The Night It All Came Together

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The Night It All Came Together

Unread post by DreamWeaver » Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:21 pm

I had fantasies of my wife with another guy for years, and even brought it up occasionally during sex. The whole subject turned off my wife. She'd humor me at first, but eventually she'd tell me to hurry up and come. It was sort of torture for me. I had my best orgasms when she'd talk dirty, but I had to be careful and finish quickly or she'd get angry.

Things changed a little bit when a friend of hers had one night-stand with a co-worker. He was a nice guy, going places at work, and black. Afterward, my wife would be more forthcoming during sex, telling me she really wanted to try a black guy. She even recorded a few romantic comedies on Tivo with black leads and asked if I wanted to watch with her. I tried it and to be honest, it freaked me out. So she continued to bring up a "black cock" during sex, but I never pursued it.

My birthday was coming up and I told her I'd love to go out dancing with her downtown and get a hotel room nearby. She thought it was a great idea, but wanted to go out with another married couple, Lisa and Rick who were friends. I was all for it. I even brought up the idea of turning her loose in the bar, watching from afar. She laughed it off as a silly idea.

We all met on Friday night, ready to party. After dinner and some adult beverages, we headed down the street to a dance club. My wife and her friend immediately headed to the dance floor while I went for more drinks with Rick. After an hour of dancing and drinking, Lisa started to feel sick. She and Rick left to get some fresh air and we followed. We all sat down outside, and finally it was decided that the other couple would go to the hotel early. My wife, though, was on fire. She wanted to dance and I had no problem with that. My mind worked feverishly at scenarios and I wanted to make something happen.

We danced a bit more and I told my wife I had to go to the restroom and I'd get us another couple of cocktails. It was pretty crowded and it took me maybe ten minutes before I returned, drinks in hand.
I looked over and stopped dead in my tracks. There was my wife dancing with our Rick. I'd thought of Rick with my wife occasionally but never gave it serious consideration. After the drinks, I gave it very serious consideration. I lingered by the dance floor until a table opened up and set the drinks down, watching. My wife looked at me and gave me a wink and smile. Rick looked over and I just smiled, tipping my drink to him to keep dancing.

My mind was a foggy blur. They danced a few songs and came over to me, acting like it was no big deal. Well, it was no big deal. Was it? It was hard for me to concentrate, to figure out what was reasonable.

"Well you sure like dancing!" she said to Rick and she grabbed him by his belt and just laughed and looked at me.

Rick grabbed her by her hips and pulled her close. "You didn't seem to mind". He glanced over and gave me a "just kidding" look and let her go. Maybe I was reading too much into it. He explained that Lisa went up to the room and crashed. He'd been bored so he came back. He went for more drinks and I went back on the dance floor with my wife. She grinned and grabbed my crotch and asked me if I liked what I saw. "Absolutely", I replied.

"Well Happy Birthday, I love you", she said and she pulled me close and kissed me tightly.

"You should dance more with him", I said. She looked at me and over at him and pulled me off the dance floor. After we drank another round with Rick, she told me she wanted some water. It was my turn, so I left to go get some from the bar. When I returned, there was Rick, dancing with her closely again, his hands on her ass. Her eyes were closed, her head buried in his chest. I gulped. I didn't want to interrupt. Both of them didn't even bother to look my way. I started to drink water, trying to sober up. What was happening? I couldn't figure it out.

After the dance ended, they both looked over, quickly parted and came over. I gave them both glasses of water and noticed how my wife leaned into him as we all made small talk. We decided to use the restroom and go back to the hotel. Rick and I were done quickly and stood outside waiting for my wife. I had to say something. "You two look good together out there. You trying to steal my wife?"

Rick was smiling at me and just blurted out "Hey, I'm sorry if I went too far. I didn't mean anything by it."

The next words just spilled out of my mouth, "Don't worry about it. It's nothing. Hey, if you want to borrow her, all you have to do is ask." We both laughed, but I kind of regretted it immediately, it was so explicit and in his inebriated state, an obvious green light. My stomach was nervous and we didn't say a word to each other again until she walked out the door, looking sexier than I'd seen her in ages. She came over to us, grabbed both our hands and we started to walk back to the hotel. I was rock hard. Was she really holding his hand? Well, she was holding mine. It was nothing. It was nothing. It was nothing. I kept repeating it to myself.

The hotel room was nice, sort of a suite. We split it with Rick and Lisa, so it really wasn't too expensive. It had a lounge area with a large TV, a large bathroom and another room, mostly walled off, with two beds. Lisa was sleeping on one of the beds, still clothed. We turned the TV on, flipped to some movie on HBO and kept the volume low. I expected Lisa to sit down with me, but she asked Rick if she could look at his iPhone and they sat down together on one of the love seats. I sat down on the other seat, all alone. I felt empty. This felt weird. They chatted a bit, I pretended to concentrate on the movie. She kept putting her hand on his leg when they talked. She mentioned her back hurt. He offered to give her a massage so she knelt down in front of him on the floor, facing the TV while he rubbed her shoulders. My stomach was doing summersaults.

"I'm kind of thirsty", she said. "Why don't you go get us a bottle of wine?" She looked at me, her face smiling, but frozen. She widened her eyes. "Well, you don't have to if you don't want". I was stunned.

"No problem. I'll get it." I got up and grabbed my wallet and the room key. "See you in fifteen minutes," and I left.

My footsteps plodded and echoed through the hallway as I made my way to the elevator. I walked outside the hotel, and the world seemed alive. The sounds were louder. The lights brighter then ever. My heart crashed in my chest. I made my way to a carryout, grabbed a bottle and paid the cashier, my hands shaking.

