Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by flahubbyofsue » Sat Jun 10, 2023 2:25 am

oh yes - the cuckold wannabe mind - he hits all the buttons - would like to message others

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by redrum1969 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 2:31 am

This is one of my all time favourites. Girl riding guy but cums for the guy she is watching

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by wulfenus » Tue Feb 06, 2024 6:55 am

thanks for bumping this up. Really great story !
redrum1969 wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2024 2:31 am
This is one of my all time favourites. Girl riding guy but cums for the guy she is watching

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by Tire_Kicker » Thu Feb 08, 2024 6:02 am

So unusual for the wife to be the one pushing the buttons in real life...

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Re: Toxic Attraction by DonSilver

Unread post by DonSilver » Tue Jun 04, 2024 11:35 am

Hey folks, been a minute but here is chapter 3. Please let me know what you think! As always feel free to reach out. I may not always see the DM's here but my inbox is open (links in sig)


Tying a double Windsor knot used to be a challenge for Dan, but it had long become second nature to him. Standing in front of his apartment’s bathroom mirror, he effortlessly finished with his tie while thinking back to that eventful evening a few weeks ago.

His mind all too often drifted to what had happened in his apartment’s living room on the couch. Thoughts of that event had started to consume a lot of his work hours and had even begun to seep into his dreams at night.

The act of having sex with Sarah in front of someone had been such a turn-on for both of them. They’d talked about doing it in the past and even did some role-playing with the topic, but the real thing had felt like opening Pandora’s box.

The fact that their watcher had been Dan’s roommate, Lester, had led to some thought-provoking revelations about themselves. Dan didn’t care for Lester, but he couldn’t help but find the thought of him seeing Sarah incredibly erotic; someone so utterly beneath them seeing her, touching her – fuck, even cumming on her…

Sarah and Dan had briefly discussed what had happened that night and the next morning, but it centered on how crazy things had gotten and reassuring one another that they were okay and that their marriage was still solid.

With Dan landing the new client at work and leading that project, while Sarah was busy back at home balancing her own work-life/mom-life with the kids, their life had quickly forced his fantasy to take a backseat. He yearned to talk to Sarah about it, but their conversations always consisted of daily updates without getting much deeper.

However, he was determined to talk to her about it this weekend. Heading back to Middleton tonight for the first time in what seemed like forever, Dan would finally be able to spend some time with Sarah and the kids.

Finishing with his tie, Dan undid his belt and lowered his zipper quickly to go pee.

“What the fuck, man.” Dan looked down in disgust at the toilet.

Sprayed across the seat and onto the floor was a copious amount of urine. Even before Dan was domesticated by Sarah, he was never this bad.

Since that night in the living room, Dan’s tolerance for Lester had continued to degrade. His roommate had put on a good act when they first met, but his true colors were slowly beginning to show.

“I’m not fucking cleaning this again.” Dan relieved himself straight into the toilet without hitting the seat.

As he finished and was washing his hands, he heard his cell phone ring from the bedroom. He quickly ran over and saw that it was Sarah. He smiled and quickly accepted the call.

“Hey, baby! What's up?” Dan said as he began to look himself over in the bedroom mirror.

“Well, I just wanted to call and say I love you and to have a great day at work,” Sarah said. “And I can’t wait for you to finally come home tonight. I’m going to make use of that package you sent me.”

Dan smiled. Last week he had ordered a black silk robe that ended mid-thigh for Sarah. He got the notification that it had arrived the night before.

“Oh, I can’t wait to see you model it.” Dan smiled. “I have lots of plans for you and that robe.”

“Then hurry up and get home, big boy. I can’t wait to –”

“Shit! Sorry, Dan, I have to take care of something here; text me updates on your way home, okay?” Sarah said.

“You got it, honey. I love you and I’ll see you soon.” Dan finished looking himself over, satisfied that he was ready to take on the day.

“I love you, too, boo.” Sarah mimicked a kissing noise. “Bye.”

“Bye, Sarah.”

Dan grabbed his bag and headed to the kitchen to get his lunch. He looked sideways at the pile of Lester’s dishes in the sink. I think I liked it better when he would just leave those in his room.

Ignoring the dishes for now, he grabbed his lunch from the fridge, put it in his bag and headed out the door.


As soon as Lester heard the apartment door shut, he sprang into action.

He opened the messaging app on his phone and typed “Go time” to Ned, one of his DnD and WoW buddies who did whatever Lester needed him to.

Today, that involved making Ned take the day off from his board game store and helping Lester with the next part of his plan.

Checking his watch, Lester waited impatiently for Ned to arrive. He didn’t invite people into his domain. Not ever. But sometimes new opportunities require evolution.

Lester heard a limp knock rattle gently on the door. He rolled his eyes and opened it.

“Come in, I need to get going,” Lester said, annoyed. He took a second to glance over Ned. Disgust flashed across his face.

Lester looked and behaved the way he did by choice. Ned was the opposite; life just seemed to happen to him. Sure, he was more outgoing and friendly than Lester, but he looked like the ultimate man baby.

Ned was around his height and sported the quintessential dad body. He was probably close to his own age, but Lester didn’t know for sure. He had never bothered nor cared to ask.

Today he was wearing baggy cargo shorts and an oversized, faded t-shirt that read ‘The Cake Is a Lie!’ His eyebrows were just as bushy and unkept as his beard and his face was framed by thick, horn-rimmed glasses. He was also failing at masking the bald spot starting on the top of his head.

His shoulders were perennially hunched and his short neck gave him the appearance of a turtle staring down an 18-wheeler truck, unable to do anything but stare back as the headlights got closer.

“T-thanks for asking me to help Lester,” Ned said excitedly. “I won’t let you down.”

“Of course you won't, Ned, a monkey could do this.” Lester waved him to follow as the smile disappeared from Ned’s face. Lester led Ned down the hallway to his bedroom.

“In the next 20 minutes the junk guys will be here. They are to take everything on the floor and the bed. Don’t let them touch the chair or desk - got it?”

Lester eyed Ned.

Ned gulped, “Got it.”

The floor of the bedroom was covered in filth. Dirty clothes and dishes piled everywhere. There were only a few spots open on the floor between the door, computer, and closet. It seemed like Lester had recently thrown more objects and clothing on the floor - almost like a dumping ground for unwanted things.

