Renee's Mardi Gras

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Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:13 am

Even in the airplane the air was thick enough to cut with a knife, the humidity of New Orleans is a palpable event and as I felt the press as we accelerated into the air my head began to spin. What had just happened, who have I been for the last several days and who am I now. My life, my children and husband how does all of this fit with what has happened? Is this what Jack intended when he put me on a plane five days ago with nothing but a return ticket?

Our life had been less than normal. When Jack had first told me of his desire to share me and see me ravished it had been a shock, but I was excited. The thrill of being desired by someone other than my husband had been too much and I agreed. Our play was always based upon my submissive nature and soon I was playfully referring to Jack as my master. It turned me on to have him order me to get on my knees and perform sexually for him and for the lovers he allowed or ordered me to take. But this was just pretend, or was it?

When he told me that he had made arrangements to send me to New Orleans for Mardi Gras I was thrilled, until he told me that he was not coming and that I was being sent to a couple who were part of a very special Krewe. They would pick me up at the airport on Saturday and put me on a plane home early Wednesday morning. I needed nothing except a jogging suit to fly in; no clothes, no make-up, no money.

I was stunned. “Jack, what is this all about?” “Renee, I have been talking with this couple about our relationship and your love of being submissive, they have agreed to allow you to fulfill your fantasy as their guest.”

He would say nothing more. For the next week during our love making he would tell me bits and pieces of what I could expect. I would be a novice acolyte would be initiated into the Krewe. I still did not believe him but played along. The fantasy that I conjured in my head fed my desires and my fears, but I always knew that this was not real

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by roadrunner » Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:45 am

I hope there is more to cum!
Two words that should rarely be used when discussing human behavior are 'always' and 'never'!


Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by HOT4MYWIFE » Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:11 am

Very hot start. Can't wait to read the next segment!


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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:32 am

As the days grew closer Jack became more distant and authoritative as I began to drop hints that I was tired of this game. I still did not believe that this was real, and the more I resisted the firmer he became. When I discovered that the children were going away for the weekend and other chores were being reassigned I started thinking that this would be a staycation but Jack kept insisting otherwise. Finally when one of his friends called to confirm a guy’s weekend I started to believe that he intended to go through with this.

Friday took forever to come then refused to end. Jack took me out to eat and we pretty much avoided the topic. I guess I thought if I avoided talking about it it would go away. I would wake up in the morning and everything would be the same. In the middle of my second glass of wine I finally said, “You’re not really going to put me on a plane in the morning are you?”

“Does that bother you?”

“Well, yes, it does. Who are these people, you have no idea what might happen, that does not bother you.”
“That is what makes this the ultimate adventure, the unknown.”

“I can’t believe this, I won’t go.”

The conversation moved on but the intensity in the air was apparent to both of us and that night we were both insatiable.


Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by lovedwife » Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:48 pm

Looking for the next part with baited breasts, I mean breath.


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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by Bert Bronson » Sun Jan 13, 2013 2:52 pm

Wow… Wow… Wow,

Zoe, I love the style of your writing and the dialogue with your husband. Judging from these two opening segments, I think it’s going to be intensely arousing story, please continue and give us all the titillating details.

Bert Bronson
Curious husbands abound, and I wander the world in pursuit of their “married virgins...”
I find so many, pretty ones with eyes of blue and honey colored hair...
Alas, time allows the capture of only so few...

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:22 am

Well gang this story is sort of a “fantasy on demand” and if to be properly done in order to continue I need my muse to provide me with a little more background.

Patiently waiting,


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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by peaceman75206 » Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:09 am

Good beginning. Love the direction this is taking. Waiting for more. Come on muse work your magic.

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:44 pm

Still waiting on the muse, but ...

I had thought I would be unable to sleep but woke that morning refreshed and clear headed. I decided that if my husband was brave enough to put me up for this I was brave enough to go. I felt a surge of power in my loins, a confidence in my own sexuality that I could conquer anything or anyone.

“OK Jack, if this is what you want, let's get going.” I brazenly said as I marched naked into the bathroom to shower.

An hour later I was dressed in my best jogging suit on my way to the airport with no luggage except for my purse. I guess deep down I thought this was still a joke and I teased Jack about how naughty I was going to be, but he remained pretty matter of fact about the endeavor which only made me more anxious about my false bravado. We parked and walked into the terminal with only an e-ticket confirmation number which we entered into the kiosk.

