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Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:37 am
by goyse
Gloria Chapter 1

Gloria stiffened her body as the big plane touched down on the tarmac at Perth international airport. She loved flying but she hated that feeling of the plane first hitting the runway as it landed. In her mind, she had pictures of the tyres blowing out with the weight and the forces that the tyre is exposed to when it goes from stopped to two hundred miles an hour in just a couple of seconds. In her mind rubber was never intended to be put under such stress.

But she smiled knowing that once again rubber tyres did withstand those forces and once again her belief in rubber was restored.

Michael smiled. He was not one to worry about such mundane things but he could see the stress in Gloria’s body and mind during the landing. They had only been together a few days but what wonderful days they were filled with adventure, caring for each other and the most unbelievable sex that neither of them had ever experienced before. But despite that, it was not the sex that bonded them together it was the mental feelings, the love they had developed for each other in such a short space of time. It was almost too good to believe but for now, at least it persevered.

They made their way up the gangway toward the open doors at the end of the tunnel. Michael could already see Jill ahead of them waiting patiently for them. He wondered what was in her mind knowing that another woman would be living in the household and sharing his company. For a fleeting moment on sighting her, he felt like turning around and trying to reverse his decision to bring Gloria home with him to WA. But then he loved her and even though their love was new and relatively untested he knew it was strong, maybe even stronger than the love he had for Jill although he would never admit something like that. That was an admission too far!

Jill sighted his face in the line of passengers exiting the 767 aircraft and a big smile spread across her face. Her smile removed any doubt he may have of Jill accepting his new lover into their household. He took Gloria’s arm and steered her towards his other lover. Gloria by this time had identified Jill although she had never seen her before and had never even seen a photograph of her before. She understood that beaming smile and the direction that Michael was steering her. This she recognised as her competition and she immediately understood why Michael was so taken by her. Jill was gorgeous and she had made sure she was looking her best to meet her latest competition.

Jill’s eyes didn’t spend long on Michael before switching to his latest recruit as a lover. She was a pin-up girl, the type that every magazine seeks for their centre pages. It was no wonder that Michael was so taken by her, not that Jill had any doubt that she would be beautiful because that is what Michael was like. He admired beauty be it a picturesque scene, a bright orange setting sun or an outstanding woman of beauty, Michael would be there looking and watching sometimes even with his mouth open. At that moment Jill knew that she would never be able to compete with Gloria so she decided to not try.

Michael in his gentlemanly way allowed Gloria to move ahead of him by slowing his pace slightly. Some may have thought as Gloria and Jill did that it was the gentleman in him at play but actually it was the coward in him that influenced that decision. If there was to be a cat fight he was not going to be caught in between them. When he saw Jill’s big smile he wiped his brow in relief. She had accepted his new love. He was assured when the girls hugged each other tightly but when they didn’t break the hug for some time he started to worry again that they were trying to choke each other but that was not to be the case. They both understood why their man could be attracted to the other.

“How was the flight,” Jill asked while looking at Gloria.

“The flight was okay but I always worry about the landings.”

“Yes, I get worried about the landings and think that those little wheels can’t possibly hold up such a giant aeroplane.”

“How about that, we both think alike.”

Jill looked at Michael and told Gloria, “In more ways than one.”

Gloria laughed, “You can say that again,” then rolled her eyes.

“Come on. Let’s go collect your luggage.”

Michael looked at Jill and put his arms out. Jill moved into his arms and held him tightly then looked up at him and they kissed. It wasn’t a big kiss but it was sensual. “I have something for you, Jill honey.” He then produced a small package from inside his coat and handed it to her.

“What is it,” she asked.

“The best way to know is to open it.” She took the paper and ripped it off. Inside was quite a heavy gold chain.

“Oh, Michael, that must have cost a small fortune. It’s so heavy.”

“Well,” he told her. “If you think it’s too expensive I’ll take it back.”

She laughed and told him, “Over my dead body.” She then put it on around her neck, “Thank you, Michael, I love it.”

“It looks beautiful on you, Jill,” Gloria told her.

“Thanks, honey,’ Jill replied looking directly at her new competition but appreciating her comment.

“Where’s Leslie,” Michael asked.

“She decided to stay home to look after the kids and to cook a meal for you and Gloria.”

“Oh, that’s nice of her,” Gloria stated. Michael didn’t comment wondering if she was upset about Gloria coming back to WA with him.

“Okay, Jill, let’s get the luggage then you can lead us to your chariot and we’ll head homeward.”

Without another word, Jill led them down to the baggage collection. Michael went to move toward the conveyor to get the bags but Gloria told him. “Let me collect the bags. You stay with Jill. You’ve been away from her for some days so she will want your attention.”

Gloria moved away from them and Jill moved in closer to her man. Michael reached out and put his arm around her and pulled her into his body.

“I’ve missed you, honey,” she told him.

“I’ve missed you too.”

“Gloria is a very beautiful woman.”

“Yes, she is and she’s very intelligent as well.”

“Is Candy coming home again?”

“I’m not sure but I think she might make herself a new life.”

“I miss her already.”

“Yes, I know. We will all miss her but it is important that we learn to let her go because she was never totally happy and content here with us. I believe she will be with Mike.”

“I cried all night last night.”

“Yes, I understand but we have to think of her welfare and not be selfish.”

“She will be back. She won’t be able to survive without you, Michael.”

“She is a lot more independent than you give her credit for, Jill. She will not only survive but she will flourish with a man who can love her the way she wants and deserves. I couldn’t give her what she desired.”

“I think you’re wrong. Leslie is also worried. Candy made her a promise. She won’t tell me what it was but she thinks Candy has let her down.”

“Don’t think that, Jill. If she has promised something for Leslie then she will deliver. You know we have always been able to depend on her no matter what.”

“She told you she was going to Europe when she was just down the road. That’s not being dependable.”

“Jill, please, don’t do this. It is hard enough without us looking for mistakes she has made in the past.”

“Anyhow, Leslie is worried.”

“Would you do something for me, Jill? It’s very important.”

“Yes, of course, I will.”

“If Leslie talks to you about Candy I need you to assure her that Candy always carries out her promises. Tell her that Candy will not let her down. It is imperative that Leslie has absolute faith that Candy will deliver.”

“Okay, if that’s what you want.”

“That is what I want and when I have a chance I will be telling Candy that I expect her to deliver if she made a promise to Leslie but you are not to tell Leslie that.”


“One more thing before Gloria returns. Please don’t discuss this with anyone other than me and Leslie.”

“You mean, don’t tell Gloria?”

“I mean don’t talk to anyone about it including Gloria. This has to remain a deal between Leslie and Candy and our role is to keep it to ourselves and make sure that Candy delivers on her promise.”

“You know what she promised to do, don’t you?”

“Why would you say that?”

“You would not want to keep whatever it is a secret if you didn’t know what it’s about.”

“It’s a very private thing, Jill. That’s all I know.”

“Is that why she has remained over there with this Mike bloke?”

“She has stayed with Mike because she is in love with him and he is in love with her. She is with him because for a long time she has been searching for someone who can love her without reservations and Mike is that man she has been looking for.”

“But you loved her without reservation and so did I. I think that Leslie did as well. I also believe that Greg and Tod did too.”

“Yes, we all did but it has to work both ways and I couldn’t give her what she needed and I assume it was the same for the rest of us. Jill, have you ever heard the statement that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?”

