters on the A4 sheet. As I did so Ophelia explained that she was going to give me a little bit of teasing and be so generous as to give me a nice hand job. Once nice and soft again she was going to fit the chastity cage so that I couldnt wank for the week. She told me that Cara would appreciate the fact that I had chosen to do this for her and would know I was saving myself for her. Even more she would take a picture of me locked with the note I had written and send it to me so I could send it to Cara. "Cant you imagine how moist and happy Cara will feel when she sees how much you want her back?" Ophelia's sing song voice was joyous at her own idea.

Once again I had to agree that this sounded like a good plan. I was getting what I wanted, getting a handjob from the Goddess Ophelia and getting the sweet frustration of chastity. Especially as I knew I would never be able to stop wanking all week with Cara away in Amsterdam (with Leon!) All the thoughts running around my mind, pretty much as Ophelia knew they would, as expected caused "little robbie" to reach his full 4 inches of glory.

Ophelia crooked her finger under my chin and used it to indicate I should rise to my feet. A playful slapping of her palm on the padded bench against the wall indicated where I should place myself. Like a lamb to the slaughter almost, I hopped up and lay back. With the deftness borne of experience Ophelia had me fastened securely to the table in minutes. Body immobile and little robbie in full glory she then added a blindfold telling me she wanted me to listen and think about every sound and smell as she teased me. The was the soft whirring of the cooling fan in the corner, I could hear an ice cream vanoutside in the distance, playing "Greensleeves" and Ophelia bustling about, clip clop in the dungeon.

"Here's another little treat cucky", and with that I felt the softness of silk land over my nose and mouth. I instantly inhaled and had that wonderous sexy smell of pussy.
"Isn't your Goddess so kind to you?, I know how much little cucky boys like sniffing panties, after all you bad little cucky couldnt stop hiself from cumming hard sniffing Cara's sexy knickers".
I had to admit she wasn't wrong, Ophelia knew the workings of a subs mind, in particular my mind and I even think she may have managed to induce an extra half an inch simply by teasing me about my lack of self control in my post cuckolding sub space.

I next heard a little click and it was obvious Ophelia had put a video on. "You will like this one cucky, its called "Cuckold Hotwife Verbal Hum ili ation", I think it maybe sums up what Cara thought about you and Leon". At that point she turned up the volume and I heard this sweet but teasing American woman telling her husband how lucky he was to be released frm chastity. I listened intently, aware of my bonds and with each breath getting in-tox-i-cated with the scent of Ophelia's pussy from her intimate garment. In my mind I pictured Cara comparing me with Leon, side by side as I could hear the woman in the video was doing. As she teased her own cuck hubby I flinched as I felt a rubber gloved hand, warm and smoothed by baby oil, enclicling my dick.

"Do you hear that cucky, can you hear every word that lucky lady is saying? I bet you are wishing that was you and Cara, and that you were watching her right now, even better the lucky cuck in the video is free to play with his excuse for a cock". Ophelia loosened her grip and began to use only her thumb and forefinger to manipulate me. "Of course little cucky in the video isnt quite as well endowed as you, eh big boy? He has only 3 inches compared to your monster". The sarcasm was dripping in Ophelia's voice but caused my own erection to harden.

"Thank you husband, for letting this well hung man.....cum and fuck me....the way you can't"....mmmmm the words from the video sank into my mind and I pictured Cara on all fours with Leon behind her. I was lost in my deepest cuckolding ideas once again and couldnt stop myself. It appeared that my trigger was getting even shorter and that my cuckold indoc trination was becoming more embedded. Ophelia felt me twitch and my legs stiffen and knew that she had worked her magic in only a matter of minutes. As the first wave of pleasure shot through my loins Ophelia cruelly let go of my dick and laughed as I attempted to push my hips upwards to a hand that was no longer there!

"Good little cucky, now doesnt that feel better". Ophelia gave another little chuckle and then began to hum to herself. The sounds of the wife on the video enjoying her Bulls cock were still playing in the back ground as I felt Ophelia cleaning me with some wet wipes. My excitement and orgasm had caused me to breath deeply and my head was filled with the sensation of post orgasm bliss...combined with cucky angst and the wonder at what I was doing and what I had become. The panties over my nose were soft yet intox-icat-ing, warm and damp and yet comforting.

The warmth and comforting feel and scent of the panties the relaxation post was broken and I was snapped back to reality as I felt an ice pack plopped down onto my dick. Ophelia cruelly pressed it down for a few seconds before removing it to check if it had done its job. "there there little cucky, maybe you can't even rival the 3 inch wonder in the video now". Once again the more sing songy west African tones came forth as Ophelia informed me it was time for lock up again. Normally this would have caused another little stir from my dick, but in this instance, post cum and post ice, there was no way I was getting hard. It was with ease then and speed that Ophelia expertly had me safely locked away

"There there, that is so much better now my little cuck. "little robbie" safely locked away so you can remain faithful to that sweet not so innocent wife. so now I am going to take the picture so you can give something for Cara to play with tonight, won't that be wonderful eh Robbie?"

Through the panties and still recovering I could only respond, "Yes Mistress", I was amazed and a little embrassed that I could even feel a little stirring of my dick even though it was so cruelly restricted. I then heard some rustling sounds and felt pressure on my chest and realised that Ophelia was climbing up onto the table. The shiftng around and then her stocking clad legs were felt against my ears. "Just relax cucky you are about to get a wonderful treat, and whilst you enjoy it I will be in the best position to take this momento picture". With that I felt a warmth and the light that crept around the edges of my blindfold went out. The scent of the panties was removed and I could smell rubber from the skirt that Ophelia was wearing. With little or ceremony my nose became squashed as Ophelias panty covered pussy and ass settled on me. She was careful not to sit fully down and must have taken some of her weight on her legs to afford me some chance to breath.

