Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

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Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by Cuckoo » Sun Oct 07, 2007 3:34 am

Greetings to all. A little about myself, if you don't mind.

I've had the hotwife fantasy rolling around in my head for several years now, but here lately it's started leading to some very intense fantasies, and fueling some pretty enjoyable sex romps with my wife. Now, she doesn't know I have this fantasy, and I don't think she's the kind who would take kindly to it either. She's a giving and generous lover, and may be the only woman in the world with a drive to match my own (don't we all say that), and she actually indulges some of my kinks, but she is also extremely old fashioned. Well, she may suspect I have this fantasy, as we've roleplayed cheating wife scenarios a couple of times (sometimes I'm the poolman, that sort of thing), but they were very clearly NOT hotwife scenarios, wherein the husband was a willing partner. I don't know if it would turn her crank or not, but I'm afraid to know how she would react to this, what she might well view as an abonimation to the sanctity of marriage (yes she's religious).

Aaanyway, I've been having lots and lots of fantasies about this lately and they tend to get me off early and often, which I enjoy. I'm happy to let this fantasy remain as just that, a fantasy, but a side effect has been me sitting down and (badly) writing out some of the more elaborate ones. Usually I delete them, as I don't feel I'm a very good writer and after I've gotten off the stories have sort of served their purpose anyway. But I started thinking the other day about how, if this were to play out in my life, I'd ~want~ it to play out. How the people would act and feel about it. So I started writing down the most detailed fantasy I've ever had. And, it seems to have grown into a story of some sort. The people are made up, though the point of view is definitely my own. It's not yet finished, though I'm mostly done with it.

So, I was wondering about the source of my fantasies along these lines the other day and googled "cuckold psychology" and link following eventually led me to this site, one of those rare places where people who know what they're talking about engage in reasoned discussion. And I thought if anyone might enjoy the story that was slowly growing in my 'My Documents', maybe it would be these folks. So anyway here is the first part of it. If anyone is interested in reading more, I'll post more. Also, I apologize in advance for the fact I know little about actual writing.

Jessica turned her head towards me as we laid side by side in our post coital haze, "So Richard needs a place to stay while he's working here?" I yawned, "Yeah. He's going to need a place for three or four weeks. He told me last time I talked to him that he gets a 400 dollar a week allowance for it. I was joking when I said we'd let him stay for half that. He said that would be great. I told him I'd never charge a friend for a place to stay, but he said he'd rather us get it than some hotel. I was just kidding though." She looked back at the ceiling, "You haven't invited him to stay here?" I shook my head, "Nah. I didn't figure you'd want a guy hanging out here in our way for a whole month, even if he is an old friend of ours. I think he gets here a couple of days before your twenty ninth birthday. I insisted he celebrate it with us."
She was silent for a moment, then stunned me with the most unexpected question she had ever asked, "Do you still fantasize about me with another man?" Now it was my turn to be silent as I considered her motivations for such a question. It was a fantasy that had turned my crank in past years, but as I'd settled down sexually it had slipped my mind and I hadn't used the image of another man pleasuring my wife for orgasm fuel in some time. I shrugged my shoulders, "Hasn't been on my mind in a while. Why ask?" She sighed. Our relationship was a little unusual in that I was the one who usually had to tease her feelings out of her. I shook her gently, "Come on. If you can't tell me who can you tell?" I looked at the ceiling, "Would this have anything to do with your twenty ninth birthday?" She sighed again, "You're good. Yeah, big three zero is staring me in the face here lately and", she paused, "Well. I don't know. You know I don't think there's anybody that could replace you. In any way." I nodded. She went on, "But I just. Sometimes I get real curious. My friends all said I shouldn't have married as young as I did. I really did think I had sowed my oats, as you men would say. But as time goes on I..." She paused for a second, "I wonder what I missed. There I said it. Please don't hate me." I chuckled, "I couldn't hate you for feeling what any normal human would. We did marry a bit on the young side. I guess I had just sowed my oats pretty well by the time we got together." She giggled, "Yeah, you did have a kind of reputation around the campus. That was part of your appeal, if I do say so myself. Taming the wanderer." She rubbed a hand across my chest as I replied. "Well you did a pretty good job of taming me." We were silent for a moment before I went on, "But you weren't quite tamed were you?" She shrugged her shoulders, "Guess not. I've been having fantasies a lot here lately around seducing a man. Making him want me so bad he can't think straight, making him want me more than anything in the world." I put an arm around her head and rested it on her shoulder, "Well I want you more than anything in the world." This elicited another sigh, "I hope you believe me when I say how thankful I am for that." I stroked the brown curls of her hair lightly, "Don't worry. If there's anyone in the world who would know what it's like to want to be desired, it's a man." She sighed again, "You know I want you, don't you?" I laughed, "I see proof every day that ends with us together in this bed."
There was another silence as our minds, a little tired from the day's events, processed what we were feeling. I cleared my throat, "That's why you asked about Richard staying here, wasn't it?" She sighed again, "Yes." Another silence passed, I could sense her desire to flee and hide herself from me. I gripped her a little tighter, "Richard's in your fantasies isn't he?" She paused before answering, "Yes." Her voice quivered. My voice took an urgent tone, "It's okay. Trust me, men know what it's like to fill an encylopedia with sexual situations we know are unobtainable. Hell I've shared plenty of mine with you. I've always suspected you had some. It seems natural and human to do so. I just never asked in case you wanted to keep those things private. In truth, I'm a little relieved. If anything you seem a little more normal to me now." She shook her head, "Normal for wanting to have sex with one of our best friends?" I laughed, "Yes. Jessica, you know I know the relationship you shared with him before we met." I remembered back to watching them walking across the campus the first day I saw her, and remembered how badly I had wanted her that first day as well.
Her index finger lazily traced a circle in the hairs on my chest, "Richard and I were never intimate." This surprised me, "You mean you had known him for, what, just over two years and you two never had sex?" She sighed. "I felt so complicated about Richard. Before he and I got serious, I was still casually dating other guys, and having sex with some of them. But Richard was...", she paused, "he was going to be my husband." This surprised me, "I didn't know the two of you were quite that serious. If I had known that, I definitely wouldn't have gone after you like I did." She stretched a leg over one of mine. "Being a young woman is weird. I wanted to be something like, clean for him. I'd been brought up with all that crap about being chaste and pure, so I could get a good man. That's why I kept Richard at arm's length physically. After dating other men for a few years, it was kind of unusual that he really respected that. I was used to guys pushing to get my pants off but he seemed happy with however I wanted to play things as long as I was close to him. Then you came along." We laughed. I closed my eyes, "What was it that let me get in there then? How come I wasn't just another one of those guys pushing your pants off?" "Being with you was just so...", she paused to search for a word. "Uncomplicated." I laughed, "That's my big recommendation? Simplicity?" She brought herself up slightly, "Yes, actually. You didn't seem to have built any kind of expectations around me or act like I had to be a certain thing for you, chaste or otherwise. Richard was understanding like I said, but he was putting these things on me, saying stuff like when you're my wife you'll be this and that. And when you started talking to me, even just being friendly, he would get kind of upset with me. I mean, I didn't go lusting after you right away, I just thought you were charming. But Richard assumed right from the start I was going to leave him for you. In retrospect I guess he was right, but his reaction sort of drove me towards you. And you were just, there no matter what. Then when I let down my pure and chaste image, your attitude towards me didn't change like a lot of guys' had. I guess I'd say that loving you was just easy to do." I chuckled, "I'll assume that's a compliment." She replied, "It is, and it's something I could never give up." We fell into silence again but my mind continued to churn.
Finally I figured it out, "And Richard's the one that got away?" "I guess that's part of it. I went back to my place so many nights wondering what he'd be like. We didn't get physical, but we did kiss and pet. And he was a good kisser." She yawned. I was putting it together now, "So I'm guessing he's a safe one to let into your fantasies. You know he liked you. You couldn't get close to a stranger like that." She nodded her head. I went on. "I remember him being upset when you broke up, but he did turn out to be a really nice guy after he saw we were happy after all. That's unusual and really decent of him. That and our years of friendship has redeemed him in your eyes." She chuckled, "Wow. You're good at this." I was silent for a moment, the final piece fell into place, "And now you're fixing to turn thirty and you want to feel like a sexy twenty year old again, and Richard's a nice guy who you know would want you, and that you wanted too. It seems pretty straightforward to me." She sighed and turned her head, "Guilty as charged." I laughed, "I told you you can drop the guilt thing." More silence filled the room, until it was an almost tangible presence in the air. I sensed she was waiting on me. I had to admit to myself that the image of her taking pleasure from me had always been one of the most erotic things I had ever seen. That, coupled with a tinge of the taboo of voyeurism, watching her with another man, had probably fueled many of my masturbation sessions thinking about her riding various handsome men as I watched. Sometimes from hiding, sometimes openly. Most importantly, I wanted her to be happy, and this seemed to be important to her. I cleared my throat, "Tell you what. Let me see if Richard has a place yet." Her mood lifted, and she raised her head from next to mine, "Really? You'd really do that for me?" I looked up at her soft features in the dim light, "I'd do whatever it takes to make you happy." Her lips met with mine and we shared a slow and passionate kiss.
I wrapped an arm around her, "I appreciate your honesty." I turned my head to kiss her. We shared another brief kiss. I looked into her eyes, and saw a kind of lust I'd never seen before. It aroused me, knowing that part of it did not burn for me. I rolled myself over on top of her. Her legs slowly parted to let my own legs settle between them. I kissed her again, my hardness was growing, making itself known, inching its way between her folds. She began to breathe heavily. I slowly eased my way into her. The passage was smooth and effortless, as she was still wet from our earlier coupling. I closed my eyes and imagined it was another man's come inside her, easing my entry. I looked into her eyes again, "I think honesty should be rewarded." She moaned. "I think a good girl like yourself has earned having her questions answered." She moaned again, this time more loudly. I began to thrust myself in and out of her. "You never did answer me, do you want to fuck Richard?" Her hands grasped my waist. She moaned again but otherwise made no reply. I made a powerful thrust and left myself buried in her. She gasped. "I said answer me. I want to hear if from you." She could contain herself no longer, "Yes yes yes baby. I want to fuck Richard." Hearing this sent me over the edge, and I began to push madly into her again and again. The naked and honest truth that burned at the center of our union overpowered even my own inhibitions, as I too confessed, "I want you to fuck Richard baby. I want him to come in your pussy baby. Oh god..oh god." And I was lost, a mindless creature pumping my climax into her.

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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by 1luckyone » Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:09 am

Great post ...that is how we started ...only it was Her 27th birthday. I had given her everything that I thought she might ever want ...except another man...we were married at 23 and I knew she was a hot fuck and had enjoyed others before me. She had a little rep around campus so I knew she loved sex. She was soooo thankful when we agreeded she could fuck others...she would work sooooo hard to make it up to me after a great fuck by her lover....She so much loves climbing on top to lower that freshly fucked pussy down on to me for me to drives her wild....Thankfully today at 61 she still does...........

I am


Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by hattersfan » Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:19 am

What a great tale; well told, well written and well observed. More please and soon!

(Any chance of Richard becoming Jessica's 'primary' sex partner with her husband being denied all penetrative sex whilst her lover is staying?)

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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by Les » Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:35 am

Great story Cuckoo, please continue.

Love it when the wife finally admits that SHE wants to fuck another man!

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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by Cuckoo » Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:12 am

Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm still working on it, I decided to finish it up before I post anything more. Trouble is I can only write and surf certain sites when the wife's not watching me.

1luckyone: that's actually a very sweet story. I have to respect a couple who can keep it together after all those years. And the vanilla types complain that so many 'normal' marriages are falling apart these days. I think if more adults had the freedom to forge the kinds of relationships that work for them without the scorn of society and without a meddling government coming down on them for it, there'd be a lot more happy people in comfortable long term relationships.

hattersfan: Don't worry, it will get considerably more cuckish before it gets any less cuckish.

Les : Yes it is hot, but I doubt it's a common occurrence outside a vanishingly small percentage of women. I think women's mental wiring really does tend towards exclusivity, but I think monogamous devotion to another person can be hot too if the people are really in sync. At any rate, Vive Le Difference!

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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by Wanting1 » Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:18 am

I'm looking forward to more also! Great so far....
I love my wife, and if she wants, you can too!

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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by sam6221941 » Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:30 pm

Great work. Can't wait until the next installment.


Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by Nedcuck » Fri Oct 19, 2007 8:58 pm

Thanks for posting! I smiled a few times reading your story, for it was so extremely well written and realistic. Please keep on writing.

And, of course, hopefully one day it will become reality. But for that to happen, she needs to know... It's a wonderful story, you should consider giving it to your wife and see how she responds.

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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sat Oct 20, 2007 10:23 am

Nice story, well told.

Parallels my experience too...

Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by Cuckoo » Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:20 pm

Thanks for the kind words guys. I'm still plugging along on it. I keep finding little inconsistencies of character as I write more and go back and read what I wrote early on, so it remains in flux to a point. Also, little things crop up, such as how could the husband have NOT known Jessica was engaged when he met her. However, I'm pretty happy with how the first few chapters have shaped up now. So I'll just post up to the point where I remain happy with it. Partly because the mere act of posting it gets me hot.

