"Not Really"

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by octavian » Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:32 am

I believe Marc wants you touch him at the very least.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by 54321 » Thu Nov 02, 2023 5:20 am

Jen emerged from the shower dressed in her towel. She also went to the coffee station and grabbed a cup for herself. When she turned to go to the table she bent over in front of Marc and kissed the shaft of his cock, just a peck of sorts.
So cute!


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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by superb101 » Mon Nov 06, 2023 5:42 am

Bump for more!

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Lensman2000 » Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:38 pm

I love the detail in your very hot recounting of the menage a trois. And, after the "gay" comments, Marc's ambiguous (seductive?) behavior toward you adds yet another layer of interest to the story.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by superb101 » Sat Nov 11, 2023 1:05 pm

Im ready for more please!

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:48 am

Her thoughts…

I made Jen breakfast and woke her up at 10:00 am. We had a long talk about the previous night, the sex between them to date and his personality. She described him, relative to the sexual part, somewhat of a hybrid of Jon and Brett. Put the two of them together as one and you had Marc, sort of. She said the sex with him was awesome. She liked his dominance and the way he treated her. He could be rude in a way but she liked being treated in a degrading way so it worked for her. I saw some of that the night previous.

However, she pointed out that he was very self centered, a bit of a narcissist in a way. If he wasn’t good at sex it would be annoying and she would not engage him. This made me feel better, that she was obviously experiencing NRE and his challenges of sorts to me were not going anywhere. She was not sure how long it would last as she hoped to find someone that we could feel comfortable with like Brett.

The other thing she pointed out was that he was a bit possessive. She was surprised that he was so comfortable that last night as he was pressuring her to come to his place alone. He definitely wanted to have one on one time with her and not have me around. And he continued to make comments about me that were less than flattering. He was convinced that I was gay. He found it very strange that I went down on her after he had cum in her and while he found it strangely interesting he still thought of it as strictly a “homo” act. No amount of explanation on her part was convincing him otherwise. So in this respect, he had no respect for me.

She said that she did not expect this situation to last but that the sex was so good she wanted to continue. Sex with him was all about him. He was only concerned with his pleasure. I witnessed that and at times the previous night I was concerned he was pounding her too hard. But since he was so aggressive at it she was getting all she wanted out of it. She was enjoying the rough treatment. Except oral, he was not good at it and did not do it enough. But she had me for that!

She knew I was not that comfortable with him. She asked that I hang in there for a while and let it evolve for a bit to see where we ended up.

Later that afternoon he asked her over to his place. He wanted her to spend the night with him. She did not agree to a sleep over but did agree to come to him that night. I thought that everyone involved would have needed a break but I was wrong. After dinner she went to him. I was fine as I was exhausted and welcomed some sleep. I expected her back late but she never came home until early morning just in time to get ready for work. He convinced her to stay over, with his dick.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:49 am

Monday 9/19/2022


Monday after work Jen and I decided to get back to the gym. Marc was not there nor did we inform him we were going. However he started texting Jen and pressuring her to come to his place that night. The NRE was fully engaged and it did not take much to convince her to go to him. I wanted some us time so I was disappointed but Jen has a way with soothing my ego.

It was another all night affair. She said she just can’t get over how good the sex is with him. The dirty talk was getting more bold and he was using terms like “slut” regularly with her. I didn’t want to hear it but she was enjoying it. He also peed on her in the shower in the morning. Something new. She wasn’t expecting it. It turned her on. I don’t know why I was surprised at this. She barely made it home in time for work.

In his attempts to have her more to himself he asked her to bring some clothes to his place so the next time she would not have to come home before going to work. That was a red line for me and to her credit she could see what he was trying to do. She declined. I was now getting concerned that he was trying to pry her away. He had become very possessive in a very short time.

I was relieved when she declined to go to his place on Tuesday night. However, I could hardly keep up with her, she was so horny and wanted it all night. I was thinking to myself “Brett, why did you have to get a girlfriend”? It was so good when he was around. The perfect mix of sex and fun. I could clearly see that there was going to be no close friendship with Marc.

