Facing The Truth (part 1)

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Facing The Truth (part 1)

Unread post by jaiceeuk » Wed May 31, 2023 3:19 am

A story I wrote a few years back. I didnt get around to writing part 2 and dont thinkl I ever posted this part.

Facing The Truth (Part 1 - Is Honesty The Best Policy?)

It had been no more than a minor argument, every married couple have them at some point in their relationship. Steve had found a receipt, carelessly left lying around, for a dress his wife Lyn had bought that morning. She had told him that it cost her £70 but the true cost was nearly three times that amount. A little white lie, it shouldn’t have been a big deal but Steve had to get on his moral high horse as usual.

Lyn, his wife of 18 months had to endure his lecture about the importance of absolute honesty in a marriage. Trust was the very bedrock of a happy life together, he insisted. She listened and said little in return, bored with his moralistic attitude, tired of his incessant sermons on how she should conduct herself in married life. She smiled to herself as she thought “when I married Mr Right I didn’t realise his first name was always”.

All was forgiven and forgotten by Steve by the time they went out for dinner that evening. He had to admit Lyn looked fantastic in the figure hugging dress that had been the cause of the spat.
For Lyn, however, it was far from forgotten and certainly not forgiven. She was sick to death of being expected to play the little woman living in the shadow of her husband. annoyed with her husband and was mulling over his words of wisdom on honesty, integrity and truth. She wasn’t about to play the little woman bowing down to her mans supposed superior intellect.

Steve couldn’t take his eyes off his wife all evening, a fact not lost on Lyn. She knew she looked good and easily recognised the desire in his eyes. A typical man, she thought with amusement, telling her how to behave one minute, desperate to have her the next. Her husband was no exception to the norm. Controlling outwardly but always susceptible to feminine charms. She had realised early in their marriage that no matter how manipulative and overbearing he tried to be, he was in reality insecure and self doubting. This would now be her weapon, he wanted truth, well truth he would get. The balance of power in this marriage was about to change.

It was Saturday, they always had sex on Saturday nights, that was as predictable as the act itself had become after 18 months of marriage. A slow build up, soft kisses, gentle stroking, buttons popping, zips sliding, clothes pulled off. Just enough foreplay to ensure easy penetration. Slow thrusting becoming increasingly urgent until both reached orgasm. Hardly a lengthy affair Lyn thought to herself, in more ways than one.

She knew what was coming next, it was always the same It was payback time.

“Was it good for you?” Steve asked as they lay intertwined on the bed.

“It was OK”

Steve was surprised at her cool answer, not what he expected. “Only OK”?

Lyn smiled at her husband, “I’ve had better”

Steve was shocked, she had never spoken to him like this before. “That’s not very complimentary.”

“Oh sorry honey, I thought I was always supposed to be honest with you. Maybe I misunderstood what you told me earlier. Would you prefer me to lie a little now?”

“No of course not”, Steve was now confused. “I’m sorry if I wasn’t up to my usual standard”.

Lyn smiled, this was so easy, she was reeling him in. “Don’t worry, you were no worse than usual.”

“But you just said it’s been better”, Steve objected.

Lyn turned to face her Steve, her head resting on her hand, she smiled sweetly at her bemused husband. “No honey, I didn’t say it’s been better. I said I’ve had better”.

“Lyn what on earths got into you tonight”. Steve had never seen or heard his wife act this way before and he didn’t like the way things were going.

With a giggle Lyn reached down to take her husbands cock in her hand, “nothing much has got into me tonight darling, unfortunately. I’m just doing what you’ve told me is expected from a married woman. Telling you the absolute truth“. She could feel his cock thickening under her stroking fingers. “If you don’t like the answers honey, don’t ask the questions”.

Steve was in a quandary, he could feel himself getting excited despite his horror at what he was hearing. He was scared to ask anymore, scared of what answers he might hear. But in a strange almost perverted way he realised that he had to ask more, he couldn’t just leave things this way. Which would be worse for him, knowing the truth or not knowing but always wondering.

Lyn watched his anguish in amusement, she knew what he was going through, his confidence and self assurance disintegrating before her eyes. Would he be brave enough to continue, she hoped so, this was so much fun watching him squirm. His cock was betraying him, erect now, hard under her teasing fingers.

He couldn’t help it, couldn’t stop himself, he fell into his wife’s trap. “Are you saying it’s not good for you anymore”.

“No honey, I’m not saying that”, Lyn paused but continued her slow stroking, keeping him in that state where arousal and hard reality fought for ascendancy. She smiled sweetly at her gasping husband. “I’m saying it’s never been that good with you. I’m saying that of all the lovers I’ve had, you come a long way down the list for performance”.