Despite the focus of attention being on the pressure on my head and face I could feel Ophelia toying with my cage. I felt a softness as she must have been placing mt hand written note on my tummy just above my cage. I surmised she wanted it this way so it would look like I had taken the picture myself. Ophelia really did think of everything!

The pressure eased for a second and despite my covering and ears being pressed against her calves, I could hear Ophelia, "Just making sure that Cara wont see any of your bondage in the picture. We have to keep your deviancy secret from such a sweet innocent lady dont we!" I simply didnt care as I focussed my attention on breathing in the heady mix of Ophelias privates and the rubber as I pictured what the image Ophelia had taken would look like. It lasted only a couple of minutes and then I felt the pressure ease and those little glimpses of light return at the sides of my blindfold.

"You recall what happened last time you got your dick in there dont you.....Yes, I laughed", they were the final words I heard as Ophelia shut off the video that had been playing. I wondered if Ophelia had timed the whole session to fit with the video, to mess with my mind and maintain that constant cuck feeling, the su-b-missio-n and shaming that came hand in hand. I felt the paper removed from my tummy and then the straps and cuffs being removed. Finally the blindfold was removed and I blinked and saw that beaming smile and friendly face.

"Was that good for you cucky?". I rubbed my wrists and then rested up on my elbows. "Yes , thank you Mistress, that was wonderful. It is so much of what I wanted but didnt know I wanted when I first started visiting you. Its strange that I feel high but relaxed at the same time. A pressure released yet happy and safe and restricted". Ophelia turned and tapped the silver bars of my chastity cage with her finger nails and siad, "You are very welcome my little cucky". Ophelia then began tidying up the dungeon and told me that I should get myself dressed.

Returning from taking out the rubbish, Ophelia gave me a big hug and informed me that she expected to see me on Friday. I told her that could be a bit tricky time wise as I had to collect Cara from the airport at 7pm Friday night. What with the traffic it would be difficult to get to see her and then make it in plenty of time for the flight. Ophleia just smiled and said, "Well if cucky doesnt want to be able to please his wife on her return then it's not a problem". I had to ask her what she meant. At that she held up a small padlock and informed me that she had actually put her own padlock on my cage to ensure that I remained horny all week.

"After all my little confirmed wanker, I know you wouldnt be able to go one day with out playing with your little dicky unless someone had control over you....especially as you will be thinking of Leon being with Cara all week!"

I had to admit she was probably right, there was no way I would have had the self control to not release myself and had a cheeky little one off the wrist. Once again Ophelia was playing with me and knew me better than I did. Once again blushing a little I accepted her words of wisdom and thanked her. With that I was ushered out of the door with a hug and a peck on the cheek. "See you Friday robbie and let me know what Cara thinks of the picture and your little message to her".

I took the short walk back to my car. Sitting safely inside I took brief minute to get back to reality and think about what actual work I had to do today and the next few days. Thinking I had better get going I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Taking it out I actually had 2 new whatsapp messages. The first was from Ophelia and simply said.....

"You subs are all so alike and predictable You always have your phone lock as your birthday or your wives :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted: :up: :up: :whip: :whip: "

It took me a minute to rationalise and think what she was on about, and then I felt a sudden dread come over me. Why would she be telling me that. I knew Ophelia, and she did and said things for a reason!

I closed the message and looked at Cara's name on the screen. The little whatsapp profile picture of her pouting sexily at me. I pressed on the message and saw a picture of a small dick locked in a small steel cage, a shaved pubic area and a piece of A4 paper above it saying....


Below that was a short message....."I LUV U 2 & YES I WILL THANK YOU XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

It was no trick of the mind I was well and truely, or Cara would be ...fucked!

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Re: Progression

Post by Rover68uk » Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:05 am

Progression - It's only 5 days (from Hell)

FUCKED! Jeez I sat in my car staring out of the window. I glanced back down at my phone looking at Cara's message. I didn't think it was that hot, or that I had over exerted myself walking from Ophelia's, but I was definately sweating.

It was that mix of emotions I had started to get used to, well, I say get used to, I mean experienced before. I'm not sure I actually got used to them. I had the horn, as much as the small chastity device allowed. I could feel my dick trying to swell. I could feel my balls starting to tug at the base ring, being pulled away from my body as my dick was able to erect. I was scared, I was locked for a week and Cara was hundreds of miles away....and away in the same place as Leon.

It possibly wouldn't have been so bad but for the fact I now realised that I had been completely manipulated. Ophelia, and Leon, had used my own desires and my horniness against me. Whilst they had helped I suppose you could say I was the architect of it all. I had flirted with the idea and all the time I did my desire for it to happen in reality grew. Besides the sweating I could now feel my cheeks burning with shame. I had officially become a cuckold last weekend, but now it appeared it was going to go on and it was going to be more intense.

I shifted in my seat as I could feel that dull ache as my balls became more compressed as my dick tried to grow. The more it tried, the more my erection was for ced back into my body, the base ring pushed out and my balls squeezed......and I had a week of this!

Well, I couldnt exactly tell Cara that I had sent the message by mistake, as being locked and a printed request do show quite abit of forethought. I was also abit stuck as she had already responded and shown how keen she was. It really would wreck the whole thing and spoil what we had done to try and stop her now. I also had the problem of being reliant on Ophelia for getting released and deep down I knew that Ophelia wanted Leon to get into Cara's pussy again and, no doubt on something of a regular basis.

Part of me thought about going back to Ophelia's and banging on her door, ordering her to take the cage off me and tell her I would never see her again....and that I was going to confess everything to Cara....but then I think Ophelia may have just laughed in my face and called my bluff. Equally, the straining in my pants was testament to the fact that deep down I wanted this.

