BBC students find their old teacher Lila

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BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by Triceratops » Thu Jun 22, 2023 10:27 pm

In Library but all true. Happened 7 yrs ago

We’re Senior Citizens who used to be very active in wifesharing and in Lila just plain old cuckin me, but that part of life has slowed down a lot. But, Saturday night I talked her into just going out for drinks past our normal bedtime, and we went to a fairly new place downtown where I know the crowd would be younger but also interracial, which always gave her a boost in flirting.
But I didn’t have high expectations, thought we might just get a buzz , talk about her old flings, and maybe have some old folks sex when we got home. But things went better…a lot better.

Lila has had a few careers but her first one was teaching high school American history. When she was a single hot young thing, she had a flair for striking up affairs with various coaches at the different schools. One school , just before we married, she carried on with two at a time and they both knew it. Never never did she mess with students…bad idea now, bad idea then.

We had been there less than an hour but on our third drink, feeling fine. A 40-ish black guy came up to our table and just looked at her and asked “Are you Miss….my history teacher?”. She gave him a wary look and said who might you be? He said Tony ___, from Mills High. You probably don’t remember me. Lila said well how did you recognize me?? (lila still looks great sexy and only about 15 lbs above her prime fucking weight from her 20s and 30s). He said your hair is red instead of brown but your green eyes and red lips give you away. Not to mention your long legs still look great like we all admired back in the miniskirt years! I saw you walk in and noticed those legs before I noticed I knew you!

At that she blushed , stood up, and they embraced with a very mild close lipped kiss. She asked him to sit with us and he did. He pointed out another table and said he was there with friends. “You were Arrick’s teacher too, he’s over there. “ And Arrick saw him pointing at him and came over to the table to see what was up. And he said “Miss Lila???” And Tony said it sure is. Arrick busted out with “Damn we always wanted to find you in a bar for a long time but we never saw you again after we went away to college”. Well, there was a little more Old High School Days talk, she told them how they were both in great shape and looked so handsome. They said bye and went back to their group.

As soon as they left Lila finished her scotch in one gulp and laughed. I said what is so funny? “I don’t know, it was just interesting to see them. Those black guys were always whispering about me and my short skirts back then. (I waved at the waiter for another round). I asked her, did you notice anything about them back then? “Oh yeah…tight jeans, easy to see their Big Meat when they stretched out in class. “ I asked her why she didn’t compliment them on their big packages and she took a pretend swat at me. I was trying to figure out how to get them back to our table when Lila said she was going to the restroom which took her past their table. She touched both of them on their shoulder and smiled as she went by. I saw the guys get VERY talkative and excited as she made her way to pee. They didn’t think about, or didn’t care, that I was just a few feet away watching them.

They grabbed for her on her return and pulled her into an empty chair which I saw them get while she was gone. Lila glanced toward me but we didn’t really make eye contact. She met the other two and they got engaged in lots of talk and laughs and obviously were not thinking about me. Lila’s fresh drink had arrived so I decided to carry it to her, and when she looked up she went “OH, have I been gone too long?”. I said not at all, just have fun catching up, I will hold our table and nodded to Tony and went back to my table where I could watch.

Another 10 minutes or so and she came back to me, and I noticed Tony’s group was working on paying their tab. Lila said “I want you to just follow my lead and go along with what is going to happen”. I perked up but she said keep quiet. The group came over and Arrick said “We’re going back to my apartment where the booze is cheaper and the chairs are softer. I have some other friends coming by with some good snacks. Why don’t you and Lila follow us back, just about 10 minutes from here”. Before I could say okay, Lila said “Oh, Kyle HATES anything like a party. I’ll go with you for a while and he can come get me. He will be very happy watching the games on the TVs here and ogling the hot babes at the bar”. Before I could stammer okay or not okay, she stood up, leaned over to give me a peck, and said “I will callyou in an hour or so and tell you how to get there.” And with that, the happy foursome surrounded her and arm in arm they headed for the door. I gave them about a minute and then headed out to observe from the shadows. I let the waiter know I was coming back. I saw them headed across Main Street to the parking lot and could see the lights of a big black SUV flash. I saw one man get in the back seat, then from the other side, Lila got in followed by Tony. It didn’t take long til I saw them head out. The windows were heavily tinted, so I couldn’t see anything.

Lila told me later that things started right there in the car as she sat in Tony’s lap with her legs stretched out toward the other guy. Arrick was the driver. She said she and Tony immediately started making out like they had been planning it since high school! His hand was up her dress, over her black tights, and rubbing the outside of her panties in a flash.

By the time they arrived at the apartment complex down on the river, an upscale newer building, he had her top buttons undone and her breasts on display. At my request she had worn the shelf bra I bought her last year which lets her nipples peek out. She was wet and there was no doubt they were going to fuck. The only question would be, will she fuck any of the other guys and whoever else might be there.

