Ascending Lauren

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Mon May 03, 2021 8:00 am

Phenomenal chapter!!!!

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SamWarrens » Wed May 05, 2021 7:12 pm

You must keep this tale going,
It isn't finished by a long shot.
She needs to get bare backed, her pussy filled and her anal cherry taken.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.


Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by couple20uk » Thu May 06, 2021 12:01 am

I agree with the others, excellent writing.

This is a great story, I particularly like it as you get your wife's input and I think that shows in the way it comes across to us readers.
Hopeful you take it further, actually much further, as there are a lot of possible avenues of hot wife adventure to explore.

Thank you for posting here...

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Thu May 06, 2021 12:37 pm

Thanks for the comments, they are very much appreciated. I cannot tell you how much my Lauren digs the feedback. Well, I could, get my point. Maybe she'll let me show you some day!

I can assure you between our 30+ years together - and that of our circle - there are plenty of real world nuggets to fictionalize and further the saga of Corey and Lauren. Not sure about the bareback thing, especially with one-offs. Its the one thing we've been pretty religious about, although there have been a few close friends whom we've trusted enough over the years to be clean. But I'm with ya, it was pretty hot when it happened. Maybe I can weave that into the tales at some point, you know, creative license and all that. :D Its not like these chapters haven't used any of that already :roll:
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Mon May 10, 2021 2:09 pm

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are over 18.


The Millers knew they were changing. Changing as partners, lovers, and individuals. Five months prior, when Lauren left for Miami, they swore the 1,500 miles between them would not alter their relationship. Corey would remain in Iowa, finish his construction project, then join his wife of 28 years for a blissful life in sunny South Florida. They would simply pick up where they had left off.

Yet every night now, as each lay alone in their respective beds, they knew nothing could be further from the truth. Not the way things were now. Not with Lauren's newfound sexuality. Since coming to Miami, she had slowly acquiesced to Corey's burgeoning kink without fully understanding where that would take them. At first, it was simply a matter of placating her husband. Then it evolved, and now Lauren herself was beginning to embrace the transformation in ways not anticipated by either. The couple didn't think of it in terms of a "lifestyle" or any of the myriad labels people tried to tag it with: cuckold, stag, vixen, swinger. They only knew each had changed in a way neither had imagined possible.

Shy Lauren was now the aggressor in many ways. Her traditionally conservative makeup and clothing had given way to an edgier, provocative appearance. A once passive lover, she was now surprisingly raucous in bed. Her husband's own hand had shown the 48-year-old beauty that men still found her quite desirable. This ignited her inner lust, and as Corey was quickly learning, that itch was a genie not easily put back in its bottle.

Of course, Corey had changed as well. With Lauren's willingness to experiment, he now felt emboldened to further encourage the journey. Eleven years her senior, he genuinely wanted her remaining prime years to be sexually fulfilling, a feat the graying 61-year-old with an expanding waistline could no longer accomplish. As noble as that was, his gratification was driven by a much darker reward: the craving for the compersion that accompanied her exploits, and the cocktail of emotions when thinking of his wife making love to another. Much of this he kept to himself because he didn't feel Lauren would or could understand. Little ancillary things. Like how to explain while he didn't care for outright humiliation, he was inexplicably turned on by watching her enjoy sex with a more proficient lover. This then indirectly called attention to his aging inadequacies, which in itself was a form of humiliation. For years, fantasizing only scraped the surface of these and other feelings, but now, having experienced them firsthand, he too had a genie that could never again be bottled.


Fall in Miami is quite different from Iowa. Palm trees do not turn pretty colors and people do not huddle around roaring fires on frosty nights roasting marshmallows. Living in the Midwest her entire life, Lauren felt a tinge of sadness as Halloween approached. No more long Sunday drives in the country admiring the changing landscape. No nose-tingling aroma from wood-burning fireplaces wafting through the neighborhood.

As it turned out, drinking white wine was a pretty good way to drown these sorrows, and Lauren was making good progress in that respect. As she sat around the rooftop pool deck for her apartment building's Thirsty Thursdays happy hour, she was just glad to be off work. Her good friend and coworker Amy Rosinner had accompanied her to the event to unwind after a long day, and the young blonde secretary patiently listened as the office manager waxed nostalgic. After sinking their first round, she walked to the pool bar for a refill. With no bartender that night, the management had simply set out bottles of chilled wine and champagne in a decorative tub for residents to help themselves to a glass. Instead of a single pour, she grabbed an entire bottle and returned to the table.

"How's Corey doing?" Amy asked, popping the cork.

"He's lonely," Lauren replied with a long face. "The girls and I are headed back to see him over the Thanksgiving holiday. That will cheer him up. And the main construction will be done by February."

"It will be nice to have him down here. I think you get a bit lonely too."

"I do, in spite of his attempts at helping me make friends."

Amy cocked her head. "Yeah? How’s that?"

Lauren told her about his gift a few weeks prior. It was good to share that with someone.

A hotwife anklet?" the younger woman repeated, leaning across the wobbly cast iron table. The 26-year-old was quite plugged into the sexual trends of the day and immediately recognized the significance. "I know you guys experimented a couple times, but now he wants to make it official or something? Bold move."

"I thought so too."

Lauren pulled her chair closer and glanced around. "It gets crazier, though" she whispered.

The wife and mother of two proceeded to tell her friend about the night she wore the suggestive jewelry, which resulted in some heavy flirting.

"And?" Amy prodded. She loved a juicy story.

"And nothing. He asked me back to his hotel room, I got cold feet, end of story. But that's not all," Lauren hinted. "After dinner I ran into Stephan Jones and his wife. Yeah, that Jones, our CEO. Like, literally crashed into them when leaving the restaurant. He saw me with Ethan and knew the guy wasn't my husband. When Jones saw the chain, he put two and two together. Amy, I might as well of had "floozy" tattooed across my forehead. I mean, he knew!"

The blonde frowned, sensing Lauren's distress. "Do you think he'll say anything?"

"I...I don't know. He said he wouldn't. But I can't let my husband's fetish get me fired."

Amy noted the irony in her friend's statement. She needed to tread lightly.

"Um, look, you know I love you, right? The way I see it, Corey has idiosyncrasies. There's no denying it. There's also no denying that while it took some time for you to warm up to his...ideas, you seem to be all in now. Hell, you don't need jewelry for guys to know you're open to hooking up. Look at how much you've changed since getting here. Your makeup and the way you dress clearly already send that message. I'm not judging, I'm a bit slutty myself. But that's me. I've always been this way. Even people at work have noticed the change in you. And remember, it wasn't your husband that arranged the cruise with Max. It wasn't he who willingly went to Tommy's apartment. Corey didn't fasten the anklet around your ankle. Point is, I don't think you can put all the blame on hubby anymore, do you?".

Lauren's eyes began to water. She knew Amy was right. It was all true.

"You know," the blonde said quickly, trying to break the tension, "Jones seems like he might have been a player in his day. Who knows? Maybe he still is, just a shriveled up old one."

Both women laughed nervously. After wiping away a tear, Lauren confessed she was more than a little concerned about the changes.

"I don't know what's happening to me. Back in Iowa my libido was at an all-time low, Corey had to pester me for sex, and when we did make love, I was so dry. Only a well-lubed piece of rubber could bring me to orgasm. Now, sex is all I think about, I get wet when the wind blows, and I find myself having some weird urges. Like a nymphomaniac or something." Lauren thought of mentioning her fascination with the spirit Kumiho but decided against it.

A faint smile crept across Amy's face. At her age and single, she was horny ALL the time and didn't see that as a problem.

"Awe, honey," she sympathized, "I think you just forgot what it's like to be young and fucked. Not your fault, not Corey's, not anyone's. I'm sure you wouldn't trade the life you've built with your family for all the sex in the world. But being horny isn't the issue. To me it seems your passion bolt was jammed. With the rust gone now, how far you turn it is up to you."

"And my husband," Lauren pointed out.

"There is that dynamic, yes," the young woman conceded. "He's really into you hooking up with other guys, isn't he?"

The executive peered into her wine glass. "I guess we all have our peculiarities."

Amy picked her glass up and clinked it against her friend's. "And now you have yours."


Lauren woke the next morning sweating profusely. It took her a moment to realize she had only been dreaming. The images seemed so real. Two faceless men using her as their plaything, taking what they wanted right there in her own bed. Hard, muscular bodies contributed to multiple orgasms, but none as much as the finale when they unloaded their seed on her face.

She shook the fog of sleep off and looked at the time. Six thirty in the morning. No time to relieve herself. Even a cold shower was not helpful. After dressing for work she caught a glimpse of the small white box containing the anklet from her husband. The sight did little to extinguish the fire that was smoldering between Lauren's legs. Corey had given her that chain for a reason, and tonight she may have to put it to use.


The licentious desires did not abate during the day. At least once Lauren considered stealing away to the privacy of the ladies' room to douse the steam. Returning home that evening, she was as horny as she'd ever been. It took great willpower not to pull The Chairman out and relieve herself right then.

A great debate raged in her head. Should she resist the urge and stay home? Or hit the bars like a tramp? Five months ago, her Midwestern sensibilities would have easily won that argument, but tonight, she could not shake the lure of a strange cock impaling her without mercy. Lauren decided to skip dinner. Tonight, she was craving far more than food.


Corey answered his phone on the first ring. He was in his truck traveling to the local high school to meet some old friends for a big Friday night football game between two rival teams. Not the most exciting way to spend an evening, but he was up for anything that got him out of the house.

Lauren listened without much interest as he described the difference in playing styles between the two schools. Eventually she flat out interrupted him. "I'm going out tonight. I need a drink."

"Girls’ night out?" Corey asked as he pulled into the school's parking lot.

Lauren sat down at the vanity and began applying makeup. "No, just me."

Okay, that wasn't unusual, he thought. She went out for solo dinners quite a bit.

"Do you have a place in mind? I read there are a few good new restaurants on First Street."

"Not interested in food."

Corey pondered this as he parked his truck. "Then what?"

"I told you. I need a drink," Lauren reiterated, smacking her lips together with freshly applied deep ruby lipstick. "It's been a rough day."

"In that case," he joked, "I hear Randy Sandy's is known for their great Sex on a Beach."

She closed her eyes. I'd take sex anywhere right now. "The strip club? Nah, a good margarita and some regular dancing for me, thank you."

Corey's pulse quickened and his cock twitched beneath his denim jeans. As always, the thought of her dancing with strangers aroused him. Was she looking for more than just a drink?

"Clubbing by yourself might be dangerous, Lauren."

"Randy Sandy's is only three blocks from Club X," Lauren quipped. "Don't worry, my friends will protect me."

Corey swallowed hard. X was Max's club. "Your friends. Your friends used to be my friends too, but I guess you run with an entirely different crowd now, huh? Is there something you want to tell me, babe?"

She giggled. "I'm just trying to get you riled up, perv."

His wife had gotten very good at pushing his buttons. Maybe too good.

Lauren heard her husband's breathing deepen. She knew exactly where his thoughts were going.

"It's working, too isn't it, perv? Did you get hard when I mentioned his bar? Should I stop by and say hello?"

The 61-year-old watched through the windshield as fans stream into the stadium through the windshield. He rubbed his aching crotch. It sounded like she was asking permission. "I want what you want, babe."

"Right now, I don't know what I want. Or where I'm going. All I want is to blow off some steam."

"Is that all you're going to blow off?" Corey sputtered softly as he walked up to his friends at the ticket gate.

More giggles. "Goodnight, love," Lauren cooed. "Enjoy the football game."


The raven-haired beauty pulled the tiny metallic mesh crop top over a sheer white bandeau bralette. She hadn't worn it since the pub crawl, and loved how the combination showed off her small breasts, trim waist and firm abs. The opaque bra barely hid her nipples, and the gunmetal mesh rubbing against them only served to heighten her arousal.

Next came the thin shiny black leather leggings. She shimmied into them carefully, pulling them up over her buttocks as they snapped into place, forming a second skin. Lauren completed the look with a pair of 3-inch black leather corset heels, also a previous crawl purchase.

Lauren approached the dresser and the large mirror that hung above it. Leaning in, she stared at her reflection. Amy was right. Everything about her had changed. Her makeup, once a light powder and a subdued shade of pink lipstick, now favored eyes outlined in heavy black pencil, lids coated with metallic blue eyeshadow, and devil red lips. Once a fan of pencil skirts and sundresses, she now preferred outfits that invited sex.

What the hell was she doing? Going out with Amy was one thing. Her young friend was still in the game and knew the guardrails. Whatever Lauren knew about traversing bars on her own was lost a long time ago. It wasn't too late. She could wash off the paint, throw on sweats and spend the evening with The Chairman instead.

Standing upright, the mesh top grazed her nipples, sending an electric current directly to her vagina. At the same time, the leggings tightened between her legs and pulled into her labia, forming a very conspicuous cameltoe. Lauren listened to the signals her body was sending. It was almost as if it was protesting any thought of staying home.

Turning away from the dresser, Lauren's hand accidentally knocked off a small box which landed in front of her stiletto heels. It was Corey's gift. Wow, the signs were all there.

Picking it up, she knew what she had to, no needed to do. How ironic that the fate of her evening had just been sealed by this simple gesture of freedom from her own husband?


It was a warm October night, even by South Florida standards. Lauren weaved on foot through the busy streets to the area which had months earlier hosted the pub crawl. The dance clubs wouldn't start to fill up for at least another hour.

She stopped in a couple bar-and-grills, sipping a seltzer at each. A few groups of men came and went. Some eyed the older woman in the tight and revealing clothes with appreciation, but none approached her. Lauren didn't encourage company right then either. She was taking it slow. While undeniably horny, if the right "outlet" for her pent-up passion came along, fine. If not, she wasn't going to throw herself at a stranger; there was always The Chairman waiting back at home. For now, she was content to just talk to the staff. At her request, a doorman took her photo, which she promptly sent to Corey. Bartenders, a friendly lot by trade, kept her seltzers coming and were more than happy to chat in their spare time, which evaporated as more patrons filed in. One barkeep warned her that undercover vice was in the area and to be careful. That was odd advice, Lauren thought as she paid her tab. I'm not exactly drunk in public.


Corey's phone signaled an incoming text. He ignored it at first, waiting for a field goal attempt by the team that was down six points with eleven minutes to go in the game. Finally, he pulled the device from his jacket pocket.
LAUREN: At The Majestic Sloop.

A photo followed. The older man's eyes widened at the sight of Lauren standing in a bar's foyer. Her straight black hair was splendidly glossy and her makeup as slutty as he'd ever seen. Impossibly tight liquid black leather leggings hugged her curvy hips and a not so discrete cameltoe peaked out from between her legs. No way was there panties underneath that. The camera had perfectly captured the outline of those luscious tomato-sized breasts as they strained against a translucent white bralette. The gunmetal mesh crop top covered only her chest area, leaving a bare midriff that was tanned and ripped. "Damn," Corey uttered aloud, momentarily forgetting he was sitting in the bleachers with others.

One of his buddies looked over to see what was so interesting. Corey tried to pull his phone back, but it was too late.
"Holy crap, dude, is that Lauren?" his friend Sean blurted out. "Shit, she's SMOKING HOT!" Realizing what he had just said, he apologized. "Sorry, I just mean, she's always been pretty, but c'mon man, you gotta admit, that's a whole new level of sexy there."

Another friend, Toby, leaned over for a look and whistled. "Sean's right. Didn't recognize her. That's not the woman who used to bake cookies for the PTA. You're one lucky fuck," he agreed, shaking his head. "And you left her down there by her lonesome? Jesus, man, was that wise?"

Sean elbowed Toby hard in the ribs. "Don't be a dick."

Corey knew his friend was right, and neither of them were aware of half the story. Not only did he leave her alone in a big city - Miami of all places - but also encouraged her to dress exactly like this. And inspired her to play with others. That would really blow their minds. Seeing their reaction to that photo invoked conflicting emotions. On one hand, he was excited Lauren was finally dressing provocatively without being asked. On the other, he found his friends leering over her photo a bit disconcerting. Why was that? Probably because they'd known her for years as a proper Midwestern soccer mom who’s most daring outfit was a one-piece swimsuit. What would they think of her now?

Just before sliding the phone back into his jacket pocket, Corey took one more look at the photo. His eyes were drawn to something he hadn't caught the first time. Squinting, he zoomed in and exhaled loudly. There, secured around Lauren's ankle just above her heels, was the gold chain he'd given her. It all made sense now. His wife wasn't looking for just a drink. She was hunting.


Lauren continued to pop into bars that looked fun. Crowds were thickening and players seeking a playmate for the night were beginning to cast their net. Many men who approached her were egotistical assholes. She didn't hesitate to flash her wedding ring at any she wanted to avoid. This deterred some, but not all, especially those who caught sight of the jewelry around her ankle. When she did dance, only the really cute ones were allowed certain liberties, if they dared at all.

Just after midnight, Lauren's stomach growled. Skipping dinner might not have been the best choice, especially now after four hours of drinking. Judging from the sea of humanity, getting anything to eat quickly in the bars or restaurants was out of the question. Remembering a food cart from earlier, she wandered to the street and looked both ways. Damn, it was gone. Was there nothing else? Peering down the road, far away from the bright lights of the strip, the sign of a small food-mart glowed. It was about five blocks away, well off the beaten path, but it did appear to be still open.

Driven by hunger, Lauren began walking towards the store, nearly falling several times as the stilettos made it difficult to maneuver on the uneven asphalt. Half-way there she became uneasy about leaving the well-lit area behind. Now surrounded by closed businesses and parking lots, the only foot traffic was the occasional patron going to or from the bars. Drawing within a block of the food-mart, the hair on the back of her neck raised as a vehicle slow down beside her, still rolling as she walked.
"You working?" a gruff male voice shouted out the passenger window. Lauren ignored it and stared straight ahead, focusing on getting to the store. No way I can run in these heels. Her hand crept into her clutch and wrapped around a small cannister of mace as she navigated the broken sidewalk.

"You sure are pretty," came the voice again. "I'm looking for a date. You interested?"

Lauren stepped onto the food-mart's parking lot as the car pulled to the curb. She breathed a sigh of relief as she entered the store, but not before tires squealed and an endearing "Bitch!" was heard. Composing herself, she selected a bag of miniature pretzels and bottle of water. Taking a seat in a small booth near the cashier, Lauren reflected on what just happened. A hooker. That guy thought I was a hooker! Catching a glimpse of herself in a beer cooler door, she shook her head. Of course, he did! Stumbling all alone in a gritty part of town in a barely-there top, skintight leggings, and stiletto heels. Hell I would have thought I was one!, The vice squad warning from the bartender came rushing back. Oh my God. He did too.
Lauren had been raised to look upon prostitution as a vile profession. But as she mused about the proposition, a dark part of her decided there was something very erotic and naughty about the whole idea of exchanging sex for money. She pictured herself leaning in the window, negotiating a price, then being whisked off to an alley to make good on the deal in a smelly old backseat. Her pussy had been moist most of the night and this thought was not helping.

The sight of an empty taxi slowing to a stop at the intersection broke the daydream. Lauren didn't look forward to fighting the uneven pavement again in her heels. She ran out the door as fast as she could, waiving both hands so the driver would see her. Jumping into the backseat, it occurred to her she really didn't have a destination in mind. After a moment, she turned to the impatient driver looking at her in the rear-view mirror.

"Club X, please."


Ten minutes later the cab pulled up in front of the popular nightspot. At least three dozen hopefuls were awaiting the privilege to enter, corralled by the iconic purple stanchions. Lauren knew she wouldn't get far unless Max was there. The doorman wasn't of much help, indicating he didn't know where the owner was. A quick call to Max’s cell phone went straight to voice mail.

Disappointed, she stood on the sidewalk wondering what to do next. If Corey was there, she'd drag him back to her apartment to make love. But he wasn't, and she was still profoundly horny. Not ready for the night to end, Lauren looked up and down the street for a less crowded place to get a drink. Across Cityscape Park a pink neon feather affixed to the side of an older building unabashedly marked it as the location of Randy Sandy's, one of Miami's premier upscale gentleman's club.
Lauren looked one more time at the phone. Max had not returned her call. Any hopes of getting into X were pretty much gone, unless she wanted to wait on her own for hours. The glowing pink feather seemed to beckon, and she wondered what the inside of a strip club looked like. Maybe it was time to find out.


As the fired up 48-year-old knockout approached Sandy's, she heard an incoming text message. Thinking it might be Max, she quickly peeked. No, it was Corey.

COREY: Are you alright?

Lauren frowned. Between dancing on the strip and being propositioned, she'd forgotten to check in.

LAUREN: So sorry. Yes, fine. Just out hitting the bars

COREY: Still? It's almost one o'clock

LAUREN: A lot of places are open to five, remember?

COREY: Where are you now?

She looked up at the neon feather now directly above her. Opening the camera app, she took a selfie with the crowd milling about the entrance to the gentleman's club.

LAUREN: Randy Sandy's. You said they make a mean Sex on the Beach. I'll let you know

Corey sat motionless in his living room watching the end-credits of the movie scrolling across the television screen. Oh my god, she’s going to a strip joint. He had to stay cool.

COREY: Good, time for you to earn your keep. LOL

LAUREN: You bad. I do need some cash for the Metrorail!

He stared at the messaging app. Dare he ask?

COREY: Have you found what you're looking for tonight? You know, that drink?

No immediate response. Then...

LAUREN: No. Still thirsty. I'll let you know

With that, she threw her phone back into the clutch and stepped into line. It wasn't much shorter than Club X's, but there were no other options other than a fifteen-minute taxi ride to South Beach.

Corey flipped aimlessly through the streaming service from his recliner, trying to decide on what to watch next. Why was she going to Sandy's, of all places? Because he'd recommended it? Curiosity? The thought of her winding her way through throngs of drunk and aroused men in that skimpy outfit caused his cock to twitch again. Of course. When fishing, go where the fish are. He continued to look for something to stream while thinking of the possibilities.

Lauren breathed a sigh of relief as she surveyed the building. It wasn't anything like the strip joints she'd driven by in Des Moines. The outside décor and rainbow of lighting rivaled some of the best clubs, and the clientele waiting to get in didn't just consist of leering creepers in trench coats. To be sure, the majority of those in line were pods of buddies out for a good time, but many couples were there as well. Lauren recalled Corey trying to get her to go to one back home, to which she vehemently refused. And now here she was.

While waiting, several guys near her in line struck up a conversation. The tone was civil and respectful, and none seemed to care why a scantily dressed older woman was waiting to get into such a place. After 20 minutes, a behemoth of a black man in a yellow shirt emblazoned with "Security" walked down the line counting potential patrons. He stopped at the sexy middle-aged woman in the tight clothes.

"No women by themselves allowed," the mountain stated flatly, then noticed her wedding ring. "You with someone?"

Lauren saw him glance down at her hand and blinked as if it was a trick question. One of the guys who had been chatting with her earlier leaned in. "They try and keep out the working girls," he whispered.

"Uh, yeah," she lied, rotating the band. "My husband. He got here earlier."

The security guard's eyes narrowed.

"Okay, then follow me."

The big man sliced through the line and deposited her at the front door. Lauren pulled out a $20 bill to cover the posted entrance fee, but the woman collecting it just waived her through.

Inside, the place was clean and sophisticated; just like any other high-end dance club, except for the layout, which consisted of strategically placed platforms and poles. Remarkably pretty girls strutted up and down runaways in various states of dress. While drinks flowed and patrons happily mingled, there was no mistaking that above all else, sex was the star.

One single high-top table became available near the rear wall of the main room. A waitress promptly swooped in to take Lauren's order: a double bourbon, straight up. A departure from her typical seltzer, she felt something stronger was warranted.

Over the next hour no less than six astonishingly beautiful, brazen and sexy young women entertained the crowd. The dancing, while certainly erotic, was expertly choreographed and executed. These girls knew what they were doing, and Lauren began to see their role in a different light. They weren't just strippers, they were entertainers, as professional in their genre as any other. She ordered another double bourbon and continued to enjoy the show. One of the dancers, thin with fiery red hair, happened to look towards the back wall and the eyes of the two women locked for just a second. Lauren's mind drifted back to the mutual masturbation session with Amy weeks ago. That was the first time she had really been turned on by another woman, and the ecstasy of that moment came rushing back as she watched the girl take off her clothes.

All that flesh elevated her arousal. Around the runways, men - and even a few women - fed copious amounts of cash to the dancers as they strutted by, spending a minute or two with each patron before moving on. Lauren wanted to get closer to the stage as well, to show her appreciation, to reach out and...but each time she got up, nerves slammed her back down. Maybe next song.

The dancers took turns working the crowd, attempting to entice someone into a lap dance, where the real money was. Eventually the redhead who had caught Lauren's glassy stare made her way to the back wall. Lauren stole quick peeks at the girl with long flowing red curls as she talked to captivated men. Her routine on the runway had been one of the best; hot, decadent, and enchanting. Not more than 21, she was simply ravishing in an electric orange thong bikini, black fishnet coverup, and high heels. Floating from table to table, Lauren watched surreptitiously as the stripper introduced herself to other customers.

Autumn, as she called herself, tried to make each patron feel special. That was, after all, her job. Married men, lonely men, and bachelor parties made up the majority of clientele, and this night was no different. Working the rear of the room, she was aware the attractive female patron whom she had spied earlier was nearby, and felt an instant attraction to the dark-haired beauty.

The stripper disappeared into the crowd for a few minutes but reappeared with a middle-aged guy in tow. The VIP rooms were along the rear wall, which meant the redhead had to pass close to Lauren's table. As she did, Autumn stopped and whispered, "I'll be back in three songs. Will you wait for me?"

Lauren's eyes widened as she felt the heat between her legs rise. Entranced, she could only nod. The dancer grinned and disappeared behind a curtain with her customer, under the watchful eye of a burly security guard. The waitress saw the woman at table 14f immediately signal for another double bourbon.

Time seemed to stand still. I should leave. I should just get up and go But she couldn't, her feet were cemented to the floor. Why am I waiting? What does she want? To go in the backroom with her? She's just a kid!

Lauren watched apprehensively as other entertainers went through their onstage performances. Minutes later, out of nowhere, the small girl with red curls reappeared, her freckled face smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm so happy you waited. I'm Autumn!"

"I know who you are," Lauren squeaked, searching for words.