Wednesday the pressure was on again for her to go to him. Again she declined, which actually surprised me. He offered a compromise, he would come to us. The twist was that he knew from conversations with Jen that Brett used the spare room for their escapades and that is exactly whet Marc wanted. He did not want me in the same room. He wanted her to himself.

And that’s what went down. They fucked all night. When she wanted to come to me in our bedroom he objected and swooned her into staying with him in the spare room. He met me in the morning at the coffee pot. Dirty dick hanging about, naked. Showing me the evidence of his domination of my wife overnight. He was so blatant about it. An obvious direct challenge to me. He even gave me details of what he did to her and stated if I hurried I could probably get some by cleaning her up. His attitude and comments were presented in a joking manner but he was being disingenuous.

Everyone needed to get to work so there was a frenzy of showers and a quick exodus from the house.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Johng1953 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 2:19 pm

Marc needs a smack to teach him some respect.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Trvlman7 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:47 pm

I would say Marc is truly a Class A Jerk and really needs to be kicked to the curb. Also Jen needs to shut him down on his taunting you about his dominance. Bullies tend to not take up front confrontation well.
My hat is off to you for not kicking his ass already
Few things are more beautiful then a sexy loving wife spread wide open for all!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Magellanic29 » Tue Nov 14, 2023 7:00 am

Great update as always. This Marc guy is a total jerk yet it's super hot to me at the same time. Might be one of the few that thinks this bu still. She sure is loving spreading her legs for him. Doubt it will last very long however.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by eater » Tue Nov 14, 2023 7:39 am

Yes Marc is a jerk but I also find it hot the way he dominates you and your wife. You seem to be ambivalent about it, not liking his behavior but finding it to be a real turn on. It will be interesting to see how this pans out.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Wed Nov 15, 2023 3:39 am

It was good…

Jen felt bad that I got left out and she resisted Marc’s requests for her to come to his house Thursday night. We made love that night. I did not pound her. I wasn’t aggressive. We just had vanilla sex. And it was great. She got a lot of oral and was very grateful.

She was curious if I was tiring of Marc’s behavior. I was indecisive in my answer. He annoyed me. But I loved that she was getting off so well with him. If his attitude towards me was moderated or if I developed some form of acceptance of his implied domination over me it would be different. We were definitely in some sort of competition. I think from Jen’s comments she was sort of getting off on this maneuvering. Two males competing for her pussy in a way.

Wednesday night he cock blocked me. He ensured that only his sperm was in her womb that night. Even when she intended to come to me he intercepted. He fucked her four times and her insides were full of his seed. I felt a primal need to breed her in the morning but our time ran out. He won the day.

Friday night Jen insisted that if Marc wanted her he had to come to our house and share her with me. He had no options. When he walked through the door he embraced her and gave her a deep passionate kiss in front of me. The grin on his face was one of triumph. He thought he had won the game before it even started. We all ate dinner together. A glass of wine, then we all headed to the bedroom.

A little foreplay ensued and I was eating Jen out as I normally do to prepare her for intercourse. He lay next to her but propped up on the pillows, his hip next to her face. She was stroking his cock with one hand and he was rubbing her tits. They were both watching me give her oral. She came. Then her focus turned to him and she rolled over to give him head. He was looking at me not her, with a bit of smugness.

It came over me in that instant. It was time for a reset. I picked up Jen by the hips and positioned her in front of me for doggie. She never missed a beat. Her mouth never left his cock as I penetrated her pussy. It had not been fucked yet so she was tight. An unusual sensation for me in these situations. Marc’s expression changed as she started to moan from my thrusts. And they were thrusts. I went into an aggressive breeding mode. And of course I was very aroused by my own assertiveness. I lasted 5 minutes and did the unexpected. I came in her first.