I was at ‘our’ table, nursing another drink, feeling my old dick get and stay hard, and watching my phone for news. I knew the waiter and maybe some of the patrons had seen my wife leave with four black guys. I sometimes get off on the mild humiliation of being her cuck so I didn’t hide it.

It was 45 minutes before I got a text, and it was a photo of Lila standing with 6 black guys. She is in the middle and they are all bunched tight for the pose in Arrick’s apartment. I was pretty sure her dress top was a lot more open than when she left me. No text with the photo. I quickly shot back “And how many are you going to blow?”. I didn’t think about her phone being in the photographers hands, not hers. She said he read out my message to the group which got them ALL laughing and excited. “You sealed my fate with that one, Kyle!”

So I was thinking that it looked sort of tame and she would be calling me for a ride soon. Wrong. In another half hour, my phone showed a facetime request from Lila. Not what I wanted in a bar but what the heck, I accepted. It was her and Tony on the screen, and the pic showed their laughing faces and I could tell from their bare shoulders that some clothes had come off. She was missing all her lipstick, her glasses and had some mussed up hair. She laughed and said what’s going on at the bar? I said “the question is, what’s going on there, are you calling for your ride?” (I knew the answer to that would be No). The picture got shaky and then the next image was Lila on a bed, wearing her shelf bra with tits out, no panties, and her black tights. She propped herself up sideways and said “We have been having a high school reunion”. Tony was of course being the cameraman and moved to her until her pussy was in the frame. She bent one leg so her pussy gapped open and a ‘stream of cream’ was glistening on her cunt lips. Then she took the phone and gave me a nude view of Tony which I did not request. Now I am not one of those writers who can estimate dick size to the nearest half inch, but it was shiny, big and black. I knew it was probably twice my 4 incher.

Then Arrick and one of the other guys got in the facetime video, wearing boxers. They were “on deck” waiting for their turn, it seemed.

Lila then returned to selfie mode and said the surprising words I was not expecting…”I am going to spend the night and see you tomorrow morning, okay?” Of course I said okay…She then said do you want to watch Arrick fuck me next? I did but said I was in the bar and it would look like I was watching porn at the table. Damn, I wanted to. I said I will head on home and maybe you can facetime me again in an hour.
With that I saw Arrick’s head come into the picture and they started kissing. The phone dropped then Tony got it and said to me, “kyle, this is a dream come true and we will be very nice to her while we fuck her as hard as she wants. I will personally bring her home tomorrow.” Before I could get the apartment address for my peace of mind, he hung up.

I went home for a very long night. I jacked off and then knew it would be at least two hours before my 68 year old pecker got hard again but it surprised me.

SO Sunday morning 10 am, I hear Lila calling me saying she is on the porch without keys so I got downstairs to let her in. What a Rode Hard and Put Up Wet picture! She had on her dress and heels and nothing else. No makeup. I removed her dress in the den and saw more hickeys on her than a high school freshman would have. “Good lord how long did you fuck and how many?” Almost all night, she said, and fucked three, sucked all 6, and was groped and licked by them all. No telling how many pictures and videos they took of me with dicks in my mouth pussy and asshole. “you ass-fucked them? You haven’t let me do that 5 times in 40 years!” She just smiled and said, it was something they really wanted and I got to liking it after a while”

I asked her if Tony was going to become a new regular fuck, she hasn’t had one in 5 years that she could count on. “Maybe”. I asked did you make a date? She said , well…Friday after thanksgiving…he wants to take me to the annual Thanksgiving high school football game. I haven’t been to one in years. I said “that’s out in the open in broad daylight!”. “I know, but there is no one still at the high school that would know me.” I said “unless they come to that game for old times’ sake”. She just smiled and said, we will just have to deal with that if it happens.

So, that is in two days. We will have extended family thanksgiving lunch tomorrow and I know she will be thinking about getting laid by her high school student with his big black dick. (She said she wanted to measure it , and laughed. “He’s bigger than you, did you notice?”

I took my sidenfal erection booster and tried to fuck her after her shower. She started to let me in, then yelped and said she was too sore and asked me to lick her pussy. Luckily most of the bucket of cumloads was gone. Then she told me I could kneel between her legs while she reclined on the bed and watched me masturbate for relief.

That pretty much catches you up to last Sunday!

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by shawnm » Fri Jun 23, 2023 2:18 am

Super hot! Will read your other stories!

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by mundyman » Fri Jun 23, 2023 4:35 am

Did Tony and the crew become regulars?
Did anyone see them at the football game?
Did this spark up a more energetic return to your sex life and her hotwifing?
What a hot and sexy story.

