Cuckold's Circle II, Chapter 5

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Cuckold's Circle II, Chapter 5

Unread post by pakihotwife » Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:13 am

After a fitful nights sleep, Tariq woke up well before Aisha did. He propped himself against the headboard, and spent a long time looking at Aisha. She was sleeping peacefully, looking like a little angel, her long black hair partially covering her face, and falling to her chest, where it covered part of her left breast, the one that was not covered by the sheet. Tariq was sorely tempted to reach out and touch it, but did not because he did not want to wake her up, and also as he remembered that at the moment, her body was not his to enjoy, a fact that he was bitterly regretting at the moment.

Tariq got out of bed determined to make his wife happy that morning by way of apology. Based on what she had said last night, he was sure that she was hoping he would say that he wanted to join the group immediately. And he was beginning to come around the idea himself, as he had to admit that the image of Quan’s cock giving his wife untold pleasure, while all he could do was offer her pussy a tongue massage later was quite erotic indeed.

A few minutes later, Tariq was in the kitchen, happily whistling as he prepared his wife’s favourite breakfast. Scrambled eggs, with lightly buttered toast, gourmet fresh ground coffee, fruit blend juice, and orange marmalade. The coffee was the last thing ready and Tariq placed everything in a tray to carry upstairs to the bedroom.

Entering the room, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee brought Aisha to a stir and she started to wake up.

“Umm... “ Aisha said, her eyes still closed, “that smells divine.”

Tariq stood quietly, letting Aisha enjoy herself as she stretched luxuriously, the covers falling off, revealing her beautiful body. Tariq felt almost like he was cheating by drinking in her nudity. Still he enjoyed it immensely, his penis started to stir as his wife opened her eyes, blinking them to clear her vision.

“Ohhh great, breakfast in bed.” Aisha remarked.

She sat up, and the covers fell of her completely. Not sure about what to do, Tariq lowered his eyes and walked over to her, placing the tray on her lap. Trying his best not to peek at her nude chest.

Aisha took the tray without looking up, or saying word. She sipped the coffee appreciatively, and then attacked her breakfast, feeling famished. She was fully aware of her husband standing at the foot of the bed, his eyes, lowered, but chose to completely ignore his presence. She knew that he was trying to show her that he was sorry for disappointing her the night before. It made her feel good that he was trying to show that he was capable of providing service, but she was not sure if he would be willing to do it as a lifestyle, something she desperately wanted him to do.

Aisha completed eating and signalled for Tariq to come over and take the try.

“Put the tray on the dresser, and bring me the robe.” Aisha ordered her husband.

“Of course darling,” Tariq said sweetly, handing her the silk robe.

Aisha got out of bed, put on her robe, and headed to the bathroom as Tariq took the tray back downstairs into the kitchen.

By the time Aisha joined Tariq downstairs, it was close to noon, and Tariq was watching a NASCAR race on the TV.

“OK Tariq, I am headed to Linda for some coffee,” Aisha told him headed out the door.

“Sure darling, have a good time.” Tariq waved at his wife, without looking up from the TV.

“I am sure I will, but you take care of the laundry, and remember the dress I wore yesterday is pure silk, it needs to be hand washed and very carefully ironed, as are my panties and bra. Don’t ruin them by putting them in the machine.” Aisha called out as she closed the door, leaving Tariq speechless. Aisha always did the laundry.

Overcoming his surprise, Tariq remembered how he had felt in the morning when he had served Aisha breakfast, and decided to obey her again by doing the laundry, making sure to carefully hand wash the silk items and having all her clothes ironed before she returned from Linda’s.

At Linda’s house, Aisha was joined by Marie, Rachel, and Shana. The five women planned to talk more about the circle.

“So how was it girl?” Asked Rachel as soon as Aisha had sat down.

“Well, I think he is starting to come around. He has certainly admitted that he thinks this is the right thing to do, but I think he still has some doubts.” Said Aisha, and then went on to tell everyone all that had happened since she and Tariq left Rachel’s house.

“You are right, he certainly has started down the right path,” said Marie as soon as Aisha had finished.

“I think if we play it right, by the time he leaves the next party he will be sold,” said Shana, “but Aisha you must keep reinforcing the way you are now. I really wish you could attend special party next weekend.”

“What special party?” Asked Aisha, a bit surprised.

“Oh sorry Aisha, it is a special party for all of us wives, plus all the Men, and only a select few hubbies who meet certain requirements, and you have to be a member to be invited. But I am sure you will be attending the one we have next month.” Explained Rachel.