The gorgeous redhead put her hand over the older woman's. "Oh, you've been watching me, um...?"

"Lauren." That's not her real name; should I not have given her mine?

"Well, Lauren, I've been watching too. Glad we have some time together. Cute outfit. You should come back on amateur night. With your looks, you'd do well."

"I...I'm flattered, but I don't think so."

Autumn caught sight of the diamond wedding ring. "Is your husband here?"

Lauren shook her head, trying not to stare at the girl's perfect body.

"Do you think I'm pretty, Lauren?"

"Oh my gosh, are you kidding? You're beautiful!"

"Would you like to get to know me better?"

Lauren looked towards the curtain. "You mean, back there?"

"You've never been to a place like this, have you?"

No answer.

"That's okay, baby, Autumn's got you."

The stripper went on to explain how private dances worked: $30 a song, three song minimum. She could see both lust and reluctance in Lauren's eyes.

"Don't overthink it, okay?" Autumn cooed. "You want it, and so do I." She ran her fingers through the woman's jet-black hair. There was something about this one that was going to be hot. "Shall we?"

Draining her drink, Lauren nodded. The girl led her by the hand past the guard, down a hallway bathed in blue light, and into a dimly lit room. As soon as the door closed behind them, the younger woman pushed her client onto a plush couch. As Lauren handed the girl $90 cash, an old down-beat R&B song began playing.

Autumn dropped to all fours and slowly crawled across the room until kneeling before the sofa. She whipped her long curls around, smiled coyly, then parted Lauren's legs and ran her young hands up the leather leggings, past the knees, landing on the older woman's hips. Lauren moaned as the stripper kissed her thighs, then nosed the wedge of her cameltoe. Autumn muzzled the crotch for a while, deeply inhaling the scent of the mature pussy that lay just beneath.

Lauren's abdomen quivered as the dancer worked her bare midriff. Autumn inched up to the mesh crop top and sighed at the small breasts visible under the see-through bralette. She pushed the top aside and began nosing the rigid half-inch nipples straining against the fabric. Occasionally her tongue would snake out and lick the bra, leaving a wet trail behind. Next came kisses to the neck and ears, one hand gently groping tiny tits, while a knee put pressure between Lauren's legs.

"You're making me soooo hot. Do you feel it too?" Autumn whispered, her genuine arousal evident.

Lauren groaned as the stripper licked her cheek.

"That's what I like to hear. I'm going to make this special for both of us".

The dancer straddled Lauren's leg and pressed her breasts into the face of her wide-eyed customer. The two began grinding their crotches together in time to the slow beat until the end of the first song.

The second was more up-tempo and Autumn went into a short runway routine. Off came the fishnet coverup as she pranced around the room, shaking her ass. Normally this would continue for an entire tune, but this time she ended up back in the arms of the black-haired vixen. What the hell is it about this woman?

On Lauren's lap once more, the redhead leaned into the small b-cup chest and brought the older woman's hands to the triangle of her bikini bottom. Lauren was confused. Can I touch or not? Autumn sensed the hesitation and nodded approval. As if to accentuate the point, the dancer leaned forward. "Untie me," she instructed.

The bright orange swimsuit top fell away from the 20-year-old. Autumn's shoulder blades deliberately rubbed against Lauren's nipples as the redhead ground the Lycra fabric into the leather leggings beneath her. Suddenly, she slid onto the couch and pulled Lauren onto her lap, effectively switching places. Cradling her, the stripper reached around with one hand and began kneading Lauren's now puffy cameltoe through the stretchy material.

"I can feel the heat, baby. You like when Autumn does that to your pussy?"

"Mmphhh," Lauren groaned. She couldn't believe this young girl had her hands there.

"Have you ever been with a girl?"


"Yet you came here tonight to see young girls dance. To watch them take their clothes off." Autumn's hands crawled under the top of the leggings. "Does that get you off?"

"I don't know," Lauren mewed.

Autumn's fingers crept beneath the tight pants to the sopping wet pussy. She was surprised to find it smooth and buttery. "I'm glad you came tonight. Older women get me hot. Do young girls like me excite you?"

Lauren quickly shook her head.

"I don't believe you. Know why?"

Another shake of the head. The dancer plunged two fingers into the moist hairless hole. Lauren moaned loudly and bucked her hips.

"That's why," Autumn whispered. Hooking her fingers and manipulating them as deep as she could, she brought her other hand up to Lauren's chest and began thumbing her breasts.

"Are you a mommy?"


"How does it feel getting fingerbanged by someone young enough to be your daughter?" Autumn asked, pinching a nipple.

Lauren yelped and leaned hard into the dancer. "Oh, shit!" She closed her eyes in ecstasy.

"You're a nasty one, aren't you?" Autumn shouted.

"Yes, yes, oh fuck, yes. Don't stop!"

The third song began. There wasn't much time left. The stripper increased her assault on the woman's clitoris beneath the leggings; then two fingers, then three, inside the wet canal, speed increasing.

"Awe, awe, awe, shit, like that, like that!" Lauren cried. "Uh, uh, uh, uh..."

Another nipple pinch.

"Ahhhheeeeeeeeeee, FUCK!"

"That's a good girl, let my young fingers fuck your twat."

"Ah-eeeeeeeeeee! Yes, yes, yes!"

Autumn worked her fingers deep.

"So nice and wet. What would hubby think of you in a backroom with a stripper's hand up your cunt?"

Lauren howled, her release slowly building.

"You gonna cum for me, baby?"


"Nasty, naughty bitch, perving on us young things with our titties out. You know you want to do me!"

"Fuucckkkkk!" Lauren yelled.

"That's right, you want to fuck us, don't you! Cum for me. DO IT! Cum on my fingers!"

The ceiling spun away from Lauren as blood rushed to her head.

"Cum for me, baby!" Autumn demanded again, screeching emphatically. "Next time I'm putting my long tongue in that bald pussy of yours!"

Lauren screamed at the top of her lungs so vehemently the stripper thought it might bring security. Thick juice squirted over Autumn's fingers as her client shook with a powerful orgasm. Job well done, she eased Lauren off her lap and once again straddled a twitching leg. The dancer brought her forehead to Lauren's and the two gazed fervently into each other's eyes.

Autumn moaned as she ground her bikini bottoms against the shaking thigh. Lauren helped by gliding the stripper's hips up and down her leg at an ever-increasing pace. The pale white tits of the redhead bounced freely in front of her face. She could no longer resist. Bending over, Lauren sucked in one of the rigid nipples and twirled her tongue round the bumpy piece of flesh. It was the first time she'd had a woman's breast in her mouth, and it felt good.

As the third song ended, the dancer had no intention on slowing down. Holding onto her client's shoulders, she tossed her long red mane back and rode Lauren's leg with every ounce of energy she could muster. The friction between Lycra and leather was felt by both as the stripper's moans turned into loud brays, her release rapidly approaching.

"Goddamn your hot!" Autumn squealed, driving her pussy into the toned thigh.

Lauren let the pink nipple drop from her mouth. "Use me," she encouraged breathlessly, "I want to see you cum too."

"Ohhh, shit yeah."

"Wicked girl, prancing around naked every night, sending men home thinking about you and getting the rest of us hot."

Autumn licked Lauren's nose. "Like you?"

"Yesssss, just like me," Lauren replied, scrunching her face at the lick. "Those guys may be jumping their wives when they get home, but it's YOU they're cumming in. Naughty, naughty, Autumn!"

The dancer was now in the throes of ecstasy. "Oh, yeah, oh God, FUCK YEAH!"

The squealing intensified until Autumn came, her body lurching turbulently into Lauren's arms. With the redhead's face buried in the mesh covered chest, both women held each other tight as they recovered from their intense orgasms. Although she did not typically kiss on the job, Autumn put her lips gently on Lauren's and let them linger. She did not often feel this kind of connection with her clients.

Reality sank back in, causing the dancer to break away. Lauren stood and repositioned the clingy leggings, hoping the dim lighting in the club would hide any wet spots between her legs. With a quick peck on the cheek, Autumn led her out of the room, back down the hallway, and out into the club.

"Come see me again, okay?" the dancer winked sublimely and then, like nothing happened, disappeared into the crowd.
Lauren glanced at her phone. Half past two in the morning. A new text from Corey as well. Although the past twenty minutes had been incredible, the alcohol had mellowed her significantly. Although still quite horny, maybe it was time to call it a night and let The Chairman work his magic. Walking towards the exit, she opened the messaging app. The text was an hour old.

COREY: Hope you're okay. Text me

She was about to respond when a voice called out her name.


Oh man. She really didn't want to be seen there.

Looking in the direction of the greeting, a young man was waving her over to where he sat with two others. She breathed a sigh of relief. It was Tony, Tommy's friend. At least it wasn't someone from work.

Forgetting about Corey’s text, she walked over to the men in deliberately slow steps. The double bourbons were kicking in and she was having difficulty navigating. It did not escape her that all three had stopped watching the stage and were now eyeballing her.

"Well, well, well," Tony smirked, looking at his best friend's neighbor. "I wouldn't have expected to see you here." He looked around. "Let me guess. Your husband dragged you along?"

"Nope just me. I got bored, never been, so here I am," Lauren smiled back. She put her hand on his shoulder to steady herself. "What brings you?"

"Celebrating one of my boy's birthdays," the college student beamed. Putting his arm around her bare waist, he made the introductions.

"This is Roman and Hunter. Hunter just turned 21. That's the last one for our posse. Me, Tommy, and these guys. All legal now!"
The boys clinked their glasses together in a cheer. All three played football for their university and it was clear they were tight. Massive chests threatened to burst from their polo shirts, with khaki pants seemingly just as constraining. A wide receiver, Hunter was the smaller of the two, a handsome lad with curly brown hair and cute dimples. Roman had brown hair as well, but straight, combed over to one side, and perfectly coifed. A defensive linebacker, he carried a few extra pounds, but this was offset by his powerful thighs. Tony, the sole blonde among them, was a safety, built for speed.

All legal now reverberated in Lauren's head.

"Where's Tommy?" she asked, trying to seem casual about the question.

"Had to fly to Chicago. Sick uncle in the hospital."

Lauren nodded. "Isn't it past your curfew or something? Don't you have a game tomorrow, eh, I mean, in a few hours?"

"Bye week," they replied in unison.

"Uh huh. What would your parents think of you being here?"

Tony grinned as his hand tightened around her waist. "What would your husband think? Besides, are you going to tattle on us, like a house mom?"

Lauren laughed. "Would a house mom be in a strip joint at three o'clock in the morning?"

"Not the one from our fraternity anyway, that fat ass!" Roman joked. The others chuckled.

A particularly beautiful brunette was introduced by the DJ as the boys turned their attention to the main runway. The song was a slow, smoky number that allowed the dancer to put some extra tease in removing her three-piece negligee. With Tony's arm still put, Lauren swayed gently to the sexy tune and tapped her fingers on the table.

"Dude, she's fine," Roman murmured, gazing at the dancer. "I'd bust one in her fast."

Hunter jabbed his friend. "You'd bust in anything fast!"

"Autumn was primo too."

Lauren closed her eyes as she overheard their conversation. Yes, Autumn was top shelf.

Tony disagreed. "They don't have anything on our house mom here though, do they boys?" It was hard to tell in a place like this, but the aroma of fresh sex was coming from somewhere.

The young men took another look at Lauren. They both whistled.

"You definitely got it going on, house mom. Maybe you should be up there."

Lauren wiggled out of Tony's grip and turned to all three, her back to the table, giving them a good look at her nearly transparent top, hard abs, second-skin leggings, stilettos and that cameltoe. She tousled her jet-black hair.

"I don't think you'd want to see an old lady up there," she giggled.

"There ain't nothin' old about that," Roman said aloud, sizing her up.

The others turned back to the stage. Tony leaned over and whispered in her ear. "Naked is exactly how I'd like to see you. Just like my boy, Tommy."

Lauren's jaw dropped open as their eyes met. He knows. Her head started to swim; the bourbon was really doing a number on her now.

"I think I better go now, boys. It's way past my bedtime."

"You wouldn't want to waste that awesome buzz you've got going, would you?" Tony chided. "How are you getting home, anyway? Not driving I hope."

Lauren shook her head. "Cab. I think a stand's outside."

"Eh, not really," Hunter told her. "It's sort of between here and X. You sure you can make it there in those heels? You look a little wobbly."

She looked back at him with glassy eyes. "I dunno. Rideshare then, I guess." Pulling her phone out, she opened up the app to order a car. Tony put his hand over hers.

"Hunter's got a limo outside. His parents rented it 'cause they feel guilty for partying in France on his birthday. We can give you a ride if you want."

They all looked at the young man with cute dimples. He shrugged. "Yeah, this is getting kind of lame anyway. Then we can stop for a burger."

"Lead the way then," Lauren giggled. "My three sons!"


Outside, the four walked towards the black stretch limousine idling in the back of the parking lot. Lauren navigated the pavement the best she could before almost falling. Tony ran up and held her tight, his hand resting just above her buttocks. Roman and Hunter fell back slightly, watching her ass cheeks rock up and down. They glanced at each other. MILF was an overused term, but it described this one perfectly.

The driver cautiously eyed the woman who had strolled out of the strip club with the three men. Clearly, he did not see her as a business professional with a husband and two daughters. As he opened the door and the others climbed in, he motioned discretely to Hunter. "Loop the city for a while, sir?" he asked dryly.

Before the boy could answer, Tony popped back out and recited the address for Lauren's apartment building. "Take it slow. We'll let you know if that changes." The driver nodded.

As the voluminous car maneuvered onto the street, the group got comfortable. Soft purple LEDs illuminated the interior, revealing two very large and plush sofa seats that were positioned to face each other. Tony sidled up next to Lauren on one while Hunter and Roman sat directly opposite.

After pairing his phone with the limo's sound system, the birthday boy reached into the built-in cooler and removed a frosty bottle of liqueur. Pouring a shot, he quickly downed it and poured another, handing it to Lauren. Against her better judgement - which was already clouded - she accepted the glass and tossed back the burning liquid. Roman was next, then Tony.
"I want a body shot," the blonde boy smiled slyly, turning to Lauren.

"Are you kidding?" she giggled. "Is that still a thing?"

Tony nodded slowly, putting a finger on her belly. "Right there."

Lauren thought for a moment. If she wasn't careful this might get out of hand. "Uh, okay, sure."

She slid down in her seat, lying as flat as possible with legs straight out on the sofa bench next to Hunter. Tony poured a shot and grabbed a bar towel. Hovering over her upper body, he lightly traced a line on the tanned skin with his finger from just below her breasts to bare abs. There, he poured a small amount of the liqueur into her navel from the shot glass. Lauren laughed heartily, immediately sending it flying everywhere. Tony quickly bent over and licked up the remains.

"Okay, take two," he chuckled, pouring more into her belly button. This time Lauren stayed still as he licked out the dark liquid.

The other boys took a turn as well. One by one they leaned over the older woman, pursing their lips against her flat stomach and gobbling down the liqueur from her navel. As they did, an earthy smell emanating from between her legs struck their nostrils. The scent was unmistakable. This hottie was in heat.

Leaning back, Hunter noticed the gold chain around one of the high heels that were still planted next to his leg.
"What is H W?" he asked curiously, putting a hand on her ankle. Lauren stiffened.

Tony looked too. He hadn't noticed it before, but he could guess what it meant. Tommy had told him all about banging this chick. "You want to tell him or should I?"

"It's a gift from my husband," Lauren answered vaguely.

"H W? I thought your name was Lauren," Roman peered at her suspiciously.

"It means hotwife, dipstick. Her old man gives her permission to mess around."

Lauren grabbed the bottle from Tony and took a long drink.

Roman laughed. "Don't often see a house mom do that!"

Suddenly very warm, Lauren pulled the crop top off and threw it on the seat next to him. "House moms do that much either?" she shot back, winking.

All three boys stared at the tiny breasts straining against the nearly see-through bra.

"Your husband lets you date? I don't believe you," Hunter retorted, taking another shot. "Prove it."

All eyes fell on Lauren. They had thrown down the gauntlet. She looked at the boys one-by-one, connecting with each on a silent, personal level. There was no doubt what they wanted. She had walked into the lion's den.

Collecting herself, Lauren pulled out her phone, opened the video app and dialed Corey's number. Handing it to Tony, she slid over to the opposite seat and plopped down between Roman and Hunter, hands on their thighs.

As the outbound call was ringing, Tony fumbled with his free hand until it found the intercom to the driver.

"Yes, sir?"

"Let's circle a while please."


Corey was startled by the chimes of the video app ringing in the darkened room. It was quarter past three. He must have fallen asleep while watching an old war movie. The only light came from the television, and now, his phone. Yawning, he answered. It was Lauren.

The face of a decidedly young boy popped up on screen.

"Who the fuck are you?" were the first words out of the 61-year-old's mouth.

"What's up, old dude," Tony jeered. "I'm one of the guys who's going to tap your wife tonight." He reversed the camera, allowing Corey to see her sitting between his friends. " are the other two."

Lauren giggled and jiggled the bottle of liquor. "Hey, babe, I finally found my drink."

Corey wiped the sleep from his eyes. What the hell? Was she in a car?

"Who are they? Where are you? It's after three in the morning!"

"This is Roman and this is Hunter. It's Hunter's birthday. The cameraman is Tony, Tommy's friend. They're giving me a ride in a really cool limo."

The lighting was dim, but Corey saw the crop top was gone and she was down to her tights and bra.

"You're on your way home?"

"Eventually. We're having such a good time," Lauren cooed. She leaned towards the camera, hands on the boys' knees. "I was going to thank them for giving me a ride first." Getting even closer to the phone, she added, "They don't believe you like to share me, babe. There's just no convincing this younger generation without proof."

Erection growing, Corey shifted the position of his recliner to relieve the pressure.

His wife fluffed her midnight hair and blew the bangs from her eyes. "What do you say? Should I prove it to them?" she asked playfully.

The older man's hands crept under his pajamas. He nodded wistfully.

"That's what I thought," Lauren purred, sliding off the long seat and onto her knees in front of the two boys. Corey watched as she used both hands to rub their crotches, the growing tents in their pants leaving no doubt about their excitement. "You know, it's not Pauly, but these frat boys will do."

Sweet Jesus, she's going to get gangbanged.

Tony secured the phone in an armrest, affording a view of the entire cabin. Sliding to the floor behind Lauren, he grabbed a handful of leggings, and smirked. "We're going to destroy your pretty little wife, boomer."

Those in the limo heard an audible groan from the device. Corey flew out of his recliner and raced to his home office. Ripping open the lid, he transferred the video call to his laptop. Sitting down in an overstuffed chair, he was shocked at what he saw on the bigger screen.

Both boys' cocks were now protruding from their slacks and Lauren was unraveling condoms onto each. As she alternated between jacking them off and giving them head, Tony perched directly behind her, pulled her leggings down, and began licking her ass and pussy.

As the mature wife moaned from the tongue swirling around her crack, so did Hunter and Roman, lost in what her hand and mouth was doing to their young cocks.

"Oh yeah, suck my dick, lady," one of the boys moaned.

Corey cleared his throat, thought a moment, then just blurted it out. "She's no lady. Just a slut looking for cock. Treat her like one."

Lauren shrieked in delight. Apparently, she wasn't the only one who knew how to push buttons.

Those words caused Tony to stop tonguing the pink puckered asshole. Tommy is right, this couple is whacked. Taking a cue from her husband, the football safety pulled Lauren from Roman's shaft and pushed her deep into the rear seat. She laughed maniacally as Tony untied the laces of her heels and slipped them off. Hunter attacked her breasts and nipples through the thin bra while the other two boys peeled off the tights.

Roman wasted no time and dove between the toned legs, his hands spreading the smooth pussy lips for better access. As he buried his face in her treasure, he marveled at the thick juices already pouring from pulsating canal.

"Yessss," Lauren groaned, putting her hands on his head, drawing him in further.

Hunter pushed the bra down, freeing her breasts, and continued his assault on her nipples, which were now jutting out a good half-inch from her chest.

"Just like that!" she cried.

Tony shed his shoes, pants and boxers and knelt on the seat facing Lauren. Seeing the fully erect cock dancing in front of her, she grabbed hold and began stroking furiously.

"Holy shit, you're one hot piece of ass!"

Hunter moved to the opposite seat to remove his own pants which gave Tony an opportunity to move in. Standing with feet on either side of the older woman, knees slightly bent, he found his dick was perfectly aligned with that slutty mouth. Lauren knew what was coming and pointed to the condoms which had fallen from her clutch. Reluctantly, the boy hastily rolled one on and then braced himself with a hand on the limo's roof. With the other he slowly guided his seven inches through her ruby red lips which were eager to accept it. Roman continued to dine on the shaved pussy below, hoping his friend didn't lose his balance and crash down on his head.

Slacks off, Hunter slid next to Lauren and placed her left hand on his dick. She immediately wrapped her fingers around it, causing the dimpled boy to melt into his own euphoria. He turned and watched as his friend slammed into the older woman's mouth.

"Take my cock," Tony demanded, his knees just below Lauren's armpits as he rammed his tool down her throat. "FUCK that's a hot mouth! Old dude, you getting off seeing me face fuck your ol' lady? This is something special."

Corey had by now discarded his pajamas and was watching the action unfold from his office chair, one hand on his erection. "I know," he wheezed.

Lauren squealed as Roman began tapping her clit. When she did, the spittle built up from the assault dribbled down her chin. The unusual position and the constant jarring of the road eventually took a toll on Tony's legs. Cramping, he swung away from Lauren's face, his thigh barely missing Roman's head as his friend continued to eat her pussy.

Lauren inhaled rapidly, trying to replace the oxygen she'd been denied for the last five minutes. The break was short. Hunter grabbed her by the hair and pushed her down into his lap.

"Mmmppphhh!" Corey heard her muffled cry through his laptop's speakers, followed by very intense and satisfied slurping sounds. In the dim lighting he could see his wife's head bobbing up and down on the boy's cock. He gripped his own dick tighter and increased the pace of his strokes.

Roman, tongue tired from probing the hairless slit, slid off his slacks and knelt behind the perfect ass hovering in the air. Gripping Lauren's hips, he plunged his full length deep into the hole he'd just been devouring. It slid in quickly with no resistance. Her shriek was deafening.

"FUCK, that feels good," she bellowed. "Do me with that big cock, don't ever stop!"

Hunter, determined not to be forgotten, guided her mouth back down onto his shaft. "Finish me!" he trilled, knowing he was close. Her tongue obliged.

"Oh shit, suck my dick just like that!" the curly haired boy urged. "I'm almost there. Old dude, your wife has perfected the blowjob!"

Corey's eyes lit up. And to think she's given me maybe five in thirty years. He saw Lauren's lips hungrily besiege the cock in her mouth as the other kid rhythmically thrust his into a pussy just as eager. Suddenly, she pulled off Hunter's condom as the pulsating member erupted with thick semen, splattering her hair and bra.

"Ahhhgggggg, I'm cumming," Hunter snarled. Some of it flew indiscriminately through the cabin, causing Tony to curse.
"What the fuck, man, watch where you’re firing that shit!"

Back in Iowa, Corey continued to stroke his six inches as he watched Lauren wipe excess cum off her chin and then shift into a more comfortable position to take the cock driving into her from behind.

"Oh shit, I love it! Fuck me, oh Jesus, fuck me!"

"Take my cock, baby," Roman growled.

"Can...can you see...this young stud hammering me, perv?" she called out to her husband between moans.

"It's what you set out to do, right?" Corey croaked. "To get laid? And you call me the perv. Didn't count on three cocks though, did you, slut?"

"Oh, noooooooo!" came the shrill response.

"Just enjoy it, babe."

"Oh, I WILL. This cock feels amazing...oh FUCK!"

Roman increased his thrusts. Peering down along Lauren's skinny back, her spine bent at each jab. The way she was looking back at him with that devious smile, her hair whipping around...he was not going to last long.

"Fuck me! Give it to me hard!" Lauren screamed. "Don't stop. God, Corey, I love it!

"Gonna cum!" Roman gasp.

"Do it!" she barked. "Corey, he's going to blow in your pussy, babe! Tell him. Tell him, Goddammit!"

Corey leaned towards his computer. "She wants it on her, kid. Give her what she wants."

The linebacker pulled out and ripped off the rubber. Lauren faced him, long lashes batting from behind her black bangs.
"Give me your cum, pretty boy! Paint my face!"

Roman roared loudly and unloaded several long spurts of the milky liquid onto her forehead and cheeks, adding to Hunter's earlier deposit. Lauren bleated with pleasure.

While catching her breath, she slid over to give her husband a better look as she wiped her glazed face with a bar towel. "So much, babe! It's everywhere."

Tony motioned for her to join him on the opposite seat. Smiling seductively, Lauren winked at the camera and turned to crawl across the floor of the limo. The boy guided her mouth onto his palpitating cock.

"Good God, help me!" was all he could muster.

Corey watched in amazement as his previously demure Midwestern wife once again savaged a youngster's cock as well as any pornstar in the business. She hadn't been that vicious with Tommy. Someone's been watching video, he thought.
After several minutes of hearing Tony moan incessantly, Corey observed Lauren climb onto the plush seat and straddle her lover. Spreading those toned legs, she lined up the throbbing cock with her dripping hole and slowly sank down, causing them both to cry out in ecstasy. Lauren slid her hips up and down the boy's crotch as her hands clawed his chest in passion. It was clear she was taking every inch he had to give. They settled into a steady but heated pace until they were both moaning in unison.
"What am I?" Lauren puffed between breaths, baiting the young man.

"Good pussy, that's for sure," Tony replied, not quite sure how to respond while trying to keep in rhythm.

"But WHAT am I?"

Roman remembered what Corey had said. He was catching on.

"She's nothing but a slut, brother Anthony. A cock whore!"

"YESSSS, oh yes. I'm your whore tonight, boys. FUCK me, Tony!" Lauren sputtered. Knowing her husband was listening, she barked, "DESTROY my married pussy!"

Corey pumped his cock furiously as his beloved wife rode the sculpted 21-year-old with abandon.

Seeing the woman's reaction, Hunter chimed in, "Do the bitch, she wants it bad."

"Slut's in heat, Tony!" Roman echoed.

Lauren wailed vociferously.