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila Part 2

Unread post by Triceratops » Fri Jun 23, 2023 10:29 am

I was both nervous and excited during the two days' wait for Lila & Tony's date to the Thanksgiving football game. She had not been a teacher there for over 15 years, but there was still a chance someone was going to recognize her. In our southern city, an interracial couple in public was still a rare sight. They would be noticed. And Tony and his fellow students had been active in reunions and alumni gatherings since he graduated, so he would most likely be recognized, and would be introducing Lila to people. The excitement, as measured by hardness of my half-gone old weiner (The Turtle, she called it) outweighed the nervousness of her running into someone that knew us.

They decided to treat this like a real date so he was coming by at 11 am to pick her up. There was no secret about her cucking me with him , Arrick and one other earlier in the week, so why not? Before he got there, Lila was into full on taunt and tease. "Kyle, should we fuck when he gets here, to get it out of the way and so I will have that Fresh Fucked look at the game? Or should we wait, so we will both be horny, handsy, and kissing each other at the game for all to see?". I told her I liked the second option and so did she. I wasnt ready to see him in person plow her with his BBC before i even had lunch!

I answered his knock a few minutes after 11. We shook hands like he was there to pick up my daughter. I offered him a bloody mary, our favorite autumn weekend morning drink , and he liked it. I yelled to Lila down the hall that Tony was here, and she squealed for joy and came bouncing out, not quite finished yet, and barefoot. "Tony, come on back and visit while i finish getting dressed". No invite to the bedroom for me, of course.

I decided to take a new Bloody Mary to both of them, and when i entered the bedroom she had removed the outfit she was first wearing and was standing there in a brand new mostly transparent skin tone panties and that same push up bra i bought her year before. I asked what was wrong with that outfit, and she said Tony asked if i had a nice sweater that would cling to my titties and that would be easy for him to go under while we huddle at the game. They drank the BMs and continued on as if I werent there but I was allowed to stay and watch. She brought out a nice white ribbed sweater that was thin, and had buttons down the front . She put it on and he made the Thumbs Up gesture. Then it was a matter of finding a good skirt for it, and she went for the short black leather skirt that would provide a great view for anyone looking up at her in the stands.

As they left the front door, I made the dumb cuck mistake of asking when they would be back, and they just looked at each other and starting laughing. Lila said "Tony is throwing a little party at his condo on the river after the game for any of his classmates that he can find at the game. Maybe some more of my former students" she said with a leering smile and wink to both of us. "I'll call you from the party", her way of saying I am not invited to the party, and I am not saying when I will be home.

SO, it was 7 years ago, but as best I recall here is the debrief i got from Lila on Saturday. Late Saturday afternoon, got that?
"Kyle, it was a blast and I had so much fun being a DATE again at a high school game. The stands were full, and we had to walk up and down a few sections to find good seats. Lots of people still know Tony, so he did lots of waving and hand-shaking. EVERY one of his friends, guys and gals, stared at me and whispered to each other. Most were clueless as to who i was but a couple of ladies I taught with waved and yelled out my name, and PRINCIPAL STURGESS was there and waved . He retired a while back but remembered me.
At this point she had to take a side trip on the story. "Principal Sturgess was good friends with Coach G, one of my Hot and Nasty affairs when i was first year teacher. He knew about him and of course Coach G also told him i was passed back and forth to his friend, a coach in the junior high next door. And NOW he knew Tony and quickly but 2 and 2 together and gave me a wink. I know I turned beet red just looking at him. "
She continued..we found good seats with a few of his friends scattered around us. Everybody had a flask of bourbon or vodka, so we were all getting a buzz on. It didnt take long for one of his handsome black friends in front of us to turn around and look at me, and also look up my short leather skirt. He said is that you Miss Archer? (names are changed to protect the slutwife). I blushed and smiled and said 'you have to tell me your name, you were in one of my classes, right?". "Yes I was. Freddie Vernon. Wow, you look great but then you were the hottest teacher in our school" I laughed and turned red, everybody had buzz and loose lips and he was just blurting out what he felt. Freddie looked at Tony and said "You Dog. Have you been dating her and keeping it a secret from all of her fan club?"

Tony told the truth and said that he just ran into me and my husband last week, and were just re-living school days. BOOM, there it was, out in the open in our row anyway. I was stepping out on my cuckold husband with a handsome popular black man who just happened to be one of my former students from my last and 15th year of teaching, so he was about 20 years younger than me.

We hardly paid notice to the game on the field. Tony was working the crowd, inviting selected folks to his condo after the game. Occasionally I would see him and his contact of the moment turn and look at me, and I would smile and wave.

END of Part 2.

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by Triceratops » Mon Jun 26, 2023 10:55 am

She did not quite understand her emotions and excitement at the game and the party that followed, but Lila was about to undergo a major attitude change. Up to then only her lovers and fuckbuddies and a few friends knew about her hotwifing and our participation in the LS. But she was experiencing the thrill of being a brazenly cheating wife out in the open with no shame and this was going to change our lives tremendously over the next 6 months

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by superb101 » Mon Jun 26, 2023 12:46 pm

Loving your story! Thanhs for sharing!

