To the Edge and Back

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Mad Dog65

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Mad Dog65 » Fri Mar 04, 2022 8:41 am

Ky_Da wrote:
Fri Mar 04, 2022 7:58 am

To your point, the story does pull from a lot of personal experience, as well as things we fantasized about but never tried.

But sorry to disappoint, there’s no return for us to hotwifing or cuckolding. My life is exciting enough trying to raise 3 boys, and fending my wife off for trying to have a girl. We had a few very exciting years playing around in the lifestyle, but I like where we are now. There’s a unity you lose the play the games, or at least we did. It’s been a long hard journey to regain the ground we lost.
Thanks for sharing this Ky and appreciate your being open about the challenges and the journey. I am enjoying your story and appreciate the time you are contributing to this project.

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Joined: Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:48 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Fri Mar 04, 2022 12:07 pm


Sitting in the foyer to my boss’s office, I resisted the temptation to try and adjust my cage. My dick had been trying to sport an erection since I’d woken up and saw the pictures that Nichole had sent me during the night. The first picture I opened was still etched into my mind’s eye, so fresh I could still see every detail. Nichole was looking up into the camera, her lips wrapped around the head of a massive black cock, both her hands grasping its shaft. I could live another hundred years and that image would never fade from my mind.

Like a lot of cucks, I’d read the stories about women being blacked, meaning they’d reached a point in their kink that the wife would only let a black man satisfy her. And while the stories were certainly erotic, I never really put much thought into them. But seeing Nichole wrapped around a large black cock did get something stirring inside me.

The other pictures were variations of the first; Nichole laughing, her nervous but excited smile, and an enormous cock that looked to have a large ring piercing its tip. For the first time, the cock cage began to feel painful. I had to put my phone down and actively think about other things until I was able to regain control. I’d never been so desperate to masturbate in my life.

I couldn’t remember every hearing that Arthur was black, so that meant Nichole was with a different man last night. She was sure to rack up some points on the refrigerator white board, I thought as I resisted looking at the pictures again.

Another text message from Nichole popped up just at my boss’s door opened. I quickly scanned the text before standing and dropping my phone into my pocket.

“Mr. Martinez,” I said, standing to meet the senior VP of my company. He was my height but carried at least an extra fifty pounds under his belt, which he hid well because of the way he dressed.

In my limited interactions with the man, he’d always been cordial with me, but I didn’t think I was someone that was on his radar. So, it was a surprise to get a summons from his secretary to meet him in his office. For a brief moment I had worried it meant a layoff was coming, but then that would have been a Human Resources meeting, not something a company VP would take time to do.

“Good morning Ky,” the man greeted me, shaking my hand. He wasn’t wearing a mask, so I took that as a sign that it would be alright for me to remove mine. “If you have a minute, let’s talk.”

I nodded. Of course, I had a minute. This man could make or break my career—at least in the short term. There was no way I would have not shown up to his office. At his invitation, I sat in the cushioned chair in front of his desk.

“Ky, something came up last week that requires us to make some changes,” the VP began, making my heart sink into the pit of my stomach. This wasn’t sounding good. “As you may be aware, we’re involved in a large Joint Venture for LA Metro, and the project has had significant delays because of dewatering issues. We’ve been asked to provide additional pump capacity, as well as someone with expertise in dewatering. The job’s been deemed essential, so it’ll continue despite the pandemic, but we’re so shorthanded that we don’t have anyone in operations that we can send.” Mr. Martinez sat forward in his chair and rested his forearms on the desk. “We’d like to send you.”

“You know I don’t have any dewatering on my resume, right?”

The overweight VP nodded, “This’ll be a good opportunity for you to gain the experience, so it’ll be there in the future.”

“Sure, yeah,” I stammered, not wanting to say no but feeling a lot of anxiety at the ask. I’d never spent much time in the field, and this was an active construction site. “What will I need to do?”

“Mostly be there on the project to direct a few people. The pump system in general is simple, but it needs a lot of oversight to make sure it’s always running because the minute it stops, the project starts to flood,” Mr. Martinez explained, “We’ll need you to be onsite every day for at least the next four or five months, so we’ll need to get you a company credit card for expenses. But thank you for being willing to take this on.”

“Sure, yeah,” I repeated, not sure that I’d really said yes. Not that it mattered much. What choice did I have? “When do I need to start?”

“It would be ideal for you to head up there tomorrow to at least meet the project team. You can work out timing with them. Hopefully your wife won’t be too upset with us for the short notice.

I shrugged, fishing my phone from my pocket, and looking at Nichole’s text message, “It appears she’s going to be pretty busy with work herself for the next couple of days, so it should be fine.”

“Excellent,” the VP said, standing up to let me know the meeting was over. “Appreciate you being a team player, Ky.”


I did my utmost to appear put-together and upbeat as I left the conference room to go to my office, but the truth of it was that I wanted nothing more than to take a few Advil and crawl into bed. Andre had been relentless, taking me over and over again until I completely lost track of time and tracking orgasms. For Andre’s part, he had looked fresh and rested when he arrived at the office for the presentation.

I had skipped out of the plant tour in order to work on organizing a last-minute Vegas trip, but the planning was proving to be more difficult despite having Catherine’s procurement specialist working his arse off to accommodate us. Rafe had needed to take over the entire presentation so that I could continue to work out the details. This both made me angry because I had put in a significant amount of work to prepare the presentation, and privately happy to miss it because it meant that I could sit down on the sofa in my office and close my eyes while I spoke on the phone.

“Hey there Nichole,” said the voice on the other side of the phone call.

“Hello Finley,” I said in greeting. I’d been on the phone with him so much in the morning that if felt as if I’d known him for years.

“Okay, I’ve got some good news,” he said, giving me an immediate feeling of relief. Arthur and his associates had made some simple requests, but they had still proven difficult because of the pandemic that seemed to make everything harder than it normally was. “We’ve rented several luxury suites at Caesars’s Palace for another client, and they’re willing to allow you join their event. With all the Covid restrictions, we’ve arranged for a few of the dealers to work up in the room for the night, so there should be plenty of action for your clients.”

“That is good news, you are a life saver,” I said, breathing a little easier. Gambling was high on the list of Arthur and his guests.

“I try. But truthfully, I wouldn’t be doing this if Catherine wasn’t holding my balls—well, no need to discuss… it’s fine. I’m glad I can help. But let me finish before you get too excited.” Finley paused and it sounded as if he was drinking something on the other end of the line. He cleared his throat and continued, “The alcohol is of course easy, and there should be a good variety of whatever other indulgences your clients like to consume. The biggest problem is that you’re brining four men to the party, and I’m already terribly short on women. Nobody wants to go to a party when there are way more males than females, if you get what I mean.”

“I see,” I said, thinking as I listened.

“I’ll keep working the problem, but Catherine assures me you’d be willing to work, so that would help.”

“This trip isn’t for pleasure,” I said quickly, “I want to make sure my clients are happy, so I’ll help where needed.”

“Good, that’s good,” Finley sounded relieved. “You’ll want to meet up with Emilia when you arrive. She’ll give you the details. Next… transportation is being arranged. I know you hoped for a charter flight, but that’s just not going to happen with everything that’s going on. So, I’ve arranged for premium suburban and a driver to get you here. It’s only a three-hour drive, so you’ll basically be arriving as the party’s getting started. If your clients want to see the Strip, you might have the driver give them something of a tour before you arrive.”

“That’s fine. I warned them it was likely we would have to drive there. We can look at rearranging their flights to fly out of Vegas and at least avoid a drive back to LA.”

“Then the last detail is sleeping arrangements. I’ve arranged for your party to have a suite of their own in the same wing, so they’ll only need to go down the hall a bit when they want to go to sleep—if they go to sleep. I’ve planned other events for these clients, and they’re usually off the chain. Your suite sleeps six, and a late checkout has already been requested.”

“That all sound brilliant,” I said sincerely, “thank you, thank you, thank you.”

“Yeah, no worries. You’re a lot more pleasant to work with than Catherine. I look forward to meeting you someday. Unfortunately, I won’t be there myself.”

Ending the call, I sagged into the soft sofa cushion and closed my eyes, relieved that I was able to pull of the last minute Vegas planning. I hoped it would be everything Arthur and Andre wanted because it was going to cost a small fortune.

My eyes sprang open when I heard the door to my office open. Mr. Schultz entered and motioned for me to remain seated. He then flipped the switch on the wall that drew the blinds down on the windows, obscuring us from anyone outside of my office. I didn’t think that it really mattered much because my office was already down the hall and away from everyone else. The only way to see inside is if you were standing right outside the door in the hallway.

“Everything arranged?” Mr. Schultz asked as he approached.

I nodded. “It is,” I confirmed. “Transportation should be here around four o’clock, and all the details are more-or-less worked out. I need to rearrange their flights, but that shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Excellent… good girl,” he said, looking around my office as he approached. “I thought you would have done more to decorate.”

“Been busy,” I said with a shrug, “but I kind of like the minimalist look.”

Mr. Schultz gave me a nod, stepping up close to me where I sat. He stood extremely close. “Andre looks especially happy today. How are you holding up?”

“I’m fine,” I said, forcing myself to appear awake and alert.

Mr. Schultz gave me an appraising look and then looked down at his crotch, making the implication clear. I wanted to sigh and tell him I wasn’t in the mood, but I knew that wasn’t a satisfactory answer to give at the moment. I bit my lower lip as a reached up, worked his zipper down, and removed his penis. I was happy that Mr. Schultz’ cock was not the heavy gargantuan thing like Andre’s. I still felt like my vagina was an open, gaping hole. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever go back to feeling normal after last night.

I wasted no time in putting my boss’s cock into my mouth. I was pleasantly surprised that I found his taste and scent familiar and comforting. I took him easily and soon had my lips pressed against his abdomen. I felt Mr. Schultz’ thumb caress my cheek as I sucked his cock. His touch was somehow soothing and encouraging at the same time.

I hadn’t consciously meant to, but as my desire grew, I realized that I had sought out my clit with my fingers. Following Andre’s instructions when I’d dressed that morning, I was wearing no knickers, so my fingers had easy access to my needy pussy. I sucked Mr. Schultz’s cock greedily, feeling my own pleasure as he sighed in contentment. It didn’t take long before I felt his cock tremble and then explode his shot into my mouth. I kept my lips sealed around the head of his cock until it began to soften. I then swallowed his cum, and carefully retuned the cock to its place behind the slacks.

“Rafe can finish the presentation. You should take the opportunity to get some rest before your ride gets here,” Mr. Schultz suggested. “Then let’s get together next week for dinner. I’d like to have you and your husband come over one night early next week.”

“That would be lovely,” I said, zipping up his trousers. “I look forward to it.”

Mr. Schultz again caressed my cheek and then turned and left, leaving me to think about what had just happened. If I was feeling like a whore last night, I was feeling it now stronger than ever. Without the slightest protest, I had just sucked a man off in my office. And I had probably enjoyed it as much as he had. I didn’t want to like it so much. I wanted to be angry that Rafe would do all of the presentation and basically relegate me to the company whore role. But the fact was that I wasn’t angry. I had enjoyed it immensely, and I wanted to keep enjoying it.


“Hi, how are you?” Nichole said, finally answering her phone, “I tried to call you back a bit earlier, but the reception kept dropping.”

I could hear the static of driving noise in the background as Nichole spoke, “It looks like you’re just past Baker,” I said, looking at the tracking app on my phone.

“We passed that giant broken thermometer about fifteen minutes ago.”

“It’s too bad they don’t fix it,” I said, enjoying a moment of easy small talk. “Actually, I’m not sure if it’s broken or they just turned it off. I’ve never really looked into it… So, when do you think you’ll be home?”

“Probably sometime Saturday,” Nichole replied. I heard laughing in the background. It sounded like all men’s voices. “I’m sorry I’ve been gone so much this week. It’s been a bit of a whirlwind lately.”

“It’s fine,” I said, trying to be supportive. “I have to go to LA tomorrow to look into a project. I might have to work up there for a few months.”

“Would you have to stay up there?” Nichole asked.

I wasn’t sure how to interpret her tone. Was she concerned that I’d be gone, or relieved?

“Probably during the week,” I said, “at least for a while.”

“But we’ll have time to spend together this weekend, yeah?”

“Absolutely, looking forward to it. I need some relief from the cage.” I heard Nichole giggle.

“I can’t wait to talk to you more about this week. I want to know everything about how it went wearing it.” Nichole sounded enthusiastic.

“Only if you tell me about your week,” I countered. “I’m curious to see the board after you’ve updated it.”

Nichole paused for a long moment before answering, “I’ll definitely be adding to it, but it’s just work. It’s not all that exciting.”

It sounded like she was trying to downplay it, but I didn’t feel like it was something we could discuss well over the phone. The phone’s reception started to go in and out, so we quickly said our goodbyes. It was better than not having any contact with her, but I felt uneasy with the way she was so dismissive about work. How was that not just as exciting as the other experiences? I didn’t understand and torturing myself to figure it out wasn’t going to be helpful. I already had to figure out a way to get through to Saturday and keep my sanity.

I stripped out of my work clothes and put on a loose-fitting pair of shorts. As long as I wasn’t running around, I didn’t mind the little bit of extra weight from the cage. I did find I needed to wear more tight-fitting compression type shorts when I worked out, though. I had been keeping up my workout routine, and it was satisfying to see the subtle changes from it. I had worked out harder this week than I had in a while because it seemed to help burn off some of that pent up energy. It seemed my body approved.

Standing in the kitchen, I looked around the empty house. It sucked being by myself, I thought. It was probably a good thing Rachel wasn’t home because I would have found a way to cut the cage off and would have fucked her… or maybe I wouldn’t have. I didn’t really know in that moment. My thoughts were a jumble of ideas, regrets, and fantasies all fighting for dominance. But one thought, or rather one question, continually surfaced above the rest. Was I now married to a prostitute?


I took Rafe’s suggestion and wore a red, low back mini dress. It had an extremely low neckline and very open back. Paired with black, six-inch heels, I felt very risqué in my outfit. We left our suite and walked down the hall to where the party was being held. I could hear the thumping beat of the music as we approached. Andre walked next to me, with Arthur close behind. Luc and Sacha followed in the back, and I could hear them chatting excitedly in French. I had a feeling this was going to be a night none of them were going to forget in the near future.

I turned to my clients, “Remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas,” I said glibly. I’d said it as a joke, but from the excited looks I saw in Luc and Sacha’s eyes, they looked like men on a mission to come away with an experience they weren’t soon to forget.