Anyway, here is Jessica's Big Three O
1. Jessica's Confession

Her change in mood was so slow and gradual that I had barely noticed it. The bright outgoing woman had slowly morphed into a quiet reserved shadow of her former self. For years we went out looking for adventure almost every weekend, even if it was only to drive down streets we'd never seen before. But eventually It came to be that she just wanted to stay at home and take up her time doing chores or sit on the couch and watch television. I hadn't made any effort to fight it, as long as I thought she remained happy. For a while she was happy and I assumed I was just watching a change in her personality. She seemed comfortable, but finally her mood came to match her diminished zeal for living. I had tried to coax the reason for this change out of her, but these attempts only seemed to result in her putting an even greater quiet distance between us. One night a few months before her twenty ninth birthday, however, she decided to finally let me in on the genesis of her darkened state.
Jessica turned her head towards me as we laid side by side in a post coital haze, the likes of which we had been enjoying less and less often. "So Richard needs a place to stay while he's working in town?" I yawned, "Yeah. He's going to need a place for three or four weeks. He told me last time I talked to him that he gets a 400 dollar a week allowance for it. I was joking when I said we'd let him stay for half that. He said that would be great. I told him I'd never charge a friend for a place to stay, but he said he'd rather us get it than some hotel. I was just kidding though." She looked back at the ceiling, "You haven't invited him to stay here?" I shook my head, "Nah. I didn't figure you'd want a guy hanging out here in our way for a whole month, even if he is an old friend of ours. I think he gets here on the Sunday a couple of days before your birthday though. I insisted he celebrate it with us, he said he'd be happy to."
She was silent for a moment, then stunned me with the most unexpected question she had ever asked, "Do you still fantasize about me with another man?" Now it was my turn to be silent as I considered her motivations for such a question. It was a fantasy that had excited me in past years. I had shared the thought of it with her but had made it clear there was no need to make the fantasy a reality. As I slowed down sexually it had slipped from my mind and I hadn't used the image of another man pleasuring my wife as fuel for an orgasm in some time. I shrugged my shoulders, "Hasn't been on my mind in a while. Why ask?" She only sighed in response.
Our relationship was a little unusual in that the male was the one who usually had to tease the feelings out of his female partner. I shook her gently, "Come on. If you can't tell me who can you tell?" I looked at the ceiling, "Would this have anything to do with your twenty ninth birthday?" She sighed again, "You're good. Yeah, big three zero is staring me in the face here lately and", she paused, "Well. I don't know. You know I don't think there's anybody that could replace you. In any way." I nodded. She went on, "But I just. Sometimes I get real curious. My friends all said I shouldn't have married as young as I did. I really did think I had sowed my oats, as you men would say. But as time goes on I..." She paused for a second, "I wonder what I missed. There I said it. Please don't hate me." I chuckled, "I couldn't hate you for feeling what any normal human would. We did marry a tad on the young side. I guess I had just sowed my oats pretty well by the time we got together." She giggled, "Yeah, you did have a kind of reputation around the campus. That was part of your appeal, if I do say so myself. Taming the wanderer." She rubbed a hand across my chest. I sighed contentedly. "Well you did a pretty good job of taming me." We were silent for a moment before I went on, "But you weren't quite tamed were you?" She shrugged her shoulders, "Guess not. I've been having fantasies a lot here lately around seducing a man. Making him want me so bad he can't think straight, making him want me more than anything in the world." I put an arm around her head and rested a hand on her shoulder, "Well I want you more than anything in the world." This elicited another sigh from her, "I hope you believe me when I say that I know that, and that you can believe me when I say how thankful I am for that." I stroked the brown curls of her hair lightly, "Don't worry. A lot of what makes us men tick revolves around being wanted sexually, it's a basic part of our primal self. So if there's anybody in the world who would understand what you've just said, it's a man. And of course you know I'm a man." She sighed again, "You know I want you, don't you?" I laughed, "I see proof every day that ends with us together in this bed."
There was another silence as our minds, both treading unfamiliar ground, processed what we were feeling. Our love life had certainly slowed in recent months, with neither of us making much time for it. I thought it had been as much my fault as hers. I cleared my throat, "That's why you asked about Richard staying here, wasn't it?" She sighed again, "Yes." Another silence passed, I could sense her desire to flee and hide herself from me. I gripped her a little tighter, "Richard's in your fantasies isn't he?" She paused before answering, "Yes." Her voice quivered. My voice took an urgent tone, "It's okay. Trust me, men know what it's like to fill an encylopedia with sexual situations we know are unobtainable. Hell I've shared plenty of mine with you. I've always suspected you had some. It seems natural that a young woman would. I just never asked in case you wanted to keep those kinds of things private, I know you've always been shy and reserved about those kinds of things. In truth, I'm a little relieved. If anything you seem a little more normal now." She shook her head, "Normal for wanting to have sex with one of our best friends?" I laughed, "Yes. Jessica, you know I know the relationship you shared with him before we met."
I closed my eyes and remembered watching them walking arm in arm across the campus the first day I saw her, and I could still remember how much I had wanted her upon my first sight of her. I remembered feeling bad that day about being recently broken up, which must have been what gave me a brief but deep sting of regret that a woman as beautiful as Jessica was going to be in my life for only the length of time it took to watch her walk by. I chuckled to myself when I remembered acting purely on impulse on the spot, crashing into her and then apologizing profusely for my clumsiness when her books fell to the ground. Richard and I both stooped to pick them up, and I made mental notes of the textbooks. This allowed me to look at the various professor's book requirements and figure out which classes she was in which made it much easier to accidently meet her whenever a class she was in was lettting out. Of course I always claimed to have a class nearby, claiming it to be merely a delightful coincidence rather than a carefully engineered rendezvous. But while I had wanted her deeply, I considered our conversation the closest I would ever get out of respect for her relationship with her fiancee at the time and made no advances until learning of her seperation from him.
Her index finger lazily traced a circle in the hairs on my chest, "Richard and I were never intimate." She had never shared any intimate details of her relationship with Richard and I had never pressed for them, so this surprised me. "You mean you had known him for, what, just over two years and you two never had sex? I knew the two of you were making marriage plans, but that kind of shocks me." She sighed. "I felt so complicated about Richard. Before he and I got serious, I was still casually dating other guys, and I was having sex with some of them. She stretched a leg over one of mine. "Being a young woman is weird. I wanted to be something like, squeaky clean, new, to him. I'd been brought up with all that crap about being chaste and pure, so I could get a good man. That's why I kept Richard at arm's length physically. After dating other men for a few years, it was kind of unusual that he really respected that. I was used to guys pushing to get my pants off but he seemed happy with however I wanted to guide things as long as I was close to him. Then you came along." We laughed.
I closed my eyes, "What was it that let me get in there then? How come I wasn't just another one of those guys yanking your pants off?" "Being with you was just so...", she paused to search for a word. "Uncomplicated." I laughed, "That's my big recommendation? Simplicity?" She brought herself up slightly, "Yes, actually. You didn't have expectations any of me or act like I had to be a certain thing for you, chaste or otherwise. Richard was respectful like I said, but he was putting a lot of things on me, saying stuff like when you're my wife you'll be this and that and put forth a certain kind of image. But then when you started talking to me, even just being friendly, he would get upset with me. I mean, I didn't go lusting after you right away. I thought you were charming of course, and you were so well read that it was always an interesting time when we talked.
But Richard assumed right from the start I was going to leave him for you. He was trying to tell me to never speak to you again, and he wanted to go everywhere I went just in case I ran into you. In retrospect I guess he was right, I did wind up leaving him. But his actions really drove me towards you. And you were just, there for me no matter what. Then when I dropped my pure and chaste crap, your attitude towards me didn't change like a lot of guys' had. A lot of guys grew cold and moved on when they'd gotten what they wanted. I guess I'd say that loving you was just easy to do." I chuckled, "I'll assume that's a compliment." She replied, "It is, and it's something I could never give up. And it's stayed that way. The way you've always accepted me was the thing that gave me the courage to speak up tonight about, things." We fell into silence again but my mind continued to churn.
Finally I figured it out, "And Richard's the one that got away?" She stirred, "I guess that's part of it. I went back to my place so many nights wondering what he'd be like. We didn't get physical, but we did kiss and pet, a lot. And he was a good kisser." She yawned. I was putting it together now, "So I'm guessing he's a safe one to let into your fantasies. You know he liked you. You couldn't get close to a stranger like you could with Richard." She nodded her head. I went on. "I remember him being upset when you broke up, but he did turn out to be a really nice guy when he saw we were happy after all. That's unusual and really decent of him. That and our years of friendship has redeemed him in your eyes I guess." She chuckled, "Wow. You're good at this." I was silent for a moment, the final piece fell into place, "And now you're fixing to turn thirty and you want to feel like a sexy twenty year old again, and Richard's a nice guy who you know would probably want you, and that you wanted as well. It seems pretty straightforward to me." She sighed and turned her head away, "Guilty as charged." I laughed, "I told you you can drop the guilt thing." More silence filled the room, until it was an almost tangible presence in the air. I sensed she was waiting on me for an answer. To either have something solid she could hang her expectations on or to know that Richard would remain a wispy fantasy hushed to herself in private moments.
I had to admit to myself that the image of her taking pleasure from me had always been one the most erotic thing I had ever seen. Which coupled with the taboo of voyeurism, watching two others in the act, had probably fuelled much masturbation thinking about her riding various handsome men as I watched. Sometimes from hiding, sometimes openly. But most importantly, above all else, I merely wanted her to be happy. And this seemed to be important to her. I cleared my throat, "Tell you what. Let me see if Richard has a place yet." Her mood lifted, and she raised her head from next to mine, "Really? You'd really do that for me?" I looked up at her soft features in the dim light, "I'd do whatever it takes to make you happy." Her lips met with mine and we shared a slow and passionate kiss.
I wrapped an arm around her, "I really appreciate your honesty tonight." We shared another brief kiss. I looked into her eyes and saw a kind of lust I had never seen before. I didn't know if it was because she had kept it hidden or because I had simply never known to look for it. This aroused me, knowing that a part of her burned for someone else. That there was a part of her I could not get to. I rolled myself on top of her. Her legs slowly parted to let my own legs settle between them. I kissed her again. My hardness was growing, making itself known, forcing its way between her folds. She began to breathe heavily. I slowly eased my way into her. The passage was smooth and effortless, as she was still wet from our earlier coupling. I closed my eyes and imagined that instead of my own, it was another man's come inside her, easing my entry. I looked into her eyes again, "I think honesty should be rewarded." She moaned. "I think a good wife like yourself has earned having her questions answered." She moaned again, this time more loudly. I began to thrust myself slowly in and out of her. "You never did answer me earlier. Do you want to fuck Richard?" Her hands grasped my waist. Sho moaned again but otherwise made no reply. I made a powerful thrust and left myself buried in her. She gasped. I leaned in so that I could whisper in her ear. "I want to hear if from you." She could contain herself no longer and began screaming, "Yes yes yes baby. I want to fuck Richard." Hearing these words, born in an unbridled lust that ignored all of the bounds society had worked so hard to put on it, sent me over the edge and I began to push madly into her again and again. The naked and honest truth that burned at the center of our union overpowered even my own inhibitions and I was compelled to loudly make my own confession. "I want you to fuck Richard baby. I want him to come in your pussy baby. Oh god..oh god." And then I was lost, a mindless creature pumping my climax into her.
We had settled into a spooning position, headed for sleep again. But I was curious to know more of the logistics of our plan. "We'll tell him, won't we?" She didn't answer. I raised my head. "It's the right thing to do, to be honest with him like we've been with each other." She shrugged her shoulders. "I want him to want me, outside of everything else. I don't want him to want me because he's allowed to. Does that make any sense at all?" I knew what she meant, and I could understand why she felt that way even if I disagreed. So I decided to let it go. I draped an arm across her waist, "Okay."

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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by Cuckoo » Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:24 pm

It looks like the posting process is destroying my paragraph breaks. Sorry if it's hard to read as a result.

2. Welcome to our Home

His flight arrived in the middle of Sunday morning. Jessica was a bundle of nervous excitement as I prepared to meet him at the airport.
Richard flashed a grin as he exited the ramp and saw me standing across the boarding area. The characteristically moppy black hair I had associated with him for years had been cropped into a neater looking arrangement, but otherwise he was still the same tall well built heartbreaker with piercing blue eyes he had always been. I sized him up, and felt a sudden twinge of arousal at the mental image of him propped on his hands above my wife's naked body. He strode past the rows of seats and stretched out a hand. We shook them and exchanged quick pats on the back. He smiled, "You didn't have to meet me here. I could have just taken the rental car to your place you know. I shrugged, "Jessica and I both wanted me to greet you as soon as you got off of the plane, we wanted the first face you see in our town to be a familiar one. But she was taking a while getting ready, you know how women are. At least your flight was on time," I stuck out a hand in an offer to take some of his luggage. He handed me his briefcase. "Security was a bitch back at Boston, but other than that it's been smooth sailing." I nodded, "You look good, new job treating you well?" He chuckled, "I've had to clean up my image to get the best assignments with the new company but yeah, I've enjoyed it so far."
We engaged in small talk as we made our way to the rental car desk. As we strolled towards the garage, he cleared his throat and took on a serious tone, "You two didn't have to offer up your place as my temporary home you know. If you think I'll get in the way any at all, I'm happy to find a hotel. Heck, I'll be working so much I'll barely see wherever I stay anyway." I laughed, "Oh no. We wouldn't want a friend of ours staying in some hotel." His voice still betrayed concern, "Jessica is cool with this?" I laughed again, "It was her idea. She brought it up before I called you last time." Richard chuckled lightly, "That's a relief, I didn't want to be imposing on either of you." I waved a hand, "No more of this imposition nonsense. You're staying with us."
I yelled down the hallway, "Honey, we're home!" Jessica came bounding down the hall. She had still been in her robe when I left, and I gasped when I saw the clothing she had chosen to wear for the day. The shortest pair of shorts she owned displayed every last inch of her long and luscious legs. A tight fitting red sleeveless top showed off her breasts, aided by a lacy brack bra the presence of which was obvious based on hints of the material showing here and there from under the shirt, as well as from the dark straps that wandered across her shoulders. The shirt was short enough to show a small amount of midriff as she moved about. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail that bounced playfully as she skipped toward us. I was unable to remember the last time she had dressed to show off the sweeping curves of her figure, and it pleased me to see her do so again. She rushed up and gave me a hug. I whispered into her ear, "You look really hot." She was smiling as she pulled away and turned to give Richard a hug. As she turned away I noticed that the hem of her shorts was high enough to show the tiniest hint of her ass, the point where leg transitioned from thigh to cheek was unmistakable. My dick twitched, ever so slightly, as she slid into Richard's arms. They held each other for a couple of seconds, just long enough for the hug to become an embrace.
Jessica returned to my side. Richard looked her up and down, trying to maintain his composure, "You look." His voice trailed off, and I could tell he was trying hard not to be completely honest. His voice sounded strained as he carefully avoided giving his true opinion, "Great. Really great." I laughed, "She's been excited since I told her you were staying. Says you two have a lot to catch up on." There was just a moment of silence as Jessica ran her arm around mine and rested her head on my shoulder. I broke the silence, "Who wants lunch?" Nods of agreement went around. Jessica spoke up. "Why don't I show Richard to his room, then we'll head out for lunch?" I nodded, "Fine. I've got to excuse myself for a moment, nature calls." I was being honest, but found it difficult to take care of duties in the restroom with my dick trying to stiffen at the thought of Jessica and Richard alone in our guest room. In a few short minutes I finally managed to finish and stood at the sink washing my hands as she entered and walked up to the mirror, checking her makeup. "He's going to freshen up a bit before we head out." My voice was deep and serious, but hushed. "What did you two do in there?" She giggled, "Nothing you silly. I sat on the bed while he hung some shirts in the closet and sat out his stuff. We chatted a bit about how much he likes his new job, just recent history." She turned to face me and spoke with mock disdain in her voice. "Men." I returned her glowing smile.
We enjoyed lunch on the patio at a new and trendy spot. I couldn't help but notice that Jessica got a large number of furtive glances from a lot of men. I found I could barely keep my hands off of her myself, and relished in sneaking touches of all the places I knew their eyes were trying to explore when they thought noone would notice. Richard was least of all immune to his male eyes' need to investigate her form, and I found him sneaking numerous glances of her when he thought I wasn't looking. She relished all of the attention and had regained some of her old more outgoing self. It was a relief to see her stride around with the confidence I had once admired in her. We decided to show Richard a few area sights that afternoon. A popular park followed by a drive up to a scenic overlook on a nearby mountain seemed like a good plan. We were all laid back and relaxed, enjoying the late spring weather. As the day wore on, I noticed Jessica touching Richard in more and more small ways. She began to lean in to touch his arm when she told him something. Lightly, casually, but often. He would often reply with something boorish, something which could easily have a prurient meaning, which would result in her playfully punching his upper arm after which Richard usually feigned an expression of mock pain.
While at the overlook, I had to excuse myself to the restroom, and when I returned I approached from behind to find them sitting next to each other on a low rock wall taking in the view. This sight brought the familiar twinge of arousal to my crotch, a feeling which was happening more frequently as the day wore on. Richard had sat his hand on the wall behind Jessica in a way that would bring his arm into light contact with her body. I couldn't quite tell as I approached if his hand rested against the fabric of the seat of her shorts or not. When I was close they shared a laugh and she playfully shoved her weight into him, rocking him slightly away from her. They were still laughing as I got near enough to be heard, "What's so funny you two?" Richard's hand shot back to his side when he heard my voice and he turned to look at me. "Sharing a few jokes." Jessica laughed and punched Richard in the shoulder again, "Dirty ones. You're such a cad." I laughed, "I've probably heard them all by now." Richard seemed relieved at my mild reaction. He kept his distance from Jessica the rest of the day, taking care to keep me between them at all times.
Richard excused himself from our dinner table, "I've got to get an early start tomorrow. Have to learn all the faces and names and systems I'll be working with for the next month." We bid him goodnight and wordlessly watched him stroll down the hallway. Later as we were putting dishes away I stood behind Jessica at the sink and ran my arms around her waist, "Did you have fun today?" She nodded and turned so that we could share a kiss before returning to the dishes in the sink, "That made me so exicted. Did you see the way he kept looking at me?" My dick twitched once again at her statement as I nuzzled my mouth into the brown curly hair that fell onto the back of her neck and inhaled the sweet scent of her shampoo. "Mmm hmm." She put another dish into the drainer as I rested my head on her shoulder, "You think he wants to fuck you yet?" She giggled, "He's a man, what do you think?" I chuckled, "Poor guy. Lusting after his friend's totally unavailable wife." We made small talk as we finished the evening's chores.
Once in bed it was only a few minutes before we were in the throes of passion, for the first time in a long time at Jessica's insistence. We both grew still at the sound of the toilet flushing. Jessica asked what I had been wondering, "Do you think we woke him up?" I grunted, "Maybe. It's not unusual to get up to go to the bathroom at night. Hard to say." She was silent for a moment then spoke, "Get off me for a second." I complied and she rolled over onto her knees and placed her hands on the headboard, presenting her sex to me. I ran my tongue up the smooth contour of her back as I entered her. She moaned, loudly, at this. I found myself reading her mind, "Going to give Richard something to hear and think about eh?" She cooed in approval and I thrust myself into her again. This elicited a loud squeal. I found myself aroused beyond measure at the thought of him lying in bed, listening to us make love, listening to me bring to orgasm the woman he had wanted so badly a decade ago. I thrust into her again. She yelled again. Then the reason for her choice of position occurred to me, "You wanted me behind you so you could imagine it was Richard inside you didn't you?" She moaned, clearly in affirmation. This aroused me further, knowing that she was putting on a show for the man she lusted for as he listened from down the hall, that she was imagining I was that man. I pounded myself into her, hard, again and again. Soon she was imploring me in pleading tones for the outcome she desired. "Yes! Baby yes! Come in me!" Her loud cries of pleasure bounced off of the walls and were soon mingled with my own cries and grunts. The headboard rhythmically bounced off of the wall with each thrust of my hips. I happened to glance at the mirror over the dresser and briefly imagined Richard in my place. I leaned over and grabbed her breasts with my hands and squeezed. The animal recesses of my mind took over and my voice became low and gruff as I whispered into her ear. "That's it baby. Scream for Richard. Let him hear how it will sound when he's pounding his dick into your creamy little pussy. Come for me like you're going to come for him." This sent her over the edge and the sight and very loud sounds of her orgasm induced me to lose all control, thrusting with abandon until my own wails of pleasure mixed with hers.
We laid once more in a post coital haze at the edge of sleep. She turned to face me, "Remember how you said Richard was lusting after his friend's unavailable wife earlier?" I mumbled in affirmation. She continued, "Well, I am unavailable to you now as well." I sat halfway up, my drowsy mind suddenly sharpened, "What?" She rolled onto her back. "I said I wanted to make a man want me. Well now you're going to be a man wanting me too." I laughed, "Oh you're an evil one. Fuck me like that and then tell me I can't have any more? It's already working by the way." She giggled, "At least for now. For a while." I half punched a fist into the mattress, "Damn, you do know how to get to a guy." She giggled again, "I'm getting better at it, I think." With that she rolled over. I spooned behind her and found myself wanting her already again, but unwilling to act out of respect for her request. I was surprised to find that her willingness to deny me, and my willingness to comply, was arousing me. I wondered how long it would be before she would know Richard, and hoped it wouldn't be too long.