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by SlimScott » Mon Jun 26, 2023 1:50 pm

Great story! You give great hope to the Senior Citizens among the readers!

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by superb101 » Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:21 am

Cant wait for more!

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by CuriousOne36 » Sun Jul 02, 2023 1:14 pm

Looking forward to hearing more.

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by Triceratops » Sat Aug 26, 2023 6:18 pm

I have written about the next six months but it is probavly too long. Lila is helping me edit

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by sdbuffalo » Mon Aug 28, 2023 5:15 am

My 2 cents: It can't be too long!
Please continue!!
In my Universe, any question may be asked.... But, answers are always optional.

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by mooshscuck » Tue Aug 29, 2023 8:10 am

amazing!! more please

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by Jaxbchcuck » Mon Sep 04, 2023 5:14 am

Great story so far and hope that you continue it!


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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by eater » Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:02 am

would love an update

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by Triceratops » Fri Sep 15, 2023 9:51 pm

I have not had much success in getting the length of the next installment reduced so I will just post it in segments so it doesn’t look like I am posting a novel
As I mentioned, Lila discovered strange feelings after she went to the football game with Tony. The fact she was being apparently adulterous in public with a successful black man was a power trip that She did not she coming. Because we are best friends she wanted to talk to me about it, and what she wanted to do with these feelings.
She got us a reservation on a Friday night at the same Italian restaurant where 25 years earlier under the influence of quite a bit of red wine on the occasion of our 20th anniversary, she confessed to a series of affairs, and one night stands, and two long-term love affairs that I was entirely clueless about. With men i knew who i never suspected. Church members. My golf partners. A doctor we both knew. Vendors who traded with the business she ran. Guys she met in bars. Guys who her friends fixed her up with once they knew she was cucking me. We later made a list of 26. That was the.

As we were into the second bottle of Merlot, she said I need to talk with you about me and Tony. I said, “obviously, you had some fun and a night of wild sex with former students and men young enough to be your students. What is it about this particular escapade That has you in such deep thought ?”

She said all of my hotwife adventures in the past , I have been pretty discreet with just a few exceptions. Hell you didn’t even know about them until I told you and all the ones I have done since then I’ve just been known by a few people. I had my job we had the kids and now I don’t have either of those to restrain me from acting in some different ways at this point in my life.
What I am wanting to tell you is that I want to be very open with the world. Whoever might see me or us and know that I am fucking another man. And that you know it and that it does not matter. In other words, I am ready to be a little notorious and scandalous. What are they going to do put me in jail?
I want to flaunt the relationship. I want to seduce and exert some power over Tony. Even though I am 15 years older than his group. I think they are amazed by my sexual adventurousness. That first night where I went out with them and left you at the bar and then we FaceTime you while I was getting reamed out with young big black cock put them over the edge.
At the party after the football game, there was no wild sex, but we did sit around and Tony and the boys told the others who were curious about me just what had happened that night. I just sat there with my wine and crossed my long legs and smiled at themand said yes, that is what happened. I could have stripped and been fucked by a dozen guys right there. But i was having this revelation of where i wanted to go with this and it is more than just being gangbanged in the hood. Although it is very nice hood
I said wow that is a lot to lay on me. “You have given this a lot of thought though over the last week are you sure about it? Think of someone who you would not want to know about this and what will you do it when I find out. Like our kids. People from your church.”
She said I don’t care. I want to have a lot of fun whether it’s another six months or five years of this phase. I will just tell people the truth including the kids and anyone else who wants to ask me about the rumors they might hear or if they just run into me and Tony at the restaurants, the bars the football games and anywhere else we might want to go. Tony gets invited to a lot of society charity events, the kind where the daily newspaper, sends photographers I want to have my picture in the Sunday newspaper and on Facebook on the arm of a handsome young black man Who is not my husband. What do you think about that and can you handle it?
As nervous and threatened as this made me feel, I also had the familiar, pain and pleasure erection and cuckold anxiety that comes with the territory.

It would be a new level of humiliation. Lila has fucked many of my friends over the years. The few of them know I know, but most of them just like to fuck my wife, whether I know it or not. an example is it two men I play golf with have had A LOT of sex with her and they think that she is just cheating on me and that i am a clueless cuck. I will sometimes bring up something sexy or naughty about her like men say about their wives just to watch their reaction. Because I know that they know her body as well as I do hell a few if them may know it better One night Lila came home and told me she and my former workmate had been fondling each other in a restaurant parking lot. He had fingered her and said he felt something weird so she had me check. Ended up having a benign cyst in her vaginal wall. Good old Matt giving my wife free pelvic exams. She told Matt that she told me about him discovering it

“OK tell me what you’re going to do next in this new life, Lila”

I ask her if Tony knows what she wants to do. She said that he is perplexed , turned on and amused that I have been so open and agreed to go to the Thanksgiving game with him. He did nit think i would say yes but he really seems to like having a classy, pretty older white woman who is well-known and known to be married to someone else. All black men like to have white women at their beck and call. I think he is going to love it
So then I ask, how is this going to happen? What is next?