I could have sat there for hours, but I realised I had work to do, I had to take my mind off anything sexual, get away from all this stuff and try and ease the pressure on my poor balls...I also had a weeks worth of work to get through. I had to immerse myself in work otherwise I would get a warning from work and would remain uncomfortable all week until I could get Ophelia to release me in time for Cara coming home......Ahhh Leons arms.......kissing Leon.......sucking Leon.........fucking Leon.......Damn, I'm going fucking mad!

I turned the car on and tried to focus on work. I'm not sure how I did it, but I must have gone on autopilot as I got through the day and made it home. The house itself was empty and quiet, everything reminded me of Cara, looking across at her make up table, her lingerie drawer partially open with that hint of some of her intimates hanging over the edge...Even they seemed to taunt me and cause me to try and unsuccessfully get hard. I made myself something to eat and then sat in front of the TV waiting for 9pm when I had agreed to call Cara. No matter what I watched I couldnt settle and decided to get a shower and aim for an early night after speaking to Cara.

Showered and after a considerable time making sure I was fully dry around my cage, I settled down on our bed. I looked to my right and saw the pillows and bedding untouched, another reminder that may wife was not with me! I wanted, no needed to see her face, to see if I could guage how serious she was about following up on "my request".

I still had a few minutes before 9, so I quickly pulled out my phone with the intent of sending Ophelia a terse message about what she had done. I also remembered that I needed to change my phone security code. Ophelia wouldn't be pulling that stunt again and getting in to send stuff to Cara. So as Ophelia had oh so knowingly guessed, I keyed in Cara's birthday into my phone. Once again, I was struck down, as my wallaper came up, except it wasn't my wallpaper. Looking back at me from my phone was the picture of my caged dick with that fucking bit of paper. I sure as hell didnt set that and so immediately headed to my settings to get rid of that fecking picture. But for some reason, I couldnt get in. I couldnt get into anything. Now I' m no tech wizard but I quickly realised that the only thing I could do with my own phone was calls whatsapp and texts. I tried the internet on it and no luck. As I was flicking round icons and widgets the phone sprung to life, and the beaming broad smile of Ophelia looked back at me imploring me to answer. What else could I do?

"Well cucky, I was waiting for you to check your phone, I must say you are leaving it late to speak to that beautiful lady Cara, tick tock, 9 o'clock, tick tock be a good cuck", Ophelia was being a devious horrible bitch, this wasn't in the least funny. "I am sure both big robbie and little robbie have lots of questions and I will answer any you may have after your chat with Cara, but just so you know, when I got into your phone earlier I made a few changes and added a couple of little apps. I knew you wouldn't mind as you were abit tied up weren't you?....that oh so familiar giggle teased me down the line, "and just so you know, I shall be listening in to your romantic little exchange with your beloved....until later cuckyboy"....and then she ended the call.

Dumbfounded I sat looking at the screen, there was my little caged dick and before I could think any more the screen changed and there was the incoming skype call. I wanted to answer it but paused for a second as I realised Ophelia would be listening in to our most intimate talk. Still I couldnt not answer it.

I pressed the little green button and there was the beautiful smiling face of the woman I loved. I forgot in an instance the last few minutes and was again like a bumbling fool , holding my hand up and waving to Cara. She probably didnt see it, so it was certainly silly thing to do.

"Hi Rob, hows my hub? I've missed you like mad, hope you've been good and missing me?" she said in the voice that always went straight to my heart.
"God Cara, after the last weekend, and it's only been a day and I'm missing you so so much". I wasn't sure if I was abit too gushing. "So how is Amsterdam? How was the first day of the conference?"
"Ahhhhh aren't you such a good hubby, all concerned and interested about how I am that from a real interest or a horny, trying to distract yourself interest? Cara flicked her hair and cocked her head to one side slightly.
"After your naughty little message earlier today, I bet you are all interested you bad boy......go on quickly I want to see my jewels....go.on, please robbie, I want to see you locked up".

I flicked the phone around and she saw our bedroom but in the forefront of the picture was my hairless crotch with the shiny stainless steel cage standing proud as my dick once again made its pointless struggle for freedom. "Ahhhhh poor robbie, but I am truely honoured, I bet you were so so horny after the weekend and realised you couldn't stop yourself from playing with yourself....could you?"....I could only croak a "Yes" to her as all of a sudden my mouth was dry.

"I thought it was so so sweet that robbie, but I was a little surprised at the message aswell, I knew you, well, WE both loved , what went on, but I wasn't expecting you to really go for it", Cara at this point bit her lip and I thought I saw a slight blush...."but Oh My God Robbie, I got your message just as I was going into the first presentation. I was instantly wet, I couldnt stop myself and wasn't sure I heard anything that the speaker was saying. All I could think of was maybe sampling Leon's cock again....does that make me a bad wife Rob?"

Here she was putting me on the spot again. Now was my chance to dial the whole thing back. Then I saw my cage twitching in the edge of my vision and recalled that Ophelia was listening. "Yes Cara, I was so so horny and I confess I couldnt stop myself getting myself off this morning (partially true, even if it was Ophelia who did the deed) and I realised I was being bad doing that without you there and do so to the idea of you having fun".

I bit the bullet...."So I thought you would appreciate the idea of me being locked up at home whilst you played, I appreciate you are going to be busy with the conference and so I doubt you would get another chance to see Leon, but I thought it would be amazing if you did have some fun whilst there".