“Is there a problem, Ned?” Lester asked with a pointed look on his face.

“N-no, no problem. I just didn’t know why I was coming here.” Ned replied.

Lester had no intention of letting Ned in on his plans. He liked to keep his business and his social life completely separate. Still, he did feel the need to brag to Ned to ensure word got back to his group. “This is all for a woman, Ned.”

Ned’s eyes grew at the mention of a woman. This was a detail Lester had never shared before as members of their group were not usually in position to boast about the opposite sex.

“Now, they need to hurry up and clear all this shit out as fast as possible. At noon some house cleaners are coming to tackle this room and the rest of the apartment.” Lester began to walk back to the door. “Make sure the guys take the bed and mattress, too. Another one and some furniture is coming that I’ll need you to assemble.”

Lester put on his shoes. “Oh, and all this furniture in the living room goes as well. Nothing stays. Got it?”

“Got it, Lester.” Ned paused. “Is she hot?”

Lester smiled. “A total smoke show.”

Ned gleamed “The guys won’t believe this, I can’t wait to hear what they say.”

“Do a good job today, Ned, and maybe I’ll show you a picture.” Lester left to attend to his busy day.


“Dan, I just got off the phone with Marcus at the Lincoln Group,” Walt shared as he paced back and forth in his office.“They love the direction we’re taking them in and they're confident we’ll be able to deliver on our promises.”

Walt stopped, looking at Dan, and smiled. “Great work son, you really outdid yourself.”

“Thanks, Walt.” Dan said, “It was really a group effort here. You’ve built a great team, and they pulled this all together just as much as I did.”

Walt moved behind his desk and sat down “They are a great bunch, you’re right about that. But none of them are willing to step up and lead an unknown account like you did, Dan. You’re really the missing piece to the puzzle. I just wish we’d found you sooner…”

“Well, I’m glad to be here now. If there is anything else you need – aside from the Lincoln Group – just let me know. I’m eager to contribute.” Dan said.

“No, you focus on them for now. I need this one to go well.” Walt eyed the closed door. “Dan, can I tell you something in confidence? It stays here in this office.”

“Yes, of course. I can be discreet.” Dan was unsure what was coming next, but he didn’t like the direction this conversation was heading. It was great that Walt would trust him with something like this, though.

“Some of our other clients haven’t been overly enthusiastic with the work that has been delivered lately.” Walt made a gesture with his open palms as if laying bare all his secrets to Dan. “A few of the other team members have dropped the ball, and it's hurt us.”

Walt leaned forward, “I really need this project to go well.” He removed his glasses and looked Dan right in the eyes, “The Lincoln Group can mean a lot of repeat business if we get this just right, followed by a lot of referrals to other firms. In our industry, one both lives and dies by those referrals.”

Dan paused and thought about this revelation. It seems like Walt was looking at the Lincoln Group as a golden goose while some of their employees and – by extension – other clients were faltering. His gut twisted at that news.

Dan tapped down his emotions and smiled warmly, “I’ll make sure this project exceeds their expectations, Walt. You don’t have to worry about it.”

He leaned back slightly in his chair, “And you also don’t need to worry about me. I won’t say anything about the other projects. My job is to make sure we shine with the Lincoln Group so you can keep an eye on other issues.”

“That’s a relief to hear, Dan.” Walt had a faint smile but looked exhausted. “I know they are in good hands with you.”

Walt paused with his eyes on the office door, seemingly lost in thought. Looking back at Dan, he let out a breath he had obviously been holding. “Actually, I wanted to ask you a favor.”

Dan groaned internally. Alright, what did I accidentally set myself up for now?

“Sure, Walt, name it,” Dan answered.

“Some of the other issues we’ve been having…” Walt let the words sit there in the air for a moment. “There have been some assumptions and missteps by one of our junior team members, Jesse. I know you haven’t worked with him directly, but he was in the meeting on Saturday a few weeks ago and sat next to you, I think.”

He knew exactly who he was. Dan was pretty sure Jesse had seen the sexy pictures on his phone that Sarah had taken for him in Lester’s room. He never did get the chance to bring that up with him, and it seemed like the time for that confrontation had passed.

Walt sat back down and continued, obviously a little uncomfortable. “Jesse’s made some mistakes, and it cost us. I’m not sure how many people even know what I’m about to tell you, so I’d like to ask for your discretion here as well. You see…Jesse is the son of a family friend who I’d promised to help out, and I really feel like I will be failing them if I have to terminate him. I was hoping you could take him under your wing and help mentor him.”

Dan was flabbergasted. If he had asked him to do this a few months ago it wouldn’t be a problem, but Jesse had obviously been avoiding Dan and the unresolved issue of the pictures still sat over his head like a storm cloud.

“Yeah, Walt, that's no problem.” Dan tried to figure out a way out of this. “But are you sure you want him working with me on the Lincoln Group project? If he messed up other accounts and this one is so important…”

“I know, I know.” Walt put his hands up defensively “But he’ll have you to look after him and double-check things. I’m confident you can handle this.”

Dan shrugged, pretending nothing was wrong. “I got this, Walt. Don’t worry about it.”

“Good. Great!” Walt stood, extending his hand to Dan. Dan rose and shook it. “Now, Dan, if you’ll excuse me, I have some things to attend to. Oh, and have a great weekend with the family.”

“Thanks, Walt. If I don’t see you again before 5:00, have a great weekend.” Dan left Walt’s office, closing the door behind him.

Dan’s thoughts were all over the place. He had been happy to avoid Jesse and pretend like nothing ever happened, but now he was going to have to work directly with him. Better put that pin code on my phone soon.

More disconcerting, though, was the news that some clients were unhappy with the firm’s work. That was a red flag that Dan would need to delve into further. If there was a chance of layoffs, he wouldn’t be caught off guard again.

It was getting close to noon and, needing a breather, Dan headed to the break room.

The room was empty, so it looked like he was the first one there. On Friday, most of his colleagues went out for lunch, a luxury Dan couldn’t afford at the moment.

He retrieved his lunch pail from the fridge and got ready to microwave some Chinese leftovers from the night before. “What the hell?” he murmured.