“But you’ve never complained before”, Steve objected.

“Oh come on Steve, you must have seen the disappointment in my face before. You didn’t really think you were good at it did you? Lyn gently tapped her husbands cock with her index finger and giggled as it twitched under her touch. “Did you really think this little thing was enough to satisfy me?”

Steve was lost for words, the look of complete shock on his face clearly illustrated who had won this argument. Instead of feeling sorry for her husband however Lyn was reveling in her superiority. She held all the cards here and fully intended enjoying her victory to the full.

“Poor Stevie, he’s never seen what his wife looks like when she has been completely satisfied, that must be awful for a man to know”. Lyn paused for a few seconds to allow her words to sink in. “Especially when he knows other men have”.

“Other men?” Steve couldn’t help but ask.

“Yes darling, other men. There is one in particular though that stands out way above the rest.” Lyn giggled, “stands out in more ways than one actually.”

Steve’s mind was working overtime, he had met several of his wife’s ex boyfriends since they had been together, even now they still bumped into one or two socially at parties or when out drinking.

Lyn knew exactly what he was thinking and decided to turn the screw a little. “Are you wondering if you’ve met him hon“?

“Have I”? Steve’s voice was almost a whisper.

Lyn gently stroked her husband’s cock, feeling him helplessly getting close to orgasm despite his anxiety. “Which answer would be worse for you honey? Yes you know him or no you don’t?“

Steve was involuntarily moving his hips in tempo with her stroking. “It’s much worse if I know him”, he gasped.

Lyn moved closer and released her grip on his cock, leaving it quivering one stroke from orgasm as she whispered in his ear. “You do know him and he knows he’s better than you ”

Posts: 20
Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2018 2:18 pm

Re: Facing The Truth (part 1)

Unread post by shamed411bee » Wed May 31, 2023 9:15 am

I think a continuation is in order. Excellent story

Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:49 am

Re: Facing The Truth (part 1)

Unread post by jaiceeuk » Wed May 31, 2023 10:22 am

I haven’t written for many years but will try to find time for part 2 if there is nterest

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Re: Facing The Truth (part 1)

Unread post by Frenchie » Wed May 31, 2023 10:26 pm

There is definitely interest !

Nice and funny start.

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Re: Facing The Truth (part 1)

Unread post by Rsm7075 » Wed Jun 07, 2023 8:01 am

M of cpl

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Re: Facing The Truth (part 1)

Unread post by jaiceeuk » Wed Jun 07, 2023 10:13 am

Part 2

Lyn giggled as her husband thrust upwards in a futile attempt to find the touch that would take him over the edge.

“What do you mean, he knows he’s better”?

“How do you think he knows honey” whispered Lyn, “someone must of told him don’t you think”?

As she spoke she ran one finger gently up the length of his erection. Keeping him close but just not close enough.

“I wonder who that could of been, can you think who it might have been honey”?

“You told him he was better than me”?

Lyn nodded, “clever boy, you worked that out all on your own”

“Why did you tell him that”?

Lyn’s finger was now circling around the leaking head of his cock sending shivers through his body.

“Because he asked silly”

“What do you mean he asked?

“He said who’s better, me or Steve. So I told him he was better. I think my exact words were that he was much much better than you. I could of lied couldn’t I honey but you wouldn’t be happy if your wife was to lie would you”?

“And I know him”? Steve asked, his voice faltering. Lyn could sense the fear he was feeling as the full horror of her revelations sank in.

“Yes honey, you know him. Just think, every time you see him or talk to him that’s probably what he’s thinking. That he’s better than you. That he pleased you wife better than you ever could. How embarrassing that must be for you”.

“I.. I don’t understand”, Steve stuttered, “how could you tell someone you slept with before you met me that he was better in bed. You wouldn’t have known. Now I know you’re making this up. Very funny”

“Did I say it was before I met you? I don’t remember saying that.”

There was a long pause while Steve assimilated this latest bombshell information.

Lyn’s fingers were slowly bringing her husband back to the edge. He could hear her faint giggles every time he gasped or thrust upwards. Lyn was having so much fun at his expense.

There was a long pause You were still sleeping with him when we first got together. Before we were married”?

“Yes honey” Lyn smiled sweetly as she relished his pained expression. “He was so good I really didn’t want to give that up. Especially after experiencing, how should I say it, your shortcomings compared to him”

“But you still married me”?

