Brad.. from the beginning

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by bradisalpha » Wed Feb 22, 2017 3:48 am

Chapter 7

Dominance: a subject of controversy !!

Being dominated in the bedroom is a very controversial subject because domination means so many different things to different people. I studied psychology in school and it was very interesting in how psychology and human nature play their part in domination and submission. Because we all have our predetermined notions on this subject I am not interested in getting into challenges back and forth, but instead will give my beliefs and experiences on this topic and hope you can accept them for what they are.

I believe that human nature has placed men as the dominant sex and women as the submissive. History shows this to be true from the cave man dragging his woman home with him .. to our culture of the man being the dominant force in marriage and the woman playing the supportive role. However, with the increasing independence of women, more men are submitting to them and now play the supportive/submissive role in relationships. This reverses the roles men and women play in a relationship and many more women are in the dominant role. Because of this role reversal, you will see many men/cuckolds in the forums say things such as "my wife (or gf) will not submit to any man" or "he will never dominate my wife (or gf)". Human nature says he is right. The wife is dominant and if she wants to cuck her husband she will find boyfriends to satisfy her sexual desires .. sometimes with her husband's blessings.. And that lifestyle certainly leads to very exciting times for the both of them and reaches out past "society's rules" into forbidden or taboo areas that are sexually charged and very exciting. The woman will "fuck" her BF's and the cuckold will watch or stay home and wonder. Both are exciting but the cuckold is normally wanting more submission or humiliation and begs for more domination from his wife. She is happy because she is now experiencing the orgasms she has been craving with new men that are happy to fuck her.

Then steps in the Alpha male... the male BF (or bull) that takes her to new levels.. That seduces her mind and dominates her.. Allows her to open up and release all of her sexual tensions.. And submit to him as he brings her to the highest level of orgasm and relief not only by fucking, but by psychologically taking her mind and turning it into a sexual part of her being. At that point she will submit totally to him. Once she has reached this level of submission to an Alpha male she will become more dominant and demanding of her submissive cuckold husband and she will, along with the Alpha male, dominate him.

This is very evident in the previous chapters as I learned to fuck other guy's gf's in school and then send them back to him. It was exciting.. But it was only fucking !! Then I met the teacher and her husband. She was dominant and I actually submitted to her for her sexual satisfaction as she also dominated her husband. She taught me how to go beyond fucking and seduce the mind.. How to psychologically take a woman (and her husband) down the path of total submission. I was a very dominant male when I met her but she brought out the qualities in me to become an Alpha male.

A very good example of an Alpha male and a couple with a dominant wife is in the thread on this forum "Ponytail: A Bulls Story". Read it.. It is excellent !! He is an Alpha male that completely dominates a "dominant wife" and takes her into total submission as he, at the same time, leads her husband down the path of submitting to his desires... Psychologically !!

This is where human nature and psychology meet and become the strongest combination of domination. It can go against all rules !! It can take people places they say they will never go... Do things they say they will never do. It is the basis of the BDSM community and lifestyle also. It is also very hard to understand unless you have experienced it... And that is the reason for so much controversy in the forums as to the levels of dominance and submission between husbands, wives and BF's and their various wants and needs. But understanding these wants and needs is what the forum is for and everyone should be openminded and learn from other's experiences. This OHW forum is charged with sexual tension !! Enjoy it.. Learn from it. It will take you through all scenarios from a cheating wife.. To an Alpha husband that likes to watch his wife (or join - 3somes).. to light hot wife/cuckold relationships to very intense hot wife/cuckold relationships.. And even touch in slavery/BDSM. Remain openminded and enjoy !!

I have become a Dominant Alpha BF that can seduce a dominant woman (and her husband) and enjoys the challenge of the "chase"... The same as "Ponytail: A Bull's Story" (read it !!), you will see more of this type of seduction as my "biography" here unravels.

I hope everyone can take my thoughts "as they are" and the comments will remain positive now so I can get back to writing my "biography" .. Lol !!

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by jmontagn » Wed Feb 22, 2017 4:35 am

I enjoy your posts Your first six chapters related some of your early development. I would be interested in hearing about some of your near misses and her but he balked stories. This will give u all lot of insight into how you developed into a successful seducer and your present philosophy which you have presented so well in your last post.

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by bradisalpha » Wed Feb 22, 2017 4:45 am


I will be getting back to my progression in the next chapter.. Hopefully have time soon !!

