Goddess Worship

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Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Mon Feb 10, 2020 9:43 pm

My wife and I used to play with these good friends of ours, T and Y. And fortunately we get to hang out with them during the holidays. 

Once, we were alltogether at a mountain cabin. We had all been drinking, and then it was time for massages by the fire. We got out the massage oil and the girls loved it.off came their clothes. I massaged my wife, and T maasaged his wife, Y. Back massages, foot massages. And then we switched. The girls kissed a bit and they were enjoying it. But at some point, my wife decided that we were too drunk and went to bed. I tried to talk her into staying, but it was no use. I went back to the party. 

T suggested we give his wife a treat. I was sitting up on the floor in front of the fireplace and Y backed up into my lap. I supported her while T began to rub her legs. At that point, he brought out a small blue triangular vibrator and began to rub it across her pussy. She began to moan and move against me. I ran my hands along her body, down to her thighs, and up until I was stroking the skin next to her pubic hair. T was fully using her vibrator and was gently probing her mound. I could feel him pressing against her pussy so close to my hands. I reached and spread her lips for her husband. She climaxed, back to me, but in my arms.

Y sat up and said she wanted to sit in my lap. We got up and went across the room, where I sat down on the floor and leaned back against the couch. I had my boxers on and Y straddled me. We made out and our hands explored each others bodies. T sat behind Y, between my spread legs, and rubbed her back and ass. She was grinding on my very erect cock. You hear about an ecstatic peak, and this was it. The heat of the room, bodies lit by firelight, kisses and soft moans, it was all so amazing.

Y told me to stand up, that she wanted to suck us. And so we did. I dropped my boxers and stood next to T. It was great. She alternated in between me and her husband, with our dicks in each of her hands. It was very, very hot.

I needed a drink and stepped to the kitchen. Have you ever stepped away from a blowjob to get a drink? I have. 

About that time, I hear my wife's voice from the bedroom, " It sounds like ya'll are having sex out there!"

I say "Not exactly," while I am standing at the counter, chopping up a lime.

So my wife, H, says, "Then why don't you have any clothes on?"

I look down at my dong sticking out, " Why don't you come back out here with us?"

She's like, "No, ya'll are too fucked up for me." Now, we have played with T and Y numerous times in the past. Y even lived with us for a while. Not much was different this evening, except for our level of intoxication and her mood. I felt like trying to coax her out would only make matters worse, and there was no way I was going to bed, so I headed back to the living room.

We had kind of gotten fussed at, so we didn't go right back to blowjobs. We sat down on the floor in front of the fireplace, with Y between us. We started what we liked to call " Goddess worship" where we ran our hands all over Y's body, touching, carressing, rubbing, and loving her all over with our hands. Four hands on a body might as well be ten. Y was loving it. Her back was arched off the floor, nipples as hard as erasers. She was in ecstasy. My fingers traced her pubic mound, up to her navel, carressed her breasts, and found their way up her neck to her lips. Her lips parted to suck on my fingers.

After a few minutes, T stood up, and said, "Do you think it would be OK if I go in and talk to H?" T was standing about a foot in front of me and his wife, completely naked. His cock was as hard as mine, around 7 inches in length, with a big shiny head. It stood straight out in front of my and Y's faces, and it was all we could look at.

What would you have said?

Well, I was concerned that since she wasn't as inebriated as the rest of us, that she wouldn't take it well. I wanted him to, and told him so, but I also didn't want to have to have her blow up and decide she wants to drive back to the city in the middle of the night. (More on this later)

They agreed and we all lay down in front of the fire, with Y in the middle. Y is a very sexy woman, half-mexican with short black hair and a great ass.The evening was so good, and was this close to being mind-blowing. I look over, and next to me, T is on top of Y and he is pressing his cock into Y and she is staring into my eyes. My dick is straining agaist the sky. I rub my hand across it. T looks over as my hand releases my dick and it springs back up.. He gives a nod and focuses back on his wife. 

Close enough to touch, but I didn't. Didn't want to make the wife any madder than she was. I laid there and enjoyed their closeness and Y's moans and the sounds of their sex, while I strained against my erection in the light of the fireplace..

Y reached out for my hand. I held it, while her husband pounded her. Her moans increased and her eyes shut. T came with a groan. I was still laying there with a hardon, but I was out of luck. They said their goodnights and went up to the loft bedroom. I laid there by the fire for a bit, then finally went to bed.