The Tupperware containing his Chinese leftovers was missing. Dan now vaguely remembered seeing the container in the sink filled with dirty dishes this morning. “That fucking guy…”


“Arrrggghh, FUCK!” Lester bellowed as the wax was ripped from his nostrils, extracting his nose hairs with them. “That fucking hurt.”

“Shall I do your ears as well?” the polite, little woman asked.

“Do it.” He gripped the arms of the chair, bracing for pain.

Ten minutes later, Lester exited the waxing parlor and strode across the mall floor. His nose involuntarily twitched and his eyes watered as he made his way to the barber across the hall. It was time to update his appearance and remove barriers that could dissuade Dan or Sarah from succumbing to his machinations.


“Honey, I’m home!” Dan called out as he dropped his bag by the front door. Seconds later his daughters ran up and hugged him. Since he didn’t have any lunch to eat, he worked through the lunch hour, managing to duck out and head home early.

“I’ve missed you guys.” Dan embraced his girls. He couldn’t get used to not seeing them every day. As such, once he finally held them, he really didn’t want to let them go.

“We missed you too, Mr. Chicago.” Sarah was leaning against the door frame to the kitchen. Her hair was pulled up in a bun, likely because she was busy cooking dinner. Her tight-fitting, white t-shirt with the plunging v-neck was tucked into her jeans.

Dan smiled up at her. “Get over here.”

She smiled back brightly and almost skipped across the floor before giving him a bear hug, sandwiching one of their daughters between them. “I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you, too.” He planted a long kiss on her lips.

“Hmmm…and I’ve missed that.” She whispered.

Sarah stood back and looked him over. “Well, I’ve got dinner on the stove, chicken cacciatore. The girls have some stuff they want to show you. I’ll call you when dinner is ready, boo.”

“Mmmm chicken cacciatore, my favorite,” Dan said.

“Why do you think I’m making it, Mister?” Sarah smiled playfully.

Dan let his daughters guide him over to the living room where they showed him all the things they had been up to in his absence. He was shown their schoolwork, new art they had worked on, and the games they’d been playing. Each one was talking over the other, excited to get as much of their father’s attention as possible.

Dinner arrived quickly and Dan savored every bite of his chicken cacciatore. As he was enthusiastically scarfing down mouthfuls of his favorite dish, he’d occasionally catch Sarah watching him with an amused smirk.

After dinner, he spent more time with Sarah and the kids before getting them ready for bed. Reading the girls several more story books than usual, he then tucked them in for the night, turned out their light and closed their bedroom door.

With their daughters safely sound asleep, he made his way back downstairs to the living room where Sarah was waiting for him with some red wine. Her glass was already half empty.

Taking the wine, he sat down next to her and sighed, “God, you don’t know how much I’ve missed this.”

She sipped her wine and looked at him. “Me too, baby. I’ve missed just sitting here talking with you so much.”

She stretched her legs over his lap and leaned back. “We’ll figure this all out soon, but for now we just need to get through it. As long as you keep crushing it with that new client, I’m sure things will turn around.”

“Ugh, yeah,” Dan replied.

“What is it?” Sarah asked.

Dan laid out that conversation he had earlier with his boss. She was glad that Walt was impressed with him and was now relying on him to strike it big with the Lincoln group, but she became worried as he also told her about mentoring Jesse and some of the issues he’d caused with their other clients.

“Well, that doesn’t sound great.” Sarah paused, mulling over the news. “Do you think things are okay for the company? Financially, I mean.”

“I’m not sure, but I am definitely going to find out.” He replied as he studied the wine in his glass.

“What about this Jesse guy? What’s he like? He better not mess up your project.” Sarah asked.

Dan took a long sip of wine in order to delay his answer. He hadn’t told Sarah about Jesse probably seeing her pictures -- he wasn’t even sure he wanted her to know. A part of him wanted to tell her, but it had been so many weeks now that it might appear as if he was keeping such an exposure a secret from her, which, in fact, he was. Having just gotten home after a relatively long time away, though, he didn’t want to risk any kind of fight. “I don’t know, really. I haven’t worked too closely with him. He kind of seems like a weasel, though.”

Dan noticed a look of concern on Sarah’s face. “A harmless weasel, who is apparently incompetent. I can handle it.”

“I have no doubts, my love.” Sarah smiled. “What else is new in Chicago? Things are pretty boring here.”

Dan sighed. “Nothing much. I really just go to work and then come back to the apartment each day. Rinse and repeat. The only highlights are when I get to talk to you on the phone.”

“Awww, that's sweet.” She leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips and then sat back. “So nothing else new, then? No good restaurants or anything?”

This could be the opening Dan had been waiting for to work the conversation back to that night. “Nope, no new restaurants. There has been some weird stuff going on at the apartment, though…”

Sarah raised an eyebrow. “Weird stuff? Like what?”

“It’s Lester…” Dan trailed off, trying to gauge Sarah’s reaction.

To her credit, her face showed no emotions at hearing Lester’s name. Sipping her wine, she asked, “What weird thing is going on with him?”

“I don’t know. It just seems like ever since the last time you visited…” Dan paused to look at Sarah again. “He seems to have become more of a shitty roommate than before.”

“How so?” Sarah asked.

“Just annoying things, like leaving dirty dishes in the kitchen for days. He certainly hasn’t been helping clean or taking care of the place…and I’m pretty sure he ate my lunch today.” Dan breathed out in a huff.

“What a dick.” She eyed her wine glass, which was now getting dangerously empty.

Dan didn’t respond. He was momentarily stunned by Sarah saying the word dick in reference to Lester. Last time she called it a cock.

She finished her drink and then gestured to her empty wine glass, holding it out to Dan, “Could you top me up?”

“Of course.” Dan took her glass and made his way to the kitchen. As he refilled it, he tried to think of a subtle way to broach the topic of that night.

He made his way back to the living room and handed the refilled glass to his wife.

Sitting back down on the couch, Dan pondered aloud, “So…that last night in Chicago was a little crazy, huh?”

Real subtle, dumbass.

Sarah cocked an eyebrow and sat up. “Oh, whatever do you mean?”

His wife was clearly toying with him now. She had seen the angst on his face as Dan asked the question.

“You know damn well that I’m talking about. Lester and him watching us.”

