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Hotel manhunt

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:35 pm
by Melinda
One of the hotwives ask in hotwife forum about meeting a man at hotel bar or restaurant. I tell little about my experience with that but say to her I share details so here is short story about it.

A couple months ago I wanted go on manhunt so friend recommend the hotel bar. I went to one and meet couple guys but nothing come of it. I wander next door to another hotel and there big banquet with software programmers happening.

I flirt my way in past man checking IDs. That was easy. I think if no luck in banquet maybe I can get him. Then I meet 2 geek men and there my target. They both cute but obvious not many women talk on them. One was married and the other single. I know not all computer guys geeks but these 2 just like you would see in comedy movie being stereotype of it. But like I say they both cute and in 30s which is old enough, and tall and white like I like. So I think either one that want to go play after I decide I like them would be fine.

I think them really thinking I was prostitute but that was funny and they never say it. It just feeling. After so much flirt and them now getting attention from others that they had girl with them they really get friendly on me. Very bashful but very friendly. It very obvious I was token there and them start introducing me to others like I'm their friend and maybe date. I really play role of it too and it a lot of fun. It also my ticket not get tossed out of banquet by security. :o

I am gamer so we talk about games and they invite me up to room to show me game. I think that a lame line but whole point is getting to the room with one so whatever make them feel like they picking me up is ok. So I wonder which one going to escort me. I was surprised because it was both! That was fine I could handle both and was so horny that afternoon one probably not going be enough anyway.

Guess what? We get there and they really take out computers and start showing me game and playing! I think WTF this is joke. But them really just not getting it. When they give me laptop to play I take it to bed and bend my knees up and put it on my knees. They at table at end of bed getting eyes of panties and STILL them just not getting it.

It go from just an afternoon of wanting sex to a mission I am going have sex with these 2 men no matter what. So me go from erotic flirting to just total slut throwing myself on them. It was to point of pathetic and shameful. But anyone who know me know I a determined girl that not give up easy. This experience no different.

BUT! Still nothing! They both scared out their minds. I been around nervous men few times but these 2 I just scared them going vomit or pee them pants. Them shaking and sweat on brow and pale white in fear.

Finally I just get up and stand by one and take him hand and put on my thigh. It sit there. So I move it up. Still sitting. I now just take it and pow! I put it right on my pussy. Finally I have him ready to make move.

It really worst sex experience of my life with them but funny. Just a touch of hand on them make them have orgasm. BOTH of them. I called both squirters. One touch and squirt! One of them cum so I think let me see can get him hard again quickly. So I suck and tug it and in just few seconds it hard again. But then in 10 second him say OH NO. I say are you going to cum again already? You just came few seconds ago already. Him say yes. So I think can't stop now so I jack him off and him right. In 10 more seconds him spraying cum again.

Good news is they able get hard several times and after 3 or 4 squirts each they last long enough I was able ride them and get my own orgasms. I had go back and forth to each but it was enough.

I don't know why but it was just fun and enjoyable day to do such. I do like being the man I meet fantasy girl and with these 2 men my fantasy really be big and fulfilled.

That the end of what happened. They fly back home next day and emailed me couple times. Yes when they come back to town we going to play some more computer games.

Re: Hotel manhunt

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:15 am
That's the funniest fucking story I've ever read! :lol: Thanks for sharing. You're a special kinda girl Melinda.

Re: Hotel manhunt

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:30 am
by Melinda
Capt James T Kuck wrote:That's the funniest fucking story I've ever read! :lol: Thanks for sharing. You're a special kinda girl Melinda.
Thank you Capt. It was very funny experience so I try make it comedy. But all what really happen.

All time I was posting updates live to my friends and hubbies. They loving it.

Re: Hotel manhunt

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:34 am
by Melinda
armyguyot1 wrote:Great story account. Nice to know the computer geeks have someone like you that will bring the best out of them regardless. Sounds like you brought the best out of them several times. I know a lot of women would have given up after they came the first time. Great of you. A littles slutty to and thats a compiment. Good to hear they were so horny you could get them off multiple times. Were they able to cum again while you were riding them or were they done and got you off. Either way is good just curious. Would love to hear more. You sound incredibly hot.
Thanks armyguy! They both able cum again but just empty cum of nothing much.

It funny because I did it at first to drive them wild but by end I thinking I not leaving that room without sex. It really became a mission. I think my Dom mistress side come out because I really getting on to them hehe.

Re: Hotel manhunt

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:34 am
by allengt
I guess this is typical of two geeks, they have to play computer games to learn how to put probe A into slot B or into tunnel C. :lol:

Re: Hotel manhunt

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:21 am
by Melinda
They catch on quick. I just tell them RAM me with your hard drive baby!

Re: Hotel manhunt

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 6:44 am
by our_mmann
Hot story