We were greeted at the door by one of the largest men I’d ever seen. It felt like he was two feet taller than me, and probably had the body mass of three of me. His hair was closely cropped, as was his beard. He wore a suit that looked perfectly tailored but had to have cost a fortune in extra material. The man was one of the most intimidating people I’d ever seen in my life.

I approached with the intent to introduce myself and my party, but as soon as we neared, he opened the door and let us pass. Our eyes met for a brief moment, and I looked away quickly. He had a large scar down the side of his face near his eye and his ears had an odd bulbous deformity about them, but that wasn’t what made me look away. He had a coldness to his gaze that made me feel like there was no life behind those eyes. I happily walked through the door to escape his eyes.

Entering the suite, I pulled up short as I took in the scene. Bloody, bleeding hell… I’d never seen anything like it in my life. The suite was the largest room I’d ever seen in a hotel. It was the epitome of luxury with glass chandeliers; beautiful works of art adorning the walls; and finishes to the walls, doors, and flooring that were probably an eye-popping amount of money.

I took a quick count, not worrying about being too accurate, and guessed there to be about thirty people, including hotel staff and general help. The party-goers were all happily mingling and chatting, but the party itself had the feel like it was still in the ‘warming up’ phase.

“Welcome,” I voice sounded to my right. I turned to see a middle-aged man approaching. He was dressed in dark slacks and a silk blue button-down shirt. “You must be Nichole.”

“I am,” I said, shaking his hand and turning to my companions. “And this is Andre, Arthur, Sacha, and Luc.” I introduced each of them in turn, noticing how relaxed Andre and Arthur looked. Sacha and Luc, however, looked like nervous teenagers that had snuck into an adult party and didn’t belong. “Thank you for accommodating us, my friends and I were all hoping to have something of a ‘Vegas experience’.” I completed the sentence in air quotes.

The man laughed heartily, “I think you’ll have that, but you may need to come back and visit again someday when things have returned back to normal. I’m Steven by the way. I’m not in charge of anything, Finley just asked me to keep an eye open for you.”

“It’s good to meet you, Steven,” greeted Andre. “I too want to say thank you for including us. Nichole told us how you graciously let us crash your party.”

“Ah, it’s really no big deal. We’re always happy to meet new people. Why don’t you let me show you around? I’ll show you where the games are if you’re looking for some action, or if your tastes lie elsewhere, I’m sure we can accommodate.” Steven gestured us forward, but when I made to move past him, he took me gently by the elbow.

“Finley asked me to point out Emilia to you when you arrived.”

“Oh, yes, right. Where might I find her?”

Steven jerked his jaw forward slightly, pointing across the room, “She’s the one in the black dress at the end of the sofa. I know she’s been looking for you. She’s been asking me every fifteen minutes if you’d arrived yet.”

“Thank you,” I said, looking in the direction he’d gestured. It was obvious that he meant for me to go now, so I gave my clients a smile and left them with Steven. They barely noticed me leave, their attention on the party in general and where they might start. Maybe this would be easier than I’d anticipated. The thought of sitting in a chair and letting the night pass sounded brilliant.

I stepped down the three carpeted steps into the larger room where Emilia was standing, and an apprehensive feeling began to creep its way into me. Around Emilia were five women who were all very scantily dressed. Most were tall, overly proportioned, very pretty and looked to range in age from their mid-twenties to mid-thirties. Only one woman was my height, and she appeared to be of Asian heritage. All the others, including Emilia, were like Grecian statues.

Emilia noticed me approach and turned to me. From her stern look, I instantly felt like I was back in boarding school with the headmistress looking like she wanted to crack my knuckles with a ruler.

“Nichole, I’m hoping,” she said in an austere voice. She was more handsome than pretty, and she looked at least ten years older than the other woman.

“I am,” I said, trying to sound more confident than I felt. I wasn’t sure why I felt so uneasy. I was the paying client here.

Emilia stared at me for a long moment, her head rising up and then dropping down as she took me in and studied me, her eyes harsh and judgmental. “You’ll have to do I suppose. I’m so shorthanded that there’s no turning anyone away tonight.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, cocking my head to the side. “I’ll have to do… what’s that supposed to mean?” My tone was hotter than I’d intended, but she was hardly ingratiating herself to me.

Instead of answering me straight away, Emilia dismissed all but the oriental woman, telling them all to get to work and make sure they ‘earned’ their night. I was completely confused. With the other women moving off, disappearing into the various small gatherings, Emilia took two stalking steps toward me. I stood my ground, despite her being much taller and overbearing.

“Listen, Finley said you were willing to work tonight, so you better not tell me you’ve changed your mind because it wouldn’t be fair to the other girls if they had to pick up your slack too.”

“I am working,” I said, still completely confused at what the taller woman was driving at. “I’m not here for the party. I’m here entertaining clients.”

Emilia gave me an equally confused look, and it was then that it all the puzzle pieces snapped into place, and I understood. “Oh, bloody hell,” I swore, putting my palm to my forehead. “I didn’t know that’s what Finley meant, ma’am. I misunderstood what he meant when he asked if I’d be ‘working’.

“Hmm, a likely story,” she said peevishly. “Look, if you’re not willing to work, you can take your little party elsewhere. You’re not adding four men to the night and expecting my girls to take care of them for you.”

I scanned the room, only seeing Andre because of his height. He was already chatting up one of the women from Emilia’s group. That poor girl was going to wake up sore, I thought briefly before remembering pulling my mind back to my own problem.

“Look, I can take care of the four I brought,” I said, speaking words I didn’t actually mean. I did not want to try and ‘take care’ all four of them. That was simply too much to think about. But I couldn’t think of anything else to say and turning around and leaving just wasn’t an option.

“It doesn’t work like that sweetheart,” she said, her tone patronizing and harsh, “You’re here to work as I tell you, or you take your group and leave.”

“This night is arse-up,” I mumbled to myself, feeling something akin to a panic attack. I inhaled a deep breath and then let it out slowly. It wouldn’t do to tell the woman what I was thinking at that moment because it was far too late to change plans. This was all bang out of order.

“Fine,” I said, feeling my heart race faster than I’d ever felt before. I nearly had to sit down as a dizzy spell hit me. “What do I need to do?”

“It’s not exactly rocket science,” Emilia said, her tone laced with sarcasm. She then turned to the Asian woman who was standing close by. “Kelsey, I’m sorry to ask this of you, but please get her royal highness here prepared for the night. We don’t need her botching something up and making fools out of us. This is no place for a newbie, but it seems we have little choice.”

“Sure,” the woman named Kelsey said with a little hop in her step. Kelsey seemed to be one of those rare types of people who didn’t let anything around them affect the way they felt. Either that, or she truly was happy to be here. “Let’s chat,” she said, giving me her arm.

I looked down at her elbow and hesitated for a brief moment. I had felt that ‘point-of-no-return’ feeling a number of times over the last seven or eight months, so I was familiar with it when I felt it yet again. Part of me wanted to turn Kelsey’s help down and walk out. It was better decision. But the other part of me yearned for the experience, and I could already feel my wetness pushing me that direction.

I hadn’t planned this. I was simply trying to salvage a difficult situation, do what needed to be done to keep my clients happy and a business deal going. And if things went too far, I could always change my mind and leave. Knowing full well that I was going in a dangerous direction, I took Kelsey’s arm and walked with her to the full height window that gave a view of the city below. Damn, it was an incredible sight.

“Have you ever done something like this?” Kelsey asked, standing so close her breasts nearly touched mine. I wanted to step back, but she had a firm hold on my elbow.

“Not exactly like this,” I said, giving the room another look. “But I’ve, you know, well… I’ve been doing a bit of escort work.”

“Well, that’s a good start,” Kelsey said, waiting for me to meet her eyes before she continued, “but this is Vegas hooking, and it’s as real as it gets. You’re about to be thrown into the deep water Nichole.”

I swallowed what felt like a permanent lump that was stuck in my throat, “What do I need to do?”

Kelsey shrugged, “It’s not hard. Just be available, be approachable. I guarantee it won’t take a guy long to snatch you up and take you to one of the rooms. Once that happens, I think you know what to do from there. But just so it’s clear, it’s your job to rock his world—or hers if that happens—which it does on occasion.”

“I’m fine with that,” I said quickly, but what about protection? Or if they want to do things I don’t want to do.”

“Everyone here is should have been screened, but you’re free to used rubbers if you want. The guys won’t like it, but they won’t stop you,” she said, letting go of my elbow and holding up one of her fingers. Raising another finger, she said, “There’s no scat or piss play, so you don’t need to worry about that, but if you’re uncomfortable with something, just speak up. This is a higher-class crowd, so you shouldn’t have any of the crazies that want to do the fucked up shit. But still, I would try to do the best you can, it’s a real downer if you’re the one putting a stop to it. Emilia’s girls have a reputation for pleasing. I know that’s why she was being so hard on you. She’s actually a very nice person most of the time. She’s very protective of her girls.”

I looked toward Emilia, “Yeah, lovely…” I felt overwhelmed from the thoughts racing through my mind.

“Try to relax, Nichole,” Kelsey said, taking me by the arm again. “You’re shaking.”

I focused on taking a few deep breaths and worked to reign in my imagination. Kelsey looked to be close to my age, so if she could do it, I knew I could as well.

“If you want, I’ve got something that will help with—,”

“—No,” I said, putting my hand to hers as I saw her drawing out a small bottle of pills from her handbag. “Thank you, but I’ll be fine.”

“If you’re sure,” Kelsey said with a shrug, “If you need a bump later on, just let me know. It’s going to be a long night.”

I nodded. That was one thing I was certain of. I was already well on my way to being a complete prostitute, I didn’t need to add drug addict. A shout and a couple of high pitched squeals caught my attention, and I turned to the massing crowd in the other room. They looked to be gathered around a Craps table. I didn’t know how the game was played, but the table was always in any movie about Las Vegas.

“Here we go,” Kelsey said, giving me a knowing look. “The party’s started.”

I was about to respond but stopped when I saw a man approaching. He was handsome and well-dressed, much like all the men seemed to be. He was far from a David Beckham, but at least he wasn’t hard on the eyes. He went to Kelsey and began to talk to her. Oddly, I felt a bit angry that he’d picked her over me. I instantly knew my thoughts were stupid, but it surprised me how quickly my mind had gone in that direction.

With a wave, Kelsey left with the man, leaving me alone by the window. I felt rooted to the floor, unable to move from my small spot of real estate. I took another set of four breaths, holding each one for a few seconds before exhaling. I forced myself to look up and around the party. I didn’t spot any of my guys, and even Emilia and the other women were nowhere to be found. All I saw were strangers gambling, drinking, dancing, and generally enjoying themselves.

I did see the occasional head duck down, inhaling lines of white powder, and the smell of marijuana was heavy in the air. I could use a drink, I thought, looking toward the bar. There were a few people in the queue, but it didn’t look like they’d be waiting long since there were two bartenders.

“Would you mind joining us?” I heard as someone touched me on the shoulder.

I turned and saw a woman smiling at me. She was average height, very curvy, and had medium length mousy blonde hair. She looked like she was in her early forties and would have passed as a soccer mum if it wasn’t for her revealing dress.

“Not at all,” I made myself say, unsure of what was going to happen. My resolve flickered like the images from a vintage film.

She led me to a large two-piece sofa where several couples were seated, all holding drinks and casually chatting with one another. As we approached, one couple scooted to the side to leave an open area for me. I put on a smile that I hoped didn’t look forced and sat down among the group.

“We wanted to liven things up on this side of the party,” said the blonde mum, sitting next to me on the sofa.

A glass coffee table was pushed out the way. On it were the remnants of unused cocaine. A handful of different colored pills also lay scattered on the surface. The woman pushed my dress down from my shoulders, and then pulled it further down to expose my breasts. Despite my nervousness, my nipples were hard and erect. I stood up to let her remove my dress, and just like that, I was nearly starkers in front of a roomful of party goers.

“Come over here Eric,” the blonde said, motioning for someone out of my view.

A man came around the sofa and stood in front of me. He wasn’t fit, having a bit of a belly, and he looked to be close to the same age as the blonde woman, making me think he was probably her husband since they both wore wedding rings. Eric stood in front of me and unbuttoned his jeans. He was dressed more causally than most, wearing what looked like a floral Hawaiian shirt that looked like it had seen a lot of use over the years.

And suddenly there it was, an average sized cock in front of me, looking flaccid and anything but ready to go. I didn’t need to look around to see if people were watching me. I could feel the eyes of at least those closest to me. They were all waiting for me to start.

I edged myself to the lip of the sofa and took Eric’s soft cock in my hand. It was probably the same size as my husbands. Thoughts of Ky came to mind as I began to play with the man’s cock. What would Ky think if he was me now, I wondered? Would he see me for the whore I’m becoming? Would it turn him on, or would it be too much for him and turn him away in revulsion?

“Come on now,” Eric prodded, thrusting his hips toward me. “We’ve all heard about how good Emilia’s girls are.”

Mustering up my courage, I leaned forward and took his cock into my mouth. It didn’t take long before I felt him begin to swell.

“Yes, that’s it,” he sighed, exhaling a loud breath.

He took a long drink from his cup, and a small amount of the liquid spilled out and wet my cheek. He was now very hard, and I was sure I could get him to cum quickly, but suddenly he pulled out and pushed me to lie back into the sofa. I looked around for my handbag, but it was gone, as was my dress. Before I could protest, I felt his cock enter me. He slid in easily, but still made me gasp in surprise.

I was about to ask for my handbag when a pair of hands took me by the shoulders and pulled me back into the sofa, forcing me to look up and back. His touch wasn’t rough, but neither was it gentle. The man standing behind the couch then moved his hands to hold my head. He moved his hips to bring his cock into view above my forehead. I felt Eric’s thrusting hips, bumping me back and forth as he fucked me.

“Open up,” the man behind the couch said, pressing his cock against my lips. He wasn’t overly large, but he was bigger than Eric. I opened my mouth and took in the second cock for the night, letting him slid in until his balls covered my nose. “Fucking nice,” he said, seemingly happy that I’d taken all of his cock.

It took me a moment before it felt like my brain engaged, and I knew that I needed to be more than simply a willing participant. I flexed my pelvic muscles, gripping the cock in my pussy tightly. I got an immediate reaction from Eric.

“Oh shit, it’s like she’s milking my cock,” he said with a laugh.

I’d always worked hard to strengthen those muscles. It had taken a lot of practice, but I was proud of how well I could grip a man’s penis—as long as he wasn’t as large as Wade or Andre. I hadn’t used those muscles in a long time for Ky, and I wasn’t sure why. For some reason I got some kind of pleasure not doing that for him. He seemed to get off on feeling me as loose as possible.

