"Not Really"

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"Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Sun Mar 12, 2023 10:11 am

Miles, 31, Jen 27. We met in college while I was starting my 5th year, her freshman year. She had one boyfriend in High School, very limited sexual experience. They had intercourse twice before they broke up. I on the other hand had played the field in high school and college, especially the first two years of college. We met at a party, hit it off, and stuck together ever since. Married 3 years ago. We have lived together since one year after meeting at that party. I work at an engineering firm. She works at a lab that is loosely connected to the university that we attended. We live 23 miles from that same university in a rural area where we bought a small house on 33 acres of land.

She was a blank slate relatively speaking when it came to sex. She had not experimented beyond vanilla sex before I met her. Blow jobs were a no go early on. But she is curious and adventurous so time took care of most inhibitions. She enjoyed sex more and more the father we got into our relationship to the point of being nearly obsessed with it. As we progressed and I pushed her boundaries she got a bit sassy, which was good. She is generally shy and not confident in her looks. Which is ludicrous because she is gorgeous.

On occasion, when I would push her to try new things or ask her to be a little slutty in the bedroom she would bring up my “vast’ experience with all those other girls. I was open with her about my fornicating ways in college. She was curious and miffed in a way at all that fun I had. It made her somewhat insecure at times and she would make comments about my sexual knowledge which obviously must have been achieved from the numbers of women I had freely bedded. I will admit that I did enjoy my freedom to hook up back in those days, but today I am very content with one partner and the intimacy we share.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Sun Mar 12, 2023 12:45 pm


Two years ago when we where playing in the bedroom she mentioned how lucky I was to have freely experimented with so many women. The numbers really are not that extensive to be honest. She was curious how easy or hard it was to hook up with someone that you have no connection too. For her it is a foreign concept as her sexual world begins and ends with our close connection. For the first time it occurred to me that she had missed the opportunity of sexual experimentation by meeting me and getting locked up in a relationship so early. I asked her if she regretted not having the opportunity to explore sex with others. Her reply was “not really”.

So my mind got to wandering and I contemplated giving her a “hall pass” to explore a little. I had read up on the open relationship concept, which led me to the Hotwife or Stag/Vixen LS. The more I researched the more I became aroused by the thought of her getting laid by some random guy or even having a limited FWB. It began to become an obsession. One night I asked her point blank if she would ever like to try sex with another guy because she missed out by dating me. She flat out rejected the idea of it. She was happy with only me. There was nothing to discuss.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Cobra1000 » Mon Mar 13, 2023 3:50 am

Don’t stop.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Mon Mar 13, 2023 7:45 am


A week or so later she wanted to “talk”. Having had some time to ponder the hall pass subject she had convinced herself that it was I that actually wanted a hall pass and this was a way to justify it. We had a long discussion with me explaining that this was for her not me. I am happy and I don’t need anyone else. I explained that she is coming into her most sexual years and that if she ever wanted to experience this now was the time, no kids, etc. I also explained that it excited me as well in a strange sort of way. I introduced her to the Hotwife concept and encouraged her to explore it online. I also indicated that it could be a short term thing, try it, and then we could settle back to our monogamous life. Not fully convinced, we finished the conversation with some lingering unease.

She did do her research and we took up the conversation again a few days later. She said she would never actually do it but the research was enlightening. Our sex lives picked up in tempo immediately I might add. The subject went idle but sex continued to be more exciting and frequent. Our conversations happened in January of that year. Her comments about my past flings ceased altogether.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Tue Mar 14, 2023 5:38 am


Along about early April of that year she brought it up out of the blue. She asked me if I was truly asking about the subject only for her benefit and that I honestly did not want to have a hall pass to have sex with other women. I assured her that was the case and if she was having second thoughts on the subject we could discuss it further. She assured me that she could never do it but that the subject had aroused her when we played. So we role played a bit in the bedroom and it seemed to really excite her. That led to me asking her if anyone ever hit on her. She replied “not really”. I let that go for a while and one night when we had partaken in a few cocktails asked her again. She let on that a part time intern that started in the last month was hitting on her at the Lab. “Well tell me about him”. Nope, she did not want to talk about him and she said it was harmless flirting and she did not encourage him. We went on to other subjects but the exchange about the flirting intern got me horny and I suggested we head to the bedroom as “there was a horny intern that wanted a go with her”. Sex was especially hot that night.