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by massage4wife » Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:29 am

bradisalpha wrote:
massage4wife wrote:Would love to hear stories of how women have reacted to a big dick. What kind things have they said to you?
I will try to cover that in my various stories.

It's funny but when I am with a woman the comment I hear most is "I love your cock" and they seem to enjoy holding and playing with it.. Which I enjoy also !! Lol !!

Some will say "it is so big".. but I hear that mostly if a woman knows or has talked with a woman that I have fucked.. And that happens often. They talk a lot more between themselves than we think.. And I can always tell when they have talked because if I am with one of their friends the first time I will get comments like "wow.. It IS big" or "it's as big as she said".. And I know then that I was discussed in depth between them.

It seems that most women are used to a "normal" (or smaller) cock so it does stand out in the crowd, so to speak. Some of the surprise when they first see it is because they have not really thought that there was bigger than "normal" out there. The same with the cuckolds.. They really think they are "normal" size until they see one that is larger. And of course I always enjoy the reactions !!

Every had women approach you for sex just because they have heard about you having a big dick?

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by bradisalpha » Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:45 am

softcantfind wrote:That last part was very good and from a cuckold perspective in a way eye opening. I just wonder how many husbands seeking to have their wives cuckold them, really have a clue how far this can go. It is a strange outlook to realize that some one wants pleasure through pain. It is interesting how a woman can dominate her husband but the Dominant BF turns the tables on her and takes the lead. I am beginning to think we are all submissive in one way or the other but I just haven't found where the dominant Bf"s submission lies.
You are correct.. Submission can be pulled out of a husband.. And a wife. The alpha male has to know how to arouse it and there is not a limit as to how far he can take them. And you are also correct in that a cuckold really has no idea how far he will go when he begins this journey !!

Almost everyone has that submissive tendency accept for a true Alpha male like myself. I have absolutely no submissive indicators whatsoever and I thrive on pulling out the submissiveness from others. It is called "naturally dominant" and very few men have it. No brag.. Just fact.

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by bradisalpha » Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:52 am


Yes.. I have covered that a few times in this thread. As women talk they become curious and will try to be with me to find out. I can always tell by their flirting and certain things they say. Curiosity does kill the cat !!

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by jdeezel » Sat Feb 25, 2017 11:32 am

Wish you were in

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by bradisalpha » Sat Feb 25, 2017 11:34 am

Lol !! I am working in the next chapter this weekend (hopefully) !! I have so much to tell and so little time !!

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by bradisalpha » Mon Feb 27, 2017 11:20 pm

Chapter 8

I had gained a lot of experience by now and was in my twenties. I realized that just "fucking" a girl would relieve my urges but it really didn't turn me on nearly as much as a married woman with a husband that sometimes knew .. and sometimes didn't. And there was always the challenge to cuckold him.. Which excited me the most. As I had said earlier, I had a band and that gave me a lot of exposure to women in a club/bar situation which included drinking, dancing and suggestive risqué clothing. This combination always results in a highly sex charged atmosphere. Of course, I was in my glory because the "band" always seemed to be the target of a lot of women. It was just the way it was !! So without even instigating anything I could very easily seduce a woman by just being there.

I noticed that some of the more sexually open women smoked.. And a lot of times would step outside to cool off for a few minutes and have a smoke... Or just cool off.. Or just to have a chance to flirt with me a little !! Of course, I did the same on our breaks so I would talk with them. Sometimes they would come outside for a smoke just to talk to me !! I always found that exciting because their husbands or BF's would be inside !! And as the flirted with me I would trade them back. They might say things like "what are you doing after you finish tonight ??" And I would say "going to breakfast somewhere" which is what most do after clubbing at 2 or 3 in the morning. It is surprising how many would then say "why don't you come to my house.. I will make breakfast for you" !! That was my opening .. Lol !! I would then say "what will your husband think about that ??" And they would say different things like "oh, he won't mind.. He would enjoy you stopping in for breakfast".. Or "he won't mind.. By then he will fall asleep from drinking all night".. Or "I will make sure he drinks enough that he will fall asleep".. Etc.. Etc.

These were all openings for me to push the conversation a little further and say things like "hmmmm.. Does he sleep tight ??". And that would bring the giggles and flirty kind of answers. But at this point, enjoyed the seduction of not only the wife.. but also the husband .. and I had learned that if I took the steps slowly and patiently I could seduce, dominate and guide them into a hot wife/cuckold situation.. Although at the time I didn't know what it was called !! And that was what I enjoyed most.. The slow intense seduction... The "chase" !!!