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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by Cuckoo » Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:30 pm

3. Long Hours

The next morning Jessica was standing at the stove in her plush red robe, one of my favorites, as I entered the kitchen. Richard was already up and formally dressed in a button down shirt and tie. He regarded the newspaper in one hand and took a sip from a coffee cup in the other. He looked up and nodded as I came through the doorway. I returned the gesture and slid into a chair. "Morning." He sat down his coffee cup, "Yes it is for some of us." We laughed. I yawned and stretched my arms, "Yeah I'm still not a morning person." Jessica sat a hand on my shoulder, "Richard here is on early hours his first day on the job. I woke up to the sound of somebody's electric razor." Richard seemed distressed, "Oh I hope you weren't mad at me." She chuckled, "It's alright. I wanted to send you both off with a nice breakfast this morning anyway." She brought our plates from the stove, covered with eggs and bacon and toast. We complimented her and dug into our meals. She was leaning against the counter, cup of coffee in hand, as she spoke, "Would you believe my husband has to work late tonight Richard?" Richard shook his head, "Hate to hear that." I turned to face her, the beginnings of a frown on my face. She levelled a serious gaze at me, "Did you forget the deadline dear? You told me last week you'd have long hours until things were solid, probably working till ten or so." I caught on, "Oh. Yeah, dang it, I'd almost forgotten. Good thing you reminded me before I made any big plans." Jessica excused herself and left towards our bedroom. In my peripheral vision I noticed Richard's fork lie still on his plate as he intently watched her walk down the hall. We engaged in some shop talk and soon he had to leave.
Concentration was almost impossible the entire day. Luckily my workload was light that week, so my lack of focus did not show. After work I sat in my car in the garage mindlessly tapping the steering wheel with my thumbs. My mind wandered off to home, to wondering what was happening there between my wife and the man she had once wanted to marry. I decided I couldn't remain in the garage all evening and turned the key. Within half an hour I was sitting at a bar absentmindedly turning a half empty glass with my hand, my mind constructing scenarios completely of its own accord, my dick pressing insistently against the front of my slacks. I shook my head out of a haze and noticed the clock above the bar read ten twenty two.
I quietly made my way to our bedroom, noticing that all of the doors in the hall were closed. Jessica was sitting on the edge of the bed applying lotion to her arms. I leaned down and we shared a brief kiss. I sat down beside her and whispered, though whispering was hardly necessary, "So?" She smiled at me, "So what?" I scoffed, "So what happened?" She chuckled, "Did you think it would happen just like that?" A puzzled look covered my face. She shook her head, "I never said I'd just fall into bed with Richard. I have to see if he's the guy I think I know first. I have to see if I do really want him. We had a quiet dinner, then we sat around and talked. No it wasn't dirty, but it was intimate. I enjoyed hearing him talk about his relationships, why he thinks they've all failed on him and why he's given up on finding one, about what he's done with his life, his plans and dreams for it." I nodded. She pulled up her legs to turn her body under the sheets. "And now you should probably think about getting some sleep. You have another long day of work ahead of you tomorrow." I readied myself for bed and slid between the sheets beside her. I leaned over to whisper in her ear, "I love you." She turned her head, "I love you. Thank you for this." We shared a long deep kiss before settling down for another night's sleep.
The next day passed much as the previous one had. I passed the time after work idly perusing the shelves of a local bookstore, only half focused on the hundreds of spines lined up on the rows of shelves. I returned home to find Richard in his room and Jessica once again engaged in bedtime rituals. We kissed and I could not contain my curiosity, "Well?" She looked up and smiled, "Well what?" I exhaled in an exasperated manner, "What happened?" She shrugged her shoulders, "Not much." I crossed my arms, "Not much? I think you owe me a bit more than not much." She shrugged her shoulders again, "We just talked." I had always been able to tell when she was not being honest, "No you didn't just talk." I dropped to one knee beside her on the bed and took one of her hands in mine, "I told you back when we were planning this that guilt and shame were not allowed, and that I would put a halt to this if I thought someone's negative emotions were going to ruin the experience for you. And I meant Richard's emotions or yours." She looked at the floor, "We kissed." My dick twitched ever so slightly. "Was he as good at it as you remember?" She looked at me, "Yes, he's still..." Her voice trailed off. I rubbed the top of her hand, "It's okay, I told you I understand this." I lowered my voice, "Did you enjoy yourself tonight?" She turned to look at me again, "Honestly?" I nodded. She exhaled slowly, as if mustering her strength, "Yes. Very much. I felt sexy and alive and..." She paused, "I don't mean to say I liked it more than when you and I are together." I nodded. She looked at the wall, "It's different. Different and new and nice." She seemed a little distressed so I decided not to press the matter despite my raging curiosity.
After we were in bed and spooned next to each other once more, she picked up her recounting without provocation from me, "We were just talking and talking and I started feeling like I used to when Richard and I were dating and I remembered all the nights we made out at his place. So I asked him if he remembered all of that fondly, and he said yes he did. I told him I had always thought he was a good kisser. He said he always wished he had fought harder to keep me, and I told him fighting wasn't what he had needed to do. And we were just leaning close together and I asked him how he thinks now he should have kept me, and he leaned in and kissed me. It was quick, we kept our mouths closed. But I liked it. And I knew he liked it too. I just knew from the way he looked at me. We didn't say anything else, but we just started making out, like we used to. We laid on the couch and he laid on top of me. He was hard, he kept pressing himself between my legs. It was so exciting, knowing that he was so hard for me, because he wanted me so badly. And I wanted him too. His hands were all over my body, it felt so good, getting felt up like that by a man who wants you." I had to know, "Did you, you know?" She sighed, "Richard didn't want to go all the way. He said he couldn't do that to me or you." I sighed, "This could be a problem." I could sense she did not want to talk any farther, and respected her wishes.
I had only been asleep for forty minutes when I awoke needing to relieve myself. I listened to Jessica's quiet rhythmic breathing before extracting myself from between the sheets and making my way silently down the hall. As I passed Richard's door I heard the sound of heavy breathing. I froze, turning an ear to the door. A quiet grunt came from within. I placed a hand on the wall so that I could bring my ear closer to the door. Another grunt. It was now unmistakable, Richard was masturbating. I eased my way past his door, using his quickening pace and soft grunts to cover my footsteps. But just as I was past the door, I heard him say it. His voice was quiet, but clear and distinct, "Yes Jessica yes." It was followed by indistinct mumbling but my curiosity had been satisfied. Apparently whatever Jessica was doing was having the desired effect. Richard did indeed want to know her physically in the worst way. For all my worries about how he would take it emotionally, I knew his body was behaving exactly as predicted.
I had been worried Richard would not take to my wife's strategy well, and the next morning proved it. He refused to look at me at the breakfast table, and exchanged only a few words with me. I guessed that the previous night had left him feeling ashamed of himself. But at least he was warmer, slightly, towards Jessica. After he had left I cornered her in the bathroom, "I told you this might happen. He doesn't like this. He doesn't like what's happening here. He feels like he's being pulled into something he doesn't want to do. He wants to do the right thing. Just tell him what is up and see where it goes." Jessica was distressed but determined, "One more night baby. Just give me one more night with him and if it doesn't work we'll try it your way." My frown disappeared, "Well, tonight is your birthday, and I want to give you a present that few men are able to give. For one more night, I will respect your wishes. But know that you could cost us both a friendship by withholding the truth from him."
I turned to leave and had an idea. "Tell you what, I will go so far as to get pulled out of town for an overnight business trip tonight. You and Richard will have the house, and the whole evening, to yourselves. Feel free to complain about what a horrible work addicted husband you have." We regarded each other silently for a moment, she spoke first, "I love you." She blew me a kiss. I smiled, "I love you too." I turned to leave again but just before entering the hall turned back to face her, "And baby?" She turned to look at me. "Happy birthday. I will miss you of course, but I want you to be happy more than anything in the world." And within minutes I was in my car on my way to work, dialing directory assistance for the number of a hotel I passed every day on the way to work and dealing with a nagging doubt as to whether I was doing the right thing in trusting her wishes.

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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by Cuckoo » Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:37 pm

4. Happy Birthday Jessica

As I laid atop the covers of my hotel bed, I wondered how Richard had reacted when Jessica told him upon his return that I would be absent the whole night. Would he seperate himself from Jessica and steel his resolve? Or had he taken it as an opportunity? By seven o'clock I decided the lack of a distressed phone call probably meant everything was going well and settled in with a book.
The clock on the nightstand changed in my peripheral vision. I looked over to see it now read eight fifteen. I decided it was time to make an official birthday call, so I picked up the receiver and dialed her mobile number. I could tell from the din coming through the phone that she was in a large busy place as soon as she answered. I spoke before she had a chance to, "Happy birthday baby." She squealed. "Hello yourself. Thanks." She was having to speak loudly to be heard as she went on, "Richard thought it was criminal that you weren't here to celebrate my birthday so he insisted on taking me out for dinner. His treat, as my gift. And then he wanted to take me to the mall so he could buy me another gift. He insisted on buying me a piece of jewelry, and we wound up finding a beautiful little silver charm bracelet. He got it for me because the jewelry store actually had a charm with our old school's mascot on it to go with it. Can you believe that? What a coincidence. It was fun. He's standing across the store we're in now smiling like an idiot and waving at me. Hi Richard yes I see you over there. I'm waving back now." The way her words and sentences flowed rapidly told me she was excited, although she did tend to talk fast when she was nervous as well. I chuckled, "Oh he's funny. Are you two enjoying yourselves?"
The noise in the speaker dropped considerably, as did her voice, and I decided she must have gone into a more secluded area. "Dinner was great." She paused, "Baby?" I answered, "Yeah." Her voice was hushed now, "I'm in the changing room at Frederick's of Hollywood." I stammered, "What?" Her voice had taken an edge of excitement, "Richard wanted me to pick out some sexy lingerie for my birthday. He said it was a gift for you and me to enjoy." I whistled, "No man buys something sexy for pleasing a female friend's husband. Well, most men don't. He said that to leave a comfortable exit in case you took poorly to the idea." She giggled, "Yeah, I thought he was being pretty transparent. You know what else?" "What?" Her voice dropped even lower, "He couldn't keep his hands off of me at the restaurant. We sat next to each other in this quiet corner booth. We kissed. His finger was running under the edge of my skirt, he kept pulling it up really slow till it was hiked all the way up as far as he could get it. Thank goodness it was so dark in there. Then he just rubbed his hand between my thighs. Nice and gentle and slow for a long time. I was so nervous somebody would figure out what he was doing, but I got so wet my panties were soaked. God I'm so horny right now I can barely think straight." I hadn't considered it before but realized her strategy of denying me her pleasures was denying her any release as well.
She went on, "He told me what kind of lingerie he thinks is sexy before he sent me in here, do you think he wanted me to pick something out for him?" I laughed, "Wow you're really in bad shape for him if you can't see that. Baby, he thinks the odds are pretty good that he'll get to see you tonight in whatever you pick." I paused, "So, what are you getting?" She elaborated on the black see through gown trimmed in red with matching panties she was about to try on with, a pleasant surprise to me, black thigh high stockings. Anxiousness finally got the best of her. "I've got to go baby, don't want to be on the phone too long. I replied, "I understand. Before I go, do you know what I want you to get for your birthday?" She replied, "What?" I chuckled, "Your brains fucked out." She laughed, "Oh thank you. I love you baby. I love you. Oh god I don't know if I know what to do between wanting Richard so bad right now and loving you so much. I keep trying to hold both of those feelings, but it feels so strange." I tried to calm her, "We've been over this. Those two things are not mutually exclusive. You can be a loving devoted wife and a beautiful sexy woman who drives her lover crazy with desire. I want you to feel free to take the same pleasure from him that you do from me, and return the same pleasures to him that you do to me." She was silent, so I went on, "The only thing I want is for you to be exactly sure of who you are, and to be exactly that person." Her voice sounded strained but also relieved, "Okay, I think I understand. I love you." With a click the line was silent.
I had to masturbate twice before being able to sleep, my head filled with visions of Jessica's face contorted in ecstatic bliss, her back arched with a myriad of sensations familiar to her but made new again. The thought of her sex wet with anticipation from the caresses of another man sent me farther over the edge into the little death than I had been in a very long time. I awoke that night and had to touch myself one more time.

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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by Cuckoo » Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:53 pm

Sometimes I have a propensity for commas. This chapter was apparently one of those times.

