The Cuckold Circle II

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The Cuckold Circle II

Unread post by pakihotwife » Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:00 am

<B>Note:</B> A few weeks ago I (pakicuckold) posted a story called The Circle. When I first read it, I liked it so much that I felt like writing a follow up story with PakiHotWife (Aisha) and myself (Tariq) as the central characters. So here it is in parts. I think the original story is probably one of the best I have come across, and my own effort does not come close to it, but still I enjoyed writing it.
So without ado here is chapter 1 of the story.

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Re: The Cuckold Circle II

Unread post by pakihotwife » Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:04 am

Aisha awoke to a beautiful summer Sunday morning. The sun was out and it seemed like a perfect day to be out and about. Tariq, her husband was still asleep as Aisha got dressed for an early morning jog. The past few weeks at work had been extremely intense and Aisha felt that a jog would be a great way to start the day, even though Sunday was her break from work out day, but she felt like the crisp sunshine, and the fresh air would be good for her. So out came the shorts, training bra, and sneakers as she quietly slipped out of the bedroom to change.

As she got out of her suburban home’s front door, she noticed a new car parked in the driveway of their neighbor’s across the street. This was the 5th time in the past 7 weekends that Aisha had seen a new car there, and she wondered what was up with Linda and Bruce? They sure seemed to be trying out a lot of cars. Either that or were overrun by guests.

The jog itself was wonderful. Aisha felt reborn by the time she returned home more than hour later, ready for a big hearty breakfast and to take on the rest of the day. As she turned into her own driveway she noticed that Linda was standing at her doorstep, dressed in a sexy silky chemise, kissing a strapping, good looking hunk of a man, a black man. Aisha was shocked, not at the fact that her neighbour was kissing a black man, but that she was kissing another man period. Linda always so staid and prim to Aisha, that Aisha could never in her wildest dreams imagine her being involved with another man. As the man walked away from Linda, Aisha saw Bruce quickly come out and open the car door for him, before shutting it after the man got in. The situation had an almost surreal feeling to it for Aisha.

Later that day, when Tariq had gone to a boat show with some friends, Aisha saw Linda watering her garden. Thinking about a little Aisha decided to approach Linda about what she had seen in the morning. Aisha was happy to have a neighbor who was also into cuckolding.

Taking a deep breath to compose herself, Aisha walked over to Linda’s house.

“Hi, Linda,” Aisha said cheerfully, “beautiful day isn’t it?”

“Oh hi Aisha,” Linda replied equally cheerful, “yes it’s a lovely day. How are you today?

“I am fine thanks, and you?” asked Aisha.

“Couldn’t be more perfect, have had a wonderful day so far.” Said Linda.

“I know,” snickered Aisha in a conspiratorial manner, which made Linda give her a strange questioning look.

Aisha paused for a few seconds trying to find the right words.

“Linda, I was out jogging this morning and well... on my way back saw something quite interesting....” Aisha let her words hang, as Linda froze for a few seconds before recovering her composure.

“You saw me this morning?” Linda laughed.

“I sure did, you lucky girl,” Aisha laughed back, “I had no idea you were into this kind of stuff.”

“Lets just say an opportunity presented itself and I took it,” said Linda carefully, trying to gauge Aisha’s real reaction. Although Linda had long suspect Aisha of sleeping around. Too often Linda had seen Aisha being dropped off late at night or early morning by men, and on one occasion she had even seen Aisha passionately kiss one guy as she exited his car.

“Why don’t you come inside, we’ll have some coffee and talk more if you like.” Said Linda.

Ever since they had been neighbors, Linda had greatly liked Aisha. So at that point Linda decided to take Aisha under her wing as much as possible.

They entered the spacious house and Linda made some fresh coffee.

“So Aisha, do you know what a cuckold is?” Linda pretended not to have any suspicion of Aisha’s lifestyle.

“Well Linda if you looked it up in the dictionary, you would probably find Tariq’s picture right next to the meaning of cuckold. I have been cuckolding him for the past 5 years.” Aisha said, making a snap decision to be open about her lifestyle to Linda.

Linda laughed out loud at Aisha’s admission.

“I knew it!” Linda said forcefully, “you are a hotwife.”

“How long have you suspected?” Aisha laughed back and sipped her coffee.

“For a couple of years now, Aisha.” Replied Linda.

“Wow,” said Aisha, “and you never let on.”

“How could I?” Laughed Linda.

“Yeah, how could you?” Laughed Aisha.

“So how are you enjoying it Aisha?” Linda asked, suddenly serious.

“It’s nice.” Aisha replied.

“Nice?” Linda was surprised to hear Aisha’s rueful tone.

“Why don’t you tell me about your experiences and why you got into the lifestyle?” Asked Aisha suddenly.

“Sweetie, you may need to stay for dinner for me to tell you everything.” Said Linda.

“But jokes aside, do you really want to hear about me?” Asked Linda.

“Sure I do.” Said Aisha.

“Well, it began like this....” And Linda proceeded to tell Aisha all about the Cuckold’s circle and how she and Bruce were introduced to it.

The deeper Linda got into her explanation of what the Cuckold’s circle was and how it operated, the brighter the sparkle in Aisha’s eyes got. A fact not lost on Linda, who smiled.

“Wow, Linda that quite a set up you have got there. But how did you convince Bruce to go along?” Asked Aisha as Linda finished talking.

At that point Linda launched into another explanation of how Bruce had initially been reluctant to go along, but had agreed to experience the Circle, and had been completely won over by the time of their third visit there.