It was obvious to me that she was thinking about the subject but I couldn’t yet gauge her true level of interest.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Wed Mar 15, 2023 12:51 pm

On to May…

In the early part of May I randomly asked her about the flirty Intern. She said he was still flirtatious but she was not encouraging him. She was impressed with his persistence and flattered by the attention. He was now full time for the summer and there every day. I pressed her for more information and she seemed a little coy but described him as tall, thin, good looking and 19. He would be 20 in June. He was mature enough, but still acted like a 20 year old. I asked the hypothetical question if she was in college and single would he be ‘hook up worthy”? This caused her to laugh and said that she did not think about him that way. I pressed her to come clean and be honest, hypothetically. “Not really” was the reply. I knew then that she was holding back on her true feelings.

The next day she asked me why I was so interested in the prospect of her having a hall pass. I said that I thought that she would enjoy the experience of having sex with another man and that it also turned me on thinking about it. She pressed me, “you would actually get turned on knowing another man had sex with me and was inside me?”. My reply was yes, I believe that I would. She was having a hard time processing this. I assured her that this was a one way hall pass and that I would not have one for myself. She was still confused but shortly thereafter we had a very hot time in the bedroom.

The next morning we had a.m. sex and laid together afterwards cuddling. “I cannot believe you would want me to cheat on you”. I replied it’s not cheating if I approve of it and encourage you to do it. I again explained that it was for her, a gift from me to her. “It actually arouses you to think of me with another man, hooking up”? “Yes” was my reply. I asked her if she could honestly tell me she never thought of or was curious of other men. “Not really” was her reply. I took this opportunity to point out the fact that her “not really” answers were not a definitive no. She admitted then that maybe she fantasized a little about it. I took that opportunity to make the hall pass official. I told her that from that day forward if she ever wanted to experience sex with another man she had my official permission to do so. I just needed to know about it so we could discuss the parameters and safety. She thanked me for the hall pass but assured me that she would never use it.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Thu Mar 16, 2023 10:55 am

His name is Jon…

So Mr. Summer Intern had a name, Jon. I asked how the flirty intern was doing. She said “Jon is still hitting on me in a respectful way but I am not encouraging him”. I asked if he had a girlfriend and she replied that he did earlier in the year but they broke up. He told Jen he did not want another serious relationship for a while. I would interpret that as a subtle hint, which I stated to Jen. She said yes it was somewhat obvious in their conversations that he was looking for a FWB situation. I pointed out that their conversations on the subject were a little bit intimate for coworkers. Scowl. “Do you find him attractive?”. “I know where you are going with this, not happening” was her reply.

2 days later I arrange for us to have a lunch date during the work week. My office is 15 minutes from her Lab. I pick her up in the parking lot and as she exits the building a young man is accompanying her. He is tall, lean, blond and good looking. I can only assume it is Jon. When she gets into the car I ask her whom the young man was walking out with her. She pauses with her reply, then confirms it is intern Jon. Nice looking fellow I reply. She immediately changes the subject and we go off to our lunch not mentioning him again.

That evening I asked her if Jon ever inquired about me. He obviously knew she was married yet still flirted with her. She said he never had until today when I picked her up. He asked a lot of questions about our relationship, how we met, etc. She gave him a full history and added that we are deeply in love and committed to one another. Her way of letting him know that there was no opportunity with her I suppose. I did make a remark on how attractive he is. She avoided any comment to that quip. She changed the subject and I let it go.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Thu Mar 16, 2023 10:56 am


A couple days later her and three coworkers went to lunch at the same cafe that Jen and I had our lunch date. Jon was among them. Nothing in particular happened other than a suggestion that they all meet the next night, Friday, at a pub close by for happy hour. Jen declined initially, then tentatively agreed, stating that she needed to check with me first in case of other plans. We had no plans so I suggested she go and enjoy the time with her coworkers. I of course knew Jon would be there and I was sure he would press his flirting a bit further if the opportunity arose.