I attempted to shuggle up with my wife, but she was asleep and was practically curled up into a ball. I was not getting any tonight.

We were all hung over and miserable the next day. My wife was not happy, but she wasn't angry either.

(That almost brings us up to date)

Here's the thing, we have played quite a few times over the years with T and Y, but H has always drawn the line at full on sex. She has even had T's dick in her hand while making out with him, but nothing further. And it's all I can think about. Well, not all, but this is a bridge I want us to cross.

I think about T's erect cock that night, glistening in the firelight, and I wish I had told him to go in there. I would like to have seen him push his cock inside Hopie.

I really want to see my wife get off with him, and then come back to me.

We went out for dinner last week, and T shows up late with his family. There were two empty seats, one by me and across from me, one by H. Of course, I showed my outstretched hand to the empty seat by my wife. They sat together and laughed. We had a great dinner. 

At the end of the night, my wife hugged him and then went in for the kiss! 
Ready for what comes next!

Any suggestions?
I wish we could get away to a mountain cabin like we did before.

So, T had a birthday party for Y last night. My wife wasn't able to make it due to scheduling, but I went. Tad told me that he was sorry that Hopie couldn't make it. I agreed, that it was a shame that she couldn't.

Fastforward to today. I was telling Hopie about the party. She asked, "Did anyone ask about me?"

I answered Tad did. He was sorry that you missed out on the party."

She said, "Tad did?

I said, "Yeah. You know he's a member of your fan club!"

She seemed thoughtful after that

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:04 pm

So there's a Monster truck show this weekend that we were supposed to go to, but I have to work.
So my wife asked Tad if he wanted to go and use my ticket!
My plan is to thank him for being a"fill-in husband" since I can't make it.
I think he will take the hint!

Annnnnd he's not going. We are having dinner with Tad and Yvette tonight. Maybe I can tell Tad that I was disappointed that he couldn't be Hope's fill-in husband tomorrow. I think she was dissapointed too.
What do you think?
Maybe I should tell Yvette.

I am going to ask him what he wanted for his birthday!

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:05 pm

Our early relationship included a LOT of group play. Having children, as a normal course of life, has greatly excluded most of the opportunities for those situations that we often found ourselves in. Hopefully we dont have to wait for our kids to be grown before we have any more adult fun. But if that is the case, so be it.

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:06 pm

Had a great weekend at the lake with our dear friends. Cannot wait to go into detail, but a big hurdle was crossed! So much fun.

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by OZCPL » Sat Jun 27, 2020 5:37 pm

Just found this thread
What happened at the lake

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Thu Jul 02, 2020 9:23 pm

We were invited to our friends' lake house for the weekend. Due to my work schedule we could only stay for one night. We drove to the lake, just a few hours away. Beautiful scenery, cute cabin, and great food. Then the drinks began! After a few shots, I was tipsy, mostly because I hadn't eaten much that day. There was some excited talk by my wife about late-night skiny dipping. Yvette said she would have to pass, since she had just recovered from a cold. She went inside. Tad said that he was still up for it. Hopie said that since Yvette wasn't participating that I was probably not going to approve. Ha!
I leaned forward and said, "I am cool with that. Ya'll go have some fun. You're on vacation!"
Hopie giggled and leaned in close to Tad while he showed her something on his latop.
I was feeling pretty woozy by this point and got up and went to the bathroom inside.

I sat in the bathroom and laid my head against the cold sink, thinking about my wife and my friend out on the porch. There have been so many times over the last 15 years where we have been to this point, and then something happened to derail the evening. We have had couples sex inches from each other on the living room floor, but did not switch partners due to everyone just being too smashed. We have had nights where my wife was ready, Yvette was naked in our bed, and Tad was standing by, but Hopie tapped out b/c she had drank too much. And we had that almost perfect night in the cabin where my wife was the most sober and she backed out. And there were nights where Hopie and Yvette just dropped all of their inhibitions and clothes and just went at each other, with us men only minimally involved.

These thoughts were swirling through my mind as I sat there feeling all kinds of ways.

Feeling drunk. Feeling anxious. Wondering if they are kissing. Wondering if his large cock is in her hand. Wondering if she's letting him love on her breasts again. Wondering if he's rubbing her hot pussy. Wondering just how far she will let Tad go.

Wondering if I would get to see Hopie ride Tad.

It was too much. I had to go lie down for awhile.

