Story request

A niche for stories; fiction or non.
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Story request

Unread post by redskins228 » Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:39 am

I cant write. Looking forward to see the talented writers here to write a story/fantasy of mine. My wife is a beautiful and sexy 33 yr (5'2 110lb, American born chinese, petite and very cute). She is a internal medicine doct, i would fantasy that she is examining a patients' cock (maybe a regular physical exam, i am not fantasying STD story) and he got a boner and she acts upon it. but what would make it extra hot is that she is reluctant in the beginning because that makes it more believable and hotter...or maybe a young college student's sports physical? I am looking forward to your inputs!


Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:15 am

Re: Story request

Unread post by redskins228 » Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:24 pm

I found this story on line. Dr. C was described like my wife.


I was having some health issues a while back. They ended up being nothing, but nonetheless, I was concerned at the time. My health insurance kept changing, too, and it seemed that every couple of years, my doctor would no longer be 'on the plan' and I'd have to choose a new doctor.

As usual, I randomly chose a new doctor. How one chooses a doctor by name still amazes me. How do you know anything about a person, let alone a doctor, simply by their name on a list? Anyway, I selected a doctor, and called to make an appointment.

I received a return call the next day, stating that a new girl took my call the day before, and erroneously scheduled my appointment with Dr. M. "What???" She quickly calmed me down, and explained that the doctor was no longer accepting new patients, and could not accommodate me; however, there was a different doctor in the same office that could see me. "OK..." She is actually the wife of Dr. M, but she still uses her maiden name. Would I like an appointment with Dr. C on the same day instead?

"Ummm... Sure. OK." What else was I going to say, or do for that matter? Go back to the faceless and pointless list of doctor names from the insurance company? I received a letter from the office a couple of days later, and soon my appointment day had arrived.

The office was on the third floor of the medical office building. Naturally, the lobby and hallways were filled with elderly, disabled and sick people... and they were all waiting for the elevator! I found the stairs, and, being an active person, figured why not? I took the stairs briskly, two at a time, and reached the third floor... way before the elevator doors opened on the first floor! :-)

I wandered the hallways for a brief minute, and found the office. There was a list of about eight doctor's names on the door. I opened the door to a huge waiting room, nearly filled with people waiting. I checked in, sat down with a clipboard to fill out my new patient paperwork, and upon turning it in, I was asked to come in.

I was escorted down a hallway to an exam room by a medical assistant (not a nurse), where she took my vitals. When she checked my blood pressure, she quickly commented that my pressure was high. I explained that I had just taken the stairs, and that maybe she should wait and check it later. In one ear and out the other, she recorded the high numbers.

The doctor eventually knocked and entered. Dr C. was a looker - She was a bit younger than me (I'm guessing), very attractive and fit, yet professional. You could tell that she was the bookworm in school, and probably wasn't pretty in grade school, yet she obviously blossomed into a very beautiful lady sometime in college or med school.

We introduced ourselves, and she commented on my blood pressure. I again brought up the stairs, and she dismissed the readings until later. She asked why I wanted a visit, and I explained to her my situation. There were two main reasons: I was feeling short winded at times, and I was also experiencing some discomfort from bicycling. I ride thousands of miles each year on a bike to stay in shape, relax, and enjoy the summer weekends. Problem is, that skinny little seat can cause numbness and discomfort.

She addressed both issues, and at the end of the exam, she took my blood pressure. "Perfect!" she said with a wink. "Let me know how you do over the next week or two, and if you want to come back, just set an appointment!"

Her suggestions worked for the most part, but I was still experiencing some discomfort from the many miles of pedaling and sitting on that tiny seat. The real issue, I didn't dare bring up, for it was embarrassing. I was having some difficulty getting and maintaining an erection, especially after a long ride.

I scheduled several more appointments, each time the same med assistant would take my vitals and record my 'high blood pressure." The doctor would address my concerns, and close with a final blood pressure check, which was always fine. each visit would close with Dr. C. asking, "Is there anything else you'd like to discuss with me?" Finally, on the fourth visit, I came out with it.

"Well, yes Doc. There is something..." Dr. C. stared at me intently, studying my every facial expression, wanting to know what it was. "Well, we already talked about my cycling issue, and the discomfort. Working with my bike shop, changing seats, positions and all that has helped..." We had already talked about that. "But there is one thing that really bothers me... and it is hard to talk about."

"I think I might know what you're referring to. I used to ride a lot before I started my practice, so I know what you're experiencing. It is different for men and women, but it's OK. You can tell me. If you prefer to talk to a man about it, I'll see if I can get one of the other doctors in here instead. It's up to you."

There was NO WAY I wanted any of the other doctors in that room, yet I was still embarrassed to admit to a male inadequacy to such a beautiful lady, doctor or not. So, I just blurted it out - "I have a hard time getting it up."

"I see. Well, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. It happens a lot. You're a very nice guy, and you're obviously in good shape, so it can be embarrassing when certain parts don't work the way you'd like them to. I'll tell you what. We are going to need to do an examination, just to make sure that your issue hasn't caused any damage. Chances are good that you haven't suffered anything permanent, but we need to make sure. I can do the exam, or I can have someone else do it, if you're not comfortable with me. I will totally understand your postion and your answer. I want you comfortable."

There was NO WAY I was letting her leave. "No, Doc, it's OK for you to do it." I had to justify my answer... "You know my issues, and I really, really don't want to explain all of it again. Go ahead."