My only comment was to him. “She is ready for you”. He never moved. Instead he settled for a completed blowjob and released into Jen’s mouth. You could feel the tension change. He was on defense now. I moved up and positioned myself opposite of him on the other side of Jen. Done with him she switched to me and cleaned my cock. She had a smirk on her face. She knew exactly what I was up to. We both felt her body, running our hands over her. She switched back and forth between us trying to suck us back to erections.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by pixmangurn » Wed Nov 15, 2023 6:26 am

Good for you showing that smug prick who's REALLY the boss!! He sounds like a narcissistic asshole. They're cowards underneath the bravado, don't let him push either of you around! He'll try to ruin your relationship then move on to the next victims.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by 54321 » Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:09 am

She switched back and forth between us trying to suck us back to erections.
As I play the movie in my mind, the background music is 'Duelling Banjos'. :lol:


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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Wed Nov 15, 2023 10:05 am

Can’t be first in everything…

I was energized. I was just returning the favor. And I got hard first. I went right back to my babes pussy and fucked her missionary. Marc didn’t move. He just watched as if he were me. Of course his agony was prolonged a little longer than 5 minutes this time. I did not suddenly turn in to a rock star but I lasted longer than normal.

After the second seeding of my wife’s beautiful pussy she refocused on getting him hard again. It wasn’t working. I now felt like I was denying her with my antics so I decided to leave the spare room and let them have their time one on one. She told me later he struggled but finally came around. I slept very well that night. And my balls were empty.

Ironically he left early that next morning. I didn’t even get a chance to walk around displaying my dick to him at morning coffee time. He did recover and fucked Jen to her satisfaction during the night although he had a moment of hesitation before he pushed his cock into her pussy, full of my cum. I was satisfied. She found it highly amusing.

Saturday he begged her to come to his place. She felt sorry for him and so she packed some clothes for the night away. I fucked her before she left. She was now in on the game. I went to the pub and felt great. Socialized a bit then went home and got a great nights sleep.

When she arrived at his place she disclosed the fact that she had already had intercourse with me. He was not happy. She felt it only fair to tell him. I may have had a difference of opinion. He got over it but asked that it not happen next time. She said he was as aggressive as ever and the sex was great overnight. No oral of course.

In the morning Marc asked Jen if she would just come to him at his place for sex. He lost his interest in the threesome dynamic. My ploy may have derailed the three way fun. He also asked Jen to refrain from having sex with me when they planned to get together. Which was somewhat ludicrous. His pitch was that he was giving her better sex and that she really didn’t need it that much from me.

She soundly rejected the abstinence of sex with me. She also countered that she needed to fulfill my needs and that may impact the amount of time she could spend at his place. The poor guy was getting hit from all directions.

She actually thought briefly about ending the whole thing if it was going to be too much to manage. When she got home and gave me the details I agreed and I felt it might be time to cut ties. She insisted on letting it ride longer and to see if there could be some common ground found. I was skeptical.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by airhorn » Wed Nov 15, 2023 4:32 pm

Ray-Man wrote:
Wed Nov 15, 2023 10:05 am
She actually thought briefly about ending the whole thing if it was going to be too much to manage. When she got home and gave me the details I agreed and I felt it might be time to cut ties. She insisted on letting it ride longer and to see if there could be some common ground found. I was skeptical.
Sounds like he might've overplayed his hand, and now may be reduced to solitaire.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Lensman2000 » Wed Nov 15, 2023 8:06 pm

Your very hot thread has moments where it is actually kind of heartwarming.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Magellanic29 » Thu Nov 16, 2023 2:12 am

Great update god I love this story. So good!

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Thu Nov 16, 2023 5:00 am

Saturday 10/1/2022

Regular scheduled time…

Monday was the beginning of the new order of things. She went to his place Monday, Wednesday and Friday. He got his confidence back and I became a target in abstentia for his jabs at me. Jen kept having to manage that which did annoy her. However the sex was as good as ever.

I was sitting at the kitchen table early Saturday morning with my cup of coffee waiting on Jen’s arrival home. I heard her car pull in and the steps on the staircase up to our front door. Then there was a knock. I got up and could see Tory standing on the other side of the window in the door. To be honest I was really glad to see him. I opened the door and invited him in. He genuinely seemed to be glad to see me. I offered him a cup of coffee and asked why he was home. He said he had to come home for an uncles funeral. He looked good. Put a couple of pounds on. He asked for Jen and I told him she would be home shortly.

We talked about school (he was only 2 hours away in Boston). He was loving it. I asked about his girl. She dumped him. He was ok with it. It was a short lived thing. He said he was home until Monday morning when he needed to return to Boston. He seemed much more confident in general and he certainly was more relaxed around me than he ever had been. We were actually having a normal conversation.