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Thu Jul 02, 2020 9:27 pm

Someone woke me up, asked if I was alright.
Said I was Ok, just tired. They left.
Grabbed the bottle of water next to the bed and took a sip.
Wanted to fall back asleep, but I wanted to power through this. I wanted to go out there and see what I was missing. I took another swig of water, and laid there for a while longer, the sounds of TV, music, and laughter coming from the living room. I felt like shit. Drink some more water. Tried to sit up. Oh, that didn't work. Laid back down. Another gulp.

Sometime later, after much more water, I made myself get up and go outside. My wife was naked, wrapped in a towel, talking to Yvette. Tad was also naked, wrapped in a towel, passed out in a lawnchair.

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Sat Jul 04, 2020 9:07 pm

I asked how it went. Hopie said she didn't get in the water, because someone had seen a watersnake earlier, but Tad had dived in off of the dock. I noticed a big beach towel had been spead out down on the dock, and one of the beers I had brought was left on a rail by it.
We talked a bit, and Hopie helped Tad inside. He was toast.

I stayed out there talking to Yvette. Told her I was disappointed they didn't get to skinny dip.
Yvette agreed.
I mentioned that I had given them both a pass to have fun.
"Oh yeah? " She said she said she wanted that for Tad too. She talked about how Tad has had the hots for Hopie ever since they had all gone to a friend's wedding together. Hopie had been wearing a pretty dress that showed off her cleavage. They got to dance together quite a bit that night.
I told Yvette that I want Tad to put his cock in my wife.
Her eyes got big. Yvette said, "Tad would love that!"
I said, "Well, maybe we can arrange it where me and the kids can go do something and Tad can come over to the house while Hopie is home."
She liked that idea.

Of course I would rather be there to see. I really want us to have that experience together.
I would really love it if Yvette would get Tad hard, and help guide his cock into Hopie.
That would be the best. That is another goal!

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:32 pm

The next day we were out on the lake, my wife and I in separate canoes. It was a beautiful day with perfect weather. We were both in good spirits and talking about last night. I tried to get Hopie to tell me what happened when they went down to the dock to go skinny dipping.

She said, " Well, you know Tad was getting frisky like Jay does when he gets drunk!"

Jay is a friend of ours, half of a couple that we have been close friends with for years. Jay's about 5' 6", and built. He's finely cut without an ounce of fat on him. He's an alpha male and can be a bit of an asshole when he's drunk. And according to my wife, he gets handsy when he's drunk. I usually have to work, but my wife goes over and has dinner and drinks with Jay and his wife Steffi about twice a week. They all like to drink, and after a few shots, it seems like Jay's hands find his way to my wife's ass. She hasn't told me if he's felt on her titties yet, but knowing Jay, he has.

Anyway, back to Tad and his similar friskiness last night.

I said, "Good! I told ya'll that you had my permission to go have some fun!"

Hopie's eyes flashed at me. "I know! I was so mad at you!"

I said, "I don't know why you were mad. You know that stuff turns me on!"
And then I kissed her again. "I was kinky when you met me, baby."


Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by afagehi7 » Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:54 am

Sounds like she enjoyed the attention but doesn't want to outwardly admit it turned her on.

She certainly knows your position on the matter. Sounds like it may progress. It seems the perfect Scenario. Even Tad's wife wants it.. so everyone wants it including your wife. She's warming up to the idea but you luckily have no other barriers. It's going to happen you lucky sob.

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Sat Jul 11, 2020 10:09 pm

afagehi7 wrote:
Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:54 am
Sounds like she enjoyed the attention but doesn't want to outwardly admit it turned her on.

She certainly knows your position on the matter. Sounds like it may progress. It seems the perfect Scenario. Even Tad's wife wants it.. so everyone wants it including your wife. She's warming up to the idea but you luckily have no other barriers. It's going to happen you lucky sob.
I think you are right about her enjoying the attention.
The problem is getting them together.
We all live very busy lives.

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Sat Jul 11, 2020 10:13 pm

"You know that Tad has had a crush on you for the longest time!" I told her.

"That's just because I am outspoken," Hopie replied. She paddled on ahead of me, lost in her thoughts.

Later, I was laying in the hammock, thinking I was going to doze off, but instead running everything through my mind, sitting there with a semi, imagining them naked, pressed up against each other.

Hopie walked up and climbed into the hammock next to me. As she did, her thigh laid across my semi, getting me even more hard.