Friday afternoon she texted me that she was on her way to the pub for one drink and then she would be home. A couple hours later she arrived at our house with a very concerned look on her face. She was avoiding eye contact. I asked her how the gathering went and she immediately broke down crying. I pulled her in and held her close. I asked what was wrong. She sobbed uncontrollably and could not get any words out. I continued to hold her close and pressed her to tell me what was so upsetting. My mind was racing with possibilities. Did Jon make unwanted advances on her and crossed a line? She finally blurted out “I cheated on you” and continued sobbing. None of that made sense in terms of the amount of time that she was at the happy hour gathering. I asked her what she meant by “cheated on me”. He kissed her!

Two of her coworkers left the pub ahead of her and Jon. He offered to walk her to her car. As they said their good byes he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. She froze. He pulled back a little and she said she was paralyzed looking him in the eyes. He evidently thought that she wanted more and leaned in giving her a kiss on the lips. Still no resistance, he kissed her again only this time with tongue. She kissed him back almost like an instinctual reaction on her part. He continued to kiss her only with more passion. She met his tongue with hers and for a brief time they were deeply making out. He put his hand around her waist to the small of her back. At this point she realized what she was doing and broke away. She apologized to him and said to him that she could not do this. He apologized as well and they parted company. He texted her on his way home apologizing again and hoped he had not upset her.

“Texted her”. New revelation there, I did not know that he had her number!

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by central » Sun Mar 19, 2023 7:47 am

Please continue. Very interested in your story!

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Sun Mar 19, 2023 12:38 pm

central wrote:
Sun Mar 19, 2023 7:47 am
Please continue. Very interested in your story!
More to follow

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Sun Mar 19, 2023 1:14 pm

Please continue this story. If Lauren gets any hotter reading this I’m going to have to throw her in the pool.
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Mon Mar 20, 2023 12:42 pm


After she calmed down we talked rationally. I told her that I was not mad at all. I was actually excited for her to have had that experience. She was having trouble sorting out her emotions. We talked honestly and I did get from her that while she was in her “frozen state” she was experiencing a high level of excitement. But she could not get over the fact that she was unfaithful while enjoying the rush of the moment, however short. I explained to her that she was not unfaithful. I emphasized that I had gave her that latitude and so it could not be construed as being unfaithful. We talked more but in the end she wanted me to take her to bed. We undressed and I kissed her deeply, her neck, her breasts, nipples and then began to descend to give her oral. She tried to pull me back up stating that she needed me inside her. I resisted and found that her pussy was wetter than wet. She came quickly and then I entered her and made love to her. I did not last long at all, neither did she. We were both highly aroused. We fucked again within a half hour and then a third time in the wee hours of the morning. It had been a long time since we had done three. Her mood in the morning was great. We showered together and then went out for breakfast at a local diner. We did not mention anything regarding the previous day.

That evening we were having a glass of wine on our back deck and she tested the waters. “Are you sure you are not mad at me?” I assured her that I was not and that I was actually happy that she got to have the experience with Jon. I asked her with all things considered, and taking the guilt out of the equation, was kissing Jon a turn on for her? It took a long time for her to answer but she did confirm that it was very exciting. I told her I already knew the answer based on how wet she was the night before. She blushed. I then asked her if she would like to kiss him again. “Not really”.

At that moment I realized that this may go further.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Mon Mar 20, 2023 4:37 pm

Second week of May

Second kiss…

A week later, second Friday happy hour at the pub. The original 4 participants plus one other.

Similar to the first outing only they stayed a bit longer this time. Jon timed the departure so he could walk Jen to her car again. She was nervous that someone would see them so they took a walk to a park across the street. She explained to him that she had told me everything from the week before and that I was ok with it. She explained that her kissing him was not off limits and it had excited both of us. He was somewhat confused but did not ask anymore questions. They walked into a wooded area and he pulled her in for a kiss. They immediately began making out passionately. He held her close and she said that the kissing became intense. When he reached around her and pressed her close she did not resist. They embraced for 20 minutes or so with light petting and heavy kissing. When he went for a boob she shut him down. The sexual tension was starting to peak and she decided that this encounter had gone far enough and she asked him to walk her back to the car. They embraced and had a parting kiss and she thanked him.