This was the point of no return and to my shock I was booked on a flight to New Orleans, first class.

All my strength left me as Jack marched me towards security.

“Baby I can’t do this.”

“Sure you can. What was all this talk on the way over here about how much you were going to enjoy this?”

“I never thought you were serious, I mean you can’t really ...”

“We’ve been through this, there will be someone to meet you when you get off, just look for your name on the sign. I love you.”

With that he kissed me and sent me through the metal detector .....

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:28 pm

As I left security I was in a daze as I wandered towards my gate, but slowly my courage returned and I threw my head back and strutted off to my destiny boldly staring at every man I found attractive and just as quickly dismissing them with a look.

When I got to my gate they had already started boarding and I went to the front of the line with my first class ticket like the boldest bitch on the block.

My seat was on the last row of the first class section and after settling in the stewardess brought me a glass of champagne and an envelope attached to a package. Inside the envelope there was a card which simply said, "We can’t wait to meet you." but inside the package was the most beautiful mask I had ever seen and a satin bag containing a Lelo Soraya.

Once again my false bravado fell from my shoulders like water as you exit the pool.

“Who has this kind of connections?” I said to myself.

When the stewardess returned I asked her, “Where did this come from?”

She smiled politely and winked before she said, “From a very special person Renee.”

“How do you know my name?”

When she looked at me I felt like I was naked and she knew exactly why I was going to New Orleans, “If there is anything you need you just let me know, anything at all.”

She turned to leave then bent close and said, “The gentleman also purchased the adjacent seats so you will have the entire row to yourself.

Without really thinking I blurted out, “More champagne and a blanket?”

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:27 am

Sitting here drinking what was by far and away the finest champagne I had ever tasted, I began to take stock of what was occurring. My benefactor with benefits, at least anticipated benefits, has bought four first class seats with the expectation that I will masturbate myself to orgasm for the gratification of his stewardess, who by the way has made it a point to brush against my breast while touching my hair and shoulder.

“I haven’t even met this guy and he thinks I will perform for his benefit!” I thought as my anger increased.

With each subsequent encounter I became more demanding, more of a bitch as I began to boss his surrogate around. To my surprise, the more aggressive I became the more docile she became and soon I was in complete control of her.

“So, who is the gentleman that you work for?” I inquired.

“I don’t know what you mean, I work for the airline.” she stammered.

“Oh, so the airline authorized you to grope my breast? Maybe I should have you get on your knees and show me just how friendly these skies are. I am quite sure that you have been directed to give me anything I ask for, are you on the menu?” I whispered in my most dominate voice.

Seeing the flush in her face it was apparent that this suggestion struck a nerve. “Maybe I should tell our mutual friend that I am displeased with your performance.” Her demeanor changed instantly.

“Please.” she said in a voice that almost made me afraid for myself once I got to New Orleans. “He is really very nice and I am sorry if I was too aggressive. He is very generous with me and I would not want him to think poorly of me.”

“Well then, let’s finish this flight on a different note.”

Now I was feeling secure and in charge. These people were not so scary. I decided that if they wanted me to play along it would be on my terms. I would take control and if I wanted I would simply tell them to send me home.

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:02 pm

Once again I was full of myself; confident, aggressive and in control as I exited the plane and entered the terminal. Sure enough waiting at the gate was a man in a chauffeur’s uniform with my name on a sign. I walked up to him and in my most dismissive tone said, “OK, lets go.” and strode off leaving him to catch-up, which he did in an instant.

“This way madame.” he said with the obvious accent that is New Orleans, and lead me to a limousine conspicuously parked in a restricted zone. He opened the door and I entered the lap of luxury.

The attendant inside asked if I needed anything and I responded in a tone of absolute expectation, “I would like a cosmopolitan but don’t give me any of that potato stuff” trying my best to sound authoritative.

“Yes madame. Would you prefer Stoli, Absolute, Grey Goose or Belvedere.”

I should have expected as much but trying to stay in charge I demanded, “Stoli, and I prefer shaved ice.”

“As you wish.” and before we had left the terminal she delivered the drink as requested and politely announced that she was available if I needed anything. As much as I was dying to interrogate her as to all of the things swimming around in my head, I continued to play the cold hard bitch in control as much for my own confidence as for the appearance I wished to portray.