Sarah smiled and eyed him while she took another slow sip of her wine. “It really was crazy. I still don’t know how it all happened.”

“Yeah, exactly.” Dan said. “I know we talked a bit that night and the next morning about it. I know that we’re good and that we both felt like we got carried away with how tense and taboo the situation was, but…”

“But?” Sarah asked pointedly. She was looking at him with that expression that Dan could never fully interpret. The look implied that Sarah would either give Dan everything he ever wanted, or tell him off and completely shut down the conversation.

“But,” Dan emphasized. “We’ve been going about the last few weeks like nothing ever happened. And I am fine with getting back to normal, I like normal – I like it a lot. I just wanted to, I don’t know – see where we both are.”

Silence hung in the room for a moment. Dan looked at Sarah, waiting to see her reaction while he did all he could to control the verbal diarrhea that was ready to explode from his mouth.

Sarah swirled her wine and took a small sniff. “How much do you think about it?”

“What?” Dan asked. Shit, this isn’t going as I expected.

“Over the past couple of weeks with things being normal, how many times have you thought about that night?” She continued to shift her position on the couch, now fully facing Dan. “I know it hasn’t been ideal with the distance between us. And I know that the longer you go without some kind of relief from me, the more you start thinking with other parts of your body.”

“I’m not going to lie, Sarah. I have thought about it quite a bit.” Dan admitted. “I can’t help it, replays of that night just pop into my head both when I’m at work or alone in the apartment. It was just such an intense experience.”

“Mmmhmm, it was pretty intense as far as things go. Do you regret it?” She asked.

“Yes and no, I guess. You know how we’ve talked about a situation kind of like that before, but it was just when we were playing around. Being there and actually seeing it in person…it's just a lot to process.” Dan sighed and took a large swig of his wine.

“Your…our fantasy about someone watching us. Seeing me exposed like that. Having someone else there with us in the room. Does thinking about it still turn you on?”

Dan paused, briefly trying to figure out the right answer to the question. He didn’t want to seem overly eager or too regretful, but he also didn’t know where he wanted this conversation to go; at least, that’s what he was trying to tell himself.

“Yeah. Yeah, it does.” Dan almost whispered. “And I sort of hate that it does. It's just so wrong and weird, but it's also exciting and unpredictable and feels like we’re playing with fire.”

He raised his eyes to look at her. “A part of me feels ashamed for even putting you in that situation, but another part loves that we did it. When I realize I’m getting turned on by it, I can’t stop beating myself up thinking about how not normal I am.”

“Oh, baby.” Sarah laughed and closed the distance between them, putting her hand on his forearm. “You are normal and your thoughts aren’t weird at all. Everyone has their own triggers and things that turn them on.”

She looked at him reassuringly, “And I’m a big girl, okay? You didn’t make me do anything. I could have gotten up off that couch and walked back into the bedroom anytime. You even asked if I wanted to and I told you no, remember?”

Dan looked down into his wine glass. “Yeah, but you did that because of my fantasy. Because of having another guy –”

“I did it for us, Dan. Not just for you, alright? If I didn’t like where things were heading, I would have stopped it. The idea of getting caught, I’ve always found that hot. Don’t feel guilty, I probably wanted it just as much as you did.” Sarah squeezed his arm.

The conversation was getting a little too somber for Dan’s liking. “You did look pretty damn hot riding me like that.”

“Did I, now?” She raised an eyebrow at him, “Which part of the night did you like the most?”

“When I asked if you wanted to go to the bedroom and you basically said no and just jumped me on the couch. That was pretty hot.”

The mischievous look had returned to Sarah’s face as she eyed Dan over the rim of her wine glass. “Oh it was, was it?”

“The way you talked to me, while he was there watching…” Dan felt the floodgates in his mind open and he couldn’t stop. “The way you talked to him was even more erotic. I have never seen your face when you orgasm while looking at someone else.”

Dan shifted in his seat and Sarah noticed.

Her free hand moved from Dan’s forearm to his crotch. She was not surprised to feel that Dan was already hard. “I see that just thinking about that night seems to have brought you to attention.”

Dan groaned. His cock liked how things were progressing, but he had wanted to ask her one last question. “It has. That night was crazy, but it was so hot, too. I just really want to know your thoughts about it being him who saw us. In all of our fantasies acting that scenario out, I never imagined it being someone like him.”

Sarah’s hand stopped moving over his crotch, but she left it there. She half smiled. “Me neither, to be honest. He’s not my type at all.”

Dan could sense there was something left unsaid. “But?”

She looked at him, realizing she had unintentionally left herself open. “But...maybe him being what he is made it even hotter for me. He isn’t good looking or really much good at anything it seems, so having someone like that watching us… Watching me…”

Sarah trailed off, but Dan stayed silent and waited, giving her a chance to compose her thoughts.

“We both work hard, right? We both have good careers, and we do what we are supposed to do. We do things by the book. We work out, we eat well and take care of ourselves, and I think we both enjoy each other's hard work in and out of the bedroom.”

She paused. “So having someone participate in our fantasy who isn’t like us in any of those ways, just… God, it sounds like I’m a huge bitch for saying this, Dan, but having someone who is beneath us or who isn’t on our level seeing me exposed like that must be a trigger of mine. For someone like that, who doesn’t take care of themselves at all and is completely undeserving, but still gets to experience something they aren’t supposed to… The idea of that just gets to me.”

Dan smiled. “No, you’re not a bitch. I get what you are saying, and I’ve always thought that idea was hot. It's like beauty and the beast, or the nerd and the cheerleader sort of thing, right?”

Sarah blushed, “Exactly. The cheerleader and the nerd or loser type, I’ve always liked that.”

“Oh really?” Dan raised an eyebrow. “Weren’t you a cheerleader in high school?”

“I was,” Sarah said. Dan opened his mouth to speak but before he could Sarah added, “And before you ask, no, there were never any losers or nerds I got with in high school. I would catch some of them looking at me, and yes, it did give me a little thrill knowing what they might be thinking but would never get.”

“Well, that is a role-play scenario I am going to have to add to our list.” He smiled.

She laughed and her hand slowly began to trace along the length of his still erect dick. “What about you, Dan? What do you think about it being Lester who was the one who saw us?”