“It was Alfred Lord Tennyson who said something like that, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, it was. It has many applications to life and this is one of them. We all got lots of pleasure and many other things because Candy crossed out paths. It is time that we all let go of her so she can build the life she wants for herself.”

“All right if that is what you want.”

“Yes, that is what I want. I want her to be happy and satisfied and none of us can do that for her no matter how hard we try but this Mike bloke can. That is why we have to let go and move on.”

Jill could see Gloria turn away from the conveyor with the suitcases. “Okay, here comes Gloria with the suitcases. We should go home.”

“Yes, you know that I love you, don’t you so when you get distressed about Candy come to me so I can hold you.”

“And who will you go to when you need that support?”

“I have known for a long, long time that one day Candy would fall madly in love with some other man so I’m better prepared than anyone for this but if I do need reassurance it will be you that I look for because you understand.”

“Thanks, Michael. I want to be the one you come to.”

“Let’s follow Gloria she has lost her way and is heading for the door.”

Jill smiled. She knew that Gloria didn’t lose her way because she saw her looking and when she saw Michael and her in serious discussion she made a turn towards the doorway so that she didn’t disturb them. Jill knew at that moment that she would get along very well with Michael’s new lover. Through her action, she showed Jill that she respected her position.

Re: Gloria

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:57 am
by goyse
Gloria Chapter 2

When they reached the car, Jill unlocked it and then handed the keys to Michael. “You drive,” she said but when Michael looked at her with a questioning expression she added, “I want to get to know Gloria better. We’ll sit in the back.”

Michael reluctantly took the keys. He helped the girls put the luggage in the boot and then climbed behind the wheel. Gloria got into the back seat and Jill walked around the other side to get in beside her. Michael passed through the tollway and then headed the car toward home.

“Tell me about your trip to the Gold Coast,” Jill asked.

“It was good. We stopped on the northern side of Surfers paradise which gave us good access to the waterway and also it wasn’t far from the shopping centre. Have you been there?”

“No, but I hope to one day.” Michael looked in the rear vision mirror and noted that Jill was looking directly at him but she wasn’t smiling. He made a mental note to take Jill across to Queensland when he had the opportunity. If only Jill knew what Michael was thinking that frown would have disappeared.

Gloria continued, “Mary, Mike’s wife stayed with us.”

“Oh, I didn’t know. Mike is married.”

“Yes, well he was. I’m not sure that he can claim to be now.”

“Candy broke them up?”

“No, I don’t think so. I think the story is a lot bigger than that and we will probably never know it all. Mary has found a new partner and so has Mike so I doubt that Candy had much to do with any of it. If anything she may have saved them a big hassle because if she hadn’t been there Mike would be running around trying to find out where Mary is and that wouldn’t do anyone any good.”

“So it all worked out for everybody except us. We’ve lost Candy.”

“I don’t think that you have lost her. She still cares about Michael and she spoke highly of you and Leslie. Her life has just taken a different direction, that’s all. You should be happy for her as she has found someone very special to her.”

“This Mike, is he a good man?”

“I believe he is, yes. He’s pleasant to be with and Mary, his wife has a lot of respect for him as far as I could tell.”

“But he has left her. That doesn’t speak well for him.”

“You know, Jill, trying to hold on to someone who has needs that are not satisfied leads to contempt and unhappiness. It is true that none of us can be totally happy all the time and most of us go through short periods where we may not be totally satisfied but if it is a long-term thing it is better to let go before that dissatisfaction turns to hate.”

“I guess so but I thought that Candy was happy most of the time and Michael gave her absolute freedom. You know in all the time that I have known them and I knew them when they were going to school they never once had a major disagreement or a fight.”

“Perhaps they had disagreements when you weren’t around to avoid you being pulled into it and having to take sides.”

“I guess that is possible but I think I would have picked up on it if they had any major disagreements. Candy always said that Michael was the man she wanted to spend her life with. Now she is thousands of kilometres away on the other side of the country with someone she says she loves.”

“Yes, and we’re here and we must move on before we damage our relationships.”

“Okay. What work do you do, Gloria?”

“I sell wine into Asia or at least I bring people together so they can buy wine. With what is happening in my life at present I may have to look for a different line of work.”

“That sounds like exciting work. How did you get into that?”

“It’s a long story but it all started when I was approached by a woman who wanted to get evidence of what her husband was up to. They had recently married here in WA and he left her alone. He had gone to Bondi Beach to rent a unit. My task was to make sure he met me and to then let him seduce me to get evidence of his cheating on his wife.”

“That sounds like you were a spy.”

“Nothing as dramatic as that but my friends and I played our part and gave the wife the evidence she needed. She worked for Spanish wines so after the job was complete she offered us the opportunity to make a video, like an advert to sell the company's wines. She then got us to go to China and then other parts of Asia so the customers could meet the stars in the video. I’d be still doing it if I had not met Michael.”

“So what will you do now?”

“I don’t know. I liked what I did but it was lonely work because moving from place to place you didn’t get to really know anyone.”

“What did you say the company you worked for was?”

“Spanish Wines.”

“Oh, they have vineyards down south. Let me think. Did you ever meet someone by the name of Oscar from Barcelona? He was the top man a short while ago.”

“Yes, I did. When I got the job I went to Barcelona to meet Oscar, his wife Irene and the girl who took over as the CEO of the company. I think she came from WA. How did you know who they were?”

“I had met a girl called Makayla at high school who later on worked as a hostess at the airport in Perth. She invited me to her wedding with a guy from Spain called Mark or something like that. He was a boss of Spanish wines. That all happened before I moved in with Michael and Candy.”

“My God, it’s a small world. His name was Marcus. He was the son of the guy who started up Spanish Wines. He got himself into some trouble and was sent to Australia to keep him out of jail. Michael and I had dinner with Makayla while we were there. Marcus was the person that Michael was going to meet in Phuket.”

“Oohh, I’m glad he didn’t go. That Marcus is evil.”

“I don’t disagree but he is popular with the girls especially if they are married and of course, Candy was married,” she giggled.

“I’m glad Candy didn’t go. He sleeps with the women until they are pregnant then he dumps them. I’ve been told he has almost forty children all from different women.”

“Actually the number is more like fifty than forty.”

“Did he get you…, you know…, pregnant?”

“No, that was not going to happen but he is excited to be with.”

“You know the wine industry is quite big here in WA and Spanish Wines owns a number of vineyards so you may be able to get work in the same company.”

“I could try.”

Jill looked up and told Gloria, “We are home. We’ll talk some more later.”

“Who owns the Ferrari? It’s a ripper, isn’t it?”

“Yes, that’s Leslie. Michael is her partner in the shops.”

“Oh, what shops are they?”

“It’s the sex industry. The shops sell videos and sex aids and things like that.”

“Michael is a boss in the sex industry? My God, he didn’t tell me that. Hey, Michael is that true?” she called out to him.

“Ahh,” he laughed, “I had to keep you guessing about some things.”

“I would never have picked it.”

“Well, it’s a long story. Let’s go inside to meet Leslie and we’ll talk about it later.”

She chuckled and asked Jill, “Does he keep you guessing very often?”

Jill laughed as she got out of the car, “Yes. he is like a big secret about everything.”

“We’ll have to gang up and get him out of that habit.”

“Yes, why not?”