“You go girl,” said the blonde mum beside me.

I felt her grab my breasts in her hand and then her lips on my nipple.

“Oh fuck,” I cried out in more of a whisper. The feeling of having two cocks in me and someone sucking on my nipple made every nerve ending in me explode with pleasure. I felt a wave of wetness flood from my core.

“I think she likes it,” someone said nearby.

The man whose cock was in my mouth suddenly pulled out and came on my face, ejaculating one rope after another on me. I felt it go in my hair, but at least it didn’t get into my eye. Eric must have cum shortly after because I felt hands moving me to turn over onto my hands and knees. Soon another cock entered me, but I couldn’t tell from whom as another cock appeared in my face, looking for passage into my mouth. I gave it to him.

With cum in my eyebrow, it was easier to keep my eyes partially closed, so I lost track of who was where. I focused on my breathing and actively trying to make the men cum, and it seemed to work as the second cock in my mouth finally let loose a torrent of semen. Some made it into my mouth, but not much. Most I felt against my face and breasts. I’d never found the taste of cum pleasant. It was often very strong and smelled of bleach. But there was something distinctive and enticing in making a man cum with your mouth that overrode the tastebuds and triggered a very pleasurable response from within.

I was moved again on the sofa, only this time instead of a cock in my mouth, I tasted a woman’s vagina. I couldn’t tell whose, but it didn’t matter. I was no longer thinking about anything but the sexual pleasure I was trying to give.

“Oh god, her tongue is the longest I’ve ever felt,” I heard the woman say as she held my face between her hands. “Yes, yes, yes,” she repeated in more of a panting breath.

I lost track, but the cock in my pussy must have had its release, because I felt a larger cock take its place. The initial soreness I had felt was now completely gone, leaving only pleasure in its wake. The larger cock only stayed a moment in my pussy before it pulled out and began to press against my arse. I relaxed and felt it pop in suddenly. It surprised me and so I clinched briefly, drawing a chuckle from the man. Once again I relaxed and felt the cock enter smoothly.

I grabbed onto the woman’s thighs as I found my release, holding on as an incredibly intense wave of bliss passed through me. “That’s it John, she’s cumming…” the woman said who was straddling my face. “…You stud you. I’m impressed. I didn’t think you could do it.”

“Ha, ha,” the man laughed sarcastically, “fuck you,” he said without venom.

Time passed, but I had no idea how much. I began to feel my legs and arms shaking from fatigue. I tried to find a more comfortable position, but as I did, large rough hands guided me onto my back. I recognized the looming, dark figure above me.

“Andre,” I said, feeling him move between my legs.

“Someone’s let her inner-slut loose,” he said with a knowing grin. “I like it.”

With that he entered me, and despite the previous night with him, and the numerous cocks that had been in me since, I still cried out when he entered me.

“Oh my god. I can’t believe what I’m seeing. I can’t believe she took it all,” another woman’s voice sounded near my head.

“Come on Gina,” a man’s voice said nearby. “You should go next.”

“There’s no way I’m letting that thing near me. I don’t want my pussy all stretched out like that.”

A different woman moved over my head, and when I looked up, I got a very clear picture of her pussy, taint, and rosebud. She was positioned to face Andre, and from the sounds I could hear, they were kissing while Andre fucked me. The woman’s vagina lowered until she filled my mouth, and she moaned loudly into Andre’s mouth when I pushed my tongue into her. I had to pull her hips down enough so that I could breathe through my nose.

My nose was uncomfortably close to her arse, but she must have kept herself very clean because she only smelled of sex. “Give my ass some attention,” she said, shifting her hips forward.

I had no choice as her arse planted itself over my mouth. I hesitantly probed her other nether hole, and getting no hint of unpleasantness, pushed a little harder with my tongue.

“That’s it, little slut,” she said, pressing her hips down with more force. “Get that tongue in there.”

I flexed my tongue and pushed. It was the oddest feeling as I felt her sphincter contract around my tongue. The scream of pleasure I elicited from her nearly made me orgasm it was so pleasant. I couldn’t believe I had my tongue deep in another woman’s arse, and it was feeding my fire like pure oxygen.

I felt the woman shudder, her legs pressing firmly against my head as she came harder than any woman I’d ever witnessed. I felt her juices flood over my chin and trickle down my neck. Finally, Andre came, adding his semen to my abdomen.

The woman who was over my face, shifted to the side and stood up, straightening her dress to cover her hips. I sat up as someone offered me a glass of what I thought was water. I took a big swallow and instantly regretted it when what felt like white hot fire poured down my throat. I coughed and sputtered so hard it felt like my eyes were going to pop out of my head. The burning didn’t stop when it reached my stomach, and for several long minutes I felt as if my insides were melting. What in the bloody hell was that I wanted to know?

I turned to look for Andre, but he was gone. Someone offered me a handkerchief, and I took it gratefully, using it to wipe the cum from around my eyes. After what had just happened, I’d expected everyone at the party to be as naked as I was, but that wasn’t the case. A man near me was buckling up his belt and adjusting his shirt. For the most part, it seemed that once they’d had their fun with me, they simply put their clothes back on and returned to the general party.

I swept the floor with my eyes, looking for my dress, but it was nowhere to be found. I wasn’t sure where my handbag was either. My pussy and arse felt thoroughly stretched and sore, but whatever I’d drank a few minutes ago seemed to be doing a bang up job in dulling any pain. As I sat there wearing nothing more than my earrings and necklace, Kelsey suddenly sat down next to me. She looked slightly mussed, but she was at least still wearing her dress. I realized that I had lost even my shoes.

“You are quite the mess,” she said, laughing behind raised fingers. “Come with me. We better get you cleaned up or no one else will want you.”

She took me by the hand and led me through the maze of people. I followed her without thinking, not paying attention to anything other than keeping my footing and not falling over. I felt so off balance. We entered an unoccupied bedroom. Kelsey opened the door to a large bathroom and began to lead me inside when someone spoke from behind us.

“Where do you think you two are going?” said a husky male voice.

It was hard to see in the low light, but I could make out the figures of two men standing in the doorway.

“We were just going to get this little trollop cleaned up,” Kelsey said with a giggle.

“I like ‘em dirty,” said one of the men, stepping into the room. “Doesn’t bother me.”

“Why don’t you two get onto the bed and get started,” said the other man.

“I guess the shower will have to wait,” Kelsey said, keeping my hand in hers but now leading me toward the bed. In obviously practiced movement, Kelsey removed her dress and laid it over a chair. She then crawled up onto the bed, gesturing for me to follow.

She wasted no time in kissing me, first on the lips but then moving quickly to my neck. I ran my hand through her long, black hair and gasped from the pleasure of her lips on my throat. Shite, the woman knew how to elicit a response from me.

“There we go,” one of the men said in satisfaction from the side of the bed.

The men talked among themselves for a while, leaving us to put on a show for them as they watched. Kelsey moved back and sat on her heals, and I took the opportunity to take one of her nipples into my mouth. Kelsey had to be close to my height and weight, but she had extremely large breasts for her size. As I felt them, I was fairly certain they were fake, but they were no less striking visually.

There seemed to be no rush, the men were content to chat while we performed for them. Kelsey went down on me first, sucking up much of the cum that painted my tummy and teaching me something to which blokes seemed to respond positively. She gave me a good seeing to, and I appreciated her soft and gentle touch. I then took my turn, moving down her body until my nose was at her entrance. Unlike me, she kept a thick tuft of dark pubic hair above her pussy, only the hair was amazingly soft. Her taste was strong and earthy, with notes of semen intermixed. No doubt she had been equally busy earlier.

Kelsey writhed on the bed and sounded like she was having an orgasm, but with my fingers embedded in her pussy, I knew she was faking. This really was all part of ‘doing-business’ for her. After her fake orgasm, she got to her knees and had me kneel in front of her, only instead of supporting myself on my hands, she had me lay my chest down on the bed, leaving my arse poking high into the air. A moment later I felt her spread my arse cheeks wide and run her fingers over my pussy. From the way I was positioned, I had no doubt the men were getting a very closeup look at my arse and pussy.

I felt Kelsey’s fingers probe my entrance while she tongued my rosebud. The touches made every nerve ending suddenly explode, and I heard myself gasp.

“I think she liked that,” Kelsey said to the men, “let’s see what else she likes.”

I then felt Kelsey’s tongue push deep into my arse, causing me to squeal in surprise. I would have shot to my knees had Kelsey not been supporting a lot of her weight on my back as she leaned over my arse to tongue my nether region. I’d never felt something so shocking and primal before. It didn’t take Kelsey long to make me orgasm, only mine wasn’t faked.

I let out a guttural moan as Kelsey slipped another finger into my sex. If she didn’t stop soon, she was going to have her entire hand in my pussy. I liked that I could now take a large cock, but even though Kelsey’s hands were small, I didn’t like the idea of her fisting me. It felt too extreme. I wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the thought. Here I was whoring myself out to strangers, and a girl fisting me felt too extreme.

“Nice show,” another voice said next to the bed, now making a total of three men. “These two are fun sized.”

The larger of the three men removed his pants, unbuttoned his shirt, and climbed up on the bed. He moved to the center and leaned up against the headboard, all the while keeping his drink in his hand. He looked to be in his late forties, had a very hairy chest, looked fairly fit if not a bit flabby, and had deeply tanned skin.

At the same time, one of the other men pulled Kelsey away from me, turned her around, and moved between her legs to fuck her. Kelsey sighed and moaned in contentment, sounding much like an online porn star.

The man at the head of bed looked at me and then pointed to his cock. I could see straight away that I was nothing more than a prostitute in his eyes, paid a fee to give him whatever he wanted sexually. In a way, I felt a sense of freedom in that. He didn’t know me. He didn’t want to know me. After tonight, he wouldn’t think of me again. He only wanted to have a good time and enjoy himself at a party.

I army-crawled on my elbows and knees to between his legs and became his cocksucker, taking yet another cock into my mouth. I hadn’t tried counting how many I’d sucked, and I knew I probably didn’t want to know what the true number actually was. This man’s cock wasn’t nearly as large as Andre’s, but it was still big enough to give the man a sense of pride as he looked down at me appraisingly.

The third man moved next to the bed, unzipped his cock, and guided my hand to it. I tried to give him a good handjob while not losing focus on the cock I had in my mouth. It was a bit more difficult than I would have imagined. After a time, my jaw began to ache, so I alternated between sucking and giving him a handjob, too. The two men casually chatted as if this sort of thing were as common as laying down for a massage at a day spa.

I let my mind go blank, purging all thoughts as best I could. It felt like the conscious part of me finally relaxed and let go as I let the men around me guide me into the positions they wanted and take me as they desired. I knew my body was tired, but it felt like I was lying in a cloud of bliss and euphoria. At some point the touching stopped, and for the first time in many hours, no one was fucking me or pushing their cock in my face. I closed my eyes and slept.


I walked through the mud to the project’s office trailer, glad that I’d worn my old leather Timberline boots. It didn’t rain often in SoCal, but when it did, it often created a hell of a mess. I knew I was going to be on an active construction site, so I wore jeans, a Carhartt shirt, boots, hardhat, and safety vest—basically what every other guy on the site was wearing.

Looking down at my tablet, I could see that the pumps were working overtime as they tried to keep up with the increased volume of water generated by the rain. When my boss had pitched the idea of working on the construction site, he’d failed to mention it was going to be all night work. But that’s what the new engineer gets, I thought as I walked by the temporary light tower. I was still a new engineer trying to gain experience, and this was all part of the process.

The tablet readouts weren’t going to change for the next few hours, and I wasn’t likely to get a break anytime soon, so while I was in a dry area, I took out my phone and tracked Nichole’s location. It showed she was still in Vegas. How many men had she been with, I wondered, looking at the small dot on my phone? Standing there in the rain, I felt a powerful deluge of angst hit me like I hadn’t felt in a long time. At that moment, I would have done anything to go back to life like it was. I wasn’t sure why, but I was feeling melancholy and even a bit nostalgic for those earlier innocent days. Those days were never coming back, I knew in my heart of hearts. Pandora’s Box was wide open and probably not closing anytime soon.

A part of me was envious of Nichole. While fucking and sucking dudes’ dicks wasn’t exactly appealing to me, she was being paid well to party. She was nearly making twice as much as me, with potential for some extremely sizable bonuses. My Christmas bonus had consisted of a gift certificate to a nice restaurant, which was probably about the same cost to the company as a membership to the Jelly-of-the-month club.

While standing there in the rain in the middle of the night, I remembered a time in college before I met Nichole. I’d gone to New Orleans with a couple of my friends to experience Mardi Gras. While I was in one of the strip clubs, one of the strippers approached me for a lap dance. I was drunk and was an easy mark for her because I was soon emptying my pockets to have had grind her hips over mine.

I was drunk enough that I didn’t have a good memory of the exact conversation we had, but I remembered asking her if she enjoyed being a stripper. She’d told me something about it being good money and that she was using it to pay for a college education. At the time I thought she was the wisest woman in the world, but I later came to learn that that’s what most of the strippers said to make themselves appear more than they were.

The memory surfaced because I wondered if it were possible for Nichole to make a shit ton of money for a couple of years and then get out unscathed. It was already an incredible boost to our finances. If we could use that money to pay off our house, have some savings, maybe get her a new car—if she ever got her license back—and then have her transition to more of a typical nine-to-five job, that could be a serious win for us.

A part of me felt like I was being naïve in that kind of thinking, that if Nichole carried on for very long, she would meet the same end as a lot of the strippers: broke, addicted to drugs, and with mental health issues that would rival those of hardened prison inmates. I shook my head, changing the direction of my thoughts. I was imagining exaggerated worse-case-scenarios. If I supported Nichole, made sure she had a safety net, watched out for her, we should be able to navigate through everything together.

“Ky,” the nightshift foreman called out. “We’re losing pump five at the manifold. We’re going to have to change it out or the system—.”

I help up my hand and nodded, forcing my thoughts to move away from my wife and focus on work. I would have to think about Nichole later.


I felt something shift next to me, but I was too tired to open my eyes. I felt a leg draped over my hip, and an arm under my neck. As my mind slowly began to wake, I realized my breasts were pressed against someone else’s. I inhaled through my nose and caught faint scents of perfume, sweat, cum, and other things I couldn’t begin to describe. It took some effort, but I forced one eye to crack open.

“You have cum breath,” said a dark-haired woman in front of me. Her face was mere inches from mine.

My other eye opened quickly, but despite my brain telling my body to move, nothing happened. I looked again at the girl who was holding me. Or was I holding her? It was a blend of both in a way.