We talked about how beautiful the lake was and what a good time we had. I thought she was going to bring up Tad, but she brought up her "10." That is our list of 10 celebrities that we could have a free pass to have sex with if the opportunity ever arose. We haven't talked about our 10 in years! Hopie likes muscular bald men like Vin Diesel and Jason Statham.

I asked her, "What if Vin Diesel turned around in our driveway and stopped for directions?"

She said, "Hmmmmmm!"

It was such a great afternoon.

The next day, we were home on the couch. Hopie gets a text. She shows it to me. It was from Tad!
"I am glad you guys were able to come to the lakehouse! I will forever regret not getting to skinnydip with you!"

I looked over to her and said " Well, there's always next time."
I was blown away when she texted that back to him!

I really think we are on our way!


Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by afagehi7 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:07 am

southbound wrote:
Sat Jul 11, 2020 10:13 pm
"You know that Tad has had a crush on you for the longest time!" I told her.

"That's just because I am outspoken," Hopie replied. She paddled on ahead of me, lost in her thoughts.

Later, I was laying in the hammock, thinking I was going to doze off, but instead running everything through my mind, sitting there with a semi, imagining them naked, pressed up against each other.

Hopie walked up and climbed into the hammock next to me. As she did, her thigh laid across my semi, getting me even more hard.

We talked about how beautiful the lake was and what a good time we had. I thought she was going to bring up Tad, but she brought up her "10." That is our list of 10 celebrities that we could have a free pass to have sex with if the opportunity ever arose. We haven't talked about our 10 in years! Hopie likes muscular bald men like Vin Diesel and Jason Statham.

I asked her, "What if Vin Diesel turned around in our driveway and stopped for directions?"

She said, "Hmmmmmm!"

It was such a great afternoon.

The next day, we were home on the couch. Hopie gets a text. She shows it to me. It was from Tad!
"I am glad you guys were able to come to the lakehouse! I will forever regret not getting to skinnydip with you!"

I looked over to her and said " Well, there's always next time."
I was blown away when she texted that back to him!

I really think we are on our way!
Is tad a muscular bald white guy? If so then it would be even more perfect. Any way y'all can do a double date at your place? Throw some shrimp on the barbie...kids at mom's house....

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:14 pm

afagehi7 wrote:
Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:07 am
southbound wrote:
Sat Jul 11, 2020 10:13 pm
"You know that Tad has had a crush on you for the longest time!" I told her.

"That's just because I am outspoken," Hopie replied. She paddled on ahead of me, lost in her thoughts.

Later, I was laying in the hammock, thinking I was going to doze off, but instead running everything through my mind, sitting there with a semi, imagining them naked, pressed up against each other.

Hopie walked up and climbed into the hammock next to me. As she did, her thigh laid across my semi, getting me even more hard.

We talked about how beautiful the lake was and what a good time we had. I thought she was going to bring up Tad, but she brought up her "10." That is our list of 10 celebrities that we could have a free pass to have sex with if the opportunity ever arose. We haven't talked about our 10 in years! Hopie likes muscular bald men like Vin Diesel and Jason Statham.

I asked her, "What if Vin Diesel turned around in our driveway and stopped for directions?"

She said, "Hmmmmmm!"

It was such a great afternoon.

The next day, we were home on the couch. Hopie gets a text. She shows it to me. It was from Tad!
"I am glad you guys were able to come to the lakehouse! I will forever regret not getting to skinnydip with you!"

I looked over to her and said " Well, there's always next time."
I was blown away when she texted that back to him!

I really think we are on our way!
Is tad a muscular bald white guy? If so then it would be even more perfect. Any way y'all can do a double date at your place? Throw some shrimp on the barbie...kids at mom's house....
It's possible! We have some possible double date opportunities in a couple of weeks.

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:34 pm

So, over the last week, Hopie and I have had sex three times! That's more than in the last year! For somebody who said she was mad, she sure hasn't seemed mad! It's been like a honeymoon.

For one of my friends to be so eager to bone my wife is such a thrill.
And the fact that she seems more interested, is quite an exciting corner to turn!

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Fri Jul 17, 2020 3:50 pm

Our schedules are opening up in the next couple of weeks. Going to see if we can all get together.
Wish me luck!

