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Brotherly Love II

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:14 am
by mywifedates
Even though Ann seemed content to have sex always tied up and always by proxy, meaning I would use objects to fuck her or "make love to her" and never actually have physical sex, she still must have craved some "human" sexual interaction. After the bondage incident with her brother, we did not need to be as secretive about our sex life as we had been. When sober, her brother would offer to go out or "get lost" if we needed him to and when in party mode, which was most of the time with him, he would offer to help tie her up and even encourage me to do so.

Ann played the board games Life and Clue more than backgammon, so her brother modified those games for drinking shots or taking a pot hit from a bong. While playing Life, any time you had to pay a fee or lose a turn, you had to do a shot of Goldschlager or a bong hit. With Clue, the same penalty applied if a turn ended and you were outside a room. My wife could not drink or smoke nearly as much as he could or even as much as I could for that matter, so a problem developed where she could not keep up. His solution was, she could skip a shot or a hit if she removed a piece of clothing. Ann thought this was great as she would put on socks, camisoles and even layered shirts before we started. I insisted that Ann could not remove her pantyhose or inside panties, and we all agreed. Most of the time by the fourth shot or third hit, Ann was pretty toasted which resulted in her inhibitions being pretty much nonexistent, especially when she was high. She thought she was outsmarting us by removing her bra while her shirt was on, but eventually she had to take the shirt off and always ended up sitting there at the end of games in her panties and pantyhose. The game would end and I would take her into the bedroom and tie her up and her brother would go to bed.

Ann's brother Dave worked second shift and Ann was a stay at home mom so we could stay up late with no real problems. I was promoted at work to supervisor and my shift changed to 6am so I could not stay up as late as them or party as much as them, especially on weekdays. I started to go to bed by 10pm and they would stay up and watch tv or play games without me. One Saturday night we were playing Clue and I was getting killed rolling ones and twos repeatedly not being able to get to a room. I was smashed and Ann was down to her panties and pantyhose and they were arguing about how she could continue playing without doing shots. Ann suggested she have her feet or hands tied if she refused to do a shot and he jumped at the suggestion. I remember tying her feet at the ankles and then her hands in front of her so she could still roll the dice. After that I passed out.

When I woke up on the floor in the morning, I found Ann asleep in our bed. I crawled in bed next to her and I noticed she was not wearing pantyhose. I knew Ann wore pantyhose 24/7 but I figured she must have had too much to drink and maybe thrown up getting some on her pantyhose, taking them off. Later in the day I went in to harass her brother about sleeping all day and he told me he was hurting. He turned his back towards me and I walked around the other side of the bed to mess with him some more. As I walked around the foot of the bed, I saw a pair of pantyhose on the floor by the side of the bed. I stopped in my tracks thinking either he wore pantyhose or they were Ann's. I told him I would go away and let him sleep and I reached down and grabbed the pantyhose bundling them up in my hand. I went straight to the bathroom and smelled the discolored cotton crotch. There was no mistaking the smell of my wife, they were hers. My mind was racing trying to come up with a logical reason as to how my wife's pantyhose ended up in his room. There was no vomit on them so that being an excuse was out of the question. My wife only took her pantyhose off for three reasons, to take a shower and she put new ones on immediately afterwards, to go swimming, or to have sex with someone other than me.

I was super excited but I knew it would be a touchy subject with Ann as I had taunted her when she was tied up about how her brother secretly wanted to fuck her. I even teased her by telling her I was going to go get him, leaving the room. She would call me sick, but she reacted very positively and would call me chicken when I came back to the room. Ann insisted that was something she never thought about or would ever do. I wanted to know so badly, but I did not want to jeopardize her continuing to do whatever she was doing with him. I was going crazy wondering if he just tied her up or if he actually had sex with her. When she woke up I asked how things went after I passed out and she said they played a little longer before calling it a night. I casually asked about her not wearing pantyhose when I came to bed and she said she spilled a drink all over her legs right before they quit the game so she took them off. I offered to clean the carpet area where it spilled and she told me it spilled on the kitchen counter and splashed on her.

