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Unread post by mjust213 » Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:26 pm

i JUST finished this story. the names get jumbled a little. it's pretty easy to figure out, but i use different variations for the same character. i'm going to work with a woman to get some female perspective, and then edit and revise it. let me know what you think

The human race has existed for at least 200,000 years. Early human were just like us in most ways. Their thoughts and feelings were human, not animal-like. Yet for the first 150,000 years of human existance, humans did not know how to tame animals or grow gardens. They were hunters and gatherers.

Hunters and gatherers lived in tribes but they were really more like big extended families.
Women gathered fruits, berries, and grains; men hunted and defended the tribe against other tribes. Everyone built tools and shelter together. The men lived together in one big house and the women and children lived together in another big house. Everyone shared everything. There was no need for money. Instead of getting married, men and women were paired during fertility rituals.

Women made all of the important decisions in the fertility rituals. This is because only the women knew for sure who was directly related to whom. There was no marriage before agriculture, so men had no way of knowing who their children were. This was good for the tribe because all of the men provided for and cared for all of the children of the tribe as if everyone was the father and the tribe was one big family. Yet everyone knew that sisters and brothers having children together caused problems. The women of the tribe controlled the fertility rituals because only they could prevent brothers and sisters from becoming lovers.

The fertility rituals were not all about family lines. Different tribes had different rituals, whether they consisted of games or dances that allowed the men to compete and show off their skills and strengths. These games would determine which men would be paired with one or more of the most fertile women, which would be paired with the less fertile women, and which might not be paired at all. The women also had their rituals through which it would be determined which women would be paired with the most suitable men. In the end, it was not uncommon for men and women to have multiple partners so long as the pairing was sanctioned to avoid incest.

When you consider how central and important these fertility rituals were to the life of the tribe, its undeniable that humanity was female led for the vast majority of its history. That changed with the rise of agriculture. Taming and raising an animal or sowing a field required work, but that work increased the value of the animal or the land. Men, contributing greatly to that work, developed a desire to pass on their valuable property to their own children. Yet the only way a man can ever truly know that a child is his is if the woman that bore the child was exclusive to him. Agriculture gave rise to monogamy and mariage.

Still, taming animals and farming land was difficult to master. The rise of agriculture and the development of monogamy was slow. When Euorpeans began to explore the world by ship in the 1400s, they came accross many people that had developed some agriculture and adopted some mongamy but still maintained many of the hunter-gather ways. Many of these people retained fertility rituals, had loose or group marriages, and/or had some matriarchal elements. In remote places in Africa, South America, and on some remote islands in the pacific, there are still people that live like this.

Bonita is a woman that is part of the Mompox tribe of North Western Columbia. She lives in a small home with her husband Macario. The home, the garden and plants, and their four hens were all given to them by Macario’s father when they married. Bonita’s marriage to Macario was arranged by both of their parents when Bonita turned 18 years and Macario had proven himself to be an adequate leather worker at the age of 30. Bonita is now 34 and Macario is 46. Bonita and Macario love each other and are happy together, but Bonita sometimes looks at much younger with their children and becomes sad. She has always wanted a child but her mariage to Macario has produced none.

Each spring the Mompox hold a great festival. It is an ancient festival. All of the men play a game that is divided into four parts. It involves a series of small leather bags that can be thrown and caught by small informal teams that try to move their members across a line in the sand. After the first part, half of the men will be eliminated from competition and will takes seats among each other. The second phase of the game will eliminate all but four men. The third phase of the game will produce two finalists. The final phase of the game was a straight race to determine the winner.

During first phase of the game, the women meet in the old long house where women used to live before women and men began to get married. During the meeting, the women choose one of their own to have a child for the tribe. After one is chosen, the women watch the games. Of course, the winner of the games is to be the father. The pair are to spend nights together for a full moon - 28 nights. Their love is exclusively for each other during that time. For the effort, they are treated like royalty during a month of feasts. If their union produces a child, it is a sign of good luck. The Mompox believe that it is a blessing to be followed by health and prosperity for all.

Macario enjoys the games. He never won and never expects to win. He is neither big nor athletic. Now, at 46, it is all but certain that he will be watching the games after the first phase because he is sure to be eliminated.

The way he feels about this is very different from the way Bonita feels about the meeting of the Mompox women. Macario becomes very agitated at the prospect of competing, fretting the moment when he will lose. Bonita, on the other hand, has always been passed over at the meeting and at 34 she knows she will be passed over again. This certainty that she will not be thrust into the limelight gives her comfort. Yet when Macario loses, he always feels a great relief not to have to compete anymore and excitement at the prospect of simply enjoying the games as a spectator. Bonita, on the other hand, always feels a bit of sadness when a younger woman is chosen because she would love to be a mother and to be chosen is such a high honor.