When she arrived home there were no tears but she was certainly conflicted. She recanted the encounter and added that when they were tightly embraced she could feel his erection pressing into her. She admitted this was all very exciting but she was having trouble understanding it and my enthusiasm for her to play with another man. We moved our conversation to the bedroom and when I went down on her she did not try to prevent me from licking her. Wet as wet can be again and she came very quickly. We made love and talked some more. During our conversations her phone was sounding text alerts. She reached for her phone in her jeans on the floor and the texts were from Jon. I asked to view them with her to which she agreed. He thanked her for their time together that evening and told her how incredibly sexy she was. He also stated that he did not understand the dynamic between Jen and I allowing her to engage with him but he was not questioning it. He said he was not interested in causing us any trouble as a couple but if they could continue their rendezvous he would be very happy. He also said that he was a bit over stimulated by their encounter and joked he would have to get a hand on the situation. We both got amused by that. We had another round of hot love making and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning we showered together and I got a very sensual blow job after we toweled off. Over coffee I asked her if she would go further than just kissing Jon. She was not sure how to answer. She was excited by what they had done so far but contemplating anything beyond that was causing her some anxiety. I joked that she was a bit cruel not letting him have a little feel of the boob. She laughed stating that he would have probably been disappointed. I disagreed.

Jen has a tight body. B size boobs, very firm and shapely, with very long nipples. Her nipples get hard easily and even in clothing that normally would hide them they are very often visible. She looks awesome when she goes braless, very sexy. Jen is 5’6”, very lean and has a small but shapely bum. I love how her pussy looks through the gap in her legs. She is strawberry blond, top and bottom. She and I do the gym and she also runs which keeps her in top shape.

If Jon had got a feel he would have been pleased I am sure.

Her breasts..
Screenshot 2023-03-11 at 3.45.48 PM

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Mon Mar 20, 2023 4:44 pm

Sorry, my picture will not upload.

Fixed it, added it as the Avatar

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Jacko » Mon Mar 20, 2023 7:11 pm

Very nice! You can post pictures in "The Hotties" forum.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Tue Mar 21, 2023 5:18 am

Third week of May

No Happy Hour…

The following Friday the crew from the two previous happy hour outings had other commitments. Jen did not want to go with just Jon and be seen so the gathering was canceled altogether. However, during the week there was a lot of texting after work hours. Some of it got suggestive and the banter back and forth kept Jen in a high state of arousal. This kept our love life in high gear all week. She did have to remind him at work that he needed to keep his distance in the Lab as she did not want any co-workers suspecting anything. His texts were daily and he continuously paid her compliments on how beautiful and sexy she is. He was definitely turning up the heat on her.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Tue Mar 21, 2023 5:30 am

Fourth week of May

The following Monday he asked if they could take a walk in the park after work! This was via text while at work. She texted me and asked me what I thought? I of course encouraged her to do so and added that she should not be so cruel this time! She sent me the devil emoji.

She decided to accept his invitation. They met at the park and proceeded to the previous rendezvous location in the wooded area. The embrace was immediate. He picked up where he left off and held her close while they kissed passionately. Both his and her hands were wandering and eventually he tried for a feel. She let him this time, but over her shirt. He then went for the buttons on the front of her shirt. She was a little bit uneasy as they were in public, but my comments on her torturing Jon compelled her to allow him to continue. He opened her shirt and then unclasped her bra in the front. Her beautiful tits were free and she said her nipples were as hard as diamonds. He felt her up for a while while kissing her aggressively. She told me her heart was pounding so hard the world could hear it. He broke from kissing her and took one of her nipples into his mouth. She said he was very enthusiastic and the situation was very hot. This went on for a time and she said she was getting too worked up and needed to end their encounter. He of course was disappointed but understood. On her way home he texted her how incredibly hot she is and that he had a serious case of blue balls which he would have to handle on his own when he got home. The texting went back and fourth a bit and the heat between them was definitely elevated.