I was worried that she might try to find the pantyhose to cover her story so I went back into Dave's room and dropped them on the floor by the side of the bed. I watched her and I could tell she was looking for them trying to remember where she took them off. About an hour later they appeared in the hamper. I knew something was up but I wanted some proof. The following weekend we played again and this time I cheated putting water in a Tequila bottle knowing neither of them drank Tequila. I did shots of the "tequila" and as the night progressed I pretended to be really messed up. I pretended to pass out on the floor. They kept talking to me and trying to get me to "wake up" but I just laid there. They were both high, buzzed and in the mood to party. Dave told her that it looked like they were on their own once again. They continued to play and I could hear them trading sexual taunts and provocative comments. Ann asked him if he had any regrets about the "other night" and he said absolutely not. I was not 100% sure what they were talking about but I had my ideas. As the game continued it got to the point where Ann was out of clothing to remove and he told her she had to choose something else. Ann said she would choose what she did the other night. She left the room and came back with several of the straps I used to tie her hands and legs.

Where I was lying I could watch them as long as they did not turn around. They were in the living room sitting on the floor by the coffee table with their backs to me. Dave told her to put her feet together and tied her ankles. On her next turn she had another shot and he asked her what she wanted. Ann offered her hands in front of her and he said behind your back this time. She asked how she would be able to play with her hands behind her back and he told her she could spit the dice out. He tied my wife's hands behind her back and then on her next turn he popped the two dice in her mouth. She spit them out and had a high enough number to reach a room. Dave said since he had to move her piece he was choosing a different room her. He moved her piece away from the room she was ready to go into in. She objected but he paid no attention to her telling her she lost again and to lie face down on the floor. She started to argue and he just pushed her forward catching her before she slammed into the ground. He ran a third strap through the strap tied around her ankles and then ran that same strap through the one around her wrists pulling her feet up as far as they would go and then tied it around her ankles.

I was in heaven, both excited and in awe seeing my wife in my first ever view of a hogtie. She complained to him and he just taunted her saying he knew where the duct tape was if he needed it. Ann must have known he would use it because she stopped complaining immediately. She asked about finishing the game and he told her the game is done and you lose. He then took another strap and tied it around her knees pulling them tightly together. He took a final strap and tied it around Ann's elbows pulling them toward each other until they actually touched. She let out a yelp and he reminded her that he knew where the tape was. Ann asked if he was worried about me waking up. He got up and walked over to where I was on the floor and lightly pushed me with his foot trying to wake me up. I played dead and he told her I was down for the count. He told her that her husband would not be saving her from her fate tonight. Ann asked what her fate was. Dave told her she could choose to be left tied all night on the floor, or she could choose to be moved to his room and retied like the "last time". Ann asked if he was going to do the same stuff he did last time and he said, "that and more". She told him she wanted to go to his room.

Dave scooped her up still in a hogtie and carried her in his arms down the hall to his room. I waited a few long minutes until I was sure he was not going to come back out, then snuck down the hallway toward his room. The door was about three quarters of the way closed and was the last room before the bathroom at the end of the hall. I was able to hear them but I was afraid to peek around the door in case they saw me. Ann was giggling and I could hear him taunting her. Dave seemed to really enjoy taunting her when she was tied, even more than me. He kept calling her his "slut sister" and he would ask her if she liked what he was doing to her. I could hear my wife telling him she did. Ann started saying she loved it and begging him to do it more and to do it harder. My mind was spinning as I tried to imagine exactly what Dave was doing to her. I wondered if she was still tied up or if he had untied her.