I could see Cara's face light up and she appeared to be postively glowing, almost bouncing up and down, "Ahhhh you really are the best Robbie, but you arent quite right there, as whilst I will be busy with the conference, I actually bumped into Leon earlier and he told me he will actually be here for another couple of days as he is attending an Anethesia conference aswell. He said he was toying with you the other night when he told you how long he would be staying....but anyway, as I was saying, I got so wet and then laughed out loud, as I realised the presentation I was going into was called, "Home & Remote Patient Monitoring". I just thought of me monitoring you remotely....sorry Robbie maybe thats just my cardio humour, probably just me finds that amusing". I smiled back and did laugh along with her but also suddenly thought that Ophelia would be splitting her sides at the reference to Remote Patient Monitoring!

Whilst Cara & I were still chuckling about her joke, Cara devilishly turned her phone round and showed me she was lifting her skirt and revealing her panties, "Can you see Robbie, can you?", Cara wiggled her hips and then with her other hand eased her panties off. A quick flick of her legs and they were in her hand. "I hope this doesnt make little robbie too uncomfortable", she then showed me a distinct damp patch in her panties. She certainly heard my involuntary moan which was countered by Cara's own little moan.

"Robbie quick go and get your keys, I want us to get off together", Cara disappeared and the pictuure went to blackness as I realised she had just dropped the phone on her bed. I could hear her muffled voice as she hadnt realised it had dropped face down. On turning it back I once again saw her, but she held fake Leon up to the screen and wickedly kissed the flared head......"Mmmmm so realistic isn't it robbie....mmm...quick go and get your keys and you can play with little robbie as I use Leon".

What the fuck was I going to do now. No keys, FUCK!!!! and horny as hell and having to watch Cara. Cruel and inhuman punishment certainly, but what to say.........."I can....'t sorry Cara, (Cara looked a little surprised and disappointed), I, I left the keys in my desk drawer at the office. I was feeling so horny and I realised I would never be able to stop myself from releasing myself, I thought I needed a back up for my poor will power, I thought you would find that hot".

"Mmmmmmmm God robbie, yes, just like the weekend, my sweet little adoring hubby with his little dicky safely locked away whilst a big stud did naughty things to me....mmmmmmmm....well I guess you are going to have to watch again....cucky!"

With that the the picture changed and I realised Cara had rested the phone on her tummy. I was looking at her face as she closed her eyes. I was left to imagine that she had just brought "fake Leon" into contact with her pussy. Her chin went up and she took a deep breath in. Her chest rose and fell more deeply and she once again bit the corner of her lip. Her lips then parted and her mouth formed almost a perfect "O" surrounded almost completely by her red painted lips, something I realised she must have done deliberately prior to calling me. I then had this image that that same almost perfect "O" was also being formed as "fake Leon" was slowly eased into her pussy.

Cara's face moved as her tummy undulated as her body took in the cock and experienced the unique pleasure that only a good thick cock can give a woman. Although Cara's chin was tilted upwards I could see her mouth opening and closing, her eyelashes fluttering then remaining still as she stared at the ceiling. Almost forgotten was her poor locked hubby at home watching this as there began a slow steady rise and fall of the image on screen.

Cara was only slightly moving that large rubber cock in and out of her pussy. My own hand instinctively reached down to play with my dick, but of course hit that fucking cage. I let out almost a plaintive moan as my frustration became apparent to both me and Cara. My balls were once again pushed forward, restricted and unable to escape the base ring as my dick tried in vain to erect. "God Cara, you are so fucking hot, I want to wank so bad watching you, You look so beautiful and happy, I love seeing you happy but love this whole scene". I without thinking tried to mimic the up and down movement of Cara's body that I could see on screen, almost trying to make myself belive that it was me actually in her pussy all those miles away.

"MMMMMMMMMMMM, poor little cucky and little robbie, mmmmmmmmm", I watched as she took sharp intakes of breath as she enjoyed the feeling of being filled and stretched. "I'm so glad ou love it, coz I it", Cara's words were lost as she had apparently bottomed out her fake lover. It appeared even her fake lover caused her to forget about me, fake Leon and real Leon both causing my own wife to be lost in her own black cock loving world.

After a couple of seconds Cara continued to tell me how much she loved our play, and our new found freedom and acceptance of what turned us both on so much. "I do love it robbie, I love you and I love this play, I love this cock fucking me and I loved Leon's real cock" The wave like rythmn of Cara's tummy contnued except the peaks and troughs appeared to be getting deeper, perhaps caused by cara's admission to me of how much she loved our Bulls cock.

"I got so wet and horny today after seeing your message and" ....... Cara's chin once again went up and her mouth opened wide, almost panting, I could see that beautiful sexy red flush starting to appear on her chest and neck....." I, I, I, wassssn;t sure....that you really wanted this, but".... a wave peaked and I almost lost sight of her face......."I know now how much you".

The last thing I saw was Cara's eyes wide open, her mouth wide open and heard her moans of pleasure. Her talk to me forgotten as she had a huge orgasm with her fake lover buried deep inside her. The violent bucking of her hips had replaced the regular shallow ups and downs and the phone must have been thrown off her and off the bed. All I could now see was the ceiling of the room, part of the ornate light fitting that was oh so very much in keeping with the Amrath. Nothing arousing in my view but I could hear the most wonderful frustrating sound of Cara in her post orgasmic glow. Small soft moans, little whimpers almost as I sensed she was slowly sliding "fake Leon" out of her now sensitive pussy.