Bonita walked into the long house with her best friends from childhood Valencia, Gabriela, and Isabel. Although the three had grown apart as each of them had children except Bonita, the meeting of Mompox women and the games were always a time for reunions. They had been attending the meetings together since they had come of age themselves.

The superstitious insisted on nominating the most obviously fertile young women. Other nominated their friends or even themselves. Then something unusual happened: Gabriela nominated Bonita.

Then the nomination was seconded by Valencia. Then Isabel offered her voice in support. She explained, “Bonita deserved to be a mother. We all grew up together. She is the last of us without. This could be her last chance.”

The meeting erupted. The younger women and the superstitious older women decried that MBonita was too old. And they cruelly asserted that she appeared to be barren. Choosing Bonita would be a waste, and potentially a curse on the Mompox.

Yet most of the Mompox did not beleive in those old myths. They agreed that there was no reason not to give Bonita a chance.

Bonita protested, “what about Macario?”

One of the elder women pointed out that married women had been chosen before and it had never been a problem.

“I was married when I was chosen”, said a woman named Veronica.

“So was I” said another woman named Rafeala.

“Who knows,” Valencia injected with some silly sarcasm, “maybe Macario will win the games”

Even Bonita had to laugh with the women on that note.

“Seriously,” Veronica continued, “It wasn’t that bad. Damian handled it well enough. Macario will live”

Rafael added, “Veronica did not get pregnant but I did and everything was fine. And look, Zacarias is such a bueatiful member of our family now. I think it should be Bonita”

All eyes fell on Bonita. After a moment of hesitation, she agreed. Everyone cheered.

The women then proceeded to the games. With the women in attendence, the second phase could begin. Macario, as was to be expected, was already in the seating with the other eliminated men. Yet he seemed very happy, cheering and hollering for the men in the games.

Of course, he had no idea that Bonita had been chosen.

All in all, it was quite the spectacle for the women. The men competed nearly nude,
with only a cloth covering their lower half. It left little to the imagination and the women loved it. As each young man scored enough points to qualify, the women screamed with delight. Each time it happened, either Valencia, Gabriela, or Isabel would nudge Bonita and would say, “how about that one. bet you hope he wins.” Marigold blushed every time.

By the third round, a problem had become apparent: a young 16 year old prodigy was doing quite well, but he was just a small gangly boy compared to the other men. He was a technical player, not a physical one, yet he managed to make it work. Of course the women would respect the results of the game, but the women want to root for a man. After all, Bonita deserved nothing less.

By the rules, the third round ended with just two left. The prodigy and 19 year old Jagor. Jagor was the fan favorite. He was a pillar of the community. He was a reasonable, sensible young man of 19. He was also very tall, muscular, and handsome.

In round 4, the two last compitors have what amounts to a 50 yard sprint race. Before the race even race began, everyone began to cheer for Jagor. Even Bonita understood that a win by the young boy posed a problem. As the competitors took their places, Isabel motioned to Bonita to look accross the field to her husband. He too was cheering for Jagor.

“What’s he cheering for?” Isabella laughed, “So sad that he doesn’t even know”

“Know what?” Bonita naively asked

“Know that he’s cheering for the next man to get to know you as a woman”, Isabella replied with a laugh. “Or at least lets hope he’s the next man and not that little boy.”

The other two women graoned at the suggestion.

Valenita motioned for Bonita to look at Jager’s loin cloth. “He’s quite a man, Bonita” she said. She could not help but to make a quick comparison with her own husband sitting in his loin cloth, not filling it out nearly as completely.

Then the race began. Technical skill may get you past clumbsy defenders, but long legs and power win races: Jager easily won. All of the women squeeled. The men still didn’t know who had been chosen, but Bonita was now the envy of every woman watching.

Jager, per custom, walked ahead of the rest of the men to the front of the ceremonial grounds. The eldest woman put a grass crown up his head. Before the chosen woman would be announced, the Mompox would have a feast as the sun set. The women were forbidden from revealing their secret no matter how hard the men tried to get them to tell.

Bonita found her husband and took a seat at the feast table with his freinds, seperating from Valencia, Isabella, and Gabriella as they sat with their husband’s and their husband’s friends. The Mompox’s world was truly starting to become a man’s world.