Dan took a moment to appreciate Sarah’s touch. “I get all the reasons that you said, and I can see how it being someone like him added a little fuel to the fire. For me, it's much the same, but also somewhat different, especially after that night and over the past few weeks.”

She stared at him seductively. “Different how?”

Dan sighed. “Well, at first he was just this little, inconsequential kind of guy who kept to himself, but starting that night I became aware of how he looked at you and then the smug sort of way he would look at me. I don’t quite know how to describe it. And lately he has just been such a pain in the ass around the apartment. He is just getting on my nerves, he’s inconsiderate, he’s a crappy roommate who just doesn’t give a shit and –”

“And this guy who is pissing you off has watched us have sex and came all over my chest.”

Dan’s cock twitched at Sarah’s words. Sarah felt it and could feel Dan grow even harder.
“Fuck,” Dan groaned.

Sarah’s fingers continued to dance along the outline of Dan’s dick. “So my loving husband likes it when someone he considers beneath him, who doesn’t treat him with respect and is just an all-around shitty person gets to see his wife on display?”

“Ugh,” Dan hesitated. He didn’t want to admit it to himself, let alone Sarah. He had wanted this conversation, but it was becoming all too much, too quickly. “What about you?” He countered.

Dan leaned over and began planting kisses along Sarah’s neck, working his way up to her ear lobe. “You, almost fully naked like that, sitting on display in a strange place in front of a strange man. I think you liked it, maybe even a little too much.”

Sarah’s hand worked its way into Dan’s pants until it made skin-to-skin contact with his dick. “It was hot. What made it hotter was having you there with me, showing me off like that.”

She abruptly pulled away from him and downed the last few gulps of her wine. She reached over and started tugging on his pants, pulling them down to his calves. “What made it even hotter was seeing the look on your face.”

Her hands pulled down his boxers and she eyed his dick. She reached out and began to caress it. “Seeing the way you looked at me on display for him... God, you were so sexy. I love seeing you that way.”

She leaned forward and licked him, from the base of his shaft up to the head. “Now tell me, did you like Lester watching me?”

She slowed her strokes, waiting for him to answer. Dan was staring down at her, riled up beyond belief. She was playing chicken with him. He had to answer, or else she might deny him what comes next. “Yeah…I did.”

She knelt forward and took his dick into her mouth while her hand continued to stroke him. After a few seconds she backed off and looked up at him with an intense gaze. “Is that all you want, Dan? For Lester to just watch?”

Dan was stupefied. He knew what she meant, but he didn’t know how to respond. “What do you mean?”

A half smile spread across Sarah’s face. “I mean, did you like it when Lester took down my bra strap? God, the balls he must have to do that. You know his hand touched my skin.”

She took off her shirt to reveal a black lace bra. Slowly reaching up, she pulled down each strap and let them hang loosely over her arms. She looked just like she had that night. Her hand snaked its way back to his dick and began to slowly pump him again. “Why didn’t you stop him, Dan?”

“You had me pinned down, I couldn’t get up.” Dan lied.

“Maybe. Maybe.” She took a long look at the hard dick in her hand. “But you could have put the strap back up. You could have swatted him away.”

“I want to go upstairs with you soon, Dan, but I want to hear it first.” She slowly stopped stroking him and looked up into his eyes. That lust-filled face that turned her on so much was looking back at her. “Do you want Lester to touch me, Dan? Does that turn you on?”

Dan couldn’t comprehend how to respond. Is this some kind of trap? Why is she asking me this…

“Ugh, God.” Dan breathed as Sarah gently tightened her grip on his cock. “The thought of Lester touching you, it just drives me over the edge. I don’t want him to even be in the same room as you, but when he was there while you were exposed like that…fuck.”

Sarah raised an eyebrow at him and slowly let go of his cock.

Dan sat there stumped. Did I just fuck things up? Shit.

She stood up and straddled his lap. Dan’s hands found her thighs just as her lips found his ear. “Do you want it to happen again?”

Dan gulped.

“Do you want Lester to see us like that again?” she whispered huskily.

Conflicting emotions ran through Dan. His angst, anger, and jealousy mixed together with his overwhelming lust. “I want to see it again. I want to see you again.”

Sarah pushed off Dan’s chest and stood up, moving towards the stairs. She turned her head to see Dan still sitting there frozen on the couch. “I’m going to go upstairs and put on that special present you got me…”

“Wait 10 minutes and then come up.” She started to ascend the stairs.

“Oh and Dan, it won't be you I’m fucking tonight.” She smiled at him mischievously. “I think Lester might just creep his way in before you.”

With that, she disappeared out of sight leaving Dan alone in the dark living room. He went to the kitchen to top up his wine glass and check the time.


The elevator doors opened and Lester stepped into the hallway, breathing hard. He hadn’t expected the clothes he bought would weigh so much. Carrying several large bags, Lester finally arrived at his apartment.

Setting the bags down inside the door, he was greeted by Ned who was sitting on the floor of the living room assembling a piece of furniture.

“Hey Lester, everything is taken care of. All that shi…your stuff in your room is gone. And they took your bed and everything in here, too.”

“Great.” Lester looked around at the state of the living room. Ned had clearly gotten everything set up for him. Mounted on the wall was a new LED TV along with a coffee table, brown leather couch and ottoman, two other comfy-looking leather chairs, and a new rug that ran between the furniture.

Lester had hired a virtual interior designer to help him choose the apartment’s new decor carefully. He wanted it to evoke a certain emotion in Sarah. For inspiration, he had given the designer photos from Sarah’s Pinterest page that she kept for her own home.

He wasn’t about to paint the walls or do any big changes, but swapping out furniture was easy and a small expense for him.

Before purchasing anything he reviewed the video he had taken of Sarah in the shower to determine how tall she was. While the new furniture created the aesthetic he wanted, it was also the perfect height. No matter which seat Sarah sat in, her eye level would always be directly in line with Lester’s crotch when he was standing.

The couch and ottoman also had a large enough base to accommodate the couple having sex comfortably and then some. The couch and chairs also had lower backs than the previous set. This ensured that if the events of the last night Sarah was in town repeated itself, she could see his cock the entire time.

Everything was also placed strategically to give Lester a prime line of sight from his bedroom.