I looked at the screen and that plain white ceiling and then past the screen to my shiney small prison. My dick squashed within and trying to escape through the bars of its jail. In opposite to Cara's moans of pleasure I was making my own soft self pitying groans of frustration at the thought and realisation that this was only the first day, no, fuck, first night of my 5 days (of Hell)


Re: Progression

Post by OOAA » Wed Oct 17, 2018 4:24 pm

AMAZING story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THX ;)

Posts: 92
Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:27 am

Re: Progression

Post by Rover68uk » Fri Oct 19, 2018 8:50 am

Progression - Frustration / Pleasure

The post orgasm cum down took some minutes and all the while I could not get out the horny desires to be further cuckolded, out of my mind. My locked dick and prevention of my own orgasm kept me in my cuck sub space wanting to be shamed and drawn ever deeper into my new status. The usual angst and doubts, some would say, sensible monogamous thoughts, were well and truely in the back of my mind kept locked up.

Focussing back on the screen of my phone I saw Cara's hand come into view. Picking it, up I once again saw her face. Slightly flushed, a slight glow to it, and a huge lazy satisfied smile. I could tell she was still slightly out of breath form her toy induced orgasm.

"God, Robbie, that was so so hot, I'm sorry but seeing you all snugly locked up and having Leon between my legs ....well, it just sent me over the edge". I was in agreement, I loved the fact of her getting off and enjoying my denial. I also regretted it, the fact that Ophelia had put me in this position, but equally it did play into all my desires. Although the distance and situation was difficult, it was more hot play and it wasn't "real Leon".

"I'm so horny too, look", I flicked my phone around and showed Cara how my dick was straining, how the base ring was pulling at my balls, balls that were certainly getting slightly more swollen. I heard that low moan coming all the way from Amsterdam. "I'm sooooooo looking forward to Friday to reclaim that pussy", I told Cara. "Me too my little hubby", Cara said with genuine love in her voice. "It's so hot seeing you caged like that, it was hot when you were here, but knowing you are so far away and can't even wank little robbie does give me a thrill, especially knowing how hot it makes you with me playing".

With that Cara turned her phone around slowly, "Does it make little robbie all hot and bothered and uncomfy thinking about that biiiig bllllaaaaaccccckkkk coooooock between your wifes legs", as she finished her teasing sentence the camera focussed on "fake Leon" glistening between her legs, still just barely touching Cara's reddened labia. Her lips were also moist from her juices. I couldnt contain myself and my hand automatically went south, I let out another almost anguished moan as my hand simply hit my cage as the realisation and torment hit home. The moan, a counterpoint to the little giggle I could hear from the hotel room, even that got me harder!!!!

"Well I guess, little robbie will be ready eager and waiting when I bring this pussy back home to you....but then again it may not be quite as snug for you after a week of black cock", our eyes locked on the screen and I could sense the love and horniness that we shared.

"I can't wait", I told my sexy little cuckoldress, "I'm not sure I will be able to hold back for the next few days, as I love the fact that you are over there with Leon and can be a real minx, it gets me so so horny". As soon as the words had come out of my mouth I wanted to retreact them, as I realsied what i had said. Before I could clarify that I meant the "fake Leon", Cara responded, "Me too robbie, it will be amazing, but we shall have to see, it's late now, and I have to be up early", she giggled, "I'm all worn out after that big cock", and with that she blew me a big kiss and wished me a good night before ending the call.

My cage still full with a straining little robbie, it wasnt long before my phone buzzed again. In my horny cuck fog it had gone to idle. Swiping the screen I saw a new wallpaper, it was a still that Ophelia must have captured from the call with Cara. There bold and to remind me was fake Leon snuggled up to Cara's beautiful pussy.

A minute later and my phone buzzed with a message
Enjoy the new wallpaper my little caged cuck and just think of it being the real Leon, Sle ep well...if you can!
Your Goddess Ophelia

Although I was slightly annoyed by this and the fact that Ophelia was snooping, I was even more horny and my balls were starting to ache. I thought the only thing for it was to have a cold(ish) shower to try and relieve some of the tension and hopefully allow me some sle ep.

Shower over, and a little more comfy I returned to bed and set my alarm. Checking my phone it seemed Cara had wanted to tease me from afar again. She had sent a message with a load of kisses.

XXXXXXXXsleep well robbie, and have a read of this, I found it on Literotica and loved it, I hope you do too XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
"Housewife Transformation" by Karen Kay

I thought there was no way I was going to be reading that tonight after I had just eased my dicks discomfort. As tough as it was I finally managed to get some sle ep.

The next morning I woke and realised after a weekend away and seeing Ophelia on Monday, that work had to come first. I had to have some mercy on my poor caged dick and try to not enter my kinky zone. It wasn't helped by Cara wishing me a good morning by whatsapp with a pic of her breasts pushed togather trying to tease me. Nor was it helped by Ophelia having changed my wallpaper once again to a pic of a real black cock at the point of penetration of a white pussy.

With much of my phone access limited by Ophelia I was actually able to be fairly productive and managed to get through the day. I had to really focus as every so often Cara would send me a message. Some would be mundane and tell me how boring the seminars were, others she would tease me by telling me what she wished she was doing. She had also asked if I had read the story she had suggested and whether it had made little robbie all hard and uncomfy. It seemed that our time apart had really boosted her libido and made her a real little tease.

I had to work slightly longer due to the lost time of Monday and so was happy to relax in the evening to await Cara's arranged call. I wasn't sure whether to do it, but I did read the suggested story. Cara really was in teasing mode, knowing I was locked and sending me a story. The whole idea was similar to us, a husband and wife meeting a stud at a hotel. Even more erotic and scarey was the way the wife in the story wanted more. Having sampled her studs cock, she wanted it and it appeared that the hubby was going to be cuckolded regularly. As I lay on the bed waiting for Cara, I was already straining in my cage and regretting ever letting Ophelia lock me away for the week. I appreciated that Cara got off on me being locked, but at that time, I really didnt care,Ii just needed to be released and to play with my dick.