Stay tuned. Lila and Tony dive right in

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by Open2it » Sat Sep 16, 2023 7:04 am

What a great and intense experience for everyone involved. Thank you for taking the time to write it up in such exquisite detail. Can’t wait to read the next installment of Lila’s coming out as your cuckoldress.

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by eater » Sun Sep 24, 2023 1:06 pm

very hot. would love to read more

silky nylons
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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by silky nylons » Tue Sep 26, 2023 3:05 am


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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by Triceratops » Thu Sep 28, 2023 7:15 pm

Noted. Will update soon!

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by Triceratops » Fri Sep 29, 2023 9:14 pm

It’s been 7 going on 8 years since the Lila and Tony era begain (spoiler, it lasted under a year) but I recall all the details because one way or another, I was now the publicly cuckolded husband. As mentioned, mild humiliation with small groups and strangers was always okay with me, I got off on it usually. But she was determined to have her wild oats outrageous fun affair at the end as her sixties began.
The first thing they did after “the talk” we had was have a ‘coming-out’ at the annual holiday banquet of our big-small town chamber of commerce, a formal dinner, cash bar, and dance at the big Marriott . Around 400-500 of the ‘ruling class’ of the city. I had been to it many times, often with her, sometimes on my own. Everyone was at the decorated round tables of 8.
Tony picked her up at our house at 5, and it was a lot like the football game pickup. I told Lila he was here, got him a drink, and she came out in her tights and garters, no panties, no bra and ran to him for an embrace and long kiss. Instant hard on and angst for yours truly. In a repeat of first date, she took him to our bedroom so he could take part in her getting dressed. I shouldn’t have been surprised, but she had a new “little black dress” that was short and flared out over her great legs, backless and v-necked showing lots of cleavage. The dress was sort of a built in bra, I guess. She looked amazing.
The banquet was a Thursday night but she didn’t come home until Saturday morning. But I already had some ideas about how the evening out went because two of my friends emailed me , saying that “they saw Lila at the chamber dinner”. She told both of them, separately, that I wasn’t coming this year. One of them met Tony. Neither friend asked me what was going on, but obviously they were expecting me to say something.
Lila asked me to fix her a margarita, an unusual choice but I did. We got comfortable in the den and she started telling me about the night, without asking me if I wanted to know. She wanted me to know.
“I saw so many of your business friends and a few of our real friends too. I didn’t try to hide a thing, most of the time I was on Tony’s arm. It was hilarious to watch their jaws drop and try to form a question, but no one could ever quite ask me why we were together. He is much more well known than I thought, I am surprised we haven’t run into him earlier than we did. I guess just slightly different circles. We sat at a table with other black couples, I was the only white person at the table but they had no problem with my being there”

So I chimed in and asked what she told his tablemates, or what did he tell them. She told them that they were old friends, and Tony went ahead and told them she was his high school teacher. “Every body had a lot of fun and made funny jokes about teacher’s pet, what kind of grade I am giving him..things like that”
Then she told me Tony surprised her by saying he had a room upstairs for us, so we could drink all we want. The speeches ended, the band cranked up, and I danced more than I have in years. “We were pretty hot if I say so myself, we invented some dirty dancing moves that probably shocked a lot of your friends” she laughed.
So this turned out to be her coming out party, and she loved it. She danced, made out, and didn’t care who was seeing her and wondering what was going on with our marriage.The only thing that didn’t go to her plan is that he didn’t see their picture appear in the Sunday society page coverage of the event. I didn’t have to ask what she did from Thursday night to Friday morning, the bite marks on her breasts and her lack of any sexual desire for me said it all.
That was it until after Christmas. She told me she was headed to NYE parties with Tony, no surprise. Of course, there was the date pickup again, where she came out to greet him without a stitch on and asked me to bring them some wine back to the bedroom. By the time I made my delivery, Lila was on her knees with his cock pulled out of his slacks. This was the first time I had seen them together like that since the first gang-bang facetime that night of the “reunion”. I almost spilled the wine even though I had seen her with other men over the years of our being in the cuckold and hotwife lifestyle. This was somehow different. She smiled and me and said :Tony is okay with you watching this” and she proceeded to jack him with one hand and pump him with her mouth until he begged her to stop. He wanted to save the cum for later in the night. So off they went to the parties and I didn’t hear from her until NY day. She called to say they were spending the day watching games at his condo with friends. His friends. Later she told me how the party scene was very loud,very black except for a few other men and women, and that they fucked at midnight in a small room at the nightclub. “We weren’t the only ones. Black men are very bold about taking their women any way they want”
Lila was having fun, but she still had not reached the ‘scandalous’ level or event she was craving. That would come very soon.

