The Breaking of Michelle - Part 4

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The Breaking of Michelle - Part 4

Unread post by txbull4wife » Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:38 pm

Part 4 for those of you who've followed... this part contains less overt sex, but it is important for the remainder of the series. Enjoy.

I've always been fascinated by a woman's rituals as she prepares to go out - whether it's for work, or for an evening of pleasure, I love watching the process from bathing, to dressing, and putting on makeup.

Watching Michelle is an exceptional treat.  Standing in the bathroom doorway, I watched Michelle apply her makeup from the start to finish; foundation, blush, mascara and eyeliner, and finally her red lipstick.  My cock was half-hard and I wanted to stroke myself as I watched her.

Michelle was beautiful standing there in front of the mirror, naked and all made up, ready to be dressed.  She turned and looked at me with a slight smile on her face.

"No underwear tonight fuck-puppet, to make up for not bringing any lingerie along." I looked at her, waiting to see what her response would be. Michelle pursed her lips for a moment, then smiled brightly at me.

I took the red dress from its hanger and walked to her. Holding the hanger for her, Michelle unzipped the back of the dress and removed it. I helped her step into the unzipped dress, and once in place she deftly spun around and said, "Zip me up please sir?"

I pulled up the zipper, and hooked the little fastener at the neckline. Michelle stepped into her red pumps and inspected herself in the door mirror.

"Fuck-puppet, it is a little too early to have dinner. Instead we'll go have a cocktail in the lounge, and then go do a little shopping."

Michelle smiled and replied, "Yes, sir. That would be wonderful."

Walking into the hotel lounge, Michelle turned the head of every single male in the room, and even a few of the women. I thought to myself, "She does look spectacular."

We sat at a corner table, and the cocktail waitress promptly came over. I ordered for both Michelle and myself, "Two Sky 90 martini's please, a little dirty with a twist." While looking at Michelle, my cock stirred in my slacks. Her eyes were bright, as if they were lit from within by millions of tiny little stars.

The two of us made small-talk while waiting for the drinks. I periodically scanned the lounge noticing all the men trying to steal a glimpse of Michelle, or covertly gesturing to their buddies, obviously talking about the hot babe at the corner table.

Soon, the waitress came by with our drinks, and asked me whether I'd like to open a tab. I said, "No, thanks. We're just having a drink before a little late afternoon shopping. Just a check, please."

The waitress left a folio containing the check on our table, smiled, said "Thank's, sir," and departed.

Michelle sipped her martini, while I poked around with the skewered olives in my glass a bit. The Sky 90 was probably overkill for a dirty martini, but it wouldn't lead to a headache or hangover later on, so I considered it worthwhile.

I wondered when, or if Michelle would ask me about the shopping trip. Looking at her, I sensed that she wanted to ask, but was minding her manners and staying "in character," submissive to me. It was pleasing, and I waited only a while longer before telling her what I had in mind.

"We're going to go do a little lingerie shopping fuck-puppet. I saw when I picked out your dress that you didn't bring any along?"

Michelle had a quizzical look on her face, saying, "I didn't think I'd be needing any Sir."

With a poker face, I said, "Fuck-puppet... you should always bring some sexy lingerie along for our time together. It’s OK though. I'll be letting you off easy this time." That was a white lie of sorts, because I had something a little twisted in mind to test her limits.

We finished our drinks, and I paid the check. All eyes were on us as we left the hotel lounge.

Outside the hotel, at the valet station, I handed the attendant the claim check for my car. He called one of the drivers over, who sorted through the keys on their rack, and ran off to bring the car around.

The drive to my first planned stop was short. Possibly the kinkiest shop in town, I parked in front of Forbidden Fruit. There are three of these stores in town; one specializing in fetish wear; one oriented toward piercings and body-art, while the third store is more generalized.

I opened the door for Michelle, and we entered the shop. It isn't a large place, but it is contemporary and somewhat upscale. Along one wall, there are display cases containing dildos, vibrators and various sex toys. The opposite wall is mostly shelves of lubricants, candles, oils, and similar items. The store's interior consists of racks and shelves with lingerie, leather items, shoes, and apparel of a sensual or erotic nature.