5. Richard's Confession

I cursed at myself for having left the papers on my desk at home. Given the distracted state of my mind it was a wonder I had remembered I needed them that day at all. I decided if I was going to have to stop at the house I'd better warn Jessica. The phone rang and I wondered, was she reaching across a sleeping lover's chest to grab the handset? My dick twitched, now sore from my numerous yanks the night before. The outgoing message told me that she must not be near a phone. Just after the recorded voice began, a click followed by Jessica's sleepy voice came down the line, "Lo. Morning." I decided to be to the point, "I've got to get some papers off of my desk for work today, I'll be home in about ten minutes." An audible yawn came down the line, "Okay." I gave a quick goodbye and tried very hard to concentrate on the road the rest of the way home.
After retrieving my papers, I found Richard sitting at the kitchen table, looking lost in thought. The sound of the shower came from down the hallway, I decided Jessica was taking her morning bath. I gave a pleasant good morning but he just looked at me for a second before returing to staring straight ahead and speaking. "Yeah. Morning. Hey look, I've got to find another place to stay. As it turns out, I, uh, some company rules I didn't know about mean I have to stay at an approved lodging place. And you know I hate hanging here around while you have to spend so much time away. This is, yeah. I'm sorry to do this to you. To you two. But I've got to go." His forehead wrinkled, "Weren't you out of town on business yesterday?" I waved a hand, "They sent me back on the earliest flight, I had to pick up some papers. What I'm curious about is why this came on all of a sudden. You're not acting like this is just a simple job requirement. What's bothering you?" He looked down at the table, "Man, I am so sorry. If you never want me here again I understand. God I hope I haven't ruined things for you." I crossed my arms. So Jessica's plan had come to fruition, and had come down to making our friend miserable. I knew that within a couple of minutes Richard would know everything Jessica and I had shared and planned, but I wanted to press forward with this. I wanted to know just what kind of person Richard was going to be in this situation.
He sighed, "Man, Jessica and I. We got, real close. You know we've been spending a lot of time together while you're busy. And it's been nice, it's been like old times for us." I nodded, he went on, "I guess it was just too much for me, all those old feelings came rushing back. I knew all along I was playing with fire. I told myself I shouldn't listen to what I knew was plain old lust. But I justified it with all kinds of shit. I told myself I was just getting back at you for taking her from me all those years ago, that it was fate that was keeping you at work. I tried to convince myself to think you were being a big jerk by being out of town on her birthday, and that she deserved better. I thought for sure it was old feelings for Jessica but man now I know it was just lust all along." He looked up at me, "I had sex with Jessica last night." My face was motionliess, set in stone. He stood up, "I know, this is probably a lot to take. I'm just going to get my stuff and get out of here before I get my ass kicked into the street, literally. Man, I'm so sorry. I hope you know I never would have come here wanting to fuck things up for you two. Shit, I shouldn't have put it that way." I almost let loose a laugh at his Freudian slip. "Jessica doesn't know I'm leaving, I didn't want to make a scene or for her to see you yelling at me."
I leaned forward and put my hands on the table, I had decided to have a little fun before I spilled the beans, "So you mean to tell me that I offered my home to you, as a friend wanting to help a friend. And you came waltzing in here and decided you were the man of the house, and that you'd be the one fucking my wife? And then just run away? Run away like fucking my wife was just some sort of one night stand for you?" He waved his hands in my direction, "No way man, it's nothing like that at all. I'd never want to make Jessica feel that way. I just, I just. I should have kept my distance. I promise you man I wasn't making any moves on Jessica. We were just, we just..." I interrupted him, "You just fucked, that's just what. Richard, you fucked my wife!" His hands fell to his sides. "Shit man, I'm so sorry. I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy. You know, disappear from your lives." His face was white as a sheet as he looked up at me, "And you know, if she's. You know, pregnant. I swear to god I'll make right by it, whatever it takes. Whatever Jessica chooses I will be okay with." I shook my head, "We decided some time ago that children were not in our plans and Jessica has taken measures to prevent that. Lucky for you that's not an issue." His shoulders dropped, a physical sign of relief.
My voice maintained a sharp edge, "Richard, there's one thing I need to know before you go back to your job today." He looked at me again. I cleared my throat, "Did you enjoy yourself last night?" He flinched a bit, then loosened. His forehead wrinkled, "Pardon?" I planted a fist on the table for emphasis, "Don't give me any shit Richard. I'm asking you a simple question and I can't make it any simpler. Did you enjoy making love to my wife?" He twisted his head to the side, "You, you want to know?" I planted my fist again, "Do I have to spell it out for you? If you didn't bring her as much pleasure as you were physically able to then you had better get the fuck out of my house right now." I pointed a finger at him for emphasis, "I better not hear that you held back from her in the least little bit. You better have been a good lay for her or I really will be pissed off! " He nodded, meekly. "Yes? I mean no! Wait, I mean yes she was great but it. It wasn't like I was." His voice trailed off and he regarded me for a second as he tried to mentally cross the giant gap between the question he had expected and the question he had heard. Finally he spoke in a quiet voice, "Um? Why are you asking me this?" I could contain it no longer, and burst out laughing.
I strolled toward the coffeemaker to fill a cup, "You fell into her web, big time." Richard raised a finger, as if trying to get a schoolteacher's attention to ask a question, "Web?" I took a sip of coffee then looked at him, "Oh yeah. And she spun it all around you." Richard's face held its confused look, "But you. You knew this was going on? You knew what was happening?" I laughed again, "Knew about it? I was part of it. Believe me man, she's had me in her web too. But unlike you I've been aware of my state of entrapment. Relishing it actually." Richard scratched his head, I could tell he was physically overreacting from being both extremely relieved that I wasn't yelling at him and also extremely confused that I wasn't yelling at him. I pointed at one of the chairs at the table, "Have a seat Richard." He slid into it and I sat down opposite him before sitting my coffee cup down. "Look Richard, Jessica has wanted to have sex with you for some time now. For several months that I know of, maybe even years. She still remembers the good times you two had, fondly. Lately, as she's aged..." I chuckled, "Women. Turning twenty nine and she thinks she's aging. Anyway, as she's approached thirty she has wanted more and more to regain some of her youth. And part of that is being attractive, desirable to men. She has wanted, well it's more like she has needed, to seduce a man for some time now. Mind you, I only learned of this recently."
Richard brought up a finger again, "So you two are swingers, or have some sort of open relationship?" I shook my head, "No. Like I said I'd only heard about this desire of hers recently, we've never been anything but a normal married couple. Perhaps just more honest than most. Now, as I was saying she's wanted to feel young and alluring again by making a man, well another man, want her." Richard scoffed, "And you're cool with this? Your wife doesn't want you anymore and you're helping her, you know, sleep around?" He was perturbed, "Jessica is not some slut." I shook my head and my voice rose slightly, "You think I wouldn't know what she is and is not, the man who's been with her for the last decade? You're not between us every night. You don't know what we have. Trust me. She damn sure isn't picking any random man up. That's not who she is. I can also tell you I know she isn't leaving me for you, not for anybody. For the same reason she chose me over you ten years ago." I took a sip of coffee and calmed myself. "So, like I was saying she's had this fantasy for some time and you've been a happy part of our lives for a while now and she did share some good times with you. So it only seemed natural to me that she chose you." I leaned back, "And that's just what she did. She spelled it out to me, and I wanted to help her make it happen. I've been hanging out around the neighborhood the past few nights. I was in a hotel not five miles from here last night."
I could tell by looking that Richard's confusion had merely changed forms. He leaned forward, his voice hushed, "So you're cool with this. Cool that another guy fucked Jessica?" I shook my head. "I am not cool with the fact that another guy fucked her, I am cool with the fact that you fucked her. As I said, you're a friend, and I trusted Jessica to know what she was getting into for the most part. And after seeing your confession this morning, I am more certain that I made the right choice in trusting her. I know that Jessica was working on you, hard, these last few days. I've been watching the way she dresses and acts, few men would resist her for long when she made herself available to them like that. I know how badly she was making you want her, that was her goal after all. So it's hard for me to hold your lack of fortitude against you. But for you to come to me after the fact and confess it displays a level of caring for her, and me too, that could have only shown itself after you'd cleared your mind of the hormonal haze you must have been in after enduring her charms."
He was still perplexed, I went on. "Richard, I love her. And yes a part of me does want to possess her. But a long time ago after watching supposedly normal possessive feelings ruining relationships I was in as well as those around me I decided that I was never going to build a relationship on owning someone else's life that way." I took another sip of coffee. "Jessica's body, her desires, and her pleasures, are not my property. They belong to her. It is not by obligation that she shares them with me, it is by graciousness. I have always made that plain to her and I have always considered myself lucky that she has chosen to share herself and her life with me. She wants me to be happy, and she has finally learned that making herself happy is an important part of that. I've always accepted the fact that a day might come when she would want to have someone else too, and I never told myself I would be distressed about it, only that I would do whatever it took to make her happy. I won't lie to you, it is a kind of love that she wasn't raised up to understand. Nobody is raised to understand love that way. And I won't hide the fact that I still hold a portion of the posessing love that you think is normal inside me. But I find that maintaining control while those feelings are thrashing about in their cage lends an air of excitement to dealing with things like this. It's been very difficult making Jessica understand all of this, to make her comfortable in her own skin with her own perfectly normal desires and emotions. I've tried very hard to make her believe I really do want her to reach her fullness as a sexual being."
Richard's forehead had smoothed. He sat back in his chair. "That's so. So..." He was struggling for a word, I supplied the best one I could find, "Alien." He chuckled, "That's exactly right." I shrugged my shoulders, "Most people just take possession of a significant other, then complain when the natural course of events takes place. If she wanted to leave me, why would I ever want to fight it? Who needs the kind of grief you get from trying to control someone who doesn't want you to control them and doesn't want to be near you any longer? If I thought she would find happiness elsewhere when there was none left here, hell I'd want her to find it." For the first time since we had begun talking, Richard looked relaxed. I sighed, "I'm really sorry Jessica's plan had to end up with you feeling so bad. I had told her we'd call this off if it looked like things were going downhill. I almost did a couple of times. But you know how a woman gets when she wants something." We laughed, I was relieved to see him shrugging off his anxiety.
Richard asked, "So where does that put me now? Is that it? Are you two done with me? Can I still stay here? I kind of hope I wasn't just, like.." His voice trailed off and I knew what he was getting at. I picked up his train of thought, "Used. No, I hope you understand you weren't being used here, like a toy or a thing. Okay, well, in a way you were used but I hope you'll admit it was probably the most pleasant use that's ever been made of you." He chuckled as I went on, "I tried to get her to choose a path that I thought would have treated you with more respect as a person, but Jessica wanted this to go down her way and I must admit I kind of did too. I wanted to watch her work her considerable charms on someone until they broke under the strain. It was amazing to observe. But, I don't think Jessica took to this lightly. I believe she really does have feelings for you. Fond ones. I know her well enough to know that was the only reason she would have ever considered getting this close to you. Okay, so where does this put you? Based on the way she has talked about you I'm guessing at this point Jessica would take you as lover, if you're willing. You won't have her totally, but I think you'll find it to be very pleasurable if you keep it on a level she is comfortable with, and make it plain that you know your place with her. Of course, if you decide this is not the relationship you're willing to have with her that is fine. I made Jessica understand that you may not want to handle being physical with her without total emotional commitment. As I said, not many people can be comfortable with arrangements like this. But as you know she is a desirable young woman and I know from experience that she enjoys sex a great deal. If not we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. So if you can deal with such an exotic set of circumstances, I think you'd be quite pleased with this arrangement."
Richard turned to look out the window. I exhaled, "Okay Richard, the choice is up to you now. If you return to our home this evening, I will consider it a sign that you want to stay and make her happy. If not, if you pack your things and leave, that will be fine too. This can all become just a pleasant memory of a night of forbidden passion and we will not hold anything that's taken place here against you. If you do return, exactly what that means is ultimately up to the two of you. But you need to understand that I won't be ignored in all of this. You two can forge whatever relationship you like, but know that I will be a big part of her life no matter what becomes of you two. Jessica has made it clear to me that what she has built with me is important to her, so don't expect to be pulling her away. I know it will probably be difficult for you to keep from lighting the torch you once carried for her all over again, so please try to understand and respect Jessica's feelings. Maybe, just maybe, this is the relationship the two of you were meant to have." Richard nodded as I continued, "And I'm only going to put one stipulation on whatever kind of relationship you forge with her. Put her happiness first, just as I have done." Richard was silent for a moment and then nodded, "Okay. I think I understand." He stared at the wall, "Boy, this is weird. Five days ago I would never have guessed that this was even capable of happening." I shrugged my shoulders, "Well it did. Wonderful and strange as it may be. I'm always amazed that no matter how long I live I constantly see love expressing itself in never before seen ways. Sometimes even from myself."
Jessica came strolling into the kitchen, again wearing the plush red robe. Her hair was still wet from the shower. "Morning boys." She yawned into the back of her hand. I strode across the kitchen to plant a kiss on her cheek. "Morning. You look even more beautiful after my night away. And you still look every bit as young and beautiful as you did when you were twenty eight." She playfully swatted at me, "Oh you. You're obligated to say things like that." I raised my hands, "No I really mean it. Absence makes the heart grow fonder." She waved a hand at me, "Some man just wrote that in a letter once because he was horny." I laughed.
I noticed that Richard was quietly regarding us with rapt attention, and decided to lighten the mood, "So I asked Richard a question while ago and I never got a straight answer." His face lost every trace of color. "I asked him if he enjoyed sleeping with my wife, and he didn't answer me." I smiled mischievously. Upon seeing my expression Richard turned to look at Jessica. She had an expression on her face as if she had been caught committing a felony, clearly unsure how she would deal with being talked about by two men in this way. Richard brought a finger to his chin, "I'd say without a doubt that it was the best sex I've had in ten very long years." A smile slowly spread across her face until she was beaming at both of us.
I looked at my watch, "Oh damn, I'm already late for work." I walked to where Jessica was leaning back against the sink. Our lips met and we shared a kiss charged with more emotion and lust than either of us had known in years. Holding a briefcase left me with one free hand, and it slithered its way between the folds of her robe to squeeze one of her soft breasts. She began to moan lightly. My dick was growing. I wondered if Richard's was doing the same as he sat watching us. My hand came out of her robe and tugged at the fabric rope that tied it shut. I gently pulled at it until it was no longer tied, allowing the front of her robe to be opened. My hand parted the folds of the robe so that a narrow stripe of bare flesh from her neck to her knees was exposed. Our lips were still touching and she was breathing heavily at being opened in this way, like a flower blossoming in the morning sun. It was almost more than I could take, exposing her like this for another man to see.
I broke our kiss and stepped back to take in the sight of her. She leaned back and laid her hands on the counter behind and beside her. She was magnificent. Her bosom was mostly exposed, though the red fabric lapels of the robe still covered her breasts. The dark patch of hair at the junction of her legs glistened in the morning sun streaming through the window. I used my one free hand to pull the robe from each of her shoulders so that it draped behind and none of her pleasures were hidden from view. I reached out and gently rubbed a soft breast. I thought my dick would burst. I nodded at Richard, "Got to be getting to the office. Plenty of work to do." I turned and twisted the doorknob to make my exit, leaving them alone in the kitchen.

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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by Cuckoo » Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:00 pm

6. Richard's First Choice

It was almost impossible to focus on work yet again. I excused myself from work early, partly out of anticipation and partly to allow me time to seek out a nearby jewelry store for a very particular item. As I took the small box from the man at the register, I hoped that it would be appropriate. Richard's car was not in the drive. My heart sank. I found Jessica in the shower and opened the stall door so that we could share a brief kiss. My hand tried to wander between her legs but she swatted it away playfully. Water droplets ran down her face as she smiled at me, "I know you remember what I said." I made a big display of frowning at her and closed the door, deciding I would give her the news after her shower. I sat down in the recliner in the living room and picked up a newspaper. I had only been reading a couple of minutes when the door opened and Richard entered. My heart leapt but I maintained my calm to look up to smile and greeted him, "Welcome back." He returned the greeting and sat down on an ottoman, "What a day. Hardest one yet. Those dopes at the branch office really have no clue what they're doing." I laughed at his desire to make small talk instead of discussing what must be foremost on his mind. But I decided to make him comfortable for the time being, "Been there with my job too. Hated it." Richard was silent for a moment, "Jessica in the shower?" I nodded, "Yep. She was in there when I got here about five minutes ago. I don't know how long she's been in it though." He grunted in affirmation. Without even looking at him, I knew he was staring down the hall with hunger in his eyes. He got up for a moment, and then sat down in a chair and remained silent, his gaze fixed on the hallway, the direction of the bathroom where Jessica's naked body was covered in water and soapsuds. I knew that was what he was thinking about because I'd been thinking about little else since leaving her standing in the shower several minutes before.
Finally I could take the silence no longer. I flicked down the corner of the newspaper so that I could peer at him over the downturned page, "You can go say hi to her you know." Richard's voice was that of an excited child, "Really?" I sighed, "Of course you can go say hi to her." I shook the paper to return it to its normal shape and continued reading. Richard's hands began to to pat a rhythm on his knees as his feet twitched up and down and he continued to look down the hall. The rhythmic noise was making it even harder for me to read than it already had been. I flicked the corner of the page down again, "Look, Richard. Just because I'm here isn't going to mean that things work any differently. I understand if you want some privacy, if you want to be alone with Jessica that's fine. I wasn't expecting to just wander around you two while you were in the throes of passion like nothing was happening. In case you're nervous about it, I wasn't expecting for us all to pile into bed and have a big orgy either. Like I said, Jessica's desires are her own, and I respect that and don't insist that I'm made an active participant in everything she does for her enjoyment. But you're going to have to be at least a little mature about this. This is, after all, my home too."
I flicked the paper back up before continuing, "And besides, I'm sure Jessica would love for you to go and say hi. She'd want to know about your desicion right away anyway." His hands finally quit tapping on his knees. "Really?" My voice was tinged with annoyance due to sexual frustration as I had been unable to touch myself all day. I kept my face hidden behind the newspaper, "Damn it, Richard. I'm not stupid and I'm a man besides. I know you want to fuck her, right now. You want to climb in that shower with her and feel her wet, naked, smooth, slick body next to your own. You want to squeeze her breasts while the warm water runs over your hands. You want to cup her ass cheeks in your palms while you kiss her and your tongue explores her mouth while your hardening dick pokes into her smooth belly." He made no reply. My voice was almost gruff, "Don't you?" He was silent another moment before clearing his throat and answering, "Sure." My voice softened, "I can tell you from experience that she likes to be taken from behind in the shower. It's large enough for two people to stand in while she leans over and puts her hands on the wall while you've got your hands on her hips and you're plunging your hard rod into her soft pussy again and again and damn it Richard I am begging you to go in there and fuck my wife in the shower right now. You go in there right now and make it clear to her that you are her lover and that you must have her." I implored him as much for my sake as for his own. There was a second's pause, "Really?" I had to fight not to lose my temper, "If Jessica's married pussy is not wrapped around your hard dick in under ten minutes I will consider it a bad turn of events and kick you out of this house." Richard stood without a word and crossed the living room toward the hall, beginning the process of undressing himself before he was out of the room. I halted him just before he passed through the door to the hall, "Oh, and Richard?" He turned towards me, "Yeah?" I looked over the paper at him one last time, "I'm glad you came back."
I sighed and tried to return to reading the paper. Their voices were muffled by the sound of running water, but I could distinguish the obvious surprise in her voice when Richard appeared at the shower door. The sound of the water grew louder as he opened the door and lowered again as it shut behind him. I could not focus on the paper at all for the images running through my head. Their voices were playful at first, with the occasional giggle, but quickly took on a lower tone, the tone of two people becoming intimate. Then silence, for a time. Then, moans. Soft at first, but soon becoming louder and louder, and soon plainly audible over the sound of the running water. The paper was in front of me but the only thing I could see in my mind's eye was Jessica's face twisted with pleasure, her mouth open and her eyes closed. Years of knowing her had made it impossible for me not to see it when I heard the sounds coming from the shower down the hall. I closed my eyes, and imagined myself in there, next to them, watching them. Did he have his hands on her shoulders or her hips? I wondered how hard her body shuddered and shook with each of his thrusts. I wondered if she pushed herself backwards against the force of him. I imagined her breasts swaying in time to her lover's hips. The cries I heard with my ears played over the imagined coupling taking place in my head. Her cries grew more and more sharp and quick. And soon enough they were joined by another sound. Richard's own moans soon mingled with hers.
There was a pause in the cries. I opened my eyes to look down and see my hand was wrapped around my exposed dick. I had not even remembered unbuckling my belt. The yelps of ecstasy began again, and my eyes closed shut and my head fell back as my hand resumed its automatic rhythm. She yelled, admonishing him to fuck her and come in her in a voice filled with desperation. His animal grunts and her wails of ecstasy filled our home. Richard yelled, and I knew he was there. He began a series of deep grunts, and I knew what these noises meant. Each of them meant muscles deep in Richard's body were contracting, forcing a portion of the seed he had carried in his loins all day out through the end of his dick and by the sounds Jessica was making, sounds I knew all too well, deep into my wife's pussy. It was over in seconds. His cries grew further apart, and softer. He had spent himself. I opened my eyes again and looked down to see my own climax running over my fist, still clutched around my own hardness. I watched it dribble slowly down over my fingers and onto the front of my slacks, but my mind was still in the shower, watching them kiss slowly as they shared the afterglow. After a minute or so, I wiped my fingers on my briefs and carefully zipped myself up before going to the kitchen to wash my hands and clean the front of my pants.
They appeared in the kitchen fifteen minutes later. We were all pleasant and at ease with each other, and I noticed several times the two of them sharing a smile between them. With each one, Jessica would look at me and smile again. Halfway through our meal, she leaned over without warning and planted a kiss on my cheek. "I love you." I smiled at her and returned the sentiment, then pulled a small black velvet box from my pocket. Jessica clapped her hands together as she squealed with glee and I noticed for the first time that she was wearing a silver bracelet that I had never seen her wear before. She grabbed the box from my hand and immediately popped it open. She stared at it in silence for several seconds. Her lower lip began to quiver slightly, and she looked up at me with wetness in her eyes. She leaned over and clasped her arms around my neck for several seconds and then we shared a kiss, our lips pressed tightly together. When we seperated Richard cleared his throat, "He must have gotten you something nice." Jessica nodded, apparently unable to speak. Her hands were shaking as she removed the item from the box. I took her hands in my own, "Let me." She sniffled slightly, and nodded again before wiping a tear from each eye. I took the small shiny charm from her palm and carefully attached it to her new bracelet, next to the symbol of the place where the three of us had met. Jessica stretched her arm towards Richard so that he could see the letter R rendered with delicate silver curves hanging from the bracelet he had bought her the night before. He was silent. Jessica placed her arm around me again and we embraced tightly. I whispered through brown curls into her ear, "Happy birthday."