“Be careful girls I still have that ticket that Candy purchased to make me believe she was going to Europe with Tod. If you gang up on me I'll catch the next flight out.”

“Candy bought a ticket and gave it to you. You’ll have to tell me that story too.”

Jill shook her head and told her, “You don’t want to know. It would be like digging up your dead pet dog after it died five years ago. That one should never be re-visited.”

Michael chuckled, “I agree with that. Leave it buried and I’ll chuck this ticket out now she is elsewhere.”

Jill’s mouth fell open, “I thought you were joking. You really still have it.”

“Yes, I kept it to remind me that things are not always the way Candy sees them.”

Jill giggled. “She always could spin a good lie to get herself out of trouble.”

“Come on, let’s leave Candy in peace, forgive her trespasses and devour some of the food that Leslie has cooked for us. If it’s as tasty as it smells it will be bloody great.”

Re: Gloria

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:06 am


You have totally shocked me... again 🤣🤣🤣🤣

A new story!!!!

THANKS A LOT!!!!!!!!!

Re: Gloria

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:05 am
by Asterix42
Magnificent, thanks Goyse. Gloria sounds like a fascinating character with an interesting backstory. Sounds like St. Michael isn’t as stoic as he might appear and as for Candy’s promise to Leslie… ?

And thanks for answering the question about that airline ticket 👍

Looking forward to following this one.

Re: Gloria

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 1:53 pm
by Chrislydi
Great start, Gloria seems a far nicer person to join Jill and Leslie with an adventurous and outgoing character. Hopefully there's all the ingredients of another Goyse masterpiece being cooked up, and if it's anything nearly as good as the last one, it'll be well worth following every step of the way.


(wow Candy splitting up with her 'wives' by telephone, I suppose it's all now been said but cruel and heartless, ....we move on)
I was tempted to say something rather uncomplimentary about Candy, but hopefully she's now well out of the way on the other side of the country. Out of sight but maybe not so out of mind. Well at least 'Toddy' will have his 'proper' parents to look after him with both biological ones miles away intent on new lives, and maybe even the odd visit once or twice a year from his now ex mum.

Re: Gloria

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 5:05 pm
by Asterix42
Chrislydi wrote:
Mon Sep 05, 2022 1:53 pm
I was tempted to say something rather uncomplimentary about Candy, but hopefully she's now well out of the way on the other side of the country. Out of sight but maybe not so out of mind. Well at least 'Toddy' will have his 'proper' parents to look after him with both biological ones miles away intent on new lives, and maybe even the odd visit once or twice a year from his now ex mum.
Candy might be back one day. She’s with Mike but hasn’t met Marcus yet! Guess it all depends on how Aussie supermarkets compare with those in the UK.

Re: Gloria

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 8:47 pm
by Chrislydi
Asterix42 wrote:
Mon Sep 05, 2022 5:05 pm
Chrislydi wrote:
Mon Sep 05, 2022 1:53 pm
I was tempted to say something rather uncomplimentary about Candy, but hopefully she's now well out of the way on the other side of the country. Out of sight but maybe not so out of mind. Well at least 'Toddy' will have his 'proper' parents to look after him with both biological ones miles away intent on new lives, and maybe even the odd visit once or twice a year from his now ex mum.
Candy might be back one day. She’s with Mike but hasn’t met Marcus yet! Guess it all depends on how Aussie supermarkets compare with those in the UK.
Why the UK? Marcus is on the other side of the world as we know and if in Europe would likely be in Spain, as he's Spanish and his company's headquarters are in his home city of Barcelona.

(Elsewhere I noticed BDJ must think you're English too - could you have a worse fate? 😂)


Re: Gloria

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:56 pm
by Asterix42
Chrislydi wrote:
Mon Sep 05, 2022 8:47 pm
Asterix42 wrote:
Mon Sep 05, 2022 5:05 pm
Chrislydi wrote:
Mon Sep 05, 2022 1:53 pm
I was tempted to say something rather uncomplimentary about Candy, but hopefully she's now well out of the way on the other side of the country. Out of sight but maybe not so out of mind. Well at least 'Toddy' will have his 'proper' parents to look after him with both biological ones miles away intent on new lives, and maybe even the odd visit once or twice a year from his now ex mum.
Candy might be back one day. She’s with Mike but hasn’t met Marcus yet! Guess it all depends on how Aussie supermarkets compare with those in the UK.
Why the UK? Marcus is on the other side of the world as we know and if in Europe would likely be in Spain, as he's Spanish with his companies headquarters are in his home city of Barcelona.

(Elsewhere I noticed BDJ must think you're English too - could you have a worse fate? 😂)

Well Candy’s leapt into all of her many relationships after knowing her new “love” for just a few days, and every relationship she’s ever had has failed. The one that lasted longest was her marriage to Michael and, as we know, the secret to that was the romance in all those beautiful shared moments around end aisle produce displays. At some point as her NRE with Mike fades (3 or so months?) I’m picking Candy will need to seek the boost in intimacy that only a familiar romantic supermarket can provide. Hence I see her returning to the UK with Mike, even if only for a holiday touring the most romantic supermarkets the old country has to offer. Just like the rest of us do with our favourite romantic getaway destinations, restaurants, hotels, etc.

As for BDJ’s observation; at least he got the side of the road right! 🤣

Re: Gloria

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 10:36 pm
by Chrislydi
Asterix42 wrote:
Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:56 pm

Well Candy’s leapt into all of her many relationships after knowing her new “love” for just a few days, and every relationship she’s ever had has failed. The one that lasted longest was her marriage to Michael and, as we know, the secret to that was the romance in all those beautiful shared moments around end aisle produce displays. At some point as her NRE with Mike fades (3 or so months?) I’m picking Candy will need to seek the boost in intimacy that only a familiar romantic supermarket can provide. Hence I see her returning to the UK with Mike, even if only for a holiday touring the most romantic supermarkets the old country has to offer. Just like the rest of us do with our favourite romantic getaway destinations, restaurants, hotels, etc.

As for BDJ’s observation; at least he got the side of the road right! 🤣
Yes I know instead of the usual Vegas, Rome, Paris or London, Candy's always had a penchant for Wallmart or Tesco, but I thought Mike was an Aussie, hence my question.


Re: Gloria

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:44 pm
by Asterix42
Chrislydi wrote:
Mon Sep 05, 2022 10:36 pm
Asterix42 wrote:
Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:56 pm

Well Candy’s leapt into all of her many relationships after knowing her new “love” for just a few days, and every relationship she’s ever had has failed. The one that lasted longest was her marriage to Michael and, as we know, the secret to that was the romance in all those beautiful shared moments around end aisle produce displays. At some point as her NRE with Mike fades (3 or so months?) I’m picking Candy will need to seek the boost in intimacy that only a familiar romantic supermarket can provide. Hence I see her returning to the UK with Mike, even if only for a holiday touring the most romantic supermarkets the old country has to offer. Just like the rest of us do with our favourite romantic getaway destinations, restaurants, hotels, etc.

As for BDJ’s observation; at least he got the side of the road right! 🤣
Yes I know instead of the usual Vegas, Rome, Paris or London, Candy's always had a penchant for Wallmart or Tesco, but I thought Mike was an Aussie, hence my question.

UK is a common destination for Aussie’s on holiday. A 3 week tour of the most romantic Tesco’s and Walmart’s with pub visits each day would satisfy both of them. 🛒🍻

Must be time for Goyse to rescue us with another chapter!!!

