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Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 2:41 am
by DavidSilver
Dan_159 wrote:
Thu Jan 18, 2024 11:09 am
I do not see Tiny Dancer on Amazon?
Amazon search is a bit odd with Erotica titles. Here it is: ... 0CSH2WPF9/

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 7:20 pm
by Dan_159
Thank you!!!

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 4:10 pm
by xleglover
Hi all - Book 2 of Tiny Dancer is now out. This will be a 3 book series.


Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 12:54 pm
by couple20uk
I have to compliment Xleg on his Tiny Dancer story. IMHO this is Xleg's best writing and storyline since the classic "He Fucked My Girl" series.
The story pacing is excellent and I was pleased he chose to give Sarah's backstory. I also see why he chose to change Jen's name to Sarah, I think that works in this story.
The only issue I have is the length of the books (100 pages is not long enough to be considered a book).

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:36 pm
by jonbogey
xleglover wrote:
Thu Aug 31, 2023 5:06 pm
Hi all -

Book 2 of 2 of Girls Who Belong To Other Men is out on Kindle. ... 483&sr=8-3

I'm really happy how this series ended. This started as my old book Preying On Other Men's Wives, but it quickly diverged from that original story. Let me know how you like the Epilogue. I might write a 3rd book if enough interest.

I'm writing Book 3 of Faithful Wife. Really editing the original story. I haven't read that story for a while. Wow, major angst. While editing it over, it reminds me of places I was at, at the time, and how they worked into the story.

Right now book 4 of Opening Pandora's Box is free to download on Kindle.

Please bring back this book, the cheating aspect/perspective incredibly hot, I need more Suzy

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2024 2:03 pm
by xleglover
Hi all - My new book is live on Kindle.


Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2024 6:21 pm
by Toolkeeper
Hadn’t checked in in a while and find a pleasant surprise. Thanks

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2024 6:22 pm
by Toolkeeper
Hadn’t checked in in a while and find a pleasant surprise. Thanks

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2024 5:43 am
by DaveMartens34
Bethany wrote:
Sat Dec 30, 2023 5:53 am
I just finished the 8 books of the revised published FWFFG, and i read it straight through this time. It's amazing how much more intense the story is taken in like that as opposed to periodic installments. I loved the adjustments xleg made to the story. Thanks for the effort and creative energy x. I can hardly wait for the rest of that story, the move to suburbia, swinging, anna bannana, and especially Jamal!
Hi Bethany! I see you've finished FWFFG and would like to ask you what your opinion is on something (and anyone else's opinion, too!).

In the Epilogue, Mike asks Jen "What would've happened if we didn't divorce?"
Jen tells him, "Back then I told you I'd get over Scott. And I did. I would've come back to you. That's what would've happened if you didn't divorce me."

But when though? When was Scott out of her system? The day they met in the coffee shop when Mike came back from Florida? Would she have come back to him then? When they ran into each other in the bar when Jen was meeting a blind date? I think at this point, she might have. In Florida at Allie's wedding? I think for sure she would have gone back to Mike at this point.
I wish Mike had asked her when she would have come back to him.

I'm curious what you think?

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2024 4:10 pm
by Bethany
Interesting to think about, but don't get too deep into the motivations of either of them. Recall we're talking about fictional characters the attraction of which is they do what the author makes them do. A factor in XL's writing is he can make people behave, sound and act totally normal given the situation they're in, but by just amplifying one characteristic or another, can get them acting outside the norm. Surprise is a key element in good fiction, that and making the characters do what you want them to do to achieve it or in some other way please or gratify the reader.

The FWFFG section published so far is only a part of the whole Mike & Jen story. I think I saw somewhere that XL is working on the rest of it and am looking forward to it. Having read the whole story back when it appeared in regular postings, I think it's fair to say Jen NEVER gets Scott out of her system. Or perhaps it's Mike that never gets him out of her system. Or maybe both.

In the coffee shop scene, a woman in Jen's position, no matter how much she loved him, would have struggled, her pride getting in the way, but I think she'd have SAID Scott was out of her system and done her best to be with Mike again.