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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by Cuckoo » Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:09 pm

7. In His Place

Jessica excused herself from the table leaving Richard and I alone. He watched her walk away and then turned towards me, "So, uh, I didn't think to ask before. Where do you fit into this? Into Jessica's plans I mean. Does she have us scheduled or something?" I shook my head and pursed my lips momentarily. I had been turning her request to keep me at arm's length physically over in my head since she had made it, but had not yet brought my feelings on it into sharp focus. But I had an idea about it, "There's no schedule or regimen or rules about who does what and when." I considered that full disclosure of Jessica's demands to me could be embarassing, but that more honesty was better than less honesty. "You might as well know that Jessica is off limits to me, sexually, until further notice." Richard's eyebrows raised and I felt the brief heat of shame cover my face. "But before you get any odd ideas about this being a sign of her rejecting me, or replacing me, or preferring you to me, don't. The truth is probably not nearly that simple. Things are never simpe with a woman's desires. I know on a basic level this is a way for her to make me want her, very badly. Remember that that was one of the things she wanted that triggered all of this, to drive men to distraction with lust for her. Clearly it is working just as she wanted. You're now directing ten years of pent up lust at her and as for me, I'm so addled with desire I would drag my perpetually hard dick across a mile of broken glass just to rest it against the outside of her pussy. She's priming me to explode. At any rate, I think it's normal for a woman to want a man she's known and had for ten years to go crazy for her all over again. In some small way, she wants to capture our early times again. And I have to admit I don't mind having that too. It's kind of charming really."
I paused before continuing, "I know that she has a small sadistic streak, and has often gotten off on having control. Exercising this control over me at a time when I'd be wanting her the most plays to her sadistic side." Richard interrupted, "But you said you'd never be in a relationship where one person was possessing the other one." I looked at the ceiling, "Oh Richard, still so much to learn. This is not about possessing someone, this is about controlling someone who has submitted themselves to your will. And that person has submitted themselves because they know it will lead to a great deal of pleasure for both of them." Richard interrupted again, "So you're kind of a submissive to her?" I nodded, "Yes. I don't know how to explain it though. Some of us just seem to be born that way. As you may have picked up on, I love her. I will make my needs and rights known and see to it that she and I are treated as equals in our relationship. But at the same time I worship her. She is the source of my pleasure and in a way I worship her as someone prostrate in front of an altar. Yes, I want her to be happy because I love her, but I also want her to be happy because I have made her happiness my own." Richard whistled, "Wow. That's very.." His voice trailed off as he searched for the word. He found it. "Devoted."
I nodded, "Yes. And there's something else. Jessica told me that you two were never intimate. She told me she had that old nonsense about being clean, or at least appearing so, for the man she wanted to marry in her head back then. I think that she is making me play the role of you, back then. She wants me to know what it was like for you, wanting her so badly." Richard chuckled, "Yeah, I had to masturbate after every date we had. She was a great kisser. Well, you'd know that. But she was, as they say, a good girl. I respected that." I levelled my gaze at him, "Well I now know that it was a difficult fucking job, and you have my respect for it." Richard nodded, "Yeah, it took everything I had some nights when we were kissing before I left not to drop to my knees and beg her for sex." I chuckled, "And I now know exactly how you feel."
We were silent for a moment before I went on, "I should confess that the voyeuristic thrill of this plays a part for me. I didn't know it would to the extent it has since hearing the two of you being intimate, but I've learned that being witness in even a small way to the act is deeply arousing to me. Jessica knows that I've always had a voyeuristic kink since we've discussed it many times, and she probably knows that keeping me out of her heightens the eroticism for me. And since Jessica is the most beautiful woman in the world to me, seeing her in particular experiencing sex would be the ultimate voyeuristic thrill. As it is, I'll warn you that I'll take what I can get. I won't intrude on the two of you, but whatever I happen to hear or see will probably result in a great deal of arousal to me." Richard nodded, "I didn't know what to make of you sending me to the shower earlier. I took it as a sign that the, uh, noise wouldn't bother you." I sighed, "No Richard it did not. In the interest of honesty I'll tell you that I masturbated like mad while the two of you were in there. And I've done so every time I've known that the two of you were together." Richard looked slightly surprised, "I had wondered if it would be something like that. I've heard of husbands getting off on situations like this. But after the way you talked so matter of fact all the time I didn't figure you were one of them." I rolled my eyes, "Cuckold Richard. The word is cuckold." He nodded, "Oh yeah, I've heard that word a couple of time but I never knew what it meant. I always thought it was some kind of medieval weapon." I laughed at his innocent sincerity, "No. It describes a husband who is aroused by his wife taking pleasure in another man. I've had fantasies in years past concerning Jessica with another man, but it never rose to the level of something I wanted to seek out. And Jessica was happy being a faithful wife anyway. I'll admit I was aroused by the thought of you and her when Jessica first brought it up, and it got me off in a major way when we were together that night but after that it didn't seem to affect me at all. I really was just doing this for her. Or so I thought."
I sighed, "Then I found myself getting more and more aroused each time the two of you were together by yourselves. I loved hearing Jessica talk about what you two were up to from the start. I thought it was all out of concern for her, and out of a desire to know that things were going well. Finally on Wednesday night I couldn't resist it any longer. That was the first time I ever masturbated to the thought of you and Jessica together. On the first night the two of you really were together I came from from the thought of Jessica taking pleasure in another man. Of course, I had been thinking about it before then. I'd been thinking about it, and hoping she would enjoy it, for months. But that night I found myself dearly hoping that you and Jessica would consummate your relationship and hoping that it would be satisfying to her, and I realized that I was deriving my own pleasure from the thought. It was a new kind of pleasure, one I had never really known before. So, I've had to come to terms with the fact that I'm not just a cuckold by definition with Jessica's actions. I'm a capital C cuckold, getting off on the thought of his wife getting off with another man." Richard's voice took on a soothing tone, "I'm sorry man." I looked at him with a questioning gaze, "Don't be sorry. You wouldn't believe how fucking excited I was Richard." He was curious, "Excited?" I nodded, "I think it's a mixture of everything I've mentioned and a bunch of other things too. Wednesday night I masturbated three times thinking about the two of you Richard. Three times. Do you know how long it's been since I've even had three hardons in a day?" He shook his head. I raised my hands, "Neither do I, that's how long its' been!" He laughed, "Oh, and by the way. After you left this morning, I finished slipping her out of that robe and leaned her over the sink. We watched cars drive by on the street while we did it. Each time one passed Jessica would yell about how good she was getting fucked in her kitchen by her lover while her husband was at work. Of course nobody could hear her, and we laughed every time she yelled it." I chuckled, "Now see Richard, I'm going to have go masturbate thinking about that later." We shared a laugh before Richard spoke again, "That's kind of hot. Knowing that her husband is listenting to us." He was lost in thought for a moment, "But I don't think I could handle somebody watching me though. That's too strange for me." I nodded, trying to hide my disappointment.
I regarded him with a serious gaze again, "No matter what enjoyment the two of us get out of this just remember that first and foremost, this is about Jessica's pleasure and Jessica's happiness." He returned my gaze for several seconds before replying, "Okay. I understand." Jessica returned to the kitchen, in the now familiar red robe, "Looks like you guys are having a serious discussion." Richard rose to put his plate in the sink, "Guy talk." He planted a quick kiss on her upturned cheek. Jessica smiled and replied in a serious tone, "That's code for dirty talk." We all shared a knowing laugh before making less serious conversation and beginning to disperse for the evening.
I put the toothbrush back in the glass on the counter and bared my teeth at the mirror. The bedtime preparation done, I strolled down the hall to our bedroom. Jessica met me at the door, "Where do you think you're going?" I pointed past her, "To bed." She put her hands on her hips, "Well maybe you are, but not in here." She raised a finger to silence my inevitable response and yelled, "Richard! Can you come here baby?" His door opened and he crept into the hall, dressed in a pair of light blue pajama bottoms and a plain white cotton tee shirt. He came to where we stood in the hall rubbing his eyes, he had apparently been drifting off to sleep.
Jessica turned to me, "I have not yet given myself to my lover in my marriage bed, and tonight Richard will take me in the place where my husband and I have made love so many times. Tonight Richard will make love to your wife in her marriage bed and you will just have to respect our desire for privacy and find another place to sleep." My dick twitched at her resumption of control as I bowed slightly, "As you wish." She smiled, "Good." She removed her robe and handed it to me, "You can return this to the bathroom for me." I gasped to see that she was wearing a black see through gown which accentuated her curves, and black panties with red trim. I realized this was what Richard had bought her on her birthday. Richard grunted in approval, "Oh baby this is going to be incredible." Richard took her in his arms as the two of them shared a deep kiss. They began making light moaning noises. Without breaking the bond between their lips, Richard swept her up into his arms and stepped across the threshold to our bedroom. He broke free of their kiss and put a hand on the door before turning his head to look at me, "Good night. Sleep tight." Jessica blew me a kiss, "Good night dear. See you in the morning." I regarded them for only a second before his hand flung the door closed. Their muffled voices came through it and I was reminded of the night not long before when I had stood at Richard's door and listened to him imagining what Jessica would be like. Now I knew I would be touching myself imagining the things he was doing with her, and I realized that I would be the one for whom Jessica would put on a very loud show that night. The door opened just far enough for Richard's hand to come through and drop his night clothes onto the hallway floor. His disembodied voice came through the door. "Put those back in my room for me. Doesn't look like I'll need them tonight."
The sounds of their lovemaking filled the house once more, this time accompanied by the rhythmic creaks and strains of our bed under the onslaught of Richard's thrusting hips. The chance to supplant my role for a night seemed to have charged him beyond measure. I laid on our hideaway bed in the living room under a blanket and stroked myself in rhythm to the various grunts and cries coming from our bedroom. For almost an hour the steady stream of the sounds of pleasure drifted down the hall before a loud climax filled with Jessica's exhortations for Richard to come inside her capped the activities. Or so I thought, for it was followed thirty minutes later by another much more subdued performance. The clock on the bookshelf read two fourteen a.m. when I woke with a start. A few seconds later the reason for my waking became clear, as a barely audible cry of pleasure drifted down the hall. As I stood outside the door to mine and Jessica's bedroom listening intently to their quiet lovemaking, I marvelled at the effect that ten years of unrequited longing could have on a man.

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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by Cuckoo » Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:12 pm

8. Richard's Second Choice

Friday went by uneventfully, until the evening meal. Jessica sat between me and Richard. We all discussed unimportant matters until Jessica rose and looked at each of us in turn, "I've been thinking about this today and I have an offer to make to Richard. Due to his enthusiasm for his newfound role in our relationship and what any person would have to admit is an astonishing level of ongoing performance, I have decided to extend to him the offer to be my bedmate. If he accepts he will be the only man allowed in my bed, and that will be where we will fall asleep together at the end of each day." She turned to Richard and waited. A quick flush of shame crossed my cheeks again, and I found my dick growing of its own accord.
Richard sat back in his chair, thinking. I knew there was little doubt that he would accept, which made his deliberation mysterious. Finally he spoke, "If it is your wish to have me in your bed every night then I am deeply honored, and will gladly accept. Make no mistake I will relish my status as the man whose arms you fall into at the end of every day, and as the man who with whom you share yourself. I will enjoy being the man you call upon to fulfill your needs, and I intend to drink deeply of your pleasures while they are offered to me." He paused, "But my greatest satisfaction will come from knowing that I have been able to make you as happy as I possibly can." I bowed my head at him, a bit astonished that he'd been able to form exactly the kind of answer I would have given in such an eloquent manner. It struck me that their speech had no doubt been rehearsed. Were they mocking my usual mode of expression? Just in case, I smiled and raised my glass towards Richard and gave the most crass answer I could think of, "Congratulations, you horny fucker." We laughed at my explicit refusal to produce a string of flowery prose. But as I shared their laughter, I was acutely aware of the hardness of my dick and I realized Jessica must have known that officially giving Richard my place in our bed would ratchet both his and my own desire for her upward a great deal.
We sat savoring the final bites of our meal when Jessica leaned over and planted a kiss on my cheek, "Good night honey." I returned a kiss of my own before she stood and stretched her arms while addressing me, "Can you clean the table off tonight?" I nodded. She extended a hand to Richard, "Come on baby, let's go celebrate." He took her hand in his as he stood and his lips met hers. They kissed deeply for a few moments and then turned to walk hand in hand down the hall. I felt both desperation and a burning desire to fuck her like I had never known. Richard wasted no time in taking to his now official role in Jessica's bed. Before I had even finished tidying the kitchen their symphony of cries were audible. They celebrated, with the occasional quiet period, all through my bedtime routine. I had just settled in when Jessica's very loud cries mingled with Richard's moans announced that he was again filling her sex with the liquid product of his lust. But their party went on, if less intensely, for quite some time. I quickly spent myself and wound up dozing off to the sound of their quiet rhythmic moans coming from the bedroom.

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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by Cuckoo » Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:23 pm