The ride was uneventful and soon I was in the middle of what looked like a tour of homes, surrounded by the huge oak trees which define the Garden District of New Orleans. Soon we drove through a wrought iron gate which was flanked on both sides by a fence covered with ivy which concealed the mansion from the street. Another servant dressed in a jester’s outfit with a mask bounded from the steps to open my door with a flourish. The attendant in the limo handed my purse and package to the jester and took my glass, “I hope you have a lovely time madame.” she said as I took the jester’s gloved hand and stepped into the humid sunshine.

“Would madame like to refresh herself before lunch?” he inquired.

Realizing that continuing to abuse these servants would not convey anything to the person in charge I softened my tone and told him, “That would be nice, thank-you.” And was ushered up the steps and into the foyer where a woman in a french maid outfit also masked for Carnival was directed to take me to the ladies parlor.

Down the hall we went and under what I believe was a rear stair there was a door which opened into a bathroom attached to a solarium.

“Lunch will be served in thirty minutes.” the french maid said as she turned to leave, and that is when I noticed that she had nothing on under her costume.
Last edited by zoe on Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:35 am

When the door closed I began to explore a bit. The tile bath area was completely open to the solarium which was filled with flowering tropical plants, ferns and palms. There was a very large open shower immediately adjacent to the solarium, a vanity surrounded by mirrors, a toilet and bidet also conspicuously open and exposed. I closed my eyes and turned my face up to bask in the warm sunshine streaming through the glass, only then realizing that I was a bit tipsy from my champagne and Cosmo breakfast.

“Excuse me madame, but Monsieur Roget asked that we prepare you for lunch.”

Startled I turned to see two beautiful but naked girls whom I immediately assumed were Creole based upon their accent and appearance. They appeared to be twins in their twenties with jet black hair, dark eyes and olive complexion. Their hair partially concealed their full breast which sat above their flat belly and full hips surrounding a manicured but full patch of pubic hair. In a word they were voluptuous, athletic, exotic and mysterious.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” I stammered. “Did you say prepare me?”

“Yes Madame. I am Josette and this is my sister Yvette. It is the custom that we bathe you and touch up your make-up and hair. Monsieur has selected several outfits for your selection.”

“I don’t need you to bathe me.” I said as they both approached.

“Please Madame, it is quite enjoyable if you allow yourself to be pampered.” Josette said as I was lead over to the bench near the shower. I sat down and Yvette began to untie my shoes. Deciding to play along I unzipped my top and allowed Josette to remove it and my bra. When Yvette finished her portion of the undressing I was standing naked in the sunshine with both girls rinsing and soaping my body using the hand held shower heads.

Their caress was sensual but not overtly sexual, even when they washed my most intimate parts. It was then that I noticed that both Josette and Yvette had very silky pubic hair and that they did not shave their underarms which was equally long and silky in its appearance. This only increased their exotic appearance.

When they had finished they wrapped me in a white french terry cloth robe and lead me to the vanity. I was amazed at how seamlessly they worked together and in what seemed like no time at all my hair and make-up was done and I hardly recognized the person in the mirror.

“I could get used to this.” I said as Yvette brought me several sun dresses to choose from. I selected one and asked for my bra and some fresh panties.

“Those will not be necessary, nor are they allowed.” said Josette as she brought me a pair of sandals. To my amazement everything fit perfectly and I now had a hundred questions for the girls, but the quickly but politely cut me off and Josette said in a whisper, “There is no time now, maybe later, Monsieur Roget is waiting.” And I was ushered to the door where another french maid with her exposed butt waited to escort me to lunch.
Last edited by zoe on Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:13 am

I must admit that watching the “maid’s” ass peek out from under the white lace over the black skirt just above her thigh-high black stockings as she lead me down the hall gave me a full appreciation of the moment.

Everything about this place was sexual, everything was fantasy. I had just been bathed by two beautiful women, pampered and dressed. The sundress I was wearing clung lightly to my breast and flared out leaving me feeling even more fully exposed and vulnerable. I could be taken with no more effort than lifting the dress and bending me over the back of a chair.

I became acutely aware of the cool air flowing across my loins which became even more intense with my growing level of arousal. A chill rose from my thighs and spread across my stomach and into my breast as I felt my nipples suddenly press against the flimsy material and I involuntarily parted my lips and inhaled deeply.

Once again my head was spinning as I wondered to myself, “What the hell are you doing here.” as I continued down the hall in an even deeper fog than before

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by LessMoonbeams » Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:16 am

excellent disquisition

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by Morgan » Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:20 pm

LessMoonbeams wrote:excellent disquisition
There is my new word for the day, and I agree.