The blind date chance meeting I think was XLs place to show us how hurt Mike really was. It didn't tell us much about Jen's willingness, but I kinda agree she could have been talked into it if Mike had been at all receptive. she might have.

As it turns out, the blowup at the wedding sorta precipitated the reunion as I recall.

It will be interesting to see what others say.

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 5:32 am
by DaveMartens34
Bethany wrote:
Sat Mar 02, 2024 4:10 pm
Interesting to think about, but don't get too deep into the motivations of either of them. Recall we're talking about fictional characters the attraction of which is they do what the author makes them do. A factor in XL's writing is he can make people behave, sound and act totally normal given the situation they're in, but by just amplifying one characteristic or another, can get them acting outside the norm. Surprise is a key element in good fiction, that and making the characters do what you want them to do to achieve it or in some other way please or gratify the reader.

The FWFFG section published so far is only a part of the whole Mike & Jen story. I think I saw somewhere that XL is working on the rest of it and am looking forward to it. Having read the whole story back when it appeared in regular postings, I think it's fair to say Jen NEVER gets Scott out of her system. Or perhaps it's Mike that never gets him out of her system. Or maybe both.

In the coffee shop scene, a woman in Jen's position, no matter how much she loved him, would have struggled, her pride getting in the way, but I think she'd have SAID Scott was out of her system and done her best to be with Mike again.

The blind date chance meeting I think was XLs place to show us how hurt Mike really was. It didn't tell us much about Jen's willingness, but I kinda agree she could have been talked into it if Mike had been at all receptive. she might have.

As it turns out, the blowup at the wedding sorta precipitated the reunion as I recall.

It will be interesting to see what others say.
Haha! Yes, I have to keep reminding myself that the characters are fictional. I'm curious, did you read the whole FWFFG story on Literotica? I can only remember a very short story, maybe three chapters but I can't find it anymore. And I don't remember Scott in it, just Joey, who was Mike's younger brother then. I'd love to find that whole story, though.

Thanks for responding! These characters, Mike & Jen really fascinate me and I can't find any other place to talk about them, so thanks!

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 7:52 am
by xleglover
Hi Everyone,

I wanted to let you know that I am turning back to Be Careful What You Wish For. Book 1 is now out on Kindle and it will be available everywhere else soon:

The new stuff will be in Book 3 or 4. I'll let you know exactly when the new stuff starts, once I get to that point.

I'm adding new stuff to the story as I go along. For example, I'm going deeper into Hudson's boss (he used to be called Mike) -- her name is now Camilla. The backstory in Book 1 about Camilla explains why Hudson doesn't have a fair chance once he begins working with Camilla.

I also changed Hudson so he's cheating on Zoey from the start of their relationship. She doesn't know of course. In the original version, Hudson was faithful until a few chapters in. Now, he's cheating from the beginning. Upon reflection, I think that fits his personality better, and it actually helps develop what happens later.

Mike and Jen are now called Hudson and Zoey. Below are story descriptions of the main characters. Cheers!

Hudson – He’s 26. He’s gorgeous and has a hot bod. He’s a Master of the Universe, a sure thing for partnership in his company. He’s in love with Zoey.

Zoey – She’s 23. She’s beautiful and has a dancer’s body with long shapely legs and small breasts. She’s dating Hudson, and they fit together as they are both Beautiful People. She’s attracted to Hudson because he’s a Real Man – confident, dominate and controlling. She’s a bottom and Hudson is her top.

Greg – He’s 26. He works in the same company as Hudson. He’s shy, meek and awkward, and has little chance to make partner. Girls might say he’s cute, but typically they don’t notice him. Greg is tall and has big hands and feet, and those things bode well for another part of his body.

Camilla – She’s 45 and the most powerful partner in the company where Hudson and Greg work. In the business world, she’s relentless and commanding. They call her the Dragon Queen. She has two boys in college. She is a very hot MILF.