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:59 pm

I talked to Yvette last night. Told her about our schedules opening up. She just got laid off from work. Trying to see if we can all get together next weekend. We talked about getting Hopie and Tad together. She told me again how much Tad LOVES Hopie ever since they danced together at a friend's wedding. Yvette told me that she missed all of the sexual freedom that we had when we all had an apartment together. We talked about Goddess Worship. We talked about how good Yvette looks with two dicks in her hands. We talked about cooking out by the pool next week. Someone on this site suggested we should "go out for another bottle of wine' and leave Hopie and Tad alone. I told her that idea. She loved it. Yvette may have to get Hopie turned on right before we leave, just so Hopie is primed and ready.
Today by the pool, I told Hopie about us getting together with Tad and Yvette. She said she would have to see if she's off.

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:54 pm

So, my wife went on a mini-vacation to the mountains last week. Guess who joins her up there?
No, not Tad, but it was Steffi and Jay. And when I spoke with Hopie last night, they were all tying one on. It sounded like a good time.
I wonder if Jay's hands will wander?

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Sat Aug 08, 2020 9:59 pm

Of course his hands wandered! I spoke to Hopie during their evening together and then the next morning.
She told me that he was being "handsy" as usual. I asked her was he was feeling her ass or what?
She said that when he went in for a hug his hands were on her ass. She said that he sat next to her while they were watching a movie and he kept trying to hold her hand. We both found that a little odd.
She said that the end of the night, Jay asked Hopie if she was coming back to their cabin with them. She did not.
I asked Hopie, how far do you think Steffi would let Jay go?

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:50 pm

The last time she mentioned Jay's wandering hands we ended up having some really great sex. I got her off with my hands.
So, a week later and now Hopie is making plans for us to go on a couples weekend with Steffi and Jay!

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Fri Sep 04, 2020 10:04 pm

Nothing lately. Trying to get our schedules together is near impossible.
Spent the night on Tad and Yvette's couch last weekend. A little sexy talk but nothing happened.

So, last Tuesday we do taco night over at Steefi and Jay's. Jay is cooking, Steffi is late, Hopie is helping get things ready, and we are all talking. Steffi come in, and after she gets settled, we do a couple of shots before dinner. At this point, Jay goes outside for a smoke.
A few seconds pass, and Hopie says she will be right back. She goes outside with Jay.
By the way, Hopie doesn't smoke. Pretty much hates the smell of it.
And until recently has always called Jay an "asshole" and complained to me about his wandering hands.
I am thinking she has told Jay that she has a free pass.
Later, according to Hopie, his hands were doing some wandering.
They were outside for about ten minutes and then came in for dinner.

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by Wanna Be Bob » Sat Sep 12, 2020 10:27 am

Ah, it sounds like the questions are who and how soon. There's no question about it happening, is there?

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:05 pm

It seems like an imminent thing waiting for the right evening.

Steffi told me she wants to schedule a make-up get together for one we had to cancel a while back. It will be us, Steffi and Jay, and Tad and Yvette. I will do whatever I can to help things along. I'm hoping for the perfect food, perfect drinks, perfect mood. I think it may be a race between Tad and Jay to see who can get Hopie undressed first.

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Fri Oct 02, 2020 2:48 pm

Satuday we are getting together with Tad and Yvette and Steffi and Jay for dinner! It will be at Steffi and Jay's house, where the food will be good and the drinks will be flowing. I am going to make sure that Hopie knows she has a Hall Pass for fun!
Hopefully our stars will align again!

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Re: Goddess Worship

Unread post by southbound » Fri Oct 23, 2020 10:20 pm

The Saturday dinner was nice and very low-key. Sweet but uneventful.

But my wife and Steffi put their heads together and planned a weekend in the mountains for the four of us . . .

and I couldn't go. I had to work.

But you know who did go? Hopie and Steffi and Jay.

Hopie filled me in on what happened. The first night there, shots and drinks for everyone.. Jay gets a little frisky. Kissing on Steffi, casually brushing up against Hopie's legs with his hands. At some point, Hopie had to go up into the loft to get something, and Jay followed. She said all the way up the stairs his hands were on her ass. She chuckled and said "What was that?"and he said that he was just making sure she didn't fall. Hopie turned to him and said "OK, thanks!"

And he pulled her to him and kissed her.

Hopie broke off the kiss and went back downstairs.
Steffi had gotten a text from Tad, asking if they wanted to do a virtual shot. Steffi told him that they were in the mountains with Hopie.

And Tad got his feelings hurt.

He didn't understand why he and Yvette weren't invited. And he sent Hopie texts too!
He fully remembered his last vacation to the mountain cabin with Hopie, and now Jay was taking his place!
He was a little upset, according to Hopie.

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