20:57hrs and I felt my phone vibrate. FUCKING OPHELIA, I really wasnt in the mood, I was horny and needed to see and talk to Cara. I wanted her and wanted to get off, and didnt need any additional teasing from Ophelia. She simply had a smiley emoji and..."Enjoy tonights show". I figured she was simply expecting a repeat of last nights performance. Whilst I looked forward to that, I wasnt sure how, or more correctly, whether my poor balls could take the pressure.

21:00hrs on the dot I saw Cara's beautiful face appear on the screen. I quick swipe of the green button and there she was. It appeared she had resumed the exact position from last night. This again wasn't good as I could feel my dick starting to swell again. Having only just subsided after reading that story, now I had her face and her breasts and my imagination to deal with again.

I heard all about her day and the very dry seminars, she told me that "Device Complications and Lead Extraction" & "Cognitive Function and Autonomy in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation", Cara laughed when she told me the course was so dry, but that she was soaking wet all day thinking about Leon, and also me being locked away all horny and frustrated. "Were you a good boy today and managed to refrain from playing with that dicklet of yours?" I flicked my phone around to show her I was naked and was still safely under lock and key. That familiar little happy sigh could be heard as I once again gazed at her. It seemed she had gone for a romantic mood, as I heard soft music in the background and the lighting was definately a touch darker.

I still marvelled at how sexy she looked and had once again grown as far as that infernal cage allowed, which, as it was the short version, wasnt very much. "Mmmmmmm thats so hot that you were able to have the will power to remain locked, I think I love the fact you must be so so horny, that idea was one of the reasons I was so excited all day, that and of course getting to play along like last night". With that I saw her eyes close and that sexy little bite of her lip again. The minx had started early and already had her toy teasing her pussy.

"Could my hot little wife not wait to get that large black cock into her cheating little pussy?" I wanted to try and tease her back. "Now now Robbie, Its not cheating if you know about it and get to watch now is it?" she said as she looked straight into my eyes, "But yes I really needed a real cock tonight, not yours!" She was really starting to get into tonights roleplay.

"Lets see if we can get you all flustered then robbie, my little cucky", with that she once again positioned her phone on her tummy so I could watch her face. I saw her eyes closing and her breasts rise and fall. The breathing was causing most of it but her movements as that black cock was sliding in and out of her pussy caused them to move in unison with the strokes. If her toy was good for her last night, then it was doing an even better job tonight.

After only a couple of minutes of watching her playing with herself I saw that unmistakable pre orgasm flush start to appear on her chest. Her beautiful nipples were standing proud. They rose and fell and Cara had almost forgotten I was there. Her head rocked from side to side almost in time with her arm movements as she moved that cock in and out of her pussy. She appeared to arch her back more and her head went back, her chin going towards the ceiling as she neared her orgasm.

Cara opened her mouth, appearing to be gasping for air. Last nights orgasm was good but she appeared to be trying to outdo herself. I thought the whole build up of the day. Her reading stories from the net, of teasing me with those stories whilst we were miles apart, her getting off on my denial, all adding to her desire to cum hard. Her mouth closed and she began to let out a deep gutteral noise that seemed to be coming from deep within her. Once again like last night the waves of pleasure were being transmitted to me through the movemnt of her phone. I wanted to focus on her face and see her cum, like so many times I had eaten her pussy to orgasm myself. Getting to see the woman I love lost in her own pleasure, this was what I wanted more than anything.

And then her hips rising to meet the thrusts of Leon's cock, dislodged her phone again and the screen blurred, I heard her cries of pleasure as her orgasm hit. So good , so intense as I watched covers and ceiling and light fitting and then....FUCK LEON! REAL LEON!

The phone came to rest on the bed and there was the unmistable figure of Leon, towering above the phone, knelt between Cara's thighs. Still obviously buried deep in Cara's pussy and grinning from ear to ear, a light sheen on his toned physique.

"Yes Ohu, your wife told me she needed the real thing tonight"....I was sick to my stomach, hard as hell and starting to hurt as the ring bit, but so so turned on.

"Good night Ohu sleep well, but I dont think your pretty little wife will be doing much sleeping". With that I saw him lean forward and his hand descend to cut off my sight with just a tap.

Posts: 92
Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:27 am

Re: Progression

Post by Rover68uk » Fri Oct 19, 2018 9:18 am

Progression - Distance makes the horn grow stronger

I'm sure all guys have been there at some point in time, whether a Bull or cuck or anyone in between. That sickening, dull ache that comes after a smack in the balls. It starts low in the stomach and seems to grow outwards. Down the legs and up through your chest, the ache, stopping you in your tracks.

Well the sight of Leon smiling in victory had that same impact. Cara may have been moaning and gasping for breath but I was now doing the same. He was causing the same effect miles apart, hers being pleasureable and mine being far less so.

The ache was all over me, deep in my stomach and amplified by the strain put on my balls by the base ring pulling them away from my body. I had wanked for years over the idea of being a cuckold in chastity and here I was, in the now, in the reality. It messed with my mind but didnt provide me with that physical pleasure I had dreamt of and associated the whole thing with. It's one thing getting off on it, wanking away, chatting and watching videos. Reading those stories on Literotica or Cuckoldplace, but the reality of the denial was hitting home.

I wanted that fucking cage off, I needed to wank to get some satisfaction from being cuckolded to make me feel a little better and not make it feel like I was so out of control. Toying with my locked dick and getting ever more frustrated I had to speak to Cara, to get her to reassure me she still loved me. I had to get to Ophelia first thing in the morning and get this devilish cage off my dick.

My plans were interupted by my phone buzzing by the side of me. I may have been in sub space but I was on it in a flash. It was Cara!