I came up with a plan to dart past the partially open door and go into the bathroom. That way I could hide in the bathroom if he came out and possibly be able to get a glimpse of what he was doing to her or if she was still tied up. The tv was still on in the living room so I was not really worried about making noise. I mustered my courage and shot past the room glancing in as I went by. Fortunately, Dave’s bed was in a position in the room where the headboard was farthest from the door. As I went by I looked in and Ann was obviously still hogtied lying in the middle of the bed. Dave was on the bed lying next to her. I was still dying to know what he was doing to her and causing her to beg for more when she was tied so restrictively in a hogtie. I laid on the floor so I could peek up to try to see what he was doing. He had his hand on her ass and he was pulling something very firmly. I thought at first it was a rope or something he ran between her legs, but after I raised my head a little higher, I could see that he was pulling her outside pair of panties very hard into her ass crack and obviously Ann was enjoying the sensation. This man was once again a genius as he introduced Ann to being pantyfucked, which causes her to orgasm quickly and easily even today.

Dave continued to pantyfuck my wife for at another 15 minutes or so. Then he asked her if she was ready for real cock. Ann eagerly responded that she was ready. Dave wondered aloud how he should tie her telling Ann it would be impossible to fuck her while hogtied. Then he shocked me by telling her she could suck his dick while she was hogtied. I could see him climb on the bed and kneel in front of her and I could hear her telling him she didn't really want to. He told her he didn't really care what she wanted and she stopped talking. I heard her gag a couple times and he kept instructing her to use her tongue more. Ann never gave me blowjobs as she did not like that I was uncircumcised. I heard him telling her to swallow it all and then he started talking to her again. Dave told her he would have to untie her legs, remove her pantyhose and then tie her legs differently. Ann suggested spread eagle and he told her he already fucked her spread eagle and wanted to try different ways. Ann then suggested he fuck her untied so she could hold him and he told her I don't want to hold you, I just want to fuck you!

Dave jumped off the bed and I slid into the bathroom getting ready to shut the door in case Dave came out of the room. After a minute or so, I realized he was not coming out. I slid back down by the floor and I could hear him taunting her some more. I slid up until I could see the lower part of the bed. He had untied Ann's feet from being tied to her hands and he was untying her knees and ankles. Ann sighed in relief and Dave told her not to relax because when he is done she will wish she was still hogtied. While I was on the floor I noticed that Dave had installed many of the screw hooks, and by many I mean dozens, under his waterbed frame. His back was to me and I could clearly see the lower half of his bed with my wife lying on it still wearing her pantyhose and panties. Dave teased Ann about whether to remove her pantyhose or rip the crotch out. He told her since her silly husband had such a thing for pantyhose he would leave them on.

Ann's brother tied a strap around her left ankle and then pulled it up to the top of the headboard where he had an eye hook. He ran the strap through the eye hook and then tied it off. He did the same thing to the other ankle lifting Ann's legs toward the ceiling and arching her back in what looked to be very uncomfortable. Ann started complaining and without a word he opened the night table drawer and pulled out the duct tape that used to be in my kitchen. Dave had removed Ann's outer panties when he had her legs untied while trying to decide whether to remove her pantyhose. They were all stretched out from being pulled into her crotch and ass crack. He took the panties and walked to the side of the front of the bed where I could not see him. I heard him telling Ann to open her mouth and I could hear her arguing with him. I leaned in further wanting to see what was going on and I almost lost it right there. Dave pinched her nose making her open her mouth to get a breath. When Ann opened her mouth he shoved the balled up panties into her mouth and then slapped a piece of tape he had waiting over her mouth. Ann was struggling for all she was worth and he just laughed at her telling her she was going to get the fucking of her life tonight. Every time something new like this would happen I was always shocked at how much more sexually excited I would become and this was definitely the sexual high point in our lives up to this point.