Maynard – He’s 45 and married to Camilla. He’s like an older version of Hudson, with one important exception. He’s a professor at Fordham University. Camilla and Maynard are in love, but their relationship is complicated. For one, he has a taste for young flesh.

Sidney – She’s 23. She and Zoey are best friends from college. They don’t see each other much, as their lives have gotten busy. She’s the opposite of Zoey. Brunette, busty, hourglass figure. Careerwise, she’s very successful. You might say she’s a young Camilla. Although she’ll never marry. She likes playing the field.

Kimmy – She’s 19, a sweet pretty Chinese girl who has a crush on Greg. She’s a college student and works part time in the used bookstore below his apartment. She’s also a virgin. Kimmy might seem somewhat familiar to fans of KT Morrison, one of my favorite authors.

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 3:18 pm
by Guhunkadorn
Two thumbs up!

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:05 pm
by couple20uk
Hi Xleg,
It's good to see you going through your previous work and looking to improve it where you think it is appropriate. I especially like the idea of adding a little more depth to your characters.

I have a question: when will Book 3 of Tiny Dancer be released? On a personal note, I feel Tiny Dancer is your best writing for a while.

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:47 pm
by DarrenZ
Awesome news!!

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 11:38 am
by couple20uk
I have just read Be Careful What You Wish For. Book 1 and have to say (though I have not analysed it) that this version is better than the original. The characters feel better defined. I like the fact you gave us 150 pages as that gave us something to get our teeth into. The point Book 1 stopped felt right.
Xleg, I hope the changes you are making mean the story continues to be as good as it is in Book 1. In the original series, I thought the story lost something when Greg's character changed and he started to borrow (Jen now Zoey). I think that was especially true for the wedding they went to. That is just my opinion, and I have known to be wrong.
Looking forward to Book 2 and Tiny Dancer Book 3 (see my earlier question).

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:49 am
by HoneyLemon77
DaveMartens34 wrote:
Sat Mar 02, 2024 5:43 am
Bethany wrote:
Sat Dec 30, 2023 5:53 am
I just finished the 8 books of the revised published FWFFG, and i read it straight through this time. It's amazing how much more intense the story is taken in like that as opposed to periodic installments. I loved the adjustments xleg made to the story. Thanks for the effort and creative energy x. I can hardly wait for the rest of that story, the move to suburbia, swinging, anna bannana, and especially Jamal!
Hi Bethany! I see you've finished FWFFG and would like to ask you what your opinion is on something (and anyone else's opinion, too!).

In the Epilogue, Mike asks Jen "What would've happened if we didn't divorce?"
Jen tells him, "Back then I told you I'd get over Scott. And I did. I would've come back to you. That's what would've happened if you didn't divorce me."

But when though? When was Scott out of her system? The day they met in the coffee shop when Mike came back from Florida? Would she have come back to him then? When they ran into each other in the bar when Jen was meeting a blind date? I think at this point, she might have. In Florida at Allie's wedding? I think for sure she would have gone back to Mike at this point.
I wish Mike had asked her when she would have come back to him.

I'm curious what you think?
I've wondered this myself. I don't think Scott was out of her system the day she met Mike in the coffee shop. Because she tells him, "I’ll never let Scott in the loft apartment again. I swear." This tells me that she's still seeing Scott. Maybe I'm reading it all wrong, but it sure sounds like she is.

But we know that she was questioning how much she loved Scott at this point because later in book 8 she tells Mike when she was in Europe, she wondered why she was thinking of him so much if she was so in love with Scott. I think she would have gone back with Mike at this point. It would have depended on their talk. Mike knew it wouldn't be right away. In book 7 he thought, "I knew she wasn't going to abruptly drop Scott and come back to me." Mike was pissed off (and rightfully so!) but Jen could have calmed him down. Mike's putty in her hands. I think Jen was ready to go back with Mike but she wasn't sure how Mike felt. Did he still love her? Did he still want her back? I don't think Jen was sure about those things.