“Kelsey?” I said, my mind finally producing a name for me. She had dried cum stains on her cheek, and more dried cum in her hair.

“I’m happy you remember me,” she said, giving me a large smile, “you only had your tongue in my pussy half the night.”

The comment made me blush despite my fatigue. “What time is it?” I asked, not wanting to move.

“Hmmm,” Kelsey moaned half asleep. “I don’t know, around noon, maybe later. Still too early to get up.”

Kelsey’s arms wrapped around me, moving herself closer and pushing her chest closer to my face. I was too tired to fight it, so I leaned my head against her firm breasts like a pillow. We were both still starkers, a light sheet and blanket covered our bodies. I felt warm and comfortable, if not for the soreness below my waist. I had the feeling that I desperately needed a shower.

I had slept in the arms of a prostitute last night. I laughed to myself, I guess my bedmate could have said the same.

I had fucked a lot of different men last night. I wasn’t sure of the number, but it was at least eight, and maybe as high as twelve or fourteen. I had also eaten a lot of pussy, too, I thought, running my tongue over my teeth and around my lips.

I don’t know why I did it, but Kelsey’s nipple was so close I decided to give it a lick.

The lick made her giggle, “I’m trying to sleep,” she mewed softly.

I reached out with my tongue and gave it another flick and felt Kelsey’s hand run over the back of my head and down my neck, caressing me gently. I found that I was drawing little circles over Kelsey’s skin with my fingers, something I thought I’d only done with Ky when I wanted him to initiate sex.

We lay like that for several minutes, enjoying a closeness and intimacy. Or at least that’s what I was feeling. After the night before, where any touch was only about satisfying a physical need, I felt desperate for a real connection. I wondered if Kelsey felt the same way.

I moved in closer and took her nipple into my mouth, letting my fingers caress and pet as they wanted. After almost ten minutes, Kelsey shifted down, bringing her mouth level with mine. She then pressed her lips to mine and kissed me deeply, trying to dominate my tongue with her own. I relented and pressed my tongue to her mouth, but as soon as I had, she seized it in her lips and sucked. The woman was sucking on my tongue.

“You have a very long tongue,” Kelsey said when her lips finally lost suction.

“It seemed to come in useful last night,” I said, sticking out my tongue and easily touching the tip of my nose.

“Yes, I remember,” Kelsey said, inhaling a deep breath. “Well, after last night, I think you’ve joined the professional league of hookers. It doesn’t get much crazier than that. I have to say, you did great.”

“Thanks,” I said, unsure how to feel about the compliment.

“I seriously mean it. If you want to do any films or cam work, I know a guy that can get you started. You’d make a killing.”

“I don’t think that’s the direction I want to go, but thanks.”

“No worries. I prefer hooking high-end parties myself. It pays better, and I don’t like the idea of my face being plastered all over the internet.”

“Same,” I said, not sure what else to add. I couldn’t help but think on Kelsey’s words, though. I had done things last night that would make even a seasoned whore blush. There was no denying what I was now. I wasn’t just becoming a whore. I was a whore.

The thought made my heart pound with anxious energy. It was the first time I’d said it that bluntly to myself. What would my husband think if he could hear my thoughts? I had wondered about that for a few nights now, but I was afraid of what he might actually say. This wasn’t a game any longer. It hadn’t been for a while.

We kissed, and even though I’d spent the last night doing nothing but have sex, I felt my appetite return. Only this time there was no rushed pace, and we both seemed to come to an unspoken agreement that we would be gentle with each other. We brought each other to a nice relaxing orgasm, and then returned to kissing when the door suddenly opened.

“Good, you’re both still here,” said Emilia, entering the room. She looked exactly as she had last night. “You know I’m not paying you to fuck each other, right?” she said, her tone teasing and lighter than it had been last night.

“Yes ma’am,” Kelsey said with a laugh, but not releasing me from her arms.

“It’s nearly checkout time girls. Kelsey, you might want to shower,” Emilia paused by the bed, inspecting us both. “You both might want to have a quick shower.”

Kelsey gave me one last kiss and then began to sit up.

“Kelsey, may speak with Nichole for a moment?” Emilia asked.

Kelsey nodded and, giving me a quick kiss, moved off the bed and into the loo. I missed her warmth as soon as she was gone.

“I just wanted to say that you surprised me last night, Nichole,” Emilia began, “I had judged you to be an uppity little rich-bitch. But you proved me wrong. You jumped right in and got your hands dirty.”

I sat up in the bed and pulled the sheet around me, “I’m not sure what to say to that. I’m happy it worked out in the end, but there was a serious misunderstanding on my part. I had not intended for any of that to happen.”

“I figured you had bitten off more than you bargained for, but kudos girl, you stepped up and got it done,” Emilia said. She had a course, even blunt way of speaking, but she was sincere. “Now, for next weekend, the party is going to start a little earlier, and they’ve decided to go with a BDSM theme—.”

“—Wait, hold up a bit,” I said, holding up my hand. “Why are you telling me about next weekend?”

Emilia’s eyes narrowed and she gave me a hard look, “I talked with Finley this morning and he assured me I’d have you next weekend, too.”

“That fucking twat,” I mumbled, clinching my jaw. “I made no agreement with him. We paid him to help us give our clients a fun Vegas weekend. I’ll admit I misunderstood what he asked if I was willing to work, but I know we never discussed next weekend. I don’t even have any clients to take out next weekend.”

Emilia exhaled and let a long silence linger between us. Her features morphed from frustration and anger, more frustration and trying to be patient. “Look, you’ll need to give Finley a call, alright. I’m only paid to provide my girls, so I don’t know what you two agreed on.” Emilia paused until I looked at her. “I understand you have other things going, but if you ever needed work. I’d love to have you join my girls. You’d be quite an asset to us. It pays well, and I take care of mine.”

I sighed and nodded, “I’ll give him a call, and thanks for the offer, but I do have other things I’m working on.” I noted the firmness in the older woman’s face, the set of her jaw, and I could see what Kelsey was telling me last night. She really did care about her girls. “I don’t doubt you take care of yours.”

Emilia gave my upper arm a squeeze and stood from the bed. “I’ll leave my contact info on the bar for you.” Emilia moved to the door and paused before exiting. “Oh, your clients are out skydiving at the moment, so you have time before they’re back. Finley arranged it all.”

I didn’t say anything as the woman left. I was still seething at the bloody cheek Finley had to have volunteered me for another weekend in Vegas. What the fuck was that about? I shook myself and got up from the bed. My legs felt wobbly, but the sound of the shower motivated me onward. I would give Finley a call later and tell him what I thought. If the plonker wanted a row, so be it.

I went into the loo and found Kelsey under the shower head; her eyes closed as the hot water poured over her body. I couldn’t help but admire her. She was beautiful with those large breasts. A part of me liked the idea of having larger breasts, or at least smaller nipples, I thought to myself. I’d always been happy with my breasts. They fit me. And while I liked the look Kelsey’s boobs gave her, it had to make things like running and jumping much harder.

Andre had told me that I was made for sex, but I had to think that Kelsey had me beat in that department. She was truly made for sex. Kelsey’s eyes opened and she gestured me to join her. I did and she moved over to let me get under the water.

“You have a lot of cum in your hair,” she said, bending down to pick up the shampoo. “Let me help.”

“Gladly,” I said, feeling her hands go to work on my scalp.

She had to wash my hair four times before she declared it clean. I was happy to do the rest, but when she picked up the soap and the washcloth, I didn’t stop her as she cleaned the rest of my body. It felt incredibly sensuous. I could have spent the rest of my life in that shower and been happy. But eventually the water began to go cold, so we exited the shower and toweled off.

“So, what are you doing the rest of the day, want to go get something to eat, maybe go to my house after?” Kelsey asked, taking out the hairdryer from the drawer.

“I could tuck into a full breakfast right now. I’m famished,” I said, wrapping myself in an oversized fluffy towel. Kasey made no attempt to cover herself as she dried her hair. “But I drove up yesterday with four clients, and I have to make sure they’re taken care of until tomorrow when they catch their flight.”

“Oh,” she said, giving me a disappointed look. “You are a busy-body. You’re planning on running four Johns until tomorrow?”

I shrugged noncommittally. Listening to Kelsey’s words and trying to learn a vocabulary that was still foreign to me. “I think I have time to pop out for something to eat. Do you know a place close by? My invite.”

Kelsey smiled. “Of course,” she said easily. “I’m a Vegas girl from birth, I know every part of the city.”

“Brilliant,” I said, setting my towel down on the sink. “I have a suite down the hall where my things are. Can we meet up in a bit?”

“Emilia paid for valet parking, so let’s meet in the lobby.”

We gave each other a quick embrace and I went back into the large rooms where the party had been going on full force the day before. I was glad I had kept my towel on because the cleaning staff was in full force making the evidence disappear from the night before. I went to the sofa where I had spent a fair amount of time on my back and looked for my dress and my handbag. Getting down on my hands and knees, I looked under the sofa and then under a nearby chair. Nothing, they weren’t there.

“Shite,” I cursed lightly to myself, holding my towel in place with one hand.

“Miss,” a woman said with a heavy Latin accent. “You look for this?” She held up my handbag and I immediately felt a wave of relief.

“Yes, thank you,” I said, getting to my feet.

I went to her, and she handed me the small handbag. I opened it and found all the contents to be in place, including my mobile. I took out a twenty dollar note and handed it to her, but she didn’t take it. She instead gave me a scathing, judgmental look and then went on about her business.

I felt gutted by her look, but I didn’t have time to dwell on it. I might have lost a dress, but at least I had my handbag with my affects. I found my mobile as I made it to the door. Peeking down the corridor, I saw no one approaching, so I sprinted as quickly as I could to my suit. Using the hotel app on my mobile, I used the digital key to open the door and sighed in relief when the lock shifted to open. Once inside, I sat on the nearest chair and went to my messages. I felt gutted all over again to see all the texts and missed phone calls from my husband.

I blinked several times when I finally took a moment to look at the time. It was almost three in the afternoon. My stomach rumbled loudly, reminding me that food what was I needed at the moment. I sent a quick text to Ky, and then picked out a simple outfit consisting of a long-sleeved black shirt with khaki capri trousers, and flip flops.

Kelsey was easy to find in the lobby. She wore jean shorts that were so short one could see the ends of the interior pockets popping out, and an almost see-through lacy blouse that only barely covered her breasts and left most of her torso bare as well. Despite being almost identical in size, we couldn’t have looked more different.

“Aren’t you little-miss-conservative,” she teased as she gave her ticket to the valet.

“I, well, I wasn’t sure,” I stammered, “I guess I am sometimes.”

“That’s cool,” she said, flipping her long hair behind her shoulder. “You be you.”

It wasn’t long before a large, black Jeep Rubicon pulled into the entryway and parked in front of us. “Bloody hell Kelsey,” I said, looking at the enormous vehicle. “This is what you drive?”

She nodded, giving me a joyful smile, “It used to belong to my ex-boyfriend, but when he couldn’t make the payments, I bought it. Pretty cool, huh?”

I nodded. It wasn’t my taste, but I had to admit, it had an aggressive masculine quality I liked.

“Want to drive?” Kelsey asked, tossing me the keys.

I shook my head and handed the keys back to her. “Can’t.”

“Oh, is that because you only know how to drive on the wrong side of the road?”

“Ha ha, no,” I said, rolling my eyes. “I can drive just fine... Well, I suppose there’s a judge who doesn’t agree with that. I lost my license last year.”

Kelsey laughed uproariously as she took the keys, “This I have to hear.”

We talked like gossiping teenagers for the next hour as we went to breakfast. I was surprised how easy Kelsey was to chat with. We just seemed to ‘get’ each other. I gave her my life’s summary, and even included that I was married and working at Global Medical. She took it all in without judgement, only asking the occasional question to clarify as I went along.

From her, I learned that she had grown up very poor, like so many of the girls who fell into the sex trade industry. She felt that she’d gotten lucky when she met Emilia three years ago and was able to do sex work for a higher-end clientele. She turned out to be a few years older than me, but she certainly didn’t look any older than me. That meant she had started working as a prostitute when she was exactly my age. I wondered what changes would happen to me if I continued down my path for three years.

Unlike me, however, Kelsey had never been able to make a relationship work. No guy could deal with her having sex with other men without exploding in jealously. I felt thankful to have such a supporting husband. Those comments forced me to think about Ky as we drove back to the hotel. I asked Kelsey if she wouldn’t mind posing for a selfie with me. She didn’t, so I took it and sent the pic off to Ky.

“I’ve been terribly neglectful to Ky this week,” I said remorsefully.

“You said he gets off when you send him naughty pics, right,” Kelsey said, pulling the Jeep to a stop in front of the hotel.

“He does,” I confirmed, thinking of a sexy text message I might be able to send him.

“Let’s go upstairs and take some good ones for him,” she suggested.

“You mean with you and me?” I asked. “You’d do that?”

Kelsey nodded happily, “Of course. I don’t have much else to do today. And it sounds like fun.”

“Uh, alright,” I said as Kelsey gave her keys to the valet.

Kelsey followed me to my suite like a distracted puppy. She had a carefree way about her that I envied. She never seemed to take much too seriously and seemed generally very happy. Entering the suite, she took a moment to look around and then went to the balcony that overlooked the city.

It was a different view in the daytime, I thought as the heat of the sun warmed my skin. I was happy it wasn’t the middle of the summer, but the heat felt good after a number of colder temperatures back home.

Removing her top, Kelsey leaned against the balcony railing. “How do you want to do this?” she asked, removing her shorts, and kicking them to the side. She was now completely starkers and on display for anyone who might be looking out their windows. There were few other windows with a view of our suite, but still, someone could have been watching.

“Er, I’m open to suggestions,” I said, scanning the hotel rooms to our sides.

“How about this…” Kelsey said, holding out her hand. I unlocked my mobile and handed it to her. She then went to one of the outdoor tables and propped it up using one of the pillows from the chair. “…I’ll set the timer on the camera app. Then I’ll lean over the railing with my ass poking up in the air. You can pose like you’re eating my pussy—or my ass, whatever you think he might like more.” Kelsey paused and then looked at me. “Or we could switch, and I’ll lick your pussy. I’m easy… but you have to get naked.”

“Oh,” I said shaking myself from my thoughts. I took another look around, trying to see if I could see anyone looking out a window.

“Trust me, if anyone’s looking, they’re not going to complain. It’s fine. I’ve done this a hundred times,” Kelsey said, waiting for me with her arms crossed under her large breasts.