Michelle held my hand, and I felt her grip tighten some, and her palm was hot, starting to sweat. The environment was either making her tense, or excited her. I remained silent, and guided her into the store's apparel area.

First, I took her to a shelf containing hosiery of all sorts. I picked up a thin package containing some sexy black fish-net stockings, and asked her to hold on to them.

Next, I led Michelle to a display case that held garters in a wide variety of styles. From the adjacent shelf, I picked up a package that contained a black leatherette waist cinch and garter combination that I thought would look hot with the fish-net stockings.

"What are you fuck-puppet, about a 34B?" I asked Michelle.

"Yes sir. A 34B," her wavering response.

From another nearby shelf, I found a demi-cup leather bra that would leave her nipples exposed.

My last task was to locate some suitable shoes for what I had planned for her. We went to the back of the store, and I seated Michelle on a leather upholstered bench. I scanned the racks of shoes, and found a pair of platform sandals, with two-inch thick soles and six-inch heels, with black patent leather straps. I wanted her outfit to match, and didn't feel like her red pumps would be appropriate.

I signaled one of the store clerks, an alternative looking young woman for help.

"May I help you with some shoes?"

"Yes - I'd like a pair of these for my friend here." Turning to Michelle I bluntly asked, "Fuck-puppet, please tell the sales person your shoe size."

The clerk smiled, almost laughing. Michelle didn't respond, so I repeated sternly, "Fuck-puppet, don't make me ask again. Tell the girl what size to bring out!"

"A size four, regular width." Michelle was looking at the floor, and I could see that her face was flushed, almost the shade of her dress.

The clerk responded, "I'll be back in a moment - I think we've got that size in back."

Turning to Michelle I said, "Look up at me fuck-puppet. There's nothing to be embarrassed about."

She looked up, locking eyes with me and smiled a slight smile. Her cheeks were a bit less flushed, and I bent down and kissed her firmly. I pinched one nipple lightly through the material of her dress looking for a reaction. Her nipple hardened between my fingertips, and she me no move to brush my hand away.

In the midst of breaking the kiss, the clerk returned with two boxes of shoes.

"These tend to run a little large. I've brought both a size three, and four for her to try."

Kneeling down, I took the size three pair and removed them from the box. Taking Michelle's right ankle in hand, I removed the pump. Placing her delicate foot into the stripper "fuck-me" sandal, I made sure the heel strap was in place, and buckled the strap around her ankle.

"Fuck-puppet, how does that feel?"

"Just right sir. I think that is the right size. May I try the other?"

I took the left shoe from the box, and replaced the pump with it, fastened the strap and said, "There. How about now?"

Michelle said, "That feels good too sir. May I get up and go look in the mirror?"

"Yes fuck-puppet, you may go look in the mirror." I watched her rise, and teeter a bit on the high-heeled sandals, then walk to the mirror. Michelle turned sideways, glanced in the mirror, then turned her back to it, examining her reflection with her head turned to look over at her shoulder. My cock twitched in my slacks looking at her in her new stripper shoes.

She teetered back to the bench and said, "They're lovely sir."

I told the salesclerk that we'd take the shoes, and asked whether she could check us out at the register.

She replied positively, and I handed her the stockings, garter and bra. "I'll bring the shoes up to the register in a moment if that is OK, she won't be wearing them out of the store."

The clerk said, "No problem. I'll begin ringing these up and see you at the register."

I changed Michelle's shoes, replacing the sandals with her red pumps. While kneeling in front of her, I took the opportunity to slide my hands up her tanned legs and take a peek at her panty-less bare pussy.

Standing, I extended a hand to her and said, "All set? Let's go pay for these things. We have one other stop to make before dinner." I had one more task for her to accomplish before we left the store, but we'd need to pay before I gave her my instructions.

At the register, I handed the clerk my credit card. She swiped it, saying "That will be $207.28. Will there be anything else?"

"No, but is it OK if my friend uses one of your changing rooms for a moment?"

The clerk replied, "No - no problem at all. There are two changing rooms through the doorway in the back. They're both free right now."

"Fuck-puppet, take these things to the changing room and put them on." and I handed her the garter and bra.

Tentatively, Michelle took the packages and nodded her head slightly.

"Will you need help with your dress fuck-puppet?" expecting that she would need some help zipping up - besides which I wanted to see how she looked in the sexy new undies.