Macario, like the other men, were eagerly recalling the glory of the games and revelling in the future exploits of its winner. Unlike the women, the men were quite crude in their description. “Jager put on quite the show on the flied,” he proclaimed, “you have to think he’s going to put on quite the show for whatever lady was chosen tonight”

The men laughed. “They probably chose some petite young blanquita again. She won’t be walking straight tomorow,” said one of the men as his wife shot a sly glance at Bonita.

“I’ve seen him as we dressed for the hunt” said another. “He has more cock soft than any of us have when we’re hard”

“You don’t know what I have hard” Macario injected, “but you’re right. I hope my little Bonita never sneaks a peak when we are dressing for the hunt because it would be a shame for her to have to see so much manhood and know she could never know what it was like”

All of the women choked back laughter. “Why,” asked one of the wives, “are you paying so much attention to his manhood?”

“Don’t be silly”, her husband explained, “Before the hunt, we all change into our hunting clothes in the long house. Some of the men brag about having big dicks, but Jager never brags and its impossible not to notice. The young man has a big dick.”

“And balls” chimed in Macario, “we’re lucky he won, because he’s a great young man
with big baby making balls and a big dick to put the baby makers in the right place. Cheers to Jager, cheers to whoever won, and cheers to the Mompox”

At that every lifted thier cups, when suddenly the annouuncemet came: the time had come from the chosen woman to rise. Bonita meekly stood up. Macario’s draw dropped. She looked at him with a look that half said I’m sorry - and half made it clear she expected him to be happy for her. The Mompox raised a cheer, as all of them men began to profusely congratulate Macario for the high honor. Bonita stood by the table as all the women threw flower petals at her. It was time for her to meet her king. She put her hand on her husband’s shoulder, tenderly saying “I love you. Don’t forget that I love and I will think of you the whole time.”

It was easy to get excited with so many people cheering for her. But that walk to the head of the table was when it set in. She was very nervous. She didn’t feel very pretty anymore. She was old. And she had never made love to any man besides Macario. All that talk of big dicks and big balls - the other women laughed and smirked lit it was a good thing - but it made Bonita very nervous.

When she got to the head of the table, Jago never made eye contact with her. He said nothing. She worried if he didn’t like her, if he thought she was old or fat or unattractive. With night falling, the entire tribe escorted the king and queen to the special home built for the fertility ritual - singing the whole time. Soon enough, Bonita and Jago were alone and the singing grew faint and then slient.

And still Jago said nothing, barely looked at her. Bonita was nervous, and she was starting to feel rejected. She sat on the bed, but coldly. He stood at the door way, not coming anywhere near Bonita. Then he finally spoke.

“I’m sorry Bonita. I know I’m supposed to be excited. But I’m scared. I’ve never done this sort of thing before and I don’t know that I can”

Bonita looked into a corner, sulking from apprant rejection. “You’ve never slept with an older, fat woman?”

Jago seemed shocked. “I dont think of you that way. My god, you’re bueatiful. It’s just that . . . I’m a virgin. I don’t even know if I can make it happen”

In that moment, Bonita felt completely at ease. At was if she was given a pass to not be nervous and scared anymore because big Jago was even more nervous and scared.

“Silly boy,” Bonita said, “It’s not that big a deal.” She motioned him over to the bed. He came, and she began to massage his shoulders to comfort him. She couldn’t help but notice how firm those shoulders were, and she couldn’t help but move her touch to his large firm arms.

“It starts with a kiss” she said. “And after we do some kissing, you touch me.”

“Right there?” he said, glancing at her lap.

“Not yet” she corrected him. “Why don’t you trying kissing me first and I’ll take the lead.” He closed his eyes and leaned in. She met his lips with her and their tounges began flirting with each other’s lips. She took his hand and moved it to her breast. She was amazed at how big the hand felt. And even his tender caresses revealed an underlying strength. “like this” she whispered as she momentarily broke away from the kiss, squeezing his hand to force him to squeeze her breast. He bagan to kiss her more forcefully and push her onto her back. His second hand reached up and grabbed the other breast.

As he laid half on top of her, she felt that he was aroused. She couldn’t tell how big he was yet, but she could tell it was something more than what she was used to feel. Feeling his hardness on her was flattering. She began to rub his abdomen with her hands, relishing in the unique feel of rippled muscles instead of a soft belly. She did not want to go straight for his manhood, but desire and curiosity were getting the better of her. As her hand slipped below his waistline, she felt his verry hard cock. It was big. Much bigger than Macario. She gently felt his balls. They too were big.