“Of course,” I said quickly and removed my clothes. I set them on a nearby chair and moved to the rail. “I think he’d like it if I was going down on you.”

Kelsey smiled and gave me a nod, “You know, he’d probably like a video more. How about we give him a show?” She’d said it as a question, but she didn’t wait for an answer before setting up the mobile again. A moment later and she was ready. “Action.”

Looking back at the camera I smiled as Kelsey took her place by the rail and bent over. “Ky, I know I’ve been busy and haven’t given you the time you deserve. I hope this might make up for it a bit. This is my friend Kelsey, and she’s been so amazing to me today that I think she deserves a nice orgasm.”

I giggled at how cheesy it all felt, but I had no doubt Ky would love it. I put a pillow on the ground and moved to my knees as I got into position. Kelsey bend over and grasped the rail with her hands, exposing her arse nicely to me. I grasped her butt cheeks and pulled them apart, showing off both her pussy and her rosebud to the camera. My intention was to get my husband’s blood pumping, but the immediate effect was that my blood pressure was the one increasing. I pushed out my tongue and gave her pussy a lick, but wanting to make the video extra naughty, I licked up until the tip of my tongue touched her arse. I hoped the cock cage wasn’t going to be too painful.


I closed the door to my truck just as the rain began to fall again and fastened my seatbelt. Looking at my watch, I sighed and looked out the windshield at the soaked construction site. After a few hours of sleep, I’d spent the rest of the dayshift working on pump analysis, working in the mud trying to help the crew improve the system. I was dead tired and soaking wet.

Taking out my phone, I pulled up Nichole’s location. She was still Vegas. She hadn’t left yet, which meant she was almost certainly not coming home until tomorrow. There was no point in sitting through hours of traffic just to get home to an empty house. I had a dry pair of clothes, so it would be easier to simply get a hotel room for the night. The company was paying for it anyway.

I set my phone down on the dashboard and started my truck, hearing the alert from a received text message. Flipping on the heater, I picked up my phone and saw that Nichole had sent me a text. I felt my hand start to shake as I realized what it was, and I could barely keep my finger steady as I started a lengthy video she had sent.

… Ten minutes later I was doubled over in my truck, slumped over my steering wheel as I tried to focus on the most nonsexual things I could think of, going so far as to imagine my grandma naked. My dick was straining with all its might to escape the constraints of the cage. Sure, it was futile, but my dick didn’t seem to care. It was going to try anyway.

In the picture, Nichole’s tongue had been buried deep into the other girl’s ass, like completely buried. It was one of the most sexually erotic things I’d ever witnessed, and I knew that image would be in my brain for the rest of my life. The other woman was gorgeous, with slightly slanted eyes and fine facial features. She was fucking hot. And she had huge fucking tits. Like Rachel big tits.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I swore in a heavy grown as I once again tried to think of something else. I wasn’t sure how much of this I could take. I knew I couldn’t watch that video again while wearing the cage. I needed some fucking relief.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by txrockdog » Fri Mar 04, 2022 5:45 pm

Holy smokes Ky! The contrast between Nichole living a nearly separate life as a high end whore, while Ky is slogging around in mud with a caged cock and no outlet in sight...just agonizing! Thanks again for an amazing chapter! I hope using this site and writing as an outlet helps keep you and Jaimee on an even keel as a couple. Enjoy the sun before you head back to your family.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by mundyman » Sat Mar 05, 2022 1:25 pm

What another tremendous chapter!!!
Hmmmmmmmm, Andre, I’m still thinking tattoos, piercings, crazy sex couplings and experiences.
Nicole, breast envy, time away from Ky. She returns home with surgically enhanced breasts after realizing it would make Andre happy and seeing that it made Kelsey a more accomplished whore.
Nicole as she more frequently sees herself as a whore, as a prostitute, decides to play the role more including bigger breasts and more wanton sexual encounters


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:57 pm

AMAZING chapter!!!!!!!

It was a real work out for Nichole... Let's see if Finley controls her and her weekend "works" or not...

The parts I enjoy THE MOST are the talking between Ky and Nichole!!! A thousand times better (for me at least) than the action parts...

So I am looking forward for more talks/situations together... mmmm


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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Polpolp » Sun Mar 06, 2022 12:14 am

Not fan at all of chastity and denial Plays, i loved how Ky respond to Nicole in the first chapters, how he doesnt let her goes to deep in the lifestyle and even have a lover when she doesnt care for him.

But with the chastity and denial play, you completely change that, Ky behavior totally change, it was not in his character to accept this.

I understand you want to write New chapters with chastity but its really contrary to previous mindset of J'y, its like your force that on him, you even talk about gay play and its even more contrary.

Another feeling for me, Nichole seems to care less and less of Ky and i feel no love from her.
There is to many Nichole fucking appart and not so much Ky and Nichole scene, it feel like there is 2 story appart, i just jump to Ky scene or to ky/Nicole because Nicole scene are the same endless fucking with just variation in Cock size or number of men.

Btw i love this story but not the few last chapter,

I really Hope yo see the old Ky, who stand UP for his need and know how to hand Nichole. Why not a return of Rachel, this relationship had great potential ? Time to Back from the edge ?

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by txrockdog » Sun Mar 06, 2022 10:30 am

Don’t forget to read the title. Sometimes when reading fiction you have to trust that the author loves his characters too, and while he or she may put them in uncomfortable positions, the “and back” in the title is hopefully mean to signal that they will find their way back to each other in the end.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Frenchie » Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:30 am

Still recovering from the reading... Dément !

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by mundyman » Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:32 am

Ky and Nicole look forward to reconnecting on the weekend..
Enter Wade who requests time with Nicole over the weekend potentially knocking Ky out of the box.
See Nicole and Ky have an argument over how she promised a release for Ky over the weekend
Nicole’s mind comes up with the idea that She will change her plans with Wade and Ky can have his release only if he sucks wade’s cock before he fucks the shit out of Nicole.
Of course she is too sore to fuck Ky afterwards, but Ky gets a cream pie and a handjob out of the deal.
Then gets kicked out of the bedroom for the rest of the weekend.
Last edited by mundyman on Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Mon Mar 07, 2022 8:58 am

Outstanding chapter!!! Thanks Ky!


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Mon Mar 07, 2022 11:06 pm

txrockdog wrote:
Sun Mar 06, 2022 10:30 am
Don’t forget to read the title. Sometimes when reading fiction you have to trust that the author loves his characters too, and while he or she may put them in uncomfortable positions, the “and back” in the title is hopefully mean to signal that they will find their way back to each other in the end.

:up: :up:

Posts: 469
Joined: Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:48 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:20 pm


After sending the last video to Ky, I set my mobile back down on the patio table. Kelsey laid back on one of the balcony’s lounge chairs, happily taking in the sun with her eyes closed. It felt exciting to be sitting outside wearing nothing but my own skin, it felt like I was breaking the law and I kept expecting someone to tell us to get dressed. No one came.

I slid my chair closer to Kelsey’s and crossed my legs as I sat down. Looking down at her sunbathing form, I couldn’t help but be impressed how her breasts kept their form, defying gravity as she lay on her back.

“Did you have breast augmentation done?” I asked, feeling like I knew her well enough that she wouldn’t mind the question. She probably wouldn’t have cared if I was a complete stranger, she was just open like that.

“It’s called a boob job, Highness,” Kelsey said, opening her eyes and looking down at her boobs. “And of course, I did. I’m half Chinese, I barely had mosquito bites a couple of years ago.”

“They’re definitely not mosquito bites now,” I said, suppressing a laugh.

“Nope,” she agreed, and then cupped her breasts with her hands. “These girls are my money-makers.” Kelsey turned to me. “Are you thinking of getting yours done?”

“No,” I said a little too quickly, “I mean I’ve always been more-or-less happy with mine. I was just curious.”

“You look like a solid b-cup,” Kelsey said, giving my breasts a quick glance, “so you’re a big step ahead of where I started when I had mine done.” Kelsey then sat up and, folding her arms under her breasts, bounced them up and down as if putting on a show. “Like everything, there are pros and cons, but overall there are way more good things than bad from having these girls.”

Seeing her bounce ‘her girls’ for me made me chuckle. She did seem to be very proud of them. “I noticed that all of Emilia’s girls had very large breasts. Is that happenstance, or does Emilia only select well-endowed girls?”

“Oh, it’s not a requirement,” Kelsey said casually, “but it’s encouraged. Emilia prefers her girls to have at least a d-cup to work for her. She has a certain image she tries to maintain. Emilia will pay for the surgery up front, and then she’ll deduct small amounts from your pay each week.” Kelsey let her breasts go and then laid back down on the chair. “I’ll tell you what, though. You make a ton more money with bigger boobs. I mean you don’t see it at first because you’re paying Emilia back, and then you have to buy a bunch of new clothes, but then after that, it’s totally worth it.”

“They certainly get men’s attention,” I said, remembering how much the men fondled her breasts. “Do you ever worry about where this lifestyle will take you?” I asked, hoping I chose my words carefully enough. Kelsey wasn’t the most introspective person I’d ever met.

Kelsey dropped her hands and laid her head back onto the lounge chair. For a moment I thought she was going to ignore my question, but then she said, “Look, for me it’s pretty simple. I have a nice place to live, a little money in my pocket, and freedom to do as I please. From where I started in life, I’m okay with it. Tomorrow will take care of itself, or it won’t, but either way, I’ll deal with it as it comes. I’m not what you might call a long-term-planner.”

“I kind of envy that in a way, I can’t stop thinking about the future.” I said, pausing a moment to enjoy the intense heat on my skin. I knew I didn’t have much longer before I would need to find shade or go inside. My boobs were not used to getting this much sun.

“That’s why we’re meant to be good friends,” Kelsey said, turning onto her side to look at me. “You’re the planner and I’m the free spirit. I’ll make sure you have a little fun in life.”

This time I did let myself laugh, “I think having too much fun is how I wound up here, but I get your point. I’m happy to have met you.”

“—Quelle bonne surprise,” sounded a man’s voice behind me, startling us both.

My heart nearly stopped as I jumped in surprise. Whirling around in my chair, I saw Arthur step out onto the balcony, followed closely behind by Sacha and Luc. I didn’t see Andre among them.

“Oh, you’re back,” I said, my voice an octave higher than normal. I covered my breasts with my forearm as I looked for my clothes.

Arthur looked down to the chair near him where I’d draped my clothes but made no move to give them to me. His eyes instead went to Kelsey, “I remember you from last night, but I never got a chance to say hello.”

Kelsey sat up and put her feet on the floor, making no effort at all to cover herself, “I’m Kelsey,” she said, giving them a little wave.

“Hello Kelsey, will you be staying with us tonight?” Arthur said, making me feel a bit jealous. After our first meeting in San Diego, I thought I’d had a closer connection to the man, but now I felt uncertain.

“Kelsey and I were just chatting, I don’t think she was planning to sta—,”

“—I could be persuaded,” Kelsey interrupted as Andre finally joined us on the balcony. She shrugged and raised her brow as our eyes me.

“Hello,” he said, giving us both a wide smile. He did a double take and blinked as he took in our naked forms. “What a day.” He looked as if he was at a loss for words.

“How was skydiving,” I asked, pulling my attention away from Kelsey.

“It was amazing,” Sacha answered in his thick French accent. Of the four, he spoke the least amount of English, but he seemed to be able to understand everything that was said.

“Yes, unless your name rhymes with Bondre,” Arthur said dryly, his tone teasing as he looked to Andre.

Andre laughed and ran his hand over his shaven head, “I couldn’t do it,” he said, his widening smile revealing a perfect set of white teeth. If he was bothered by Arthur’s teasing, it didn’t show. “I got all the way to the door and, I don’t know, I kind of froze.”

“Mr. Legionnaire,” Arthur said, patting Andre on the back.

“I doubt I could have done it,” I admitted, not wanting to add to Arthur’s jabs.

Andre shrugged but still smiled, “I never jumped out of any planes before. But I am disappointed. Now this fool will never let me live it down.”

My nipples were starting to feel the scorching effect from the sun, so I stood and stepped to the other chair where my clothes were, “I think I need to go inside before I’m all sunburnt.”

Arthur picked up my clothes, wagging his brow at me as he purposefully kept them in his hands. I shook my head and gave him a roll of my eyes as I passed him on my way inside. From the corner of my eye, I could see that Kelsey was following me. I found it exhilarating to be nude in front of my guys, but I was happy that Kelsey was with me. It was easier to act bravely when you weren’t alone.

It felt good to walk back into the airconditioned room, but the change in temperature only made my nipples stick out more obscenely. Kelsey moved to my side, which gave me a sense of comfort. She was far more experienced with this kind of thing than I was, so I was happy to have her support. But still, it wasn’t fair of me to ask her to stay for my sake.

“Kelsey,” I whispered as we went to the front room where several sofas surrounded a long, rectangular wooden table. “You don’t have to stay. The guys are probably going to want to, you know…”

Kelsey rolled her eyes at me, “What, fuck?” she said bluntly. “Hello, sex-worker here,” she pointed to herself using her thumbs. “Make it worth my while and I’ll stick around—unless you want all four of them to yourself.”

“God no,” I said quickly. “I’d love to have your help, and of course I’ll compensate you appropriately.”

“You can’t help yourself, can you Princess,” she said, giving me a teasing smile and a pat on my arse cheek. I wasn’t sure what she meant, but before I could ask, she continued. “Pay me what you think’s fair. I trust you.”

The men cycled through the shower and changed their clothes while Kelsey and I sat on the sofa and flipped through the hundreds of channels on the idiot box. We settled on a baking show I liked watching at home. At first, it was horribly awkward to sit on the sofa in the nude. But after a time, I slowly became used to it, and thankfully my nipples began to soften. Or at least they did until Kelsey began to tease me.

“These girls really like attention, don’t they,” she said, pinching my nipple between her thumb and forefinger.

“Hey, they were just starting to settle down,” I said, trying to pull away.

“Don’t be shy Princess. They’re amazing. It’s like someone sewed two thumbs on your tits.”

“That’s a horrible visual.”

Kelsey giggled and then leaned over and captured my nipple in her mouth. She gave it a hard bit of suction for several seconds and then let it pop out of her mouth. “That’s what I’m talking about, wow.”

The teasing Kelsey had just done caused my nipple to go completely ridged, standing up proudly once again. “Give over, Kels,” I snapped, batting her hand away as she went to grab my other nipple.

“Zut,” Arthur said, as he entered the room, his hair still wet from his shower. “I thought after last night, I wouldn’t be able to get an erection for at least a week but watching you two is quickly breathing new life into me.”

“We can stop,” Kelsey said coquettishly.