When they saw each other in the bar (Jen's blind date) I think that she would have gone back with Mike at this point. If Mike had said something like, "How about blowing off your blind date and let's go someplace and talk?" I'm sure Jen would have gone with Mike.

Also, after Jen and Scott swapped with Sloane and Victoria Jen found herself thinking of Mike and how different he and Scott were. Sounds like she was missing Mike. She admitted to herself that she missed Mike when Mike came to Death & Co. and they met in a dark corner.

At Allie's wedding, she had Allie invite Mike, she arranged for Mike to have the adjoining room next to her and Mike knew what she was doing even though he didn't know why and she blew him on his balcony! It was pretty obvious what she was doing!

I agree, I wish Pete (xleg) would have had Mike ask her when she would have come back to him. She admitted that if Mike had gone to Michigan to bring her back, she would have gone home with Mike but she wouldn't have been happy about it.
I was glad she admitted Scumbag Scott talked her into going to Europe instead of going to look for Mike. Scott's a pos.

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 1:56 pm
by Guhunkadorn
Love B. 1 of the Wish 4 series though I'm finding old habits do die hard: I see/read "Hudson" and "Zoey" but think Mike and Jen.

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:44 pm
by xleglover
couple20uk wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:05 pm
Hi Xleg,
It's good to see you going through your previous work and looking to improve it where you think it is appropriate. I especially like the idea of adding a little more depth to your characters.

I have a question: when will Book 3 of Tiny Dancer be released? On a personal note, I feel Tiny Dancer is your best writing for a while.

Thanks for asking! I really appreciate your support and kind words!

Book 3 of Tiny Dancer is out.

This is the last book. When I posted the original story, I ran out of steam and never finished it. Now I changed a few things here and there, and finished the story.

It's about 2 young people -- Mike and Sarah. The series is about self-discovery and trying to survive in the world.
Originally I called it a "Modern Love Romance." Sales sucked, so I changed it to a "Young Cuckold Romance."

Anyway, I hope you try it out, and like it.

I'm now turning to book 2 of Be Careful What You Wish For and hope to publish in about 2 weeks.


Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 10:49 pm
by mooncucky
Hi xleglover, is it possible sales suck because I can only find the kindle version of book 1 & 2 on and not in other countries? I looked on multiple times but can’t find it.

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:36 pm
by couple20uk
mooncucky wrote:
Fri Mar 22, 2024 10:49 pm
Hi xleglover, is it possible sales suck because I can only find the kindle version of book 1 & 2 on and not in other countries? I looked on multiple times but can’t find it.
You are right if you are talking about Tiny Dancer Book 3, it is currently difficult to find on
But it is there as I managed to buy a copy yesterday. Try searching author, Pete Andrews, and it should be on the list of his books.

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 2:49 pm
by xleglover
couple20uk wrote:
Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:36 pm
mooncucky wrote:
Fri Mar 22, 2024 10:49 pm
Hi xleglover, is it possible sales suck because I can only find the kindle version of book 1 & 2 on and not in other countries? I looked on multiple times but can’t find it.
You are right if you are talking about Tiny Dancer Book 3, it is currently difficult to find on
But it is there as I managed to buy a copy yesterday. Try searching author, Pete Andrews, and it should be on the list of his books.
I was having some issues with Kindle (honestly I'm still having issues). I just uploaded Tiny Dancer Book 3 on other sites, including ones in the UK -- it might take 2-3 days but it should be available soon. I really appreciate your support. The UK is consistently my best selling country after the US, so thank you!

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2024 5:26 am
by DaveMartens34
HoneyLemon77 wrote:
Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:49 am
DaveMartens34 wrote:
Sat Mar 02, 2024 5:43 am
Bethany wrote:
Sat Dec 30, 2023 5:53 am
I just finished the 8 books of the revised published FWFFG, and i read it straight through this time. It's amazing how much more intense the story is taken in like that as opposed to periodic installments. I loved the adjustments xleg made to the story. Thanks for the effort and creative energy x. I can hardly wait for the rest of that story, the move to suburbia, swinging, anna bannana, and especially Jamal!
Hi Bethany! I see you've finished FWFFG and would like to ask you what your opinion is on something (and anyone else's opinion, too!).

