The Boss

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The Boss

Unread post by ROC131 » Fri Nov 26, 2021 11:11 am

The Boss

Dave was so nervous. His new boss had invited everyone from work to his house for a Christmas party. Dave hated work parties, everyone was expected to make all kinds of small talk, but with the boss circulating, you also had to be on your best behavior. Worse, his boss was American. You always had to watch what you said around him, he came across all smiling and friendly, loud American laughing about being transferred to England by corporate. But- he had ears like a rabbit and didn’t seem to have any trouble understanding even the thickest British accent. One of the sales guys had made a few cracks that even Dave had to think about for a second, but the boss had overheard. The next morning the sales guy had found himself out of a job- for cause, so no benefits.

He had always introduced himself as Rob, but after that, everyone was calling him, Mister and watching what they said. Well now Dan was waiting for Marie to get ready so they could go to the party. By the time she came downstairs, they were going to be a good twenty minutes late. Dan was furious, but he could never bring himself to chastise Marie.

Marie had drank two full glasses of wine while she was getting ready for the party. “Stupid waste of time”, she thought as she sat silently in the car. “I have better things to do with my weekends than play dutiful wife with a bunch of wimps.” She looked over at Dave. He had been complaining about his new boss since he arrived. He was so cowed by the American, he seemed like a child frightened of the mean teacher. She loved Dave, her marriage was, on the whole, happy but sometimes his passivity drove her around the bend. Dave was kind and considerate, those were GOOD qualities, she reminded herself. But at work he always ended up being one of the worker bees, if she was honest a drone. And in the bedroom, well. He tried, he really did. And Marie had to give it to him, he knew how to get her off with his tongue- he was a champion at that. Bu that was where he seemed to be at his best, on his back, licking her. Just once she would have liked for him to give her a real hardcore fucking- bang her with all his might, but it just wasn’t in the cards.

By the time they arrived, everyone else was well into the party. Dave’s boss opened the door, “Welllll glad you two could make it, was thinking you weren’t coming.”

“So sorry Mr. G” Dave stuttered, “traffic.” Marie could tell that Dave’s boss wasn’t buying that one, but he just smiled and ushered them inside. As she passed him she could feel his hand on the small of her back. Marie thought that was a bit strange, but chalked it up to him being a loud American.

Dave and Marie joined the other partygoers, all people from Dave’s office. Dave immediately started talking about work with three other male colleagues, Marie went over to the drinks table and poured herself a glass of wine. This was a lot for her, but she would need it to get through this party.

As Marie stood with her wine, losing the fight not to look bored to tears, she heard a voice, the accent unmistakable. “So, how do you like the wine? I brought it over myself.”

“Oh did you not know we sold something other than lager here in Merry Old England?” Marie couldn’t believe she had just said that to Dave’s boss. For just a millisecond she could see anger flash in his face, then as quickly as it came, it was gone. He laughed, “No, a friend of mine from college has a vineyard in Napa, he sends me a few cases every year.”

Marie was nervous that she had insulted him, so she pasted on a smile and said, “Oh, how wonderful of him, how do you return the favor?” The boss leaned over to Marie and whispered in her ear, “I send him my sloppy seconds.”

Marie was startled by his answer, she spilled some of her wine onto the carpet. Dan’s boss just stood back and smiled the most arrogant smile Marie had ever seen. Then he was gone.

For the rest of the party Marie stayed close to Dave. She did have another two glasses of wine and only a couple of bites of some kind of appetizer. Without realizing it, she was completely drunk. When she staggered and had to brace herself against a chair, she felt a strong pair of hands grabbing her- they weren’t Dave’s. It was the boss, she could hear Dave apologizing as his boss moved her into a bedroom, where he laid her down on the bed.

Dave couldn’t believe it. His wife had gotten so drunk at the party that she was practically passing out. She would have fallen if his boss hadn’t been paying attention. Everyone he worked with had seen him take her to sleep it off while Dave trailed meekly behind like a puppy. That had put a damper on the party, not long after the incident, folks started to make their way home. In fifteen minutes he was alone with his boss. And the smiling genial host was no longer smiling

“Mr. G, I am so sorry, she never-“ the boss lifted his hand and Dave stopped talking. He looked down at the floor, “Sorry.”