Re: Gloria

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:51 pm
by Chrislydi
Asterix42 wrote:
Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:44 pm
UK is a common destination for Aussie’s on holiday. A 3 week tour of the most romantic Tesco’s and Walmart’s with pub visits each day would satisfy both of them. 🛒🍻

Must be time for Goyse to rescue us with another chapter!!!
I wonder what makes her think of grocery shopping as the perfect location to cement romantic feelings? Maybe the cucumber section?


Re: Gloria

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 12:05 am
by Asterix42
Chrislydi wrote:
Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:51 pm
I wonder what makes her think of grocery shopping as the perfect location to cement romantic feelings? Maybe the cucumber section?

Cucumbers 🥒, aubergines 🍆, carrots🥕, bananas🍌, peaches🍑, taco shells🌮, melons 🍈. The list is endless. The average supermarket has more sexual content that a sex shop. The only wonder is that the rest of us haven’t figured that out yet.

Re: Gloria

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 12:52 am
by Chrislydi
Asterix42 wrote:
Tue Sep 06, 2022 12:05 am
Chrislydi wrote:
Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:51 pm
I wonder what makes her think of grocery shopping as the perfect location to cement romantic feelings? Maybe the cucumber section?

Cucumbers 🥒, aubergines 🍆, carrots🥕, bananas🍌, peaches🍑, taco shells🌮, melons 🍈. The list is endless. The average supermarket has more sexual content that a sex shop. The only wonder is that the rest of us haven’t figured that out yet.
Haha I can see you aren't numbered amongst the ignorant then. 😂


Re: Gloria

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 12:57 am
by Asterix42
Chrislydi wrote:
Tue Sep 06, 2022 12:52 am
Haha I can see you aren't numbered amongst the ignorant then. 😂

I guess I’ve read enough of Goyse’s epic stories to be somewhat enlightened! 🙃

Trouble is that I’m now dragging my wife to the supermarket 3 times a week!! 😂

Re: Gloria

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 2:07 am
by goyse
Chrislydi wrote:
Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:51 pm
Asterix42 wrote:
Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:44 pm
UK is a common destination for Aussie’s on holiday. A 3 week tour of the most romantic Tesco’s and Walmart’s with pub visits each day would satisfy both of them. 🛒🍻

Must be time for Goyse to rescue us with another chapter!!!
I wonder what makes her think of grocery shopping as the perfect location to cement romantic feelings? Maybe the cucumber section?

... Ha, ha, ha, ha..........., Cucumbers......., I love it!!! It just fits perfectly...., with the story I mean, not the other.

Re: Gloria

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 7:19 am
by goyse
Okay, here we go, Chapter 3.

Gloria Chapter 3

Jill led Gloria into the unit. Michael retrieved the luggage from the car and followed behind the girls. The moment they entered the dining room Leslie left the kitchen to walk up to Michael and throw her arms around his neck to kiss him. She surprised Michael so it took him about a second to respond but his response was enthusiastic. She had never done that to him before which was the reason he took so long to respond.

Gloria looked on feeling a little jealous that her man had been attacked in such a way but she got over it quickly thinking that she had no right to complain.

Michael then turned toward Gloria and said, “This is Gloria, Leslie.”

Gloria held her hand out for Leslie to shake but she was having nothing of that and put her in a bear hug as well. “Welcome to Michael’s home, Gloria.” She laughed and then asked her, “I understand that you referred to Jill and me as Michael’s harem?”

“Well, I did call it Michael’s little harem, yes but at that stage, it was looking to be four of us until Candy decided to disappear.”

Leslie gave a loud belly laugh and then told her, “Welcome to Michael’s little harem then. We all love him just the same so we’ll all get along together.”

“I’m sure we will.”

“Anyhow, enough of talk, let’s eat. Take a seat and I’ll bring the food out.”

“Would you like a hand?”

“No, Gloria. I can handle it. I don’t like people in my kitchen when I’m preparing a meal.”

Gloria nodded then made a face as Leslie turned her back as if to say, “I got the message on that one.”

“Let me show you to the master bedroom so you know where to put your clothes,” Jill told her.

Gloria looked across at Michael. Michael understood. She was asking him if it was okay for her to move into the master bedroom. He smiled at her and nodded to tell her its okay. She followed Jill lugging her bags behind her. Jill picked up Michael’s luggage and took that into the master bedroom as well.

On entering the bedroom Gloria stopped and said, “Wow that is a big bed. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that big before.”

“Yes, it is what we call a king, king bed, specially built for this room. Think about it. We could have four people in here fairly often. There has to be some separation or none of us will ever get any sleep, or at least we hope it’s that way,” she added with a giggle as a young school girl might do.

“So Leslie sleeps in here as well, does she?”

“No Leslie has her own home and her own bedroom in a separate unit out the back. This unit was once a house on a big block and when Leslie sold her home to come to live with us she wanted her own home and property so Michael and Candy who owned the house with the land cut a section off for Leslie to build on. Since then both Candy and Michael have become romantically involved with Leslie. Actually, it was Leslie who tried to seduce Michael. He turned her away but then Candy suggested to him that Leslie needed his company so it developed from there.”

“So it is true, isn’t it? Michael does have a little harem all of his own.”

“It may appear that way but it is more complex than that. We have all been romantically involved in some way or other and it is not just the sex thing for us. It is a love triangle and in time I expect it will become a love square as it was before Candy, you know….., until Candy flew the coup.”

“Hey, Jill, please don’t cry.” Gloria put her arms around the older woman. “You must have really loved her?”

“Yes, I loved Candy well before Candy and Michael were old enough to date. It was a best friend's love for us, not sexual but it became so as time passed. Then when Candy and Michael started to date I would always go with them. They always invited me. I was there the first night they ever has sex. I remember I hoped that Michael would seduce me after he finished with Candy but he was too good a man to do that to Candy. I didn’t understand then but I worked it out as time passed.”

“You loved him, didn’t you? I can tell by the way you look as you tell me.”

“Yes, I probably loved him more than Candy did. At least that is what I thought because I would never cheat on him but Candy often slipped away with other men even in those days.”

“She was able to hide it from Michael obviously.”

“No, he worked it out. He would sit around with me, playing cards and sometimes wrestling until she came back to him and sometimes she would have sex with him as I watched. In the early stages, she would have a shower first but as time passed he told her it was not necessary.”

“Wow! That is really something.”

“Yes, it is, isn’t it? He was telling her that he knew what she was doing and that he was accepting that she had sex with other boys before him.”

“How was that for you, you know, to see that?”

Jill smiled and hesitated to wonder if she should tell her then decided to, “My little clitty got a well and proper going over, I can tell you. I think I had bigger and better orgasms than Candy.”

“And Michael never ever tried to seduce you?”

“There was a time when we had been wrestling while Candy was out on one of her dates and I kissed him. He kissed me back but then told me that even though he cared for me he could not have sex with me because it would be cheating on Candy.”

“Wow, he admitted that he cared for you but still wouldn’t do it with you when he had the chance. Not many men would be that true to a woman who was cheating on him.”

“That is the other thing that happened. I told him that he knew that Candy was cheating on him so why shouldn’t we do it? His answer shocked me at that time but I understand it now.”

“What did he say?”