When the elevator door opened, I accidently got off on the wrong floor. By the time I realized it the door had shut and I had to wait another minute. It was the longest minute of my life. I got back on and got off on the right floor. This time I slowed down. I felt a need to sneak up on the door. I stood at the door and put my ear up close, listening in the cool hall, the smell of vacuumed carpet invading my senses. I could hear the couch groaning as their weight shifted once and the two of them giggling, then silence. I waited a minute then paced back about 10 feet and came back, making a little noise before opening the door. I don't know why I did that. It was like I was invading their privacy, and I had to give a signal. When I opened the door she was walking over to the bathroom, he was on the couch, his legs crossed, hands behind his head. Fake casual. "Hi there". That was all he said. Hi there. What had just happened?

I opened the wine and poured it into three plastic cups, listening as my wife turned the sink on. As she came back I examined her shirt and dress carefully. I little wrinkly, but nothing obvious. Her hair seemed slightly mussed, she'd washed her face. She picked up two cups, handed one to Rick and sat down next to me. She discreetly reached over and grabbed my crotch. My dick was stiff as could be. She looked at me and smiled. "Rick, I think you need a refill."

She got up and grabbed the bottle and sat down next to him and topped up his cup. Then she said "A toast. Come on honey, what would be a good toast".

"Well", I gulped, "a toast to good friends. And crazy nights where anything can happen".

Everybody agreed, "here here". My wife drank a mouthful and leaned back in the couch next to Rick, her legs spread a little wildly. I could barely see her crotch.

Her crotch. No panties. She looked me in the eye, then leaned over and kissed Rick. I was stunned. She then looked at me, "get over here" and she squeezed over to give me a little room. I sat down next to her and didn't really know what to do. Rick wouldn't look me in the eye, he was busy kissing my wife full on the mouth. I reached over and stroked her leg, pulling her skirt all the way up. She grabbed Rick's hand and guided it to her other leg.

We were both feeling her up, I bent over and kissed the back of her neck. This went on for maybe 10 minutes. She'd push my hand away from her crotch and let Rick explore the rich pink folds. Her breathing got labored and heavy. His rhythmic touch in sync with her breathing. Finally she started to moan and catch herself. She gripped my hand and squeezed as she had her first orgasm.

She reached down and unzipped his pants. This was taken as sort of a signal so we all sort of stood up for a second and as he pulled down his pants, as did I, and she stepped out of her skirt. I reached down to finger her but again she pulled my hand away, placing it back on my own cock, pre-cum smeared everywhere. I'd been avoiding looking, but I couldn't help but notice Rick's cock as my wife gently stroked it.

After another ten minutes of nervous fondling of my cock, she said it. "Rick, fuck me", she whispered.

Rick looked at me and I just nodded, a smile on my face. Rick got up and my wife laid back down on the couch on her side, pulling one leg up to her chest. Rick positioned himself and slid his cock right in. By this time my own dick was slick with cum, but I was trying to stretch out the feeling. I didn't want to come yet. I almost couldn't. I'd been hard for so long that night, it almost felt as if I was losing sensation. I was living a fantasy. Rick would gently pull out of her pussy, pause, and then ram it home. After five minutes my wife was breathing very hard, suddenly letting out a muffled high pitch moan. She was coming again. The sound set me off and I came all over myself, my shaft pulsed as my semen squirted in bursts all over my stomach, hand, and the couch. I was almost embarrassed and felt a sort of shame. Oh what had I done!

"Finish" my wife told Rick, and he asked her to roll over so he could mount her while she was on her hands and knees. He positioned himself again and aimed his penis between her wet pink lips and fucked her in short strokes for about a minute until he came in her with a grunt and spasm. As he pulled out, a rope of white cum hung briefly between his cock and her pussy and broke. He let his dick lie on her ass for a moment, smearing it with his cum. He turned around and picked up his underwear and wiped her ass and pussy off before drying his own cock.

"Oh that was so great. Thank you", he said. He wandered off to the bathroom and I sat down next to my wife and fondled her pussy for a second. My fingers slipped in easily in the mix that was now flowing out.

"Did you like it?" she asked.

"Oh yeah", I answered. "Thank you. I hope you're okay?"

"I'm fine, but oh I'm so tired". She got up and went into the bathroom with Rick. I couldn't help myself, I put the fingers in my mouth just to taste. It was warm and slippery as the juice rolled down my tongue.

Before we all went to bed, we gathered one last time, popped some aspirins and chugged bottles of water. There was small talk and kind of an awkward silence. I felt regret.

"This is just a one night thing right?" said Rick. It was more of a statement then a question.

"We had fun, that was it. No pressure later", I answered. Everybody nodded.

We all went over to the bedroom and curled up to sleep. I lay there for ten minutes. No pressure, I thought. My stomach fluttered. One orgasm hadn't properly relieved the pressure in my balls. My dick got hard again. Something like regret was turning to lust. I wanted to find my wife's panties.

When could I get her to fuck him again? No, don't do it. Why not? My mind raced.

The torture began anew.

Posts: 228
Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 6:51 pm
Location: ON, Canada

Re: The Night It All Came Together

Unread post by HerLittleGuy » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:33 pm

Great story, DreamWeaver! :up:

Just a lucky guy with a great Mrs.


Re: The Night It All Came Together

Unread post by DreamWeaver » Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:00 pm

HerLittleGuy wrote:Great story, DreamWeaver! :up:

Sorry. I was bored. Inspired from true situations. :lol:

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