He then asked me directly, could he spend some time with Jen while he was home. He was asking my permission in a sense. This was welcome. I said she would have to answer that herself but that I was perfectly ok with it. He smiled and thanked me. I then informed him of Marc and that was where she would be coming from. He asked about him and I gave him a high level overview of the situation. This did not seem to bother him at all.

Jen walked through the door shortly after the Marc discussion and she was pleasantly surprised to see Tory. They embraced and kissed in front of me. A passionate kiss. He had to leave to go to his parents but he asked if he could come back early afternoon. We all were in agreement on that. He then departed and Jen and I recapped her evening.

Marc had been on his best behavior that previous night which created some optimism for Jen around the arrangement with him. However, with the arrival of Tory her focus had immediately changed. I told her he basically asked my permission to spend time with her over the weekend. She was totally on board with the idea and a very happy gal.

To be honest, I was elated that Tory showed up. Knowing he was going to be fucking Jen by the afternoon was a welcome development for me. It gave her a short term option over Marc which I also was happy about. When its the right partner, I love knowing or watch her get fucked by someone else.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by WatchinginNJ » Thu Nov 16, 2023 5:11 am

It's interesting what drives people. Marc's intentions are obviously masked or at the very least he's not leading with them. I've met guys like that who deep in their brain just can't get past the fact that women can fuck around, and still be dedicated to their partner. They seem to have no problem reaping the benefits, if even they think they'll eventually replace the guy.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by 54321 » Thu Nov 16, 2023 7:18 am

Jen walked through the door shortly after the Marc discussion and she was pleasantly surprised to see Tory. They embraced and kissed in front of me. A passionate kiss.


PS. Love this thread! :D

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Johng1953 » Thu Nov 16, 2023 12:33 pm

WatchinginNJ wrote:
Thu Nov 16, 2023 5:11 am
It's interesting what drives people. Marc's intentions are obviously masked or at the very least he's not leading with them. I've met guys like that who deep in their brain just can't get past the fact that women can fuck around, and still be dedicated to their partner. They seem to have no problem reaping the benefits, if even they think they'll eventually replace the guy.
I'm not sure where you get this from. I see Marc as a predator who hasn't got a clue what a hotwife/cuckold relationship is and where the likes of him fits in.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by WatchinginNJ » Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:43 am

Johng1953 wrote:
Thu Nov 16, 2023 12:33 pm
WatchinginNJ wrote:
Thu Nov 16, 2023 5:11 am
It's interesting what drives people. Marc's intentions are obviously masked or at the very least he's not leading with them. I've met guys like that who deep in their brain just can't get past the fact that women can fuck around, and still be dedicated to their partner. They seem to have no problem reaping the benefits, if even they think they'll eventually replace the guy.
I'm not sure where you get this from. I see Marc as a predator who hasn't got a clue what a hotwife/cuckold relationship is and where the likes of him fits in.
I'm coming from the same space. I don't think Marc is fully on board, in a trust worthy way. There's power dynamics, when everyone is consenting, but it seems like he hasn't fully offered or explained what he wants, even if that's "I don't know what I'm doing, but figuring out what works"

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Mon Nov 20, 2023 9:51 am


Marc was looking for another sleep over but Jen informed him that they would not get together again until Monday night. I was so happy that she took that position. I also knew that she would want as much time with Tory as possible. She also did not inform Marc of Tory’s arrival and I agreed with this as well. It would have created drama for sure.

Tory texted Jen mid morning and asked if he could stay in our spare room for the weekend because there were relatives staying at his parents. We both agreed to his request.

2:00 in the afternoon he arrived back at our place and brought in his bags. Jen set him up in the spare room and we made a late lunch. Tory was extra friendly and seemed to have lost some of his shyness that he had before he left for school. It had not been that long but he seemed to have changed so much since we saw him last.

As we finished lunch I could tell he was anxious to get with Jen. I told him directly that I thought he and Jen should spend some time catching up and I would go off and do some errands. He was beaming. She led him to his room and I left the house to go do my thing.