“Amazing Linda, I envy you and Bruce a lot. Looks like you have the perfect set up.” Said an amazed Aisha.

“That we do for sure.” Said Linda.

“Would you and Tariq like to be part of it even though you have the freedom to sleep around and cuckold you hubby?” Asked Linda.

“I would love to be part of it,” replied Aisha, “what you guys are doing here is not just cuckolding, but cuckolding on steroids! I think something like this is just what we need, but I will need to convince Tariq. Still I am sure I can talk him into attending the first 3 parties, you have given me enough ammunition to use in order to convince him.”

“Good girl,” smiled Linda, “you won’t regret it. I promise.”

For a couple of more hours, the two women talked about the circle and Linda shared her experiences and made suggestions on how Aisha might consider bringing Tariq along into completely accepting. A lot of Linda said surprised and astounded Aisha, but at the same time intrigued and made her more determined to join this group of women. By the time she left, Aisha had come to the conclusion that in 9 months of being in the hotwife lifestyle, Linda had enjoyed more and better experiences than Aisha had in 5 years.

However upon reaching home, Aisha decided that it would best to be patient and think things out completely so that she could have a clear idea of how she wanted to approach Tariq. She waited four days, and then that Thursday evening when they returned from their respective jobs, Tariq and Aisha prepared a quick dinner. At the dinner table, after they had eaten, Aisha gingerly broached the subject.

“How has your work week been so far?” Aisha asked, starting out slowly.

“Busy as hell, lots of intense pressure.” Tariq replied. “And yours?”

“Not too bad.” Said Aisha.

They drank some wine quietly.

“You know Tariq, I think we need to evaluate our situation a little.” Aisha said suddenly.

“What do you mean, darling?” Asked Tariq, a little concerned.

“Just that I think we need to try something new and different, something that we can both be part of, so that we can do it for a long time.” Said Aisha.

“I don’t understand, Aisha, what are you trying to say?” Said Tariq.

“Darling, what I am trying to say is that I have been cuckolding you for the past 5 years, and I know you love it, so do I, but I don’t think either one of us is really getting the most from it anymore.” Aisha explained.

“What do you want?” Tariq asked.

“Tariq I want you...., I want us to be happy more than anything else. I think you are in a rut. When I first started cuckolding you, it was like you were like a kid in a candy store. Even now when I tell you stories of my encounters you can’t get enough of them, but ..... I am not sure you are happy with this arrangement anymore. Am I right?” Aisha said.

“Sweetie, I love that you cuckold me, it just seems like the right thing to do. I love hearing about your adventures, what more can I say?” Tariq pointed out.

“But Tariq, I know you are not happy, it’s like you are missing out on everything. And frankly I too am a bit tired of this lifestyle, having to go out find guys to pick up and then sleep with them. The sex can be great yes, but it can also be not so great. I am tired of playing the game.” Aisha said.

“I see,” said Tariq softly, “so are you saying that you can’t or don’t want to be a hotwife anymore?”

“Darling, I am not saying any such thing, I love being a hotwife, what I am trying to say is that I wish we could do it some other way. Some way that would also make you more involved in your own cuckolding. That way I would not feel the kind of pressure I feel sometimes when I tell you about my encounters.” Aisha said simply.

“I am still not clear on what thing we need, and how we might get it,” Tariq said, “but I think I do understand what you are trying to say. And yes if there was some way for me to more involved, I think that might be wonderful. But not all guys like being watched. By my recollection, you have been with 68 men in the past 5 yrs, I have seen you with only 8. And in the last year I have seen you with only 1, so how can we manage it so that I am more involved?”

“I didn’t quite mean it that way sweetie,” Aisha said. “I did not mean you watch, honestly I am not too keen on that anyway, I find it distracting.”

“Then....?” Tariq asked.

“Tariq please hear me out now. I am about to tell you something, that I wish you would listen to completely without interrupting me. Once I finish, you may ask any questions you like. OK?” Aisha pleaded.

“OK darling, I will.” Tariq reassured her.

“OK then, it’s like this...” Aisha proceeded to tell Tariq all that Linda had told her about the Cuckold Circle, leaving out only the bits that Linda had advised that Tariq not be told immediately.

Once Aisha finished, there was silence. Tariq was still trying to digest all that she told her and she worried that she might have scared him off.

“But Aisha, this seems a bit extreme, doesn’t it? How will it help us?” The first words out of Tariq’s mouth eased Aisha’s concerns completely. At least he had not shot down the idea immediately. Not that Aisha was expecting he would.

“Don’t you see darling, I will still be cuckolding you, but you will now be involved in the process. The added bonus being that I don’t have to go trolling for guys and every guy in the group that I sleep with will be guaranteed to be hung, and you get something you want as well. Besides I think for me personally going black would be wonderful anyway. Darling I think this will make me very happy.” Aisha explained.

“But me? What do I get?” Tariq asked surprised.

“Darling, you get to be what you are without fear of ridicule.” Aisha said simply.

“What I am?” Tariq sounded confused.

“Yes sweetie, you get to be the beta male that you are, surrounded by other beta males, without having to put up a facade. Thing of how liberating it would be for you. Linda says that Bruce is a changed man, happier and more content than he’s ever been.”

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Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:22 pm

Re: The Cuckold Circle II

Unread post by peewee » Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:52 am

Great start. I like how you are developing Tariq's feelings. The part about being who he is, a beta male surrounded by other beta males, without putting up a facade - that really resonated with me. I can relate to how liberating that would feel.

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