So I would say "I can't tonight.. I have plans already. Are you coming back next week (or tomorrow night.. or whatever the case might be) ??". They would normally answer "yes" if they were really interested (a great way to weed them out !!) and a good way to talk a little further and create excitement for them to make plans for coming back with dirty little "expectations" in their minds.. And I could see the wheels spinning !! If they seemed forward enough I would instigate and say things like "I love your outfit... Are you going to wear a short skirt next week ??" ..Or "Higher heels ??" .. Or whatever was appropriate at the time. Again, I could pretty much count on them showing up next week in a shorter skirt or higher heels to impress me. (I always give them something distinct to bury in their mind.. A task to perform. It will show me their interest level). And after giving them the week to think about it and make plans, they would be ripe and ready for the next move. The next week (or night) we would end up outside smoking again. I would compliment them on whatever I had suggested before and then begin talking about their husband. A lot of the time they would come back without their husband !! They would come with a girlfriend or alone. And sometimes their husband would be with them again. But in either case I would say "does your husband know you invited me back to your house for breakfast ??". Of course, that normally was answered positively with a yes. And then I would say "did you tell him about our talk last week (or night) ?? Or if he wasn't with her I would say "does your husband know you are here tonight ??".. also normally answered with a yes !! (But if it is answered with a no I would lose interest real fast because that would lead to cheating and that would lead to trouble .. Especially with me playing music every week close by and I had already heard to many bad stories about that kind of a situation. So I would say "if you tell him about your offer for breakfast and about out discussion last week .. And he says ok.. Then I might be interested in stopping in for breakfast".. and I would be back on track again !!). Sooo.. Back to the question. "Did you tell him about our talk last week ??" She probably will say yes. Then I will say "is he excited about me coming to breakfast ??". Normally, she will say yes. Then I will say "does he know that I asked you to wear that skirt (or heels) for me ??" That is where the stuttering starts !! If she says "yes" then I will ask "was he excited about that ??". If she says yes I can continue.. "Did he help you decide what to wear.. Or what to buy ??". At that point I will ask.. "Is he as excited as you are tonight ??". And if she says yes I will tell her to have him come out for a smoke with her on my next break" (more about that later). If she said "no" to the question about what I told her to wear this week then I will act hesitant to go any further with her. When she questions that I will say "he should know.. I don't want to keep any secrets from him. Do you think he will be excited if he knows ??"

In either case I have now laid the groundwork for the next step in seducing them. In the next chapter I will explain how I enjoyed going to their home for breakfast.

To be continued....

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by Jeff111 » Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:08 am

Interesting selection process. Quickly sifts through good options and potential trouble.

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by bradisalpha » Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:24 am

Lol !! I wasn't as good at it at first but it didn't take me long once I got in trouble a couple of times !!

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by rvplace » Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:08 pm

Brad, you have some good insight & stories, it was a person alot like you that actually got my wife from "pillow talk" to becoming a hotwife. The gentleman pushed the right buttons for her, got her comfortable and then made his move. He found it exciting to "score" with a married women, someone who never did anything like that before but having said all the right things, got her to take some baby steps, asked her outside and it seem to flow from there...I was actually grateful to have someone with his talents. My wife enjoyed this person for a few years and I certainly benefited from that......enjoy your writings!

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by SamWarrens » Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:39 pm

I don't know why there are no high quality full length porn movies that deal with Hotwife and cuckold issues. Given the numbers on this site and others there is certainly a market for it.
I'm not talking the cheap wham bam orgasm on the face crap usually seen but good quality acting and plausable scripting that is of Hollywood A Stream quality.
In fact why aren't there more porn films like that period, with real scripts and good acting beyond the sex scenes?
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by bradisalpha » Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:12 pm

rvplace wrote:Brad, you have some good insight & stories, it was a person alot like you that actually got my wife from "pillow talk" to becoming a hotwife. The gentleman pushed the right buttons for her, got her comfortable and then made his move. He found it exciting to "score" with a married women, someone who never did anything like that before but having said all the right things, got her to take some baby steps, asked her outside and it seem to flow from there...I was actually grateful to have someone with his talents. My wife enjoyed this person for a few years and I certainly benefited from that......enjoy your writings!
Thanks. It is great to hear that he helped her through to her first time. It is a shame to read all the stories here of husbands trying different ways to get their wife to find a BF when all they really need is an experienced guy to slowly take her through the steps of seduction. It is really that simple !! The hard part is finding those experienced Alpha males. Good for you.