Lester moved around the room taking pictures of the setup to send to the designer for confirmation. “How’s the bedroom?”

“The bed and mattress are all set up. I did have to move your desk a bit since it's a king bed.” Ned said as he finished assembling the side table. “So, do you want to –”

Ignoring whatever it was Ned was about to say, Lester made his way to inspect his bedroom. It still smelled like his room, but it looked quite different.

Gone was all the waste and refuse that had cluttered the floor. Dishes, dirty clothes, and uneaten food were things of the past. There wasn’t even a single Cheetos bag in sight.

Lester had ordered more than one maid company to come today, giving each specific instructions on what to tackle. Each surface was now dusted and polished. His floors were bare apart from a couple of stains that must have been impossible to get out, likely from something he’d left there for a long time. Note to self, get another rug to cover that.

A brand new king size bed took center stage in his room now, topped with luxurious Egyptian cotton sheets that boasted a 1,000 thread count. I’ll have to throw some starch in with Dan’s sheets to make them more uncomfortable.

Like the furniture in the living room, the bed frame was the perfect height so Lester could comfortably stand next to it while thrusting into someone lying on it.

The only remnants of Lester’s old room were the desk and chair. Even though the chair was ratty, it was his chair and the cornerstone of his command center. He’d ordered a slip cover to go over it that matched the bed frame which would be arriving that night.

The maids were given explicit instructions not to touch the desk or anything on it. That was especially the case for the locked drawers, which contained his most prized possessions - trophies of his conquests.

Lester’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He opened it to see a notification saying his last package would be arriving soon.

Ned meekly appeared in the doorframe, peering in from the hallway but not daring to enter the room. “Is there anything else you need, Lester? I really need to get to the store, tonight we’re hosting a group of –”

“Yeah, one last thing.” Lester didn’t look up from his phone. He had opened Instagram and was scrolling through the latest updates from Sarah, who had posted a picture of herself with Dan in their home. The caption said something about how happy she was to have him back home.

“I need you to patch that. There should be some drywall and mud in the front closet.” He pointed towards the yellow, cum stained drywall beneath his peephole. I’ll have to cover that, too.

Ned hesitantly stepped into the room towards the section of wall Lester indicated. He made a face and asked, “What is that?”

“I dropped some food there and the cleaning stuff made it yellow.” He pinched the screen on his phone, zooming in on Sarah’s face. Soon…


Dan watched the clock on the microwave with a raging hard-on. Are we really going to role-play about Lester? God, that's fucked up.

After ten minutes had finally passed, Dan finished his wine and headed for their bedroom upstairs.

As he ascended the stairs, he could feel his erection straining against his pants. He began to disrobe until he stood outside his bedroom in only his boxers. He placed his hand on the doorknob and quietly turned it while opening the door.

Holy shit.

Sarah’s hands were firmly planted on the end of the bed as she stood there, pushing her ass out on display for whoever walked through the bedroom door. She was wearing the black silk robe that he had bought for her which barely covered her beautiful ass in her current pose.

Dan’s eyes feasted on her toned legs on full display and quickly shifted his attention to how good her ass looked, even with it being covered by the robe. That woman’s ass would look good in whatever she wears.

He stood there a few moments, just taking in the sight before him.

Sarah was gently swaying her ass back and forth, inviting Dan to step up and take it. “Oh, Dan, I’ve missed you so much. I just had to come and surprise you in your apartment.”

She never turned around to look at him but kept gently swaying her hips, as if slowly dancing to inaudible music. Dan finally took the hint and crossed the room, stepping up behind her. He grabbed her hips with both hands and pressed his still boxer clad dick into her backside.

“Oooh, it seems like someone is happy to see me. Did you have a hard day at work, baby? I’m going to take good care of you.” Sarah pushed her hands into the bed as she grinded herself back on Dan’s dick.

Dan groaned as he felt his dick being enveloped by the silk of Sarah’s robe as it pushed between the tops of her thighs.

“We have to be quiet, Dan, I don’t know if Lester is home or not. I think he is probably out, though.” Sarah whispered.

Dan, as Lester, stayed silent.

She shuddered as his hands began to explore her body. His left hand snaked its way inside of the robe and massaged her breasts. His other hand parted the slit in the robe and pressed against her panty-covered sex.

“Mmmmmm” Sarah moaned. Feeling Dan’s hot cock on her backside and his fingers pressing into her was getting her going.

Dan’s hands began moving again. The fingertips of his left hand began to trace along the line between the lace bra and her bare skin before moving upwards. His fingers danced between her cleavage as it rose to her neck.

When his fingers got close to her face, Sara instinctively turned her head and took his index and middle finger into her mouth and sucked on them.

Dan shuddered at the feeling. Sarah grabbed the back of his hand to pull his fingers deeper into her mouth as she alternated between sucking them and running her tongue along them.

His other hand found her panty line and gently eased inside. His fingers made contact with her bare pussy, making Sarah take a sharp intake of breath. She only had a second to pause before Dan continued to thrust his fingers into her mouth.

Dan found Sarah’s clit and began to slowly massage it. His fingers pressed gently on it as he moved them in a circular motion.

She moved her head away from his fingers, eyes shut while she concentrated on the sensation.

Dan’s fingers dropped down even farther, sliding along Sarah’s smooth slit until they found their prize. As he gently put one finger inside of her, he felt her go up on her tippy toes and push her ass back into him.

“Ugh, Dan, that feels so good.” Sarah moaned.

Dan wanted to fuck Sarah. The way her body was reacting to his touch was making his heart beat faster. In his mind, it wasn’t his hands touching her, but Lester’s. Lester had snuck into the room and was taking advantage of the situation without Sarah knowing. He was the one causing her to respond like this. God I’m fucked up, but I need to do this.

He wanted to get deeper into her. This position and the fact that her panties were still on were preventing his finger from fully pushing into her. He quickly removed his hands from their current spots and placed one on her hip while he used the other to apply pressure on the back of her neck.

Dan pushed and bent her down fully until Sarah was on her elbows, her head bowed and resting on the bed’s comforter. With one hand keeping her firmly in place on the bed, the other reached under the robe and pulled down her panties.

Feeling her panties fall down her legs made Sarah moan, “Oooooh.”