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by Triceratops » Fri Sep 29, 2023 9:19 pm

A Brief History. Choose 2 or 3

Lila has had a lot of wild, sometimes breathtaking, erotic adventures with her fuck buddies and lovers over the years. Below is a one sentence description of some highlights that come to mind. I don’t know how to set up an opinion poll, but if I get responses that show a preference for two or three, I will post the details from the Erotic Mostly Secret and Surprising Life of the Southern Belle Lila

1 The night it should have been clear to me, when I got to watch Lila give Clark a blow job in his jacuzzi tub with them naked and me just the cuckold observer
2 The night we gave my friend Matt a ride home from bar and they sat together in back seat and without my knowing it, got her slacks and panties down to her knees while he fingered her to orgasm, kicking my seatback.
3 Her church workday session with a doctor where they ended up alone on the children’s nap mats
4 The Monday where she took me to lunch and told me about fucking two guys on a weekend gal pal trip
5 Approaching a black guy at a quick stop to see if he wanted to suck her nipple, then going behind the store while he peeled her slacks down and fucked her from behind while I watched from around the dumpster
6 Same night when she let two black guys walk her through a strip mall parking lot, stopping to lift her top and suck her titties while I watched from our truck, then take her behind the strip mall to fuck
7 The night she drove me home from a bar and then went back by herself because she had agreed to with a guy who was chatting her up, then went with him to a motel.
8 The night she was with me hosting a business dinner, but left with a mutual friend during the middle of the evening, and got naked with him in his car in parking lot of another restaurant
9 Daytime hike in urban park with same guy, giving him a BJ in broad daylight, and later me finding a poem he wrote to her describing the BJ.
10 The night she was a volunteer casino night girl for a Ducks Unlimited fundraiser, and went out with a guy to his big pickup. First time she had a cell phone to call me from the truck “asking permission”.
11 Getting picked up at a lakeside Holdiay Inn danceclub, and the guy takes her to the shore, removes her skirt and panties and finds he gets to remove a tampon too, then they get spotlighted by a party boat.
How’s that for a first list? Which is of the highest interest?
A few pics of Lila in the Hotties section, feel free to search Lila

$2 Ho
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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by elina » Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:23 am

Thanks for sharing, I love it.

5,6,7 would be my top picks.


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Joined: Sat Nov 12, 2022 6:42 pm

Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by mooshscuck » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:49 am

Your story is amazing! thank you very much!
I would love to hear about 2,7,8

and hope this is a first list :)

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Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by Magellanic29 » Tue Oct 03, 2023 9:36 am

This has to be one of the best stories on here! God your wife is amazing.
5, 6, 7,

Posts: 331
Joined: Thu Jun 21, 2018 7:13 am

Re: BBC students find their old teacher Lila

Unread post by Triceratops » Tue Oct 03, 2023 6:55 pm

By popular demand…well , by 3 guys’ demand……the details of number 7

7 The night she drove me home from a bar and then went back by herself because she had agreed to with a guy who was chatting her up, then went with him to a motel.

So Lila is driving me home on a clear cold winter night about 8 pm, after we had a fun extended happy hour at a popular bar only 10 minutes from our house. We had been to Shorty’s for a couple hours, and she decided that maybe I needed to come home before I got too much under the influence. At least that’s what she told her new friend as we were leaving. She made a show of taking the keys for him to see.

Before my ride home:

Shorty’s had been even more crowded than usual and we spent most of the night standing in the u-shaped bar area. It was a boisterous pit, but everyone having fun. We saw a few folks we knew but most of them were headed to the dining area tables for burgers, chili etc. Lila and I were heavy into the cold beers. And key to the story, when I drink beer, I pee at least every ten minutes. (why I drink Irish Whiskey now).

There was a guy who was lucky to have a stool at the bar, and I knew him but Lila did not. Bill was in my winter tennis league at the indoor complex across the river. Tall, good hair, big toothy smile…alpha male car salesman type but I think he had an insurance agency. I was pretty good tennis player but had never beat him in 2 years we had been playing. But it was friendly league, we all had good time. So we waved hi, and Lila of course asked ‘Who’s he?”. So we pushed our way over to Bill and I introduced them. He was bullshit charming and first said in a good spirited way “You’re married to HIM?”, like she was too good for me (in some ways she is). Well she ate that up so he expanded on the mock shock that she was with me. Of course I could do nothing but laugh along with the joke.