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by bradisalpha » Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:15 pm

SamWarrens, softcantfind,

That would be interesting, wouldn't it ?? Lol !!

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by bradisalpha » Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:33 am

Chapter 9

Well, as you can see, I really enjoy the little steps and the "weeding out" process as I talk with wives and their husbands. Of course I do have the advantage because I am in a public setting at certain given times so I do not have to do the "chasing".. I only have to process what possibilities are there and how I want to approach them.

Again, my biggest advantage early on was the teacher and her husband showing me how a husband can be dominated and how it affects him to be around an Alpha male. It kept me experimenting and seeing how far I can lead a husband into submission while enjoying his wife.

And if I give a wife a certain task.. Such as what to wear the next time I see her.. And she does as I suggested.. It tells me she is not only submissive to me but U.S. Also interested in going further !!
I have done this in other scenarios also.. Often. Such as seeing a woman in a business meeting atmosphere and saying "you look really nice today.. I love your outfit !!". If she accepts my compliment and continues the conversation I will say "I really liked that blue dress you wore at (some certain meeting or place)"... And let that linger in her mind (and those comments do linger !!). Then at the next function if she is wearing that blue dress (and she probably will) I can compliment her again for remembering and tease her ."so you wore it just for me ??".. And watch her smile and blush. At that point I know she is interested and I can begin walking her through the steps of seduction.. Which will then move on to meeting her husband and begin his path. It is amazing how many wives, and husbands, have these fantasies hidden deep inside them just waiting for someone to bring them out. In fact, not to get off the subject, it can work the same way beginning with the husband !! I can be at a function or at a club playing and the husband and I begin talking and I might say "would you be upset if I compliment your wife ??" He will either reply with a short "no" answer and I will continue with "she seems like a very nice person.. You two look great together" and leave it at that. OR.. He might say something like "no, not at all.. She is really something, isn't she ??".. Which will leave me open to begin his seduction through his wife !! I might say "yes she is.. And I love the outfit she is wearing". If he continues the conversation with something like "yes, she just got that .. Or it us one of her favorites", I then will say (just like with a wife) "I really liked the blue dress (or whatever) she wore at (such and such)". And the next time I see them if she is wearing the blue dress then again, I know he is ready and has brought his wife into the seduction path with him. It is a very exciting process and I can apply it almost anywhere by simply suggesting a "task" and watching to see if it is carried out. If it is.. Hmmmmm !!!

Ok, back to the club. So, the next week she comes with the shirt dress or heels that I had suggested the week before and I step out for a smoke on my break and she follows me. I say "I see you wore the skirt tonight". She will smile happily knowing that she pleaded me. "Did you tell your husband that you invited me to your house for breakfast after I am done tonight ??". That answer would have to be "yes" because she already knows that I will not come unless he knows she asked me. "And what foes he think about that ??". She will tell me about their discussion which really doesn't matter to me as long as he said yes.. We will work with him together now (even though she doesn't realize this). Then I will ask "does he know that I had asked you to wear this skirt for me tonight ??". If she says no I will make sure he knows before we leave the club... If she says yes then "what did he think about it ??". I let her explain and then "was he excited ??". She might even go as far as telling me that he helped her buy it.. Or he was excited to see me with her wearing it !! Then I will tell her "you have been a good girl !!" And she will giggle. Then I will tell her "on my next break, bring your husband out here with you". She will probably be a little nervous when she says "ok"... I like when she is nervous !! In fact she will go in and tell her husband that I want him to come out with her on my next break and he will be nervous also .. They both will be nervous for the next 40 minute set !! I can see them talking at the table.. Whispering in each other's ears. They will talk and each will be excited inside not knowing what I will say or do even though they are nervous. It is funny how sexual tension, arousal, nervousness, and the unknown, all together, can be so exciting, isn't it ??