Dr. C. excused herself as she handed me a gown to change into. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

I ******** down to nothing in seconds, and put on the flimsy, cheap, what-the-hell-is-it-good-for gown. I looked down at my penis, and it might as well have been a turtle - Shriveled up, and pulling its head deep into its shell. Great.

There was a knock at the door, and Dr. C. entered. "Are you ready?"

"Well, I am... but..."


"Well, my, ummmm.... penis isn't..."

"Don't worry about that, and do not be embarrassed, OK?" she said with a professional smile. "It is a little bit chilly in here, let me adjust the temperature."

Dr. C. walked over to the thermostat, and turned it up a notch or two. She returned, sat on her little stool, and scooted up close to me. "Lay back on the table, and make yourself comfortable." I did as I was commanded. "OK, you are going to need to open your legs a bit, so I can get a good examination, OK?"

I was tense. This was going to be the very first time I was naked for a beautiful woman, and I didn't have a hard-on - just a tiny turtle head. I reluctantly opened my vice clamped legs, and surrendered.

Dr. C. was very professional, and very thorough. She put on latex gloves, and examined my little member. She gently motioned for me to adjust my legs, and after an initial exam, she explained that she was going to get more thorough. She reached for something, and returned to her stool. She was rubbing her hands together, and said, "I'm going to examine you very thoroughly, and it will require me to apply pressure at times. I'm lubricating my gloves, and warming it up so it won't be so cold, OK?"

M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m.... When Dr. C. touched me again, I didn't have to look down. My little buddy went from a turtle head to a telephone pole in seconds! She was soon 'supporting' my new hard-on with one hand, while examining with the other. She examined my balls too, looking for something medical, I'm sure. All I knew is that it felt soooooo good!

I laid there on my back with my eyes closed for what seemed like forever. I didn't dare look at Dr. C., for I couldn't stop imagining what she looked like naked. Finally, I opened one eye, and looked down. She was grinning!

It took what seemed like an hour for me to say, "Finding anything yet?"

Dr. C. replied, "Well, I don't see an issue with you getting an erection. You sprang up almost immediately. You didn't lie to me, did you?" as she continued to massage my **** and balls like they've never been massaged before.

"NO! NO! I didn't lie! I'm serious - I can't - Ummm... do this normally."

"Well, maybe your lady friend, or lady friends need to practice their technique." she said coyly.



I was about to explode. Literally. I let out the largest groan. Ever.

"Oh my!" Dr. C. said with a professional, yet sexy grin. There was *** everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE!

Dr. C. continued to massage my ****, and slowly winded down the best freakin' hand job I EVER received. "Well, we're going to have to clean this up!" she said.

"However you feel is best." I replied.

Dr. C. looked at me, and I could see some conflict in her eyes. She sooo wanted to lick up my ***, but she resisted.

"Ummmm... Doc?" I was taking my one and only shot. "This is a bit embarrassing and uncomfortable... but..."

"Yes?" she said, still slowly, ever so slowly, massaging my ****.

"That was the best... Ummmm.... I don't know what to call it... Ever."

"Call it whatever you'd like."

"OK - Hand job." I said it. Wow!

Dr. C. giggled. "Yes. I guess you could call it that..." and she went on into a very medical explanation of what she 'really' did.

I saw an open door, and went for it. I reached with my left hand for her arm. No resistance.

I reached up for her shoulder. My spent **** was getting hard again... and Dr. C's massage began to speed up.

"You know, if you can do what you just did a second time, I'd say that you're cured." she commented with a wink.

"I'll need some help... actually, a lot of help."

"How much help?"

That was it. I was going to go for broke. I tugged at her white doctor's robe. Her shoulder moved to allow it to fall. Oh ****!

Her blouse was exposed, for somehow, the couple of buttons on her white robe were unfastened. I reached for the tiny buttons, and undid them... revealing a simple white bra. It was very simple an plain, but did it ever look sexy on Dr. C.!

Her massage was full speed, and I looked for the hook. It was in the back, and I reached between her blouse and her soft sexy skin, gently tickling her as I reached around...

Her bra unhooked, and I retrieved my hand. I lifted her bra, and exposed the perkiest B cup ******* I'd ever seen!

My **** grew another half inch as she leaned over and swallowed my ****! I wasn't going to last.

Dr. C. let me *** in her mouth, and she swallowed every last drop, while also cleaning up what was left of the first load on my belly, all while I was pinching the tiniest hardest nipples on her perky ****.

"I think you're medically fine." she said, and she finished cleaning me up.

"And what about physically?"

"Delicious!" she said, as she used her finger to clean a small trail of *** off of her cheek.

"May I return the favor?" I asked.

"What?" she replied.

Well, I have been told that I'm a darn good ***** licker..." I was going for broke.

She blushed, and explained to me that what she did was strictly for medical science, and that it wasn't sexual. I humbly disagreed with her, and she further explained that while I felt it was sexual, that her professional intention was to allow me, the patient, to reclaim my sexual drive.


To this day, I still fantasize about her *****. Is it hairy? Is it trimmed up nice and neat... or is it bald as a baby's behind? Does she have a tiny **** to match her tiny nipples? M-m-m-m-m-m-m... I get hard every time I think about it.

I scheduled several more appointments with her, and each time, she took my advances... errr.... issues of my male inadequacy as a compliment. Eventually, my insurance plan changed AGAIN, and I was forced to pick another doctor.

There will NEVER be another Doctor like Dr. C. Ever.

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Joined: Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:15 am

Re: Story request

Unread post by redskins228 » Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:57 pm

:!: she just told me a patient yesterday was been very inpatient and all he wanted was just re-fill his viagra prescription...that completely got my imagination going...

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