This time when she arrived at home there was no conflicting emotions other than she wanted me inside her as soon as possible. I went down on her first for a taste of her extra wet pussy despite her protests. Her orgasms seemed to be more intense since her encounters with Jon started. We talked after sex and she said that her rendezvous with Jon this time felt more comfortable and letting him have her boobs definitely got her very hot. I asked if she was considering going further with him. She replied that it was up to me. I pointed out that she had my blessings and she knew my position but the decision was assuredly hers. I did point out that before things got to a point where the passion inadvertently took them to a place where she did not expect to go having him get a full STD test was the prudent thing to do. This comment caused an instant return to conflicting emotions with her as she had not thought through the prospect of actually having intercourse with him. She is on birth control and we never used condoms as she found them uncomfortable and not enjoyable. I could see the confusion on her face when she realized that I may be suggesting that he go bare if they got to that point. “You would let him cum inside me?”. “I won’t let him do anything, you are the one that will make that decision” was my reply. I suggested that if he got tested and was clean and she made the decision to go that far that she would not enjoy it with a condom. She went quiet, contemplating the new revelations.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Wed Mar 22, 2023 1:57 pm

Happy hour returns…

Flirtatious texting resumed all week. They avoided each other at work for cover. Happy hour on Friday had grown to a group of six. At the end of the scheduled pub gathering Jon walked her to her car and then suggested that they take a walk in the park. She declined with a made up excuse that we had plans. They had a brief make out session and she left. When she got home I was surprised to see her so early. She said she just did not feel the urge this evening and wanted to be home with me. We talked a bit more and she confided that she was uneasy with the conversation we had last week about her letting him inside her. She was excited by the thought of it she admitted, but that in and of itself gave her unease. I reassured her as best I could that I was ok with it and that the thought of it excited me too. She was very worried that was a line that if crossed may make me change my mind. I told her that I wanted this for her and that the experience would be good for the both of us. But I also assured her that I would not force her to go where she did not want to go. We had awesome sex that night and she was especially vocal.

The next day, Saturday, she got a text from Jon asking if she would attend an off campus party with him. He assured her that no one there would know her and that he would be a perfect gentlemen. He just wanted to be able to spend some social time with her. I encouraged her to accept but she was very hesitant. We played scenarios back and forth and I indicated that Jon seemed honest enough about it. We both knew that it was very likely that there would be some sort of intimate play involved at some point in the evening. Anxiously, she accepted and we set about planning her attire for that evening. Jon to say the least was over the top happy.

The plan was for her to meet him at his off campus apartment and she would ride with him to the party. She chose to drive herself and meet him. I had offered and agreed to stay in the area if that made her feel better but she agreed that Jon was trustworthy. They met at 7:00 pm and he drove them to the house party a short 4 miles away.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Johng1953 » Thu Mar 23, 2023 4:26 am

Just discovered your story. Loving it so far, thanks.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Thu Mar 23, 2023 7:44 am

Elevated deck…

They arrived at the house and entered together. There was a moderate sized crowd there consisting of all college aged guys and gals. Jen looks young and easily passes as a college aged women. Drink and smoke was abundant. Jon introduced her as a plutonic friend which put Jen at ease. She was hit on every time Jon left her for drinks or socialized with someone he knew. Jen had a few glasses of wine and relaxed as the evening progressed. She socialized some but spent most of her time tagging along with Jon. At one point he suggested that the two of them retreat to the back deck for some fresh air and get away from the crowd. Exiting the back of the house there was an elevated deck with a walk-in cellar underneath. The deck wrapped around the house in an L shape. People were coming in and out to smoke and so Jon guided her around the corner of the L where they would be alone. They were standing at the railing of the deck about to embrace when they both heard noises coming from below. A quick look over the edge and the ambient light from the cellar windows illuminated a couple beneath them.

