Ellen's Secret Life

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Ellen's Secret Life

Unread post by sirenseeker » Sat Nov 20, 2010 3:33 am

A true story

Ellen’s family was delightful, her father especially sharing Ellen’s Irish charm with the same twinkle in his eye that first attracted me to her. We had flown back East for a reunion of sorts at the Catholic school she attended as a young girl. She had managed to find a skirt which more or less matched the uniform she wore as a student – which of course had the sexually suggestive effect that a Catholic schoolgirl outfit has when worn by a full grown woman. None of this was lost on my adventurous girlfriend and while several alums attempted the same look at the gathering, none did justice to the outfit as Ellen did. Her breasts nicely filled the white uniform blouse and the skirt, while not inappropriately short, was short enough to attract the attention of every man there. But of course that was rather the point. To know Ellen is to love her, or at least to lust for her.

We left the gathering and wandered the halls for a bit. In the cloakroom of her third grade classroom, I pulled her to me and we shared a passionate kiss. My hand caressed her amazing, toned ass for a few moments before she looked at me in bemused shock.

“How dare you! You’re such a bad boy! Nice Catholic schoolgirls don’t allow boys to touch their booty. Stop it, this instant!” Ellen was giggling as she spoke. As always, there was the faintest touch of innocence in her otherwise brazen manner. And, as always, I found the combination irresistible.

“Don’t you know I’m not a nice Catholic schoolboy?” I replied. “And you, my fine lass, are a schoolgirl gone bad.”

Ellen giggled again. “Ooooh, don’t tell anyone. They’d be so ashamed of me!” She was right. They would be. I sometimes wondered if her family and friends really knew her at all. Her façade of respectability and innocence had been so carefully crafted and maintained over the years that I wondered if anyone really knew what she was about. I did. Or I flattered myself that I thought that I did.

Ellen had been separated from her rather docile, traditional husband for about six months when we met. I knew him slightly and he seemed a very decent chap, if a bit buttoned down. Lee was a more than acceptable choice for Ellen – the eldest son of a large Irish Catholic family. He had made a nice home for her and they had a son within a year after their marriage. Ellen was a perfect choice for him – pretty, sweet, Catholic, and virginal. Of course on the last point Lee was quite delusional. Ellen had had a string of one night stands ever since high school, through college, and continuing through her two years on her own before they married. If you believe her, and I did, these trysts were not all that frequent but they told volumes about who she was as a sexual being. Ellen had dated several men but had not yielded to any of them. She could say truthfully to them and to her friends and family that she was not going to have sex with her boyfriends until and if she married one of them.

And she didn’t. But every so often she would simply break out of the ‘barn’ and find a willing male, of which there was never any shortage, and enjoy the pleasures of a clandestine one night stand. I do believe that she honestly felt some measure of guilt for giving in to her desires but she was scrupulous about anonymity and refused to ‘date’ any of her lovers. There was never a second meeting apparently. And never, ever did she bring them to her place. She had roommates and roommates talk.

And this pattern continued off and on throughout her marriage. Naturally Lee found out about one of her indiscretions and after a tearful, if partial confession, and some counseling, they went on about their lives. I suppose in Ellen’s mind she had not really cheated, as in no way were her escapades anything in the way of an affair. They were one-off couplings and she rationalized them as such. It was her nature and though these episodes were not that frequent during her marriage, they were part of a pattern of deceit that she could not, or would not control.

Lee could not handle the second, or was it the third, of her indiscretions that he found out about. He filed for divorce and though Ellen pleaded with him not to go through with it, she acquiesced when it became clear that he would not divulge the real reason for ending the marriage. Her family was of course distraught. Divorce was all but unthinkable in their culture but in time they accepted the inevitable and were supportive.

I knew none of her secret life when we started dating. I couldn’t see much past my own dick and enjoyed Ellen’s company, in and out of bed for the first few months. Physically she was a marvel – toned, athletic, with natural full breasts and an ass to die for. She did not like to be alone and was demanding of my time and attention. This was generally fine by me but I found her questioning of my whereabouts on those evenings when we weren’t together to be annoying. While I was happily single I have never had a problem with being monogamous when paired with a woman I truly cared about. And I adored Ellen. What was not to like? She was smoking hot, smart, and I got along famously with her son and in time with her extended family.