No whatsapp video call, just plain old voice call. I thought maybe she had teased me enough and had sent Leon on his way. That little glimmer of hope was dancing through my mind. That she wasnt hooked on his cock, that the itch had been scratched.

There was Cara's face smiling back at me and a little swipe..."Damn Cara, what have you done?" I was a little embrassed as I realised that may have sounded a little whingey. Waiting for her sweet voice to reassure me I got nothing back......well, not nothing.......something.....the sounds of fucking. It must have been like a moth to a flame, there was no way I should have listened and stayed with my phone glued to my ear, but I couldnt stop myself.

There was the soft background music and then the sound of passionate kissing. I strained to try and pick out all the different noises that were coming through to me. There was that unmistakable smack as lips lock and then break contact, the rythmic metronomic slap of thigh meeting thigh, the sounds of breath being f0rced out of Cara. Soft murmuring that I couldnt quite make out and low moans as Leon hit her sweet spots. There was the sound of Leon's own exertion as he made just audible grunts to go along with each thrust.

I was miles away yet the sounds gave me that image. It was as if I was stood by the bed and was watching Leon's back arch and then move as he thrust his huge cock deep into my wife. The phone was to my ear yet my eyes were closed. I was taken back to that room in the Amrath where I first earned my cuckold horns. Then I was kneeling but now, was relaxing, well as much as I could, I dont think I was in any way really relaxed, well I was on our marital bed, listening to Cara, not just fucking, but there sounded like an intimacy to this. There had been a fervour to the weekends fucking yet this was more focussed with the lovers being more into each other.

I wondered whether my presence the other day had made it about the three of us, where Leon was putting on a show, being the Bull and "claiming" my wife, showing off what he had between his legs and showing me what he could do to Cara between hers.

I pictured her bright red lips, done specially for Leon, being crushed against his face. His tongue invading her mouth and her nails, deepest red again, digging into his back. Her legs would be held high, wrapped around his muscular frame holding him close and showing him her passion for him. The knot and deep ache in the pit of my stomach came back into focus and I felt that strange mix of desire and fear that I am sure so many husbands have felt.

Feeeling sorry for myself and yet as turned on as I have ever been in my life, I was snapped back to reality by Cara's voice, "Fuck me Leon, God I love your cock, deeper, so deep, mmmmmmmmmmmmm". She sounded so dreamy almost, tired yet lost in her actions.

Leon's deep dark voice responded, "You love my cock eh, Whose cock do you love? ........Whose cock?,.......... whose cock?", He was urging her on to thrust the dagger deeper into me. "Your cock Leon, your cock, I love your, your, your"......the metronome had sped up and Leon's thrusts had increased as he wanted to make a physical and mental point to Cara and to me down the line....."your cock Leon.....fuck me , fuck me again and again".

With my eyes still closed I once again reached down and tried to stroke my dick. The ache remained and was joined by the agony of being reminded there was no end in sight for my incarceration as I hit the cage. Although I let out another self pitying moan, I am sure it was lost in the sounds of the passion in Amsterdam. "You don't have to make do with that fake plastic Leon any more, and certainly not that little thing between the Ohu's legs", Leon was reminding Cara what she was getting and what she had put up with through our courtship and marriage. He was making sure she knew what she could now have. As he did so, his thrusts became more audible as did Cara's moans and the sound of the breath being f0rced out of her.

"Can robbie fill you like this?", accompanied by the slapping of skin on skin and moans of pleasure.
"Can robbie make you feel like this?", no response just slightly louder moaning.
"Can robbie fuck you like this?", there was more desire and strength in Leon's words as he worked on Cara's mind aswell as her pussy.
"Can the cuckold give you pleasure like this?", he was reminding her of my status and of his power and position.

Leon's words hit home, whether it was him referring to me by my new status or his vigour and power as he filled her, I'm not sure, but it brought about a response from Cara. "Mmmmmmmm No, No, robbie can't fill me like you", the slapping sounded to have sped up but had increased in power, "Noooo, he can't fuck me like"........the music was lost now in the sounds of the two bodies joined together..... you"......."the cuckold can't compare....can't, can't can't....make, make.....make......."

Leon, was on a mission, his hammering at Cara's pussy was reaching a peak as he sought to claim his victory and enjoy my defeat by mobile phone. "Leon's voice boomed, "what can't the cuck do slut?"

Oh my god, he had called her a slut!!! My eyes opened, he had surely blown it, Cara wouldn't let him speak to her like that. I was even more aroused that he was being even more dominant, but realised Cara would not go for that.

"He, can't make me cum". I was shocked she had answered him, she had let him call her a slut, he had called her a slut....and I had just cum in my cage!!!!!

My balls tightened even more than they already were and that pain in my stomach transferred to my balls as they felt the grip of the ring. I looked down in shock at the small amount of cum oozing our of the top of my foreskin and through the bars of my cage. As I instantly felt that cuckold angst start to kick in I was greeted by the sound of Cara's orgasm courtesy of her Bull.

The moan got louder and deeper and ever louder and seemed to hit me smack bang between the eyes. It was like a hammer blow. Having cum myself and having lost the pent up desire of the last day or so I was left in no doubt that I was in trouble. I had to get this cage off, I had to speak to Cara and see if she would limit her time with Leon, I had to try and edge us back from this cliff edge. We had played away on a holiday, Cara was still away and would no doubt want to play some more, but I had to try and limit this to get us back to normal when she got home.

The dull ache in my stomach remained as I heard Cara gasping for air. Leon continued his conquest and the slapping grew faster and more frenzied. Cara sounded like she was struggling, "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God", then that deep gutteral moan started again. Previously when I had got Cara off with my tongue or fingers she had always said she was too sensitive to continue, but here she was allowing Leon to continue his onslaught....and she was loving it.