My bladder called and I left my beer on bar and worked my way to the head, and as I said, it was packed and it took a while to get there and back. Lila and Bill seemed to be getting along famously. I decided to lay back a bit, and got a new beer at a different section of the bar and then watched them across the crowd. I could see that he was leaning back against the bar, with that ‘man spread’ thing, and Lila was standing between his knees with a new longneck. (we were drinking drafts when I left)

I peed again and then thought I should rejoin them. I was NOT missed by them at all, and had to insert myself into the conversation. “Bill tells me yall have had some great matches but he has always come out on top. Is that right, Kyle?” I had to cast my eyes down a bit and said, “Yep, so far. Is that all yall have been talking about?”

Lila laughed and said, Oh no, we’ve been talking about all the things he is good at”. Like what, I asked, and of course they both laughed loudly and looked at each other as if they had a joke and I was not in on it.

Bill was sitting with another guy who had not been engaged at all in the conversations, so I used that as an excuse to tell Lila we should leave them to their happy hour time and nudged her back out into the pit.

“Why did you want to leave Bill, he’s funny and very cute and sexy. Wait, I think I just answered my own question” and she raised her eyebrows and gave a laugh . Background –Years earlier Lila had caught me in a big affair, and after months of our marriage going either way, I said I would reform. Over time, Lila talked about she should be allowed to even things out, and even though the term Hotwife was not a thing then, that is what she became. She could play, and I had to take it . But we soon both learned it was a big turn on for me to know she was cucking me whenever she wanted.

Back to the evening- We had some more longnecks, talked about stuff, interacted a bit with the crowd and then I was off to pee. When I made it back to our spot, she wasn’t there so I thought she felt the call of the bladder too. I stood there a while then glanced back to where we had left Bill and …you guessed it…Lila again in between his knees. Shit, I got another beer and watched them again. It had been 30 minutes or so since we left him, two more beers for all..and she was definitely more relaxed. As a matter of fact she was leaning into long tall Bill and laughing a lot. That night she was in tight jeans, some red shoes, and a really tight white sweater. This was the 80s Big Hair era . She was in her 10K racing prime back then, long legs and firm body.

So once again I worked my way thru the crush and came upon a very handsy scene as for some reason Bill was holding two beers and Lila had a hand on one thigh and another on a shoulder. There was no attempt to ‘break apart’ when I got there but gradually Lila turned to face me but she was still sideways between his long legs. It was then I noticed that her headlights were bright even though her sweater was not really thin, and I think she was wearing just a workday bra. This was not a night where either of us planned any sort of teasing fun, just a night out. Most of her trysts were arranged by her with guys she already kniew ( I knew a lot of them). If her hotwifing started in a bar it was usually with her gal pal Peg or others, not me.

When she turned to me her left hand came off his shoulder but I could swear the hand that was on Bill’s thigh bumped directly into his crotch, and he jumped just a bit. He placed her longneck in that hand. “Bill is really fun, you guys should have a League party so we can all get to know each other”. I said there has been some talk about going to Snug Harbor after the last week In February. (Snug was a low-rent strip joint down by the river, so it wouldn’t be a place to have the wives and girlfriends). I could tell they wanted to get back to her leaning on him but I didn’t make it easy. Or even possible.

Shorty’s was getting louder by the minute. The bartenders rang a brass bell every time they got a good tip. The sound system was playing lots of loud 80s music. All that plus the beer load had moved the evening to leaning over into each others ears and shouting stuff. Lila went back and forth between us and I could never tell what they were talking about right next to me.

Then out of the blue Lila asked me for the car keys and got all three of our heads together. “Bill, it’s been great but I can tell Kyle is beat from all the beer and standing up. I am going to drive him home”. I picked up right away on the “drive HIM home, not drive US home” but thought maybe it wa just me reading too much into it. We shook hands, he stood up for the first time (bigger bladder than me and as you will find out, that’s not all) and they shared a hug and a brief kiss, all polite and proper). And out into the cold fresh night the two of us went. I told her I was okay to drive and she said I know but let me drive. On the ten minute drive back she said “ That was so much fun meeting Bill! Are all your tennis opponents like him?” I told her no none of the others are undefeated against me, for one. “Bill told me he was probably better than you at several things” as she looked sideways at me. “What did you say to that?”.
Lila said, maybe you are and maybe you aren’t.

I said it seems yall got along famously when I was on my bathroom trips, what else did yall talk about.
“He asked me if I could take you home and come back”.
BOOM. My jaw dropped, heart thumped, and I could feel my turtle, as she calls it, start to stiffen.
“So that’s what you were cooking up and why we left all of a sudden. Are you going back? “ I knew the answer , and she knew I knew, so she just gave be another sideways glance with eyebrows raised, and expression that said “Do you have to ask, really?”. And just like that, we were in the driveway. She gave me housekey from her purse, and also fished out her lipstick. I asked her if she had a condom. “ We have that covered”. She leaned over and gave me a peck kiss and as soon as I closed the door she was backing out of the drive.