“Now you can touch me there” she whisped. He promtly moved his right hand off her breast, slid it down her belly, and planted it between her legs. She took her hand off his cock and guided his hand, showing him how to please a woman.

She began to get lost in the feeling, when he said, “i want to feel more of that type of stuff on me, the way you were doing”

Bonita instinct took over. She couldn’t beleive what she was doing as she was doing it, but she slid up on the bed, and planted feet her feel slightly more than shoulder width apart, knees bent. She never knew she could be sold bold. In a way, she wished her friends could see her. She even wished Macario could see her. Shy Bonita had offered herself sexually to a very hot and virile young man and it felt totally natural and right.

“Just put it in me and we can both feeling everything” she said.

He crawled over her, looking into her eyes. She felt the tip of his cock touch her opening. He began to kiss her and as he did the tip robbed and pushed little by little, teasing her and driving her desire. She began to moan, his hips began to gyrate, and sooon he was working his full manhoood into her. She was in ecstacy. It felt so different. It hurt a little, but it was the best pain she ever felt. ANd she felt so full.

Instinct took over and the two of them gyrated and thrusted until they both reached a simultaneous climax. Out of breath, he looked at her and asked, “now what?”

She laughed, bewildered, still out of composure. “Just stay in me” she said, “just stay in me unti its really over” And in those final moments, she relished feeling his body on top of her. She felt his hard cock grow soft in her. She though about how everything that was in those big balls was now in her. She felt a deep connection. And then he rolled off and they both fell asleep.

The next morning, it was a little awkward. She planned on going home. She didn’t have to do what she did last night - if she didn’t, nobody would know and there wasn’t any consequence anyway. And everyone would understand because she was married.

He roled over and carassed her, “I can’t beleive what happened last night”

“Me neither” she said dryly.

“You are like a sex goddess” he said to her surprise, “can i see you now in the light?”

Bonita was flattered again, but also nervous. She stood up behind a blanket, and slowly let it fall.

“You are bueatiful, Bonita” Jago said. “I think I could look into your eyes for hours but, please, can I . . . . “

What?” Bonita asked

“I want to touch your tits again. It was like heaven.”

“I suppose” Bonita meekly replied. Jago stood up, naked. Bonita for the first time got to see him in full light. Looking at such a muscular man was like candy for her eyes. And she concluded that one of the best things about a well endowed man was that a big cock was just so much nicer to look at. She couldn’t stop staring as it wagged on his walk over to her.

He pushed his body against her. She felt his size, how tall her was. She felt how broad he was. She felt that he was getting harder as he held her. He began to kiss her and imediately began groping her breasts. It didn’t even take a moment before they were back in bed, Bonita squeeling in true delight, and Jago draining himself into her again.

They laid in bed for a few moments, but then the sunlight reminded them that there was much to do. It was only fair that she see how her husband was doing. And the entire tribe expected to see them at various events - they were king and queen for the month after all.

On her way home, she saw Veronica - one of the elder women - walking with her friend Isabella. “So?????” Isabellla asked

“So what?” Bonita asked back.

“So are we going to be blessed this year?” Vernoica asked tactfully

“We’re trying.”

“really? Veronica asked

“twice. we did it twice so far” Bonita asked, feeling the pressure to disclose

Veronica and Isabella nearly screamed with delight.

“So you’re going to do it again?” Isabella giddily asked

“I don’t know. I have to see Macario . . .”

Veronica interupted her, “Bonita, this is your time. you can’t let him stop you. he should be proud of you. very proud. especially you. he needs to know you expect him to support you. besides, you’re not doing this just for you. you’re doing it for the Mompow.”

Veronica grabbed Bonita’s hand and looked her in the eye” “Macario is the kind of man that needs a strong woman in the house. It’s time for you to stop being his little girl and start being his woman.”

When Bonita got home, Macario was eager to see her - but he seemed shyer than usual. He certainly didn’t comand her around the way he ordinarily might. Everyone congratulated him. It was a high honor for him, too, to have his wife chosen. Of course he felt proud. But he also seemed self conscious. He had alot of questions about what hapened the night before.

At first, Bonita tried to beat around the bush. Macario persisted with questions. Finally she decided she had to be blunt, just for the sake of her sanity. Yes, they had sex.

Poor Macario asked, “you mean, like he put his thing into your . . . . .” He couldn’t finish the question.

“That’s what sex is” Bonita bluntly replied. She was starting to feel her confidence rise. Besides, what else was she suppose to say?

“so was he big . . . . .?”