Dan used one hand to pull his boxers down and did an awkward, dance-like motion to slip them off and step out of them. His cock sprang out, hard as a steel rod as he looked down at Sarah in front of him. He raised the back of her silk gown up and rested it on her hips, pausing to admire his wife’s gorgeous, bare ass.

“God, I can’t wait to fuck you.” He growled.

One of Sarah’s hands reached back and she turned her head with a well-acted look of alarm, “L-L-Lester?”

Holding her hip firmly with one hand, Dan lined himself up and pushed his cock head into her entrance. “Damn right it's me, baby.”

“Nooo, Lester, stop! I thought you were Dan.” She kept trying to reach back with her hand in a seemingly valiant effort to push him off of her.

Dan put his hand on her back once more as he pushed her down again and slid more of his cock into her. “You don’t have to pretend anymore, Sarah. Dan isn’t here, and I know you’ve been curious to feel my cock.”

Sarah shuddered as mental images of her last night in the apartment flooded her mind. There was no way she could have forgotten that.

“I saw the way you looked at me that night, the way you looked at my cock. Do you know what the look on your face said?” Dan said in his best Lester voice.

“Whaaat?” Sarah asked as she gripped the comforter in both hands.

“Hunger!” Dan said loudly as he pushed himself entirely into her. He pounded several strokes into her, causing her to shriek. Sarah inadvertently edged herself further onto the bed.

Never disconnecting, Dan followed her forward until his knees were resting on the bed. “You were hungry to experience my cock.”

“Nooo, that's not true.” Sarah moaned.

Dan took his hands off her hips and watched as Sarah continued to push back onto his cock over and over. “Then why are you still fucking my cock?” he said, mockingly.

Sarah didn’t stop. She pushed back into him harder. Lester, er…Dan’s cock, she corrected herself with a little shame, was filling her completely and hitting all the right places. Her first orgasm of the night was approaching rapidly and she wasn’t about to stop now. “God, just shut up and fuck me.”

“I thought you’d never ask.” Dan grabbed Sarah’s hips with both hands and started hammering into her.

Sarah loved when Dan fucked her hard like this, the way he held her and wouldn’t let up no matter what she did.

Dan growled. “I knew I had you the moment I walked into that kitchen naked.”

The mental image of Lester’s bare cock swaying in front of her popped into her mind again. The way it had twitched when he caught her looking at it set her off now.

“Ooooh, Fuck! Fuck!” Sarah screamed as an orgasm quickly rose and washed over her. Her arms got weak and she sunk into the bed, laying down on her stomach. Her pussy clenched down on Dan’s dick, slowing his movements as he tried to keep thrusting into her.

Suddenly, she felt her robe being pulled off of her. Dan tossed it next to the bed and momentarily pulled his cock out as he flipped her over. He wasn’t sure if she would continue to pretend to put up a fight or not. God, I need to fuck her more.

He pulled her legs apart and pushed in again as he laid himself down on top of her. Instinctively, her legs wrapped around him, pulling him even deeper into her.

Dan thought of that night in the apartment again. He remembered the shit-eating grin on Lester’s face as he came on Sarah’s chest. That fucker…

He did his best to mimic that grin and said, “I knew you’d like my cock. Tell me how much you love it.”

“Oh, I love it so much. Lester, don’t stop fucking me.” Sarah moaned.

Lester. She said his name. She had said his name while Dan was fucking her. ”Lester, don’t stop fucking me.”

Hearing Sarah moan Lester’s name sent his body into overdrive. He started rapidly thrusting into her, his cock quickly sliding in and out of her soaking wet pussy.

“Say my name again,” Dan panted. Holy shit, I’m going to cum soon.

“Lester.” Sarah groaned. She looked up into the eyes of the man she loved. “Lester, fuck me.”
Dan looped both arms under her shoulders and pulled himself as deep inside of her as possible. He was like a man possessed. The look on Sarah’s face had always driven him past the point of no return, but this time he imagined she was looking up at someone else, up at Lester. Fuck, she said “Lester” again.

Sarah closed her eyes and Dan’s face was immediately replaced with that of Lester and the animalistic hunger he’d had on his face as he watched them have sex. She had certainly planned on doing this role-play for her husband, but she hadn’t intended to actually imagine having sex with Lester. She now couldn’t stop picturing his face from the apartment looking back down at her as she felt his cock rapidly fucking her.

She bit her lip and felt another orgasm beginning to swell inside of her. “Don’t stop, don’t stop.”

“I don’t have a condom on, Sarah,” Dan whispered. He knew from past role-playing sessions that unprotected sex always turned her on.

“Don’t stop, Lester, don’t stop.” She moaned.

Fuck, that was hot.

Dan kissed Sarah hungrily on the lips, his tongue pushing into her mouth. Sarah grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in closer. Her tongue danced with his as they both fantasized that it was Dan’s odd roommate, Lester, who was actually between her legs in bed with her right now.

This was it. “Fuck, I’m going to cum Sarah,” Dan grunted as he pulled back from the kiss while hammering into her as hard as he could.

“Fill me.” Sarah moaned, her fingernails digging into his shoulder. “Fill me, Lester.”

“Fuck, I’m going to knock you up.” He bellowed as he felt his cum beginning to boil up in his balls.

“Oh, do it,” Sarah said breathlessly as she felt the sheen of sweat cover her body. “Do it, Lester.”

Dan roared as he exploded into Sarah. Hearing her say Lester's name and telling him to cum inside of her made him explode harder than he ever had before. Dizzying thoughts of Lester being in this position on his marital bed, with Sarah screaming out Lester’s name from underneath him, filled his head as pure pleasure rocketed through his body.

The second Sarah felt his cum hit the back of her pussy, her mind flashed back to the experience of Lester painting her chest with his cum a few weeks ago. She could still almost feel the warm goo running all over her breasts. That same cum was now drenching her unprotected insides. The cum of someone so base and beneath her was violating her most protected treasure right now. She had begun to confuse her fantasy with reality as her climax approached.

Sarah’s nails dug farther into Dan’s shoulders as her legs wrapped tighter around him in a vice grip. The feeling of cum inside of her had set off the ticking time bomb of her orgasm as she came. Waves and waves of pleasure radiated out from her sex. She arched her back, her bra-clad chest pushed up into Dan’s body.