It was a three-day business trip to New York that finally brought her secret life into the open. I dutifully phoned her several times during the day and always in the evening. Wednesdays, her son was with Lee. I didn’t think much of it when I phoned that evening and she didn’t answer or return my call until the next morning. When I mentioned casually that I missed talking with her the previous night she remarked that she had gone out to dinner with a girlfriend and was sorry to have missed my call. It wasn’t until a few days later that a business associate who knew Ellen remarked that he had seen her at a wine bar that evening – chatting up some guy. I thought at first that perhaps she was simply waiting at the bar for her girlfriend and some guy had struck up a conversation with her. It wasn’t like her to lie to me. Now I have always had a rather pronounced delight in sharing my women with other men. It’s my nature and I know it but frankly Ellen was not at all the type to indulge me in my particular kink. I almost brushed off the episode but in the end decided to confront her with what I had learned.

Ellen simply stared back at me with open eyes – rather a ‘deer in the headlights’ look of total surprise when I asked her about my friend having seen her at the wine bar with another man. She said nothing at all for what seemed to me to be an eternity – she simply looked at me, not for a second averting her eyes. Then she looked away and turned her back to me.

“You need to go,” she said clearly as she slowly walked away from me.

I thought that perhaps I had offended her and that the episode in the bar was completely innocent. I almost offered an apology but my gut told me her reaction was not one of anger but rather shame – and fear.

“I’m not going anywhere, Ellen. And you’re not either. We’re going to talk this out.”

She sat down on chair in her living room, her back still to me. “Just go, please,” she said in an unsteady voice. I kneeled in front of her and tried to look her in the eye, but she would not meet my gaze. It was indeed shame that I was seeing. At that moment I wanted nothing more than to comfort and bond with her.

“I love you,” I said. And I meant it. And my cock was already stiffening at the thought that she had taken another man to her bed while I was gone. I was desperate to know the truth. I knew – I mean, I was certain that if she came clean with me about what she had in fact done, that we would enter a whole new level of intimacy in our relationship. We were at the tipping point and I knew it.

She slowly raised her eyes to meet mine and they were moist with tears. “Oh, I’m so ashamed of myself. I love you too and I am so ashamed of myself!” She began to sob and I held her closely, kissing her gently as I comforted her. Ellen’s body trembled as she allowed herself to release her emotions. I was smitten – and rock hard thinking of what she had done. Was it possible that I had so completely missed the mark thinking of her as a rather standard, if beautiful middle-aged woman? Was she in fact a slut?

I didn’t pressure her to talk. I simply held her and she melted in my arms.

“I feel so bad about what I did the other night.” She looked straight at me and my look was adoring and not at all upset. Obviously relieved, she continued. “I didn’t meet my girlfriend. I went to that wine bar and met a man.” She paused and looked again at me.

“It’s okay, baby.” I stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. “Really, it’s okay.”


“Yes, really.”

“He took me back to his place and we had sex. That’s all.” She began to cry softly. “Oh god, I am so ashamed of myself.”

“You needn’t be, you know. You came clean and we’ll be fine now.”

“I want us to be so close,” she said with conviction.

“Yes, we will be – from now on. It’s just going to get better. I promise.”

“You’re not angry?” Ellen looked at me almost quizzically.

“No, not at all. I wondered what really happened between you and Lee. I think I know now.”

Ellen hesitated before answering. She took a deep breath and said, “It has happened before. I don’t know why I do what I do. I just can’t help myself sometimes.” She began to weep again. “Lee got so angry with me when he caught me cheating on him.” She wiped her eyes. “I didn’t have affairs. I wouldn’t do that. I loved Lee. I just had a few quick flings, like I did the other night. He couldn’t handle it. I don’t blame him for divorcing me. Sometimes I behave like a slut.”

Then it hit me. She was at last offering me complete candor. It was me who was flying under false colors. I was highly aroused and she didn’t know why I was so accepting of her indiscretion. It was time for me to reveal my own secret.