“Of course, you were good husband material, not too bad looking, good job, lots of money, everything a girl could want”. Lyn looked down at his erection knowing her husband’s eyes were following hers. She tapped his cock with her fingers tips making it rock side to side, “Well nearly everything anyway”

“You continued seeing him until we were married. I can believe you did that to me”

“No honey”, Lyn moved her head closer to her husband’s and whispered I was sleeping with him before, after and during our marriage”

“No….. please no….. Lyn ……your lying”

Lyn shook her head “no sweetie, it’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”.

Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:49 am

Re: Facing The Truth

Unread post by jaiceeuk » Fri Jun 09, 2023 1:50 am

jaiceeuk wrote:
Wed May 31, 2023 3:19 am
A story I wrote a few years back. I didnt get around to writing part 2 and dont thinkl I ever posted this part.

Facing The Truth (Part 1 - Is Honesty The Best Policy?)

It had been no more than a minor argument, every married couple have them at some point in their relationship. Steve had found a receipt, carelessly left lying around, for a dress his wife Lyn had bought that morning. She had told him that it cost her £70 but the true cost was nearly three times that amount. A little white lie, it shouldn’t have been a big deal but Steve had to get on his moral high horse as usual.

Lyn, his wife of 18 months had to endure his lecture about the importance of absolute honesty in a marriage. Trust was the very bedrock of a happy life together, he insisted. She listened and said little in return, bored with his moralistic attitude, tired of his incessant sermons on how she should conduct herself in married life. She smiled to herself as she thought “when I married Mr Right I didn’t realise his first name was always”.

All was forgiven and forgotten by Steve by the time they went out for dinner that evening. He had to admit Lyn looked fantastic in the figure hugging dress that had been the cause of the spat.
For Lyn, however, it was far from forgotten and certainly not forgiven. She was sick to death of being expected to play the little woman living in the shadow of her husband. annoyed with her husband and was mulling over his words of wisdom on honesty, integrity and truth. She wasn’t about to play the little woman bowing down to her mans supposed superior intellect.

Steve couldn’t take his eyes off his wife all evening, a fact not lost on Lyn. She knew she looked good and easily recognised the desire in his eyes. A typical man, she thought with amusement, telling her how to behave one minute, desperate to have her the next. Her husband was no exception to the norm. Controlling outwardly but always susceptible to feminine charms. She had realised early in their marriage that no matter how manipulative and overbearing he tried to be, he was in reality insecure and self doubting. This would now be her weapon, he wanted truth, well truth he would get. The balance of power in this marriage was about to change.

It was Saturday, they always had sex on Saturday nights, that was as predictable as the act itself had become after 18 months of marriage. A slow build up, soft kisses, gentle stroking, buttons popping, zips sliding, clothes pulled off. Just enough foreplay to ensure easy penetration. Slow thrusting becoming increasingly urgent until both reached orgasm. Hardly a lengthy affair Lyn thought to herself, in more ways than one.

She knew what was coming next, it was always the same It was payback time.

“Was it good for you?” Steve asked as they lay intertwined on the bed.

“It was OK”

Steve was surprised at her cool answer, not what he expected. “Only OK”?

Lyn smiled at her husband, “I’ve had better”

Steve was shocked, she had never spoken to him like this before. “That’s not very complimentary.”

“Oh sorry honey, I thought I was always supposed to be honest with you. Maybe I misunderstood what you told me earlier. Would you prefer me to lie a little now?”

“No of course not”, Steve was now confused. “I’m sorry if I wasn’t up to my usual standard”.

Lyn smiled, this was so easy, she was reeling him in. “Don’t worry, you were no worse than usual.”

“But you just said it’s been better”, Steve objected.

Lyn turned to face her Steve, her head resting on her hand, she smiled sweetly at her bemused husband. “No honey, I didn’t say it’s been better. I said I’ve had better”.

“Lyn what on earths got into you tonight”. Steve had never seen or heard his wife act this way before and he didn’t like the way things were going.

With a giggle Lyn reached down to take her husbands cock in her hand, “nothing much has got into me tonight darling, unfortunately. I’m just doing what you’ve told me is expected from a married woman. Telling you the absolute truth“. She could feel his cock thickening under her stroking fingers. “If you don’t like the answers honey, don’t ask the questions”.

Steve was in a quandary, he could feel himself getting excited despite his horror at what he was hearing. He was scared to ask anymore, scared of what answers he might hear. But in a strange almost perverted way he realised that he had to ask more, he couldn’t just leave things this way. Which would be worse for him, knowing the truth or not knowing but always wondering.

Lyn watched his anguish in amusement, she knew what he was going through, his confidence and self assurance disintegrating before her eyes. Would he be brave enough to continue, she hoped so, this was so much fun watching him squirm. His cock was betraying him, erect now, hard under her teasing fingers.