So on the next break they both come outside together and I shake his hand with authority and say "HI". They will be quiet waiting for me to take the lead and I will say "so, your wife has invited me for breakfast after I am fine tonight.. Did she tell you that ?? (Of course she did but I want to hear him say yes !!). And he will say yes.. And I will say "is that ok with you ??".. And he will say "yes,of course". Then I will just talk with them and put fun little comments like "is she a good cook ??" and "does she take special orders" .. And break the tension by kidding around and laughing with them... But at the same time putting in those little innuendos. Then I will say "she really looks nice in her skirt tonight, doesn't she ??". And he will say "yes".. Probably in a lower more serious voice feeling the tension of that question while she will look like she wants to disappear !! Then I will say "did she tell you I had asked her to wear it last week ??". Now they both know the cat is out of the bag and I am getting serious .. And their excitement is increasing with mine. I then say that I have to get back on stage but I am really looking forward to coming to breakfast with you. Then I look at her directly and say "I will see YOU on my next break.

Well, they are back to whispering at the table again !!! I know the excitement and tension is building and she can't wait for my next break so she can see me alone again. On my next break she is already outside waiting for me !! I say "so, you did (or didn't tell your husband that I asked you to wear that skirt". And she will start telling me all about it.. Knowing now that anything she says I will share with her husband also.. Which makes this a whole different situation in her mind. I am now controlling both of them. Then I will as "did your husband enjoy talking with me on my last break ??"... And again she will tell me all about it. Then I will say "and you both are sure you want me to come for breakfast ??".. And she will say "yes" with a look of question in her eyes like maybe I have changed my mind or not sure and will add "YES.. We both are looking forward to you coming. I have everything ready so I can start cooking as soon as we get home". Then I say "it is almost time to get back in.. We can talk again in my last break.. Oh, what are you wearing under your skirt ??". She will most likely say "just panties" (sometimes they will say "nothing" and I will just say "good girl" !!) then I will say "go to the ladies room while I am playing and take them off and put them in your purse .. Then dance with your husband after you have taken them off.. Understand ??". She will probably look startled .. I will say "understand ??" Again as I start walking back in and she will say "ok".

It is always exciting to me while I am playing to watch as she gets up after a few minutes and goes to the ladies room. When she comes back you can see that she is distinctly holding her purse a little closer to her like it is something personal and she doesn't want it to get away !! And then she will drag him to the dance floor and keep turning him around so she can look up at me. Each time she looks I smile., and she blushes and looks flustered... I love that look !!

As I walk out for my last break, she again is waiting already outside. I say "did you enjoy your dance ??". She will answer I'm a way not to sound too excited and say "yes". I will say "good .. And I enjoyed watching you. You seem to be so different when you aren't wearing panties.. Do you feel different ??". That will bring all kinds of answers from sarcastic to giggly !! Lol !! And I love them all !! Then I will say "are we going to sit and relax after breakfast ??". And you can see her wheels spinning. Do you normally change into something more comfortable before we sit down to relax ??" "Are you going to sit in the sofa with me while we are relaxing ??" If you change into something more comfortable you will wear a nighty with nothing under it, won't you ?? It is up to you if you change.. But if you do just say so before we sit down to relax.. Ok ?? She will say ok and it will be on her mind whether she wants to change or not and what she will wear if she does.. Again more turmoil in her mind !! Then I say "well, I have to get in for the last set.. Give me your panties. I want to out them in my pocket". She will look with a blank stare.. I will say again.. "Give me your panties" very sternly.. And she will reach slowly into her purse and scrunch them up in her hand and try to hand them to me like she is sneaking them to me. I take them and put them in my pocket and walk back inside.

After the last set they come up to the stage as we are packing up our equipment and say "we will leave now so we can start getting breakfast ready.. Ok ??".. And I say "ok .. Are you sure it isn't too much trouble ?? Are you sure you want me to stop over ??"... And they both quickly say "YES". They leave and I go out to relax a minute and have a smoke before I leave.

I know it has been a very exciting night for all three of us. They both will have thought about this all week and I know they each have fantasies of their own flowing through them ... Some of them they may have shared.. Some they may not have. But she wouldn't have worn the skirt for me.. Or given me her panties if she hasn't been thinking all week about this night and what might happen .. And he wouldn't have come outside and admitted what he did if he wasn't thinking the same. Yes.. These urges and desires are inside of everyone.. They just need someone to slowly pull them out for them.. To guide them. And I will be guiding them at breakfast !!!

To be continued .....