"Listen to your friends, baby, fuck my pussy HARD!" she screamed. "Don't stop, don't you dare stop!" Her nails dug deep into the boy's chest, drawing small droplets of blood as she continued to grind her hips against his.

"Goddamn, bitch, you're off-the-chain!" Tony groaned. "Old dude, how the fuck are you still alive?"

Hunter sniggered and grabbed the phone. He couldn't resist.

"You seeing this shit, old man?" he sneered at Corey. "Your lady's giving my boy the ride of his life. He's busting that up. She took my jizz on her face! Thanks for a great birthday, dude!"

Head thrown back now, Lauren's long silky black mane dangled down to the middle of her shoulder blades. She was balancing herself on his knees.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, FUCK ME, Tony! Please fuck me!"

"Damn, slut, your pussy's so nasty!"

She looked at Corey on the small screen.

"I've been sooo bad tonight, babe. You don't even know. I bet you like seeing your little wife gangbanged by these BIG football players? Frat boys, just like Pauly!"

Corey seethed as he cranked his cock. The emotions were simply overwhelming. Its what he craved and needed so badly.

"Don't stop. Faster, faster!" Lauren begged, bouncing up and down, what tits she did have jiggling freely.

The blonde boy tightened his grip on her hips.

"Bang that bitch, man!" Roman shouted as he and Hunter sat on the opposite seat, cocks in hand.

Lauren began hyperventilating. "Oh God, Corey, he's incredible!"

The older man touched his computer screen. I know, love, that's why I want this for you too, he whispered inaudibly.
Defying her age, his wife suddenly leapt to her feet. Squatting on haunches allowed for better control as the boy's cock penetrated her from below like a demon-possessed steam piston.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, shit that's so good!" Tony yelled. He could feel his release building.

Lauren sensed it too.

"You like this married pussy boy? You gonna cum for me, just like Tommy did? Blow your wad for me?"

"Fucking right I am, bitch!"

"I know you want to soooo bad!!"

Lauren made sure Corey was watching the young stud fuck her senseless.

"See it sliding into my bald pussy, hon? He's so big, babe, I think I'm gonna cum too. Cum with me, Corey! Play with your nipples and twist your cock, you perv. Do it, Twisty!"

Corey tightened his grip on his pulsating dick and began tweaking a hairy nipple on his soft, graying chest. She knew it was the one thing that would bring him off.

Tony lifted his shoulders off the seat and grabbed at Lauren's tits.

"I'm going to blow!" he groaned.

"Bust one in that slut!" Roman cheered.

Lauren leaned over Tony's massive chest and bore into his eyes. The intensity he saw in her stare was at the same time both erotic and frightening, unlike anything he'd seen before. What came next was astonishing. The 48-year-old mother of two fucked him at such an insane pace that it hurt, her hips but a fleshy blur. His friends and her husband could only look on in amazement at the torrid scene. Professional adult entertainment had nothing on this.

"Ohhhhhhh, that's it!" Lauren brayed. "Use my filthy whore cunt!"

"You ARE a filthy whore bitch, lettin' your ol' man watch you get fucked!"

"Yes, YES, I AM! That's it, faster...FASTER!"

The lovers were building to an incredible crescendo. As Lauren approached her orgasm, she began to lose control.
"Yeah, baby. Shit, fuck. Your cock's so good, so good! Corey, he's gonna make me cum! C’MON FUCK ME!"

Tony held his breath as he bore down, driving his steel rod as deep as it would go.

"Tell him to fuck me, Corey. Do it now!"

"Fuck her," the older man muttered weakly.



He and the other two boys looked on, watching their friend and his wife mate like two wild animals. All three masturbating fiercely at what they were witnessing.

"You heard my husband, Tony. Fuck me! Do it! Faster! Don't stop!"

"You nasty CUNT! Take it! You cum dump fucking BITCH!"

Lauren howled at the limo's roof as her whole being shook uncontrollably. Her fingers raked the young chest in front of her as blood pooled under her nails. Quivering hands on flush cheeks, she screamed like a banshee as the orgasm wretched her entire body. Even through her shattering climax, she kept her eye on the prize.

"FUCK me, Tony! FUCK the shit out me. Just like that. Harder, harder. Give me your cum. Oh God, I want your cum!

"Fuck me like a whore! Use my pussy like a cheap hooker!"

Tony's face showed his delirium, head thrashing from side to side.

"I'm cumming!" he roared.

"On her face!" Corey managed to eek out, one hand on his cock, the other frantically thumbing a shriveled nipple. His own release was imminent.

Tony pushed Lauren onto the vehicle's floorboard and ripped off the latex sheath. She fell on her back laughing dementedly as all three boys stood hunched over, their backs pressed against the roof of the limo. The car hit a bump, causing Hunter to lose his grip on the phone. It tumbled to the floor beside Lauren, allowing Corey to see things from her perspective. The youngsters were really beating their meat now, faces grimacing as they willed the cum from their balls. Finally, with deafening thunder, all three came, raining down a torrential spray of cum on everything that was below them.

Lauren took most of the blast, with the remainder landing on the plush seats. She laughed with glee as the spurts kept coming, covering her hair and face with various shades and viscosity of semen, depending on which boy it was coming from. Corey saw her scoop the mess off her face and smear it on her chest, clearly reveling in the moment.

As the boys fell back onto the seats above, Lauren rolled over on the floor and faced the phone that had landed by her head.
"You're right, baby. I do have my own friends down here now," she purred, licking her lips with a quick wink.
"And come to think about it, most of them are fucking me."

A smile spread across Lauren's face as she saw Corey's head sink back into his office chair. A low moan turned into a primitive, almost primal, wail as a thin, weak, and mostly transparent stream of jizz spurted from his cock and onto his chest.
Like a cheap hooker, she mused. Her smile turned into a sly grin. Peering back into the camera, she nodded her head decisively.

"I think I know now what I'm going to be for Halloween, babe."

Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827


Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by Guhunkadorn » Wed May 12, 2021 5:52 am

Holy Crap!

Well written, felt like I was right there in the Limo.

Hope your creative juices keep flowing.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by DarrenZ » Thu May 13, 2021 3:52 am

Great work. Only thing I'm disappointed about is that I'm all caught up- more, more!

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Joined: Sat Mar 13, 2021 10:59 am

Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Sun May 16, 2021 8:27 am


Lauren Miller stared at the dark television screen, mentally projecting images of the prior evening into the fifty-five-inch reflection. She’d been this way since awakening a mere five hours after Hunter’s birthday limousine had dropped her off.

Tiny dancer. A vision of the exotic entertainer brought a smile to the Iowan wife. Longing for a Midwestern fall, “Autumn” had certainly come in unexpected ways. The brief masturbation with friend and coworker Amy Rosinner aside, last night had been her first hands-on experience with another woman, albeit contrived and paid for. Those few minutes with the stripper made her realize there was something intoxicating about the softness of a woman’s touch and the taste of another’s lipstick. There was definitely more to sex than just intercourse.

House mom? Close to 50, Lauren’s entire body ached from being tossed around like a rag doll by those frat boys. Not just the obvious areas either, but legs, arms and elbows. At the time it was pure pleasure, but today, a chiropractor’s dream. Why did she do it? No real reason besides being drunk and horny. It would be easy to blame it on Corey’s kink, take an “I did it for you” stance, but that would be nonsense. She went looking to get laid and laid she got. Pure and simple. It just happened to mirror a similar fantasy her husband had shared. Go figure. What about Tommy? Was she surprised he “kissed and tattled” to his fraternity brother? Not really. Did he brag? Was she as good as the younger coeds? Probably not.

Like a rag doll. Was the complete submission to Tony and friends really what turned her on now? Before Miami, Lauren was passive in bed, content to let Corey and the few boys before him take control. But none had been excessive and certainly not like last night. Sex with those college kids was the first time she’d actually felt used like a whore. And God help her, she loved it.

The proposition. She only had herself to blame for being mistaken for a prostitute. Look like a duck, get treated like a duck. The thing was, in Iowa she would have been mortified to be thought of that way. Now, it simply triggered a dark part of her that found sex-for-a-fee very erotic.

Corey. Why hadn’t her husband called? They usually had a conversation every Saturday morning, but other than him acknowledging her text when she got home last night, there had been nothing. He clearly enjoyed what he saw, but had she somehow crossed the line, even for his demented mind? Unlikely, given the nature of his kink. That line was surely crossed weeks ago. Corey was hard to read nowadays, but Lauren chalked that up to the long-distance relationship. It had been nearly eight weeks since his last visit and she missed him a great deal. In fact, during recent weak moments, she had implored him to quit his job in Iowa, sell the house, and just move, damnit! But she knew that would not be good for his career. The damage to his reputation could be irreparable if he abandoned a major construction project in its final phase.

Life before Miami. What became of Lauren, the softball coach and dance mom? The girl who baked cookies for the church and volunteered for blood drives? The devoted Des Moines wife who swore an oath to a man who not only doted on her, but their daughters as well? Even though she married right out of college, she knew Corey was the man for her. The 11-year age difference was not an issue then, and outside the bedroom, not an issue now. They had a good partnership, evidenced by 28 years of marriage and two children – and still going strong.

What of the girlfriends she left behind? At first, they would talk every weekend, catching up on this and that. Then they began running out of things to say, being so far removed from each other’s lives. Now they rarely talked.

Life in Miami. She’d only made one real friend. Amy was fun, considerate, and a good confidant. All other acquaintances were neighbors or random guys who hit on her. And yeah, a few lovers. But truly, life without Corey and the kids was mundane, given the number of hours she worked. In fact, without the occasional dalliance - something her deranged husband encouraged - life would be downright dull. In her mind, these assignations actually helped alleviate some of the depression she would otherwise feel sitting alone in her apartment. Despite the sexual adventures, she was literally counting the days until Corey and she could be together once again.


Lauren went to bed early that evening. After a forgettable frozen dinner, it was nine-thirty and she simply wanted to end the day. Corey still had not called, nor had he answered the two text messages she’d sent. It wasn’t that he was injured in a ditch somewhere in Iowa. One of their daughters, Caroline, had confirmed speaking to him earlier in the evening and all seemed fine. So, what then?

As the remote shut down the bedroom TV, the phone rang unexpectedly. Corey.

“Hey,” she answered nonchalantly, trying not to reveal too much concern.

“Hey, yourself."

“Are you okay? You usually call me earlier.”

“I figured you’d be wiped out from last night,” Corey deadpanned.

“Are you mad at me?” Lauren asked, her voice showing some anxiety.

“No. I just needed time to think.”

Oh boy, here it comes.

“I spent the whole day thinking about your little adventure. Not sure how I felt at first.”

Lauren bit her lip apprehensively. She knew it; she’d gone too far. Time for damage control.

“Babe, I’m sorry. Weeks ago, I told you the switch had been turned on…you flipped it yourself…and we didn’t know when, or if, it could ever be turned off. Maybe we should, you know, kill this “thing” before it kills us. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed our little adventure too. But maybe it’s time to end it.”

Corey sighed. Despite the miles between them, and oddly enough, the subject at hand, he could not help but soften. She was willing to go back to the way things were, even after tasting what things could be, should be. That spoke volumes.

As I was saying, I wasn’t exactly sure how I felt about three cocks unloading on my wife in the back of a limo.”


“Then I jerked off to the whole thing. Like, four or five times Lauren. Jesus, babe, that was hot as fuck. I can’t believe you did that on your own.”

A sense of relief washed over her. Thank God he isn’t angry. Yet those boys taunted him last night. It should have been devastating to his ego. Did that mean his kink was growing and evolving in a niche direction? Sort of like her burgeoning delectation of submission?

“Actually it was four,” Lauren corrected him sheepishly.

There was momentary silence on the other end.

“Four? When you hung up after…ah, Tony…I figured you’d go home. There were only three of them in the car.”

“That’s not really true.”

More silence. She could almost hear the light bulb go on in her husband's head.

“Oh my God, Lauren, you didn’t.”

“I didn’t have a choice.”

“We always have choices.”

Lauren cleared her throat. “When the driver dropped me off, he saw the…mess…on the velour seats and he was really pissed. I guess it fell on him to clean it up. Started yelling about extra charges and telling Hunter’s parents. So, I…you know...smoothed it over.”

A long, low moan came through the speaker.

Her eyes narrowed. “You're incorrigible. That gets you worked up, doesn’t it, perv?”

“Mmm. Tell me how.”

“Corey, it only lasted like five min…”

“Tell me!”

Jesus, he's warped. “So, the driver was ranting that puke was one thing, but this was something entirely different, how he didn’t get paid to clean up bodily fluids, blah, blah. After letting him vent, I grabbed my clutch and told him I’d pay for any charges.

“He looked at me a little weird at first, then told me the card processor was in the front. When he slid behind the wheel to get it, I jumped in the front passenger seat next to him. After telling me there was a $200 cleaning charge, he asked me how I’d like to pay. You know what I told him, babe?”


“You’re funny,” Lauren chuckled. “I didn’t say anything. Just leaned over and unzipped his pants. You should have seen his face.”

The rapid breathing from the speakerphone was clearly audible.

“Are you playing with yourself, Twisty? Are you twisting that dick hard?”

Corey didn't answer, he just moaned. “Did that turn you on?”

“Not exactly. He wasn’t very good-looking, and I had just been, well…so, no. It was all very transactional. Once he nodded, I got on my knees, leaned over the center console, fished his penis out, and sucked it into my mouth.”

Corey gasped through his euphoria. “No rubber?”

“I know, I know. Was fresh out. It’s not like I carry a box around. I do hope none of the doormen from my building saw me bobbing up and down in this guy’s lap in the driveway.”

Lauren heard the sounds of her husband's hands tugging at his dick. Fap, fap, fap.

“You…you said five minutes. He didn’t last long?”

“Hardly. He'd probably been listening to us. When he was ready, I clamped my lips down around the head and just let him blow.”

“You’ve never let me come in your mouth,” Corey half-whined.

His grousing didn't escape Lauren. Was he actually get off on me doing something special for another guy? Fucking weird.

“What could I do, Twisty? No way I was going to cause more of a mess, so I swallowed his whole load. It was such an odd feeling, having thick cum shoot down my throat, although it did taste better than I thought it would.”

"Laurrrrennnn," Corey moaned as the orgasm caused his body to shudder. It was a small one, seeing as it wasn't exactly the first one of the day via his hand.

As his breathing slowed, he returned to the phone. “That was…that was really hot.”

“Well, if you think that was hot,” Lauren mused, thinking about her time with Autumn, “then you better get yourself another tissue.”



“Amelia,” Corey answered softly, picking up the phone from the nightstand. The dim blue numerals on the clock radio bore witness to his inability to fall asleep. Midnight now, the call with his wife had ended two hours earlier. “Always good to hear from you. Even in the middle of the night.”

“What’s going on with Mom?” his oldest daughter demanded, ignoring the sarcasm.

He was always happy to hear from his daughters. Caroline had called earlier, and they spoke amicably, but this conversation wasn’t starting off very well. Amelia, unlike her sister, was the pragmatic one who had graduated college early and landed herself a leadership role in an IT startup. She was going to rule the world someday. This directness was typical of her style but in this case very dark and foreboding.

“Not sure what you mean.”

“When’s the last time you saw her?”

Corey thought for a moment. Let’s see, that would have been last night, when she had cum from three boys dripping off her face. Probably not the best response.

“A couple months ago. You know that,” he feigned obliviousness.

“Not in person, Dad. Like when she goes out with friends.”

“I don’t know. She texts me photos sometimes.” It wasn’t a lie. She would send random pics of her and Amy when they went drinking.

“But have you seen her social media posts?”

Although the 61-year-old was aware of various online sites, he didn’t use them. Lauren dabbled, but did not think she was heavily into it.

“I don't have accounts set up, so no.”

Amelia sighed. “Of course not. She posts some. Not every day. But enough that I've noticed changes in her appearance. Dad, she looks good. I mean really good. Hot even. Very fit. And the way she dresses, heavy makeup. Like she's trying to, I don't know…be noticed.

“Looking fit and sexy is a bad thing?”

“It is when she’s my mother, and my father, her husband, is a thousand miles away. I know you guys have a good marriage and all, but the pics she posts, Dad, well…you should know many times there are guys in them. Nothing awful…mostly just sitting at a bar rail with her and her blonde friend or crammed into a booth with others. Here, I'll send you one. Point is, your wife’s a bona fide hottie these days and there is no way she’s not getting hit on.”

Corey swallowed hard. “Look, I’m not sure what you are implying, but you shouldn’t be talking that way about your mother. If you have a problem with the way she dresses I suggest you speak with her. I’m not there.”

“Maybe you should be.”

An awkward silence fell over the conversation.

“Dad, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. I know you gotta do what you gotta do for your job. It’s just that Miami is a fast city with fast people. Rich, sexy people. I’m not saying Mom would ever cheat, but it wouldn’t be the first time a spouse got caught up in the trappings of a new exciting life in a busy shiny city.”

“I understand, I get it. Duly noted, but don’t worry, I’ll be with her again in just a few months. Then we’ll pick up where we left off.”

“Yeah, okay, sure,” the young girl replied dubiously. Corey could detect the heavy skepticism in her voice. "Well, goodnight, Daddy. Can’t wait to see you over Thanksgiving.”

“Me either. Goodnight, Princess. Call me anytime.”


Corey’s head sank back into his pillow as he laid staring at the photo Amelia had just sent him. Sure enough, there was Lauren standing very close to some guy at a bar and grill, both smiling and raising their glasses in a toast. Of course, his daughter was spot on about Lauren’s change in dress, makeup and mannerism. But how do you tell your child you support her mother's slutty ways and, in fact, encouraged any promiscuity as a result? Well, you don't, of course. What it did mean, however, was that those not-so-subtle changes were beginning to be noticed by others outside their little bubble. Had her friends in Iowa seen them? Have my friends seen them? Likely. Apparently, the images were pretty tame or Amelia would have surely said something. Even in this photo though, Lauren definitely looked younger, sexier, and happier.

Happier. That’s what bugged Corey the most. What he feared the most. It wasn’t like he didn’t want her to be happy. On the contrary, a great deal of personal gratification came from knowing she was being sexually fulfilled again, an edge he had been losing for quite some time. He couldn’t be angry about that. Hell, he had ignited the fuse. Nor would he begrudge her happiness in her new job. He’d always support her career moves.

But...was some of that happiness because he wasn’t around? Lauren was obviously living a good life in Miami. Executive pay, luxury apartment, weekends at the pool, nights eating out, and from all indications, carousing. She had said it herself: most of her friends were fucking her. All without a graying and flabby husband around to mess up her newfound mojo.

Had things gone too far? She went from simple experimentation to a gangbang in a matter of months. Of course, they were both equally culpable; Corey the enabler and she the erotically enabled. He only hoped she wouldn’t discover she didn’t need him anymore. Kick him to the curb in favor of younger, more virile lovers. It wasn't beyond the realm of possibility. Not that he thought there was anything amorous about these flings. But Amelia had a good point, Lauren was a hottie and dressing the part. She and Amy did go out drinking a lot. Had she done things behind his back she’d simply not mentioned? Was she having an affair, or encounters that were purposefully being hidden from him? There was no reason to believe so. After all, if she’s going to live stream fucking three guys in a limo, what motivation would there be to hide anything? Unless…unless there was a romantic undertow somewhere. His psyche could take his wife having sex with others – even embrace it, but not her falling in love. No, that would be a devastating consequence. The one he most feared.

Then there was the ominous feeling that his kink was devolving into something darker.

I'm one of the guys who's going to tap your wife tonight.

Old dude, you getting off seeing me face fuck your ol' lady?

Your lady's giving my boy the ride of his life. He's busting that up. She took my jizz on her face! Thanks for a great birthday, dude!

Although this was typical alpha-male behavior, those frat boys were definitely trying to assert dominance over the older man. And to his surprise, even Lauren had leaned in with her own dig.

You're right, baby. I do have my own friends down here now, and…most of them are fucking me.

That last barb carried a great deal of connotation, of course. He hoped she had just thrown it out there to pull his levers, but had it meant more? What disturbed Corey the most was that he found the emotions it evoked particularly enticing. Clearly, there was a lot to talk about. Not only to ensure their marriage was still on solid footing, but to define where they may be headed with this “special” relationship. He needed to reclaim her, let her know she was still his and that they were in it for the long haul. Thanksgiving was still weeks away and this couldn’t wait. The two needed a heart-to-heart as soon as possible. The project manager browsed flights on his tablet for the next weekend. A three o’clock to Miami was available Friday afternoon. Halloween. Perfect. He could go directly after work to the airport, then surprise her at the apartment, flowers in hand.

After booking the ticket, Corey turned on his side as sleep drew a curtain over his eyes. The last bit of consciousness left one lone thought: she was going to be so surprised!


An older model car with rusted wheel wells pulled up beside the hooker. “Are you working?” a gruff voice came from within.

Lauren strutted over to the passenger window and leaned down, giving the greasy fat man a look down her low-cut tank top and her braless itty-bitty titties beneath.

“Twenty-five for first base with a happy ending, home plate will cost ya a Benjamin,” she purred.

The dumpy driver chomped hard on the cigar in his mouth. “Get in, I’m goin’ yard.”

Lauren opened the creaky front door and slid onto the rough and ripped vinyl seat. It smelled like onions.

The john gunned the car away from the curb and put his hand on her knee.

“I’m gonna fuck the teeth right outta your head.”


The Rekrap executive woke with a start from the recurring dream. She’d been having it since being propositioned a week ago. Sometimes there was two men in the car, but the result was always the same: being taken to a flop-house and manhandled. Each time she would wake in a soaking sweat, horny, which required calling in The Chairman, her ten-inch vibrator, to quell the rage between her legs.

After stripping the sheets, Lauren stood in front of the bathroom mirror wiping sleep from her eyes. Why did the thought of selling herself appeal so much? The overall naughtiness of it? The submission? Being used? A man that pays for sex has certain expectations and could get rough. Did that turn her on?

The clock blinked from across the room. Five o’clock! The sun would soon be up. No going back to sleep now. Might as well go for a power walk. As Lauren slipped into nylon shorts and pulled on a workout bra, she remembered it was not only Friday, but Halloween as well! One of her favorite unofficial holidays. All those little ghouls and goblins seeking candy, all the cute costumes. None of that this year, she supposed. Not many children lived in the downtown district. Guess she’d settle for a good bottle of wine and a spooky movie.


Corey whistled along with the radio as he drove to work that morning. Twelve more hours and he’d be in his wife’s arms again, making love to the best thing that ever happened to him. He rehearsed what he’d say when she opened the door. Imagined what her reaction would be.

He'd fibbed and told her that most of his day would be spent supervising the installation of radiology equipment, which required his phone to be off. Just in case she tried to call him while he was in the air. Pure bullshit, but she’d bought it. Now all he needed was for it to be quitting time.


Rekrap network engineer Steve Hamilton eyed the pretty Chief Office Manager as she walked past his cubicle towards one of the company’s many break rooms. His friend, Shane Carson, snickered at the wistful look.

“Dude, you’ve had the hots for her months now. Just go talk to her.”

“She's an executive, Shane.”

"So what?"

"I could get canned."

"Or laid. Besides, haven’t you heard? Her old man is a loooong way from Miami. A good-looking older chick like that has got to be horny. Look at how she dresses, man. That's advertising. You hit that someday or I will.”

Steve looked unsure, but he had learned to trust his friend. Shane was more worldly than the quiet IT specialist. A braggart when it came to women, he sure was able to back it up with legit claims. Hesitating in the doorway, Steve saw Lauren sitting at one of the break tables waiting for coffee to brew. She looked beautiful in a black pencil skirt and satin blouse.

“Good morning” he praised the office manager, trying his best to be cool. "You look really nice today.”

Lauren smiled. “Why, thank you Steve.” She’d always liked the soft-spoken engineer. A little nerdy – okay, a lot nerdy – but he always made people around him happy.

As they waited for the caffeine-ladened liquid to begin making its way from the filter to the pot, Steve stole a glimpse at the long, tanned legs sitting crossed at the break table. Shane was right, he’d had a thing for the pretty executive since she started working at the firm some five months ago, but it appeared destined to be unrequited. He knew a few other more confident guys in the office had risked asking her to dinner, but she always turned them down, politely playing the marriage card. And yet, there was something about her personality which hinted, under the right circumstances, the right moment, she might just be receptive to something more.

“Exciting Halloween plans, tonight?”

Lauren chuckled and shook her head. “I was thinking about going to see a special showing of Rocky Horror at the Movie Shack tonight. So, nothing too exciting. You?”

Steve thought quickly. The Shack was just a couple blocks from where he thought she lived. He stayed on the other end of downtown, but close enough.

“Wow, what a coincidence,” he lied. “I was thinking about doing the same. It’s like at eight.”



The last bit of steaming coffee gurgled from the dispenser into the nearly overflowing pot. Lauren carefully poured herself a cup and began walking out of the break room, much to Steve’s dismay. Suddenly, she stopped in the doorway and turned, brushing a strand of that gorgeous shiny black hair behind her ear.

“Well, maybe I’ll see you there. If not, have a great weekend!” she said cheerily.

The IT specialist stood staring at the doorway. He took a sip from his empty coffee cup.



The Iowan project manager watched as his flight peeled away from the Des Moines runway that afternoon, right on time. The day had taken forever to get through. Now, a good tail wind would get him to Miami International by seven-thirty. Then a short taxi ride to downtown.

There was no denying he was excited. After two months, he was looking forward to getting his dick wet. He’d watched as other men ravished his wife, now it was his turn. With any luck, she wouldn’t be in her pajamas yet.


Lauren looked at the clock beside the bed. Seven-fifteen. It had been a rough day with vendors and she looked forward to relaxing with a pitcher of beer and the characters from RH. It was amazing you could get alcohol and food in a theatre these days. This would be fun.

To set a mood for the film, she decided to goth it up a bit. Sitting at the vanity, she applied heavy mascara, eye shadow and liner. Not much different than what Corey would call her “strumpet face”, but decidedly more spectral. Lauren then opted for a simple black bodysuit, forgoing any panties or bra, and snapped the front and back together between her legs. The top was mostly sheer, showing plenty of opaque skin beneath, with strategically placed lace covering only her apple-sized breasts and nipples, and tapering down the front. She tried on a few pairs of jeans until settling on the snow-white ankle ones that Corey was so fond of. The contrast between the black top, white denim, and funereal makeup was striking, even hot. Maybe there’s a tall, dark and handsome goth man in my future, she giggled.