Now that Ann was quiet and any objections she might have were meaningless, Dave continued to tie her for what he promised would be "the fucking of Ann's life". I was feeling very comfortable that Dave had no idea I was even in the building, never mind that I might wake up. I was staring in the room standing up so I could see Ann's head as she was lying face down on the bed. He took Ann's arms with her elbows still tied together and he ran a strap through the hand tie, then he stood on the bed between her legs and pulled her arms straight up until she winced. He let go of the strap allowing Ann's hands to fall back against her ass. Dave told her he needed to get a hook into the ceiling so he could pull her arms up telling her how important it was to make sure he put the hook in a stud as if she actually cared.

I thought he might leave the room to get a hook and started to move to the bathroom, but he had several on the headboard. I moved back to my spot and watched him tap the ceiling looking for a stud. After the hook was secure he grabbed the strap again while standing on the bed and pulled Ann's arms straight up toward the ceiling in what I imagined was a very uncomfortable position. He stopped and stood at the foot of the bed admiring his handiwork telling Ann she really did look hot. He told her that he wished he had known what she was into years ago. He asked her if she liked what he had done to her and to my shock and excitement Ann nodded her head and I could hear her mumble, "uh huh" through her panty gag. Dave climbed on the bed and laid down next to my wife. He slid his hand down to her ass and started rubbing her ass moving his hand closer and closer to between her legs. He started rubbing between her legs vigorously and Ann would groan through the panty gag each time he rubbed. Ann's groan was definitely a groan of pleasure and as he continued to rub her crotch I watched her toes begin to curl as they do whenever she experiences an orgasm. Watching my wife being forced to orgasm when tied so restrictively was and still is one of my favorite moments. To be honest, at the time I would not have had the perseverance to follow through and put Ann into the ties Dave did, which is why I am so thankful he became involved.

Ann's brother repeated this ritual for another 30 plus minutes and then told her it was time to fuck her. He walked over to the nightstand and pulled out a folding hunting knife. Ann's eyes went big and you could see she had some fear being tied like she was and Dave snapping open a hunting knife. He sensed her uneasiness and started to taunt her with the knife sliding it up and down her legs. She tried to squirm and he told her to relax. He told her he wanted to fuck her, not kill her! He told her he was going to cut out the crotch of her pantyhose so he could fuck her. He stopped and asked her, "isn't that what you want me to do"? Ann responded by nodding her head and mumbling out, "uh huh" again. Dave pulled the crotch of Ann's pantyhose away from her crotch and cut a straight slit in the cotton crotch. He grabbed the two sides and tore the opening larger making a tearing sound as he did so. He then pulled her red panties away from her crotch and cut them from one side to the other across the crotch. He folded the knife and tossed it on the floor by the bed. He then slid a finger in my wife and she moaned through the gag. He pushed it in and out of her forcefully and asked her if she wanted another finger. Ann nodded and groaned, "uh huh" a third time. After making her orgasm, he asked if she wanted a third finger and she once again nodded and mumbled, "uh huh". He fingered my wife for several more minutes and I watched her wondering how he was going to be able to fuck her. Her ass was up and her pussy was facing down. He gave her one more orgasm and then declared it was time to fuck Sis. He reminded her that he had no condoms and he was going to cum inside her again. He asked her if that was okay and Ann nodded aggressively and mumbled, "uh huh" once more.