“I was having a perfectly lovely party for my staff, and your wife ruined it. I do not appreciate this kind of disrespectful behavior. She may not respect you, but she is going to respect me.”

Dave didn’t know where this was going, but all he could do was mumble “Yes, sir” and look down again.

The boss motioned for Dave to follow him as he went over to the bedroom where Marie lay down on the bed. Dave was embarrassed to see that she had loosened her clothes, her skirt had hitched up high, her panties were showing.

“Well what are you going to do about this? And don’t fucking tell me that you’re sorry, I heard that already.”

Dave didn’t know how to respond, but he had to say something, “uhh when I get her home I’ll talk to her, it’s not acceptable. . . .’

“Talk to her?” Dave’s boss looked at him as if Dave was something he had just scraped off the bottom of his shoes. “Talk? Are you FUCKING kidding me? Jesus, what kind of a wimp are you?”

At that point Dave sat down on a chair across the bed and started to cry. The boss stood there, fuming, his hands on his hips, while Dave bawled like a little boy. Finally he seemed to reach a decision.

“All right. I see you have no idea how to handle this, no idea how to handle it like a man anyway. I am going to show you how to deal with a cunt who does not know her place.” Dave jolted upright, but the tears kept flowing down his face.

“You are going to sit in that chair. You are not going to move. You are not going to talk. Don’t thank me.”

Dave didn’t know what was happening, but he couldn’t have moved from that chair if he wanted to.

Now the boss turned his attention to Marie. He started gently slapping her cheeks, “C’mon, wake up, c’mon.” Marie opened her eyes, it took her a second to realize where she was.

She sat up on the bed, “Where am I, what’s going on?” she looked around in shock. Why was Dave sitting there crying? Why was his boss standing over her?

“You are in school bitch, you need to be taught a lesson. You may be able to pull this shit with that wimp you married, but not on me you don’t.” Marie looked up, shocked to hear that kind of talk coming at her from someone she really didn’t know.

Before she knew what was happening, the boss had grabbed her by the hair. He sat down on the bed and pulled Marie across his lap. She was now face down across his knees.

“What the hell are you doing?” she cried out, but the man clamped his left hand over her mouth, squeezing it shut.

“”You will speak when spoken to slut.” With his other hand he pushed up her skirt and pulled down her panties. A second later they were stuffed inside her mouth. She tried to squirm, to get away, but the boss was too strong.

“Where was Dave? Why is he just sitting there?” she thought. “Why isn’t he stopping this?”

Then Marie saw stars. SLAP! The man spanked her, incredibly hard. She could feel her right buttock starting to burn, it was on fire. SLAP! SLAP! Two more in quick succession on the same spot.


Now tears were steaming down Marie’s face her ass was burning. What was worse was the humiliation, she had just been spanked on her bare ass, beaten really, in front of her husband. Who sat there and did nothing.

“That’s lesson one Dave, what do we say?” To Marie’s horror she hear her husband whisper, “Thank you sir.”

“Well maybe there’s hope for you yet.” The boss’s hands were resting on Marie’s ass, now he started moving them slowly up and down, softly. Marie didn’t know if this was a prelude to more pain, she was afraid to move. The boss kept moving his hands, even though her ass still stung, the soft touches felt good, almost calming.

“You see Dave, it isn’t just about force, though she does have to always know who’s in charge.” At that he pushed his hand hard against her ass, Marie squealed through her panties as the pain briefly flashed again.

“She needs to know who’s in change, that you only do these things for her own good. And that you can make it all better when she makes a mistake and get the punishment she deserves.”

Now the boss was moving his hand between Marie’s legs. “Ohhh,” he thought, “I knew as soon as she walked in the door with that wimp how tonight was going to end. I’m going to break this whore wide open and he’s going to thank me.”

The boss was now using his right hand to tease and toy with Marie’s pussy. Dave could see his boss’s hand disappearing between her legs. Why wasn’t Marie resisting? Why was she just lying there? Was she spreading her legs wider? For that matter, why was Dave just sitting there?

Most importantly, why did Dave have an erection?

Now Dave could see that his boss was openly playing with Marie’s pussy. He was moving his hand across her pussy, she was grinding on him, and she was enjoying it. He was jealous, sick in his stomach, and his erection was harder than it had ever been in his life.