“Oh I see,” said Aisha, a bit disappointed not to be invited to the party.

The ladies continued to talk well into the night about pretty much everything women talk about when they get together. Not all the talk was concerned with the Circle, although a lot of it was.

Around 9 pm Linda returned home to find that Tariq had in fact not only done the laundry, but had also ironed her dress as she had told him too. She found Tariq in the kitchen preparing a sandwich for her and himself for dinner, which they ate together, making small talk that any normal married couple would.

“Tariq, I think I’ll wear my dark blue skirt suit to work tomorrow, with the cream silk sleeveless top. It was dry cleaned last week, but make sure it doesn’t have any creases, and lay it out for me.” Said Aisha leaving Tariq to clear up the dining room.

Again Tariq wanted to ask her why she was asking him to do things she normally did herself, but he thought the better of it, besides he still owed her for the disappointment of last night. So he carefully laid out her work clothes, making sure they were in perfect condition, before going up to join her in bed.

The rest of the week continued in the same vein, as Aisha got Tariq to do more and more work at her command. And Tariq realizing what she was doing made some mild indirect protests, which were plainly ignore.

“For the past 8 years, I have been doing all these things, you did not think they were too much work then, so why this sudden realization that it’s so much work?” Aisha snapped at him one evening when he mentioned how much work he had to do. “I think it is time for me to take it a little easy around here, and for you to serve me too.” She added imperiously.

Finally the day for the 2nd party rolled around. Tariq had settled in nicely in taking more and more chores off his wife’s hands, who, taking her neighbor’s advice had become increasing demanding in his services, particularly in getting massages and getting oral sex, while at the same time completely denying him sexual release, although she had strong suspicions that Tariq was continuing to masturbate, a habit that she wanted to get take away from him none too soon.

As expected, Aisha told Tariq the night before to select and prepare an appropriate dress for her, knowing full well that he would select something sexy. He selected a black miniskirt, matching tube top, and jet black silk bra and thong set, completing the ensemble with black heels. Tariq always loved to see Aisha in black, that color looked perfect on her. When Aisha saw what Tariq had selected, she approved completely.

Tariq was waiting for Aisha downstairs and when he saw her descend, he could not help but stare. Dressed as she was, he could not think of a more beautiful sight in the world. Seeing his reaction, Aisha could help but laugh.

“Like what you see?” She asked.

“Oh Yesss.” Tariq replied breathlessly.

“Sweetie, why do you insist on tormenting yourself like this? For the next few weeks this body is completely off limits to you, although I know that you have been jerking off a lot lately. I wish you would get rid of that disgusting habit.” Aisha told her husband.

As soon as Tariq was about to knock on the door, Aisha pulled out the BC necklace from her bag and surprised Tariq by putting it on him immediately. He wondered why she had done that given that she had not even met a Man yet.
A tall man with the BC necklace opened the door and immediately greeted Aisha.

“Good evening, Ma’aam,” the man said, ignoring Tariq.

“Good evening” Aisha did not know his name.

“Thomas, Ma’am. I am the valet right now.” The man explained.

“Ah, I see,” said Aisha, entering the house, Tariq following her.

Once inside Tariq stood quietly at his wife’s side not knowing what to do.

“I guess I should head out to the circle,” Tariq spoke softly.

“No, not right away. Rachel might have something for you to do.” Aisha said.

They did not have to wait long before Rachel caught up with them.

“Hi Aisha,” said Rachel. By now Tariq had accepted that as far as the Men and Women of the group were concerned, once in the house, the hubbies were invisible and meant to be ignored unless some service might be required for them.

“Tariq wait here,” Rachel told Tariq, while steering Aisha towards a group of Men and Women.

Tariq saw Rachel me the introductions, and Aisha shake hands with everyone. Eventually, Aisha paired up with one black man who seemed to want to touch her all over. He hand was caressing her smooth upper arm and shoulders as she stood next to him happily chatting with the group.

Aisha, Rachel, and the Man eventually walked over to where Tariq was standing. Tariq prepared himself.

“May I get you something to drink, Ma’am, Sir?” Tariq asked as soon as they reached him.

“Yes, I will have a white wine,” said Aisha.

“Some cognac for me,” said the black man.

“And a wine spritzer for me.” Said Rachel.

Tariq brought over the drinks and served them to the 3.

“Right then, Aisha why don’t you and Ty go mingle and have fun, I’ll point Tariq to his chores.” Rachel said as soon as she got her drink.

“Right, you,” Rachel pointed at Tariq and snapped her fingers, “follow me.”

“Yes Ma’am,” Tariq said respectfully, following Rachel.

And Tariq followed Rachel to the stairs where Tom was waiting, his eyes respectfully lowered.

“Tom, take Tariq up and explain his responsibilities for the evening.” Rachel told her husband.

“Yes Ma’am.” Tom replied.

“Well Tariq have fun.” Said Rachel walking away from the two men.

“OK buddy, lets go,” Tom smiled at Tariq.

The two hubbies went up the stairs to a softly lit corridor with bedroomyou doors on each side.

“This is where it all happens, where our wives become women.” Tom said, “the doors are to the bedrooms of course, and at the end of the corridor is your seat.” Tom pointed to a stool.

“I see,” said Tariq, not being all that surprised as Aisha had told him all about the rooms.

“You will be here all evening, that could be as much as 6 or 7 hours. Very unusual, as usually us hubbies take turns doing sheet duty, but today Rachel made it clear that you were to do the entire evening, made a lot of hubbies very disappointed. We really look forward to our turns.”

“Oh, I am sorry, but why am I here for the whole evening?” Tariq asked.

“Don’t worry about it, no one will hold it against you. The women want it so it shall happen. And I suspect your wife and Linda probably have something to do with it.” Tom winked at Tariq.

“I see.” Said Tom quietly.

“Now, next to your stool is the cupboard with all the sheets, towels, pillow cases, and other stuff you need to clean the rooms. Also the fridge you see in the corner has bottled water, champagne, ice, etc. And you can deposit the soiled sheets and towels in the hamper next to the fridge. The used glasses go into the plastic glass holder in the cupboard. Oh and when you are done cleaning the room, change the card on the door to green, that signals that its ready for use. On and you can use the trolley to take stuff with you. ” Tom finished explaining.

“Right,” said Tariq.

“Well that’s about it. Just make sure you do a good job. Or your wife will not be happy. And there is no way your request for membership will ever be accepted.” Tom said sternly.

“Of course I understand,” said Tariq, “is there anything else I should do or know?

“Just be as respectful as you can, do not invade any couple’s privacy, do not speak unless spoken to, and then too keep your responses short and to the point. It is important that you not overstep your boundaries. Remember you are meant to serve, that’s all. Not much to it really.” Tom said in a matter of fact manner.

“Thank Tom, I’ll try my best.” Tariq said.

“You’ll be fine,” Tom said reassuringly, “all the women think you are a natural.”

“On and Tom, one more thing,” Tariq quickly called out as Tom started to head for the stairs.

“Yes?” Tom looked at Tariq expectantly.

“How do you keep yourself occupied? I mean I will be here for several hours.” Tariq asked.

“Buddy,” Tom chuckled, “trust me, keeping yourself occupied will not be a problem. Once things get rolling, you will be busy enough, and when you do have a quiet moment or two, the sounds from these rooms will be enough to keep your attention.”

With that, Tom turned around and went down the stairs, leaving Tariq alone, looking around, and then finally taking a deep breath walking over to the low stool and sitting down. He did not have to wait long before he heard the sound of a laughing man and woman coming up the stairs. He immediately lowered his eyes and heard them open and then slam shut one of the doors, a click of the lock followed.

Before long other couples came up and went into the various rooms, and pretty soon all the rooms were taken. And soon Tariq could hear cries of passion and pleasure coming from them. He was amazed at how loud some of the women could be. Cries of “fuck me hard”, “it’s so beautifully big”, “I love your cock”, and “I love you” along with many others could be made out easily, and Tariq found himself getting hard. He was thankful that his underwear was keeping his cock down.

Finally, Tariq heard one of the doors open, and he stood up. He lowered his eyes even more so as not to risk seeing who it was. He heard a couple come out, kissing and laughing and he thought he could make out the Linda’s voice.

“Thanks for another great fuck,” Linda said to her companion.

“The pleasure was all mine Linda.” A happy sounding male voice responded.

“God why couldn’t all guys be as well hung as you are?” Linda asked jokingly.

“Now what fun would that be?” The male replied and Linda laughed.

“Yeah, where would be find all those pathetic tiny cocked cuckolds to serve us.” Linda laughed again as they went down the stairs.

Tariq immediately took some clean sheets, pillow cases, and towels and went straight into the room to clean up. What he saw there left him astounded. The room smelt of sex, and sheets had wet spots all over. Tariq quickly changed the sheets, and replenished the water supply before heading back out, and turning the red card on door around so that the green side was on display.

Tariq had barely finished throwing the used sheets from the first room away when another door opened. He quickly lowered his eyes again, took clean sheets and walked towards the room as another giggling woman accompanied by her Man for the evening came out, again paying no attention to Tariq who stood only a few feet away from them, his eyes discretely lowered.

As soon as the couple left Tariq quickly went in and took care of his duties with alacrity. And just as he was coming out, he heard Aisha’s talking, coming up the stairs.

“... my husband picked them out, I am glad you like them.” Aisha said.

“Well he has good taste, too bad he can dress you up so well, but is so useless when you dress down,” the Man laughed, Aisha joining in.

“Yeah that is unfortunate, but then that’s why I am here. My last time here was amazing.” Aisha was telling her companion.

“I hope I can make this time just as amazing.” A deep male voice responded.

“Oh I am sure you will,” giggled Aisha, “I haven’t had sex since then, so you are just what the doctor ordered.”

“Great.” The deep voice said.

“So I am ready to explode,” Aisha laughed.

Tariq tried his best to quickly move out of the way and get back to his stool before they reached the door, but was not successful. But Aisha and her companion simply ignored him as they went in and locked the door behind. Much to his relief.

Over the next three hours, even as he was very busy cleaning one room after other, Tariq paid special attention to the sounds coming from his wife’s room. And what he heard surprised him immensely. Aisha sounded like a woman possessed, her screams and moans of ecstasy drove Tariq out of his mind. He could never imagine Aisha ever being so uninhibited during sex, not even when he had seen her with one of her lovers previously. He screams of “of God I love how your stretch me out,” and “Ohhh fuck me hard and deep”, gave Tariq goose bumps and he was mad with envy, and jealous with desire.

Finally he heard the door open, and he heard two people shuffle out. With his eyes lowered, he could see his wife’s shoes.

“Was that amazing or what Ty?” Asked a very happy sounding Aisha.

“Baby, you’re the best. Totally into it,” Ty replied, “I have been coming here for almost a year now, and none of the women I have been with can match you for sluttiness in bed. You are amazing.”

“Why, Ty, thanks for that lovely compliment. I love being a slut for hung men. God I love the way you guys feel in me.” Aisha said.

As they came out, Aisha saw Tariq walking towards the room pushing a trolley, his eyes lowered.

“Oh hi sheet boy,” Aisha said cheerfully, “how are things going?”

“They are going fine Ma’am, thanks.” Tariq replied

“Good, I hope you are doing a good job?” Aisha asked sternly.

“I am doing my best Ma’am,” Tariq replied.

“Well I think you are doing a pretty good job, our room was spotless.” Aisha said happily.

“Thank you Ma’am.” Tariq said.

“”So this is your husband?” Ty asked Aisha.

“Yes, this is Tariq. But for this evening he is just the sheet boy.” Aisha told Ty.

“Nice job selecting your wife’s clothes Tariq, I really enjoyed seeing her get out of them.” Ty told Tariq.

“Thank you Sir,” Tariq did not look up as the couple walked away from him.

“I can’t imagine how embarrassing it must be to have a small pecker,” Ty said.

“Yes it must be. Alas you big cocked guys have ruined us wives for small ones.” Remarked Aisha, to which Ty laughed.

“Well that’s unfortunate for the poor hubbies, but good for us.” Replied Ty.

“Yes that’s true.” Aisha’s laughing voice was growing faint as they walked further down, until it finally disappeared all together.

Tariq worked into the night cleaning up one room after the other, sometimes in quick succession. Aisha and Ty came up twice more and spent about an hour each time.

By the end of the night, when Tom came up to get Tariq, he was totally exhausted, and aroused like never before. Plus all the snippets of conversation between the couples that he had picked up left him feeling embarrassed, but at the same time he had been convinced that he had finally find his true position in life. He had never been happier than he had been that evening serving all the wives and their lovers. He intended to reveal that to Aisha later that night.

After a final clean up, Tariq finally went downstairs nearly 7 hours after he had first been sent up. He saw an empty room with Rachel, and Linda sitting on the floor, their husbands seated on chairs behind them, giving back rubs. Aisha was sitting on a chair, sideways, legs crossed, her head resting on her left hand, the left elbow draped over the backrest, a glass of sherry in her right hand. Her tousled hair fell loosely behind her, and with eyes dreamily closed, she looked like a goddess.

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Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2007 6:19 am

Re: Cuckold's Circle II, Chapter 5

Unread post by kinkydetroit » Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:55 am

Been following your update of this classic. Great job. It is tough to follow as the second act, but you are doing the original author proud. Looking forward to chapters 6...?

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