“He said she does it for me. Now of course I know that was why she was doing it but at that stage, I had no idea. I thought he was just making excuses for her. After that I was embarrassed so I stopped meeting with them and after our final examinations I decided to travel.”

“So how did you end up back here?”

“A few years later I got a message that candy wanted to contact me so I told the friend who passed on the message to give her my phone number. She called me and told me that Michael needed me.”

“So just like that, she said Michael needs you?”

“Yep, those were the exact words.”


“I called her again the next day and asked her why he needed me. She said that she had a boyfriend and Michael needed someone to have sex with and that I was the only other woman he had ever loved. Then she asked me do you still love him as you did when we were at school together?”

“My golly, she knew.”

“Yes, so I told her that I missed him every day of my life since I left home. She gave me their address and told me to get there straight away. We’ve been lovers ever since.”

“Do you understand why Candy has moved on?”

“Yes, I do.”

Just then Leslie came to the door and told them that she had cooked a meal for them and she expected them to join them at the dinner table. Jill looked at Gloria and said, “Later, okay?”

“Yes, later. Thanks.”

“Hey! We’re love sisters now so no secrets. Okay?” She quickly kissed her on the cheek. Gloria was tempted to hold her and kiss her on the lips but she dared not do so.

Gloria smiled, “No secrets,” she replied and gave her new sister a big hug then followed her out to join their husband and Leslie for dinner. Gloria understood from that moment on that she was now accepted as part of Michael’s harem. It made her feel loved and it made her feel trusted as well as accepted. It made her feel as if her life suddenly meant more than it ever had before that moment in time.

Re: Gloria

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 9:09 am
by Chrislydi
When you've had a particularly tough day at work, taking 10 or 20 minutes to lose yourself in Goyse's imaginatively created world of Micheal and his little harem is the perfect antidote and sets everything to rights again within my head. Thanks Dr Goyse, or after the Candy epic series and Michael's demotion to mere human being, is that St.Goyse these days? Now to drive home...

Thanks Doc,


Re: Gloria

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 7:27 pm
by goyse
Gloria Chapter 4

Gloria understood from the moment that Jill had told her the story behind Candy and Michael that she was now accepted as part of Michael’s harem. She had never felt as if she really belonged anywhere she had been before since coming of age so just that short discussion made her feel as if her life suddenly meant more than it ever had before then.

Jill led the way to the dinner table where Leslie had sat Michael on her side of the table leaving the girls to sit opposite. Gloria had been left the seat directly opposite Michael which once more made her feel included more so than if she had been forced to sit opposite Leslie who she didn’t know but had formed the opinion from her response when she offered her assistance with dinner that she may be a little nasty.

The discussion during the meal centred on their time at Surfers with Michael being asked most about the trip. Gloria was asked a few questions which she answered with a minimum of discussion. When she was eventually asked by Leslie did she not enjoy the holiday she looked around at the faces and replied, “Yes, of course, I did. Why would you suggest that I didn’t?”

Leslie looked at Michael and then across at Jill before continuing with her meal without saying a word in response. Jill reached out to take Gloria’s hand in hers. She smiled at her and asked, “Is there something wrong, honey?”

“No, I’m okay.”

“Okay, that is good. Let me explain, shall I? Leslie is trying to make you feel at home by asking you about your trip. So am I but we are getting short expressionless answers like yes, no, it was alright, I guess. It feels as if you don’t want to talk about it or else you don’t want to share it with us. Leslie’s question was based on the assumption that you didn’t enjoy the holiday so she was enquiring as to why that was. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I suppose so but don’t you understand that our holiday in Surfers was one of the most enjoyable for me in my life. It was the time when I was falling in love with a man who you and Leslie consider to be your lover. I don’t want to say something that may make you and Leslie jealous. I’m in your home. I don’t want to hurt anybody or make you hate me just because I enjoyed it so much.”

“Nobody is going to hate you for thinking Michael is wonderful. Nobody is going to hate you for saying you enjoyed yourself. And this is now your home as much as it is ours. Michael owns this home and we are all here for the same reason. You’re not the exception here. You are the same as us. We all love Michael and we all want him to love us. Hopefully, in time you will also love Leslie and also love me. I’m looking forward to that day and I will never ever hate you because you love Michael.”

“I’m sorry. Maybe I’m just tired.”

“Or maybe something has upset you. If it has then it is better to talk about it than lock it up inside you and let it stew so that you one day just explode.”

Gloria looked across at Leslie. They waited in silence as they could tell that Gloria was thinking of what to say. “I offered to help Leslie prepare dinner but she refused to allow me to help her. I thought that maybe she might be angry with me for being with Michael. I didn’t want to antagonise her more by saying how great it was to spend the few days with him.”

Jill chuckled, “Yep, Leslie is like that about her meals. She hates anyone being in the kitchen when she works. She did the same to me on a couple of occasions and I’ve heard her tell Michael to piss off for just going in there for a glass of water. You’re not the exception. If the queen went in there when Leslie was cooking she would get the same treatment.”

Leslie smiled, “I don’t like people taking my focus away when I’m cooking but it is not specific to any one person. It’s just the way I am. People always get in the way and it is impossible for me to function when they come in and start talking like Michael does.”

“It always gets put back on me, doesn’t it,” Michael told them.

Leslie laughed, “That’s the price you pay for being head of the house. If you don’t like it we’ll put an ad in the local rag for a new man.”

Jill joined in the laughter, “Can you imagine the advert? Wanted one man, must have a big dick and be able to keep three horny women totally and completely satisfied at all times, Must have references from many clients. Must be able to cook, clean house, not spend too long in the bathroom, Must not snore, No pets allowed.”

They all laughed then Leslie added, “Must have bus and must be willing to change nappies on children.”

Gloria added, “Must be well healed, please show copies of a bank account with at least six zeros on balance to be eligible.”

They all roared in laughter. “One can but dream,” Michael told them.

“Come on, Gloria. It’s our job to wash up the dishes. Leslie never complains when we offer to do that. Let Michael and Leslie talk business for a while. Michael will want to know how Ricky, his young recruit went while he was away.”

Gloria collected the dishes off the table as Jill set up the dishwasher. Within fifteen minutes they were completed. Jill stood leaning against the kitchen benches watching Gloria finalising scrubbing the pots. “You really love him, don’t you?”

Gloria looked up at her, “Yes, I’ve never really been in love before. There have been a few men before Michael but they were all one-night stands or at least short-term affairs more for sexual relief than for any other reason. I didn’t try to fall in love with him. It just happened. It feels great but it frightens me.”

“Why does it frighten you?”

“I have always been in control but I feel as if I’m not and that frightens me with the thought that if it goes wrong how much it will hurt me.”

“It won’t go wrong, not with Michael. He is like a rock-solid foundation. He is so dependable.”

“I keep thinking about Candy and how you told me that she was expected to be with other men.”

“I’m not sure that he expected her to be with other men. I think that what happened is that Candy was drawn to other men and he encouraged her.”

“I see but don’t you ever feel attracted to other men?”

“Yes, I feel that attraction sometimes. I think all women at some time feel that urge if the conditions are right and the man has something that she desires. Why? Did you experience it?”

“Yes, well, I found a rough tough Queensland man quite sexually interesting while we were there but I would never have left Michael for him.”

“Come on, tell me the story.”