“Ellen, you can be a slut with me and I’ll love you all the more for it.”

She looked astonished. “What do you mean ‘you’ll love me for the more for it’? I don’t understand.”

“I mean just what I said. I want you to be completely who you are. You are a beautiful, highly sexual woman. You’re also sweet and loving. I want to be so close to you but that means you must accept and love yourself. As I do.” I was dancing around the point and it showed. I bit my lip and continued. “Look, I don’t feel threatened or angry by what you did at all. It, uhm, turns me on if you want to know the truth of it. I mean, the thought of you in bed with another man charges me. It’s sort of the way that I am.” She smiled with real affection now. “You know how attracted I am to you. We have really good sex and care about each other. That’s what really counts. It’s just that I have always found that I am compelled by a woman who is sexually adventurous – and maybe a bit sluttish.”

She was the one who was angry now. “That’s so typical of you men! You just want license to go out and fuck someone. That’s why you aren’t upset, isn’t it?” She was really steaming. “You don’t love me at all. You just want to date around and sleep with other women! That’s it, isn’t it?”

I kept my cool thankfully. I told her about the experiences I had had with my ex-wife Kiki and how I had not only allowed but also enjoyed sharing her with Jim, her lover before we married. I told Ellen how this had deepened our intimacy and bonded me closer to her.

“I thought you two divorced because she wanted children and you didn’t.”

“Yeah, that’s exactly right,” I replied. “And she wanted a suburban lifestyle that didn’t suit me at all. There was nothing aggressive about our divorce. You know that I am still on friendly terms with her.”

“Do you still sleep with her?”


Ellen was taking this all in and thankfully beginning to understand. She asked me to tell her more about the ‘arrangement’ Kiki and I had with Jim. I told her. And I told her about a similar ‘understanding’ I had fostered with another former girlfriend.

“I had no idea about any of this.” She was giggling now. “I mean, really! I didn’t know couples could do this!”

“Well, they do, sweetie. All that’s important is that they learn to share openly and honestly. There can be no secrets – at least between us.”

“You’re honest-to-god okay with what I did?”

“Well, that depends. You’ll have to tell me, you know.”

She smiled broadly and wide-eyed at me. “Take me to bed.”

And I did. We slowly undressed each other, our mouths hungry for each other. She was mine now and I was hers. I was enraptured as I undid her blouse and freed her generous breasts, imagining that her secret lover had enjoyed them as I was enjoying them now. Ellen’s body was amazing and now even more so as I reverently touched and caressed her smooth skin. Her pussy was soaked with desire and I imagined that she must have offered it up to her lover in the same aroused state only a few days before.

We embraced and kissed warmly and deeply. I kissed and stroked her firm thighs and then began to pleasure her clit with my tongue. “What was his name?” I asked in muffled tones, as I tasted her sex.

“Rick,” she moaned.

“Tell me what happened.” I was beyond aroused, as I knew that another man’s cock had only days before penetrated the soft folds of the opening that I was so lovingly tasting now.

“You mean, everything?”

“Yes – everything.”

She was lost in pleasure but with agonizing deliberateness told me what I wanted to hear.

“I missed you so much while you were gone. I was in and out of bed and so restless Wednesday. I wanted to cum so bad and needed you inside of me.” My quickening and fervent response told her she had hit the mark. “I needed someone inside of me. I didn’t want to be alone, so I got all dressed up and went out.”

“Mmmmm, you wanted to get fucked, didn’t you?”

“Yes, baby, I wanted a man inside of me.” She gasped with pleasure as her first orgasm washed over her. I felt her thighs contract with the intensity of her cum and her pussy pulsed with pleasure. I was in heaven.

After a few moments she asked, “Do you want to know more.”

“You know I do.”

“Okay, just don’t stop what you’re doing!” I said nothing but buried my head between her perfect legs and tweaked and pulled her rigid nipples with my hands.

“Rick was just some guy at the bar but he was the best looking guy there – young and really cute. He chatted me up and, well, you know, it didn’t take long and he invited me to his place.” Ellen paused for a few moments, lost in pleasure before she continued. “And I followed him to his place. And he fucked me.”