"I'll leave the shoes up here for now if that's OK, and pick them up on the way out," I said to the clerk.

"No problem. They'll be here. Have fun!" she said with a smile.

I took Michelle to the changing room, and once inside the little cubicle I unhooked her dress and pulled down the zipper. I helped her slip out of the dress, admiring her nude body in the triple mirrors that lined the dressing room walls.

Michelle took the combination garter and cinch from its package, and stepped into it. The elasticized leatherette stretched over her hips and onto her flat belly perfectly, while the garters dangled at her thighs.

I had already removed the bra from its package. Michelle turned to face the mirror, her beautiful breasts taut, her nipples erect enough to hang laundry on. I reached around her, allowing her to slip her arms through the shoulder loops, and pulled the bra to her chest. Adjusting the cups slightly, I cradled her sweet tits in them. The cups shelved each breast, allowing her nipple to remain bare. I hooked the bra behind her back and looked at her reflection in the mirrors.

"Fuck-puppet, you are gorgeous! Very, very hot!" My cock was semierect, pushing against my slacks through my boxers.

"Thank you sir. I think they're lovely."

I took her dress from the hook on the changing room door, and helped her step back into it. Zipping her up, and hooking the neck clasp I smoothed her dress around her torso. Michelle's nipples jutted out, forming little cones visible clearly through her dress. It was just the effect I was hoping for.

I gave her a quick kiss, pulling her close to me to press my hard-on against her.

"Oh my sir! Do you need service?"

I laughed, saying "Yes fuck-puppet, I need service. But not just yet."

We left the changing room, picked up the shoes at the register and thanked the clerk for her help.

During the short drive, Michelle squirmed in her seat but remained silent. I pulled into the parking lot of the second Forbidden Fruit shop, one that specializes in piercings and body-art.

The shop was largely empty save for one female customer and a tattoo artist, busy needling in a design on the woman's breast. There was some background music playing, nothing I recognized. The shop was mostly quiet, aside from the periodic buzzing of the tattoo gun.

I'd hoped that it wouldn't be too crowded. I didn't want to wait long and felt like a small audience would be better for this test than a large group. I was going to test Michelle's boundaries with this exercise.

Michelle was looking at all the piercing jewelry in the display case. Out of the back, one of the shop's tattoo artists and piercing specialists came out. His name is Bear, someone I know, and have worked with before.

"Hey man! Wassup? It's been a while..."

"Bear-man, it has been a long time!"

Michelle stopped perusing the display case, and came to my side.

"Bear, this is Fuck-puppet. Fuck-puppet, this is my friend, Bear. He'll be helping us tonight."

Michelle was silent, and her face had gone pale.

"Fuck-puppet, don't be rude! Be a good girl and say hello to Bear."

A weak "Hi" was Michelle's timid response.

By now she had to wonder what was in store for her.

"Wait here fuck-puppet. I want to talk with Bear for a few minutes." I pointed to the back and said, "Let's talk about a couple of things and catch up Bear."

We left Michelle standing alone in the middle of the store, pale, with a somewhat fearful expression on her face.

In the back, I said, "She's go no ink or other art Bear. A virgin. I have something special in mind, but I want to stay simple for tonight."

"OK man, no prob. What'a 'ya got in mind for that little hottie?"

"We're spending to the weekend together, so nothing major that would put her out of commission. I want her nickname inked onto her right ass-cheek, below the bikini line, along with three tiny little red hearts just below."

"Easy dude. Take about ten minutes or so. What's her nickname?"

"Fuck-puppet, with a dash between. You remember those old World War II airplanes? The ones with the names and number of kills painted on the cowling? That's where I'm going with this thing. Her name's Michelle, but my name for her is Fuck-puppet."

"Got it man. Know just how to do it. Cool idea."

Two of the hearts would represent our first encounters, and the third would represent this weekend's experience. I had it fifty/fifty in my head as to whether Michelle would go this far, but I was going to push just to see.

We went back out front, and Bear said to Michelle, "Well Ms. Michelle, why don't you step over here to my office?"

Bear pointed to an articulated table that looks like a cross between a massage table and a medical exam table.

Michelle looked at me, moderately terrified.