Marie couldn’t believe the sensations flowing through her body. Her ass ached, but it didn’t feel like regular pain. Her pussy was pumping wetter than it had ever been with Dave, she was grinding against the boss’s lap, and she still knew that this was someone who had just grabbed her- beaten her and molested her- in front of her husband. And she knew she should hate that, but she didn’t.

With no warning, the boss pushed Marie off his lap and lowered her to the floor. She sat there, dazed. She looked over to Dave, who was staring, open mouthed. She couldn’t help but notice his hard on pressing against his pants.

When she turned back to the boss, he had stripped off his pants and shirt, he was now standing in front of her, naked. He reached down and took two fistfuls of hair, he forcefully pulled her up so she was on her knees, facing his rock hard erect cock. She knew what was coming, but still looked up for guidance.

“Open.” Without hesitating Marie opened her mouth and took him inside. The boss kept his hold on either side of her head, he wasn’t pulling her hair, but he used it to completely control the pace. Marie could feel the head of his cock pushing against the back of her throat, she fought the impulse to gag. She could taste him, not his precum, but a salty flavor that was just, well masculine. The few times she had bothered to suck Dave, he had only tasted of soap. The man thrust in and out of her mouth, she could feel his balls against her chin. Occasionally the boss would pause and just keep his cock buried in her mouth, once he pinched off her nose, she struggled to breathe before he released her and pulled out.

“Stop touching yourself Dave, it’s not polite.” Dave moved his hand back to the chair’s arm. He had been rubbing his cock through his pants.

Marie couldn’t believe Dave was playing with himself while she was sucking his boss’s cock. She always knew he was a wimp, but this was something else entirely.

The boss sat down on the bed, lifted his legs and lay back. “My balls.”

Marie had never done that for Dave, but with no hesitation she leaned forward and opened her mouth. She licked Dave’s boss all over, kissing his testicles. Then she took one inside her mouth and gently sucked. She felt her pussy glow when the boss let out a low groan, he was obviously enjoying the attention.

“Now that’s a good slut.” Marie knew she should hate that, resent it, but she didn’t. He liked what she was doing. After a good few minutes of her licking and sucking the man sat up, Marie went back on her knees, briefly sneaking a look at Dave, who was flushed red and breathing like he had just run a marathon.

“Well Dave, I think she is ready to move onto full slut status, don’t you?” The man looked over to Dave, who froze for a few seconds, confused. He didn’t know what the boss meant, but he nodded just the same.

The boss leaned down so he was inches from Marie’s face. He took a fistful of her blonde hair in one hand and said, “You give great tongue. The blowjob was nice but you did an A plus job on my balls... Now put that tongue to work on my ass.”

Marie’s eyes flew open wide, she tried to pull away, and spoke “Wait, no I-.” SLAP, she never saw the other hand coming. It slammed into her cheek and her head whipped sideways.

“Don’t talk back to your betters. You are going to stick that lovely little tongue of your in my ass. There’s nothing you can do about it. That wet cunt of your has already told me all I need to know. You are a natural born slut. You need this, so get to work.”

Marie hesitated, this was a line, this was real, could she do it? Could she stop now? Did she want to stop? The man lay back on the bed, tilting his legs back so she could see his dark anus.

She bent forward and started to lick. Then she heard it. “Make sure you get a good look Dave, I know how much you want it.”

As Marie tasted the boss’s asshole she tried to process what she just heard, “Dave didn’t want to lick his ass, right? He meant that Dave wanted to lick HER ass? Dave was not, well strong, but he didn’t do guys? Right?”

Marie forced these thoughts from her head and concentrated on licking and sucking. When she worked up the nerve to push her tongue up inside the boss’s anus, she was rewarded with another of those groans. She flicked her tongue in and out and he pulled her head tighter to his ass.

Marie had been afraid there would be a bad taste, or something worse. But all she had experienced was the same manly, salty flavor she had got from his cock. Marie actually resisted a little as the boss pushed her head back. She looked up and saw that evil grin from earlier- he had noticed. She burned red but didn’t look ashamed.