I was gone for about an hour when I got a text from Jen to come back home. I scurried my way back and with much anticipation entered our house. They were naked on the couch. Jen said she had something for me. Of course it was a cream pie. Me fully clothed and with her young lover sitting naked next to her looking on I got between her legs and started licking. She was on fire immediately. I was so engrossed in licking her/him up and I had a raging hard on. It was good to actually go down on her and truly wanting it. Gone was the bitter taste and the cloud of Marc hanging over me. I was truly aroused and grateful.

She was working his cock with her hand while I was giving her pleasure between her legs. When she finished with her climax she stated to me that Tory wanted to fuck her in front of me. I was not sure if that was totally his idea or coaching from Jen but I was certainly happy about it. I watched them fuck doggie on the couch for 20 minutes. His enthusiasm was refreshing.

He stayed inside her for a minute after he deposited his load. Backing away from her his semi hard cock dropped out of her and he sat down on the couch. She turned around and instantly went down on him, licking the cum from his balls and cock. After covering every square inch of his manhood she turned to me and closed in for a kiss. She kept one hand on his shaft as she gave me the first intentional cum kiss since we started down this kinky path.

I must say that it was damn erotic. I was use to cum in my mouth but this method of delivery was new and exciting. She kissed me deeply, sharing the prize. It seemed like an eternity. She broke from the kiss and turned her attention back to Tory. With her hand still on his shaft she squeezed it with an upwards motion and a little blob of white cum surfaced from his pee hole. She turned to me and smiled. “Would you get that for me”?

I was confused. Momentarily paralyzed by my processing of her request. “It would be hot” was her next comment. I just couldn’t move. The prospect of licking his dick had me paralyzed. It was a line that I had not contemplating crossing. It was one thing to consume another man’s cum from my wife’s pussy as it was something I did to pleasure her. This circumstance seemed more about pleasuring him.

My non response and inaction to her request revealed my unease with the situation and so she let me off the hook by going down and getting the cum herself.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Mon Nov 20, 2023 9:51 am

An evening of fun…

She turned to me and kissed me again. We then all relaxed, except my dick. Time for a beer and I offered to make dinner. The two of them stayed naked and I was fully dressed still. When I was busy in the kitchen a playful Jen started to remove my clothes one garment at a time. By the time I placed the food on the table I was Jay Bird naked.

After dinner we hung out for a while talking. Tory was like a completely different dude. He was incredibly relaxed. There was a large age difference between he and I, Jen being a bit closer in age to him. He had that youthful healthy appearance, thin, but in shape. As a whole package, much more fun than Marc.

The bedroom was where we landed next. I was content watching his cock repeatedly penetrate Jen. I was leaning up against the head board, pillows supporting my back. They had been fucking missionary. Jen changed them up by getting on all fours for doggie. She then moved all the way up so she was positioned kind of over me. I took the hint and slid down underneath her right below her pussy. I pulled a pillow down and placed it under my head. With her pussy a mere 12” or so above me Tory got into position and I got a clear view of his cock sliding into my wife. His balls suspended just above my chin he began to trust into her. Such a hot view. I could have watched for hours. His balls slapping against her and the glistening juices on his shaft as it slid in and out of her. I stayed there for the finish.

The reality of another guy cumming inside your wife cannot be any more real than when you see his urethra contracting inches from you face as his penis pumps sperm into her pussy. The level of arousal was intense. I was leaking pre-cum, hardest of erections and blue balls extraordinaire. Purposefully denying myself release could be painful physically at times but the intense arousal that I experienced from it had become my preference. At the end of it all the sexual release was so much more intense it was worth it.

He held steady for a while. Enjoying her moist warmth. I never moved. He then pulled out and the sperm started flowing from her. My first intentional facial. Strings of his cum broke free from her and landed on my nose and cheeks. Slow progressions of more appeared and dropped to me. She was looking down at me between her breasts. Then she lowered herself for her pleasure. My oral responsibilities ensued until she orgasmed. One of our best sessions ever.

Tory was amazed. She unstraddled me and we kissed deeply. She then moved to my cock and took me into her mouth. I did not want that. I was not ready to cum. I wanted to wait. But my balls wanted relief and I lasted seconds.

Everyone int the room was temporarily spent. We cuddled, talked.

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