9. Trimmings

Saturday dawned into a cloudless sky. Despite my sleeping arrangement, I was feeling refreshed. Richard was sleeping in, and I didn't have to guess at the reason for his exhaustion. Jessica sleepily shuffled into the kitchen bright and early however. She was dressed in a pair of red panties and a tight fitting t-shirt from a concert we had attended together years before. Even with her face not yet showing any signs of being awake and every hair out of place, I had to admit she was the picture of my desire. She leaned down to plant a kiss on my upturned cheek before slowly making her way to the coffeepot. She yawned loudly before settling into the chair opposite me and beginning to sip from the cup in her hands. I laid down my newspaper, "I'm guessing you enjoyed your week?" She smiled, "Yes. More than I had ever dreamed I would." I smiled, "Good." I cleared my throat, "So, as good as you had hoped for?" She leaned back in her chair, "Well actually, I didn't even expect Richard to take to it like he has. I thought we'd do it, then we'd be just be hanging out together most of the time. I was thinking I'd be happy if we got to be together two or three times at the most but that man has not slowed down yet. And he's so, god what's a word for it...intense. I mean, he can be slow and kind and really sweet, and those times are nice. But oh my god sometimes he's just wound up and we fuck like animals on and on. That man can come and in a few minutes he's fucking again like he's just getting started." I raised my eyebrows. She sheepishly grinned, "Yeah it's awesome. But even I'm smart enough to know it's all new and shiny now for us though. That's got to be a lot of it. It'll wear off eventually." She sighed, "I'm still amazed though." I nodded, "I knew going into this that he would have ten years of pent up lust for a woman he thought he would never again get to touch, but even I have to admit I'm a bit impressed with him. I've been thinking a bit though. I think some of it is probably coming from a sense of competition." Jessica's eyes narrowed, "Really?" I nodded, "Probably. I'm guessing he's trying, subconsciously if not concsciously, to outfuck me. It's really a male thing." Jessica sighed, "Well it's great to be on the receiving end of that competitive spirit." I laughed, "It's awesome to see too. Well, awesome to hear anyway. I'm glad I could help make you the recipient of all that desire." Jessica smiled impishly at me. I leaned forward so that my chest was resting on the table, bringing me nearer to her so that I could take her hands in mine, and whispered, "Want to do it? Before Richard wakes up?" She regarded me for a second. Then the devilish grin came back to her face. She shook her head, "Baby I know you know Richard wore me out last night. And besides, I can wait for us." With that she rose from her chair and walked to the sink to set her cup into it before turning to face me. "I can wait. For now." I pounded a fist on the table and she laughed with a maniacal tone.
Now it was Richard's turn to shuffle into the kitchen in search of a wakeful state. He passed Jessica on his way to the coffee machine, she planted a light kiss on his cheek. As she did so his hand involuntarily rose and briefly grasped one of her breasts, with the customary and now familiar tingling answer to their intimacy from my crotch. I was surprised to see how quickly Richard had taken to making these small signs of intimacy. Soon he was seated across me at the table, coffee in hand. I was first to speak, "Well aren't you a tired fella?" He managed a half smile, "Been working hard all week." I chuckled, "I'd say you've been working hard." I emphasized the last word and we all shared a short laugh. I stood up. "Well, I've got a lot of yardwork to do, and I've got to be steady at it to get it done before it gets too hot outside." Richard yawned, "Well I want to catch some preseason action, so if you don't mind I'll probably be glued to the television, but only till midafternoon." I shook my head, "Sports, not my bag man." We chuckled and I headed for the door that led to the back yard.
The weather wasn't warming as had thought it would so I took my time with the yard chores. The hedges were the easiest thing, so I left them until last. Finally all of the trimming and raking and pruning and weeding had been handled, and I could lazily take to the hedges. I enjoyed the act of bringing them back into a defined shape after watching them take nature's seemingly random directions for a few weeks. I decided to trim the hedges in the front yard first, then moved to the ones beneath the picture window which looked onto the back yard. As I raised the shears to take the first lop from the fuzzy hedge, I casually glanced into our living room through the open blinds. There was Richard in our recliner. It was leaned all the way back. The chair faced away from me, towards the television. On the screen men in suits around a desk were discussing something in an animated manner. Occasionally a brief shot of a baseball player swinging a bat would fill the screen. I lowered the pruning shears until they held a delicate green branch between the blades, and something inside caught my eye. Jessica had walked into the room, and was facing Richard. She leaned against the door frame next to the television and seemed to be discussing something with him. For reasons I didn't immediately understand, I crouched down so that all but the top of my head was concealed by the bushes, allowing me to watch them with little chance of being seen.
Then I realized that I was wanting to watch them interact while they were alone. I was now, finally, truly playing the role of voyeur. Jessica had put on a pair of white shorts and a pair of plain white cotton socks with frilly cuffs around the ankles, but still wore the same shirt from the morning. She smiled and laughed while they talked. It looked as if I'd be looking in on nothing but innocent conversation. I was again about to begin trimming the hedge when Richard's hand went up and waved for Jessica to approach. She moved forward until she was standing next to the recliner. Richard's hand came to rest on the outside of her thigh and began to rub up and down slowly. They were still talking, now in a more animated manner. Richard's hand crept up to the elastic waistband of Jessica's shorts and began to tug them downward. Soon, he had her crotch exposed to him. Her shorts and panties were on the floor around her feet, and with slow caresses he was gently exploring the area between her thighs. He withdrew his hand and pointed toward the door. Jessica looked at him and listened for a second and then disappeared. I waited with curious anticipation for a couple of minutes, but she did not return. I shrugged my shoulders and began my chore.
I had been done for a couple of minutes and stood admiring the work when Jessica reappeared in the living room. I again ducked down before I was seen. She was still dressed as when she had left the room, in only the shirt and socks. Again Richard's hand began to approvingly stroke her midsection and this time, I noticed a change. Her pubic hairs, before thick and dark, were now cropped into a narrow chevron shape which pointed at her sex. Richard's fingers stroked her work, and showed his approval by finding their way into her. Her head fell back and her breasts began to heave as Richard explored inside her. His other hand came up to his lap, though I could not see exactly what it was doing from my vantage point. I guessed soon enough that he was freeing himself from his sweatpants. He explored himself and Jessica with his hands for a minute or so, and then Jessica lowered herself onto her knees beside the chair. Her head disappeared into Richard's lap, which I could not see from my vantage point. But I knew what was happening. In all of my imagined trysts, I had never even wondered if she had taken him into her mouth. Though I could not see her head from my vantage point behind the chair, I could tell from the motion of the rest of her body that Jessica's head was bobbing up and down. My attention was so focused on what was happening in the living room that it was barely conscious of my hands struggling to free my erection from my shorts. Richard's hands fell off the sides of the chair, almost touching the floor, as she continued to work on him. I knew from experience the wonderful sensations that were consuming him. I knew the look of utter submission with which she was looking up at him at that moment, as I had seen it on her face so many times before when she did the same for me. My hand kept a slow and steady rhythm on myself, matching Jessica's motions as closely as it could. I knew from experience that his crotch was by now probably thoroughly soaked with her saliva. I imagined the sight of it running down his balls, wetting his clothing and the chair underneath, and I cursed the fact that I could not see more of them from my hidden state.
I was beginning to wonder if Jessica would taste his climax when she abruptly stood up. She placed a hand on the back to steady herself and swung a leg over the chair. Now that she had risen up, I could see her face. It was intently fixed on Richard's. She shifted so that she was standing straddled across the chair on her tiptoes, supporting herself above Richard's lap, her hands on the back to help hold her up. Richard's hands had risen up to come to rest on the tops of her thighs. I gasped as she began to slowly lower herself, to know that I was to witness for the first time my wife as she shared her body with her lover by joining her sex to his. From where I watched, I could not see where they were coupled, but I guessed the point at which her eyes closed and her head fell back must have marked his entrance into her. She stretched this act out over several seconds, and soon picked her feet up off the floor. Her weight was now fully planted upon Richard's lap. Gravity, a force of nature, now held them together. I was breathing heavily at the sight of my wife impaled upon her lover's body. He gently stroked his hands up and down her thighs. I looked around. The high fence surrounding the backyard guaranteed I would be hidden, so I quietly slipped my shorts down to my ankles and rested on my knees. Jessica leaned down to kiss Richard, and his arms made their way around her back and held her to him tightly. They embraced for several seconds before Jessica rose up slightly. She said something to him and brought up a hand to flick her hair behind her head. Then, she began to grind her hips. This brought another gasp from me, to see for the first time my wife's body move to give another man pleasure, to move so that his cock would feel the velvet walls of her sex against it, to move with the goal of making him come inside her.
It was beautiful to watch. Her pace was steady, her movements certain, as her hips bucked and rocked back and forth in Richard's lap. Again I knew from experience how masterfully she could give a man pleasure with her body, how skilled she was at moving in this way. She arched her back and brought her hands up to play with her hair for a couple of seconds before bringing them to rest on her thighs again. Richard's hands had begun to play with her breasts, kneading them gently. For a while he played with them through her shirt, playfully pinching one of the distintctly visible hardened nipples every now and then. Soon enough he had to feel them, and stuck his hands underneath the fabric. It was fascinating to see the cloth stretched across his hands as they rubbed in slow circles on her chest. And then, he had to see them with his eyes, and raised the shirt up so that her bosom was exposed. Jessica raised her hands over her head and grabbed the shirt, pulling it from her in one swift motion. Now the delicate white socks were the only clothing left on her. Her lover's hands had free reign over her flesh, and they explored her hungrily, yet gently. Richard's hands wandered from foot to breast to fingertip to neck to ass again and again.
Jessica's eyes began to take on a look of hunger. She said something to Richard and her hips picked up their pace slightly. She was breathing heavily now, her breasts were heaving with the effort of grinding her hips back and forth across her lover's lap. Her face took on a look of both determination and desperation. I still could not hear her but I knew she was begging Richard to come inside her. Their hands clasped together and her head fell back. Her hips were bucking wildly now. She was astride her stallion, urging him to the finish. Finally, I could hear their cries through the window. He did not last long against her determined effort upon him. His hands flew to her waist and held her still. Loud animal grunts mixed with high pitched wails came through the window. I was transfixed at the sight of her body drinking her lover's climax, seeing my wife's body contorted in pleasure with another man beneath her. Her face was twisted in bliss as her body quaked in orgasm. For a few fleeting seconds there was nothing in the world for me but Jessica's ecstasy. It filled me as it always had with a kind of rapture, a feeling of being distinctly outside myself, and I had to force myself not to cry out as my eyes closed against my own will and my seed spilled onto the ground.
She collapsed onto Richard and they sat there, breathing heavily, for several moments. She lifted herself and stood next to the chair. Richard's finger traced the outline of her now carefully trimmed pubic hairs and she laughed at something he said. I turned and quietly continued working my way down the hedges, doing a completely terrible job. Finally an hour later the yard chores were done. I put away the tools and entered the back door to find Richard dozing away in the recliner while the sports channel continued feeding statistics to fans. Jessica was fully dressed again and sat reading on the couch. I shook my head and remarked, "So much for catching that preseason action." Jessica chuckled at my remark but made no reply. I strode down the hall to the shower where I stood with eyes closed as the warm water ran down my body and recalled the image of Jessica astride her lover.
In the late afternoon I was sitting on the couch reading a book when the sound of the shower came on. I turned an ear towards the hall, listening intently, but Richard emerged and I knew there'd be nothing intimate to hear in the immediate future. Richard sat down in the recliner and turned to face me, "Jessica and I are going stargazing this evening." I looked up at him, "Oh?" "She always enjoyed it back when we were in college. We were in the official club and everything." I nodded, "I knew she had done some in the past, but didn't know she was quite that into it." Richard rose from the chair, "She used to know all of the constellations. And I mean all of them." I was a little surprised to learn something new about her, "Well she hasn't seemed to have any interest in a while now." "Yeah it was my idea to go give it a shot. I looked up a local club and they happened to be having a meeting tonight." I leaned back on the couch and propped my book upon my chest. Something about his plan bothered me but I made no indication of it, "Well you two have fun."
He cleared his throat and spoke, "I wanted to tell you that I've told Jessica everything you've told me." I looked up from the page and silently regarded him for a second, "Oh well. I'd have told her myself given time. I concluded her hearing about our talk the other day was probably what brought about that little theatrical performance last night. Congratulations on your promotion by the way." He chuckled, but his voice betrayed an uneasiness and he left in the direction of what was now their bedroom. Within half an hour they were standing in front of the couch putting light jackets on each other against the chill of evening. I watched them silently. Jessica picked up a blanket she had sat next to her feet and turned to me, "We're going stargazing." I looked at her to notice that she had put on a shade of bright red lipstick I had not seen her wear in years. My face was expressionless, "I know. Richard told me." Jessica averted her eyes, "Well. Okay. I don't know how late we'll be. Probably no need to wait up." I grunted, "Bye then." They left without another word.
As I shook the blanket that would cover my temporary bed in our silent home that night a purple envelope fell from between the folds. It was addressed to me in Jessica's flowing script. I opened it to find a letter written in Jessica's handwriting, "I love you and thanks again for everything. Know that your deep devotion to me is not going unseen, and know that it will be rewarded." At the bottom of the page an imprint of her lips was pressed onto the paper in the shade of lipstick I had noticed on her earlier. A feeling of shame came over me again, but this time it was genuine regret for my behavior before they left. I added "I Love You" to the bottom of the letter before placing it back in the envelope and tucked it under the door of what was once our bedroom. I finally got to sleep after noting that the clock on the bookshelf read eleven twenty three, and slept through until the morning.

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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by Cuckoo » Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:36 pm

The exchanges between her husband and her lover in this chapter are actually some of my favorite parts of the story so far.
10. Out of his Place