“Please don’t on my account,” Arthur quickly responded.

I wasn’t sure what, if anything, might happen as the afternoon stretched into evening. The men seemed fairly tired at first and were content to lounge around on the sofa and chat, switching between English and French, likely for Luc and Sacha I imagined. For her part, Kelsey seemed genuinely interested in the discussed topics and often chimed in with interesting insights.

Room service brought endless amounts of food and beverages, and I couldn’t help but wonder what this weekend was going to cost. It was hard not to think of money. I had always been budget conscious. But this was one of those times that the revenue that was going to be generated far, far outweighed the cost of a weekend in Vegas.

As the last of the day’s light diminished, things were so calm that I thought the men might simply retire for the night. So, it surprised me when Andre produced a small bag of white powder and prepared several lines on the low-lying table in front of us.

“Your boy Steven hooked us up when we left last night,” Andre said when he saw me watching him.

He held up a rolled twenty dollar bill to me, but I quickly shook my head, “I’m fine,” I begged off.

Andre then handed the makeshift straw to Kelsey. In her usually plucky way of moving around, she took the straw with a ‘thanks’ and bent over the table. She used the razor blade on the table to break one of the lines into thirds, and then proceed to snort only that section. At Andre’s questioning look, she said, “When you’re our size, you don’t need much.” Kelsey pointed to me and then to herself.

Luc and Sacha lit up a couple of blunts while Arthur took his turn at the coke, inhaling a complete line by himself.

“Come on, Nichole,” Andre said, tying to hand me the twenty he’d used to inhale his own line. “Join us for some fun.”

I shook my head again, “No thank you,” I said more forcefully. “I’m not comfortable with that.”

Andre didn’t appear happy about it but didn’t offer again. Instead, Luc fished out a small baggie of pills and tossed them onto the table. “Some ecstasy left over from last night.”

“Oh, molly, that’s not so bad,” Kelsey said, picking up the small baggie. Turning to me, she opened the baggie and dropped one of the colored round pills into her hand. “This is fairly lightweight compared to the coke. Come on, I’ll do it with you.”

She forced one of the pills into my hand, and then raised my hand to my mouth. I didn’t want to take it, but the pressure from everyone looking at me cracked my resolve. I didn’t want to be the only one completely sober, and my tummy wasn’t up for a heavy night of drinking. I’d smoked pot a couple of times at college, but I’d only taken a couple of hits, so I never really felt its full effects. I was curious what ecstasy was all about. I’d had a lot of friends tell me that it was an easy and fun drug without much in the way of side effects. With a sigh, I popped it into my mouth and swallowed. That seemed to satisfy everyone, and the conversations began again.

It didn’t take long for my stomach to feel a bit queasy, but that passed quickly and then a euphoria that was a thousand times more powerful than anything I’d ever felt before settled over me.

“Fuck me,” I said, squinting my eyes against the light. I felt good.

As if reading my thoughts, someone turned down the lights, and before I knew it, I was comfortably laying on the sofa with my legs over Arthur’s lap and my head resting in Andre’s. I inhaled a deep, contented breath and looked over to see that Kelsey was sitting between Sacha and Luc.

“You look like you’re having fun,” Andre said, running his hand over my hair.

I smiled up at him, “I’m a happy bunny.” He and Arthur both laughed.

I felt Andre’s erection near my cheek, and without being asked, I turned and unbuttoned his trousers. It took me a minute to work his cock out, but I soon had it in the open where I could enjoy it. I remembered being very sore earlier, but the molly must have been working overtime because all I felt was bliss. Once I had Andre’s member completely erect, he guided me to my knees and then to straddle his lap.

It took me a few minutes to work most of his cock inside me, but my pussy seemed to know what to do without much encouragement because I was soon enjoying his cock sliding its way in and out of my vagina. The fact that others were in the room watching gave me no pause.

“Fuck Andre,” Arthur complained. “You’re going to have her all stretched out before I’ve had a chance.”

“That’s why she has two holes down there,” Kelsey said with a giggle.

“Kels,” I snapped, turning to look at her. She only smiled at me and returned to sucking Luc’s cock.

“You mind?” Arthur asked.

I was about to tell him to bugger off when Andre answered, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?”

“Fuck yes it does,” Arthur said as he rose from the couch.

“I don’t think so,” I protested, planting my hands on Andre’s chest. “That’s too much.”

Andre wrapped his long arms around me and pulled me in close to his chest. Even with my arms pushing against him, he easily pulled me down until my breasts were mashed against his torso.

“Trust daddy baby girl,” he said soothingly. “Everything will be fine.”

My body felt like a wet noodle that had no strength, and I couldn’t tell whether it was from the long week with little sleep, or from the drug that was coursing through my blood. Either way, I could put up no resistance as Arthur got to his feet.

I didn’t feel anything for a long moment, and I began to wonder if Arthur had changed his mind. But then I felt a cool liquid pour down the center of my arse. He was getting ready to lubricate my arsehole.

“Hmmm,” I hummed nervously when I felt Arthur insert one his fingers. I wasn’t worried about the anal sex itself, but I had no idea how it would feel with Andre already stretching out my pussy to what felt were its limits. “I don’t know guys.”

“Shhh, trust daddy.”

I then felt Arthur’s cock at my rosebud, pressing its way forward. I had to force myself to relax and not tighten up, but it still took Arthur a long few seconds of pushing before the head of his cock slipped past my sphincter and entered my arse.

“Oh, bloody fucking hell,” I cried as his cock tunneled its way into me. “Stop mate!” I nearly screamed. It was odd that I called him mate. That’s usually a term used more among blokes. But I was so overwhelmed my mind was having difficulty processing everything.

To his credit, Arthur stopped, holding himself in place while I worked to adjust to having two cocks in me. “God,” I sighed, “If I wasn’t a slag before, there’s no denying it now. I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

Arthur and Andre both chuckled. Andre eased his embrace and then leaned in and kissed me deeply. At the same time, Arthur pressed in farther, which caused me to moan in Andre’s mouth. It was sexual to the extreme and I felt myself wanting to orgasm, but I was too close to the pain side of my threshold.

Arthur took his time and slowly began to move his cock back and forth. At the same time, Andre lifted me up a few inches and then set me down, causing his own cock to fuck me gently. It took a few tries, but slowly the two men found a slow rhythm that let them both take their pleasure. I had never in my life felt anything like this. Never in my life did I think I would be the girl that was willing to do double penetration. It was one of the most extreme sex acts I could think of. The kind of thing a porn star would do at the end of her career when she had no other options.

And yet there I was, a cock in my arse and a cock in my pussy, fucking two men in a Vegas hotel room. If the realization hadn’t struck me hard enough the night before, it was now hitting me like a cudgel. I wasn’t simply a high-paid corporate escort, no, I was bloody prostitute who was willing to do the extreme things. I could have said no. It wasn’t forced on me. I began to see a new image of myself, and what I saw was shocking.

“Oh, wow,” I gasped in more of an airy whisper. “Ohhh, it’s so much.”

Both Andre and Arthur increased their pace as I seemed to be able take them better. I felt a drop of sweat roll down and drip from the end of my nose. Andre reached over to the end table, grabbed a shot glass, and downed the drink in a swallow. He gasped after he swallowed and then kissed me. I tasted the strong alcohol on my tongue. Needing to breathe through more than my nose, I broke the kiss. I then felt his finger at my lips as he slipped in another pill of the ecstasy into my mouth.

It didn’t take long before the euphoric feeling was so intense I lost the ability to understand what my senses were telling me. Everything blurred together into a kaleidoscope of feeling and energy. The lights seemed to appear as comets passing through the sky over my head as we fucked. I felt Andre cum, his cock twitching and spasming inside me as he unleashed what I was sure was a torrent inside me. I sagged against him for a time, trying to remember if Arthur had cum. Looking around, I didn’t see Arthur, but it was difficult to make out much of anything.

“I need some water baby girl,” Andre said, shifting me to the side.

I was surprised to find Kelsey next to me as Andre set me onto the sofa. She pulled my sweat slicked body into her arms. “You are quite the little whore tonight,” she said, giggling. “But fuck you’re going to be sore tomorrow. No worries there though. I have some cream that’ll help. Remind me to give it to you in the morning.”

I turned my head to the side and stared for a long moment. “Kels, I think I’m high.”

Kelsey laughed and kissed me on the forehead. She was about to say something else but stopped, her eyes focusing on something in front of her.

I followed her gaze and saw a woman sitting on the table in front of us. I knew this woman, I thought, trying to focus on her face. She sat with her elbows on her knees, her chin resting on the palms of her hands.

“Catherine,” I said, squinting my eyes.

“Aren’t you two looking nice and cozy,” she said with a smile, “You seemed to have outdone yourself, Nichole.”

“I think I’m high,” I said, still unsure if I was actually seeing Catherine of if she was a figment of my imagination.

“I think you are, too,” she agreed. “I just dropped by with Finley to see how things were going, but it appears all is well here.”

“Definitely high,” I said, looking to Kelsey.

Catherine laughed again and rose to her feet. “If you can remember this, come by the office on Monday. We’re going to need to talk.”

I watched Catherine walk away and join someone else, but my eyes seemed to find other things more interesting and so I quickly lost sight of them. Shaking my head, I snuggled up tighter to Kelsey and rested my head on her shoulder.

I wasn’t sure how it had happened, but the next thing I could remember was playing cards with people around the table. Kelsey was next to me, and we were sharing the cards. Several empty shot glasses were on the table in front of us.

Turning to Kelsey, I could see that she looked as tired as I did. I dropped my cards to the table and sat back against the couch. I couldn’t understand where all the people had come from. Seeing Kelsey’s shoulder next to me, I thought it looked like a fine place to rest my head and close my eyes.


I’ve woken up with headaches before, and even a bad hangover on a few occasions, but the way my entire body cried out in agony let me know straight away something was wrong. Coming to my senses, I felt as if I’d slept on an iceberg. I was so cold that it was hard to move my limbs. Cracking my eyes open, it appeared I was alone on the sofa.

It took me a long couple of minutes to force myself into a sitting position. Ugh, I wanted to curl up and die. Opening my eyes, I saw the remnants of last night’s party: glasses were strewn about, pizza boxes were stacked on the table, dozens of beer cans littered the floor around my feet, numerous bottles of hard alcohol were on the table, and what looked like the bathroom towels laid crumpled on the ground. The place was a right mess, and I was still clearly mashed.

I’d heard a girl from school once say that the best remedy for a hangover was to start drinking again in the morning, but even looking at the alcohol on the table made me shudder in horror at the idea. My hand went to my vagina, and I held myself gently feeling like I wanted to cry. My vagina hurt, my arse hurt, my head hurt, and my stomach was in the middle of a civil war in which both sides were losing.

Turning my head gently, I looked around. I seemed to be alone. “Kelsey,” I said as loud as I could, but it wasn’t much louder than a mumble. It made me realize that something was wrong with my mouth, or at least my tongue. It felt swollen and numb. My middle finger suddenly touched something smooth and hard at the top of my vagina and I jumped as if something had bit me.

What the hell? I wondered as I spread my thighs and looked down. My eyes took in three things at once, and at the same time I heard a panicked scream. It took my brain a long moment to process that it was my scream. Leaving my one hand on my vagina, I moved the other one to my breast, pinching the ring that pierced my flesh. What felt like a jolt of electricity shot through my entire breast.

My eyes raced to focus on my other nipple and found the same result. Through each of my nipples hung a thick black ring. It wasn’t the small barbell that I’d occasionally see some women wear. No, these were full rings, black in color, and about as thick as a knitting needle. Dropping my eyes, I felt myself sick up as I saw another piercing in my navel, and still another through my clit. The small ring through my clit was petite, but it still made me feel like I was on fire.

“Oh god,” I groaned. What have I done? Something still felt wrong with my tongue. I dreadful thought popped into my head, and I broke into tears as I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue. I felt something touch my lips as I pushed my tongue out. I knew even before my finger confirmed it. I had two more piercings through my tongue. They were space about a finger width apart and felt like they were halfway back on my tongue.

I felt several tears fall down my cheeks before I steeled myself. This wasn’t the time for crying. That would come later. At least this was a mistake that could be remedied without too much difficulty. I could take them out and the piercings would heal. No one would need to know.

Staring at the piercings, I tried to recall my memories from the night before, but all I could see were flashes of people and parts of conversations. A vestige of a memory came to mind about a discussion on piercings, but the memory floated just out of reach.

A loud groan from one of the bedrooms made me look up. The voice sounded like Kelsey, but I wasn’t sure. I slowly got to my feet; my legs shook as I tried to keep my balance. Walking proved challenging, too, with my vagina feeling like it was being constantly stung by a bee. I reached for the back of the sofa for support, but my hand-eye coordination must have slipped because I missed the sofa and fell clumsily to the floor.

“Ugh,” I moaned, laying my head flat on the tile. I felt my heart racing. Breathing felt difficult, and it seemed I had to concentrate on inflating and deflating my lungs, like somehow my diaphragm had forgotten how to work.

“Nichole?” a scared voice sounded from the far room.

“Comin’,” I said with my swollen tongue, struggling to my feet again.

It took all my strength, but I somehow managed to make it to the bedroom. I found Kelsey in the center of the bed, her knees pulled to her chest and her hair draped around her shoulders.

“I think we got roofied,” she said miserably when she saw me in the doorway. I saw her eyes squinting at me, and I immediately knew why.

“I woke up with theth,” I said, pointing to my nipples. My words catching on my tongue as I spoke.

She held out her arms to me. I fought back another round of tears as I climbed onto the bed and curled up next to her. Kelsey gave a sarcastic laugh, “Fucking Vegas,” she said, wrapping her arms around me. “I’m so sorry Nichole. I never thought this—”

“Thith ithn’t on you,” I said, my words coming out as if I was speaking English for the first time. “Thith ith all my fault.”

“Oh no, your tongue, too?” Kelsey said, giving me a look. I stuck out my tongue to let her inspect the piercings. “Do you want me to take them out?”

“Yeth pleathe.” I nodded and stuck my tongue out as far as I could.

Kelsey reached up and grabbed the small metal balls protruding from my tongue. I saw her face grimace and felt her fingers tense as she tried to remove the piercing.

“Fuck, I can’t break it loose. Someone really screwed them down tight. I’ll need some pliers or something.” Kelsey’s fingers went to the rings through my nipples. I nodded, and she tried to unfasten one of the rings. Her touch was gentle, but it still caused me to inhale sharply. “Sorry,” she mumbled as she worked. “Fuck, same thing with these.” Kelsey released the piercing but continued to look at my tortured nipples. “Wow, I don’t remember this happening last night. These rings are really thick.”