As Lauren turned from one side to the other, smoothing out the outfit in front a full-length mirror, a bit of guilt washed over her. I should be wearing this for Corey tonight. Gray hair, man-boobs, minuteman, and all. Those things didn’t matter, really. He was the father of her children and the one who still held the sole lock on her heart, even after all these years. Why can’t you be here with me, damnit? I need to be made love to!

She wanted to share these thoughts, but
it was not to be. Several failed attempts at video chats later, Lauren finally gave up. It was nearly seven-thirty. Surely he was out of that lab by now.

Slipping on a black leather choker - something she’d picked up at the boutique store at lunch - she fluffed her hair and took one more look in the mirror. Looking good, girl. Too bad, babe, your loss.


Corey flipped through an online shopping magazine which had been strategically placed behind the seat tray. Another hour or so and he’d be with his Lauren. They had so much to talk about. He wanted to thank her for being so understanding about his…obsession. For wanting to help him develop it in an organic way where their marriage could remain viable and alive. But was it growing into a sustainable pattern, or just a quirky pastime that would eventually peter out or end in their destruction?

He was aging and couldn’t imagine his much younger wife being content with battery-operated toys and a guy who couldn’t last more than 10 minutes. If he asked her to be monogamous again, would she? Was it cruel to let her get a taste of what she’d been missing and then ask her to abstain? Did he want her to? Deep in his heart he knew the answer. Just as her libido had been rejuvenated, so too had his fetish.


“Any packages, Harvey?” Lauren asked the concierge on her way through the lobby.

The older man checked the log. “I’m afraid not, Mrs. Miller.” He glanced at the body suit. If one looked closely – not that he was, mind you – one could almost make out the areolae and nipples that were sitting prominently on her small 30b-cup breasts. “If you don't mind me saying so, you look very nice tonight. Big Halloween party?”

“You’re always so nice,” Lauren called over her shoulder as she headed towards the revolving door to the circular driveway. "No such luck. Just a movie at the Shack. Don't wait up for me!"

The old man chuckled as the resident wiggled away, her tight buns rocking up and down in the tight, white skinny jeans.

Man, I love my job.


The captain announced descent into Miami International just as Corey was finishing an article about living in Antarctica. The weary traveler waited patiently as the plane queued up behind others for final approach. Eventually the twin engine jet taxied to the gate for deplaning.

Taking his phone out of airplane-mode, he noticed a couple missed calls from Lauren. Not wanting to give away the surprise, the project manager ignored them. After grabbing a dozen roses from a small shop in the airport, he hailed a cab and threw in his overnight bag. The driver announced traffic was light and the ETA to downtown was about 25 minutes. Good. Still time to go somewhere for a drink with the most beautiful girl in the world.


It was shortly after eight when the taxi pulled into the downtown apartment building’s circular drive. Corey had seen Lauren’s call come in and once again ignored it. He’d be talking to her soon enough. Glancing around to ensure she wasn’t out for one of her power walks, he bounded from the back seat. Flowers and suitcase in hand, the giddy husband walked through the lobby to a waiting elevator under the watchful eye of the desk attendant. Harvey couldn’t quite place the Casanova who had just strolled in, but he certainly looked familiar.

Corey was all smiles as the lift took him to the 23rd floor. Seconds later, he stood in front of the door, unable to contain himself. The look on her face will be priceless! Although he had a key, he decided to knock. Lauren wasn’t expecting him and taking a butcher knife to the throat would not be a good way to finish the day.

He knocked once. Twice. Three times. Ear to the door, there were no noises coming from the apartment. Was she already asleep? Surely not. Another knock. More silence. He fished the fob from his overnight and entered a darkened room, save for a small light under the kitchen cabinet.

Was she still at work? Unlikely, it was after eight on a Friday night.

Corey put his hands on his hips.

Where the hell could she be?

He proceeded to unpack, throwing his suitcase into the spacious bedroom walk-in closet. It was the one thing Lauren loved about her apartment.

Should he call? No, that might just blow the surprise he so carefully planned. After all, she might just be at the market. Resigned to waiting, he grabbed a seltzer from the fridge, flipped on the television, and scowled at it, barely paying attention to whatever program was on. Fifteen hundred miles to watch TV. Fuck!


Steve was disappointed when he entered the theatre lobby and didn’t see Lauren. The owners were hosting a pre-showing party and there was a crowd of people milling about drinking, some in character. A first pass through the throng came up empty. Maybe she decided not to come he thought glumly. Moving to the bar, he ordered a pitcher of beer. The engineer was beginning to think that trying to orchestrate a “coincidental” meeting between the two was too farfetched. Like those rom-com movies his previous vanilla and boring girlfriends had always wanted to watch. As Steve poured a beer into a rather flimsy wax-paper cup, he saw her gliding through the crowd, smiling gently, admiring some of the costumed movie-goers. Some of them returned the admiration, watching her ass wiggle as she passed.

Good God, she’s magnificent. Having never before seen her in anything but professional attire, Steve’s jaw dropped. The sheer bodysuit showed off every curve - small firm breasts and taut abs – before disappearing into a pair of painted-on white denim skinny jeans which ended just above her ankles. Three-inch spike heels finished off the look, helping define her toned legs. The leather collar that fit so snugly around her lovely neck, coupled with the haughty goth makeup, gave her a very, very naughty look. If Shane thought the office manager's dress at work was "advertising", then this was an outright campaign.

Lauren was headed to the bar when she saw her coworker standing off to the side with a pitcher of beer and a silly looking grin.

“You going to drink that all by yourself?” she asked coyly, snagging an empty cup from the rail.

“What’s mine is yours.”

“I like you already,” Lauren grinned.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, the pair made quick work of the first pitcher, grabbed a spot at a small temporary table that had been set up for the event, and ordered another. At first, they chatted about Rekrap, the fiberglass industry, and politics. Eventually it turned to office gossip. Who was hitting the bottle too hard and who was sleeping with whom. The fact they were having dinner together while discussing fellow employees' dating behavior did not escape them, and each felt a special energy hovering over the table.

Steve thought this line of conversation alone was worth pursuing. He usually wasn’t so forward with a woman, but he was taking Shane's advice and "going for it". Plus, he felt very at ease with the laidback executive. “So, what exactly do you think about coworkers sleeping with each other?”

Lauren thought about that for a minute. “Married or single?”

He grinned and shook his head somewhat awkwardly. Okay, I’ll take the bait. “Married.”

“Homewrecking is never okay. But, you know, if open relationships are in play, I suppose it’s no one’s business but their own.”

The engineer nodded thoughtfully. He’d never had such a frank discussion with a coworker, much less a married one. He knew others viewed him as bit of a dweeb and the women he’d gone out with would be exactly the caliber you’d expect to date him. That was okay. Tonight, he was determined to change that image. As he gazed into Lauren’s twinkling sapphire eyes, he wondered what kind of long-distance relationship she had with her husband. There was a certain amount of embarrassment as his cock flinched beneath his khakis. If he had any chance with this beauty, he’d have to channel his inner alpha-male.


Corey’s frustration was growing. He couldn’t just sit there all night. Should he call and find out where she was?

He began hunting for a vase for the flowers he had so thoughtfully brought from the airport. There, beneath Lauren’s vanity, was a small, decorative ceramic tube sitting unused. Perhaps that will hold water. As he approached the desk, his nose caught the lingering aroma of a familiar scent. Sniffing once, then twice…yes, that was unmistakably one of her favorite night-on-the-town perfumes. He cocked his head as a sickening thought came to him. Damn. Had she gone out for the evening? That was a possibility he had not considered when crafting his surprise.



Harvey looked up from his newspaper as the gray-haired man who had just bounced through his lobby with flowers in hand exited the elevator and approached the concierge's desk.

“Excuse me. Just wondering. Have you seen my wife, Lauren Miller? She’s not in her apartment and I thought you might have seen her leave?”

Ah, the absentee husband. Harvey placed him now.

“As a matter of fact, sir, she left earlier. Something about seeing a film at the Movie Shack.”

Corey remembered seeing the theater on the way in. He nodded appreciatively. “Thanks.”

Harvey sighed as he watched the man walk towards the revolving doors. Good luck, Mac. The way she was dressed, the chances of you finding her alone is slim to none.


Steve topped off Lauren’s beer with the plastic jug’s last remaining drops. He couldn’t believe they were here together. The executive really was amazing. He’d lost count at the number of times he watched as she’d float from one meeting room to another in her pantsuits and silky blouses. Always professional, but with an underlying sexuality that every guy in the office knew smoldered just beneath the surface. And now here she was, dressed to kill in a barely-there top and skin-tight jeans. How’d he get so lucky? Looking at his watch, he noted it was half-past eight. Plenty of time for another pitcher.

Lauren smirked as the engineer sauntered to the bar and waved down the bartender. Maybe it was the beer, but he looked a sight more attractive than he did at work. He was a bit overdressed for a movie theatre, but she didn’t mind. His designer slacks and tight short-sleeve collared shirt showed that he took care of himself, with a cute little tush and healthy crotch. Who knows, I may just have a fun story that Corey can jerk off to later.

Steve returned with a full container of amber beverage, but this time sat on Lauren’s side of the tiny table, pulling his chair close. In doing so, his knee landed against hers quite accidentally. He froze, but when she made no attempt to pull away, his confidence rose ten-fold.

“To the Time Warp!” Steve toasted, looping his drinking arm around Lauren’s.

“And Transylvania!” she chirped back, clinking her rim against his.


Corey walked into the theatre and scanned the room. Holy crap, there’s a lot of freaks here. He was amused at the various characters and impressed that the movie still had the cult following it was known for. Discouraged at not seeing Lauren, he was about to turn when something caught his eye through the arms and legs of the crowd. A couple at a table with their drinking arms wrapped around each other, taking a synchronized sip from paper cups. How quaint. Yet something seemed familiar to him. The woman’s hair? The way she wore her bangs? He looked again. Jesus Christ. It was his Lauren. With another man.


The office manager and engineer were clearly enjoying themselves, laughing at the antics of others, some who were already acting out parts of the film. They named one-hit-wonder tunes, and, as they drained the second pitcher, sat much, much closer together. They had long moved on from office politics and industry talk to more personal subjects, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It was the latter that Steve was most interested in at the moment.

“So, what does a senior executive at Rekrap do in her free time?” he asked.

Lauren giggled, dangling her cup from one hand and putting the other on the engineer’s shoulder. Which hobby are you interested in, my dear Steve? Clothes shopping or feeding my husband’s kink on my back?.

She looked at him humorously, shaking those delicious black bangs from her eyes. “Shopping, dancing, you know, the usual.”

“The dancing part must be difficult to do with your husband being so far away.”

Lauren shrugged and smiled. “I have my ways.”

“The open relationship you mentioned?”

“What makes you think my husband and I have one of those?”

“Do you?”

The intensity at which Lauren’s sapphire eyes bore into him was unnerving.

“I…I think we better go get a seat or we’ll be sitting in the front row,” Steve suggested. He watched as the sexy office manager held her eyes on him and downed the remaining beer in her cup.

Dabbing the foam from both lips with a napkin, she nodded her head. “I think that’s a good idea.”


Corey stood transfixed as he watched the two from afar. His heart sank a little. There you have it then. No mystery now, no debate. His wife was definitely out on a date which she had conveniently forgot to mention. Was this how she was spending her free time now? Dating? Sure, she was upfront about some of the guys she'd fucked, but dating, now that was on a whole other level of emotional investment. And who was this dude anyway?

All my friends are fucking me. Was this just another of her fuck buddies? Was this the beginning of the end, with Corey now on the outside looking in?

When she touched her well-dressed date's arm or shoulder, threw her head back in laughter, or look into the mystery man’s eyes, he could not help but feel those familiar emotions of jealousy, rage, arousal, and titillation bubbling up and intertwining, like some perverted erotic strands of DNA wrapping themselves around each other. If I was any kind of husband, I’d go in there and rip that guy apart. But Corey knew that would be hypocritical. He had, after all, given her a hall pass. Yet there WAS a difference between dating and just having sex, wasn't there? The former implied an emotional connection beyond carnal lust, and this was without doubt, Corey’s greatest fear. He would do whatever it took, give her whatever she wanted, to keep her forever.

As if to prove the point, his mind was riveted to the sight, handcuffed by the strange thrill of seeing his Lauren on a real date, not just hooking up with random men. It was unexplainable. Lord, it hurt so good. Why the hell was that? Was he really that sick? He just had to see how this played out. How would she act when he wasn't around? The covertness added even more fuel to his flaring kink. Yeah, for now, he’d just hang back. His thoughts began sifting through the possibilities of how the evening might end. Those, unfortunately, didn’t last long.

Corey saw the couple suddenly push away from the table. Shit. He frantically looked for the entrance to the correct auditorium and slipped in as the objects of his surveillance grabbed popcorn and yet more beer from the concession stand. Minutes later, Lauren and her date strolled in, laughing of course, and headed up the aisle towards the back of the theater where he was seated. Damnit! The couple looked up from their discussion and scoured the area for a pair of seats that were centrally located, but not so close to the screen as to get a headache. For a second it seemed they were looking right at him and he lowered his head, fearing the jig was up. Luckily the guy pointed to empty ones just a few rows in front of him. Corey breathed a sigh of relief. That was close.

While waiting on the obligatory trailers for upcoming films, Lauren and her date maintained a lively conversation. At one point, they even took turns trying to throw popcorn in each other’s mouths, giggling like school kids when they missed. Corey shook his head. He couldn’t remember ever having done anything that juvenile with her. Granted, he was nearly 32 and she barely 20 when they married, so that probably had a lot to do with it. But here she was at her age, acting like a high schooler on a first date. Maybe she had been forced to mature too soon. Or maybe, just maybe, she was having the time of her life in Miami, with no husband to cramp her style.


Lauren stole glances at her coworker whenever he checked his phone for messages. No, it was not just the beer. The engineer was a handsome man in his own way. A bit geekier than I would have gone for back in the day, but he's certainly cute tonight in his plaid shirt, tight slacks, and loafers. And that cologne! Did he know how hot I find a good cologne? With every passing minute, her attraction to him grew. Yes, she was pleased their coincidental plans to see the movie had come together.

As the lights dimmed and one awful trailer after another played out on the big screen, Corey left his seat and deftly slipped two rows behind the pair, who had now settled back in their seats for the show. Lauren struggled at first to adjust hers to a comfortable position. The bastard was finally able to get the stuck lever to cooperate and she was able to recline.

“Thanks, Stevie,” she replied gratefully as she touched her head to his shoulder and took her cup back.

Stevie? Corey winced. Okay. At least we have a name now.

“Stevie” set the bucket of popcorn in his lap, inviting Lauren to “grab a fistful”. She giggled, scooping a few pieces out and popping them into her mouth. “You’re bad,” Corey heard her whisper.

As the film opened and the plot unfolded, the couple watched with the enthusiasm of cult fans, reciting poignant lines and laughing at those in the theater who were acting out each scene to the best of their abilities. Watching Rocky Horror was an event and remaining quiet was almost tantamount to being rude.

For just over 100 minutes, the 61-year-old watched his wife and date interact with the film and each other. She clearly enjoyed being with this man. And, God help him, Corey was enjoying it too. How did we get here? he asked himself. When did I go from wanting her all to myself to being, let’s face it, ENTERTAINED by her being on a date? He wasn’t sure if he should be congratulated on his slyness, or admonished for not flying over the crushed velvet seats and smacking “Stevie” upside the head. No surprise, his kink won that battle.

Corey maneuvered quietly out of his seat when the climatic final scene began and walked gingerly down the aisle past Lauren. It was a risky move to be sure, but a calculated one. He felt there was less chance at being recognized by leaving in the dark than sitting in the open when the lights came up.

It worked. They never noticed him. They were too busy watching the last bit of credits. And holding hands.


“It was AMAZING to see that again,” Lauren exclaimed as she and Steve exited the theater to the downtown sidewalk.

“I know, right? It’s remarkable we still remember the lines!”

The Rekrap engineer glanced at his phone. Only eleven. “So, you done for the night? I know how you old executive types need to rest your bones,” he chided, elbowing her side.

“Old bones, huh?” Lauren shot back, clapping her hand on his shoulder. Steve instinctively lowered his hand and cupped an ass cheek. It was a bold move, but not as much as her next. He noticed her looking up and down the street for something.

Where is it? The buzzed office manager racked her brain. She could have sworn it was on this road! A hint of purple light illuminating the sidewalk about a block away told her she was right.

“I’ll show you old bones,” the slinky brunette grinned, whispering in his ear. “C’mon, let’s go!”

Corey could not hear the pair’s conversation but did watch with curiosity as his wife pulled her coworker down the sidewalk towards a building that emanated a shower of purple light. “Where are we going?” he heard “Stevie” protest several times, resisting the persistent tugging. That is, until they stopped in front of Lauren’s intended destination: one of Miami’s seediest strip clubs.

NO! Corey gasped. This was no Randy Sandy's. He knew a dive when he saw one.

“Uh, are you sure?” Steve objected. “That’s not one of this city’s more upscale…um, establishments. Someone like you shouldn’t go in a place like that.”

Lauren pursed her lips defiantly. “Someone like me? What does that even mean?” she retorted, pushing Steve ahead of her and through the outer door. “Old bones, my ass!”


Inside, Lauren handed the cover charge to an overweight doorman with greasy hair and quickly sat down on an empty stool next to the only runway in the place. She called impatiently for Steve to sit next to her. He was finding it difficult to believe one of Rekrap’s high-level leaders had actually chosen to come in there. The engineer wasn’t the typical strip club patron and clearly felt uncomfortable. He wasn't a virgin, and certainly not a prude, but all of the women in his life had been fairly reserved. It's not that he objected to being there, he just wasn't used to it. After briefly hesitating at the sticky vinyl covering on a stool, the sexy puppy-dog eyes staring up at him through those bangs punched through any doubts. He sat down obediently.

Lauren could see her date’s assessment of the place was indeed correct. This was a dive compared to Sandy’s where young Autumn plied her trade. In fact, this was a dive’s dive. A skinny waitress wearing a skimpy jumpsuit came by and took their order. Corey seized that opportunity to flip the doorman a twenty and scooted to the far side of the bar. If he was careful, it was busy enough that he could remain unnoticed.

The stage lights – what there was of them – dimmed a bit as the DJ announced the next dancer. “Please welcome the queen of Miami…Apple Dumpling!”

Corey saw his wife giggle at the name and nestle her face into Steve’s chest. In a heartbeat, the engineer’s arms closed gently around her shoulders where they remained as the erotic dancer went through her routine. He was no fool.

The music was upbeat and infectious, and Lauren enjoyed bouncing to the beat while sipping her drink. With every song, she appeared to become more aroused, and, to Steve’s delight, began rubbing her ass into his crotch to match the rhythm. Eventually more strippers worked the crowd and the pair were happy to ply them with bills. The dancers quickly realized the couple was cut above their regular, less affluent clientele and gave them extra sugar.

Dumbstruck, Corey watched from afar as his wife was mesmerized by the nude women. She seemed genuinely turned on as they shook their tits and ass in her face. Yes, Lauren had regaled him with the stripper adventure at Sandy’s, and her touchless fling with Amy, yet here she was, flirting with strange women and it was all very, very erotic.

Steve thought so as well. The more flesh jiggled in Lauren’s face, the harder she ground her hips into his. He stood behind her, feeding her bills. Loose fitting underwear did nothing to suppress the hardon beneath his khakis and Lauren was very much aware of his aroused state. At one point she leaned back into his chest and put her arms around the engineer’s neck, caressing the thick mane of dark hair.

“I see the ladies are making an impression on you,” she whispered in his ear.

“It’s not the ones on stage that impress me,” Steve winked, “We’d better be careful, or we may violate a few company bylaws tonight.”

That made her laugh. Once a geek, always a geek. “And what if I want to be violated?” Lauren gushed, a naughty smirk on her face.

The Rekrap employee gulped and took a drink. What did I get myself into?


Corey couldn’t hear the couple’s conversation but could see Lauren press her back into her date’s chest and loop her arms around his neck. The lurking husband felt that familiar pang of sweet jealousy. When he saw her whisper into his ear, he felt the angst he so craved. His cock twitched its approval. When the creep followed that up by kissing her full on the lips and cupping her tiny tits through the thin bodysuit, Corey nearly creamed in his boxers. Jesus. This REALLY is who she is. This isn’t some silly show for me. Its who she’s become. What I’ve WILLED her to become!


Steve grinned from ear to ear as the petite office manager twisted in front of him, trying to match the rhythm of the dancers. He held the thin waist while admiring her sleek body, how the straight jet-black hair fell to just below her shoulder blades, and how the barely-there bodysuit disappeared into her tight white denims. He began thinking he might just have a chance.

Steve wasn't the only one noticing the beautiful patron dancing next to the runway. One grubby guy standing with Corey along the back wall even went as far as to nudge him. "Older broad there is head and shoulders over what's up on stage tonight, eh? What you say?" he hacked and coughed. "I'd love to give that pussy a roll in the hay. Bet she could make ya come without even trying!"

Corey returned the drunk's comment with a steely stare.

"Jeez, pal, lighten up. Go get laid or something," the guy had said, moving away.

Several songs later, as the last dancer picked up her tips and clothing she’d shed, the engineer’s confidence level got a big boost. After draining the last of her drink from a purple glass with an exaggerated slurping sound, she pulled Steve towards her until their noses were touching.

“Take me home,” Lauren purred. “I think my gateway needs rebooting."

Steve didn’t think twice. He grabbed his aroused coworker's hand and made a beeline towards the front door.


Corey had to be on his toes when he saw the couple abruptly depart the strip club. He had two choices: continue to tail them or gamble they were headed to Lauren’s apartment. He chose the latter, which would necessitate getting ahead of them.

His eyes darted about the room. All exits were alarmed. Now what? If he was to beat them home, he had to act fast. Gritting his teeth, Corey headed for the nearest fire door at full steam and slammed into the metal bar marked “Fire exit only. Alarm will sound”. The door flew open, followed by a loud high-pitched buzzer. Luckily, it emptied directly into an alley behind the building and before the staff could react, the voyeur husband had navigated to an adjacent street and out of sight.

Corey wasn’t familiar with the downtown grid, but had a good sense of direction. He knew the side street ran parallel to the main drag, which would lead him to the resident high-rise. Half-walking, half-jogging as fast as his 61-year-old legs would carry him, he finally pushed through the apartment’s revolving doors in a haste. He had not seen Lauren and Steve since leaving the club, so he couldn’t be sure where they were at.

Harvey was turning the concierge’s desk over to his relief when he saw Mr. Miller bolt across the lobby and frantically press the elevator call buttons. The older attendant looked at the younger one and shrugged.

On the ride to the 23rd floor, Corey’s mind was racing. What the hell am I doing anyway? He really had no idea what he’d do if Lauren actually walked in the door with her date. Should I be sitting on the couch, nonchalantly drinking a beer and watching the late show? Hey babe. Did you have a good time? You going to fuck Stevie now? That’s okay, I’ll wait out here.


"Hi, Harvey," Lauren giggled and wiggled her fingers at the curious desk attendant who was just about to leave. "Awe, you're so sweet, you waited up for me!"

The older concierge smiled at her oddly as she stumbled through the lobby, arm-in-arm with a rather dapper looking gentleman. As they entered the elevator, Harvey's young relief looked at him with eyebrows raised.

"Is that her husband?" he asked.

"No. And lesson number one. After every shift, you forget what you see. Ain't nobody's business but theirs."


Corey slowly opened the apartment’s door. There was no sound coming from within. Good. His nerves were absolutely shot. Grabbing a bottle of whiskey and a bourbon glass, he started to pour three fingers when the ding of an elevator stopping on the floor rang out, followed by muffled laughter. Was that them? As if on cue, a familiar giggle came from right outside the door.

Shit, shit, shit! Corey grew pale with indecision. Should he take a stand, or hide and watch the rest of his wife’s date unfold? The couple outside were fumbling with the fob. They had no way of knowing he was inside. Whiskey bottle and glass in hand, the discombobulated project manager dashed onto the balcony, closing the heavy glass door behind him, praying it wouldn’t lock him out. Leaning against the railing 23 floors up, he felt the strong humid breeze and heard the steady hum of the traffic below him. Hoping the darkness and tinted windows would help obscure his silhouette, he peered back into the apartment to see if they had heard his hasty retreat.


Lauren placed the key fob against the brass plate of the apartment door and turned the latch. Strange, it didn’t make the usual clicking sound. She quickly forgot about it as Steve pushed her inside and gathered the sexy manager in his arms.

Corey watched from the balcony as the two kissed for the second time. Lauren let the engineer’s tongue explore her mouth as his hands cupped her ass. After a few seconds, she stepped away.

“Easy tiger. What would the Rekrap office staff say?”

“Before or after their boss went to a strip club and fed bills to erotic dancers?” Steve chortled.

“Touché,” Lauren acknowledged, pulling her date into the small living room and pushing him back on the couch. The apartment was oddly dark with the exception of some moonlight streaming in from the balcony’s floor to ceiling windows. Did I not leave the kitchen lights on? She lit a candle on the coffee table and grabbed a couple seltzers from the fridge.

“Did you like the Purple Palace, Stevie? Did those young girls get you hot?” Lauren strutted slowly back to the couch, deliberately gliding towards him like the women who’d just been stripping for them.

“They can’t hold a candle to you, Mrs. Miller,” Steve countered politely, opening the two beverages and handing one back to his host.

Lauren put a hand on her hip, thrusting it out dramatically, then a finger to her temple as if in deep thought. “Mrs. Miller doesn’t sound like a stripper name, though, does it?”

“So, what would yours be if you were a…entertainer?”

The Iowan transplant pursed her lips, trying to come up with something clever. The alcohol coursing through her veins wasn’t helping any. She thought about Corey, how she had tried to be understanding and nurturing to his desires.

“Charity,” Lauren finally exclaimed decisively, curtsying. “Most definitely Charity!”

Steve laughed and cupped his hands around his mouth. “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome on table six…Charity!”