“It was when we took a boat trip up to a place called Manly. He worked in the marina there. He was Michael’s friend from many years ago. He was short but with muscles everywhere. I’d guarantee if he did a shit it would have muscles in it. Anyhow it was Mary, Candy’s new boyfriend’s wife that got it on with him.”

“Tell me more.”

“He wore shorts, like those ones that they call stubbies and they were tight in the crotch and showed a nice-looking bundle,” she put both her hands on her crotch and formed a big lump with them.

“Big, you think?”

“Yes, it would have had to have been. I had sex with a man called Marcus in Sydney and he was big. The sex was probably the best that I have ever experienced except with Michael.”

“Michael is not big.”

“No, but he is so special. He knows how to treat a woman and he can hold off until you have an orgasm. Not many men that I have been with could do that.”

“For me, no other man that I have been with could even make me cum so Michael is definitely the one to show me how to cum and now it happens most times we make love but I can cum easier when I’m with a woman than with Michael.”

“You do it with women?”

“Yeah, Candy and I often got together over the years. While Michael was away I moved into Leslie’s unit and slept with her most nights when the kids were away with their grandparents. She came over here when the kids were home. It works okay for us. Haven’t you ever been with a woman?”

“Yes, I have but they were good friends. Usually, there were men but if we didn’t have a man then it worked for us. I’d rather be with a man though. I wanted to ask you, does Michael ever encourage you with other men?”

“Occasionally he tells me that I could if I wanted to but I don’t do well with men I don’t know. Even then I get a bit…, I don’t the word for it…., stressed, I suppose. Why did you ask?”

“When I first met Jonny Michael asked me did I find him a turn-on.”

“And what did you say?”

“I told him the truth. I told him it made me feel wet just looking at him.”

“What did he say to that?”

“He surprised me. He said it was a shame that Jonny chose Mary rather than me. He then said that I would have made a good mate for a one-night stand. I thought he was joking but later on, when I thought about it I think he might have been serious.”

“Yep, Michael would have been serious.”


“Yes, do you know what a hotwife and a cuckold are?”

“I remember Marcus calling my ex-husband a cuckold. I guessed from that it was a man where his wife cheats on him.”

“No, that is not exact. In real terms, it is a man who either allows his wife to have sex with other men or encourages it. The wife then gets referred to as a hotwife.”

“So Candy was a hotwife and Michael was her cuckold.”

“That is exactly right. What you need to know is that if you were to find someone such as the Jonny you spoke about and wanted it to go further Michael would welcome you to tell him about it and most likely he would encourage you.”

“What does he get out of it?”

“Beats me but obviously it is a turn-on for him and when I watched him with Candy he reached his orgasm in half the time after she had been filled with the other man’s sperm.”

“That’s interesting. Maybe I should have encouraged him to stay the night with Jonny. We were asked to. Michael asked me would I like to but I said we needed to get back to prepare for the flight home. I lied because the flight didn’t leave until the next day.”

Jill smiled widely at that and chuckled quietly. Gloria looked at her and told her, “Well, spit it out. You’re thinking something with that sly smile.”

“Yes, I think that Michael has found himself a new Candy in training.”

“No, I could never do what Candy has done. That’s not me.”

“But you said you sometimes get horny looking at other men. Then you just said you should have stayed the night with Jonny.”

“Well it is after the fact but I didn’t, did I?”

“If you were in that position knowing that Michael would enjoy it as much as you and he would love you even more for doing it, of course, you would have stayed.”

“I guess. I certainly might have.”

“Oh, Gloria, you’re so special. Michael certainly knows how to pick ‘em.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that my heart gave a leap knowing how beautiful you are and how sexy you are and how much my man, Michael is going to fall in love with you. I like you so much I feel like kissing you.”

“Well, what is stopping you then?”

Re: Gloria

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 2:32 am
by Chrislydi
Thank you Goyse,

Lucky Michael, he seems to have accepted rather easily that Candy was always going to leave him, I suppose the 5 year boycott off him over sonething trivial might have been a little clue, and gained a far more likeable firecracker instead. I must admit it seems all the advantage is on Michaels side of the equation even if his loyalty to anyone knew no bounds. Now it seems Gloria has had the same little thoughts of starting along that stony path herself, well perhaps after a little gentle prompting from Jill anyway. You probably don't need to be Nostradamus to predict the way this tale might now unwind. Great continuation, please keep going..


Re: Gloria

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 4:43 am
by goyse
Gloria Chapter 5

Michael finished his discussions with Leslie on the business so she headed off back to her unit to allow him time to spend with his two younger wives. Michael moved into the kitchen to join them. He found them holding each other and kissing.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” he said and went to turn to give them their privacy.

Jill broke away from Gloria and told him, “Don’t go.”

Michael turned back to them and said, “You girls are obviously hitting it off well.”

“That’s what you want and expect, isn’t it,” Jill asked.

“Well, yes. We do have to get along okay with each other but I didn’t expect you to be trying to bed Gloria within the first couple of hours. I did think it might take a little longer.”

“Why, we’re both as horny as hell. I haven’t had a dick in me for weeks and Gloria is so much in love with you that she is hot to trot.”

“What are we waiting for then? Let’s introduce Gloria to the biggest bed in Australia commonly called our king, king, cot.” He smiled as he held out both hands. A woman took each hand and they walked off down the hallway to the master bedroom.

“I need to shower,” Gloria told them.

“Nope, you don’t need to shower. We love you just the way you are,” Jill told her.

“I smell,” she replied.

“Michael loves the odour of a sweaty woman and I don’t mind it either. Drop your clothes and let us see you naked,” Jill told her as she shed her clothes. Michael stood in the background letting Jill take the lead.

Gloria removed her top and then her jeans. She popped the clip on her bra to let it drop to the floor. She then turned away from them to remove her panties. She probably didn’t know it but as she bent to lift each leg from her panties it gave them the sight of her tight little pussy as a camel toe between her legs.

“Wow,” Jill said.

“Double wow,” Michael told them.

“Come on Gloria. Let us see what you look like nude.”

She turned slowly around to find both Jill and Michael also nude. She looked up and down at Jill’s thin figure then spent a few seconds looking at her perfectly formed but small breasts. “Your body doesn’t have an ounce of fat on it. Do you diet?” Gloria asked.

“I never have to. I eat reasonably sized meals but I never get fat. I’m just lucky, I guess. Your breasts, how do you stop them from sagging? They are big but there is no sag at all.”

“I’m just lucky, I guess. I do nothing special to make them that way.”

“By golly, you’re so beautiful. Can I touch you?”

“Sure, can I touch you as well?”

“Yes, of course, you can.”

Jill moved across and placed each hand under a breast. Gloria copied her movement. They looked each in the other’s eyes and then moved in close together and they kissed. To allow that Jill moved her right arm around behind Gloria while Gloria did the same with her left arm allowing them to use their other hand to gently massage each other’s breasts.

As they kissed Gloria felt Jill’s body move away from contact with her. She opened her eyes to see Michael behind the woman she was kissing and realised that she had pushed her buttock backwards to allow him access to her vagina. Michael saw her open her eyes and he smiled at her and gave her a wink. She smiled back.

It was then that she felt a hand exploring between her legs. She moved her legs apart at the top and pushed herself forward at the waist to welcome the hand to her pussy. The fingers slipped up along her slit and then back down again several times. Gloria could feel her wetness escaping from her tight little pussy. It felt good but she wished the hand would find her little button but instead it kept working up and down her slit.