I wiped the fresh tears from my cheeks, and shifted my tongue around, feeling the two piercings rub against the roof of my mouth. I’d gone from two simple piercings in my ears to a total of eight on my body after one night of debauchery in Vegas. This would be why people’s mums warn them not to be slags. “Fucking Vegath,” I mumbled, causing Kelsey to chuckle gloomily.

“I have some things in my purse that may help,” Kelsey said, shifting to get off the bed. “I’ll be right back.”

“I need to find my mobile,” I said, moving to go with her.

Kelsey touched my shoulder, “I’ll get it.”

I gladly relented. I had no idea what time it was, but sleeping the day away sounded like the best use of time ever at that moment.

Kelsey looked as unsteady as I did when I first got off the sofa, but she managed to keep her feet. Andre! The name popped into my head for the first time since I’d woken up. I scanned the room, taking in my surroundings. This had been Luc’s room, but none of his things were there. They must have already gone to the airport, I puzzled out, trying to get my brain to think of more than just basic survival.

Could they have had something to do with this? I wondered, looking down my nipples, navel, and clitty. I knew my relationship with them wasn’t what I thought it was, they really only looked at me as ‘entertainment’, but I wouldn’t have thought them capable of something like this. Then again, I was jumping to the assumption that this was done to me, and that I wasn’t equally complicit. I groaned in frustration as not being able to remember.

Soon Kelsey came back into the room, carrying a couple of glasses of water and her purse. Handing me one of the glasses, she got back onto the bed and started rooting through her handbag. She had taken the time to put ice in the water, and the coldness of the liquid against my tongue as I drank felt heaven sent.

“Save some of that,” Kelsey said as I drank. She then handed me ibuprofen and Tylenol from little bottles she’d held in her hand.

I looked down at the white pills in my hand and shuddered as I thought about the pills I’d taken the night before. I remember feeling incredibly good in the beginning, but then I had odd memories that refused to puzzle themselves together. I even had a vague memory of seeing Catherine, but I wasn’t completely sure if that had happened or not. Other than that, I only had flashing images for memories.

“The sooner you take those, the sooner you’ll start feeling better,” Kelsey said, seeing my hesitation.

I popped them into my mouth and downed them with the rest of the water from the glass. I then bit one of the ice cubes in half and let the chunk of ice rest on my tongue. The instant relief I felt made me sigh. I fished out another small piece of ice and touched it to my nipple. The cold was intense but gave me the relief I needed as I moved the cube from one nipple to the other, water dripping through my fingers as the ice melted.

“Lie back for me for a moment,” Kelsey instructed, holding up a small bottle in her hand. “It’s some desensitizing cream I use sometimes when I’m feeling sore. Trust me, it’ll help.”

Nodding, I pushed the pillows up and laid down on my back. Kelsey pushed my thighs apart, but for once I felt no sexual desire. I could have just as easily have been going in for a gynecological checkup. Kelsey squeezed some of the cream onto her fingers and carefully applied it over my vagina. It acted almost as quickly as the ice had in bringing much needed relief.

I put another piece of ice in my mouth as Kelsey wiped her fingers on a towel. “Thankth,” I said, sucking on my shard of ice. “It already feelth better.”

“What are friends for,” Kelsey said, rubbing at her eyes with a forced smile. She had obviously been fighting back her own tears but was trying to keep herself together. “I can’t believe I let that happen. I’m usually pretty good about steering clear of this kind of thing.”

“What did you mean we got roofied?” I asked as Kelsey handed me my mobile. I looked at the time on my phone. It was almost two in the afternoon.

Kelsey sighed and laid down next to me. “I forget what a naïve little princess you are sometimes,” she said trying to tease but the words came off flat. I think she was trying to act like her old happy-go-lucky self, but I knew she was struggling as much as I was. “Roofy is short for Rohypnol, which is a fucking date rape drug. But these days it could have just as easily been Ketamine or GHB.”

“Do you think one of my guys gave it to us,” I said, my tongue feeling immensely better.

Kelsey shrugged and spooned her body next to mine. She seemed to think about it for a long moment before saying, “No, but I don’t know that for sure. It might not have even happened. We could have just been so smashed we did it to ourselves—who fucking knows. There were a few people here last night that I didn’t know. Where are the guys anyway? I don’t see their shit anywhere.”

“I’m sure they’re at the airport,” I said, wrapping my arms around Kelsey and drawing her closer. It felt comforting to be in skin to skin contact with her. “Their plane was supposed to leave about an hour ago. The bastards didn’t even say goodbye.”

“That’s how it always is, Princess.”

Kelsey’s words struck a chord in me. Maybe it was because I was feeling like shite and miserable, but her words made me feel sad. I had let myself experience a number of different highs over the last few days, but it seemed the Law of Motion was true. For every action, there was an equal and opposite reaction. You couldn’t experience the highs without experiencing the lows.

Several hours later, I sat in the lobby of the hotel waiting for the car service that was scheduled to take me back home. I wore a floral sun dress with nothing on underneath. I had tried to put on my bra, but there was no way my nipples were going to tolerate that for several hours.

The thin material of the sun dress let my nipples breath, but it also did nothing to hide them. And with the piercings that now adorned them, they protruded more than ever. I also wore my Dodger’s baseball hat pulled low to try and keep my face somewhat hidden. A baseball hat was such an American thing, but Ky always liked when I wore it. And at the moment, it made me feel connected to him.

It felt like everyone’s eyes were on me, but given the way I was still feeling, I didn’t give a toss. I’d had a tearful goodbye with Kelsey when she left. I sent her as much of a payment as I thought I could get away with, not caring that it was a big hit to my entertainment budget. She deserved it.

I felt horrible for her because she’s received a call from Emilia and had to go ‘work’ again that night. She didn’t seem to mind, but that was the last thing I wanted to do. Sex in general was the last thing I was thinking about. I wanted nothing more than to get home, take the bloody piercings out of my body, and go to sleep.


As soon as I saw Nichole enter the house, I knew something was terribly wrong. At times, she could be terribly British in the way she kept a stiff-upper-lip, trying to appear as if everything was fine. But I’d grown to know her too well, and I recognized that look of forced stalwartness for the front that it was. Despite my prickly mood from having felt ignored for hours, I went to her and pulled her into a bearhug.

For a long moment no words were spoken as we embraced in the entryway. Then I felt her form shudder against me. “I know you have every right to be cross with me, but if we have to row, can we do it later?”

Her words sounded slightly off, which really threw me because she was always such a stickler for perfect enunciation. “I’m just happy you’re home,” I said, pushing my anger and frustration to the side. At least for the moment. “Obviously something’s happened…”

Nichole pulled back enough that I could see her head nod up and down if only fractionally. “We need to talk.”

I moved to the side to let her pass and picked up her suitcase. We didn’t speak until we were in the bedroom when Nichole sat on the end of the bed. I blinked as I saw her nipples poking up under her dress. They were, well, bigger than normal. “Are those…?”

Nichole nodded and pulled her dress down to reveal her breasts.

“Holly fuck,” I said in shock. My first thought was that the black rings looked fucking hot as hell, but getting her nipples pierced was never something I thought she’d do in a million years.

“It gets worse,” she said, sticking out her tongue.

This time I couldn’t speak. I was too stunned. Nichole’s tongue sported two piercings; two small silver balls sat side by side, separated by about a half-an-inch of space between them. And as if I wasn’t surprised enough, she pulled the hem of her dress up and showed me two more piercings. I had to sit down before my legs gave out.

I sat on the small chair we keep next to a desk, and for the next thirty minutes, my wife told me a tale that rocked me back on my heels. If someone had written it as an erotic story I doubt I would have finished it because it would have seemed too unrealistic. My ability to suspend reality only went so far. But at the same time, I knew it was true, all that shit had happened. When she finished speaking, she sat meekly with her hands in her lap looking more vulnerable than I’d ever remembered seeing.

I sat there for several long minutes trying to process everything. Finally, I found my voice. Clearing my throat, I asked, “So you’re not sure if these were your idea,” I gestured to her breasts and navel with my finger, “ or if someone might have, er, done it to you while you were drugged?”

Nichole shook her head and wiped away a tear that was forming in the corner of her eye, “Kelsey tried taking them out this morning, but she said she needed pliers. She couldn’t get them to loosen.”

“I can’t believe you took the ecstasy,” I said, only half listening to her. “That’s so unlike you.” I shook myself, thinking about what Nichole had said about wanting to remove the piercings. “If you’re feeling up to it, why don’t you come down to the garage. Let’s see if we can remove those.”

Nichole stood, taking off her dress and laying it on the bed. It looked like she’d gotten some sun over her whole body. I had to admit that part of me didn’t want to take the piercings. They were erotic as fuck.

“Can I have a picture before we take them out?” I asked, taking out my phone.

“Are you serious?” she said, looking at me in surprise.

“Absolutely. Do you have any idea how hot you look? My dick hasn’t stopped trying to break this cage since you showed them to me.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said, rushing to her small jewelry box on the dresser. She moved it to the side and picked up a small key.

“Under your jewelry box?” I said, rolling my eyes.

“I didn’t have much time,” Nichole said, moving to stand in front of me and then dropping to her knees.

It only took her a moment drop my shorts and unfasten the device. I couldn’t help but sigh in relief as my dick felt the open air for the first time in a week. “Fuck, that feels good.” I saw the first hint of a smile from my wife since she’d gotten home. “Come on.”

I led the way to the garage, helping my wife sit on the old bar stool I kept near my work bench. I took a picture and then stood back to admire her for a long moment. All the piercings appeared to match the dark black color of the necklace she wore, except for the jewelry in her tongue that was silver. I was struggling to find a way to describe the way she looked. It was a cross between the conservative, proper woman I’d always know her to be, and a slutty hotwife. I supposed she was all those things in some way.

“The way you’re looking at me almost makes me want to keep them,” she said, making herself comfortable on the stool.

“I wouldn’t be opposed,” I laughed as I leaned down to closely inspect the piercings. “But it should be a thoughtful, conscious choice, not something that was done under the influence at a party.”

Nichole nodded, biting her lower lip in that way that makes her look irresistible. I was sporting a serious woody in my shorts and the feel of the silky material on my dick was dangerously close to making me cum. I listened to my wife talk as I carefully took one of the nipple rings in my fingers. It was a simple ring with a spherical ball that hung on the bottom. I’d never gotten a close up look at a nipple ring, but it was fairly obvious that the way to remove it was to turn the ball counterclockwise, unthreading it from the ring itself.

“Careful,” Nichole said as touched the ring, her voice tiny yet filled with apprehension.

I nodded and carefully applied pressure to the ball at the end of the bar, making sure I repeated ‘right-tighty-lefty-loosy’ so I didn’t make a mistake and tighten it. It didn’t budge. Alright then, I thought, letting the nipple go. I’d need to escalate to something with more grip. I retrieved two needle nose pliers from my toolbox and tried again, using the pliers to grasp the smooth metal. Still, it didn’t budge.

Fuck, I thought, pausing a moment to make sure my grip was sure and that I wasn’t going to slip. Nichole closed her eyes and I tried again, applying a lot more pressure this time. Still, nothing.

“Damn,” I swore softly. “Going to have to upsize and try the vice-grips.”

Vice-grips are designed with a locking jaw that doesn’t release easily, so if they couldn’t do it. My chances of success were going to drop dramatically. I took a deep breath to make sure my hands were steady, and then I gently locked one vice-grip onto the ball, and the other on the ring. It was difficult to use the large tools on something so small, but I made it work as they both clicked into place, jiggling my wife’s breast as they did. She whimpered but made no move to stop me. Carefully, I turned them slowly to again make the attempt, but once again, the ball didn’t turn.

“Shit,” I swore, seeing that this too would fail. “Either someone extremely strong tightened those on, or maybe used an epoxy, because it’s not budging.

“My bloody luck,” Nichole said, putting her elbow on my workbench and resting her head on her hand.

Over the next several minutes, I tried the other piercings but achieved the same failing results. None of them turned even a little. “Whoever put them on, did their damndest to make sure they weren’t coming off,” I said, dropping the pliers onto my workbench with a sigh. “And I think they used a high grade anodized titanium because the vice-grips didn’t leave so much as a mark.”

“Can’t you use that loud spinning tool?” Nichole asked, pointing to my Dremel tool I used often when putzing around on projects in the garage.

“That loud spiny tool has a speed of over thirty thousand rounds per minute,” I said, shaking my head. “I’ve got bits that would probably cut through the metal, but there’s no way I’m taking a chance with that thing. One slip turns everything into the things horror movies are made of.”

“What am I going to do?”

“I’m afraid we might have to go to the hospital. I’m sure they’ve seen it all and have a way to remove them.”

Nichole shook her head, “No,” she said quickly, and then added, “at least not today. I want to take a long bath and then go to bed early.”

“Alright,” I nodded. “Do you want me to pick something up for dinner?”

Again, Nichole shook her head, “I’m not hungry, still have a gippy tummy.” She then slid off the stool and turned to go in the house. When she saw that I wasn’t following, she paused. “I could use some company, if you’re not too cheesed off with me.”

I forced myself to smile. “Of course not.”

On the way upstairs, Nichole passed through the kitchen and filled up a cup with ice cubes. She had one in her mouth and was sucking on it before we got to the bathroom. She then filled up the bathtub and got in, her beautifully pierced nipples just visible at the waterline. I knew it wasn’t under ideal circumstances, but I could easily get used to them. Nichole sighed and closed her eyes, shifting the ice cube around in her mouth.

“Wade came by earlier this morning,” I said, sitting on the edge of the tub.

Nichole winced and closed her eyes. “You’re not the only one I’ve cruelly ignored this week.”

“This isn’t like you, Nichole. What’s going on?”

Nichole exhaled through her nose and appeared to be gathering her thoughts. “I wish I knew.”

“That’s not good enough,” I said, surprising myself how sternly I’d said it. “I know we’ve both been doing some crazy shit lately, but we’ve always talked. It’s not like you to not communicate with me.”

My wife actually looked taken aback for a moment, but she eventually nodded and said, “You’re right. I’ve been very self-centered lately. I thought about that a lot on the ride home today. Believe me, after last night, I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching.”

“I can imagine. Anything you can share?”

Nichole turned and met my gaze, “Yeah… but I don’t think you’re going to like it.”

“Nichole, we’re in this for thick and thin. I only want you to be open and honest with me so we can deal with it together.”