Giggling, the raven-haired beauty set down her drink, flipped to a music app on her phone and cast it to a Bluetooth speaker. As smoky blues began to play, she swayed to the beat, arms raised above her head.

Good God almighty, the Rekrap engineer’s mouth dropped open.

Jesus H. Christ, Corey thought. Hands shaking, he poured himself that long overdue drink and adjusted the growing erection beneath his boxers.


Arms caressing her tanned body, Lauren moved her hips to the music, swaying erotically above the captivated engineer.

"Do you like me, Stevie?"

"Yes, Lauren. You're beautiful."

"Call me Charity. Would you like me to dance for you, Stevie?"

He nodded with the enthusiasm of a sixteen-year-old.

"You know what you have to do then," she winked.

He hastily removed a number of assorted bills from his wallet and tucked a fiver into the front of her jeans.

Lauren blew him a kiss as she reached for the button on her jeans and popped it. She grinned as her coworker sat in stunned silence, pleased she had his undivided attention.


Little did the newly christened stripper know, she also had her husband's attention, albeit from an entirely different perspective.

Corey threw back another shot and pressed his nose against the window. Lauren slowly pulled down the jeans’ brass zipper, allowing the tight denim material to relax and fall away from her hips.

Lucky bastard, now she's stripping for him.

His knees slowly buckled as his back slid down the window to a seated position.

Yet another thing she's never done for me, he lamented.


As another bill slid into Lauren's belt loop, she pulled the denim down over her hips in gratitude and let them drop to her ankles.

"Oops," she chirped, putting a hand to her mouth in mock surprise. "Did I do that?"

Steve stared at the small triangle in front of him, where the two shapely legs came together, flabbergasted by his good fortune. The black lace bodysuit did little to hide the treasure beneath.

Lauren kicked off the jeans and put her hands on his knees, now dressed only in the sheer top which snapped between her legs. She could see the tent in his trousers rising. Steve held up another bill and smiled. This time it was a fifty.

"A high roller, huh? Charity's got something special for you," Lauren cooed.

Turning around, she shook her ass. He reached out and groped both cheeks through the lacey suit.

Is this really happening?


Corey was spellbound as he watched his wife give her coworker a long, slow erotic lap dance. Lowering her ass to just above the bastard's crotch, she shimmied it back and forth, just barely letting it graze the slack's fly, the erection beneath quite evident.

After a few minutes of this incredible tease, Lauren sat down on the happy lap and leaned back against Steve's chest. Moving slowly against the trousers, she began dry humping his crotch, turning her head and bringing his lips to hers. They kissed for what seemed like an eternity. Corey looked on as their tongues intertwined and sucked hungrily at each other. His own dick begged for attention. Easing a couple fingers down into his jeans, he floundered a bit before finding the soft, sensitive underside of his semi-hard shaft. The irony that he was secretively watching his wife make out with another man while peering in from the balcony of a high-rise like some peeping Tom did not escape him.

Corey cracked the balcony door ever so slightly and put his ear to the frame. He began to masturbate to what was playing out in front of him.

I'm going to hell for this.


Lauren pulled away abruptly, much to Steve’s dismay, and walked into the bedroom. Seconds later she returned with a condom in hand. Throwing it on the sofa next to her “client”, she began to dance again, running those delicate hands the length of her lithe torso, shaking the thick mane of black hair like she'd seen Autumn and the other strippers do. The passion was rising. Kumiho was awakening.

Sinking to her knees, “Charity” caressed Steve’s legs from hips to knees, gradually moving them further inside his thighs with each pass. She could feel the tension in his trousers and the twinge of an involuntarily jerking cock.

The engineer moaned in pleasure, then reluctantly pulled her hands away. Part of him wanted to rip her clothes off, damn the consequences. The other, more logical area of his brain told him to slow down.

I’m going to regret asking this, he thought, but it's the right thing to do.

Holding up her left hand, eyeing the diamond wedding ring, Steve questioned the wisdom of where this was headed. “Seriously Lauren, what about your husband? Like you said, homewrecking’s not cool. And what about the office optics?”

The concupiscent executive looked back at him, eyes aglow with a fire he had rarely seen in a woman.

“The office will never know,” she replied sharply, “and he hasn’t fucked me in two months. You’re here, he’s not. His loss, your gain.” The latter was said with such bitterness that it made Corey cringe. Pulling the ring off her finger, she used it to trace the outline of the bulging crotch inches from her face. “If it bothers you, I’ll leave it off.”

Steve caught her hand as she tried to lay the gold band on the coffee table.

“No. Please. Leave it on,” he breathed heavily. “I kind of dig it.”

A smile flooded Lauren’s face as she placed the ring back on her finger. My, my. A thing for married women, huh, Stevie? Jesus, do all men have kinks?


Hasn't fucked me in two months. That cut like a knife. Corey was becoming emotional. You damn well KNOW the reason why, Lauren. It was OUR decision for me to stay behind. Now you’re teasing that asshole with the ring I gave you? Where is your head at, besides in this guy’s groin?

The sight of his wife using the symbol of their unending love to tease her coworker’s trousered erection was profound. The jealousy grew within him along with a distinct sadness. Everything he’d seen that evening seemed to validate his concerns. Was their marriage becoming less a part of Lauren’s world, or even a thing of the past?

And you left her down there by her lonesome? Jesus, dude, I dunno if that was wise, his friend Toby had admonished him. Maybe he was right.

Despite the cornucopia of emotions searing through Corey’s mind, he couldn’t stop masturbating. In fact, he rose to his knees, unsnapped the jeans, and lowered them to his thighs, giving him better access to his half-ecstatic, half-vexed dick. He recognized the signs, of course. He'd seen enough hotwife and cuckold porn to know the humiliation aspect was a flavor of the fetish many guys were into. Until now he hadn’t seen the appeal. As shameful and reprehensible as it seemed, it was somehow becoming perversely delicious.

Fap, fap, fap.


It didn’t take long for Steve to forget his brief reluctance. Lauren dispelled any doubts when she unbuckled his pants and pulled open the fly. Her eyes lit up at seeing the large mass quivering beneath the checkered boxers. A lick here, a bite there, she worked the covered flesh with her mouth until the erection could no longer be contained by the thin underwear. Licking her lips, she tore open the condom packet and unfurled the thin sheath over the trembling shaft. Lauren grasped the base and went to work.

Steve sank back into the sofa as the dark-haired vixen ran her tongue along the underside of his now fully erect lance. The pink and purple flesh pulsated with excitement as she worked it with her hands. After a good, slow-burn hand job, which had the Rekrap engineer writhing in tortured delight, Lauren briefly stopped at the tip before lowering those cherry-red lips onto the waiting cock.

“Oh man, that’s so good,” the thrilled engineer gasped as he watched his eight inches disappear into the beautiful coworker’s mouth. The tongue swirling around his glans was almost unbearable. He’d dreamed of this ever since their first project together. Watched as she made her way around the office in tight pencil skirts, her small breasts swaying beneath shiny satin blouses. It had not escaped him – nor any of the other guys – that she’d been dressing more provocatively lately. He just figured her husband was one lucky fuck. Now here she was, sucking his dick, leaving him to wonder if he could last. He’d not had sex in six or seven months and hoped he would live up to expectations.

Lauren, who had only recently came around to the joys of giving head, recalled what the other men had enjoyed. Opening her mouth wide, she angled her jaw just right and let the shaft of Steve’s cock slide past her tonsils until she felt the latex skim the back of her throat. She heard the engineer moan loudly in approval. Doing something right, I suppose.

As she picked up the pace and the natural lubricant from her mouth reduced the friction, Steve put his hands on the back of her head and began to face-fuck the Rekrap executive. Hard.


“Mmmmpppphhh” was all Corey could hear his wife utter as he watched her date, cock protruding from the flap in his boxers, trousers around his ankles, grasp her by the ears and set the tempo. The project manager was still on his knees, braced against the balcony door, masturbating furiously.

Enjoying the blowjob, are you? Fuckin’ asshole!

The face-banging continued as spittle from Lauren’s Herculaneum effort began to froth and pour from the corners of her mouth, dripping onto Steve’s underwear.

Fap, fap, fap.

Like my wife’s lips wrapped around your dick, shithead?

Fap, fap, fap.

Bet you want to cum in her mouth, don’t you?

Corey moaned involuntarily at his thoughts and lurched against the window. He was working himself into a lather.

My God, it hurts so good.

Fap, fap, fap.


Steve felt his orgasm building and began grunting, growing in volume with each pass. The exquisite massage from Lauren’s throat, the way her mouth and glossy lips formed a perfect O around his cock, was all too much for a guy who had little sex.

Although she could feel the quivering tool preparing its release, Steve came too fast for her to rip off the condom and enjoy the warm spray of its contents on her skin, something she’d come to love. Instead, Lauren watched as the milky white cum bubbled up inside the sheath, filling the reservoir in spurts, like some perverse geyser spewing out its hot, steamy broth.

“Uhhhhhhhh, oh daaaamnnnnn,” the engineer blurted out, lost in the feeling of his balls unloading.

When he came down from his high, he thanked her profusely, disappointed he couldn't last longer. “Sorry, it’s just been sooo long.”

Lauren used her hands to wipe the spit from her mouth and slowly removed the squishy condom.

“Glad you liked it, Stevie,” she giggled, pulling him up from the couch. “Now it’s my turn.”

As the Rekrap executive led her coworker to the bedroom, she cocked her head. Is that wind? Before she could look for the source, Steve’s arm curled around her waist and his hand went to her crotch. She melted into him.

He didn't need a second invitation and pushed her onto the king-sized bed. Laughing, Lauren laid on her back, reached between her legs and unsnapped the bodysuit. Holding those lovely, tanned knees and spreading her legs apart, she panted impatiently.

“Fuck me, Stevie. Tonight, I’m yours.”


Corey looked further down the balcony. He could see the shades had been pulled over the bedroom windows. No vantage point there. He would have to venture inside.

Cautiously, Corey crept into the apartment, gently closing the balcony door behind him. The slow, sultry music Lauren had been stripping to was still playing. As he tiptoed through the living room, past the couch where his wife had given her date fellatio, he heard the unmistakable sounds of cunnilingus. Dropping to his hands and knees, the 61-year-old inched his way to the doorway. He silently cursed the creaks and pops of his bones. Peering around the doorjamb, his cock strained against his jeans. The familiar angst he craved so much slapped him squarely in the face once again. There, on the bed where only he and Lauren alone had made love, was her latest lover dining happily on her pussy.

Kneeling just outside the doorway, obscured in the darkness of the apartment, Corey slid the jeans down to his thighs, clammy hands finding their way to his cock once again.

Fap, fap, fap.


“Fuck yeah, that’s it, Stevie, eat my pussy. My married pussy.” The head between her legs moaned, lapping up her juices. Lauren was proving to be a quick study on how to pull men’s levers.

Her coworker was now busily tonguing her dripping hole, occasionally distracted by the flaps of the bodysuit. Steve could not get enough of the pink butterfly which lay splayed open for him to devour. He pushed his face against the executive’s wet cunt as far as it would go, willing his tongue to be longer as he snaked it deeper into the fleshy canal. The scent of her sex was getting to him. He’d be hard again soon.

It was Lauren’s turn to grab the engineer by his ears and pull him into her puckering pussy.

“Ohhhhh, FUCK, Stevie! Right there, right there!” A pause from a held breath, then a long exhale.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes! OH MY GOD!”

Steve shimmied his head back and forth as he continued the assault on the Lauren’s sopping wet box.

“Keep licking, right there, don’t stop, lick it, lick my pussy!”

The Iowan wife was losing herself in carnal pleasure, grabbing the engineer’s hair as he began tapping her clit with one finger, another two probing the pink slit. It was a trick he’d learned from a former girlfriend. It worked; the 48-year-old’s moaning became incessant and rhythmic.

“Oh, oh, oh, oh, awe, awe, awe, just like that, just like that!”


While Steve dove into Lauren's sopping wet hole, Corey could almost smell the musky aroma from the doorway and taste the sweet clear juices that were surely stinging that bastard’s tongue right then. It was supposed to be he on that very bed tonight, making love to his wife. Instead, here he was, peeking around the corner, cock in hand, watching as yet another man took his place.

Fap, fap, fap.


Encouraged by the office manager’s foul-mouthed response, Steve kept up the assault, alternating weapons between tongue and hands. Not because he had all that much experience, but because it seemed like the right thing to do. The few girls who had allowed a taste of their sweet nectar – nerds like him – were no where near as animate and filthy as this one. This made his cock unbelievably rock hard.

Use your words, Lauren heard Amy’s advice ring through the passion. As always, she took it to heart.

“That’s it, that’s it, lick my bare cunt, drink my clam juice, keep going, keep going. Do you like my pussy, baby?”

“Uh, yethhh,” Steve raised his mouth from her golden triangle, licking the clear fluid from his lips. He went fishing. “Am I better than your husband?”

Yep, there it is, Lauren thought. She’d been waiting for the engineer’s own obscure fetish to surface. His technique was good, but nothing like Corey had perfected. She didn’t like the idea of satisfying this guy’s kink at the expense of her husband, but she also was enjoying the moment. Would it hurt to tell one little white lie to boost this guy’s ego? It’s not like Corey would ever know.

Throwing her head back in dramatic fashion, Lauren seethed with emotion. “Yes, yes, yes, no one can compare to how you eat my pussy.”

Steve kept tongue-banging the eager vagina.

“And if your husband saw us?”

She giggled, but not for the reason the engineer would think. To tell you the truth, he’d probably jerk off. Instead of that nugget of truth, however, Lauren opted for an answer that would better appease the man’s desire.

“He’d be so angry that you were taking my married pussy, Stevie, making his wife cum for another man! A man so much better equipped to make love to me!

Inside the room, that comment was met with increased moans and a flurry of tongue activity around her wet folds. Outside the room, it was met by a muted whimper and intense masturbation. Lauren decided to up the ante.

OH MY GOD, you’re gonna make me cum, Stevie! My husband never does that!” Lauren fibbed. “You’re the best fuck I've had in years! Uhhhhhh, it feels so good!”

That wasn’t far from the truth. Over the next few minutes, the intense onslaught between her legs caused Lauren to thrash from one side to the other, her lust-blurred gaze eventually landing on a picture of her and Corey on their wedding day, smiling from the nightstand. The image of that happy day combined with the current fingering-banging she was getting at the hand of a coworker sent her into a tail-spin she couldn’t control. She came hard.

“Ohhh, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, ahhhhhhhhhhh! Cumming! Cumming! Jesus CHRIST, Stevie, I’m cumming!”

Lauren grabbed Steve’s shoulders and buried them into her abdomen, his face scraping along the surprisingly rough lace of the bodysuit. “FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!” Her eyes rolled up into her head as her body convulsed.

The nerdy Rekrap employee smiled gleefully as sticky ejaculate flowed from the pussy of another man’s wife. His long unrequited fantasy had finally come true.


Corey watched as his Lauren writhed on the bed while Asshole ate her out. He had followed her gaze to their wedding picture and noticed her expression change to one of ecstasy upon seeing it, followed by a rather vocal orgasm. Why did that produce such a strong reaction? Had it reminded her of the fact that she was, indeed, married? Plain and simple: did she get off sleeping around while he was stuck in Iowa? Had the freedom to have sex when and where she pleased aroused her to such state that she received intense emotional reward when knowingly cuckolding him?

And make no mistake, that’s exactly what she was doing.

Fap, fap, fap.


Lauren lay on her back recovering, chest heaving, lungs trying to replenish the oxygen spent screaming. When she finally opened her eyes, she found them trained on the photo again. Good Lord, why did seeing Corey in his tux on their wedding day trigger such a powerful reaction? She rolled onto her tummy, still eying the picture as Steve wiped his face on the sheets beside her. The Midwestern wife instantly felt a wanton cocktail of lust, adulterous guilt, and truth be told, a sense of sovereignty over her absent husband that felt so...empowering. What did Amy call it? Cuckolding? Was she now a cuckoldress?

Her rambunctious coworker didn’t give her long to think about it. Face dry, Steve slid alongside her body, putting a hand under her top and caressing her back. He was once again locked and loaded.

The near naked executive kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you, Mr. Hamilton, your tongue is magic.”

“Better than your husband’s?”

There it was again. She closed her eyes and nodded reluctantly, knowing it was what this guy’s self-esteem – and kink – needed. “Yeah, lover boy, You’re a beast, Mr. Hamilton.”

Rejuvenated, Steve began kissing her neck, hoping to continue towards his own release. But Lauren began coughing. She needed water. Pulling away, she kissed him back.

“Be right back.”


Corey panicked when he saw Lauren slide off the bed and walk towards the bedroom door. The flaps from her bodysuit dangled between her legs which were still glistening from a mixture of her juices and Steve’s saliva. As he scrambled for cover, the voyeur’s unfastened jeans fell to his ankles, causing him to stumble backwards and do a pirouette onto the very couch where his wife had earlier given her date a very proficient blowjob. The voyeur froze in the darkness, denims and underwear around his ankles, a stiff erection betraying his still excited state.

Lauren sidled up to the kitchen sink, fumbling for the light switch on the backsplash. She grabbed a bottled water from the fridge and tore a sheet of paper toweling from its roll to wipe up the mess between her legs. Sighing, Lauren finally looked up and into the living room, searching for the source of wind she’d heard earlier. The first thing she noticed was a new flower arrangement sitting squarely in the middle of the island. Then the slightly open balcony door. Finally, she detected the shadow of man sitting on her sofa.

She dropped the bottle of water and opened her mouth, and for a second, just for a second, nothing came out. This was followed, not surprisingly, by a blood curdling scream.

Corey had been right in a sense, the look on her face was priceless.


Steve flew out of bed and dashed to the kitchen, his hard manhood bouncing comically as he tried to assess the situation. He followed his lover’s terrified gaze to a half-naked gray-haired man spread haphazardly over the sofa.

“Get back,” he barked at Lauren, snatching a large butcher knife from its wooden holder on the counter. “Call the police!”

Shaking off the initial shock at seeing her husband, she stepped in front of the engineer, pleading, “No, Steve, please put it away!”.


“That’s my husband.”

The engineer looked at the pudgy older guy on the couch, then to Lauren.

“Are you serious?”

She nodded. Steve lowered the knife, wondering to himself if he had just gone from a blissful sexual encounter to a volatile domestic situation. He eased back into the bedroom and began to get dressed, figuring the brakes had just been put on his dream night.

Satisfied for the moment there would be no bloodshed, Lauren turned to the very busted voyeur.

“What the hell are you doing here, Corey?” she asked furiously.


Corey could not think of another single time in his life when he felt more embarrassed than he was at that very moment. Pants around ankles, cock bobbing in the air…it didn’t take much imagination to figure out what he had been doing.

“I came to talk to you.”

Looking skeptically at his rapidly deflating erection, she shook her head. “Talk?”

“I got distracted.”

“This is beyond loathsome, Corey, even for someone with your…peculiarities. I mean it’s just fuckin CREEPY!”

“I know,” he replied softly. Then, after several pregnant moments of bearing the heat of his wife’s glare, his eyes darting to the bedroom door. “So, is he your date?”

Lauren looked to the floor, shifted her weight from one bare foot to the other. “Not really. We work together and just happened to be at the same theatre.”

“So, you’re picking up men at the movies now?”

She rolled her eyes. “NO! It’s not like that. Steve’s a nice guy, and it just…it just happened.

“Do you have feelings for this guy? How many others are there I don’t know about?”

“What? Slow down there, Corey Miller,” Lauren snapped back, eyes as large as saucers. “What the hell are you talking about? You know everything, and I mean EVERYTHING there is to know about what I do. And I did call to tell you I was going to the show. Did you even bother checking your phone?”

He remembered the calls he’d ignored. Shit.

The two stared at each other expressionless as they processed in their own way the plight they found themselves in. Corey finally broke the silence.

“I saw you together, you know. At the pre-showing, during the movie, shaking your ass at the strip club. I heard what you said to him just now.”

“Wait, what? You were fucking spying on me Corey? All night?”

He gestured to the flowers. “I wanted to surprise you, to have a weekend to talk about us. Then I saw you with…him.

Lauren eyed the vase on the island. He’d brought her flowers. Fuck.

“Babe…aw, shit,” she fumbled for the right words. “Look, I was just trying to help him with his…peculiarities, just like I help you. I’m not hiding anything from you. I did try to tell you about going out. Besides, you’re the one who gave me a hall pass. I didn’t think you’d mind. In fact, I was going to tell you about it later to...”

Corey cut her off, eyebrows raised. “You enjoyed it. You came. You said he was better than me. Is that part true?”

Her face fell. She wasn’t going to lie.

“He made me cum, yes, but...”

The older man’s hand went up as if not wanting to hear anymore. Silence fell across the room for a second time. The more Corey thought back to her claim of Steve’s superiority and then cumming on her coworker’s face, the more he was aroused. Ashamed at his growing erection, he tried to hide it with his hands.

Lauren looked on incredulously. “Oh my GOD, you little shit! You’re getting hard at what I told him, aren’t you? That he's a better fuck.”


“The hell you aren’t.” I knew it, she mused, pursing her lips. He got off on those put-downs from the frat boys. Now this. Like me, he's evolving.

The awkward conversation stopped as the Rekrap engineer came out of the bedroom buckling his belt.

“I’ll be leaving,” was all he said, thinking it best to not engage either of the two in conversation.

The husband and wife didn’t respond, they were too busy staring at each other. Yet when Steve tried to walk past Lauren, a small hand shot out against his chest, blocking the way. Two cocks, three fetishes. Where could she go wrong?

“You’re not going anywhere,” she announced, not taking her eyes off Corey. “Get back in the there.”

“Eh, Lauren, I think it best that I…”

Lauren turned and kissed her coworker again, this time deep and long, keeping her eyes locked on Corey's. Straightening the engineer’s collared shirt, she stuck out her bottom lip and conjured up some of her best baby talk.

“Why, Stevie, what kind of date would I be if I left you with blue balls?”

The network specialist found himself once again looking between Lauren and the half-naked guy on the couch, who was trying unsuccessfully to cover a raging hardon. A light bulb went on in his head.

“You…you guys, uh…you’re…swingers?”

Lauren smiled sweetly at him. “Something like that.”

Steve started hyperventilating. When he'd masturbated at work earlier in the day with the hot office manager swirling around in his head, it included the only type of sex he'd ever experienced: vanilla and uncomplicated. This was anything but.

“He likes to…”

“Watch? Yes.”

“Um, I don’t know, Lauren I’ve never done anything like…”

The sexy brunette put a finger to his lips. “Follow me if you want to cum,” she wooed him, leading the way back to the bedroom. Just before disappearing through the doorway, Lauren stopped and looked at Corey with a pouty smile.

“You coming, Twisty?”


Lauren pointed to the padded armchair in the corner. “You’ll want to sit over there, perv,” she instructed her husband. Corey obeyed, removing his jeans and underwear.

Walking up behind Steve, she reached her arms around to the front of his waist. With one motion she unsnapped his khakis and pulled them to the floor. Next came the boxers. The bewildered engineer instinctively kicked them to the side. Lauren carefully unbuttoned his plaid collared shirt and peeled it off his back. The nerdy IT specialist found himself standing naked in front of his company’s Chief Office Manager and her husband. Nervous, a small part of him wanted to leave. This is not something a guy like him was supposed to be part of. On the other hand, he’d watched enough porn to know he may never get this chance again, to finally realize his own fantasy of being with a married woman. Hit that thing or I will Shane had said.

Corey watched from the corner as his wife pressed her breasts and crotch into the man’s bare back and ass. She caressed his nipples with one hand, allowing the other to traverse his upper body, finally landing on his aching cock, which had already been armed and ready prior to the recent…interruption. Firmly gripping the hardening flesh, Lauren began jacking him off from behind, making sure her husband was watching every move.

She fixed the project manager with steely stare. “He’s bigger, you know.” With those four words she had fed both men's budding fetishes at once.

Corey’s six inches sprang to life. He grabbed the shaft and began masturbating. Steve’s erection grew as well, his girthy eight inches responding to her words. Words implying that he was the alpha-male in the room.

Steve grunted. Corey grunted.

Jesus, Lauren closed her eyes, this is some sick shit. She spit on her hand and continued to coax her coworker’s cock to its hardest. The engineer stood there in self-absorbed bliss allowing the Rekrap executive to pleasure his body.

Confident he was ready, Lauren broke her embrace and went to the nightstand to retrieve another condom. Crawling onto the bed, she tossed it to Steve and pointed her ass towards he and Corey. Both men looked longingly at the shaved pussy a mere yard or two in front of them. Dropping to her chest, she used both hands to reach between her thighs and spread the firm dam apart, revealing the moist flesh inside, so warm and inviting.

“Fuck me, Stevie," Lauren begged, tapping her ring finger against her wet slit. The diamond flashed briefly as the moonlight caught it. "Fuck my married pussy.”

Steve Hamilton didn’t move. He looked at Corey warily.

“Don’t worry about him. He can’t make love to me like you can, Stevie, I just know it. C’mon, do me. Do me like he can’t.”

Corey leaned back in the chair and exhaled, cranking his meat hard as he watched Steve climb onto the bed and position himself behind Lauren. “Yeah, Stevie, fuck my whore wife. Give her what you got.”

Holy shit, did he just say that? the engineer asked himself. This was WAY fucked up!

Steve peered down at the tight ass pointed up at him. Lauren was still holding the wet folds of her pussy lips apart as small droplets of clear stringy fluid formed a juicy cobweb across her butterfly. No man could resist that. After rolling on the rubber, the engineer prepared to mount the beautiful Iowan wife and mother of two. He grunted while pushing it in gently, the head of his cock disappearing into the variegated pink folds. Lauren gasped as the fat cock stretched her. Both of them worked together to find the right angle so her canal could fully accept its girth.

“Oh f..f…f...FUCK, Stevie, that feels SO good. Go deeper…deeper!”

As Steve worked his weighty member deeper into the willingly cunt, Lauren groaned and panted.

“Are you okay?”

“Just fuck me. It’s so nice to have a BIG cock in me instead of having to settle.”

Corey felt the unmistakable barb stab his heart. Fap, fap, fap

Grabbing the small hips for leverage, Steve sighed heavily as the remaining inches of his rigid cock sunk into the warm spongy depths of Lauren's vaginal canal. He paused to enjoy that moment all men experience at first penetration. When silky walls collapse around your manhood, squeezing them with firm, erotic pressure. Pure heaven!