“All night?”


“How many times?”

“I don’t know – maybe three or four times. I wanted to get up and go home but he wouldn’t let me. He kept at me the whole night.”

I released my lip lock on her pussy and moved on top of her and wrapped my arms around her. “That is so hot, baby. God, that is so incredibly hot.” Ellen looked at me in wonder. We kissed with renewed intimacy and I whispered the question that had been burning in my mind. “Did you use protection?”

“The first time, we did. But he only had the one condom, so…..”

“Rick filled you with his sperm, didn’t he?” As I asked the question, I slowly slipped my hard cock inside of her.

“Yes. I’m so sorry!”

“Don’t be, sweetie. I’m not. Baby, I love you so much!”

“I love you too!” Ellen moaned with pleasure. “I missed having you inside of me.”

“Baby, I am so turned on – so hot for you!” Her pussy enveloped and warmed my cock, coating it with her sexual juices – exactly as it done with another man only days before. I was on fire for Ellen as I never had been before. I pushed her legs over my shoulders as I mounted her fully and began to thrust in earnest. “Did he make you cum, sweetie?”

“Yes - so many times!”

That sent me over the edge and I gave myself over to my own orgasm. As I pumped my load into her, Ellen came with me. Our bodies were locked in the throes of our mutual orgasm. I had never known such intense pleasure.

Completely spent, I rolled off of her and lay gasping beside her sweaty, naked body. I closed my eyes and thanked my lucky stars for having this amazing woman in my life. Ellen moved next to me and lovingly cuddled me. We dozed on and off for an hour or so and then renewed our passion in a more unhurried manner. And we talked with the true intimacy of two lovers bonded to one another. Ellen told me with complete candor about her sexual history of one-night stands. They were infrequent as she always felt shame for giving in to her lust. And she never, ever slept with the same man twice.

“So, you don’t want to see Rick again?” I asked.

“No – not at all. I don’t want a relationship with him. If you sleep with someone more than once, that means you have to have a relationship with them. I just want that with you.”

“I want that too, Ellen.”

“And you won’t sleep with other women?”

“I absolutely won’t. That’s not who I am.” I kissed her. “I am so content to be your guy.”

“I want you to be my guy!” she gushed.

“And if you want to occasionally take another man into your bed, I’m fine with that. Okay?”


“I told you that I was more than okay with that. You saw how I responded when you told me about Rick, didn’t you?”

“You really got so worked up!”

“Ellen, I’m crazy about you – even more so now that you told me about your ‘secret life’. It feels good to be yourself around me, doesn’t it?”

“It does. It really does” She sighed with total contentment. “Should I tell you when I want to, uhm, ‘stray’?”

“You have to, sweetie. Maybe we could even plan it out – together.”

“Wow, that would be so amazing.” She laughed out loud. “I mean, just totally amazing!”

“Ellen, let’s make what he have together amazing for both of us. Deal?”

She kissed me and so I had my answer. And it was amazing. We were perfect for each other – or so I thought.


Re: Ellen's Secret Life

Unread post by bubbajack » Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:28 am

A straightforward, vivid and realistic account of typical lives leading up to "the conversation."

Where is this heading? You have made me want to follow. Thanks. :cool:

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Re: Ellen's Secret Life

Unread post by sirenseeker » Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:00 am

Ellen and I had a long, exciting, deep, and occasionally turbulent relationship. I definitely plan to post more of our history on this forum over time. It was intense!

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Re: Ellen's Secret Life

Unread post by jrandmustang » Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:38 am

I'm following, sirenseeker. Bet there's a stomach-in-the-throat twist or two coming!

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Re: Ellen's Secret Life

Unread post by sirenseeker » Tue Nov 23, 2010 6:08 am

Indeed there are! I wrote a bit about Ellen in the third installment of Marking My Women. That was quite a hot encounter! And there were a number of others which I will certainly post. Thanks for reading!

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Re: Ellen's Secret Life

Unread post by ggarious » Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:26 pm

Thank YOU for sharing. I'll look for more.

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