She needed to get that finger onto her citreous so pushed her hips further forward and kissed the other woman furiously as if that would give her the joy that she yearned for. She felt rather than heard Jill moan so she knew that whatever Michael was doing was turning Jill on but still Jill would not stroke her clit.

She moved her hips and thrust forward to get those fingers where they belonged but each time she lifted the fingers would move back. Then they penetrated her it felt like two fingers not one, “Oh my God,” she moaned to her lover. Then she tried to get those fingers to her clit but instead of getting them where she wanted them, they went deeper inside her. It felt great but it wasn’t what she needed. She pulled back and then thrust forward. The fingers moved in and out and that felt better but she needed to get attention to her clitty before she orgasmed.

Her hips were moving in and then out as if she was fucking those fingers and Gloria knew she was going to lose it but she needed that last little bit to drive her over the top. Her juices were pouring down her leg and she could feel Michael thrusting in and out of the woman who was fingering her. She closed her eyes tightly and shouted “I’m going to cum, fuck you.”

“Oh God, you’ve found it!” With the fingers sliding in the out of her soaked pussy Jill flicked her thumb gently across her swollen button. The explosion in Gloria’s head was like nothing she had ever experienced before. Every other orgasm she had ever experienced was centred in her sexual organs but even though this explosion also happened down below it was her brain where the massive eruption occurred.

Gloria’s knees gave out on her so that she was being held up by the fingers inside her and by Jill’s arm around her body. She felt her pussy contracting and then expanding and each time it contracted juices poured from her all over the hand that supported her. It went on and on and on and on. It wouldn’t stop as the thumb gently ever so gently caressed her clit and the fingers of the hand went deeper and deeper inside her until the hand was pushing at her entrance but there was no way that was going to penetrate her. She was too tight or at least she thought she was.

Finally, it was over and she could get her legs to hold her weight once more. She felt ashamed to lose control like that but it was too late for that. Michael was standing there smiling at her. She then realised that Jill was on her knees with her hand between her legs. Gloria felt so full that she bent forward and looked down and got the biggest shock of her life. Jill’s hand was inside her, totally inside her pussy and there was a massive mess on Jill and on the floor. It looked as if someone had urinated everywhere but the odour was different. It was her cum!

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” she said.

“Why,” Michael asked. “It was the most wonderful thing I have ever experienced in my adult life. I love you, Gloria and you are the best thing that has ever happened to Jill and me, ever.”

“I love you too, Michael but I’ve made such a mess.”

“Who cares as long as you enjoyed it.”

“It was the biggest and best orgasm I have ever had.”

“Yes, Jill is good at getting women off. She has made Candy do just the same as what you did.” He looked down at Jill. “Are you going to let her free, honey?”

“Nope, I’ve got her. She is mine while ever I keep my fist closed inside her she can’t get away. You like it don’t you Gloria?”

“Yes, it feels that I’m so full and you’re right I couldn’t possibly get your fist out of me unless you open your hand.“

“I need to get you over on the bed. I’m going to pick you up and lay you on the bed and then I’ll show you that you can have another orgasm almost as good as the first one.”


“Yes, really.”

Jill maneuvered Gloria to get her across to put her hands on the bed. She then lifted her body across onto the bed on her back. She then lay down beside her.

“You’re going to watch Michael fuck me. Come on, Michael you know what to do."

Michael moved in behind her. Gloria’s shoulders were on a pillow so her head was raised as she lay on her back. Jill was positioned down the bed with her head level with Gloria’s pussy. Her legs were over the edge of the bed. Michael was behind Jill standing as he directed his penis into Jill’s pussy and then started thrusting into her. Jill locked her arm so that every time Michael thrust forward it drove Jill’s fist harder into Gloria. Effectively one could have thought that Michael was fucking Gloria using Jill’s fist.

It didn’t take long before Gloria started feeling good and then her hips started moving in unison with Michael’s thrusts. Once that happened Jill moved her other hand across and very gently flicked her pointing finger across Gloria’s swollen clitoris.

The feeling that raged through Gloria’s body was indescribable. She had never been filled like this before. She closed her eyes and a remarkable thing happened. She thought of the bulge in Jonny’s stubbie shorts and what he had inside there that she had wished she could see and feel. If only she had known that Michael would have let her.

She thought of Jonny picking her up and laying her on his bed then taking out a weapon that was very much like the one she had experienced with Marcus. Jill was right. If she had not used up all of the juices her body had been capable of she would have squirted but that was not possible she was out of fluids but the orgasm was just the same except before it left her body it started to hurt. She was too dry.

Then she was empty and it was all over. Jill opened her hand as Michael filled her pussy with his sperm.

Gloria looked down and felt a little jealous that Jill had taken the sperm that she should have received. She realised at that moment that Jill may well have done to her what she did so that she could have Michael. Sure it was probably the best orgasm she had ever had and she believed it probably would be the best she would ever have but it didn’t make up for her loss, Michael.

Re: Gloria

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 8:22 am
by Chrislydi
Thanks Goyse,

Hugely appreciated as ever. It looks as if the little green devil called jealousy might have just temporarily perched himself on Gloria's shoulder as she watched Jill with Michael, having maybe felt she had only had him by proxy via Jill's hand. I'm sure our saintly hero will be thoroughly enjoying himself over the next few weeks and months.

(Double standards are always applicable for such a man 😂)


Re: Gloria

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 11:00 pm
by goyse
Gloria Chapter 6

Leslie lay on her bed and looked up at the roof. She felt so alone. With Michael back, her lover of the last few weeks had disappeared back to Michael’s bed and then there was that other little Trollip, Gloria thinking she can rule the roost making out that I’m such a nasty bitch just because I don’t like bitches like her interfering in my life. It was my kitchen tonight and all she wanted to do was spoil the dinner that I cooked for the man I love, Michael.

“Can I help you,” she mumbled to herself trying to imitate Gloria while moving her body around like a lar-de-dar stuck-up woman believing that she was mimicking Gloria. Her voice changed to be much harsher, “Yes you fucking little slut, you can fuck off out of my life. That would help me.” She wiped a tear from her eye and moved her hands around as if she was swatting a fly but in her mind, it was a fly with Gloria’s face.

Then again she mumbled to herself in a much sweeter tone, “Michael is mine, all mine. I have the claim to him because it was his wife that destroyed my marriage to Tod. If that low-life bitch didn’t wave her pussy under my husband’s nose he would be still here with me so I have the right to Michael. That’s only fair. She took my husband so I have the right to hers and I would have him with Jill as a bonus if only that other thing that thinks she is God’s gift to men didn’t crawl under his nose to grab him away from me. I have to fix this!”

She lay there for more than an hour before she suddenly smiled, “Of course,” she mumbled again, “Why didn’t I think of that before? I’ll call him tomorrow. He’ll fix it for me. She won’t have a chance and if I know Michael, he will encourage her. Yes, that’s it, problem solved! Why was I so worried?”

With that, she rolled over and was snoring within a few minutes.

In Phuket, Marcus was pissed off. He pulled a photo out of his suit pocket and rubbed a finger gently across the face of the red-headed woman. He admired her face and then pulled another out of the other pocket. This time he admired her figure. “So beautiful and that figure, so perfect,” he mumbled. “I don’t understand why Michael changed his mind.” He reached into his pocket again and pulled out a photo of Candy. “Even this one is nice, a little older but still very nice. I guess I’ll have to settle for one of the masseurs down the beach again. I was so looking forward to it. Maybe he’ll come over at some other time.”