“Dave, this is how you treat a slut, she wants to be treated this way. Shame you don’t have it in you.”

The boss moved Marie up onto the bed, he moved her so she was on her hands and knees facing Dave. She looked directly at him as the boss mounted her from behind, pushing his cock into the hilt all at once. Marie let out a roar as the boss bottomed out.

SLAP, and smack on her ass, hard, but not as painful as the first ones. Marie was off to the races, she was moving back and forth meeting the boss’s cock with thrusts of her own. Dave was crying again, but Marie could see his erection pushing his pants too.

Marie started to grunt with every thrust, “Ngh, ngh, ngh” each noise greeted by another slap on her ass. The boss reached down under Marie and gathered some of the juices spilling from her cunt. He started to strum her clit, Marie had a quick hard orgasm. For a moment she was still, then pushed back with all her might impaling herself as she quivered from the orgasm.

Within seconds the boss was thrusting into her again, hard as ever. He was still touching her with his hands, pulling her cheeks apart so he could get deeper. Then Marie felt it. The boss began pushing his thumb against her anus. His thumb was soaked with her juices- it went right in, she opened it for him. It felt so dirty, so filthy, so good.

Marie closed her eyes as the boss began to pull out his thumb, she knew what was next. She felt the round head of his cock against her anus. His cock was so soaked it didn’t need lube. It hurt when he started to stretch her open, but it was so unbelievably hot to be taken this way, and she had to admit, even better for doing it in front of Dave.

After he was inside, the man paused, giving Marie time to adjust, she was panting. He looked over to Dave, Her asshole is amazing Dave, Feels so fucking tight and warm.”

Then he started thrusting, “This is how you fuck a slut.” Thrust. “This is how you bang a whore.” Thrust. “You’re my slut aren’t you?” When Marie didn’t answer the boss gave her ass a slap.

“Yes, I’m your slut.” The man smiled at Dave, “Dave wishes my cock was in his ass now.” Marie didn’t know what to do, another slap, then she was quivering again, not an orgasm, something else.

“You like my cock in your ass slut?” Slap, Marie answered quickly “Yes, I love your cock in my ass.” The dam had broken, Marie was pushing back against the boss’s cock, and she started moaning “Yes, I love your cock in my slut ass, fuck my slut ass I’m your whore, cum in me cum in my ass. . . I’m a fucking whore.” She trailed off into more grunts as the boss filed her rectum with his cum.

For a few minutes everyone seemed frozen. Marie went down flat on the bed, the boss’s cock leaving her ass feeling empty. Dave sat frozen in his chair, panting. The boss sat back on the bed, then he reached over to the nightstand for a bottle of water. He took a deep pull of the bottle, put it back on the nightstand then stood up.

He walked over to Dave’s chair. He stared down at Dave for a full minute, Dave couldn’t meet his gaze, and he just looked down at the carpet. Finally he felt the man reach down and pull his face up. The man’s cock was only inches from Dave’s face, he tried to look away but the man held him tight.

“Clean me.” Dave knew what he was being asked to do- what he was being told to do. He knew once he went over that bridge there was no way back.

He opened his mouth and sucked his wife’s ass juices and the dribbles cum, from his boss’s cock.

The boss looked over at Marie while Dave was licking and sucking. “Dave just doesn’t have it in him honey. You can come over here a couple of times a week and I can take care of you.” Marie’s mouth opened, but all she could do was nod.

The boss walked over to the bed and flipped Marie onto her back with her legs hanging over the edge. Then he grabbed Dave by the collar and moved him onto the floor beneath her. Dave looked up, he knew what was coming, what he wanted, but he needed to hear it.

“Clean her. Get all my cum from her ass, it’s all that you’re good for.”

Dave leaned forward and began to lick.


Re: The Boss

Unread post by OOAA » Fri Nov 26, 2021 4:07 pm

Very good story and very well written!!!! Too control and demanding the boss for my taste... though

2 Bit Whore
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Re: The Boss

Unread post by eater » Wed Sep 20, 2023 6:41 pm

loved your story

Posts: 29
Joined: Wed May 10, 2023 1:47 am
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Re: The Boss

Unread post by hugh58 » Fri Sep 22, 2023 11:51 am

Good story well written but it needs more a continuation perhaps

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