“Holy fuck…” she wailed through gritted teeth as her orgasm washed over her.

She collapsed, breathless, as Dan let out one final grunt as he fully emptied himself inside of her.

After a few moments of labored breathing, Dan rolled off of Sarah onto his side of the bed. “That was…intense.”

Sarah didn’t even open her eyes; her total and complete exhaustion wouldn’t let her. “Mmmm, Lester…”

Dan’s tired brain tried to tell him he should be bothered that the role-play with Lester was continuing after sex, but he had just climaxed harder than ever before, fantasizing the entire time that it was his roommate who was pounding away at his wife in place of him.

His eyes were also closed as he summoned one last, Lester-like grin to face. “Just wait until I have you back in my apartment, Sarah…”


Without saying another word, both Dan and Sarah, still coming down from post-orgasmic bliss, drifted off to sleep.


“Okay Lester, I think I’m done here,” Ned said, looking at Lester for approval. “I really do have to get going, they are probably already there waiting for me.”

Lester eyed the patched drywall. It looked like crap. Ned obviously wasn’t a handyman and had needed to refer to YouTube several times while doing this small job. Still, it was better than years worth of cum stained into the wall. “Can you come back tomorrow to sand and paint it?”

“Well, Saturday morning I usually do inventory, and then…” He caught the look on Lester's face and stopped himself. “Yeah, I can come back tomorrow, no problem.”

“Good.” Lester walked back to the living room and began unboxing the packages that had arrived. As he opened the first box, he felt Ned’s presence behind him trying to get a peek inside. Always lingering.

Without turning around Lester asked, “Are you still here?”

Ned gulped. “I’m about to go, Lester, but, uh I was, uh just wondering. You, uh, mentioned earlier that you might show me a picture of this woman you were doing all this for.”

Lester sighed. He really wished Ned would just leave already, he had more shit to do. But he did like the idea of showing Ned the picture. He knew Ned would talk and tell all the other guys in the group about it. He always liked to have one up on the others.

He sighed and stood up. “Fine, fine.” He thumbed through his phone, debating whether to show Ned one of Sarah’s pictures from Instagram or one of the more racy photos she had taken for Dan when he first moved in. “But don’t tell anyone about this.”

He didn’t want Ned looking up anything and finding Sarah’s Instagram, so he opted for one of the boudoir pictures. He pinched the screen a bit so it just showed off her face and a bit of cleavage.

He held the phone up to Ned who instinctively reached for it. Lester pulled his arm back and gave him a stern look. Ned nodded and Lester extended his phone again, giving him a chance to see a side of Sarah meant only for her husband. “Wow, Lester, how do you know her?”

“Soon-to-be girlfriend,” Lester bragged and turned around to go back to his packages. Ned just hovered there for several seconds, like a lost puppy looking for someone to guide him. “You can go, Ned.”

“Right, right. I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye, Lester. Have a good night.” Ned paused by the door, waiting for a reply from Lester. It never came.

Lester heard the door shut behind him and finally opened the package in front of him. He took out several other boxes and laid them out on the table. There was a DVD player, a few wall plug night lights, and three empty wall socket covers. Each box was labeled with a variation of ‘4k,’ ‘spycam,’ ‘security cam,’ and ‘wi-fi enabled.’

Lester spent the next hour installing these throughout the house. There were now some in Dan’s room, the bathroom, the kitchen, and, of course, the living room. Satisfied that they were all working as intended, he threw out the packaging and headed back to his command center.

After a few minutes of tweaking the settings, he was able to pull up all the camera feeds on both his computer and his cellphone. The next time Sarah came to visit, he would be able to track all her movements. He wouldn’t be surprised if she decided to take more nude selfies for Dan in Lester’s room again, and he wouldn’t let another golden opportunity like that pass him by.

He would also now be able to monitor any calls Dan took in the apartment. I’ll have to set these cameras up to auto-record if it detects voices, somehow.

Lester laced his fingers as he leaned back looking over the camera feeds. He had good coverage of the entire apartment. He pursed his lips and thought about his next move.

How would Sarah and Dan react the next time she comes to visit? Will they have sex in the apartment again? If they do, will it be in their room or back on the couch? If it's the couch, do they want him to come watch again? If it's his own room, how can he take advantage of that?

He pressed a few keys on the keyboard, exiting the camera feeds. He pulled up a folder labeled ‘Sarah Williams’ and scrolled past the various note files and pictures until he clicked on a video file.

The screen filled, playing a video of an empty shower. After a few seconds, Sarah made her entrance, completely naked and with reams of Lester’s baby making batter covering her chest. He watched expressionlessly as he studied the video.

Sarah let the water hit her and wash the cum off her chest. She probably didn’t realize that the water would cause his cum to run down the rest of her body, likely even over her vagina. He watched as she rubbed her breasts, trying to remove any remaining trace of Lester's potent seed from her skin.

When she was satisfied that she was clean, Sarah stood there with her eyes open, looking at the wall in front of her. She stood like this for several minutes, just letting the water wash over her as she appeared to be contemplating something.

Lester had come to watch this video every night, studying her face and trying to discern what she was thinking. He needed to know what was running through her head and how he could exploit it.

Lester grabbed his cell phone and dialed a contact from his address book. After a few rings, someone picked up.

“Hey Lizzie, it's Lester.” Lester rolled his eyes and put his feet up on the desk. “Yes, I know we agreed I wouldn’t contact you again, but I have an offer for you. A favor, you might say.”

Lester grinned evilly. “No, it doesn’t involve anything like that, but you know I am always here if you change your mind.”

He laughed. “Yeah, right. I know you still think about me.”

“Okay, okay, calm down.” Lester switched tactics and tried to sound reassuring. “I was wondering if you wanted to earn back the hard drive.”

“Yes, that hard drive.” Lester listened as the person on the other end of the line spoke.

“You’ll have to come back to the apartment. No funny business, I promise, but there are a few things I’ll need you to do for me.”

Lester took off his pants and sat back in the chair. He took out his cock and began to stroke it, listening to the person in his ear while watching Sarah’s shower on his computer screen. “Do you still have that little red dress?”
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