Dave took his pants and boxers off and stood looking at her for a second. He told her she had a really nice ass and he asked her if she had ever had anal sex. Ann groaned, "no" through her panty gag and Dave told her he might eventually "tap that ass". He climbed up on the bed between her legs and kneeled down. He lifted her off the bed and slid himself closer to Ann until he was under her. He asked her if she was ready to be fucked and Ann managed another "uh huh" as he slid inside of her. She groaned loudly as he began to fuck her. He fucked her for about ten minutes telling her he was glad she sucked him off as it took more time to cum a second time. When Dave finally came, he told Ann it would become a ritual that she always suck his cock before he fucks her. After he came inside my wife, he laid next to her for about 15 minutes. Then he untied her legs and relaxed her hands. He told my wife he would take the tape off and remove the panties if she promised to behave. Ann nodded her head and he removed the tape and she spit out the panties. He asked her if she liked the fucking he gave her and she told him yes. He told her he was going to untie her hands from behind her back and then tie her up spread eagle like he did the other night. He asked her if she wanted him to fuck her again and she told him yes. Dave tied her hands to each of the top corners of the bed and her feet to the bottom corners of the bed stretching her as tight as he could. I was having a difficult time keeping from exploding myself and I was shocked when I saw Dave turn to the side and he had a hard on again. He climbed on the bed and taunted Ann asking her whether she wanted to suck his cock or have him fuck her. Ann immediately answered, "I want you to fuck me". Again I about lost it and he just slid inside of her and started fucking her for the second time that night. She started repeating, "fuck me" over and over almost in rhythm with his thrusts. He kept teasing her telling her he was going to cum inside her. As she got closer to her orgasm, she changed her chant to, "I want you to cum inside me, cum inside me, cum inside me", and when she finally reached an orgasm she told him to kiss her which he did. Ann has always loved to be kissed while she orgasms.

When Dave finished kissing her he was still inside of her and he pulled his mouth away from Ann's and she started talking to him in a real soft sexy voice. She told him she loved fucking him and she loved when he came inside of her. She said he came harder than anyone who had ever fucked her and she could feel the pressure of him shooting inside of her. She said it was the best sensation she had ever felt while being fucked. She was obviously still on the cusp of an orgasm and she finally asked him if he would fuck her again even saying please. He was still inside my wife and he started to thrust again and she immediately began saying, "fuck me", and "harder" and "fuck me more" over and over until she told him to cum inside of her and to kiss her again. At one point Ann told him she loved him fucking her even saying, “I love you” as he did so. When Dave finished fucking her the third time, he just fell on top of her with his cock still inside her resting. She asked him to fuck her again and he said he was exhausted, he needed to rest for a little bit and once he recharged, he would fuck her again. My wife just laid there on the bed with him on top of her with his cock inside her waiting for him to fuck her again. After about 20 minutes, I gave up thinking he may have fallen asleep. I went back into the living room and lay back down on the floor trying to go to sleep after I just witnessed the greatest sexual experience of my life. I have no idea how many more times he fucked her or how long he left her tied. Obviously he fucked her at least once more because at some point she took her pantyhose off.

Apparently, Ann needed some human physical sex regardless of what I did to her when she was tied and no matter how much I tried to make her sexually addicted to objects. We moved to Arizona leaving behind her lovers who were mostly friends or relatives that Ann met in everyday life. She became comfortable with them and developed intimacy, which she seems to enjoy more than casual sex. Her brother was someone she knew, someone she trusted, he was convenient and she actually had an intimacy with him her whole life. As taboo as the thought of sleeping with her brother was, alcohol and pot helped get her past those inhibitions. She continued to have a relationship with her brother for two more years until he moved back east. I would find little clues that they had been together like something of Ann's in his room or I would wake up in the middle of the night with Dave's door shut and Ann nowhere to be found and go back to bed fully excited. Ann never admitted she had a sexual relationship with her brother until several years after he moved back east. She blamed me because I would not have physical sex with her. I am proud if I had anything to do with her sexual relationship with her brother. Before he left, Dave fixed her up with her next long term relationship, an 18 year old coworker of his.

This was one of the very high points in our early marriage as I felt Ann truly was a Pantyhose Bondage Slut.

Re: Brotherly Love II

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:55 am
by cantbelieve
Great story! Tell us more. Her brothers friends got involved?

Re: Brotherly Love II

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:25 pm
by sdbuffalo
Yes, amazing story! Please continue!!

Re: Brotherly Love II

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:08 pm
by sharemine2
Hot story!! Too bad she never got comfortable enough with it to let him fuck her in front of you.

Re: Brotherly Love II

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 6:44 pm
by wishIcouldBeCucked
that would be one amazing threesome me thinks