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by Jeff111 » Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:37 am

Very good. Perhaps the cuckold desires aren't in everyone though..... LOL

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by rich_hansom » Wed Mar 01, 2017 7:16 am

Damn I am loving this story.Can't wait for the next chapter.

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by bradisalpha » Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:36 am

Jeff111 wrote:Very good. Perhaps the cuckold desires aren't in everyone though..... LOL
You are right.. They are not !! But I do weed them out to find the ones that are and then I proceed to taking them down the path. As you read in my posts, some fall off the path right away.. Some fall off as they go along.. And some continue as their urges begin to come out, and they are the very exciting ones !!

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by bradisalpha » Thu Mar 02, 2017 5:51 am


Hmmmm.. Are those panties fascinating you ?? Are you thinking "panties" ??

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by bradisalpha » Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:49 am

As I think back over my journey and remember many details to share here.. If you have comments or questions please post them and I will be sure to answer all.

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by Wifesharing » Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:25 pm

Please tell us how the breakfast usually goes. What you have talked about is pretty good stuff, my wife nor I are all that submissive but I can see parts of your tale that fits us as well. The band break thing is so true. My wife always goes out to smoke the second the band goes on break and they are always all out there some even the ones that don't smoke and she flirts them. I am not even sure if it is a something she thinks about anymore it is just a natural thing to be outside when the band goes on break.

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by bradisalpha » Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:08 pm


I will be talking about the breakfast in my next chapter.. I just need the time to sit quietly and write it.. Damn, it takes a while to do each chapter !! Lol !!

Yes, the girls do seem to show up immediately when the band takes a break !! Whether they smoke or not !! In fact the two most popular first comments to me as they edge towards me to try for conversation is "whew, I need a smoke" OR "whew, I have to get some air.. It's hot in there" !!

Either of those lines will start a conversation.. Or if I am not attracted to them ends the conversation as I say "yeah.. Me too" OR "yeah it sure is".. As I turn around with my back to them. They take that hint real well and either walk a ways away and smoke or go back in !!

If I am interested, then I will start a conversation with them first agreeing and then bringing the conversation where I want it to go.., usually with a compliment on something they are wearing.. Or something I saw them do inside while they were dancing or something. If I see her start to wrestle for things to say I will say "I better get back in and check my amplifier (or whatever) .. Are you coming back out on my next break ??". That leaves her time to regroup knowing I am interested and think of how she will flirt and things to say next break. I love the idle time between.. Believe it or not it heats things up .. Start talking.. Then take it away .. Then a planned next talk while she is still in the mood !!

This also happens with other guys a woman might see during the night that will go out for a smoke or to "cool off" and while I am playing I love watching the guys or girls that will jump out quick when they see the other go outside. And then make excuses like "I have to get back in with my husband .. Are you going to come back out on a little while ??".. And this works the same with the guys. Some of the best deals are made outside !!!! More people should realize this .. There would be a lot more hot wifing going on !!! Lol !!

Soooo.. It is great that your wife takes advantage of those opportunities to go out on the breaks. She can also take advantage of going outside to smoke or cool off anytime she sees someone "interesting" go out. There are also times that she can be sitting next to or talking to someone while you are there but he might be holding back from saying too much because you are there .. And she can say "I have to go out and get some air .. Do you want to come out and protect me?? My husband doesn't like going outside".. Which lets you go outside where the conversation takes a complete turn !! And she should always be ready to say things like "my husband doesn't mind me talking to other men".. My husband gets a kick out of men trying to flirt with me".. Etc. These are all signs that maybe there is something there for them and they WILL persue it !! So if she sees someone she likes it is easy to get them into a controlled atmosphere and get some points across !!

Read my Bio: "Brad.. from the beginning" ...

Sissy Cuckold Club...

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by Wifesharing » Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:42 pm

You are well studied and yes my wife uses smoking area for other guys just as you have said it is super hot thanks

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Re: Brad.. from the beginning

Unread post by bradisalpha » Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:53 pm


Thanks. Yes, it is so obvious to anyone who pays attention .. Actually anywhere.. Restaurants.. Cookouts.. Gatherings.. Wedding receptions.. Anywhere there is a group of people. I have seen it outside grocery stores and even Home Depot !!

So if you pay attention.. Lock eyes.. Head for the door ..interested parties follow !! All you have to say is "I'm going out for a smoke.. Or some air" within hearing distance and .........

Read my Bio: "Brad.. from the beginning" ...

Sissy Cuckold Club...

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