She was on her knees in front of him, his 2 hands on her head. He was thrusting his cock in her mouth, face fucking her. Jon and Jen looked at each other but then both looked back down on the couple. Jen said the light was good enough so that she could see his cock thrusting back and forth into the girls mouth. The girl was moaning softly but clearly auditable. This went on for what seemed like hours but was only minutes in reality. Jen said the guy slowed down, grunted and clearly unloaded into the girls mouth. He disengaged from her lips and at that point Jen saw his full member drop below her chin. He began to look around and at that point both Jon and Jen retreated from the edge of the deck so not to be seen. A group of people exited the house and fanned out onto the deck at this point and any privacy was lost. They went back inside for a while and Jen grabbed another wine. She said she was very aroused by what she just witnessed.

After a while Jon suggested that they take a walk into the large back yard.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by isinlarsa » Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:33 am

It appears that your story has progressed to around June, and we are now in March, so I'm guessing you have a lot more to tell, and I look forward to it. Just a couple of quick observations. Among your earliest comments, you say that your thoughts of giving her a hall pass led you into researching the hotwife lifestyle, and that then turned into an obsession. I think that happens to many of us cuckolded husbands. We literally ache to have our wives fucked by other men. I also find it particularly hot when the wife becomes attracted to a younger man. That happened with my wife, and I guess that has become a bit of a fetish with me. In that regard, Jon and your wife's relationship is actually quite sweet; although it has the potential to become carnal. I anticipate it, and can't wait to hear that it does become sexual and how you enjoy it. I suspect the next stage will be your wife asking Jon to get tested, which will telegraph that she's ready to submit to him.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:46 am

isinlarsa wrote:
Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:33 am
It appears that your story has progressed to around June, and we are now in March, so I'm guessing you have a lot more to tell, and I look forward to it. Just a couple of quick observations. Among your earliest comments, you say that your thoughts of giving her a hall pass led you into researching the hotwife lifestyle, and that then turned into an obsession. I think that happens to many of us cuckolded husbands. We literally ache to have our wives fucked by other men. I also find it particularly hot when the wife becomes attracted to a younger man. That happened with my wife, and I guess that has become a bit of a fetish with me. In that regard, Jon and your wife's relationship is actually quite sweet; although it has the potential to become carnal. I anticipate it, and can't wait to hear that it does become sexual and how you enjoy it. I suspect the next stage will be your wife asking Jon to get tested, which will telegraph that she's ready to submit to him.
This was actually June of 2021 so there is a lot more coming. As I discovered later, which I will detail, the seeds of the obsession were sown much earlier and I did not realize it. Early college days to be precise. But we are getting ahead of it so back June of 2021...

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by isinlarsa » Thu Mar 23, 2023 9:12 am

Ray-Man wrote:
Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:46 am
isinlarsa wrote:
Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:33 am
It appears that your story has progressed to around June, and we are now in March, so I'm guessing you have a lot more to tell, and I look forward to it. Just a couple of quick observations. Among your earliest comments, you say that your thoughts of giving her a hall pass led you into researching the hotwife lifestyle, and that then turned into an obsession. I think that happens to many of us cuckolded husbands. We literally ache to have our wives fucked by other men. I also find it particularly hot when the wife becomes attracted to a younger man. That happened with my wife, and I guess that has become a bit of a fetish with me. In that regard, Jon and your wife's relationship is actually quite sweet; although it has the potential to become carnal. I anticipate it, and can't wait to hear that it does become sexual and how you enjoy it. I suspect the next stage will be your wife asking Jon to get tested, which will telegraph that she's ready to submit to him.
This was actually June of 2021 so there is a lot more coming. As I discovered later, which I will detail, the seeds of the obsession were sown much earlier and I did not realize it. Early college days to be precise. But we are getting ahead of it so back June of 2021...
It is so easy to fall into that obsession of your woman getting fucked by other men. It started with my first wife, and even though I have had several relationships with women, I always grew to wanting them fucked by other men. I assume the seed was planted with a college girlfriend. I don't want you to get distracted from the story of your wife, but perhaps a digression to that experience would be nice.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:08 am