Pulling out a bit, then sliding it back in, he began to pick up the pace. Again and again, he repeated this motion, settling into a gliding rhythm that soon had both of them panting.

Corey watched as his wife's lover was soon driving his dick into her at a good clip, occasionally slowing to a crawl, then slamming back into her again.

"Shit, shit, shit, Stevie, that’s it! Fuck me. Deeper, deeper!"

Lauren looked over her shoulder to see if Corey was still watching. He was, dick in hand, precum coating the shaft to aid in his frantic stroking. She looked him squarely in the eye.

"You like watching me get fucked, don’t you Twisty? I know you do. He's so big, filling me up like you can't. Such a REAL man, taking his whore right here on your bed!"

She wasn't quite sure how far to take this new aspect of Corey’s kink, but if the contorted face, heavy breathing and incessant stroking of his cock was any indication, she hadn't yet reached that threshold.

Lauren’s coworker stumbled a bit in rhythm when he heard her address her husband. He'd forgotten the old guy was there. He couldn't quite bring himself to look towards the chair. There was just something very weird about having an audience. No matter, he was the alpha dog tonight and if this guy wanted to watch him lay his wife, he intended on making the best of it. As if on cue, the wiry beauty on all fours turned her attention to him.

"Keep fucking me, Stevie. Don't you dare stop. You are SO much better than him. Bigger cock, bigger balls. Oh, oh, oh, yessss, you touch me where he can’t ever hope to.”

Corey looked on with a sullied face. Daggers, that’s what those words are, Lauren. Why?

Fap, fap, fap

Emboldened by words that served only to feed his kink, Steve slammed into the married pussy that had been so conveniently – and easily – offered to him. He never figured the pretty office manager for a promiscuous slut, yet here they were. Lauren began an endless stream of moans until it sounded like one long whimper. "Fuck me!" she begged, “Your big cock feels amazing!”

Corey watched from across the room as the engineer’s firm balls slap against his wife’s ass cheeks, her vocalization growing louder. No way the neighbors aren’t hearing this.

Fap, fap, fap.

After ten solidly torrid minutes of pure, unadulterated fucking, Lauren collapsed on her chest and stomach, taking her warm, wet hole with her. Her 48-year-old knees could not take much more. Steve’s cock popped out as she crumpled to the mattress, the cooler air hitting the foreskin, making it yearn to be back inside. Rolling onto her back, Lauren held out her smooth, tan arms in a tantalizing invitation for him to climb on top. He did so obediently.

“Put it in me, I want to feel you fill me up.”

Steve exhaled loudly as his tool slid into her again, travelling effortlessly down the warm pink canal until his balls slapped against her ass. Bottoming out at her cervix, he tried to begin accelerating his strokes as before, but Lauren stopped him.

“Slow,” she purred. “Let’s enjoy it.”

Corey’s slowed his masturbation as well. He gaped at Lauren and her lover kissing gently on the bed. They seemed to be in their own little world as their hands caressed each other’s sensitive areas. Finally, Lauren turned and fixed her gaze on her husband again, making sure he could see her tongue dancing slowly with Steve’s. Gradually, she began moving her pelvis against the engineer’s, urging him to pick up the pace, grasping his ass cheeks with both hands and pulling them in. Her eyes never left Corey’s.

“That’s it Stevie, make love to me. Make me cum again. Do what my husband can’t.”

Those words prompted both men to contort their faces, one in perverse shame, the other in twisted superiority, which was something Steve had never experienced in his vanilla sex life, and one that was especially piquant with Lauren. It clearly nourished his desire to fuck a married woman.

The lovers accelerated their stride. Lauren clasp her legs and crossed her ankles around Steve’s back, her arms curled under his as she pulled his shoulders down. He leaned into her, slamming his eight inches deep to her quivering pussy.

“Lauren, you’re sooo special,” the engineer groaned, lost in the pleasure of their union. He couldn’t believe this was happening to him

“Not special,” she blurted out, glancing at her husband. “Just a just a slut wife who just wants to get fucked! Isn’t that right, babe?”

Corey squeezed his dick for all it was worth. “Yeah, a fucking cum whore. More so tonight than any other.” It felt good to give it back.

Steve couldn’t fathom such depravity between husband and wife, yet, oddly, it added to the whimsical motivation that kept him driving his steel cock deep into the woman whom he had long admired from afar.

“Ohhhhhhhhh, ah…eeeeeeeeee” Lauren brayed at being called a cum whore, “He’s right, Stevie, FUCK ME, give me your cum, baby!

“Uggggggg, oh yeahhhhh,” Steve panted, “so good, so good.” His fervor was intensifying.

Corey watched his wife’s date pound her incessantly. At one point, Lauren crooked a finger and motioned for him to join them on the bed.

“Take off your shirt,” she commanded as Corey slid onto the mattress. He did so with much trepidation. Her coworker, not young either, was still at least 20 years his junior and in much better shape. As the 61-year-old laid back against the headboard Steve looked up and could not help but notice the now naked husband’s physique. Up top, a few gray curls covered a weak chest and prominent man boobs, while below, a pudgy middle, unkempt pubic hair, and rather unimpressive dick left him looking pretty pitiful. This is the man she married? The sight bolstered the engineer’s feeling of supremacy. He continued to pummel the willing cunt thrusting up towards him.

“Who fucks you better?” Steve barked.

“You do, Stevie! That’s it, do my married pussy! Drain those hairy balls into me!”

Lauren turned to Corey and laughed maniacally. “Jerk off for me, Twisty,” she cajoled. “Play with your nipples while you watch your wife get hammered by this BIG cock!”

Corey’s free hand flew to his chest and began thumbing the bumpy areolae. He shuddered. “Yessssssss!”

“Mmmm, mmmm, ah yes, that’s it, don’t stop, don’t stop!” Lauren panted.

"You…you…like my…my…cock? Steve asked, gasping for air as the pace was taking its toll. “Tell me you like it."

“Fuck yeah, you’re the best, Stevie! So much bigger and better than what I’ve had. Oh GOD, you’re gonna make me cum!”

The words fueled the engineer on, and he bore down on the slim body beneath him.

Corey cranked his dick furiously as he watched his wife and lover’s sweaty bodies writhe in unison, their breathing getting deeper, a steady string of obscenities flowing out of them.

“FUCK ME GODDAMNIT!” Lauren screamed, clawing at Steve’s back. “Ohhhhhhhhh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh. I’m almost there, Stevie!”

“Gonna make you cum,” he groaned, “Gonna make you cum!”

“Yes, yes, yes, I’m so close! Finish me off, Stevie! FUCK MY MARRIED SLUT HOLE!”

“Gonna make you cum!”

Grunts and moans filled the small bedroom. The entire bed was now creaking under the weight of the two lovers deep in the throes of passion.

"Ohhh! Ohhh! Corey! He’s going to make me cum! He’s sooooo good, babe, MUCH BETTER THAN YOU!”

“Oh FUCK!” Steve bellowed. The sight of the pretty face he'd seen that morning giving a presentation now just inches from his was too much. He was powerless to stop the jizz from bubbling up from his balls. “I’m cumming! Oh GOD I’M CUMMIIINNNGGG!”

Lauren abruptly rolled her coworker over onto his back, tore off the condom, and positioned her face over the pulsating manhood. The first wave of Steve's cum shot straight up, catching her chin, the second her nose, with the third coating her shiny black hair.

“Yessssss, give it to me, Stevie! Give me all your cum, baby! Coat my cheating, married face with your spunk!” she demanded, three of her own fingers buried deep in her snatch.

That last bit of encouragement and seeing the Rekrap Chief Office Manager painted with his semen, enticed one more push from the engineer as he howled with pleasure. A giant spray of milky white sperm exploded from the engineer’s cockhead, splashing on Lauren’s tiny breasts and hands, making a mess of her bodysuit, and causing her to shriek with delight. She milked the remaining fluid from his glans until it ran clear, then licked the last bit from his deflating penis.

Lauren grinned mischievously and held up her left hand. Steve's thick cum was dripping from the gold band.

“Oh, shit!” Corey screeched, his face contorted in ecstasy, one hand a blur on his shaft, the other mauling his nipples. He felt a substantial release brewing. “Oh, Laurennnnn!”

Corey’s naked body convulsed, sending his body back into the headboard. At the same time, his cock propelled a thin, white rope of semen towards his wife and her lover, splattering over her cheeks and nose, mingling with Steve's.

“FUCK YEAH, COREY, SPIT THAT SHIT ON ME!” Lauren screamed, her body shaking as an orgasm took hold. Her climax was astounding, sending shivers through her body and a rainbow of colors through her mind. Both men's eyes widened as she howled her release. It seemed to shake the entire apartment. Finally, she looked up at the ceiling fan rotating above. Jesus, that was hot..


As Lauren laid between the two men, covered with evidence of their carnal love for her, they looked at each other in awkward silence. Lauren knew she and Corey had much to talk about.

Now would be a good time for you to leave,” she suggested to the engineer as kindheartedly as possible.

Steve nodded and grabbed his clothes. Deep down he realized there was a dynamic between this couple that he could not have foreseen. In the end, although certainly not planned, he had unwittingly been used as a tool in some perverse relationship. Strangely, he didn’t feel any anger or animosity towards Lauren. To some extent, he had used her to satisfy his own lifelong fantasy and experienced something he was sure his friend Shane had never come close to. It had been a good day.

Last edited by SimpleEnigma on Mon May 17, 2021 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Mon May 17, 2021 7:51 am

This just keeps getting better and better!!!

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by DarrenZ » Mon May 17, 2021 7:59 am

Good god that was a hot chapter. Soooo hot. My own depravity longs for bareback, so I’m hoping she’ll develop something long term with a lover at some point. But I wouldn’t change anything.


Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by couple20uk » Mon May 17, 2021 11:57 am

Chapter eight was a superb chapter, probably the best one. Thank you.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SamWarrens » Tue May 18, 2021 7:25 pm

Next chapter she has to go bareback. Her pussy filled with Jack's cum.
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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SamWarrens » Wed May 26, 2021 12:42 pm

Can we expect a new chapter soon?
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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SamWarrens » Tue Jun 01, 2021 3:14 am

Its been a couple of weeks with no updates. Are you going to finish this story?
Please do finish it. Its a great story.
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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Tue Jun 01, 2021 6:25 am

Yeah I cannot wait for the next chapter!!

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Tue Jun 01, 2021 11:21 am

Thanks for the enthusiasm and appetite for more!

Unfortunately, I still work 60+ hours a week, so there will be stretches where I cannot put pen to paper (so to speak). I’m working on the next chapter in the fictionalized evolution of Corey and Lauren, it’s just that choosing a real event that is a good fit to illustrate their evolving storyline is sometimes difficult. We like to take real experiences and shoehorn them into the couple’s timeline, without having to embellish too much (although there is certainly a lot of that!). With that in mind, their story may never really “end”. Our circle of friends may be aging, but we are still making memories!

We also don’t want to roll out anything that is not a good read (grammar, spelling, being coherent). I know these things don’t matter to some, but they can be distracting to many.

Thank you for your patience and support!
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SamWarrens » Wed Jun 02, 2021 3:42 am

Take all the time you need, we'll all still be here.
Great story, keep it coming.
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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:51 pm


A sweet, musky odor of sex hung over Lauren Miller's bedroom. Moonlight streamed in through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the 23rd floor apartment, illuminating Corey and his wife as they sat amid crumpled sheets, staring at each other in awkward silence. Lauren’s latest lover had departed minutes earlier, leaving her in a bodysuit soiled with dried semen from both men. Her husband lay next to her completely naked, his shrinking penis twitching against a hairy thigh. There had been so many unspoken emotions channeled in the last hour, neither knew where to start.

Corey began by apologizing for spying. The sight of her on a date triggered all the concerns that had troubled him over the last week. Seeing how she carried herself when he wasn’t around just seemed the natural thing to do.

Lauren assured him she wasn't going anywhere, but that she really enjoyed the freedom to be sexy again. And being with men that could make her cum on their cock. It was a feeling all women loved and she hadn’t realized how much she missed it. "I'm sorry, babe, we promised to be truthful always. But I’m not going to fall in love, either. That emotion is for us and us alone. The connection with these other guys is mostly physical. I mean, that's what you wanted, right?”

Yes, it was exactly what Corey had wanted, although now his brain was full of doubts. He was relieved to hear she didn't have feelings for them beyond sex, but lamented the fact that he had let himself go. "I should have taken better care of myself.”

His loving wife tilted her head. “That’s only partially true. You can't turn back the clock. We knew our age differences. Hell, our friends teased us enough. Corey's robbing the cradle and Lauren has daddy issues. It's just getting more real now. We’ve been a team since day one. I'll never quit you."

"How can you be happy with someone who’s done before you ever get started?"

Lauren looked at him sympathetically. "You know, those other guys might have more fuel in their tank, but jeez, they all have twenty-something years on you. Of course, they have more energy. Don't put so much pressure on yourself, and don't distill our relationship down to something where all that matters is sex. We are so much more than that.”

Corey nodded. This was the heart-to-heart he’d come for. "You said your connection was mostly physical?"

“Mostly. There’s some intrinsic things too. I started playing your game because it was clear that’s what you wanted. Needed. I’ve spent nearly thirty years as a wife and mother, pleasing my family. Always by-the-numbers. Always predictable and dependable. Conventional. Then your kink bubbled up, and I started seeing things differently."

Corey leaned in. She had his attention. “How?”

“I don’t know. Different. If you thought I could fuck other men after twenty-eight years of being married and not change, then you didn't think this through. Not trying to be mean, just being real. Once you graduated me from pillow talk to reality, I’ve become very intrigued by sexual norms and deviations. I started reading. Mostly about how I can help you with your…thing, but along the way, I also learned how to channel my feelings into something positive. At forty-eight, I feel sexier than ever. After we married, I still noticed other men looking at me. At the gym, PTA meetings, when I coached the girls’ softball teams. Heck, a couple of those dads even hit on me, knowing damn well I was married to you." Lauren winced as those last words tumbled from her lips, instantly regretting divulging that last bit of information. She slid her hands along his thighs in an attempt to change the subject.

“The flowers were very thoughtful. Thank you.” Her fingers wrapped around the limp penis one at a time. It twitched at the touch. "You really do get off on this, don’t you?” she asked softly.

Corey ran fingers through his graying hair, his cock growing in her hand. Finding the words was going to be difficult. He explained it was like an addiction, somewhere between the honest-to-God desire to see her sexually fulfilled, and his own undeniably selfish cravings. “And SO many permutations, you wouldn't believe it.”

"Try me.”

The project manager cleared his throat and told her about how he had concocted all sorts of fantasies about her. How who she’s with isn't as important as the circumstances. At the beach, at work, Myles’ yacht. Sometimes he’d watch, sometimes just listen, other times she’d tell him about it later.

Lauren cocked an eyebrow. “Just listen?”

Corey nodded his head enthusiastically. “You wouldn't believe how hot that one is."

“But those are just things you think about. How do you feel about it? I mean really feel?”

He looked deeply and appreciatively in her eyes. She really was trying to understand.

“I’m aroused, I’m angry, I’m jealous. All at once. From watching you being pursued, to the first time you’re penetrated, to the look in your eyes when you become his whore and nothing else matters. Not me, not our kids. Just that cock in that moment. The noises of pleasure you make until you cry out his name to finish you. Begging to be fucked, to give you his cum, until you both scream each other’s names so loudly they’re echoing off the walls.”

“And this has been building for some time, huh,” she presumed. “I mean, you used to pick me up around the corner from Pauly’s frat house on Sunday mornings to go on picnics. I had my overnight bag with me. You had to know I spent the night. Is this when it started?”

“I guess. That you’d been with him didn’t matter, though. I just wanted to be close to you. You have no idea how many hours I spent fantasizing about you two together, even after we married.”

“You never told me that. Corey that’s…”

“Fucked up, I know.” He smiled. “Of course, you never mentioned your penchant for being called names, either. All those lost years I could have been calling you my whore.”

Lauren laughed. “Point taken. In the end, you won me, buddy boy. Recent adventures aside, I’ve been faithful to you every step of the way. You must believe that.”

The couple shared a moment of silent acknowledgment. They both knew they’d been faithful through their marriage.

Finally, Lauren could no longer avoid the elephant in the room.

“You know, I told you I've been doing a lot of reading. Sexual psychology, different likes and dislikes, what gets people off. It’s all very interesting, although I don’t understand why some things are appealing and others aren’t. I’m no therapist, but you know as well as I do there are plenty of guys out there that have your desires. But there are many flavors to your kink Corey. Hotwifing, cuckolding, whatever. Especially in the lane you and I are driving right now. Watching and listening is one thing. But tonight...those things I said to Steve...they were NOT flattering to you in the least bit. If I hadn’t seen your arousal firsthand, I wouldn’t have believed you’d be a guy who’d be into that sort of thing.”

The 61-year-old's eyes looked back at her with trepidation. He couldn’t deny it had been an incredible turn on at the time. As much a surprise to him as it was to her.

“Not going to lie, it stung, but it was also so goddamn hot. I guess it played into the inadequacy I feel as I grow older, mixed with a perverse and demented mind. You’re surrounded by younger people down here and it gets to me. So, the more you talked to Steve about him being a better lover, the more turned on I became. I can’t explain, I just did. I shouldn’t have been turned on by all that condescending shit. It’s not who I am.”

Lauren eyes bore into him with the utmost compassion. “But you were, weren’t you?”

Corey’s expression grew dark. “You were just roleplaying, right?”

“Not sure if he knows that, but yes. I think he's been waiting a long time for the right submissive who would allow him to be the alpha-dog. Apparently, bedding a married woman was just a bonus for him. I'm sorry. He’s a nice guy and I didn’t see the harm in helping him, seeing as we have our agreement anyway.”

“Even at my expense?”

Lauren eyes dropped to her hands. “Yeah, about that. I wasn’t really comfortable saying those things at first. But for all I knew, you weren’t within a thousand miles of here.”

"Until you did know, that is."

Lauren’s gaze returned to Corey with a hint of indignation. “You know damn well I kept that charade going for your sake once I knew it turned you on. If you don’t want it to happen again, just say so.”

The two scowled at each other.

“Well?” Lauren persisted.

“I’m not sure,” Corey responded honestly. “It was hot once. Twice? I don’t know.”

“Fair enough. That’s your thing. You be the captain of your own desires.”

“You should be a therapist,” he smiled. Picking up the cum-crusted bodysuit, he raised an eyebrow. “But enough about me. You seem to have discovered some eccentricities of your own.”

The black-haired vixen's mouth turned upward in a wicked, barely discernible smile. She stared out the bedroom windows into the black night.

“Like I said, I’ve found a way to channel my own peculiarities into something positive. But it’s important that you know I’ve never cheated on you. You know everything I’ve ever done down here. I love you. I love us.”

“Well, you know, it’s not cheating if your husband knows about it.”

“That’s what the tee-shirts say, right? Look, you’ve ripped off the blinders, helped me realize I’m not yet an old maid. I no longer have to be ordinary, a shackled housewife from Iowa.”

“Mainstream society would say those aren’t shackles, they’re marriage vows.”

They let that sink in. Corey was right. Many people would not condone or understand their behavior.

He took her hand and looked softly into her smoky gray eyes. “So where does this leave us?”

Lauren rested her head on his shoulder. “I don’t know. Six months ago, I think we thought our lives were the best they could be. But our bedroom was all but dead.”

Corey stared at her. It’s like she’d been reading his diary. If he had a diary.

“But now, I think once you get down here, we could have so much more, if we can get past all this drama. What do you think?"

Both stared out the floor-to-ceiling-windows at the Miami skyline. Corey held his breath, then exhaled. He was glad he made the trip down. “Yes,” he answered definitively. “We wanted a change, so why not reinvent ourselves? The kids are grown and self-sufficient. Let’s throw away the old Corey and Lauren and start anew. To tell the truth, I bring most of the drama, stemming from the newness of it all, and the fact I’m not here with you. I have to work out the emotions in my head. And the long-distance relationship will be ending soon. Together we’ll get through it. I sincerely want you to be happy and feel alive. I don't know about you, but I haven't felt this alive in years. It's a perverse kind of alive, but mighty alive nonetheless.”

Lauren put both hands around his face. “Oh my God, Corey! I feel the same way. Then you don’t want to stop?” Lauren breathed, her luscious lips just inches from his face.

Corey kissed his wife. “No.”

The couple closed their eyes and hugged. Lauren squeezed his cock. “I was hoping you’d say that,” she winked.

“So, reinvented Mrs. Miller. You seem to know all about my fantasies, but I know little about yours. What goes through your head at night?”

Lauren grimaced. She was well aware of the dark thoughts dominating her dreams lately. How much do I tell? It seemed so depraved; how did she dare speak of it?

“I can’t.”

Corey nudged her forehead with his nose. “No secrets, remember?”

She looked away, hesitating, then turned back with an intense gaze and told him about her being propositioned the week before. “I can’t get it out of my head. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s the naughtiness or just being overjoyed that someone would want me enough to pay for it.”

“Wow,” was all her husband could say. It was an aberration even his ever-devolving mind had not yet considered.

She nodded cautiously. “Kind of twisted, huh?” the once demure mother-of-two asked sheepishly.

Corey’s closed his eyes, letting the idea flood his brain like a visual aphrodisiac. “Yeah, I see you now, bent over a complete stranger in a seedy hotel, riding his cock until he nuts in your pussy.”

Lauren rolled her eyes. OMG, was there ANYTHING that didn’t arouse him? She played along. “Wait. No condom?”

“No. His seed explodes in your unprotected womb, filling your hole with his thick hot jizz.”

Lauren laughed at the silly attempt at erotic prose. She bent over to lick his growing cock, tiny breast buds dangling from her chest.

“The only thing that matters now,” she said softly, remembering her research, “is that you’re here to reclaim me, baby. Let your slut wife know who’s boss.”

Any injured pride that Corey had disappeared in an instant. He pushed his sultry wife away and reached for his jeans. He grabbed every bill he had and tossed them at her, the cash fluttering about them over the mattress. Lauren held her legs together fast and laughed as he tried unsuccessfully to pull them apart.

“Open your legs, bitch. I gonna take what I paid for, you fucking whore!”

Lauren squealed with delight, then relented, relishing the roughness at which her husband was handling her. It was so unlike him and she liked it…a lot. The two were learning well how to play off each other. The more he dished out, the more she gave it back.

“C’mon then, cuck, take me. Reclaim your cheating slut wife! TAKE ME NOW!”

Corey mounted her in one fell swoop, supporting his overweight body the best he could. He slammed full on into her mature, hairless cunt, knowing his six inches couldn’t possibly fill her as much as the other cocks, but not caring. Nor did Lauren. The love of her life was here at the moment and that’s all that mattered. There wasn’t a penis in the world that could fill her with more love. It was absolutely perfect.

The couple melted together and mated like animals, grunting and panting with the passion that comes from being together for three decades. Corey drilled her with every ounce of strength he could muster. He just had to make her cum.

“Give me what I paid for, you whore!” he bellowed, playing to her fancy.

“Yes, yes, yes! Slam my nasty pussy. Can you feel how they’ve stretched me out? Your dick…the same skank hole…they’ve all been in, baby. How’s it feel?” Lauren knew how to pull levers too.

The older man nearly came at the thought of other cocks inside his wife, the same heavenly slit that was now collapsing around his pulsating shaft, expertly coaxing another load of semen from a man’s aching balls. Was it his imagination, or WAS she a little looser than he remembered? The similarities between her escapades and those of a real escort were not lost on him.

Lauren squirmed under the weight of her husband’s out-of-shape body, hips rising high off the mattress in an unsuccessful bid to will his manhood into the depths of her puckering vagina, to feel the fullness that wasn’t there. She used her hands to pull, push and prod his soft, pale ass, trying to bury his slender tool deeper. It was no use. He simply wasn’t equipped. For twenty-eight years it had been enough. Adequate. Over the past few months she’d learned what a good cocksman could do. But Corey could never know that. It would be too much of a blow to his fragile ego. Tonight, she had to play the good wife. Thrashing like a porn star beneath him, her nails raked his back as she whispered filthy words of encouragement in his ear. Her friend Amy would be very proud at how proficient she’d become in the acoustic arts.

“That’s it, fuck me! I’ve been such a naughty girl, letting those men use me as their filthy cum bucket, while you've been a thousand miles away, jerking off.”

“Ugggggg, ahhhhhh!” Corey was brought to the brink again and again by her prodding, although he was very aware of his wife slamming her pelvis into his, over and over, in a desperate attempt to achieve something unattainable. Shifting his weight from one arm to another, he realized fatigue was already setting in.

Lauren sensed it to. “Don’t stop! Keep going, that’s it, that’s it, ohhhhh, it feels sooo goood!”

Corey grunted repeatedly, like an old Neanderthal desperately trying to maintain favorable rank amongst the village females while younger, more virile males waited in the wings. The vision of Lauren in a seedy motel room blowing a john for money was hardly what a prehistoric hunter / gatherer would have thought of, and yet it helped keep this caveman's dick hard and rigid. Jesus, you sick fuck. It's not enough that you've got your dick stuck in a beautiful woman below you. No, you can only pop a boner thinking of someone else banging your wife!

As much as Lauren wanted to, there was realistically no way she was going to cum. But this night, more than ever, her husband must think she did. There could be no other outcome.

“Fuck me…do it harder, babe! Make me cum.”

Corey tried keeping up with her gyrating hips. Winded, he began to huff and puff.





Lauren kept slamming her hips into his, heaving her ass off the mattress to meet each thrust.

"Yeah, baby, your fat cock feels so good in me. Oh Fuck! Just like that! Don't stop."

She let go her best shriek. In order to pull this off, she had to “cum” before he did or he’d be done for the night. From experience, she knew he’d be blowing soon.

“Aaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeee! Corey! Deeper, deeper! Take me, take your whore wife!”

“Ohhhhhh, Lauren!”

Yep, he was close.

“Gonna make me cum with that big cock, baby. You want me to cum? THEN FUCK ME, GODDAMNIT!

"Yes, yes! Please cum, Lauren, please cum for me!