Thirty minutes later she called me using that brand new invention, the “brick” mobile phone. I was surprised to hear from her so soon. What’s up, where are you?” I knew she had left Shorty’s because I could hear her. “I am in Bill’s car. He is in the grocery store getting rubbers”

Is he taking you to his house? “No, he’s married. We are going to check out the Marlford Inn “ I knew exactly where that was, a midtown old motel across from the football stadium. Turns out Bill had rented 2 rooms there for Saturday night for a fraternity get-together after the game Saturday afternoon. He called them and got one added for tonight. “I will be home in a couple hours” which made sense as he probably had to get home to his wife .

Sure enough, just after midnight I hear her come in. I was in our bed but not asleep. I had relieved myself once but was semi hard again thinking about them together. I heard her first go to the kitchen, she came upstairs with a cold coke. Her sweater was now covering braless boobies. She turned on the ceiling light and pulled her top over her head and stood there for my inspection. Hickies all over those tits like a high school cheerleader. She gave a big grin as she watched me absorb that info. Then she started peeling the jeans down. I was surprised she still had panties, then I remembered Bill was married and would not need a souvenier to be found later. Then the panties. This was before she did any trimming but she was never very furry. I could tell her pubic area (pudendum?) was red and chafed. It also looked sticky. I knew she had been fucked by my tennis “enemy”. She waited for me to ask for the details, then began with the trip from Krogers to Marlford Inn. “I unzipped him, and Kyle, this is not exaggeration…Bill has the longest dick I have ever seen in person. I mean, Long Long. I had felt it at Shorty’s but thought it was kind of twisted so I didn’t see this coming.”
WAIT I said…you felt him at Shorty’s?”
Yes, you were gone a long time peeing the first time, and it just happened. Later on when I went back to him the second time, he got even by using the back of his hand on my sweater to feel my boobs. ‘We got each other pretty hot right in front of you”

She just stroked him on the ride and waited for him to check in. It was a motel with all the room doors on the outside of the motel. She said they made it to the room with the sixpack and condoms and some chips. She had to pee so got undressed in the bathroom but left the door open. In comes Bill naked , and she said it was obvious he was proud of that thing and he wanted her to suck it. “So I did but I couldn’t get much of it in.” Lila is a stupendous fuck but never will be famous for her blow jobs on even standard size cocks.

They walked to the bed naked and turned back the covers together. She confessed to him she had never had a dick as long as his. “he said so this is bigger than Kyle’s racket,huh?” and laughed.

“I had my knees up and he went down on me just enough to make sure I was juicy, which I already was from the whole buildup. I LOVED flirting/ with him in front of you, Kyle. We’re going to have to do some more of that”, Now I call stoking his dick and making a motel date a little more than flirting , but wasn’t going to quibble. “ He started in slow and I told him slower. I swear when he was halfway in it was deeper than you can reach. It started hurting so my legs came down and I put my hands on his hips so he couldn’t thrust all the way in. We found a motion that was working for both of us, but a couple times my hands slipped and he went WAY in and I yelled in pain. “ He pulled out and said his wife cannot take him and few women can. He moved to his knees between my legs and started jacking off. He said he usually had to do that to get off, and I let him splash a bucket of his cum on my stomach and pussy:.

After that, Bill wanted to play with her body so the tit and nipple sucking got started. “I almost came from that, and that never happens”. Ouch I said to myself. “Then he finger fucked me, and tried sliding a finger in my ass but I told him not tonight. By then that long dong was stiffening so I tried to suck him off again, and got close to doing that. (She admits she seldom gets a guy to erupt from her BJ

He took a shower as he had something to hide, she didn’t but said she watched him to make him happy. And here she was.

Next Thursday night, I actually dreaded the weekly league match. You don’t know who you are playing till you check in. It was not Bill tonight, but of course we had to bump into each other in the pro shop check in. I was expecting some smug smack, but he came up and shook my hand like a gentleman. We both knew that I knew what had happened. He just aaid “Lila is a fantastic lady, you are so lucky. Hope we can get together again”. Now, I didn’t know if ‘we ‘ meant the three of us or the 2 of them. He probably was vague on purpose. Then we went on to our matches. I won but was distracted as he was two courts away and I kept seeing his athletic self and picturing what went on with him and Lila.

Did they get together again? Yes, 4 more times in six months. Twice in my own house and bed. I wasn’t told until months afterwards. She said she knew I might be jealous of him and also knew I was seeing him every week at tennis and knew it would be awkward if I knew they were hooking up a lot. She said she wanted to work on letting him finish in her, and on the third time together she said he did and was more grateful than any fuck she ever gave. He sent roses to her office. And that is Event Number 7

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