In the Epilogue, Mike asks Jen "What would've happened if we didn't divorce?"
Jen tells him, "Back then I told you I'd get over Scott. And I did. I would've come back to you. That's what would've happened if you didn't divorce me."

But when though? When was Scott out of her system? The day they met in the coffee shop when Mike came back from Florida? Would she have come back to him then? When they ran into each other in the bar when Jen was meeting a blind date? I think at this point, she might have. In Florida at Allie's wedding? I think for sure she would have gone back to Mike at this point.
I wish Mike had asked her when she would have come back to him.

I'm curious what you think?
I've wondered this myself. I don't think Scott was out of her system the day she met Mike in the coffee shop. Because she tells him, "I’ll never let Scott in the loft apartment again. I swear." This tells me that she's still seeing Scott. Maybe I'm reading it all wrong, but it sure sounds like she is.

But we know that she was questioning how much she loved Scott at this point because later in book 8 she tells Mike when she was in Europe, she wondered why she was thinking of him so much if she was so in love with Scott. I think she would have gone back with Mike at this point. It would have depended on their talk. Mike knew it wouldn't be right away. In book 7 he thought, "I knew she wasn't going to abruptly drop Scott and come back to me." Mike was pissed off (and rightfully so!) but Jen could have calmed him down. Mike's putty in her hands. I think Jen was ready to go back with Mike but she wasn't sure how Mike felt. Did he still love her? Did he still want her back? I don't think Jen was sure about those things.

When they saw each other in the bar (Jen's blind date) I think that she would have gone back with Mike at this point. If Mike had said something like, "How about blowing off your blind date and let's go someplace and talk?" I'm sure Jen would have gone with Mike.

Also, after Jen and Scott swapped with Sloane and Victoria Jen found herself thinking of Mike and how different he and Scott were. Sounds like she was missing Mike. She admitted to herself that she missed Mike when Mike came to Death & Co. and they met in a dark corner.

At Allie's wedding, she had Allie invite Mike, she arranged for Mike to have the adjoining room next to her and Mike knew what she was doing even though he didn't know why and she blew him on his balcony! It was pretty obvious what she was doing!

I agree, I wish Pete (xleg) would have had Mike ask her when she would have come back to him. She admitted that if Mike had gone to Michigan to bring her back, she would have gone home with Mike but she wouldn't have been happy about it.
I was glad she admitted Scumbag Scott talked her into going to Europe instead of going to look for Mike. Scott's a pos.
Here's something else I've wondered about. What would have happened if Mike had returned to the loft apartment after Jen and Scott had finished and Scott had left? Would she have even told Mike about it?

And to play it out even further, if Jen and Scott had moved back to NYC like they planned with Jen living with Mike 5 days and Scott 2 days, and her and Mike decided it was time to start a family, would Jen have been able to resist Scott's advances for sex until she was pregnant with Mike's baby? She was already having doubts about this. I doubt she would have been able to resist Scott.

Hoping there's a ninth book.

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2024 2:21 pm
by xleglover
Hi - I just wanted everyone to know that A Cuckold Fiancée and a Cuckquean --- Wife: Be Careful What You Wish For - Book 2 is now out on Kindle.

If you don't have access to Kindle US, it'll probably be about a week for sites like Smashwords and Kobo.

Re: xleglover - I want to give everyone an update

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2024 1:34 am
by DavidSilver
xleglover wrote:
Tue Apr 02, 2024 2:21 pm
Hi - I just wanted everyone to know that A Cuckold Fiancée and a Cuckquean --- Wife: Be Careful What You Wish For - Book 2 is now out on Kindle.

If you don't have access to Kindle US, it'll probably be about a week for sites like Smashwords and Kobo.
It should be available on all Amazon Stores (besides the 1 or 2 which don't allow Erotica). If the search doesn't bring it up, just change the domain ending - like this: