Cuckold's Circle II, Chapter 3

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Cuckold's Circle II, Chapter 3

Unread post by pakihotwife » Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:12 pm

“Hi Tariq,” a familiar voice called out to him. It was Bruce.

“Hi Bruce, nice to see a familiar face here,” Tariq shook Bruce’s hand.

“Everyone, this is Tariq, his wife is Aisha, and my Linda talked her into trying out our group.” Bruce said by way of introduction.

One by one the hubby’s introduced themselves and shook Tariq’s hand. He guessed that they ranged in age from the mid-20’s to the mid-50’s. All of them seemed quite happy as there were a lot of smiles all around.

Bruce came over and sat next to Tariq.

“So how are you enjoying it so far? And who is your wife with?” Bruce asked.

“Well I am still trying to take it all in. I mean it’s not like I am new to being cuckolded, but this whole beta male thing is a bit much. Oh and she is with Quan.” Tariq replied.

“Quan is one of the new Men to the group. He’s only been to 3 parties, but already has quite a reputation. Linda was with him last time, and could not stop talking about him for days after. He has a real attitude and way in the sack. If Linda’s experience is anything to go by, Aisha is in for a great time. And buddy, you should be prepared to be out here for a while, apparently Quan has the Energizer bunny in his pants!” Bruce said smilingly.

“I see,” said Tariq.

Tariq started to pay attention to what the other hubby’s were talking about. And he realized that to a man they were so proud of their wives and how all they wanted was for the wives to be happy and satisfied. Also they did not seem to have any issues or problems admitting their own short-comings as lovers.

“You guy’s should have seen Shana a couple of nights ago with Cedric. She was like a woman possessed. Every time I see her with one of the Men, I am reminded how much she must resent me for all those years of sex with me, and I feel joyful seeing her truly enjoying herself like a woman should. She is insatiable. I could never make her be that way ever. I feel so lucky and blessed that she lets me watch her occasionally.” Said Nick, the 27 year old husband of the 24 year old Shana, who at that moment was in one of the rooms upstairs having her brains fucked out.

“I know what you mean Tom, its intense watching my wife with her lover. I feel so envious of him, he can give her something I never could or can. She has blossomed as woman since she joined this group. I wish we had joined it when we are as young as you are. And also I wish my wife would let me watch more often. Still I am grateful for the couple of times a year when I can. It reminds me how lucky I am.” Said an older man.

“But,” Tariq began, “how can you reconcile being so subservient to them?”

All the men laughed.

“What else can we be? We know are not sexually able to satisfy our wives, so all we can do is make them as comfortable as possible with their lovers. Plus as they blossom sexually, the wives also become more confident and demanding. Coincidentally us husbands also grow to realize our own limitations and shortcoming at the same time.” Said Bruce.

“And since we are sexually useless to them, the only way we can make for that is to make sure that they we make them happy in other ways. And deferring to them and their lovers is probably the best way to do that, among others. I personally feel like I did when I first courted her, I don’t think I have ever wanted to do so much for her since then, until now that is. Her lovers can give her intense orgasms, I have to make sure I give her whatever else she wants, otherwise why would she need me in her life?” Piped in another hubby.

“Don’t let it worry you right now Tariq,” said Bruce, “trust me, it comes naturally. When you are surrounded by all the Alpha males pleasuring wives, and the hubby’s all desperate to serve, you start to see the benefits and you want to be part of it. And your natural self comes out when you stop fighting it and given in.”

“Look,” said Rachel’s husband Tom, who had just joined them, “what else is there for us to do? Guys like us are meant to serve, guy’s like Quan are meant to be served. And by extension their women, and make no mistake about it, they are our wives, but their women, must be served as well, or you insult the very guys you are meant to serve. It’s quite simple really.”

“And Tariq buddy, I gotta admit, watching my wife blossom sexually, as a wife, and as an individual, the way she has since she joined, has probably been the best thing that ever happened to me. I am so proud of her. ” Said Eric.
“Another thing that we all realize is that sex with our wives, when it happens is so much better for us. You know because we feel a sense of strong gratitude that they still want to have sex with us small-dicked, quick release hubby’s despite that fact that they have well-hung lovers who can go on for hours.”

“What you must understand and accept is that from now on sex is not about you, it’s about her.” One of the many voices there chimed in.

Tariq was still a little hesitant to accept what these men were saying, but they all appeared to be very happy in their roles that he was having a hard time finding arguments against what was being said.

“But how did you get to be so accepting of your new position?” Tariq asked.

“I suppose it was a bit difficult at first,” said Tom, “but once you accept the basic premise of who you are, and what your are lacking in, it becomes easier.”

“The first time I saw one of the Men here fuck her, it was unreal. It was the after our third party, when our request to join the group had been honoured. Jerry, her lover at the time came over and I got to watch the whole thing. It was intense.” Began Rick, a well-built man in his 30’s.

“Yeah Rick, tell your story.” Said Brian, I think that might help Tariq realize why we are all so happy to be here.

“Guys, Tariq is not like the rest of us, who were either swingers or not playing at all, he has been a cuckold for the past 5 years.” Bruce informed everyone.

“Oh you so then you known exactly what we are all about?” Asked Norman, who had just joined the hubby’s after nearly 2 hours on sheet duty.

“Not really,” said Tariq, “I mean yes my wife has been sleeping around and I have been lucky enough to watch a few times, but that’s it. I have never been in the position you guys have so gladly adopted.”

“I am surprised to hear you say that,” said Rick. “I was convinced the first time I saw my wife with Jerry.”

“Oh, I see.” Said Bruce to Tariq. “But still you have had the thrill of seeing your wife being pleasured by better men than you, right? Is’nt it the best?”

“Yes I have to admit that it is.” Tariq said with strong conviction.

“So once you accept that fact, everything else is pretty easy.” Said Erik.

“Tariq we are all very comfortable in all of this. We accept who we are and how we are supposed to be.” Said Bruce, as he had been told by Linda to make sure that Tariq was convinced to join the hubby’s.

“When Jerry came over to our place that night, Tariq I was sure I would hate it. But by then I was already accepting of my subservience. So I had no problem serving them, it was when they went up to the bedroom and I was asked to come along too that I felt a bit uncomfortable. When I got up there they were already in bed making out like there is no tomorrow. And then I saw Jerry’s cock. It was massive, about 4 inches longer than my own and twice as thick. I felt confident that there was no way hell my wife could take that all the way and enjoy it. But boy was I surprised. By the time they told me to leave, I had seen my wife enjoy getting fucked by it with reckless abandon.” Jerry said.

“Must have been some sight.” Some said softly.

“It sure was,” said Jerry, “I tell you guys, I felt all these conflicting emotions. Shame, jealously, joy, humiliation, concern, sorrow, and even happiness and pride. Shame because I was ashamed of how small I was compared to Jerry, jealous because I wanted to be him, humiliation at knowing that never in all our years of marriage did I once make her scream the way Jerry was making her do, or even get that look of pure lust and joy in her eye that she had at that moment, concern that there was no way she would ever want to fuck me again, sorrow because I realized then that all these years I had been almost useless as a lover, and happiness and pride, strangely because I knew that the woman I loved more than anything in the world was getting so much pleasure and that I was not standing in her way. At that moment I realized that I was completely and totally a beta male meant to serve. So I am surprised to learn that after having been a cuckold for nearly 5 years and perhaps having seen your wife pleasured by many men, you don’t feel this way. For me it came naturally.”

There were a few whistles from some of the hubby’s who had not heard the story before.

“That’s some amazing story, Rick,” said Erik, “matches my own experience perfectly”.

“And I’ll tell you something else buddy, our wives have given us other reasons to be happy and content as we are.” Said Norman.

“Oh,” said Tariq, “what other reasons? But trust me they are worth it.”

“You’ll find out when the time is right, you wife will share them with you. We are not allowed to mention them to anyone because not all hubby’s here have as yet heard them.” Tom explained.

“What are you talking about?” Asked Peter, who had stayed quiet till them, asking a question that was on the mind of many others.

“You’ll see.” Said Bruce, “that’s all I can say Peter, sorry.”

“No problem Bruce, I understand completely.” Peter said without any trace of anger.

Soon, other hubby’s were adding their two-bits into the conversation, bombarding Tariq with information about their own experiences.

“Hey, Peter,” a male voice called out. It was Mark, who had been bartending, “your turn at the bar.”

Peter got up and quickly got up and went to the bar, while Mark took his seat besides Tom.

Over the next few hours, hubby’s came and left the circle, but Tariq did not budge as Aisha had as yet not come out.
While getting a bit anxious and concerned about his wife’s apparent disappearance, Tariq took the opportunity talk to the hubby’s and develop a good understanding on their position and why they were so delighted to be in it. As he learnt more, he also started to realize that this might be the best thing for him too. At that point he decided that he would drop all scepticism and pretence of what he was doing and throw himself into his role as a hubby completely and without reservation for the next two parties, and then decide if this type of lifestyle was for him.

After he had been out in the circle for several hours, and many other hubby’s had come and gone, Tariq took a glimpse inside and saw his wife standing arm in arm with Quan, taking to Linda, and Marie.

“Wow you were gone quite a while.” Linda laughed.

“Poor Tariq has been out there the entire time.” Marie added.

“But I am glad you were up so long, shows you were having a good time.” Said Rachel joining them.

“I had a great time,” laughed Aisha, “the best I have had in a very long time. It was amazing.”

“Well Quan, looks like you have another admirer?” Said Marie.

“He sure does,” added Aisha, passionately kissing Quan at the same time.

“Oh Rachel I am so sorry, it seems like the party has nearly broken up.” Said Aisha looking around at the nearly empty room. “I hope I did not hold you up?”

“Nonsense,” said Rachel, “you did no such thing. I am very happy you had such a great time. I hope that means we will be seeing you again in two weeks.

“You certainly will,” said Aisha.

“Good! It will also be a good time to involve Tariq a little more as well,” said Marie.

“Have a great time Aisha, unfortunately I won’t be here,” said Quan.

“Why?” Asked a disappointed Aisha.

“I have to travel out of state on a business trip, will be gone a few weeks.” Quan explained.

“Don’t worry Aisha, I promise you will be picked up in the blink of any by another guy.” Linda assured Aisha.

“Yeah, have fun babes,” Quan said reassuringly, “I’ll see you when I get back, I promise.”

With that, Quan kissed Aisha one more time, then turned around and walked out.

Marie, Linda, Rachel, and Aisha talked for a little longer before Aisha went out to recover her husband, who was waiting with Tom, Bruce, and Jim.

“Why don’t you drop by for some coffee tomorrow afternoon Aisha, and we can talk. Marie is also coming over.” Linda invited Aisha.

“Sure thing Linda, I’d love to. Thanks.” Aisha gratefully accepted.

Then Aisha walked over to retrieve Tariq.

“Tariq,” Aisha called out from the door.

“Yes Ma’am,” Tariq replied standing up, careful to keep his eyes lowered.

“Time to drive home.” Aisha said and walked away.

Tariq shook hands with the hubby’s and followed his wife out. He had to run a little to get to the car before her in order to hold the passenger door open as she got in. Then he got into the driver’s seat and they drove home.

The first few minutes of the drive were silent as Tariq waited for Aisha to say something. But she did not seem to be in any mood to talk. And eventually it was too much for Tariq, who could not hold himself in check anymore.

“So how was it, sweetie?” Tariq asked.

“Tariq I really am not in any mood to talk about it, I am exhausted. When I feel like telling you about it, I will do so.” Aisha replied sharply, again following Linda’s advice on how to behave.

“Of course Ma’am, I am sorry.” Said Tariq penitently, feeling genuinely ashamed at having bothered his wife.

The remainder of the drive was a quiet one, with Aisha reclining her seat and sleeping, and Tariq occasionally taking surreptitious peeks at his wife’s perfect body, feeling a rush of joy every time. It had been several days since he had gotten to enjoy it and he was starting to miss it. But given her state at that time he was pretty sure he would not be getting it that night besides the rule forbade that anyway. And he did not blame her. Nearly 5 hours with Quan were sure to have totally spent and exhausted her. Tariq had never seen her look more desirable ever before.

Finally, they arrived home.

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