Stone Wall…

Jon and Jen walked to the back of the property which was surrounded on the edge by trees and a hedge. They walked to the very back corner of the yard where there was limited light from the house and adjacent street lights. A low flat stone wall boxed in the yard just below the hedge row. Here Jon and Jen sat down and began to kiss passionately. Jon wasted no time unfastening Jen’s shirt and bra and the cool evening air added extra stimulus to her nipples. Jon started kissing her neck and breasts. Both of them were aroused from the performance of the couple under the deck. He reached for her pant clasp and she stopped him. He told her he was desperate to feel her and asked her if she was not excited to be there with him. She responded that she was but she did not feel comfortable exposing that much of herself in the back yard. They continued to make out and Jon felt, kissed and nibbled what of herself that she allowed to be exposed, waist up. He asked her what turned her on. In the heat of the moment she said that what they just witnessed was really erotic. Realizing that she may just have made a suggestive comment she said nothing further. At the time it seemed as though it did not register with Jon and they continued to kiss and fondle one another with her hands up his shirt on his bare chest. Without saying a word, Jon rose up from the stone wall and stood directly in front of Jen. He was close to her. A short moment of awkwardness was followed by his hand traveling to his belt and snap on his jeans. He freed his pants and dropped them down onto his thighs. He stood there for a moment and Jen “froze”. With no reaction from her he dropped his boxers and released his fully erect penis. Jen told me that it was similar in length and thickness to mine but the head of his cock was oversized relative to his shaft. The low light created a less than clear view of it but she could clearly make out the difference between us. Jon then simply put the head of his cock to her lips. She said her mind was saying no but her lips parted and his fat cock head was in her mouth. She submitted instantly and began to suck him, explore him. He was leaking pre-cum profusely. For a few minutes she sat there on the wall blowing him and processing the revelation of a different cock in her mouth than mine. She said the atmosphere, the previous deck episode and the newness of him had her on edge of orgasm. Up to this point she was working on him. Then, Jon placed both of his hands on her head and grabbed her hair in his grip. He took over and now was slowly fucking Jen’s mouth. With no resistance from her he increased his tempo until he was enthusiastically pumping in and out of her mouth as if he was fucking her pussy. His pre-cum excretions increased and she now had a good taste of him. Without warning her he paused in his thrusts and began to ejaculate. She came instantly without any manual stimulation, a first. Her experiences with me and her only other boyfriend from high school did not prepare her for Jon’s volume. Turns out he was a heavy shooter and has very thick semen. She said his sperm volume was at least double mine and her mouth was so full with his cock in her mouth that she could not swallow directly. He stayed in her mouth for a some time while he came down from his climax then pulled out. She swallowed all of his cum in a couple of attempts all while her own climax was subsiding. He asked her if she was ok and she started laughing, not at him, but at the irony of the situation. She assured him that she was ok. He asked her if that was hot for her and she replied that it was. They redressed themselves and headed back inside.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:13 am

The ride back…

Once inside they decided that the party was no longer doing it for them and they got in the car to travel back to his apartment. They kissed before departing. On the short ride back he apologized if he had over stepped. She assured him he did not and that she found the whole experience exciting. Once back at his apartment they began making out in the car and he again released her tits from her shirt and bra. He was hot on her and eventually asked if she wanted to go inside as his room mate was not there that night. She told him she could not go further without him being tested and declined the invitation. The more they made out the hotter she got as did he. He tried for her pants again but she pushed him away. She placed her hand in his crotch and he was very hard again. This time she unbuckled his belt and released the clasp on his jeans. He assisted with pulling down his pants and boxers, releasing a very erect penis. She descended on him and began to blow him. This time he did not assist but only placed a hand on her head. She did all the work this go round and after 20 minutes or so he ejaculated into her mouth. She was surprised at the amount of semen as he had just cum not long ago. Again her mouth was full of very thick cum and she pulled off of his cock to swallow. She went back down on him to finish the last of it and bring him down slowly. As he softened she released him from her mouth and sat upright in the passenger seat. He asked if he could get her off as he felt she was being left in limbo. She thanked him but declined and told him she needed to save something for me. They parted and she drove home.

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