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:28 pm

LessMoonbeams wrote:excellent disquisition

a/k/a literary foreplay.

Thanks for the comment, still trying to get our muse to be a little more forthcoming as she moves towards her “training” as a novice in the krewe

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:20 pm

I entered the dining room to find a table set with china, crystal and white linens, and finally Mr. Roget. He stood and took my hand, “Renee so nice to finally meet you. I hope all of this has not been too strange.”

Too strange I thought, I have been sent to you by my husband for submissive sexual training, is that not strange enough. “Everyone has been very kind” or something remotely similar was what I actually said, as I attempted to evaluate where all of this was going. “You are Mr. Roget?”

“Well, that is how the staff refers to me but that is not important”

Obviously wishing to move away from this topic he held out my chair, “Please sit, we are having a light late lunch.” and he motioned for one of the bare bottomed maids to pour the wine and another appeared with two salads. “This is my new favorite, spring greens with pear and Gorgonzola.”

I quickly moved to the liquid courage and took a health sip of the wine, which as everything else was wonderful.

“It’s a Pouilly-Fuissé, not too exquisite but bold enough for the oysters.”

“I was hoping to meet your wife, is she here?” I said as though this was a normal lunch.

“She should be down soon, but she advise that we should start without her.”

I picked at my salad while we made small talk mostly about my educational background and preferences in music, all of which was surreal considering the circumstances. The salad was replaced with what I was told were charbroiled oysters. Hoping to sound more assured than I really was, “Do oysters lose their effectiveness if they are cooked?”

“Oh no, but if you would prefer them raw all you need to do is ask, although I do not think your libido requires any assistance. ” This was the first even remotely sexual comment in our conversation, and it had the desired effect of putting me on the defensive.

I popped the oyster whole into my mouth and the flavors were remarkable, reminding me that if nothing else I could tell my friends about the food, if not the other things that might find their way into my mouth. I took another healthy drink of the wine, and in an attempt to bring myself back to equal footing said,“What do we have planned for this evening?”

“Wonderful things!” injected a voice from across the room as I looked to see a woman bare foot in a floor length chiffon gown gliding across the floor. The robe was open in the front and did little to conceal her full breasts, or anything else.

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:12 pm

She floated across the room and took my host’s face in her palm and kissed him lightly on the lips, “Hey baby, I see that you have been the perfect gentleman as usual.”

“Why of course, Renee is our guest.”

She dropped into an oversized wicker chair against the window and threw her leg over the arm exposing her neatly trimmed bush which was completely shaved below. “What do you think Renee, isn’t it time to end this little game.”

One of the bare bottomed maids brought her a glass of wine and she took a sip, her eyes never leaving mine.

“Well, I am not going to be the only naked lady in the room, take off that dress.”

The mood and tone in the room had changed in an instant. I was both amazed and impressed that this naked woman had taken full control of the situation.

“I … don’t … a …” I stammered.

“Your husband told me you liked the lash, but I didn’t think you would become insolent quite so soon, and especially not over something so insignificant as being naked.”

I was mad. What had Jack told her? I always enjoyed playing at this game, but these people are ... serious ... and they believe that I enjoy being ... disciplined; I could not bring myself to think about being whipped with a lash as she suggested.

Her gaze was that of man as she undressed me with her eyes, “Well, it’s your choice.”

I stood up and pulled the dress over my head, exposing myself and stepping blindly into the void as I fell down the rabbit hole


Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by lovedwife » Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:48 am

We love these last few segments especially. My husband and I are looking forward to more.


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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:35 pm

My hosts appeared to be in their fifties. Madam, as I was instructed to call her had brown hair with auburn red highlights that fell just past her shoulders. The muscles on her limbs were well defined but not overly so, and her breasts were well defined by the cut of her shoulders and chest. Although he was fully dressed, Sir, as I was instructed to address him, had broad shoulders that faded into a waist and hips that showed no excess. His hair was white and he sported a full moustache and Van Dyke that had more color than his head, but not by much. His eyes appeared to be blue but then would seem more green as he moved from light to shadow and but for the hair and the moustache would have appeared twenty years younger. They were a handsome couple, which made this experience a little less than terrifying, but not by much.

Having pulled my dress over my head I straightened my hair and stood as straight as I could wanting to appear as much in control as a naked woman at lunch with strangers could.