The slapping from the meeting of skin on skin was accompanied by clear sounds of Leon's growing enthusiasm. I knew he had experience in his conquest of wives, and the images playing through my mind aided by the sounds in my ears brought it all home to me. "Who",slap, "owns",slap, "this", slap, "pussy?", slap. Each slap and word was met with an exhalation of breath from Cara. There was no response from her as she continued to take his cock deep inside her. "Who", slap, "owns", slap, "this", slap, "pussy?", slap. This time there was a clear increase in the volume of the slaps as Leon clearly wanted to show Cara who was in charge and what he could do. There was also a clear change in the tone in which he spoke. It was now more demanding, clearly to inform Cara that a response was required.

The moans and breathing of Cara was laboured as she was clearly close to cumming and then a pause. The slapping stopped and it became clear that Cara's lack of response had brought about a withdrawal of pleasure, a withdrawal of cock from her pussy. The breathing changed and Cara moaned, then "please Leon, please fuck me". There was a rustle of bedsheets asif Cara was trying to move her body to get his cock back into her.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm, soooooooo gooood", the response from Cara suggested that Leon had relented and ever so slowly slid his cock back deep inside her. Over the next minute or so, I couldnt be sure, as time didnt really seem to be making sense. I was so focussed on listening to the phone that I was sure of anything. Trying to take anything and everything from the call, but slowly the pace began to quicken again. Starting ever so slowly and gently. Each slow insertion met with a soft moan from my wife. As the pace quickened the tell tale slaps once again returned, thigh on thigh, Leon's balls slapping against Cara's ass. The image and sounds once again causing that dull ache to return to my own t0rtured balls. The metronome increased its steady pace once again.

As the pace increased and Cara once again became lost in Leon's cock, he spoke once again. "Who", slap, "owns", slap, "this", slap, "pussy?", slap, "Who", slap, "owns", slap, "this", slap, "pussy?", slap. With each slap, each union of cock and pussy I could sense Cara getting ever closer to cumming, he moans prevented her from answering Leon's question. "I'll stop slut!!!!!!", there it was again, the demanding, dominant Leon that had been lurking behind the charming gentlemanly exterior, "who", slap, "owns", slap, "this", slap, "pussy?".

The moans, or maybe a sort of growl started to change and seemed to be gettign higher in pitch with each thrust. With each thrust as the air was knocked out of her there appeared little opportunity for Cara to respond how her stud wished her to. Yet Leon continued on his mission. The beat continued with Leon voicing his desires continually, wanting Cara to affirm what he wanted, that he owned her pussy. Having cum only a few minutes previously and having that deep aching cuck angst I could once again feel my dick straining in its cruel prison. The ache in my stomach was added to by the ache in my poor restricted balls. I wanted to to wank to play with myself as I heard Leon demonstrating his prowess. I wanted Cara to give her pussy to him, yet I hated myself for wanting it. How the fuck could I want him to get her to say that?

The fact that Cara hadn't said it straight away showed that she knew it was a powerful thing, something Leon wanted as a badge of honour and to boost his own ego. Yet she wanted to remain my wife and keep this as a game. She could have said it as a sop to him, but I think she knew saying it was maybe that step too far.

The fact I was so turned on and was questioning my own desires, and those of Cara, along with the undoubted pleasure that Leon was giving my wife, had me so caught up in the whole sub cuck mindset. Was this destined from the start? Was it down to the mistressly manipulation of Ophelia & Leon? Or was it just a one off meeting of time and place? I wasn't sure but still felt the cold steel of my cage as I tried unsuccessfuly to wank my dick. My hand slid easily over the bars of the cage, made slick by my own involuntary ejaculation. I cupped and stroked my poor t0rtured balls as I pictured Leon's cock stretching Cara's pussy and those balls slapping her ass.

As I closed my eyes trying to focus on the images in my mind, and listening to the sounds of passion, I sensed Cara's resolve weaken. The breathing was becoming more ragged and the pitch of her moans getting higher with each demand from Leon and his cock.

"YOU DO, YOU DO, YOOOOUUUUUU DOOOOOOO", and then Cara was lost in a huge orgasm as Leon claimed his victory. Cara's declaration of surrender was lost with the scream that surely would have been heard on the streets of Amsterdam, or at least in the reception of the hotel. I stared at the ceiling as the ache flooded my whole body. The metronome went up a notch as Leon wanted to demonstrate his complete victory.

The sight and sound of Cara vocalising his ownership of her pussy must have filled Leon with extra energy, the surge of adrenaline from another wife lost to his cock. Those deep west African tones stopped as he concrentrated in his own pleasure. His own grunts and deep exhalations went along with the ever more urgent pounding of "his" pussy. And then Leon the lion, Leon the Bull roared, the pounding of the metronome ceased as I pictured him burying himself deep in Cara's pussy, HIS pussy. The roar continued for a few seconds as I pictured his balls tightening and his cock pulsing as Cara was filled with his cum. The image was aided by the moans of Cara that I guessed synchronised with each fierce pulse of his cock inside her.

The sounds of both the lovers panting. searching for breath could be heard and then the sound of deep post fucking kissing. The whole call had me questioning myself and had that "just kicked in the balls feeling" washing over me. I had it throughout the call but it was amplified by the lovers lost in their post coital kissing.

I wasn't sure which was worse, this fucking cage, Cara being called a slut, Leon's conquest of her pussy, or the kissing.

......and the phone went dead.

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2 Bit Whore
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Re: Progression

Post by SamWarrens » Fri Oct 19, 2018 9:43 am

Absolutely the most awesome story on this site! Keep it going!
At some point Leon will want to impregnate Csra as his final domination of the couple.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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