He couldn’t help it, couldn’t stop himself, he fell into his wife’s trap. “Are you saying it’s not good for you anymore”.

“No honey, I’m not saying that”, Lyn paused but continued her slow stroking, keeping him in that state where arousal and hard reality fought for ascendancy. She smiled sweetly at her gasping husband. “I’m saying it’s never been that good with you. I’m saying that of all the lovers I’ve had, you come a long way down the list for performance”.

“But you’ve never complained before”, Steve objected.

“Oh come on Steve, you must have seen the disappointment in my face before. You didn’t really think you were good at it did you? Lyn gently tapped her husbands cock with her index finger and giggled as it twitched under her touch. “Did you really think this little thing was enough to satisfy me?”

Steve was lost for words, the look of complete shock on his face clearly illustrated who had won this argument. Instead of feeling sorry for her husband however Lyn was reveling in her superiority. She held all the cards here and fully intended enjoying her victory to the full.

“Poor Stevie, he’s never seen what his wife looks like when she has been completely satisfied, that must be awful for a man to know”. Lyn paused for a few seconds to allow her words to sink in. “Especially when he knows other men have”.

“Other men?” Steve couldn’t help but ask.

“Yes darling, other men. There is one in particular though that stands out way above the rest.” Lyn giggled, “stands out in more ways than one actually.”

Steve’s mind was working overtime, he had met several of his wife’s ex boyfriends since they had been together, even now they still bumped into one or two socially at parties or when out drinking.

Lyn knew exactly what he was thinking and decided to turn the screw a little. “Are you wondering if you’ve met him hon“?

“Have I”? Steve’s voice was almost a whisper.

Lyn gently stroked her husband’s cock, feeling him helplessly getting close to orgasm despite his anxiety. “Which answer would be worse for you honey? Yes you know him or no you don’t?“

Steve was involuntarily moving his hips in tempo with her stroking. “It’s much worse if I know him”, he gasped.

Lyn moved closer and released her grip on his cock, leaving it quivering one stroke from orgasm as she whispered in his ear. “You do know him and he knows he’s better than you ”

Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:49 am

Re: Facing The Truth

Unread post by jaiceeuk » Fri Jun 09, 2023 1:51 am

jaiceeuk wrote:
Wed May 31, 2023 3:19 am
A story I wrote a few years back. I didnt get around to writing part 2 and dont thinkl I ever posted this part.

Facing The Truth (Part 1 - Is Honesty The Best Policy?)

It had been no more than a minor argument, every married couple have them at some point in their relationship. Steve had found a receipt, carelessly left lying around, for a dress his wife Lyn had bought that morning. She had told him that it cost her £70 but the true cost was nearly three times that amount. A little white lie, it shouldn’t have been a big deal but Steve had to get on his moral high horse as usual.

Lyn, his wife of 18 months had to endure his lecture about the importance of absolute honesty in a marriage. Trust was the very bedrock of a happy life together, he insisted. She listened and said little in return, bored with his moralistic attitude, tired of his incessant sermons on how she should conduct herself in married life. She smiled to herself as she thought “when I married Mr Right I didn’t realise his first name was always”.

All was forgiven and forgotten by Steve by the time they went out for dinner that evening. He had to admit Lyn looked fantastic in the figure hugging dress that had been the cause of the spat.
For Lyn, however, it was far from forgotten and certainly not forgiven. She was sick to death of being expected to play the little woman living in the shadow of her husband. annoyed with her husband and was mulling over his words of wisdom on honesty, integrity and truth. She wasn’t about to play the little woman bowing down to her mans supposed superior intellect.

Steve couldn’t take his eyes off his wife all evening, a fact not lost on Lyn. She knew she looked good and easily recognised the desire in his eyes. A typical man, she thought with amusement, telling her how to behave one minute, desperate to have her the next. Her husband was no exception to the norm. Controlling outwardly but always susceptible to feminine charms. She had realised early in their marriage that no matter how manipulative and overbearing he tried to be, he was in reality insecure and self doubting. This would now be her weapon, he wanted truth, well truth he would get. The balance of power in this marriage was about to change.

It was Saturday, they always had sex on Saturday nights, that was as predictable as the act itself had become after 18 months of marriage. A slow build up, soft kisses, gentle stroking, buttons popping, zips sliding, clothes pulled off. Just enough foreplay to ensure easy penetration. Slow thrusting becoming increasingly urgent until both reached orgasm. Hardly a lengthy affair Lyn thought to herself, in more ways than one.

She knew what was coming next, it was always the same It was payback time.

“Was it good for you?” Steve asked as they lay intertwined on the bed.

“It was OK”

Steve was surprised at her cool answer, not what he expected. “Only OK”?