Nichole’s lips pulled up into a sad smile, “You’re too good for me,” she said, setting her wet hand on my knee. She was quiet for a long moment, but eventually said, “Ky, I’ve spent most of my life trying to educate myself, be a strong, be a confident woman and such… I looked at down at promiscuous women like they were beneath me. But the truth of it is, I’m no better than any of them. I am one of them.”

“What do you mean?”

Nichole sighed. Her words came slowly as the new piercings made it difficult and frustrating speak as clearly as she liked. “I mean the last two nights, I was nothing more than a paid whore, Ky. Your wife wasn’t playing at being a prostitute, she was a prostitute.” My wife looked away, gazing sightlessly at the bathwater. “And until I got drugged—or maybe I didn’t—I don’t know. But until I woke up this morning feeling like I wanted to die, I liked it… I know it’s stupid, it’s dangerous, it’s probably the worst thing a woman should want, but bloody hell, it’s addicting.”

“What are you trying to tell me?”

Nichole turned and met my eyes again, she looked about to cry, and it make my heart hurt, “I’m trying to tell you that I’m a whore Ky. When you boil it all down, I’m nothing more than a bloody slag.”

“Nichole,” I said softly, standing up and shucking off my shirt and shorts. I nudged for forward and then slid into the tub behind her. It was a tight fit, and it made the water level rise and begin to pour out the overflow, but it was intimately close. “You’re so much more than that.” I wrapped my arms carefully around her and kissed her neck gently.

“How can you still be so loving to me?” Nichole cried, beginning to weep openly. “Do you know how many men I bloody fucked this week?”

I coughed at her bluntness. “Uh, no.” She almost never use to say the word fuck, but now she used it so naturally that it’s like she’d grown up saying it.

Nichole laughed sarcastically, “Neither do I” she said, slapping at the water’s surface, “but it was at least a dozen. How can a woman fuck twelve blokes and then act like everything’s normal?”

“I don’t know,” I admitted, “I guess we have to look at how we define normal.” When my wife didn’t speak right away, I continued. “You’ve worked really hard to get where you are, but lately you’ve discovered you a new side to yourself. As long as you can live with your decisions, I wouldn’t stress too much about what normal is.”

“What a load of rubbish,” Nichole said, surprising me. She then laughed joylessly, her body shaking lightly against mine, “I’m just taking the piss, maybe you’re right. But I have you to think about, and to a lesser degree Wade. The things I’ve been doing effect you both. I need to pop into the doctor tomorrow and get myself tested. Just to be safe.”

“That’s probably a good idea.” From her story, I knew that most of the sex she’d had was unprotected. It bothered the hell out of me that she would take that kind of risk, but she seemed to be thinking more clearly about it now. It took all my self-control to not begin yelling and berating her. That was my natural instinct at the moment, but my head knew that wasn’t what the situation needed.

“You know…” Nichole began again, “If I was married to any other man, he would probably be filing for divorce right now.”

“If you weren’t married to me you probably wouldn’t have been influenced to do half the shit you’ve done. I feel like the guilty party most of the time,” I admitted truthfully. “I think to myself all the time that I need to stand up and put a stop to it, that I should keep you all to myself, but the fucking perverted side of me seems to win out most of the time.”

“That’s alright,” Nichole said, turning awkwardly in the tub to face me. Grabbing my cock, she looked me in the eye. “I’m glad somehow our kinks seem to have aligned. I owe you a lot more than I can give you right now, babe. But I’m afraid I need some time to recover.”

“I understand,” I said, enjoying the feeling of something on my dick other than the metal cage. I seemed to go from a five on the horny scale to a ten almost instantly. “I’m already fucking close. If you keep that up, I’m going to—.” I tried to hold it off, but all the sudden my dick began twitching as I shot cum into the bathwater.

“Ohh, that has to be a new record,” Nichole smiled, getting to her feet, and giving me a close up view of her new jewelry. “Take me to bed and maybe I can coax another one of those from you.”

We dried and got ready for bed. Nichole took her time, moving gingerly and sucking on chunks of ice as she went through her nightly routine. It was early compared to when we usually went to bed. There was still a small amount of light still on the horizon. But there was no place I’d have rather been at that moment.

“So, tell me,” Nichole began once we were in bed. She slipped her hand under the waistband of my shorts and wrapped her fingers around my dick. I hadn’t completely gone soft since I’d cum in the bath. Spending a week wearing the cage had forced me to store all that sexual energy. “Was it bad wearing the cage for a week?”

“Honestly, it wasn’t the worst thing. Except when you sent me that video of you and your girlfriend—that nearly killed me.” Nichole laughed as she laid her head on my chest. “I mean holly shit; your tongue was in her ass.”

“A bit extreme, yeah,” my wife admitted, but then returned back to the subject. “I liked that you wore the cage for the week. I liked knowing I had you tucked away safely at home. It made a difference to me.”

“How do you mean?”

“You’re my rock, Ky,” Nichole said. I could feel her breath on my chest. “When you were with Rachel, I always felt fearful that you wouldn’t be there to catch me if I fell.”

“You know I’ll always be there,” I said, squeezing her shoulder.

“You still love me?”

“Yes, you know I do.”

“Ky,” she said, turning her head up to meet my eyes, “You understand your wife’s a whore, yeah?”

I swallowed as I felt my dick swell. Nichole hadn’t minced words, and the bluntness shocked me. “I uh, yeah, I understand,” I said, finding my voice. “But you don’t want to do this forever, right?”

Nichole looked pensive for a moment before shaking her head, “No, not forever. I mean maybe I’ll do this for a few years, but it can’t be a forever thing. I think it’s kind of like Icarus flying close to the sun. Stay too long and it’ll eventually end badly. But still…”

“But still…?” I prompted as she fell silent.

Nichole blinked and refocused on me, “I think I might always like to be your hotwife. Even after eventually I stop working for Mr. Schultz.”

I gave her a smile, enjoying her fingers on my swollen dick. “That doesn’t actually surprise me. My wife’s turned into nymphomaniac. I kind of like that, but I need you to be more careful.”

I wanted to say more, but I held my tongue. I was still angry about how a few things went down and some of the risks she took but venting that on her now wasn’t the right time. I’d give it a day or two and then try again.

Nichole looked back down and stroked my dick slowly. I sighed from the wonderful feeling, but just as it was starting to feel really good, her hand came to a stop. Her body suddenly relaxed completely against me, and I knew she’d fallen asleep. It seemed she’d spent every bit of energy on others and left almost nothing for me.

I could feel myself getting upset as my thoughts turned sour. I’d been nothing but supportive, and it felt like Nichole was taking advantage of that but not giving me enough in return. I needed more.

Well, at least I was free from the cage for the night. I’d take that as a win. After wearing it for a week, I wasn’t sure that was a game I wanted to play or not. Nichole seemed to get off on the idea of me wearing it, that’s most of the reason I’d gone along with it. And well, I was a little curious myself. But I felt like we’d been too far apart lately, and that separation was starting to weigh heavy.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Tue Mar 08, 2022 3:57 pm

Ky_Da wrote:
Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:20 pm
Excuse me but I find horrible this chapter. Raping is not my thing, abusing with the use of such drugs to get the raping is not my thing, forcing piercings in her body without her permission and against her will is not my thing, and probably all of those activities are illegal and submitted to jail sentences.

Sorry, but till now it was one of my favourite stories. This chapter is totally out of the scene for me. I can understand this is fantasy, many people could fancy this and obviously author does..., but sorry, I think, feel and regret these terrible activities in such a fantastic story... so far... the way Happy International Women's Day.
Last edited by OOAA on Tue Mar 08, 2022 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by txrockdog » Tue Mar 08, 2022 5:19 pm

I wouldn’t jump to conclusions about whether she was raped or had things done against her will. We will have to wait for her next interaction with Andre, Arthur, or perhaps Catherine to find out what happened after her memories left off. Before you let the apparently negative things happening turn you off to the story as a whole, keep in mind that the best stories take characters through often tragic paths on the way to a different ending. However, it will be interesting to see if she is able to work the Saturday BDSM party that Catherine has likely committed her to with her fresh piercings still healing.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by klaxxontna » Tue Mar 08, 2022 7:32 pm

Love this chapter, Ky. Pushes lots of buttons! 👍

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Frenchie » Wed Mar 09, 2022 7:32 am

Wow !

I don't know where you find the time to write all of this, Ky, but it's always brillant.

It's surely a huge work to write and a great pleasure to read.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Wed Mar 09, 2022 10:51 am

Thanks Frenchie - I’ve been on a bit of a writing binge lately, which does cause some friction with the wife sometimes. I probably do need to chill. It takes a ton of time, and I don’t really have much to show for all the work it takes. I’ve learned that I enjoy writing, maybe I need to buckle down and learn how to write a real novel - could be a good career alternative, hehe

Duke Lattimore
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Duke Lattimore » Wed Mar 09, 2022 11:41 am

With all due respect to my fellow fans whose opinions may differ, I really like this story and where it's headed.

I can't wait to see how you deliver the details on how the piercings came to be (Andre wins a bet at the poker table?!?!?!), but I suspect that you will share that salacious info with your usual flair.

With my preference being hotwife husbands who are more stag than cuck, I would love to see the Ky character remain uncaged, promising Nichole that he will steer clear of Rachel and self-gratification, unless otherwise directed by her - with the penalty for a violation being a return to the cage.

Now that Nichole is fully pierced (love the double tongue studs) with jewelry that matches her necklace, I can't wait to see what the fabulously deviant Andre will do with her during the 3 month trip to France. You have created the ultimate "open canvas" to paint your picture of what the "edge" looks like for Nichole, and I can't wait to see your rendition!

Sometimes it's writer's block. Other times it's writer's binge. You clearly are on a roll with the latter, and I hope that your amazing wife can give you sufficient rope for you to continue this binge and enchantment of your readers with this scintillating story!
Last edited by Duke Lattimore on Wed Mar 09, 2022 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Wistful » Wed Mar 09, 2022 12:11 pm

"I've been on a bit of a writing binge lately, which does cause some friction with the wife sometimes . . ."

Sorry to hear there is friction, but make no mistake you have already written a "real" novel, even if you have no direct profit motive.

Just guessing, but I wager Jaimee does support, overall, your writing efforts. Does she ask to see what you are writing, even as you are composing? Does she ever urge you to finish a chapter, because she is eager to enjoy where the the story is heading. Maybe she sometimes gives you ideas, input?--perhaps in editing, offering up her perspectives?

Or am I wrong? Is she indifferent to the project, only tolerates it--or worse, is she generally exasperated when you devote time to writing--or worse yet may feel your posts to OHW at this point are counterproductive to your marriage? I hope not.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by mundyman » Wed Mar 09, 2022 1:19 pm

What a fucking fabulous chapter.
Hmmm, Nicole’s curiosity about fake tits. Is it a harmless question, or a premonition of things to come.
I vote that as she gets sucked into the whore’s lifestyle she loses her corporate job and gets more body mods to fully live the Vegas whore lifestyle.
Your imagination is devilishly twisted and perverse as is mine Ky.
Inlove it.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by coastalover » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:20 pm

Well Ky you gave me what I have been wanting....the corporate whore.
I guess I was naive, because I am not sure I'm happy. In my mind the corporate client pleaser deals with people like the Kleinbergs or Andre's point man. Rich, classy, sexual, and fun. Wasn't prepared for the drugs, body modifications, and unconscious sex. It changed Nicole in my eyes.
I am very straight laced. Probably a control freak. Definitely a pervert, but with limits. My motto always, I want to remember what I did. When someone looses control it is a downer for me.
Your writing is beyond words. I was there. Squirming, yelling no! But it didn't help. Those piercings on the Goddess, oh my.
It also changed me. I was all in on Cuckolding. Loved it. But I do realize things like this do happen. Addiction comes in all forms, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, cocks and extreme sex. And the cuckold angst. I think I got a healthy dose of reality in the safety of my home, thankfully. I have a whole new respect for the genre. Nobody has ever done that for me before.
Thank you.
P.S. I swear I will buy all of your books if you start writing professionally.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by mundyman » Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:22 pm

Second hot take:
This is 2022, everyone has a cellphone, I’m sure at least someone has a video of the nights debauchary, including the piercing Nicole received. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out Catherine had a hand in Nicole’s piercing and wild night.
But what’s not to say that someone will use these videos or pictures against Nicole to leverage her to do things she would rather not do.
Perhaps slide further into the world of a professional whore and escort.
Remember what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, until it doesn’t.
Last edited by mundyman on Wed Mar 09, 2022 6:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Duke Lattimore
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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Duke Lattimore » Wed Mar 09, 2022 3:34 pm

Welcome to the world of Ky, where readers are transformed into voyeurs!

PS - Mundyman, you & I are on the same dark wavelength. I expect the recap of Nicole's piercing to be incendiary!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by txrockdog » Wed Mar 09, 2022 6:24 pm

mundyman wrote:
Wed Mar 09, 2022 2:22 pm
Second hot take:
This is 2022, everyone has a cellphone, I’m sure at least someone has a video of the nights debauchary, including the piercing Nicole received. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out Catherine had a hand in Nicole’s piercing and wild night.
But what’s not today that someone will use these videos or pictures against Nicole to leverage her to do things she would rather not do.
Perhaps slide further into the world of a professional whore and escort.
Remember what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, until it doesn’t.
I tend to think that Catherine is not a fan of Nichole moving up in the company, and I wouldn’t put it past her to have engineered the “shortage” of working girls to take Nichole down a peg by reducing her to “just a whore” instead of the host of the party. Making her just part of the help instead of a crucial cog in the business deal keeps her from taking over Catherine’s role. I fully expect Nichole’s boss to be quite unhappy when he figures out what all transpired and what Nichole did (or others did) to her body. Vegas whore is not the role I would imagine he had in mind for her.

Or maybe I am way off and none of that turns out to be true. KY, please keep writing! Let Jaimee put the cage back on you if you have to, but please don’t leave us hanging here!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Thu Mar 10, 2022 6:32 am

txrockdog wrote:
Tue Mar 08, 2022 5:19 pm
I wouldn’t jump to conclusions about whether she was raped or had things done against her will. We will have to wait for her next interaction with Andre, Arthur, or perhaps Catherine to find out what happened after her memories left off. Before you let the apparently negative things happening turn you off to the story as a whole, keep in mind that the best stories take characters through often tragic paths on the way to a different ending. However, it will be interesting to see if she is able to work the Saturday BDSM party that Catherine has likely committed her to with her fresh piercings still healing.
Your comment’s appreciated. I knew there would be difficulty for people in liking the story once the external conflicts really started to escalate. I’ve always said it’s going to be a wild and bumpy ride, so hang on

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