I was cheerful despite myself and well rested the next morning when Richard walked into the kitchen where I sat at the table. The toaster gave a metallic pop as he entered. I was rising from my chair but he waved a hand at me, "Sit down, let me get it. You want butter, jelly?" I agreed to both and he plated the toast and provided the silverware to allow me to apply the butter and jelly I had requested. He sat down in the chair opposite me and watched me begin eating the toast. I consumed the first slice in silence and it became clear something was on Richard's mind. I had been thinking a lot the previous night and had a pretty good guess as to what was bothering him. "You won't get her back, you know." He played dumb, "What?" I took a bite of toast and chewed it slowly before swallowing, "You won't get Jessica back." He continued his ploy, "What makes you think I..." I interrupted him, "You took her stargazing because it is something the two of you shared when you were together, and you wanted to rekindle some of her old feelings for you, did you not?" I mentally recalled the feeling of holding Jessica's brief letter in my hands the night before to reassure myself. He sat motionless, "I just wanted to do something I knew she'd like." I put down the slice of toast, "Just as I am devoted to her, she is devoted to me. And just as I told you earlier, she will choose me again if you make her." He shook his head. "Yes she will Richard. I have known her for ten years."
Richard's voice was edged with anger, "I know you told me to keep my distance, to stay in my place. But I have to tell you it's been hard to do that. All those old feelings for her have come rushing back. We've just been so close. We do more than just fuck you know. We talk." Richard sighed, "Okay, yes she does talk about you. It's clear she loves you. But what about me? I love her. Damn it I can't help myself wanting to take her home with me. I want her to say I'm the one she wants. I just can't help but want to have her all to myself." He looked at the floor. I was silent for a moment. "Richard, right now you do have her all to yourself. Right now you are the one she wants." He looked up and I went on, "Maybe part of Jessica's arrangement around here was to give you that, at least for a while. Why don't you just enjoy her while you have her?" He shook his head slightly, "I don't know if.." I interrupted him with a sigh. "I understand. You thought she was gone. For ten years she was nothing more than a friend. You did well by her, you respected her, but I know you still wanted her. Your actions this week have made it plain that you still wanted her. And now you have her. But what you have to realize is that what you feel now is infatuation. You are working out ten years of your life that you wanted to spend with her. This will pass Richard, it does between all new lovers. Jessica told me herself that as much as she appreciates your vigor for her, she knows it will wane. That's normal, it's to be expected. It doesn't mean your intimacy with her has to end but I can assure you Jessica will want to be with the man she is comfortable with when all is said and done."
Uncertainty continued to cloud his expression. I cleared my throat, "Richard, there's something else I want you to consider. Jessica has told me some details about your failed relationships, how none of them have worked out." He nodded meekly. "Have you considered why they've all failed you?" He gave no response, I went on, "I know you know that trying to put a tight leash on Jessica was part of what drove her away. And I can't say for sure, but have you considered all of your relationships have failed for the same reason you lost Jessica all those years ago? Did you ever consider that in trying to possess those women, you were driving them away?" Richard turned to look out the window, still silent. I rose from my seat and picked up the remaining slice of toast as I moved toward the back door. "I've got some errands to run." I put my hand on the doorknob and looked back at him, "Richard, you'll never possess her. But at least you can love her as long as it is on her terms. You're free to decide what love means to you. You are free to go, at any time, if you don't think you are comfortable here, or cannot adjust to this." I gave him a serious look, "I just want you to consider what love means to her. And whether that's really so bad after all." I stepped through the door and left him alone in the kitchen.
I was gone most of the day tending to various tasks. The exchange between Richard and I would not leave my mind, however, and my stomach spent the entire day tied in an uncomfortable knot.
Having arms full of grocery bags made it difficult to open the front door upon my return. Just as I was about to drop one of the heavy bags while crossing the threshold, Richard appeared and saved it from a trip to the floor. He held out his free hand, "Let me help." I turned so that he could lighten my burden and he strode behind me to the kitchen. Without a word, he took to putting the refrigerated items away.
I asked, "Where's Jessica?" He was putting a carton of milk in the refrigerator, "She's taking a nap. I think she got up pretty early this morning." I grunted a wordless affirmation. "Well she does have a lot of sleep to catch up on." We went about our task quietly for some time before Richard spoke, "I was thinking about what you said earlier. I mean about trying to possess people, like they should belong to me." He paused as placed a jug of orange juice into the fridge. "I was watching her sleep. I mean, we just laid in bed together after you left and she fell asleep. And I just laid there and watched her sleep. She's so beautiful. She was so pretty lying there." I imagined her sleeping face in the soft afternoon sun streaming through our bedroom window as Richard continued. "I realized I really did want her to be happy. Because I love her, but I realize now that that means I'll just have to give up some of what I want. If I'm going to love her it has to be as much about what she wants as it is about me. And then, I felt funny. I sat there thinking about how pretty she was lying there sleeping, and I just felt like it was silly to try and possess something like her. To want to own her was reducing her to the level of a beautiful painting that you buy in a gallery and hang on a wall in your home. Wanting to have her to myself suddenly felt like wanting to keep a pretty sunset all to myself. Greedy, and futile. And pointless too. If this is what it takes to be a part of her life, sharing her with the man she truly loves, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make." I silently regarded him for a moment, "Now you know something about how I feel." He smiled, and I smiled back. I had a sudden idea, "Let's cook supper for her tonight." He nodded vigorously.
The house was filled with the smells of food when Jessica strolled into the kitchen. As we had planned, Richard and I made an extravagant display of welcoming her to the kitchen before seating her and serving the meal. We broke it up into courses. For each one I would spew loads of impressive, and clearly made up, facts about the dish before putting it onto her plate and passing it to Richard to sit it down in front of her. Our continued theatrics elicited many smiles and laughs from her, and we all enjoyed our meal.
We were sitting around the table after clearing it when I turned to Richard, "You know, I think it's time for dessert." He looked at me with a puzzled expression but nodded in agreement. Jessica interjected, "I enjoyed it. Really, I couldn't eat anything else." I stood up. "I think the lady should get dessert." I opened the refrigerator and removed the angel food cake and whipped cream I had purchased earlier that day. They watched as I cut the cake into slices and covered each with a portion of the frothy treat. I sat the plate between them on the table, "Okay Richard, feed the lovely lady some dessert." He reached for a fork and I put a hand on his arm to halt him, "It would be far more intimate to feed her with your hands, don't you think?" He smiled and nodded as he picked up a piece of cake. He brought it to her smiling face. Her eyes gazed into mine as she opened her mouth and took a small bite. I leaned back on the counter, "Jessica, why would you keep the pleasure all to yourself? Feed your lover a bite." She took a piece with her own hand and offered it to Richard. Their eyes were locked as he took a bite from the slice in her hand. This went on for a minute before Richard pushed the cake just slightly too far into Jessica's mouth, as I knew he would, to coat her lips with whipped cream. She squealed and immediately did the same to him. They began to expend less effort on feeding each other and more on getting whipped cream on the outside of each other's mouth. Soon both pieces of cake had been consumed and both of their cheeks were white with frosting. I was surprised to find them both turn to me with questioning expressions. I wondered if either had noticed the bulge of my dick straining against the front of my shorts.
"You've already set the precedent of eating without silverware, why not just clean each other up without it?" Richard took his cue and rubbed an index finger across Jessica's cheek, gathering a great deal of the errantly placed cream. He put held the finger to Jessica's lips and she parted them and took his finger into her mouth. Jessica's cheeks caved in as he slowly removed his finger. Their eyes were locked together again. Now it was Jessica's turn to let Richard relish the taste of her flesh. They repeated this a couple of times until the cream was mostly removed from their lips and cheeks. They turned to me again. I shrugged my shoulders, "Well, that's it. I hope the two of you enjoyed dessert." Jessica stood, "It was great." She stepped over to the sink and began washing her hands. Richard rose immediately and stepped so that his body was pressing into hers from behind. He wrapped his arms around her as his head came to rest on her shoulder. His hands reached forward and joined Jessica's under the running water. They slowly caressed each other's hands for far longer than it took to remove the sticky residue of dessert. Richard stood upright and set his hands on the edge of the counter to either side of Jessica, keeping her body pinned between himself and the sink. She turned the water off and waited in anticipation.
Richard's hips thrust forward slightly, bringing forth a small gasp from Jessica. Several repeated motions got the same result. He brought his hands up and cupped her breasts so that he could pull her into him as his hips continued to grind his crotch into her from behind. I sat just a few feet away, transfixed. Jessica's gasps turned to light moans as his hips continued their rhythmic motion. She leaned forward so that she could place her hands on the windowsill. Her eyes were closed, and I wondered if she could feel the bulge of Richard's desire through the layers of clothing between them. Suddenly he stood and turned Jessica around so that he could kiss her. The sounds of their heavy breathing filled the kitchen as their lips remained locked together, their tongues exploring each others' mouths. Jessica remained pinned to the sink counter by Richard's body as his hands began to explore every part of her they could reach, paying particular attention to her breasts. Each time his fingers closed around her nippes, she let forth a deep moan through their kiss.
Richard broke free from their kiss and stepped back. They were both breathing heavily. He stooped and in one smooth motion removed Jessica's shorts before returning to their kiss. I saw that she had on a pair of light pink panties with yellow trim around the waist and legs. Jessica stepped out of her shorts and with a toe flung them away from her. His hands were exploring more roughly now. Soon they were lifting her shirt over her head. Their lips parted just long enough to allow the shirt to pass and Jessica was down to nothing but her panties. Richard turned her and began backing her toward the table. She obliged until the pink fabric of the panties which covered her ass was wedged against the edge of the table. Jessica's naked back was to me, my hand was in my lap gently caressing my excitement through my pants. With a quick swipe, Richard's hand swept the plate of cake from the table onto the floor. Whipped cream sprayed upward and outward as the plastic plate hit the floor. It rolled a couple of feet before coming to rest. With a grunt and a heave, Richard lifted Jessica onto the edge of the table. I watched intently as his hands rubbed up and down her naked back. He broke their kiss once more and with a hand began to lay Jessica back on the table. The thick oak timbers which held it up creaked as they took her weight, but remained solidly in place. I stood and stepped back. Neither of them seemed to notice I was even there.
Richard grabbed Jessica's panties and swiftly tore them from her legs. She was now naked on our table, and Richard clearly intended her to be the final course of his meal. My dick twitched as Jessica slowly spread her legs apart, revealing the place men live in anticipation of, ultimate of her physical treasures, to her lover. She offered her body to him, telling him that whatever pleasures he wanted from her were now freely given, he only had to take them. He looked down and regarded her waiting sex for a moment before quickly climbing atop her, bringing more creaks from the table, and rested his weight onto her. This brought a loud moan from Jessica before their lips met and they began kissing ardently once more. Despite being fully clothed, Richard's hips insistently pushed his bulge between Jessica's legs in a steady rhythm. My hand slowly lowered my zipper and reached inside to stroke myself more intently. They kissed for a minute or so before Richard climbed from the table back to the floor. His hand flew to the fastener on the front of his jeans as he looked at me, "Get out." I opened my mouth to speak but he was adamant, "Get out of this room. Now." I tried to speak again, but he became more perturbed, "Damn it, I know you can see I'm fixing to take your wife right fucking now on this table. Go!" I looked down at Jessica's bosom rising and falling, her hardened pink nipples adorning each of her perfect breasts, her body clearly anticipating the touch of her lover's flesh. She did not look at me as she spoke, "Honey. Try to understand. I want this so bad right now. Just listen to him okay? " I looked at where the hairs at the apex of her legs had been shaved and shaped to his taste. From where I stood the vee of her thighs perfectly framed the bulge in the crotch of Richard's pants. He pointed at the door which led to the living room, "You can go in there and, do whatever." His voice had taken on a deep tone which somehow compelled me to do as he said, and I turned to leave. I felt my skin growing red at my willingness to obey his command. As I left the room the sound of his jeans falling to the floor told me he had freed himself from their confinement. I had reached the living room when the creak of the table announced that he had climbed onto it again, mounting my wife. A loud yell followed immediately by a squeal from Jessica echoing off of the walls told me he had plunged himself completely into her in one fell swoop.
I listened intently to his loud grunts mingled with Jessica's cries. I wondered if our table would take the strain of my wife and her lover atop it. The wooden structure loudly complained but held to the finish, when Richard announced loudly to Jessica that he was going to come inside her, to her apparent delight. I sat meekly on the couch in the darkened living room, saying nothing as Richard carried her out of the kitchen. Jessica's legs were wrapped around Richard's waist. Her arms clasped his neck while her head sat in the crook of one of her arms. His hands were cupped beneath her, holding her naked body tightly to his own. As they passed I wondered if he was inside her at that moment. He made no notice of me, only tracing out the path towards their bedroom with a look of deep intent on his face. The last thing I took notice of were my wife's feet clasped together behind her lover's back, locking her body to his, just before he turned into their room and the door closed.
I quietly crept to the kitchen and found what I seeked. My dick seemed to practically free itself from my pants and my hand began to stridently tug at it as I brought the crotch of Jessica's panties towards my face. The soaked fabric told me that the juices of her sex had flowed freely as it readied itself in anticipation of Richard's inevitable arrival. My nostrils greedily inhaled the musk which had flowed from the center of her. It was familiar and at the same time, different. Had laying with Richard changed her scent I wondered? Would having a different man change the chemistry of her desire and anticipation? Or was it actually his smell mixed with hers I detected? My hand clasped the soft wet fabric tightly against my nostrils and the smelll of her and her lover became mixed in my senses with the soft cries coming from the bedroom. My other hand worked furiously and I came with a soft cry, looking down afterwards to see my climax across a floor covered with slices of sponge cake and whipped cream. They had settled into a more quiet session as I set about cleaning the kitchen, and I saw neither of them the rest of the night.

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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by HerLittleGuy » Mon Oct 22, 2007 8:48 am

This is an incredibly good story, and I'm enjoying reading it immensly!! When you're happy with the next sections, please post them. I'm very eager to see how this turns out!



Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by brady8107 » Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:56 pm

Fantastic story so far hope that you have many more chapters to come. What pornstar would you say Jessica looks like?


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Joined: Sun Oct 07, 2007 3:00 am
Location: USA

Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by Cuckoo » Tue Dec 25, 2007 1:27 am

Sorry about the delay. I got busy with work obligations and practically forgot I was writing this until someone pm'ed me and reminded me. I have written some since the last section, so fortunately I do have another bit to post.