Lyn smiled at her husband, “I’ve had better”

Steve was shocked, she had never spoken to him like this before. “That’s not very complimentary.”

“Oh sorry honey, I thought I was always supposed to be honest with you. Maybe I misunderstood what you told me earlier. Would you prefer me to lie a little now?”

“No of course not”, Steve was now confused. “I’m sorry if I wasn’t up to my usual standard”.

Lyn smiled, this was so easy, she was reeling him in. “Don’t worry, you were no worse than usual.”

“But you just said it’s been better”, Steve objected.

Lyn turned to face her Steve, her head resting on her hand, she smiled sweetly at her bemused husband. “No honey, I didn’t say it’s been better. I said I’ve had better”.

“Lyn what on earths got into you tonight”. Steve had never seen or heard his wife act this way before and he didn’t like the way things were going.

With a giggle Lyn reached down to take her husbands cock in her hand, “nothing much has got into me tonight darling, unfortunately. I’m just doing what you’ve told me is expected from a married woman. Telling you the absolute truth“. She could feel his cock thickening under her stroking fingers. “If you don’t like the answers honey, don’t ask the questions”.

Steve was in a quandary, he could feel himself getting excited despite his horror at what he was hearing. He was scared to ask anymore, scared of what answers he might hear. But in a strange almost perverted way he realised that he had to ask more, he couldn’t just leave things this way. Which would be worse for him, knowing the truth or not knowing but always wondering.

Lyn watched his anguish in amusement, she knew what he was going through, his confidence and self assurance disintegrating before her eyes. Would he be brave enough to continue, she hoped so, this was so much fun watching him squirm. His cock was betraying him, erect now, hard under her teasing fingers.

He couldn’t help it, couldn’t stop himself, he fell into his wife’s trap. “Are you saying it’s not good for you anymore”.

“No honey, I’m not saying that”, Lyn paused but continued her slow stroking, keeping him in that state where arousal and hard reality fought for ascendancy. She smiled sweetly at her gasping husband. “I’m saying it’s never been that good with you. I’m saying that of all the lovers I’ve had, you come a long way down the list for performance”.

“But you’ve never complained before”, Steve objected.

“Oh come on Steve, you must have seen the disappointment in my face before. You didn’t really think you were good at it did you? Lyn gently tapped her husbands cock with her index finger and giggled as it twitched under her touch. “Did you really think this little thing was enough to satisfy me?”

Steve was lost for words, the look of complete shock on his face clearly illustrated who had won this argument. Instead of feeling sorry for her husband however Lyn was reveling in her superiority. She held all the cards here and fully intended enjoying her victory to the full.

“Poor Stevie, he’s never seen what his wife looks like when she has been completely satisfied, that must be awful for a man to know”. Lyn paused for a few seconds to allow her words to sink in. “Especially when he knows other men have”.

“Other men?” Steve couldn’t help but ask.

“Yes darling, other men. There is one in particular though that stands out way above the rest.” Lyn giggled, “stands out in more ways than one actually.”

Steve’s mind was working overtime, he had met several of his wife’s ex boyfriends since they had been together, even now they still bumped into one or two socially at parties or when out drinking.

Lyn knew exactly what he was thinking and decided to turn the screw a little. “Are you wondering if you’ve met him hon“?

“Have I”? Steve’s voice was almost a whisper.

Lyn gently stroked her husband’s cock, feeling him helplessly getting close to orgasm despite his anxiety. “Which answer would be worse for you honey? Yes you know him or no you don’t?“

Steve was involuntarily moving his hips in tempo with her stroking. “It’s much worse if I know him”, he gasped.

Lyn moved closer and released her grip on his cock, leaving it quivering one stroke from orgasm as she whispered in his ear. “You do know him and he knows he’s better than you ”

Posts: 245
Joined: Mon Feb 10, 2020 11:40 am

Re: Facing The Truth (part 1)

Unread post by Uncreative78 » Sun Jun 11, 2023 12:24 pm

Very hot story!! I love the confession aspect.. I hope there's another part coming soon
Husband to hotwife Queenhw1
View are story with pics and audio here viewtopic.php?t=66371

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Joined: Sun Mar 21, 2021 5:25 am

Re: Facing The Truth (part 1)

Unread post by KenFromHere » Wed Jul 12, 2023 3:43 am

Fantastic story. Also love the confession. It was my introduction to cuckoldry in my first marriage. This is very well written. More please.

Posts: 453
Joined: Tue May 27, 2008 12:08 pm

Re: Facing The Truth (part 1)

Unread post by Cuck4Life » Wed Jul 12, 2023 4:10 am

Very nice read, please continue.

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