He was walking towards the beach when his phone rang. “Marcus speaking,” he said.

“My name is Leslie. I understand you like beautiful women especially if they are married.”

“That depends on who is asking?”

“Oh, it’s not for me. I understand a gentleman called Michael from WA had contacted you and changed his mind.”

“Oh, yes, Michael. His wife is that lady called Candy and the red-headed girlfriend. Is that the one?”

“Yes, that is Michael but this is not about Candy. It’s about his red-headed,” She hesitated to control herself as she almost said slut, ”ah, lover.”

“Oh, yes, I have a photo of her, she is gorgeous. Now, what can I do for you, Leslie?”

“She likes big men and as you know Michael likes his women to be satisfied and he is, let me be kind here and just say a little smaller than some.”

“Yes, I understand. I’ve run into that problem before.”

“Would you be willing to come to Western Australia for a couple of weeks to…, let’s say…, entertain Michael’s new lover?”

“Does Michael know that you’re talking to me about this?”

“I haven’t spoken to him, no but Michael as you probably know is an addicted cuckold. He has to have his women .., as I said…., entertained or he gets withdrawals just like a drunk does if the alcohol is taken away from him. You are a professional so you could very well help him out, couldn’t you?”

“Well I could but coming to WA costs money and as well as that I have a business to run so it would cost me a good deal to shut down my boating business.”

“How much are we speaking of here?”

“Oh, I don’t know a few thousand.”

“How about five thousand, is that enough?”

“Then there is the cost of flights and the accommodation cost, I doubt that five would go near to cover everything.”

“Alright, I’ll cover costs and pay ten thousand and not a dollar more.”

“Ten thousand US would be fine.”

“I mean ten thousand Australian.”

“I don’t deal in Australian currency. Here in Phuket, they like the US.”

“Okay, Okay, Okay but for that I expect you to plant a seed inside her. I’ll pay you seven thousand up front but once she has confirmed that she is pregnant then you get the other three.”

“That is my specialty. So how do we handle this?”

“When are you available?”

“Any time after next week should be okay. I’ll fly in when you organize a plane ticket and a motel as close as possible to where they live. You need to take me around to introduce me to Michael and I’ll take it from there. I hope he works for a living so I can get her away from him.”

“I can organize for him to work about twelve hours a day so you can entertain her… ah, properly, you might say.”

“Alright, then it falls on you to make damn sure she is not on the pill or something stupid like that. Can you do that?”

“I’ll try.”

“Understand, Leslie that if she is on the pill then I get my three thousand anyway because if you can’t meet your side of the bargain I can’t meet mine. Do you understand?”

“There is just not enough time for me to get her off the pill within a week and for her to be fertile in that time.”

“Then I’ll have to stay longer, won’t I and as you’re covering the cost of the motel room it will cost you more if it takes longer.”

“You’re a con artist, Marcus.”

“So the woman who wants me to impregnate a man’s partner without him knowing says I am a con artist. Now, tell me, who do you think is the con artist here?”

“Point taken.”

“If you insult me like that once more I walk away. Do you understand me, lady?”

“Yes, I understand you, perfectly well.”

“Good. I’ll send you my bank account details for you to deposit my fee. This is not a deal until the money is in my account.” With that, he simply hung up the phone.

Leslie wiped her brow. She felt her crotch and as she thought she was soaking wet. “Wew,” she said, “that dominating manner turns me on no end. Shame he’s not here to try to impregnate me. I could handle a man with that strength in his manner. Of course, unless Candy comes through I won’t ever have a baby. Shame.”

She turned and made her way back to her unit. As she did so Michael drove past her and gave a smile and a big wave as he headed out to talk to Ricky. As she expected, Jill followed just behind taking the kids to the childminding centre so she could go to work.

“The trumped-up little slut is alone. I suppose I should go have a bit of a talk with her while I have the opportunity. At least I might find out if she is on the pill.”

Re: Gloria

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2022 12:01 am
by Chrislydi
Wow, what a great twist and you can certainly see why Leslie might have it in for the jumped up little trollop 😀. Goyse's using the very human emotions of jealousy and revenge as Leslie's motivation to create another fascinating subplot with the super stud Marcus her main weapon. I might have this wrong but doesn't Gloria have history with our dark villain and their paths have crossed a few times before? All of this just whets the appetite for the next installment, but surely even the super prolific master of OHW fiction will need a breather after this, but then again he likes a challenge doesn't he?


Maybe the judge could help out on a few details, as I get mixed up between Makayla and Gloria, one was married to Marcus - I think Gloria was and already referenced earlier in this story.

Re: Gloria

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2022 7:23 am
by goyse
Chrislydi wrote:
Fri Sep 09, 2022 12:01 am
Wow, what a great twist and you can certainly see why Leslie might have it in for the jumped up little trollop 😀. Goyse's using the very human emotions of jealousy and revenge as Leslie's motivation to create another fascinating subplot with the super stud Marcus her main weapon. I might have this wrong but doesn't Gloria have history with our dark villain and their paths have crossed a few times before? All of this just whets the appetite for the next installment, but surely even the super prolific master of OHW fiction will need a breather after this, but then again he likes a challenge doesn't he?


Maybe the judge could help out on a few details, as I get mixed up between Makayla and Gloria, one was married to Marcus - I think Gloria was and already referenced earlier in this story.

Just to clarify the history behind the previous story: Gloria was the main girl who Makayla hired to set up Marcus to give Makayla the evidence she needed to strip Marcus of many of his assets. Gloria asked her friends to work on Marcus with her to give Makayla that evidence. Marcus realised that he had been screwed (in more ways than one) so settled with Makayla for what she wanted.

Makayla even ended up with Marcus's job as he flew the coop into Asia to now reappear in Phuket running boat trips to islands like Pei Pei. Oscar asked Makayla to take over the job of sales manager in Asia.

Makayla then hired the girls to do the adverts for the wine through Asia and asked them to go with the advert so the Asians could meet the stars in the advert.

Hopefully, that sets the scene for 'Gloria.' I should add that Gloria doesn't know that Marcus is aware that she was working for Makayla. She thinks he is oblivious to the role that she played in Makayla stripping him of many of his assets.

Re: Gloria

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2022 7:43 am
by Chrislydi
goyse wrote:
Fri Sep 09, 2022 7:23 am


Just to clarify the history behind the previous story: Gloria was the main girl who Makayla hired to set up Marcus to give Makayla the evidence she needed to strip Marcus of many of his assets. Gloria asked her friends to work on Marcus with her to give Makayla that evidence. Marcus realised that he had been screwed (in more ways than one) so settled with Makayla for what she wanted.

Makayla even ended up with Marcus's job as he flew the coop into Asia to now reappear in Phuket running boat trips to islands like Pei Pei. Oscar asked Makayla to take over the job of sales manager in Asia.

Makayla then hired the girls to do the adverts for the wine through Asia and asked them to go with the advert so the Asians could meet the stars in the advert.

Hopefully, that sets the scene for 'Gloria.' I should add that Gloria doesn't know that Marcus is aware that she was working for Makayla. She thinks he is oblivious to the role that she played in Makayla stripping him of many of his assets.
Thank you Goyse, that's very helpful and timely.