11. One Week Anniversary

Monday morning dawned with Richard and I looking at each other over breakfast as the sounds of Jessica's morning shower came down the hall. Richard clearly had something on his mind again, and I was too tired to dance around any subject. "What is it Richard? Something's bothering you, just come out with it." He looked at me. "Sorry about last night." I was puzzled. "What about last night? Try not to take this the wrong way, but you were magnificent." He chuckled, "I don't know why I was ordering you around like that. I really didn't want to be mean." I nodded. "Oh. Kicking me out of the kitchen?" "Yeah. I don't know what came over me. I just wanted her right there but I was, well. I was kind of nervous. About being watched." I sighed, "That's okay. I understand if that's how you want it. But to tell you the truth, I thought it was kind of hot." His eyebrows shot up, "Really?" I nodded. He leaned forward, acting as if someone were listening, "Then I should tell you that it really got Jessica off." I chuckled, "That's intriguing, but not surprising." Richard leaned back, "Not surprising?" I smiled. "It's obvious from the way she's been emasculating me around here that it heats her up. I don't think she would have slotted you into bed with her if the thought of kicking me out of it didn't excite her. Like I've said, she's occasionally enjoyed exercising power in the bedroom. And giving it to you must be fun for her as well." Richard looked at the ceiling, "I hadn't really thought about it because I've been so, uh, busy. But now that you mention it I see what you mean." He was silent for a moment, "Can I tell you something else?" I nodded. He smiled sheepishly, "I liked it too. The thought that I had that kind of power, that I could order another man out of the room so that I could have his wife." "Well Richard, nothing wrong with that. As long as we keep this pleasant fantasy in context, feel free to explore." He nodded. "Okay."
Richard had to work late Monday night, leaving Jessica and I to eat our evening meal together, as we had almost every other day for the past decade. We had just gotten started when Jessica spoke, "I haven't had a chance to ask you while we were alone. Did you enjoy your little show Saturday morning?" I blushed, unaware that I had been detected watching them coupled together in my recliner. "Show?" Jessica laughed. "You can't play dumb. I know you were crouched behind the bushes watching. Did you enjoy watching me ride Richard's cock like that? Did you enjoy watching me get him off? I want to know baby. Did you enjoy watching me while my lover was coming inside me?" Her frank talk had awoken my dick, a fact she was well aware of as she had placed a foot firmly into my crotch and began to slowly wiggle it. I had to struggle to maintain my composure. "Well. Yes. I liked seeing that a lot." She leaned forward, "Good. I liked putting on that show for you. I liked knowing you were out there watching me. That made Richard's come feel so much sweeter as he exploded inside me, knowing that you were getting off watching me get it out of him. Tell me, did you masturbate while you watched Richard and I make love?" I nodded. She reacted by pressing her foot into my crotch slightly harder while rubbing it up and down. The sensations mixed with her words were steadily bringing me to the point where I would be unable to resist touching myself. A devilish grin crossed her face as her foot picked up the pace slightly. "You want to come now don't you?" I closed my eyes and nodded. Her foot picked up the pace again. Soon I was breathing heavily as her foot rubbed my crotch slowly and insistently. Her voice was smooth as she talked in a hush that was almost a whisper, "Think of me baby. Remember me riding my lover in our living room. Remember how it looked when I screamed in ecstasy for another man." I was too close, and her words brought forth the image that sent me over the edge. My hands grabbed the edge of the table and I looked into her eyes as my climax spilled into my briefs. Jessica cooed in approval, "That's it baby. Come for me." Her foot remained against my twitching member as it emptied the last bit of my seed. She returned her foot to the floor and leaned back in her seat. "Good job. I must be driving you completely crazy to work you like that." I nodded, unable to speak while trying to catch my breath. We sat for a couple of minutes as I regained my composure. Finally, I had to ask her, "Want to do it?" She laughed, "Eventually." I dropped a fist impatiently onto the table.
Another silence passed and I asked another question that had been on my mind. "Do you think Richard will always be shy about being watched?" Jessica shrugged her shoulders. "I can't read peoples' personalities that well. He gets off on you listening, I know because he's asked me several times if I like knowing my husband is listening to us. But it's weird that he's so nervous about being watched. I think he's afraid of being, judged or something." I was perplexed, "Judged? After the way he goes on?" Jessica laughed. "You men can be so weird. I get the sense that he's afraid he'll come up short in the lovemaking department. That if you watch, you'll be grading his performance." I laughed. "I'd think he would know the only person he's got to get a passing grade from is you." Jessica sighed. "Yeah, well. You were the one who said he was competing." She smiled at me again. "Too bad. I want you there some time to see it." I nodded in agreement as the door opened and Richard stepped inside. Jessica rose to greet him and the conversation the rest of dinner was staid and relaxed. Despite their vigor Sunday night Richard and Jessica had settled into a quieter routine as another work week began, playing neither as late nor as loudly. I began to wonder if the shine was coming off for them.
Wednesday when I arrived home from work I found them sitting on the couch. Jessica was lying back with her legs stretched across Richard's lap. She was dressed in a tan skirt that showed the lower half of her thighs, if not slightly more, and a dark blouse. I noticed the silver charm bracelet glittering on her wrist. She looked up at me as I came through the door, "Welcome home." I exchanged pleasantries all around before Jessica began, "Richard and I have discussed it and we want you to go out with us." I was surprised, "Oh really? Is there some sort of occasion?" I involuntarily noticed Richard's hand gently stroke Jessica's thighs where they crossed his lap. This display of gentle intimacy brought the familiar tingle to my crotch. She continued, "Oh you silly, it's been one week since Richard and I became lovers." With that she leaned up and Richard leaned down so they could share a quick kiss. She laid her head back down on the armrest of the couch, "We've decided to repeat the evening, so you can see what it was like." She giggled, "Well, most of it. See, we're even dressed the same as we were last week." She and Richard shared a smile. But I saw the quality in her smile that told me her sadistic streak demanded to be served tonight. Despite a nervous fluttering in my stomach, I found myself deeply intrigued, "Okay, sounds interesting."
As we approached the driveway Richard handed me the keys to his rental car, "You can drive." I pressed the button to unlock it and a loud thump came from the car, a white full sized luxury model. I walked to the driver's door and watched as Richard stepped to the rear door on the passenger side and swung it open. He swept an arm toward the interior and offered Jessica his other hand, "Ladies first." She smiled and took his hand as she stooped to enter the car. As she passed him, his free hand quickly came up underneath her skirt. He grinned at me as a small yelp came from Jessica, "Well, that didn't happen last week." He and I settled into the car at the same time. Jessica sat in the middle of the back seat, next to Richard. She leaned forward, "Alright, let's get to Chezzanne's". It was a restaurant we had been to many times, sometimes with friends. I felt the blush of shame once more at the thought of someone we knew seeing Jessica there with Richard the previous week. Then it struck me. We were regulars and their waiter might have been one that had served us often enough to know Jessica. I looked in the rearview mirror to see Jessica's eyes looking back. I cleared my throat. "Did you see anyone we knew at the restaurant last week?" Her eyes rolled, "Don't worry. I requested the darkest table in the place just in case. I'm not stupid. I think some of the staff recognized me but who gives a damn. They just work at a restaurant."
The well known restaurant was only fifteen miles away. I made no attempt at conversation, it being difficult to think with my wife and her lover whispering into each other's ears in the back seat. I tried hard to use the rearview mirror to keep tabs on what was going on, but this proved impossible. The whispers turned to quiet giggles. The sound of bodies shifting on upholstery began to emanate from the back seat. I made a quick glance over my shoulder and caught the briefest glimpse of Richard leaned over, his hand underneath Jessica's skirt. He admonished me, "Hey, you need to be watching the road, not us. I did not dare another glance, refusing to even look back when changing lanes. The steady stream of light giggles and hushed voices continued from the back seat until we pulled into the restaurant parking lot.
Jessica and Richard walked ahead of me arm in arm as we approached the restaurant. When we were near the door she turned her head towards me, "Okay, I've booked the same table for Richard and I. You'll have one across the restaurant. Don't worry, it'll give you a good view of where we're sitting. We're going in seperately, but you are to pay for our meal." I nodded. Richard held the door open for Jessica and they disappeared inside. I watched through the glass doors as the maitre'd exchanged a few pleasantries with them and then led them away. When they were gone, I made my way inside and waited. The maitre'd returned to his post near the door and smiled at me, "Ah, good to see you again. Your wife arrived just a few minutes ago." His mental machinery gave the first sign of trouble as he stammered lightly, "With a. With. With a friend of hers." I could feel my face becoming hot, but hoped it was too dark to see it change color in the restaurant. I had to think quickly, and threw out the first thing that came to mind, "Ah, no. My wife is out of town tonight. You must have seen someone who looks like her." I cursed myself inside for giving such a ridiculous response. His head tilted slightly, and I could tell he was trying to decide if I was lying or merely deluded. "I am certain it was your wife sir. Surely there is a special occasion? You are meeting her here perhaps? Oh I hope I haven't ruined a surprise." I felt the flush of shame intensify, "No. You must have seen someone who looks like her." An uncomfortable silence filled the space between us. I pointed to the book on the stand he stood behind, "If you check your reservations you'll see that I'm here by myself tonight." He glanced down at the page and his eyes widened slightly, "Ah, I see now. Of course. It is not her name listed on the other lady's reservation anyway." He led me to a table in the middle of the restaurant, "Your table, sir." I noticed him glance quickly to our left before smiling at me and pointing out my table. When I looked in the direction of his glance my heart skipped a beat. The corner booth was dark, but I could see Richard and Jessica's forms in the low light. They sat next to each other looking out over the restaurant.
I nodded at the maitre'd and took a seat that allowed me to see the booth where they sat. He glided away and soon a waiter appeared. I felt relieved that he was one I did not know. He took my order and disappeared and I setttled into a rhythm of trying to observe what was going on in the darkened corner booth. The tablecloth obscured them between table and floor and I wondered, had Richard hiked up her skirt again? Was his hand now exploring my wife's flesh between waist and knees? They seemed to be talking, nothing more. After a few minutes Jessica rose from the table and walked off in the direction of the restroom, but took her place next to Richard's side a few minutes later.
Our food arrived almost simultaneously. I had barely begun my meal when I heard my name and my heart shot into my throat. An elderly couple, members of our neighborhood committe, was approaching my table. We exchanged greetings. The wife spoke, as she was the only one of the pair who ever spoke. She greeted me before saying something that froze me to the core in an instant. "I happened to bump into Jessica in the restroom earlier, she's looking lovelier than ever." I thanked her and told her I would pass on the compliment. Thankfully they appeared not to have not seen that Jessica was here in someone else's company, but I felt as if I must have been visibly sweating from the desperation that they would not glance at the corner booth and see her there. We made some small talk about projects around the neighborhood for a couple of minutes. It took a great effort for me not to glance in the direction of Richard and Jessica's table. Finally the lady stepped back, "Well, I wanted to speak to Jessica again, but I guess she's busy with something." I had to think on my feet again, "She's making a phone call, a family member." She looked concerned, "Oh I hope everything is okay." I shook my head, "Everything is fine, but I don't know when she'll be back to the table." The old lady looked around, and to my relief just missed scanning the place where Jessica and Richard sat. She looked at me again, "That's okay. I can drop by your house this weekend, if that's alright." "Yes. Well we may be busy but it couldn't hurt to see if we're there." She nodded, "Fine. That's fine. It's nothing urgent. Oh by the way I love what you've done with those hedges in front of your house." I smiled. "Thanks." She looked around the restaurant again as I hoped her eyesight was not what it used to be. "Well we've got to be going. I hope you two have a delightful evening." I thanked her again and breathed a sigh of relief at the news they were leaving. When she was a few feet away, however, she turned and spoke again, "I almost forgot to ask you. Who's that young man I see coming and going from your place all the time now?" I swallowed and smiled as best I could. "Oh, that's an old friend of ours. He's working in town for a few weeks and we offered our place." I was relieved that the truth was the best answer under the circumstances. Her face took on a look of concern but gradually softened. "Ah, I see. Very kind of you two. Well I've go to get going. Have a nice week." I waved as she turned to leave.
I finally looked in the direction of their table again and noticed that Richard was now absent. Jessica waved at me coyly, but I dared not return her greeting. As I was taking a sip of water, Richard's familiar voice came from behind me, "Oh by the way, I should tell you that this is something else that didn't happen last week. Last week I didn't get her out of her panties until we were home." His hand tossed a small black form onto the table. My heart leapt into my throat yet again when I saw that a pair of black panties trimmed in lace had landed next to my glass. Without thinking I quickly grabbed them and stuffed them into my pocket, desperately hoping that noone had seen this man toss a pair of panties onto my table before heading off in the direction of my wife's table. Even though I only held them briefly, the damp coolness of the fabric belied its wetness. Richard settled into his seat and now I intently watched them. It was too dark to make out anything except where they sat in relation to each other. And they could not have been any closer without her being in his lap. No motion was evident other than them sharing the occasional kiss. Finally Jessica laid her head on Richard's shoulder and they were still.
I wondered if Jessica had removed her panties in the restroom, or if Richard had somehow managed to work them off of her while they sat at the table. I wondered if, at that very moment, he was touching the place the panties had covered only minutes before. My mind's eye imagined his hand running gently back and forth over the top of her naked thighs underneath the table before slowly descending between her legs. I was snapped out of my haze by the voice of the waiter, "Your check sir." I blinked and looked at him, "What? Oh, yes." My skin began to turn red again as I cleared my throat, "I. Uh. I'll be paying the check for that table in the corner as well." I bowed my head in the direction of their table and to my horror saw that at that moment they were locked in another deep kiss. The waiter looked towards their table before returning his dispassionate gaze to me, "That's a little unusual." My mind grasped for excuses, "Old college friends of mine. Out on their anniversary. I talked to them while ago, told them I'd pick up their tab as a kind of congratulations." The waiter regarded me silently for a second, "Very well." His tone did not tell me whether he believed me or not, but it did tell me he did not give that much of a damn about what went on inside the restaurant. They began to slide themselves out of their booth. Jessica took extra care with her skirt as she exited. After they had left the room I tried to adjust my hardness so that it would not be completely evident when I stood, and felt thankful that I had at least worn dark slacks.
As we drove to the mall, the light slurps of their kisses were the only sounds that came from the back seat. Despite my earlier warning, I stole many glances of Jessica's delicate features attached to Richard's face at the lips in the rearview mirror. Once we had pulled into a spot, Richard spoke, "Jess, can you get out over there, I want to tell him something." I had never heard him use a nickname for her before. She did as he had asked, and opened the door on her side and slipped out. After the door closed behind her Richard held up the index and middle fingers of his left hand. They glistened in the dim light coming from the parking lot poles. He spread them slowly apart and a single strand of wetness hung between them. "Had them in her at the restaurant too. She came. Right there in that crowded restaurant she came on my fingers. What an amazingly sexy woman." With that he stuck the fingers between his lips and loudly slurped the wetness from them as he pulled them from his mouth. "Mmmm. Delicious." He exited the car leaving me still holding the steering wheel, breathing heavily.
Just after passing through the double doors, Richard announced, "I think I want to buy this sexy lady some clothes." Jessica squealed in approval, "I think I'm really learning to like this." As was to be expected on a Wednesday night, the mall was almost deserted. This slightly allayed my fear of someone we knew seeing the three of us. I felt confident that a story about merely entertaining an old friend at the mall would be easier to sell than explaining why my wife was sitting alone at a table with another man in a busy restaurant. I swallowed hard, however, at the sight of Richard offering his arm to my wife, into which she readily placed her own. I caught up to them, matching my pace to theirs, "Jessica, do you think it would look strange to someone we knew for you to be arm in arm with Richard?" She laughed, "Richard is my lover, and I will stroll with him as I please if you don't mind." I grunted quietly, a show of acquiescence. Richard swept a hand before him, taking in the long bright corridor of shopping opportunities, "Okay baby, anything here is yours for the asking. You just point out which one you want to go in first." Jessica clapped excitedly, "That one." She pointed out a nearby store and we all walked inside. She turned to me, "You go wait by the dressing rooms while we pick out some things." I did as she asked. The lady behind the counter next to the entrance to the dressing rooms took note of my presence as I slid into a chair, then quickly returned to folding clothes. I could hear their voices drifting across the store. As they grew nearer, I could make out their conversation. The discussion centered on the shapes and colors presented on the many racks and shelves. Finally they appeared at the dressing rooms, Jessica burdened with several items draped across her forearms. Richard eased into the chair next to me, "I told her I'm not buying anything until I've seen her in it first." I nodded.
She soon walked out of the dressing room in a tight fitting red blouse. I was shocked to see the neckline plunged deep between her breasts. It was not the kind of thing she had picked out to wear in quite some time, and the sight of her cleavage in the vee of red fabric excited me. Richard whistled lightly and nudged me with his elbow, "Wow, her tits look great in that, don't they?" I nodded wordlessly, and noticed that the lady folding clothes nearby had stopped folding at Richard's comment. I began to blush once more. Richard spun his finger in a circle, "Let's see it from all sides. I'm not buying anything till I've taken in all angles." She spun in a slow circle. The short white and very tight skirt topped off her smooth legs perfectly. When she was turned away from us Richard grunted, "Man, your wife has a great ass doesn't she?" I somehow managed to blush more deeply but nodded once more. At Richard's comment the clerk stopped working again. Richard nodded in approval, "Okay, that's a buy for sure. I can't wait to take your wife out wearing that." With this the clerk stepped away from her post. Richard's blunt evaluations of Jessica's selections continued until she had exhausted them and stood once more before us in the clothes she had worn upon entering the store. The ones Richard had approved of were draped across her forearm. He stood from his chair and removed his wallet before thrusting a credit card at me, "Go pay for the beautiful lady's clothes." I stood and took the card from Richard and the clothes from Jessica before they turned towards the door, "We'll wait outside."
I looked around for the nearest register and my heart sank. The older lady who had made a quiet display of leaving the dressing room area was standing behind it. I approached it and slowly placed the pile of clothing on the counter. I made brief eye contact and smiled, but saw that she was peering over her glasses at me. I looked away to see that from the register Richard and Jessica could be plainly seen leaving the store, arm in arm. She wordlessly rang up the items and I held the card towards her outstretched hand once the last item had been scanned. She regarded the card for several seconds, but then grunted lightly and passed it through the scanner. The display announced that it was approved and shortly thereafter I found the two of them sitting on a bench. They shared a brief kiss as I approached. Our routine repeated itself for three more stores. Thankfully the rest of the stores were devoid of nearby employees to overhear Richard's frank and forthright evaluation and approval of Jessica's physical merits wrapped in an array of alluring clothing. Jessica, however, relished every word. Soon enough I was laden with bags, it taking some effort to keep them all in hand.
We came to the food court. Jessica turned her face to Richard, "Oh, get me a fruit smoothie baby." He nodded. "Yeah, only one more errand and he won't need our help for this one anyway. You want to tell him about it or you want me to give him his marching orders?" Jessica rested her head on his chest, "You do it. I learned the other day it makes me so hot when you take charge." My dick twitched at Jessica's confession. Richard chuckled and pointed down the mall, "Down there is the store where I bought that piece of lingerie for your beautiful wife last week. This week it's your turn to go in there and pick something out. And you're to select something that you would choose to put on Jessica if you were looking to please yourself. You buy something you want to see her in but you should know something. I will be the man whose passions she seeks to inflame by putting it on. I'll be the man whose hands feel it while her flesh fills it out. She will wear it to excite me, and I have no doubts it will have the intended result. I'll be the man making her have one wonderful orgasm after another in it, and I'll be the man whose flesh is against it as I'm coming inside her married pussy." I was blushing brightly by the end of his speech, and turned instinctively towards the Frederick's store. As I walked away I heard Richard ask Jessica, "Too harsh baby?" She cooed in return, "No way. That made my pussy tingle."
My selection wasn't too difficult, and within a few minutes I approached the counter with the white fishnet bustier with ruffled hem, white lace panties and white knee high stockings. I placed the items on the counter and the graceful blond middle aged woman behind it smiled at me. I glanced at the nametag on her breast to see that it read Joanne and that she was the sales manager. She held the bustier up, "Excellent choice." She began to scan the items. My heart stopped as I heard Jessica's voice coming from behind me. She said something about spoiling the surprise but Richard answered in a dismissing tone. I turned my head to see them walking through the entrance to the store and quickly turned back. I hoped against hope that they wouldn't approach the register, but their voices steadily grew louder until they were standing beside me. The clerk smiled at them, "Oh, hi. Welcome back. Black see through number, correct?" Jessica nodded as she took a sip of her smoothie. To my horror, Richard picked up the delicate white panties and held them aloft, "Oh I can't wait to see you in these. You're going to look so sexy." We were all shocked at his brazenness, but he dared to go on, "You'll look even better once you're out of them." My head grew light and my eyes widened but I made no response, only standing perfectly still. Even Jessica was blushing as she playfully punched him in the upper arm. The clerk didn't seem flustered by it, however. I guessed that she must get this type of behavior in the store from time to time as she chuckled and levelled her gaze at Richard. "The gentleman here is already buying that pair sir. But we have plenty more in the store. I'll help you find them as soon as I'm done here." Richard nodded, "Oh, no need for that. He's buying them for this beautiful lady right here." He placed an arm around Jessica. I saw Joanne's eyes drop and glance from my hand to Jessica's and then to Richard's before a knowing look crossed her face. I decided she must have been checking out which of us were wearing rings. She cleared her throat, "Very well then. I'll just have to bag them." Richard gave a grunt of approval and he and Jessica turned to walk out of the store, arms around each other's waists.
I watched Joanne stare at them strolling towards the exit as her hands automatically began putting the items in a white and pink bag. She looked at me and I could tell she was sizing me up from a purely physical standpoint. While it had been a week and a half of unexpected occurrences, I was still floored by the beautiful clerk's next remark. "Very lucky lady. Having the two of you." I looked at her, half perplexed, as she went on in a confident tone. "And lucky guys too. She looks delicious. He's right, she really will look great in these." I stared at her in astonishment. "Congratulations on finding her." I regained my mental standing and something strange occurred to me. "It seemed a little strange that you could remember one pair of customers out of what must be hundreds in a week." She chuckled as she nodded. "That pair would have been hard to forget. I've been around long enough to know when I'm looking at two people who are only having a private place away from tearing each others' clothes off for the first time. I was sad to think she was fixing to be breaking her marriage vows. But then I hadn't considered all the possibilities. I'm glad to know the truth is a bit more," she paused, "flexible."
A customer walked up to the rack of bras near the register. Joanne leaned over the counter as she handed me the bag and spoke in a hushed tone, "My business card is in your bag. If you and your wife or," she paused, "her and her friend, or the three of you, or even just your wife, ever want someone to play with, think about giving me a call." I stammered a thank you, being completely new to a situation like this, and backed away from the register. Finally the animal part of my mind, that part that is always on the lookout for pleasure, woke up. In a flash of insight I knew exactly what to do. I reached into my pocket and brought forth a small wad of black fabric before holding it out to Joanne. She took it and held the panties up between us. She looked at me, "Hers?" I nodded. "She, ahem, lost them earlier tonight. Let's just say they were found here in this store." Joanne delicately folded them and slid them into her pocket. "Very nice. I'll wear them with pride." My dick twitched as Joanne winked at me. I began to back away. We exchanged a quick wave before I turned to leave.
Richard and Jessica were again sitting on a bench, this time making out like sex starved teenagers. I tried to remember the last time she and I had shared more than a quick peck on the lips in public and couldn't. Then I thought to the moment a week and a half before when I had caught Richard's hand furtively stealing a touch of Jessica on the rock wall at the overlook and marvelled at how much things had changed since then.
Richard wanted to look in an electronics store, but Jessica and I declined and sat next to each other on a bench outside. After there were no shoppers in earshot I muttered to her quietly, "Having a nice one week anniversary?" She did not look at me as she answered, "I am so fucking hot right now I can barely stand and walk. Good god do you guys know how to stoke a woman's fire." I laughed quietly when I noticed her legs were continually shifting as we sat on the bench. She shifted them from side to side every few seconds, pausing occasionally to alternately shift her thighs up and down against each other. She changed to twisting her hips so that her thighs rubbed back and forth rather than up and down. She was continually adjusting her skirt the entire time, attempting to maintain her dignity while bringing herself relief in the absence of touch. Another shopper passed, but took no notice of her or I sitting on the bench. I leaned my head toward her, "Any of that working?" Her answer was quick and terse, "No."
Richard appeared behind the bench and placed his hands on the back of the seat, "I've been watching you shift in your seat for several minutes Jessica. Is this beautiful damsel in distress?" Her hand immediately shot up and grabbed his wrist. "Let's go. Now." Richard chuckled as he took her hand and helped her stand up. I fell in behind them and watched her expend a great deal of effort to keep her thighs held tightly together as she walked. The sounds of their kisses filled the car again on the way home. By the time I pulled the car into the drive, Richard was sitting in the middle of the back seat as Jessica straddled him, whimpering each time a bump in the road caused her naked crotch to bounce on Richard's lap. As he exited the car, I could see that she had left a wet spot on the marked bulge in the crotch of Richard's pants.


Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by Edishere » Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:14 pm

This just has to be one of the all time hottest stories on this site!! :lol: :lol:


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Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by abhiandpreeti » Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:58 am

The word hot doesn't even begin to cover this!!!

Brilliant story Mr. Cuckoo. Please accept my compliments.
Abhi, the hubby
Abhi's wife sharing stories


Re: Jessica's Thirtieth Birthday

Unread post by eightpokes » Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:17 pm

Greetings all,

Having lurked for an age, I had to register simply down to this story.
I saw it ages ago, and loved it and became a avid visitor checking for the end of this story. Truely one of the best I have ever read.
Like many, Cant wait for an ending...or hope for one :D :(

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