"It's OK fuck-puppet; it's going to be OK. Just do what bear says and everything will be fine." I took her hand and led her over to the table.

"Now lie down on the table, on your tummy fuck-puppet." I took her by the waist, and helped her onto the table. Her body had some resistance to it, but she relented and lay down on the table as I requested.

"Right cheek is it Andy?"

"Yep Bear, the right cheek." I lifted Michelle's dress enough to expose her ass, bare except for the garter, and slapped her butt cheek lightly, "Right here will do just fine."

"You got it man. Just sit tight for a little Michelle. This won't take long." Bear sanitized his hands, and put on a pair of nitrile rubber gloves, then a second pair over the first.

Once he was gloved up, Bear tore the foil from a Betadine pad, and swabbed around Michelle's pale ass-cheek thoroughly. That got wiped up with a piece of sterile gauze, followed by an alcohol wipe from another foil packet. Bear tore open one more alcohol wipe, and placed it over the area where he was going to work.

"Now I just need a little bit to get the ink ready, so take some deep breaths and try to relax Michelle."

Bear readied a small plastic tray with several indentations, each a well for a different ink. Once he had the ink wells ready, Bear tore open a mylar foil packet with the tattoo needles inside, and loaded one into a clean gun from the steam autoclave at his station.

"Now this may sting a little Michelle." lied Bear, "But not too bad. Just keep breathing deep and relax."

Standing on the opposite side of the table, I took Michelle's hand in mine. "Just relax fuck-puppet. It will be over soon."

Bear positioned himself a little to the left of Michelle's bare butt cheek, and dipped the needle into the ink well. He removed the alcohol wipe, and stated to go to work.

At the buzz of the tattoo gun, Michelle winced a little and her grip tightened on my hand. With the needle's first touch, her body tensed, and she tried to pull away from Bear's gun.

"Hey Michelle. It’s going to be OK, but you need to be still. I can't work if you're wigglin' around, and it'll come out all wrong, see?" Bear gently pressed down on the small of Michelle's back, then went back to work.

I kept Michelle's hand in mine, and stroked her hair and the back of her neck as the tattoo gun buzzed repeatedly. She cooperated, and winced minimally as Bear alternated stroked of the tattoo gun and blotting her butt cheek where the tattoo was forming.

Bear was fast, and just as he said about ten minutes later the tattoo was in place.

Michelle had been marked. "Fuck-puppet," with three tiny little red hearts underneath.

"Now there, all done Michelle. Would you like to see?" Bear angled a big overhead exam mirror so that Michelle could see the reflection by looking over her shoulder.

"Its nice. Will it come off?" asked Michelle, craning her neck to look at her reddened butt cheek, the new tattoo showing nicely against her slightly irritated pale skin.

"Oh no, it won't come off. At least not easy anyways." Smearing a little Vaseline over the fresh tattoo, Bear covered it with a sterile pad and a large surgical Band-Aid. "It'll scab over in a day or so, just keep a little Vaseline over it, and keep it covered while you shower. Don't swim for a week, and if it gets really red, hurts badly or you think something's wrong, call your doctor."

I was helping Michelle up from the table, and whispered into her ear, "You're my good girl, my sweet little fuck-puppet. I'm so proud of you!" I kissed her on the neck, and said to Bear, "What do I owe 'ya man?"

Bear said, "Fifty dude. I'll do more hearts for free on that fine ass any time!"

As we made our way to the door, I handed a fresh hundred dollar bill from my wallet, and said, "Thanks man - it looks great, as usual. Have a great weekend, and I'm going to work hard to take you up on those freebie hearts!"

Once in the car, I said, "Next time, remember to bring along some lingerie fuck-puppet, unless you like being punished."

"Yes, sir. I promise to be a good girl so you don't have to punish me."

"Good. Now let's go have some dinner if you've worked up an appetite after all this?"

"Yes, sir. I would like that. I am famished!"

I'd made 7:30PM reservations at Vespaio, my favorite Italian restaurant. "Italian is OK? I'd like to celebrate with you over some good food and wine."

"Yes, sir. You know I love Italian. Celebrate what?"

"Why your being marked dear - Fuck-puppet. You're now officially my little fuck-puppet." I watched her smile, and thought about the plans I had for the remainder of the weekend.

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