She seized the moment and froze her body, nails digging into his arms, thighs squeezing his bulging sides, as she simulated a deep, long lasting orgasm.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, Corey, baby, I’m cumming! Cumming for you!”

She thrust her face into his sweaty breastbone in an attempt to conceal any hint she was faking it. Finding the nearest man-boob protruding from his chest, she slurped it into her mouth and suckled the nipple.

“It's your turn now, baby," Lauren breathed out the corner of her lips, his hard teat firmly between her front incisors. "It’s your pussy again, sweetie. It's yours! I want your cum deep inside of my used cunt! It's been so long!”

Corey could no longer hold it. He threw his head back, ripping the reddened nipple from Lauren’s teeth as he howled at the ceiling. She saw his face screw up as his orgasm took hold. Wrapping her legs tightly around his rotund waist, the couple slammed their hips together for one final thrust, sending his seed spurting deep into Lauren’s waiting love canal.

“Ahhhh, FUCK, baby, I'm cumming, I'm cumming. I love you so much!”

Lauren held him tight as the small load shot from his cock. Although not a huge amount, the hot semen jetting into her womb reminded her of what a glorious feeling it was indeed. Something she sorely missed. The sensation itself caused her to have small, micro-orgasms until Corey’s balls had fully drained and he rolled off beside her.

As the pair’s breathing slowed, they spooned and held each other tenderly. Unfortunately, his stamina had not suddenly improved in the last 24-hours and he apologized for cumming so quickly. Lauren accepted his apology - like she always did - and patted his hand. Maybe next time.

He held his wife snugly from behind, nudging her shoulder with his chin. It felt so damn good to take her back, fuck her like a husband should. Deep down he knew her orgasm might not have been authentic, but just her doing that was, for him, proof enough of her love.


After long and touching moments of embracing and caressing each other, Lauren began to drift off to sleep. As she did so, she felt Corey’s cock hardening again against her lower back.

"I need sleep, Corey. We can go again in the morning."

No response. What the hell. Lauren rolled over to face him.


“Who were they?”

“Who was who?”

“The softball dads who hit on you. Who were they?”

Oh no, let's not go there right now. "That was a long time ago. It doesn't matter, I didn't do anything with them. Nothing to talk about."


Lauren rolled away from him. "It was when we went out of town for tournaments. Now go to sleep and maybe I’ll tell you some day. Goodnight, Twisty.”

Corey rolled over and stared at the ceiling. For the next hour, he mentally checking off a list of girls who were on his daughters' teams and their fathers. It did nothing to help the raging hardon between his legs. Or maybe it did.

Fap, fap, fap.


Lauren’s phone began to vibrate as the warm Saturday morning sun filled the apartment’s bedroom. Sheets were scattered on the floor with last night's clothing. Shit! She hugged a pillow over her ears to block out the incessant ringtone. Unsuccessful, she cursed and picked up. Her hangover instantly regretted it.

“Wake up, Sunshine!” the familiar voice of her young friend and coworker rang out. “The bitch is back in town and ready to play.” Amy Rosinner had been visiting family the last couple weeks and now appeared more than ready to resume partying.

Lauren squinted at the small screen to see the 26-year-old blonde. A weak “hey” was all the older woman could muster.

“Damn, girl, you look like shit. What the fuck, is that cum in your hair? What have you been up to now, tramp?”

Lauren patted the top of her head and felt the matted sticky mess.

“You have no idea.”

Lauren slid gently out of bed so as not to wake her husband and tiptoed into the bathroom. She turned on the shower and told Amy of her exploits in the limo and the date with Steve the night before.

Amy listened intently. “Jesus, and I thought I was a slut. Guess we’ve got two lovers in common now,” the legal secretary declared proudly. She was referring to Tony and Max Bemer, the college football player and Club X owner respectively. “Hey, wanna to go wait for the fleet to come in?”

“Fuck you.”

“You wish."

Lauren could hear her friend inhale something.

"Wait", Amy exhaled, "you actually hooked up with Steve Hamilton? The guy who invented pocket protectors?”

“Don’t be mean. He’s a nice guy. And believe it or not, he was more than capable of ringing my bell.”

“Uh huh, whatever you say. And Corey is okay with all this?”

"For the most part."

“So I’m guessing you two are hanging out together this weekend?”

"Yeah, he leaves tomorrow. But I think we're just going to the pool today. You’re welcome to come over and have a few drinks.”

"Wouldn't miss it. Tell hubby I look forward to meeting him.”


The first of November typically signals the end of summer in South Florida. With the sun lower in the sky, daytime temps, while warm enough to still invoke resentment amongst northerners, begin to moderate. For whatever reason, that Saturday afternoon had not gotten the memo. It was already in the high 80s when Corey and Lauren stepped onto the rooftop and into the blazing sun.

Loudspeakers placed strategically around the pool area set the vibe with the latest top 100, and the open-air bar at water's edge saw several patrons sipping cool beverages from under colorful umbrellas. Ah, life in a luxury high-rise. Poor Lauren, Corey lamented sarcastically, whatever will she do when we buy a house?

The couple claimed a pair of chaise lounges near the far end of the pool, where Lauren fussed until Corey relented and removed his tank-top so she could apply sunscreen to his back. She’d grown frustrated with him in recent years as he showed increased reluctance to go shirtless in public. To a certain extent, she understood his reticence. While never overly muscular, he’d been in good shape until about 10 years ago, when the girls went off to college and his work hours grew more demanding. Too many late-night coffees and potato-chips in the construction trailer had taken their toll. Age then brought with it flabbier skin and a weak chest. Placing the cap back on the tube, she reached around and playfully grabbed one of his man-boobs. It shook like a jellyfish.

“Hey, what the heck,” Corey yelped, pushing her away, “play with your own tiddies.”

“I might just do that,” Lauren giggled, trying to shake her tiny bumps and failing miserably. “Right now, I’m going to get us a couple drinks.”

Corey admired his wife's attire as she traversed the pool furniture to get to the bar. Wearing the infamous gold micro-bikini which had attracted so much attention on Myles’ yacht, she looked really good. In fact, it was exactly the look their daughter Amelia had warned her father about. The top consisted of two incredibly small and shiny golden globes which stretched taut across her tiny chest, connected by ultra-thin twisted braids. The bottoms barely covered her firm bubble butt, tying to the front piece just above the hips. He shook his head, remembering her complaints about a few thigh dimples and varicose veins. When you’ve got a package like that, who the hell is looking at those?

As Lauren approached the bar, she was drawn into a circle of sun worshippers who welcomed her by name. Apparently, she spends more time at the pool than I thought. The ebony-haired beauty traded smiles and laughs with neighbors whom she later explained were her “posse”. This band of merrymakers had whiled away many a summer hour on the rooftop. In fact, in his absence, they had become her de facto family. As she walked back with seltzers in hand, her hips swayed in a way that commanded attention. Corey noticed the wandering eyes of some of the "posse" as she walked away. Apparently some of the good ol’ gang have more things on their minds than swimming and sunsets, my dear.

The cool drink hit the spot. Corey reclined and donned a pair of earbuds which thankfully drowned out the pop music garbage. Good classic rock was what he was after.

Lauren frowned. “Don’t you want to meet my friends?”

Corey craned his neck towards the crowded bar. Most of the men were in their 20s or 30s, with toned abs and proper pecs. Even guys his age had the typical South Florida tan and Adonis look. He suddenly became very conscious of his doughnut fueled physique.

“Uh, maybe later, babe. I was really looking forward to just relaxing in the sun. It’ll be forty degrees when I get back to Des Moines.”

Lauren's face fell, clearly disappointed. "Suit yourself."

With that, she spun away and walked back to the posse. At least they’re excited to see me.


Corey woke to the sound of laughter, followed by a splash of water. Kids at play. He relaxed and looked at his playlist. Seven songs had played which he did not remember hearing. Must have fallen asleep.

Yawning, he looked for Lauren, his gaze finding her still at the pool bar. No surprise. The crowd under the thatch roof had grown larger and Corey recognized several neighbors whom he met on the last visit. There were two couples with children. George and Rachel. He couldn't remember the other couple’s names. They had left their minions to terrorize the rest of the pool goers while Mommy and Daddy got drunk. Then there were two middle-aged guys, maybe Russ and Jose? The only other neighbor he remembered meeting was the stately looking Jack Carter. A rich guy Lauren often referred to as “Sir Jack”, for reasons Corey didn’t really understand. He seemed like a nice enough guy. Stocky, not fat, with a stereotypical shiny gold chain that was quite pronounced against his deeply tanned neck and chest.

A pang of envy jabbed at Corey while watching his wife interact with the whole lot. Lauren was definitely forming her own circle of friends. They were the ones who got to hang out with her at the pool. They were the ones drinking wine and watching sunsets together. Corey had missed a whole summer of her life and it was killing him.

Sighing at circumstances he was powerless to change, Corey picked up the seltzer beside his chaise. Tipping it back, he began to let the now warm liquid flow down his throat when something caused him to stop mid-swallow. Fuck. His jaw clenched and he gritted his teeth. A new arrival had made his way through the throng under the umbrellas, shaking hands and patting backs. It was clear all at the bar seemed to know the young Tommy Myers. The same Tommy Myers who gladly served Lauren soup and a cock in his apartment a few weeks ago.

Corey squeezed the thin can until liquid foamed from the small opening. Seems there were a lot of things on this trip he hadn’t counted on.

It wasn’t going to get any better.

While Tommy engaged Sir Jack, another boy with equally tanned skin and athletic build sauntered up next to Lauren and hugged her. As he pulled away, one hand travelled down her bare back, fingers lightly tracing the curvature of her spine to those delectable buttocks.

While vaguely familiar, Corey could not place him. Who the hell is this guy...and did he just grope my wife's ass?

After a few minutes of chit-chat, the boy tried slipping a couple fingers under the top of Lauren's bottoms. She pushed him away and only then leaned into the men to whisper. Whatever she said prompted all three to look over her shoulder in Corey’s direction. Son of a bitch. He sure as shit recognized the kid now. Yeah, there was no mistake. His hands began to shake. That's one of the frat boys who nailed Lauren in the limo.

While Jack simply smiled cordially and waved, Tommy and Tony looked at each other grinning. The foursome began walking his way.

He tried feigning disinterest by shoving the earbuds back in and looking for some music. It wasn’t until a shadow blocked the sun and a sandal nudged his leg that he was forced to acknowledge their presence.

“Hey, babe,” Lauren chirped.

Corey peered up at the group from behind mirrored sunglasses. Up close, he could see all three men were ripped, even Jack. He crossed his arms in a futile attempt to hide his pale man-boobs.

“Corey, these are my friends, Jack, Tommy and Tony. You remember meeting Jack when you were down here last. These other two fools...well, you’ve met, kind of.”

Corey kept his cool, lowered his glasses and peered at them from above the rim. Lauren’s brow furrowed.

“Well, aren’t you going to say something?”

“Uh, yeah, sure. Thanks for keeping the weather warm.”

Tony snickered. “We like to keep things hot around here, don't we Lauren?”

Corey began to say something unpleasant when a voice across the pool squealed Lauren’s name. A pretty young blonde wearing a skimpy pink two-piece came running towards them, ending in a shower of hugs.

Amy stuck her hand into the older man’s face. “Pleasure to meet you. I’m Amy Rossiner, your wife’s coworker and best friend. You must be Corey.”

“What gave it away?” he replied dryly. “The lack of youth and gold chains?”

Lauren looked at her friend a bit apprehensively, unsure why her husband was being such an ass. The blonde secretary smirked at the brunette, then turned back to Corey.

“Lack of a tan,” she shot back.

Corey had to laugh; he couldn’t help himself. “Touché.”

Tony leaned down and picked up a white nylon volleyball that had been abandoned beside the pool. “Who’s up for a game?”

Tommy and Amy were immediately enthusiastic.

“Lauren, Jack?”

Jack shrugged, took the ball and jumped in the water. Tony helped Lauren down the small steps into the pool. She peeped back.


The besieged husband looked down in disgust at the droopy pecs and white belly spilling over his waistline. He wasn’t opposed to playing, but did it really have to be with this bunch? Guys who looked like they just walked out of a gym? And two who had been with his wife?

Lauren floated on her back, legs bicycling to keep afloat, the small mounds of her chest just breaking the surface. She was very cognizant of the fact that Corey had just been forced into a face-to-face with two of her lovers, but hoped he would have handled it better. What did he expect? One of them was a neighbor and the other his best friend. She couldn’t undo what had happened. What he had encouraged to happen.

“C’mon, babe,” she smiled with a pout, “I thought we were going to live a little?”

Corey reluctantly rose off the chaise and walked to the steps. He could feel their eyes upon him, sizing him up. Fuck. Gingerly, he lowered himself into the pool. Thankfully, the cool water hardened his nipples and made any loose skin contract. It wouldn’t be so bad if he could just stay below the waterline.


Teams were quickly chosen: Tommy, Jack, and Lauren on one side of the net; Tony, Corey, and Amy on the other. As the game progressed, Corey was impressed by his wife's play, who couldn’t have spiked a ball in the last 20 years if her life depended on it. Must have been practicing. He watched as she dove for a save here, served up a spectacular volley there. Others were watching as well. More than once, Corey caught the two fraternity brothers and ol' Sir Jack himself ogling the girls. He couldn’t blame them. It was like watching a hot mom and daughter take on muscle beach.

After one rather nifty play, Tommy dove under Lauren and raised her up on his shoulders in celebration. It was breathtaking the way her nose peeked from between strands of the long wet black hair, water dripping off the swells of her tiny breasts.

Tony elbowed Corey. “That’s quite the wife you got there, old dude. Great bikini.”

Corey nodded guardedly, tenderly caressing the spot where the boy's forearm had bumped his ribs.

The younger man leaned over as Tommy teed up the next serve. “You know," he whispered, "I wouldn’t mind tapping that again sometime. Just sayin'.”

Corey’s eyes widened and the color drained from his face. He never saw the hard serve come his way. Things went dark very, very quickly.


“Dude, I’m so sorry, I thought you saw that coming.”

Corey opened his eyes. He was sitting on the top step of the pool, water lapping at his feet. Lauren was next to him. The right side of his face was on fire.

“Probably shouldn’t play with that kind of ball,” Jack offered in hindsight. “Need a Nerf.”

“Yeah, that’ll hurt in the morning,” Tony brilliantly predicted.

“I think it already is, dumbshit,” Amy retorted.

Lauren examined the injured eye. “You're going to need something for the swelling. I think I have a bag of frozen peas in the apartment.”

“Jesus,” Corey rubbed his neck, “You’re acting like a bunch of midwives. I’ll be fine, just need a beer and a shot of whiskey.”

The sun was at its afternoon apex and getting very, very hot. At least it seemed that way to the Iowan, who was used to 40s and 50s this time of year. His face was flush and the swelling increasing.

“I don’t think whiskey is the answer,” Lauren frowned.

Amy nodded. “You're right. I’ve got something much better.”


Corey settled back into the sofa as his wife handed him a bag of frozen vegetables.

“That ball did a number on your face," Lauren grimaced.

“You should have seen the other guy,” he joked half-heartedly.

“Oh, I have,” she winked, sitting beside him. Corey winced at the innuendo. She pulled and twirled the gray curls on his head.

"Hurts pretty bad, huh?"

Corey pressed the peas to his eye. "Stings, yeah."

Lauren held out her other hand. In it was a soft gummy with a light sugar coating.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Yeah. An edible. Take it. Amy says it'll take knock the pain right on out, or at least you won't care. It's not like you’ve never smoked weed."

He popped the candied orange into his mouth.

“So, you seem to have a lot of friends already. Amy seems nice.”

“Yes, she is.”

“Any of them, you know…”

“Boyfriends? No.”

Corey tilted his head. “The frat bros?”

“What did Caroline and Amelia call those kind of boys when they were in college? Friends with benefits?”


Lauren tugged on his ear. “Why so defensive back there? I thought you’d want to meet my friends.”

“I guess I’m jealous that they’re able to hangout with you and I’m not.”

“Well, you’ll be here soon enough.”

“Yeah, sure,” he said glumly.

“Hey, no frowny faces allowed, mister.” Lauren felt so bad for him, having to return to Iowa all alone. Her hand finger-walked across the back of his neck. She covered his shoulder with a smattering of kitten kisses.

“You aren’t really mad that Tony and Tommy are here, are you?”


She began massaging his shoulders. “I saw you talking to Tony right before you ate that ball.”

“Ahhh…right there, really knotted there.”

“What did you boys talk about?”

Lauren saw the front of his trunks twitch.

“He liked your swimsuit. A little to the right, please.”

“I bet he did. The same way Max liked it, right before I took it off for him.”

Another twitch in the crotch.

“What else did Tony say that’s getting you all worked up?” She slid her hand beneath the gathered waistband, passed the inner netting, to his waiting erection.

“He…he…uh, oh, that’s nice.”

Lauren’s cherry red lips had begun travelling down his chest. They stopped to lap at his pasty nipples.

“What did he say?”

“He said he wouldn’t mind…oh, fuck.” A pinch to a nipple sent shock waves through his body.

“Wouldn’t mind what?” A thumb caressed the areolae.

“Oooh, ahhh. Shit!"


“Okay...fuck, that feels good…he said he wouldn’t mind t..tapping you again.”

Lauren giggled. "How romantic."

She continued her kisses, taking the time to mouth the doughy abs and plump belly. The back of her hand pushed down the swim trunks enough for his engorged cock to pop out. Sliding from the sofa onto her knees, she pulled them off and threw them in his face.

“Should I? Let him tap me again? Would you like that, Corey?”


“Yes, would you like Tony to fuck me again?”

The six-inch lance was bouncing unimpeded in the air.

“Mmmm, please touch me.”

“Maybe Tommy too? At the same time?”

“Damnit, babe, touch me!”

Lauren let the tip of her tongue flick and flutter over the small purple head that was aching for attention. A dollop of precum bubbled out the glans and she was quick to gobble it down. Moving her head to the most advantageous angle, she held the position for just a second, then plunged the fleshy worm passed her lips.

“Fuuccckkk!” Corey groaned as he felt his wife’s throat collapse around his rigid dick, her tongue tickling the underside of his swollen member. He watched as a tangle of damp black hair obscured her face as she went down on him.

Moving her mouth up and down the stiff cock from tip to wiry pubes, she picked up the pace, the tempo becoming torrid and urgent.

“Oh shit, Lauren! Your mouth feels so good, please don’t stop.”

She continued to deep throat the narrow six inches. “Deep” was relative, as it was substantially easier to do compared to the others. Foam began building in the corners of her mouth.

“Ugggghhh, yes, yes, yes!” Corey yelled.

Lauren came up for air. “That’s it, fuck my mouth, baby. You know where it's been."

She rolled her tongue around the base of his cock, then up the underside along the main vein. "Or do you?"

“Uh, uh, uh, oh, oh, oh, ah, ah, ah.” He was trying to hold it together but was rapidly losing the battle.

She continued to bob in his lap, taking him deep several times, then allowing the slender member to slip from her jaws.

“Do it, baby, drain your balls into my slutty throat.”

“Oh, nooooo, Lauren.”

“C’mon, Corey, it won’t be the first time a man’s planted his seed there. NOW BLOW MY FUCKING HEAD OFF!”

The dam broke. He clawed desperately at Lauren’s cheeks in an attempt to warn her, to pull her off his cock and save her from the inevitable eruption. To his astonisment, she slapped his hands away and held fast.

“Shit, shit, shit, baby, I’m there, pull off, pull off!”

Lauren shook her head and clamped her lips tight around the undulating flesh, bracing herself.

The surge came quickly as the first blast hit the back of her throat, beyond the tonsils. It wasn’t nearly the volume she’d taken from the limo driver, but enough to cause a slight gag.

“Ohhhhhhh, Lauren! Oh my God! Sooooooo good!”

The second spurt was even less, barely registering as a tickle. She remembered a porn video she’d once seen and decided now would be as good as time as any. Carefully pulling off the spent dick, holding as much of the small load as possible, Lauren pursed her lips and looked directly into her husband’s eyes. Opening her mouth, she showed him the slippery, milky-white substance he’d just deposited on her tongue. With a quick swipe, she swallowed it and smiled, licking her lips.

Corey looked at his wife incredulously. That was the first time she’d let him blow in her mouth and was one of the most incredible sensations he’d ever experienced. He watched as she slid back onto the cushion beside him and took a drink of water.

“That was fun, huh?”

He nodded weakly and tried to stand, having a sudden urge to pee. Maybe it was because he stood too quickly, the intensity of the blowjob, or the gummy, but his knees quickly buckled, sending him back down to the sofa.

“Are you okay?” Lauren asked, placing the now not-so-frozen peas back on his eye.

“Yeah,” he muttered, swinging his legs onto the adjoining cushion and pulling a throw over his naked waist, “I think I just need to lay down for a while.”

As his sexy wife milled about in the apartment, gathering their swimsuits to wash out the chlorine, Corey felt an overwhelming desire to take a nap. Fluffing a pillow she’d brought him from the bedroom, he closed his eyes and felt the sleep pull him under.

Just a little nap, and I’ll be right as rain.

Last edited by SimpleEnigma on Sat Jun 12, 2021 1:30 am, edited 4 times in total.
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Tue Jun 08, 2021 6:03 am

Excellent chapter! I hope Corey gets to see Lauren with the two frat boys before he leaves!

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by DarrenZ » Tue Jun 08, 2021 10:08 am

Corey’s closed his eyes, letting the idea flood his brain like a visual aphrodisiac. “Yeah, I see you now, bent over a complete stranger in a seedy hotel, riding his cock until he nuts in your pussy.”

Lauren rolled her eyes. OMG, was there ANYTHING that didn’t arouse him? She played along. “Wait. No condom?”

“No. His seed explodes in your unprotected womb, filling your hole with his thick hot jizz.”
Well there you go then...

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SamWarrens » Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:28 pm

Please keep writing. Please, please. This is so GOOD!
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Sat Jun 19, 2021 9:38 am


November 1st. Four months to go.

Corey Miller woke prone on the sofa in his wife’s apartment, initial thoughts pleasant but disoriented. The first thing he noticed was his nakedness. A blanket had been strategically thrown over his backside, likely a gesture from his loving wife. A bottle of water had also been thoughtfully placed on the coffee table. Sitting upright, he rubbed his eyes, and opened the water. Although the powerful gummy Lauren had given him was still very much in control, the sting from the volleyball incident earlier in the afternoon returned with a vengeance.

"Fuckin’ hurts,” he murmured aloud.

Judging from the long shadows, Corey figured he'd been out for at least an hour. The sun had been high and bright when his wife had given him the best blowjob of his life. Even allowed him to cum in her mouth for the first time ever. Now, the sun was sinking to the west in the late afternoon.

He called Lauren’s name. No response. Head in hand, he trudged to the bedroom, then to the bathroom. No one. Did she go back to the pool? That in itself made him uneasy, given who had been there earlier. No, her two-piece was in the sink soaking along with his trunks. Maybe she went to lunch with Amy. But then why not wake me?

A little hungry himself, Corey traipsed out to the kitchen. No bread, no sandwich meat. Christ, she eats like a bird. It was then he noticed a small piece of paper tucked neatly under the flower vase.

“Gone to Jack’s. Come if you feel like it.”

He grabbed a banana from the counter and peeled it.

Jack? As in “Sir Jack”? The rich entrepreneur?

Corey crammed the fruit into his mouth and drained the water bottle.

Alright then. Let’s go mingle with the natives.


Harvey looked a little put-out as he ferried the occasional resident to the 31st floor. Jack Carter was having an impromptu gathering and had phoned in names of the few neighbors he was expecting. Lauren Miller was on that list; her husband was not. But hey, who was he to split hairs? It was Saturday and the soccer match awaited him at the concierge’s desk.

Corey nodded his thanks and stepped off the elevator into the foyer of Jack’s penthouse. The Iowan project manager whistled. In construction for over 35 years, he’d acquired an eye for quality materials and this place was top shelf. Italian marble, quartzite countertops, and Roman columns were everywhere. So this is how the Miami rich live. The furniture was ultramodern and colorful artwork decorated the walls, including an abstract of what looked like a couple enjoying a sixty-nine. Definitely a bachelor.

Corey listened for signs of life. Faint strains of a 60s jam band could be heard coming from deeper in the unit. I like this guy already.

A burst of laughter came from somewhere beyond the kitchen, near large glass doors that, when open as they were now, allowed the expansive balcony to become an extension of the apartment. There were four people near the railing, drinks in hand, gazing at the setting sun. Two of them were George and Rachel, the couple from the pool. The other two Corey didn't know. Closer now, another group of five came into view at the far end of the balcony. Corey stopped in his tracks when he saw Tony, still in swim trunks, with an arm around Lauren’s neck, a beer bottle dangling loosely from his hand as he talked. Tommy was on the other side, Amy hanging on his thick forearm. The pink bikini was gone, replaced with a loose tee-shirt tied at the waist and forest green capris. They seemed to be engaged in quite the conversation with their host.

As good as Amy looked, Lauren’s beauty was even more breathtaking. Donning a low-cut brown leather halter which barely covered the lower portion of her boobs, her jet-black hair was draped casually over her small chest. If she were to raise her arms even a bit, the tiny breasts would be completely exposed for all to see. Below, she had pulled on a simple pair of denim short shorts, the frayed bottoms riding high on her ass, the crotch so tight her cameltoe was clearly on display. Corey shook his head. He didn’t know from where she was getting her wardrobe these days, but at 48, and daily trips to the gym, she was still able to pull it off.

The stealthy observer was at a crossroads. He could have strolled out to the balcony, plucked a beer from the bar, forcibly removed the kid’s arm from around his wife’s neck, and whisk her away.

But he didn’t. He didn’t do any of those things. Corey simply stood and watched. Watched as Lauren laughed at the boy’s whispers, watched as she twisted strands of black hair around her nimble fingers, and watched as Tony occasionally dropped his hand and gave her bubble butt a squeeze.

Rather than cause a scene, he decided to exercise a little patience. See where it would go. Not like he was spying again. After all, he'd been invited. So, he decided to watch and learn, and was glad he did. Every time his pretty wife laughed, put her forehead on Tony’s shoulder, or ran her fingers over his powerful bare chest, Corey felt the rush of emotions he so craved. Jealousy, rage, arousal. His cock twitched with excitement.

Fuck me.


Upon learning of Jack's after-pool party, Amy had pried the executive from the 23rd floor apartment while Corey napped, plying her friend with two yummy gummies. The younger woman had her sights set on Tommy and figured Lauren for her wingman - and maybe more - seeing the latter's history with both men. The edibles were hitting them hard now and neither could stop giggling.

It was no surprise the fraternity brothers were happy to see the two women stroll onto the balcony. At the pool, they had accepted the older guy's invitation, but were beginning to regret it, considering the lack of action and boring hippie music. Upon seeing the girls, they immediately went to them. This time, Lauren didn’t bother sidestepping Tony’s advances as she had done earlier on the rooftop in Corey’s presence. She let the boy’s hands roam where they may. Perhaps it was the buzz, or the naughtiness of just having swallowed her husband’s load, but there was simply no denying the ripped muscles of the football player felt good against her skin.


Jack eventually moved on to other neighbors, leaving the foursome to watch the last rays slip behind another high rise. Lauren leaned forward facing the railing, sipping a seltzer. Tony stood behind her, hands on the narrow waist that years of working out had kept thin and taut. It was impossible for her to ignore the bulge from his trunks as he rubbed it into the ass groove of her tight denim shorts. To his delight, she eased back, just a touch, accentuating the electricity that was as much a continuation of the week before as it was now. There were no secrets amongst the friends. Both Tony and Tommy had been with Lauren, and Amy with Tony. They all knew it; none cared.

As the rosy sun gave way to twilight, Lauren reached round and grasped the back of Tony’s neck, closing any gap between her naked shoulders and his bare chest. Doing so caused the bottom of the halter to rise, revealing just a glimpse of the hardening areolae beneath. Tony lifted her chin and pressed his lips to hers. She moaned and sucked the thick tongue into her open mouth. Corey tilted his head in awe as he felt a profound change occur deep within. His wife of 28 years seemed so beautiful and content being in the arms of this barely dressed young man. The way she and her lover embraced, the body language as they kissed, convinced the graying husband that he and Lauren had made the right decision for both of them.

In that instant, God save him, Corey had an odd change of heart. Although the kid clearly hoped for a repeat of the limousine ride, the voyeur husband’s animosity suddenly turned from one of loathing to acceptance. His heart-to-heart with Lauren had reassured him their marriage – quirks and all - was still on solid ground. She, like him, appeared to be in their relationship for the long haul, no matter the number of lovers she took. So why hold these men in contempt for simply playing a natural role in their fantasies, something he'd hoped for all along? Did he expect her to be fulfilled by yet another aging and tired old man? Or men like these who could get the job done?

As Corey’s new attitude swam around in his still stoned brain, so too did the familiar contractions in his groin. He watched as Tony continued to kiss his wife, one hand down the front of her shorts, the other creeping under the halter. At one point, Corey could have sworn he saw an erect nipple. One that had been in his mouth hundreds of times.

Atta boy. Now we’re getting somewhere.


Lauren felt decidedly wicked as Tony’s tongue twirled around hers. After all, her husband was downstairs napping, and even though they had decided to continue their “arrangement”, it wasn’t hard to pick up on Corey’s disdain for the fraternity brothers. Why? She distinctly remembers him encouraging them individually to fuck her, to “give her what she wants.” So why the aversion? Was he threatened by them in some way, beyond their good looks and prowess? That he could show up any minute made it even naughtier. Heck, the perv might even be watching them right now. That would be so like Corey.

When Tony’s hand crept under the halter, she could feel her left nipple stiffen as moist humid air hit it. She moaned with pleasure. Any thoughts of Corey were vanquished. There was something magical about the sunset, the warm breeze, and being in the young man’s strong arms.

Tommy chuckled and punched his buddy’s arm. "Dude, get a room."

“Pffft, ain’t nothin’ you haven’t seen, bro!”

“Got that right.”

Lauren turned beet red and burst into a fit of laughter, hands covering her mouth to hide the embarrassment. She crossed her legs to keep from peeing - one of the unspoken consequences of having children. Standing between two lovers as they talked about her was just too much. What would her friends in Iowa say?

They’d say I’m waaay too fucking high.


Corey shrank into the shadows as Tony led the friends from the balcony and into the apartment’s enormous living area. They stood no more than a few feet away. Had any of them simply looked to their left they would have seen him plainly. But Lauren and Amy were too stoned to notice anything but the boys' arms around their waists, and Tommy and Tony were too busy surveying the layout hoping to discover a pocket of privacy. None were obvious. Noticing a set of chrome stairs leading to a second level, the young men quickly led the girls up the steps. One of them squealed as the group reached the top landing. Seconds later a door slammed shut.

Corey darted to the bottom of the stairs, then quickly to the second floor. He looked down the dark hallway. There were three doors, all on one side. He put his ear to the first. Nothing. Same with the second and third rooms. Now what? They have to be in one of them.

As if on cue, a muffled giggle came from behind the first door. He slinked to it and listened carefully. Another giggle, followed by a series of moans.

He tried the knob. Miraculously, it was unlocked. Corey slipped through and gently closed the door behind him. He was now in a master’s chambers, like a sitting room, just outside a bedroom. The noises were louder now, crisper. The sounds of lips smacking were unmistakable.

As he approached the bedroom, Corey could see eight bare legs on a thick red comforter near the edge of a large round bed. The feet were somewhat entwined and moving. He didn't dare get any closer. From that angle any movement would surely be detected. On the other side of the doorway was a bathroom which appeared to be common to both the sitting and bedroom areas. Perhaps that would afford him a better view.

Dropping to his hands and knees, Corey crawled on his belly between the exposed door frame, then sprinted into the bathroom. Once there, he inched to the other bedroom door and peered around the jamb. To his exhilaration, the entire bed was now visible. Both girls were in the middle on their backs, while the boys flanked them on either side.

Tony and Lauren were leisurely kissing, her halter top pushed up over tiny mounds, his fingers plying her erect nubs. Amy and Tommy were laying on their sides, watching the other couple make out, the latter’s hand under the blonde’s capris, she reached round to stroke his cock through thin swim trunks.

Corey settled against the sink. Couldn't ask for a better seat.


After several minutes of fondling, Tony and Lauren noticed they had an audience. The young man winked at Amy. "You missed me, didn’t you?” he boasted. “Want more?"

Amy nodded coyly and moved closer. Tony leaned in to caress her face, but to everyone's surprise, she didn't go for Tony's lips. She kissed Lauren. With purpose.

As kisses go, the first was a simple lip smack. The second was longer, fuller. Mouths parted on the third, tongues dancing, breathing shallow. Amy sucked on the older woman's mouth with hunger. This was something she’d fantasized about since meeting the dark-haired executive months ago.

Lauren felt a shockwave rock her pussy with the subtlety of a sledgehammer. All the office flirting, the quick touches, the innuendos, the masturbation session, all the wanting something more from their friendship, came steamrolling back into her consciousness as she felt the blonde’s lips tug at her tongue. Amy tasted positively marvelous. Just like she knew she would.

The girls melted into each other’s arms, kissing franticly, hands and fingers dancing along the contours of their exquisite bodies. Amy was clearly the more experienced with women. She licked Lauren's tiny tits and rolled the hard pink erasers between thumb and forefinger. Deep moans flowed from the coworkers as they became lost in each other's passion.

The men were speechless. Watching chicks in porn videos was erotic enough. Watching them while in front of you was on a whole other level. Their raging hardons told the tale. Corey couldn’t help himself. He opened his phone’s video app and pressed record.

Back on the bed, Amy pinched and pulled Lauren's breasts, plying them like soft mounds of putty. She reached behind her friend’s neck and untied the halter, pulling it away. Lauren mewed as Amy kissed her taut abs. The office manager’s breathing deepened as the blonde’s mouth inched closer to the Daisy Dukes. She gasped as Amy’s hand found the pronounced cameltoe and began applying pressure to the rut.

“Oh!” Lauren moaned, hands on the back of her friend’s head, “What are you doing to me?”

Amy said nothing while unsnapping Lauren’s shorts. She lowered the brass zipper and bent the flaps of the fly back, purring as smooth pink lips peeked out from beneath.

The secretary lubricated three fingers with her mouth, then carefully worked them into the brunette’s shorts until they slid into the fleshy slit, all the way up to the knuckles.

Lauren squealed. “Ameeeee, yes.”

Amy bit down hard on the tiny protruding nipples. “Like that, slut?”


"Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this? You’re all business like at the office, but I know what a little slut you've become. Your husband knows, your boss knows, and now thanks to Steve, probably so does half the IT department. How long before the rest know? You get off getting fucked while your husband sits alone at home jerking off, don’t you?”

“Y-y-yes. God help me, YES!”

Corey moaned. He couldn’t help it. Amy was unwittingly pulling his levers.

Fap, fap, fap.

Lauren's pussy puckered at the blonde's hand. Amy's fingers were flying now, a busy blur as the executive's fluids drenched everything in the immediate area.

"That's it. That's it, Don't stop. Ohhhh, yesss!"

The well-endowed fraternity brothers looked at each other, cocks in hand, mouths agape. Off…the fucking…chain.

Amy removed her tee-shirt, allowing the large firm breasts to plop back against her bare skin. She slid Lauren’s short shorts off, tossing them to the floor. The secretary spread her friend’s legs and pulled the tiny ass to her face. Slowly and methodically, the blonde licked the older woman's thighs, working up to the delectable treasure just inches away. Lauren gasped. The first lick sent her squirming. Two licks had her groping and pulling Amy’s long golden hair. By the time the youngster buried her tongue in the steaming wet hole, Lauren was a jiggling mess, screaming at the ceiling as the blonde worked her clit.

Lauren rolled her head back and held Amy’s head tight against her pelvis. She could feel the tip of the tongue burrowing its way deeper into the fleshy canal.

“Gawd, oh don’t stop. Shit, Shit, right there!” Ohhhh!”

The young blonde was getting into it. She’d been with a few girls, but none tasted as sweet as this woman, 22 years her senior. The salty juices from Lauren’s quivering slit coated Amy’s mouth as it slid down her throat.

Lauren writhed as Amy worked the sensitive nub. "Good, good...oh fuck! Christ that feels…oh my God! Oh my God! Yes, yes! Just like that!"

Arms flailing about the bed, Lauren’s hands groped for anything within reach, pillows, Tony’s arm, Tommy’s leg, Amy’s head…anything.

“Awe, don’t stop, don’t stop. OH SHIT!”

The young woman continued to feast. Slurping sounds were quite loud now. Amy’s middle and index fingers joined her tongue in the assault.

“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I’m gonna cum, gonna cum!”

Lauren thrashed violently, legs kicking, squeezing the blonde’s head between her wet thighs, hands gripping Tony and Tommy’s legs.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Ohhh! Ohhh!, I’m cumming, cumming, cumming! Nnngggghhh, aaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeee!

Immeasurable pleasure exploded from the mature body, hips arching upward as shaking hands attempted to drive Amy’s head clean through her pelvis. Lauren pounded the mattress with both fists as she peaked, a final flood of juices squirting into Amy’s mouth.

“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” Lauren panted as her breathing slowed.

Fortunately for everyone, she would not be allowed to rest.

Amy leapt on top of her and into open arms. She needed to fuck the office tart NOW. Sucking her friend’s nipples, her fingers walked along the soft tan thighs until they found the older woman’s clitoris. Amy rubbed it between her thumb and middle finger, using the other digits as leverage against the bald and slippery labia. Lauren moaned loudly, caressing her friend’s back.

“Yessssss. Oh, Amy, yes.”

The women took their time to grope, probe, and learn each other’s bodies. It was not hurried, just delicate and raw. Tommy, Tony, and Corey watched in silence. All three were now masturbating furiously.

Fap, fap, fap.

Gradually, the girls picked up momentum. Amy pinned Lauren to the mattress and straddled the brunette’s waist, just above her thin hips. Using deliberately long and slow strides, the young blonde slid her smooth pussy along Lauren’s belly. Doing so left clear, wet skid marks on the tanned skin.

Lauren felt something shift on the mattress. Opening her eyes, she discovered Tony and Tommy kneeling above her, fondling their respective cocks. The black-haired vixen reached up and took them in her hands.

“Just like old times,” she cooed.

A pang of jealousy stabbed Corey in the heart.

Fap, fap, fap.

Amy moaned at the sight of her friend stimulating the two young bucks and reached out to kiss both while she continued to hump Lauren’s belly. Occasionally the blonde shook her head in ecstasy, ample breasts bouncing happily in front of her three companions.

The erotic pyramid continued for quite some time, the exigency of their love making gaining steam. Several times, Corey thought one or both the boys were going to lose their load on his wife’s face, only to hold on.

Eventually, Amy moved her hips lower, past Lauren’s navel, until their bald pussy lips met in a sloppy, thirsty kiss. Clit against tumid clit, the glorious friction served to fuel their passion as both women moved in unison, caught up in the rapture of their now mutually quivering labia.

Lauren felt the scorching heat from Amy’s young cunt as they slammed their pelvis’ together with rabid urgency. More than a few times, the blonde sent the executive to the edge with her sapphire eyes and youthful face. It did not escape Lauren that the girl on top, grinding her 26-year-old pussy into her navel, was the same age as her daughters. She cried out involuntarily, shaking her head, desperately trying to banish the dark thoughts that popped into her consciousness. Oh my God!

The women continued to grind their pussies into each other, trying to find just the right position to allow maximum contact. Amy turned sideways to allow her vulva a slight perpendicular angle. Both girls howled when their meaty lips locked together like some perverse jigsaw puzzle.

“Ohhhh, Lauren!”

“Oh, Ameeeeeeee!”

The younger woman leaned back for leverage, hands gripping Lauren’s knees. blonde hair curling down her back like a golden shroud. Both women were rocking back and forth now, using their groins as an obscene fulcrum, willing their pussies to deliver the release they so needed.

“Fuck! Fuck, FUCK!” Lauren brayed. “Oh shit, oh shit!”

“Ohhh, ohhh, goddamn,” Amy shouted. “Fuck me, Lauren!”

Both could feel incredible, massive orgasms building. Lauren forgot about the two cocks in her hands and sat up on the mattress, throwing her arms around her best friend, holding on for dear life. The bed began to shake as the girls frantically and rhythmically slammed their pelvises together.


“Oooooo, oooooo, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!”

Tony and Tommy didn’t want to cum, but they just couldn’t help it. Watching the girls’ savage tribbing right there was too much. The latter came first, firing a stream of thick jizz across the headboard. Tony followed suit, spraying his onto Lauren’s back.

Lauren felt Tony’s huge load paint her shoulder blades. Oh, nooooo! The coaster ride began, pulling her up the track to the first drop.

“Fuck me, Amy!!!”

Closer now, almost to the top.

“Right there, Lauren!!! Oh God, oh God!”

The gorgeous blonde grabbed her friend’s face between both hand’s.

“Ahhhhh, you fucking cunt!” she barked, spit flying.

The car breached the top and went over, the bottom falling out of Lauren’s world as she rode the weightlessness of her orgasm.


“Oh fuck, Lauren, oh God!” Amy was there too. She joined her friend as they clung to one another, pussies grinding out final thrusts, soaking the sheets in the process. “I’m cumming Lauren, YES! YES! Ohhhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhh!!!

The women grunted as they fell from each other’s arms and collapsed. The boys leaned up against the headboard, the last bit of semen oozing from their still hard penises.

“Jesus, you broads are fire!” Tommy panted.

Yes, they were. And they weren’t done yet. Each pulled a boy into their arms, Tony on top of Lauren, Tommy on Amy. Foreplay was not at all necessary. Tony supported his body above Lauren with thick and muscular arms, positioning his cock at the entrance to her now red and puffy muff. He was going to fuck the shit out of this slut wife, and she was more than ready for him to do it. The boy gripped his tool and began guiding the impressive steel into her already gushing tunnel.

Go for it, kid, Corey leered, then gasped when he realized what was about to happen. Babe, no!

Lauren felt the boy’s circumcised head beginning to penetrate her butterfly. It feels soooo good…but…

“WAIT!” she cried out.

Tony stopped, clearly annoyed. He knew the reason for her outburst all too well. Fuck. And he didn’t have any with him.

Amy knew too. She demanded protection as well. Reaching into her capris, she grabbed two condom packs, tossing one to Tony, the other to Tommy. A true party girl is always prepared.

Lauren went limp. That was close. For a second there, she’d been ready to let this boy fuck her without a net, remembering how amazing even the small amount of goo Corey deposited in her earlier had felt. How could she have gotten so carried away? Not a good idea, little Miss. He’s probably slept with half the sororities in the South Florida region.

Protected now, Lauren pulled Tony over her, this time grasping the latex wrapped cock herself and guiding into her wet hole. Her eyes closed tightly as it slid in, filling her the way her husband could not. God, it feels so good. Corey leaned from the doorway just in time to see his wife’s face grimace in ecstasy as the boy’s manhood stretched out her vaginal walls. It was truly one of his favorite moments. But that was close. Was she really considering letting him fuck her bareback?

Fap, fap, fap.

Tony laid on top of Lauren and kissed her as they began rocking back and forth as one. Lips smacked loudly and tongues danced wildly as their passion skyrocketed. Things sizzled quickly. Lauren arched her back from time to time to ensure he could reach max depth.


“Shit, baby, clamp that pussy around my cock, fuck it, fuck it!”

“Give it to me, Tony, wreck my pussy!”

“Gonna…gonna...fuck you...any time...I want.”

Corey raised his eyebrows. Any time he wants?

“Yesssssss, Tony yes, I’m your whore. FUCK ME, fuck your whore!”

The couple settled into a steady rhythm, Lauren clutching his back, strong hands under her buttocks, helping to drive his shaft deeper and deeper. Their voices were reduced to a series of grunts, moans, and sighs. Every now and again Corey caught a whisper.

“Fuck yeah, deeper, go deeper,” Lauren panted.

“You’re so beautiful,” Tony breathed, “so beautiful.”

Fap, fap, fap.

Amy and Tommy were in their own world, albeit inches away. The young blonde had mounted Lauren’s neighbor and was riding his cock with abandon.

“Fuck me, Tommy, don’t stop, stuff me, GIVE IT TO ME!”

Corey tore his eyes away from his wife and her lover to watch the younger couple. From his perspective, the pair’s youth clearly gave them an edge in the energy department. Several times he thought Amy was going to rip Tommy’s dick clean off. Not that Lauren and Tony were far behind in that respect. In fact, they were getting quite a bit louder now.

“Ohhh...ohhh...ummm...c’mon, Tony, fuck my pussy, you know you wanna to cum. I want it too, baby!”

Tony continued to piston his cock in and out of the mature pussy, feeling another orgasm building. He had never cum twice in such little time, but the images of the girls making out, the beautiful raven-haired wife below him, and the blonde riding his fraternity brother only a foot away was overloading his circuits. He was going to cum.

“Ah, SHIT, bitch, gonna blow, take it, take it!”

Lauren raked painted nails down his back as she held on, matching his strong thrusts. The girth was stretching her out now, the fullness almost unbearable.

“Fuck me like you fuck those college girls, baby, come in my tight, warm pussy, LET IT GO!”

"FUCKIN' WHORE!! Gonna cum, here it comes, here it comes!" Tony bellowed as he looked down, watching his condom-wrapped cock thrust into the older woman's bare pussy below. “FUCK your husband, Lauren, this is my cunt now!”

Lauren's back arched, hands pulling his ass closer.

"I'm gonna cum, Tony," she whispered, squeezing him tight, squeaking as the small spasm spread throughout her extremities. Amy had taken most of her energy earlier, leaving little for Tony to work with, but this was a pleasant release, nonetheless.

The boy tensed once more, his body seizing as he grunted and winced, draining the last bit of semen into the rubber. Collapsing on Lauren’s chest, he repeatedly voiced his appreciation. “Awe shit, baby, thank you, thank you, so good, so good.”

Corey damned near lost his load right then but managed to hold on. How can I last this long in my hands, but only minutes in Lauren’s pussy? It was a mystery so many others with his fetish have wrestled with over the years.

Lauren held Tony tightly until he stopped shaking, her fingers caressing his sweaty hair. Tony’s cock was big enough for her to have felt it convulse and quake while ejaculating, even though it was just into the latex’s reservoir. She closed her eyes. How amazing it would have felt had it shot deep into me.

As Tony rolled off with a smile, Lauren glanced to her left just in time to see Tommy nearing the same fate. His head was buried in a pillow as Amy bounced up and down on his dick like a woman possessed, her meaty jugs jiggling in time with the rhythm as her pussy tried to coax a second round out of him as well. He seemed to be having trouble getting there.

Seeing his plight, Lauren chimed in. “Fuck her good, Tommy!” she barked, “Get her off.”

The young couple locked eyes with the older woman as Amy doubled down on her assault.

“Spray me,” Lauren beseeched Tommy. “I want to feel your hot love on my face.”

“Oh FUCK!” The boy hollered. He was almost there.

Lauren crouched down. “Been looking at those naughty pictures again, baby?” She remembered what had been in his browser history. “The ones that look just like me? You wanna blow your load on my face again, don’t you, Tommy?”

“Yes! Fuck, yes!”

“On my tits?”

“Oh, hell yes!”

“Do it, baby, cum us!” Amy begged.

Tommy’s head began thrashing against the pillow.

“Off me, off me! I’m there! I’m there!

Amy rolled off the young man and positioned her face over his groin. Lauren did the same. They tried yanking the condom off, but it clung to the sweaty and slippery shaft.


“Gonna cum!” Tommy warned, desperately clawing it to no avail. He tried stalling the inevitable, wanting very much to paint the older woman’s face with his load. Finally Amy simply tore the latex tip and hurriedly rolled the sheath down past the cock head, just in time for Tommy’s first eruption.

“Fuuucccckkkkkkk!” he roared, grasping both girls’ shoulders.

The first discharge caught Amy on the cheek, the second, more powerful stream completely shellacked Lauren’s forehead and nose.

“Give it to us, baby, every last ounce!” Amy implored the boy, milking his quaking manhood.

“Ahhhhh, FUCK you bitches are hot! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"

Corey was hammering his own cock while watching the kid unload on his wife’s face. It was an impressive amount for being a second rounder. Seeing the milky-white liquid run down Lauren’s face sent him to the toilet, flinging open the lid.

God Lauren, so nasty, so beautiful.

He bent over the bowl, one hand leaning against the wall behind it, the other tugging furiously at his raw and increasingly tender meat.

My wife...a slut, a whore, a world class cocksucker!

Fap, fap, fap.

That cum on her face!

Fap, fap, fap.

“All my friends are fucking me, babe!”

“Oh, Lauren!” he cried out, beyond caring if anyone noticed.

His cock dripped strands of pre-cum, elongating as gravity pulled the stringy mess towards the porcelain rim. He pictured her "posse" hanging out every weekend, pool by day, orgy by night.

Fap, fap, fap.

He was close.

Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! You fucking whore, fucking whore, fucking whore!

Real close.

Suddenly, Corey wasn’t alone. A body pressed itself against his back and a small tan arm reached round the pudgy belly, a delicate hand encircling his dick.


He looked in the mirror directly behind the toilet and saw a face he knew as well as his own, staring back at him over his shoulder. Remnants of Tommy’s glaze were still on her cheek.

“I thought I heard my name,” Lauren whispered.

"I-I-I...shit, Lauren. I don't know what to say."

"Shhhh. Don’t say a thing.” She tightened her grip on his cock.

“Oh God.”

“I thought you might come up. Are you enjoying the get-together?”

They searched each other’s faces in the reflection.

“Yes,” Corey croaked.

“I was with Amy.”

He nodded. “I saw. You two were beautiful together.”

“Hmm, we were, weren’t we? Tony fucked me good too.”

“Sounds like he wants more. Gonna go steady?”

Lauren laughed. “Hardly.”

“You admitted you were his whore.”

“Tonight, I was.”

He could feel his release building. Lauren knew it too. Her hand pumped his six inches as she laid it on.

“You know, if he was my boyfriend, he could come over every day and have his way with me. I’d be his plaything while you sit at home in Iowa, imagining all the naughty, perverse things we’d do. Would you like that, Twisty?”

Corey’s lips curled into a snarl. His balls were ready to explode.

“Whatta you say, babe, can he use my pussy while you use your hand?”


Lauren was beating him off furiously now. She brought the other round to his chest and fingered a nipple.

“Cum for me, babe. Give it to me.”

“Oh, Lauren!”

“Think of the things you have to fantasize about on those cold Iowan nights. Me and my friends. My fuck buddies. All banging your hot, whore wife until she screams their names!”

“Oh, nooooooooooooooooo!”

Her husband’s dick constricted and then expanded, hard as steel.

Here it comes.

Lauren scrambled under Corey’s arms and sat on the toilet seat, face to face with his now pulsating penis. She resumed stroking the wrinkled worm.

“Blow baby. Spray my face. Give your slut what she needs.”

“Laurrrrrrrrrrreeeennnnnnn!” Corey brayed as he felt the orgasm rip through his body and the jizz hurtle down towards his tormented glans, seeking an exit. The first spurt made its debut in fine fashion, landing squarely in the eyes of the mother of two. She took it all, some in her hair, some on the forehead, the majority of it on her chin, where small droplets escaped and ran down her neck.

Lauren waited patiently until his aging body recovered, then gently pushed him away from the toilet. Her eyes twinkled. “We’ve got a holiday reunion to plan, mister. But first, I need a shower.”

The couple stripped the bed and threw on fresh linens before turning off the light. As they walked arm-in-arm down the stairs to the first level, they bumped hips and played ass-grab like they were 20-year-olds.

At the bottom of the steps, Lauren turned to Corey and hugged him tight. “Please hurry down to me. It won’t be home until you’re here.”

"Soon," he promised her, kissing the top of her head. "Very soon."

Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Mon Jun 21, 2021 8:02 am


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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SamWarrens » Tue Jun 22, 2021 5:50 am

Lauren needs to get an IUD so tested guys can come in her and not on her all the time.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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2 Bit Whore
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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SamWarrens » Fri Jul 02, 2021 2:54 am

Please don't let this story die on the vine. Its too good to go out like that . Please find the time to finish it properly.
Get Corey to stay in Miami at least.
Great writing! Keep it up.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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