My attention was drawn to the door where the doorman in the Jester outfit stood, “Excuse me, Madam Knight is here to see you.”

A tall woman in a long billowing skirt and shirt strode into the room. In her heels she towered over Madam Roget who rose from her chair to kiss and be kissed on the cheek. “Ericka, you are early.” I was shocked that no comment was made about the Mrs essentially being fully exposed except for the barely there material covering her nakedness. Everyone seemed so at ease.

She crossed over to Sir and they shared a similar kiss but a little more suggestive and I noticed his hand drift across her ass as she turned away. “No sugar, I was nearby so I decided to stop in and apologize in person, I will not be here this evening, but I wanted to view your latest project before ya’ll changed her too much.” Her voice was …. lusty.

Once again I felt as though I was being undressed, which is really strange when one is already naked. As Ericka looked at me I felt as though she was looking into my soul and could read my thoughts and fantasies. I blushed but took a step towards her, extending my hand, “I’m Renee …”

I don’t know which of my senses exploded first, was it the sound of the strap caressing my buttocks, the pain, or the exclamation that burst from my mouth. I turned to see Sir holding a finger to his lips and in a very gentle but stern voice said, “You may not speak without permission.”

I was more embarrassed than hurt as I rubbed my butt. Jack had playfully disciplined me before and the swat that Sir had delivered was eerily similar in that it made more noise than delivered discomfort. I attempted to regain some composure searching for some dignity as I stood naked before the group.

“Insolent little minx isn’t she” Ericka said. “You might have your hands full with this one.”

“Enough,” said the Mrs as she placed a glass of wine in Ericka’s hand. “Tell me why you are abandoning me tonight.”

“Well my young man has made an urgent plea for me to meet him at the beach and I am leaving this afternoon for the coast.”

“You are addicted.”

“Undeniably” she said as she tossed her hair back and circled me like cat stalking her prey. Afraid to move I attempted to strike a pose without actually moving too much. I wanted these ladies to think I was pretty, no sexy, and I cast an eye about to see who was looking.

“Well, I hope you are well rested because based upon your description of your last encounter I don’t expect you will get much sleep. How long will you be gone?”

“I’ll be back Monday. Even though I am addicted I refuse to miss the Ball. Your description of the set is too much, I can’t wait to see it all acted out.” Roge, you are awfully quite.”

“I don’t know what I could add to this conversation. He took a healthy draw on his wine, “Anyway, I am thirty years older than the current object of your desires. Does this one talk?”

“You are horrible, they all talk, but yes this one is more intellectual.”

“How delightful, a marathon man with a brain.” Sir responded which caused the ladies to laugh out loud. “Be gone with you then you wanton woman, but drive safe, have fun and call if you need anything.”

Ericka turned and addressed me directly, “Renee you have fun. If you work hard and are a good girl maybe you will be selected and can return home with one of these.” She raised her skirt to reveal herself, she was fully shaved with an elaborate fleur-de lis tattoo just to the right of the midline of her Venus mound. “Membership has its privileges.” and she fled the room as effortless as she had entered.

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by peaceman75206 » Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:07 am

Please, may we have some more?

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:52 am

Having experienced my first “lesson” I decided that asking for an explanation was not a wise choice. Thankfully, I was removed from the room and returned to the solarium where I had intended to interrogate my girls, but found myself unable to keep my eyes open.

When I awoke I was on a futon surrounded by plants and the sun was fading. “Was I drugged?” I asked Josette who was sitting nearby.

“Not really, but it is not important.”

“It’s not important is the only explanation I get for anything.”

Sensing my exasperation she came and sat on the futon, “I can assure you that you will not be injured, but you must remain flexible. Do not openly disobey but do not be too submissive, she likes that.”

“The tall lady showed me a tattoo and said if I was good I could get one. What is that all about?”

“You are a novice, there are at least four other novices but only one will be offered to join the Krewe. The tattoo is only available to Krewe members.”

“So the tall lady and Roget’s wife went through this?” I was feeling more secure thinking that my hosts had shared this experience.

“Oh, no. You are an American” she said the word with a French inflection, “An outsider, one who is not French, the only way for you to become a Krewe member is through the initiation which begins tonight. You and the other acolytes will be serving, so we should get started.”

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by peaceman75206 » Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:41 am

I hope there is a tattoo in Renee's future. Sounds like she has the same hope, which is interesting given her initial reluctance.


Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by our_cass » Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:51 am

This is very hot......wish I was Renee

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