“Oh Macario, you’ve seen him. you know.” Bonita answered

“I’ve never seen him the way he would be when he’s with a woman”

Bonita couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Well, he didn’t get smaller”

“was it good for him?” Macario asked

Bonita had enough. Macario basically insulted her, not honored her! “Yes. Yes it was good. Why wouldn’t it be? And we’re going to do it again tonight and I expect you to support me.”

Macario had a look like he was in shock, but he sheepishly said, “of course i support you. this is agreat honor”

At that, Bonita left and joined Jago for lunch at the festival grounds. All day they talked and laughed and just had fun as everyone congratulated them and gave them small gifts. That night, they returned to the fertility house.

Jago asked, “how did it go with your husband?”

“fine. he understands” Bonita replied

“can i ask you something personal?” Jago asked

“sure” bonita replied

“i’ve seen your husband dressing for the hunt. he’s a little less than, you know, most of the men. and i am a little more. did it make a difference?”

Bonita shot Jago a devlish look and just pushed him onto the bed. “Of course it did” she said as she clibed on top of him and started gyrating her hips on top of his clothed crotch. “I’ve been thinking about it all day”

As she gyrated, she started running her hands up and down his chest and abdoment, enjoying the muscular landscape, getting excited by his hard muscular body as she felt his mahood grow hard beneath her. His cock started poking out of his shorts and she pulled her skirt up to meet its head with her wet lips. He quickly pulled those shorts down, and together they worked his hard manhood deep into her femininity. She gyrated as he moaned. Then he reached up and grabbed her tits and then slid one hand behind her onto her hass. He then said, “Bonita . . . my turn”

In one fluid motion, without ever pulling out, he picked her up and flopped her on her back. He then strated thrusting into her. “Sorry . . . . “ he said between grunts and panting, “but .. . . I . …. just . . . . . like the way .. …. your . . .. . . .tits bounce ……..when i fuck you”

She came as he spoke the words and he immediate followed. She had now been filled with cum three times in two days.

And that’s how the rest of the next two weeks went. Even Macario began to embrace his wife’s joy. Deprived of his wife, he began to lust for her. And he started to realize exactly what a wonder of a woman she was. And Bonita began to miss Macario, too. Their marriage may have been arranged, but she loved him dearly. They were true life partners. And surprisingly, as these feelings blossumed, her desire for the boy waned. Custom and rules required her to spend nights in the fertility house and to be exclusive to her young king, but more and more of the nights were now being spent actually sleeping.

Then, on the 26th day, Bonita approached her husband with a serious topic. “Macario,” she said, “I get my period next week”

Macario didn’t grasp the significance

“Macario. Now is my time. I can feel it. I can feel my body want to make a baby.”

Macario now knew. If she was serious about blessing the tribe with a child, now was the time. “Do it” he said. “Do it. Bring me home a baby so I can finally be a dad”

Bonita walked to the fertility house with pride. She was proud of herself, proud of her husband for growing so much. She loved him. But now she had a job to do.

She opened the door to the house like she owned the place. Jago, sitting on the bed, noticed the difference. She walked towards the bed with determination. He slunk back, submissive to her sexual demand. She climbed onto the bed, sat in front of him and threw her legs onto his shoulder and laid back.

“Kiss me” she said.

He looked puzzled because she didn’t put him in a very good spot to kiss her

“You need to learn this, too” she said, “kiss my pussy like you love it”

Jago did as he was told, and right before Bonita climx she pulled his head back and said, “now fuck me. fuck me like you want to make me have your baby”

Jago hopped on top and start thrusting, staring into her intense eyes. She bgan to come and so did he. Once finished, she asked, “do you need some time?”

Jago asked, “for what?”

“for this” she said as she lowered herself to put his cock in her mouth. He was flacid, but she knew that nothing can ressurect an erection like a blow job. As he got hard, she started to really enjoy making out with that big dick. She made love to it with her mouth like she was trying to etch it into her memory - knowing that she was never going to experience such a thing again.

Then, as soon as he was hard, she demanded he enter her again. And that cycle rpeated itself all night. Up against the wall. On the kitchen table. Over the counter from behind. As Jago fatigued, some of it fell short of perfection. But he was a virile young man. Bonita experienced no less than five of his ejaculations inside her that night.

She never had sex with him again. She finished her tenure in the fertility house sleepily. And then it was over, and everyone watched and waited. She and Macario lived on the edge of their seat. Then a week passed, and then another. Still no period. Soon, a baby bump had begun to show. The tribe was filled with joy! The gambit worked! The tribe would be blessed with a child, ensuring a year of luck and health.

And nobody was more excited than Bonita.

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